Annexure - S2
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Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) - Protean eGov Technologies Limited. (formerly NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Ltd.)
Request For Change/Correction in Subscriber Master Details And/Or Reissue of I-PIN/T-PIN/PRAN Card
[ To avoid mistake(s), please read the accompanying instructions carefully before filling up the form ]
Registration No.
Date of Receipt:
Signature and Stamp of POP-SP/DDO/NL-CC
Registration No.:
Date of Receipt : POP/POP-SP/PAO/DTO/DTA/PrAO/NL-AO/
NL-OO Stamp:
Entered By : Date:
Veried By: Date:
Receipt No.: (Mandatory for POP/POP-SP)
Acknowledgement No.
(To be filled by Nodal Office as generated by NPSCAN / CRA system)
I hereby request for the following details for the change [Please tick
A) Change or Correction in Subscriber Master Details B) Reissue of I-PIN or T-PIN (Not Applicable for NPS-Lite Subscriber)
C) Reissue of PRAN Card
Permanent Retirement Account Number *:
I hereby submit the following details of change. [Please tick
the box on left margin of appropriate row where change/correction is required and provide the details in the
corresponding rows.]
Section A – Change or Correction in Subscriber Master Details ( * Indicates Mandatory Field)
1. PERSONAL DETAILS: (Please refer to Sr. No.1 of the instructions)
Name of Applicant in full Shri Smt. Kumari
First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name
Subscriber’s Maiden Name
Father's Full Name:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Mother’s Full Name:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
d d / m m / y y y y
(Date of Birth should be supported by relevant documentary proof. Nodal Office shall verify the same before updating details in the CRA system.)
Gender [please tick ()]
Male Female Others
Marital Status [please tick ()]
Married Unmarried Others
Spouse Name F i r s t M i d d l e L a s t
(Refer Sr. No. 1 of instructions)
KYC Number
Generated from Central KYC Registry. Submission of proof for the same is necessary.
Retirement Adviser Code
KYC Number, Retirement Adviser Code and Spouse Name fields are not applicable for Government & NPS Lite Subscribers
2. PROOF OF IDENTITY (Pol) (Any one of the documents need to be provided along with the identification number) [
Please refer Sr. No. 2 of the instructions]
Passport Passport Expiry Date d d / m m / y y y y
Voter ID Card PAN Card
Driving License Driving License Expiry Date d d / m m / y y y y
Others Name of the ID I D N u m b e r
Please refer Sr. No. 2 of the instructions.
UID (Aadhaar) (UIDI [ Aadhaar] number not required.)
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Correspondence Address Permanent Address
[ Please tick (), as applicable ]
#Not more than 2 months old.
Please refer Sr. No. 2 of the instructions
Passport /Driving License/UID (Aadhaar)/Voter ID card/NREGA Job
Card/Ration Card/Others
Passport /Driving License/UID (Aadhaar)/Voter ID card/NREGA Job
Card/Ration Card/Others
Registered Lease/Sale agreement of residence/Municipal Tax
Registered Lease/Sale agreement of residence/Municipal Tax
#Latest Piped Gas/Water/Electricity/Telephone[Landline or postpaid
mobile] Bill
#Latest Piped Gas/Water/Electricity/Telephone[Landline or postpaid
mobile] Bill
[Please refer Sr. No. 2 of the instructions]
Address Type* Residential/Business Residential Business Registered Ofce Unspecied
Flat/Room/Door/Block no.
City/Town/District PIN Code
State/U.T. C o u n t r y
4.2 PERMANENT ADDRESS DETAILS [Tick () in the box in case the address is same as above.]
Please refer Sr. No. 2 of the instructions)
Address Type*
Residential/Business Residential Business Registered Ofce Unspecied
Flat/Room/Door/Block no.
City/Town/District PIN Code
State/U.T. C o u n t r y
Tel. (Off) (with STD code)
Tel. (Res) (with STD code)
+ 9 1
(Mobile Number is required for communication and to get SMS alerts)
Email ID
6. OTHER DETAILS (Please refer to Sr no. 3 of the instructions)
Occupation Details [ please tick() ]
Private Sector Public Sector Government Sector Professional
Self Employed Homemaker Student Others (Please Specify)
Income Range (per annum) Upto 1 lac
1 lac to 5 lac
5 lac to 10 lac 10 lac to 25 lac 25 lac and above
Educational Qualifications
Below SSC
SSC HSC Graduate Masters
Professionals ( CA, CS, CMA, etc.)
