Procedure for Generating Jeevan Pramaan / Digital Life Certificate (ver1.0)
1. What is Jeevan Pramaan (JP):
There are more than one crore pensioners in the country including pensioners from
Central Government and Defense personnel. These pensioners get their due pension
through Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) such as the banks, the post offices etc.
Pensioners are required to furnish a “Life Certificate” to these PDAs in November every
year either by presenting themselves personally or by delivering a life certificate in the
prescribed format. The requirement to produce this certificate causes huge hardships
particularly to the aged and or / infirm pensioners.
Launched by Hon. PM Shri. Narendra Modi ji, on 10th Nov 2014, Digital Life Certificate
for Pensioners Scheme of the Government of India, known as the Jeevan Pramaan
(JP) seeks to address this very problem by digitizing the whole process of securing the
life certificate. It enables the pensioner to generate a digital life certificate using a
software application and secure Aadhaar based Biometric Authentication System. The
Digital Life Certificate (DLC) so generated is stored online & can be accessed by the
pensioner & the Pension Disbursing Agency as and when required by them.
2. Components of the J P/ Digital Life Certificate
There are three basic components of the Jeevan Pramaan /Digital Life Certificate:
A. The Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSAs)
It is the authority which approves and sanctions the pension of an individual. The
Pension is to be delivered in the Pension Account specified in the Pension Payment
Order (PPO).
B. The Pension Disbursing Agency (PDAs)
The Pension Disbursing Agencies process the DLC of the pensioners. The PDAs can
register on the Jeevan Pramaan Portal to access the Life Certificates on-line. This
account sign up facility has been created for the PDAs (Banks, Post Office etc), to
process pension orders. The Agencies can securely login to view/ download a PDF
copy of DLC of Pensioner for processing.
C. The Pensioners:
The JP uses the Aadhaar platform for biometric authentication of the pensioner. For
the DLC generation the pensioners needs to have Internet Connectivity, a biometric
device (list of supported devices is given on the JP portal) and JP Windows/Android
Client Application Software for PC/Mobile/tablet which can be downloaded
from the Jeevan Pramaan portal: https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in/
3. Pre-Requisites for Digital Life Certificate Generation
i) The pensioner must have a Aadhaar number
ii) The pensioner must have an existing mobile number
iii) Registration of the Aadhaar number with Pension Disbursing Agency ( bank
Post Office etc) should have been done already
iv) Biometric device (list of supported devices is given on the JP portal)
v) PC with Windows 7.0 & above Android Mobile/Tablet 4.0 & above
vi) Internet Connectivity
4. Generation of Digital Life Certificate Where & How
The Pensioners can either Generate DLC themselves or Let Others do it for them. The
Pensioner can register and get a JP/DLC done at the below places:
i) Pensioner can download the JP application (Generate DLC themselves) from the
JP Portal https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in/app/download & install client application
on android based smart Phone/tablet or Windows PC/Laptop for DLC generation.
ii) Pensioner can visit any nearest Centre (having facilities for digital services) like
the Citizen Service Centre (CSC), the Government Office /Banks designated for
generating the DLCs and get themselves registered online using their services.
Pensioner might have to pay nominally for this). The All India List of such CSCs
(name & address) in various States across India is posted on JP portal at:
5. The Two Step process with Client Application for the Online DLC:
The Pensioner can download the Jeevan Pramaan Windows & Android client software
from the portal. The client software will take care of registration for the life certificate,
for authentication it will use the Aadhaar Biometric Authentication platform.
To download the application, the pensioner has to provide their e-mail in the online
form available at https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in/app/download
This link will be made available after submitting the e-mail address. The pensioner or
the operator needs download the client application as per their requirement.
Generation of DLC using the Client Application Software (the registration and generation
of Jeevan Pramaan) gets done in two basic steps:
5.1 Operator Authentication /Device Registration
It is required to authenticate /register the biometric device (this one time only for a
particular biometric device whether it’s the agencies doing the DLC generation or it is
being done by the pensioners herself/himself). The operator / pensioner provide
Aadhaar Number and a Mobile number and receive an OTP which is provided in
the online application form/ software module for registration.
On entering correct OTP, below screen shall be presented. Provide Name & Email ID
and click ‘Scan Finger’. Scan finger-print on finger-print scanner or scan Iris (Eye) on
Iris Scanner connected to PC/mobile/tab.
once the finger-print/Iris is authenticated, the system displays ‘Device Registration
successful’ message on the screen as shown in the screen below. Click on OK.
On clicking OK, Pensioner Authentication Screen appears. Pensioner now has to
move to the Next step 2 -For Pensioner Authentication.
5.2 Authentication and Certificate Generation
The pensioner data Aadhaar Number and Mobile number is to be entered in the
online application form after which the pensioner receives an OTP.
The pensioner has to enter the OTP and click OK (See Screen shot below)
If correct OTP is entered, following screen is presented. On next screen given
below, enter mandatory information like Pensioner Name, PPO Number, Type of
pension, name of Sanctioning Authority, Disbursing Agency, email and Bank
Account number etc. Select Remarried options, Re-Employed Options.
Check small grey box as shown below. Then click ‘Scan Finger’ button & this will
start the finger/Iris scanning process.
Once the Finger Print/Iris Authentication is successful, the life certificate of the
pensioner is displayed as shown below and an SMS acknowledgement is sent to
the pensioner’s mobile number. This sms has Jeevan Pramaan Certificate ID. The
generated certificates or DLCs are stored in the Life Certificate Repository and is
available anytime & anywhere for use by pensioner & Pension Disbursing Agency.
6. Electronic Delivery of DLC
Once the certificate is generated, the Pramaan ID is sent in a sms to the pensioner
for further use (print). The Digital Life Certificate or the Jeevan Pramaan can also be
electronically delivered to the Pension Disbursing Agencies. The PDAs can access and
view the Life Certificate on the Jeevan Pramaan website and also download the same
The PDAs can get in touch with Jeevan Pramaan team, to enable the e-delivery
facility as well as for login access.
7. Pensioner Access to the JP/DLC
The Pensioner can have the DLC available not only at the time of DLC generation but
the can also download a PDF copy of the generated digital certificate from Jeevan
Pramaan website(https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in/) by using the generated Jeevan
Pramaan ID or Aadhaar number.
The Jeevan Pramaan /Digital Life Certificate application is simple and easy to implement
and leaves out the difficulties which the pensioners face in production of life certificates
every year. It also reduces the chances of wrongful disbursal of pension.
Quick Reference:
Website address: https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in/
Contact JP Team at: [email protected]
Help Desk Service (Call Centre) Phone: (91)-0120-3076200
Version: Procedure for Generating Jeevan Pramaan/Digital Life Certificate ver.1.0