Please Tick If Applicable Politically exposed person Related to Politically exposed Person (Please refer instruction no.3)
7. SUBSCRIBER BANK DETAILS [ All bank details are mandatory except MICR Code. ] ( Please refer to Sr no. 4 of the instructions)
You want to change Bank details of: Tier I Tier II
(In case you want to change bank details in both Tier I & Tier II Account, tick both check box)
Tier I Account : Savings A/c Current A/c
Bank A/c Number
Bank Name
Branch Name
Branch Address PIN Code
State/U.T. C o u n t r y
Bank MICR Code IFS Code
Tier II Account: If same as Tier I, Please Tick
else, provide the details below:
Savings A/c Current A/c
Bank A/c Number
Bank Name
Branch Name
Branch Address PIN Code
State/U.T. C o u n t r y
Bank MICR Code IFS Code
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8. SUBSCRIBERS NOMINATION DETAILS (Please refer to Sr. No . 5 of the instructions)
You want to change Nomination details of: Tier I Tier II
(In case you want to change nomination details in both Tier I & Tier II Account, tick both check box)
Tier I Account :
Name of the Nominee (You can nominate up to a maximum of 3 nominees and if you desire so please ll in Additional Nomination Form provided on page no. 4 & 5 separately.)
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Relationship with the Nominee
Date of Birth (In case of Minor) d d / m m / y y y y
Nominee’s Guardian Details (in case of a minor)
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Tier II Account : If same as Tier I, Please Tick
else, provide the details below:
Name of the Nominee (You can nominate up to a maximum of 3 nominees and if you desire so please ll Additional Nomination Form provided on pages 4 & 5 separately)
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Relationship with the Nominee Date of Birth (In case of Minor) d d / m m / y y y y
Nominee’s Guardian Details (in case of a minor)
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Section B – Request for Reissue of I-PIN/T-PIN
(Not Applicable for NPS-Lite Subscriber)
I hereby request you to reissue the following
Section C – Request for Reissue of PRAN card.
Reissue of T-PIN, I-PIN and reissue of PRAN card will be chargeable to Subscriber/employer by CRA. PRAN Card will be re-printed as
per the preference given at the time of registration under NPS.
I ,
the applicant, do hereby declare that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge
& belief.
Date : d d / m m / y y y y
Impression* of the Subscriber
To be lled by POP / POP-SP
KYC Compliance : Yes
KYC document accepted for identify proof :
KYC document accepted for address proof :
Copy of PAN card submitted : Yes No
PAN Compliance : Yes
Signature of Authorized Signatory
Name : Place :
Designation : Date : d d / m m / y y y y
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The details of nominees to whom the outstanding pension wealth of the Subscriber is payable in case of the demise of the Subscriber before entire proceeds
are withdrawn is to be provided hereunder (Please refer instruction no: 5). Also, please note that in case of demise of the Subscriber after opting for deferred
withdrawal, all the outstanding pension wealth present in the NPS account of the Subscriber shall be withdrawn upon receiving the request and paid to the
nominees as mentioned in this form and the same would be treated as full and final discharge of the obligation.
I hereby submit the Nomination details for: (Please Tick{}) Tier I Tier II account under NPS.
(Please Tick on above both the option (i.e Tier I and Tier II) in case you want to retain same nomination for both account and in case of different nomination
kindly fill separate Nomination Form)
I, hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below who is/are member(s)/
of my family to receive the amount in my PRAN account under National Pension System in the event of my death.
1. Name of the Nominee:
1st Nominee 2nd Nominee 3rd Nominee
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
2. Present Communication address of the nominees:
Address of 1st Nominee Address of 2nd Nominee Address of 3rd Nominee
3. Date of Birth* (Only in case of a minor):
1st Nominee
d d / m m / y y y y
2nd Nominee
d d / m m / y y y y
3rd Nominee
d d / m m / y y y y
4. Relationship with the Nominee:
1st Nominee 2nd Nominee 3rd Nominee
5. Percentage Share:
1st Nominee
2nd Nominee
3rd Nominee
6. Nominee’s Guardian Details (Only in case of a minor):
1st Nominee’s Guardian Details 2nd Nominee’s Guardian Details 3rd Nominee’s Guardian Details
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Dated this day of 20 at
Signature/ Thumb Impression* of the Subscriber
*Note: Left thumb impression in case of illiterate male Subscriber and Right thumb impression in case of illiterate female subscriber must be obtained.
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Certified that the above declaration and nomination details has been signed / thumb impressed before me by Sh/Smt/Ms.
after he / she have read the entries / entries have been read over to him / her by me and got confirmed by him / her.
Rubber Stamp of the POP-SP/DDO/NL-CC Signature of the Authorised Person
POP-SP/DDO/NL-CC Registration Number Designation of the Authorised Person :
(Allotted by CRA)
POP-SP/DDO/NL-CC Office Name :
Date d d / m m / y y y y
(Allotted by CRA):
Signature of the Authorised Person
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General Guidelines
(a) This form is to be used for the purpose of change/correction in Subscriber master details, reissue of I-Pin /T-Pin, reissue of PRAN card.
(b) The form is to be submitted at the Nodal Ofce POP/POP-SP for carrying out the necessary changes.
(c) Please tick the box on the left margin of appropriate row where change/correction is required and provide the details in the corresponding row. Please strike off the remaining
blank rows for which no change is requested.
(d) Form to be lled legibly in BLOCK LETTERS and in BLACK INK only.
(e) Details Marked with (*) are the mandatory elds. Mention 12 digits PRAN correctly.
(f) All Dates should be in “DD/MM/YYYYˮ Format.
(g) Reissue of T-PIN, I-PIN
(Not Applicable for NPS-Lite Subscriber)
and reissue of PRAN card will be chargeable to Subscriber/employer by CRA
Item Details Instructions
1 1 Spouse Name If married, spouse name is mandatory.
2 2, 3 & 4
Correspondence &
Permanent address
S.No Proof of Identity (Copy of any one) S.No Proof of Address (Copy of any one)
1 Passport issued by Government of India. 1 Passport issued by Government of India
2 Ration card with photograph. 2 Ration card with photograph and residential address
3 Bank Pass book or certicate with Photograph. 3 Bank Pass book or certicate with photograph and residential
4 Certicate of the POP for an existing customer. 4 Certicate of the POP for an existing customer.
5 Voters Identity card with photograph and residential address. 5 Voters Identity card with photograph and residential address
6 Valid Driving license with photograph 6 Valid Driving license with photograph and residential address
7 Certicate of identity with photograph signed by a Member of
Parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly
7 Letter from any recognized public authority at the level of
Gazetted ofcer like District Magistrate, Divisional commissioner,
BDO, Tehsildar, Mandal Revenue Ofcer, Judicial Magistrate etc.
8 PAN Card issued by Income tax department 8 Certicate of address with photograph signed by a Member of
Parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly
9 Aadhar Card / letter issued by Unique Identication Authority
of India
9 Aadhar Card / letter issued by Unique Identication Authority of
India clearly showing the address
10 Job cards issued by NREGA duly signed by an ofcer of the
State Government
10 Job cards issued by NREGA duly signed by an ofcer of the
State Government
11 Identity card issued by Central/State government and its
Departments, Statutory/ Regulatory Authorities, Public Sector
Undertakings, Scheduled commercial Banks, Public Financial
Institutions, Colleges afliated to universities and Professional
Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council etc.
11 The identity card/document with address or letter of allotment
of accomodation issued by any of the following: Central/
State Government and its Departments, Statutory/Regulatory
Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial
Banks, Financial Institutions and listed companises for their
employees.Pension or Family Pension Payment Orders issued
by Govt. Departments or PSU containing address.
12 Photo. Identity Card issued by Defence, Paramilitary and
Police department’s
Latest Electricity/water/piped gas bill in the name of the Subscriber
/ Claimant and showing the address (less than 2 months old)
13 Ex-Service Man Card issued by Ministry of Defence to their
13 Latest Telephone bill (landline & postpaid mobile) in the name of
the Subscriber / Claimant and showing the address (less than 2
months old)
14 Photo Credit card. 14 Latest Property/house Tax receipt (not more than one year old)
15 Existing valid registered lease agreement of the house on stamp
paper ( in case of rented/leased accommodation)
(i) If the address on the document submitted for identity proof by the prospective customer is same as that declared by him/her in
the account opening form, the document may be accepted as a valid proof of both identity and address.
(ii) If the address indicated on the document submitted for identity proof differs from the current address mentioned in the account
opening form, a separate proof of address should be obtained. All future communications will be sent to correspondence address.
If correspondence & Permanent address are different, then proof for both have to be submitted.
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Politically Exposed
Politically Exposed Persons’ (PEPs) are individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions in a foreign
country, for example heads of state or of the government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military ofcials, senior
executives of state-owned corporations, important political party ofcials.
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Subscriber’s Bank
In case, subscriber provides bank details, it should be supported by a documentary proof. Please attach a cancelled cheque
containing Subscriber Name, Bank Name, Bank Account Number and IFS Code. If cheque is not available or cheque is not
preprinted with Subscriber name, a copy of bank passbook or bank statement or bank certicate or letter from Bank mentioning
Subscriber Name, Bank Name, Bank Account No. and IFS Code should be submitted.
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Nomination Details
In case of more than one nominee, percentage share value for all the nominees must be integer. Decimals/Fractional values shall
not be accepted in the nomination(s). Sum of percentage share across all the nominees must be equal to 100. If sum of percentage
is not equal to 100, entire nomination will be rejected.
General Information for Subscribers
a) The Subscriber can obtain the status of his/her application from their designated Nodal Ofcer/employer.
b) Subscribers are advised to retain the acknowledgement slip signed/ stamped by the Nodal Ofcer / POP / POP-SP where they submit the application.
c) For more information, contact CRA:
Call: 022-4090 4242
Address: Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA)
Protean eGov Technologies Limited (formerly NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited)
1st Floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel (W), Mumbai - 400013