User Access Form
Date of Request
Request Access
For access to Pennant Accounts or Aid please send to: [email protected]
For access to Pennant Records please send to: [email protected]
New Access
Change Access Suspend Access
Identification Information
Employee name
University Email
School/Center & Dept./ORG
Description of
Business Role
Pennant Accounts
Inquiry Only
If you are requesting update access to Banner, list below the detail code(s) that you need to be able to use in transactions.
Detail Code(s)
Feeder Application
Feeder Owner Feeder View
If you are requesting any access to the Feeder App, you must list the Data Origin(s) to which you need access.
List Data Origin(s) 3 character batch reference
Grad Funding
View Only School/ORG
Update, School Admin School
Update, Division Admin School/ORG
Update, Business Admin School/ORG
Check t
he application(s) to which access is being requested. Note that all Pennant Student Account (PSAS) users will get access to the
Account Summary screen and Detail Code/Subcode Mapping Inquiry once all required online courses have been completed.
User Access Form
Pennant Records
CourseLeaf PATH and Degree Works
Please select which students an Advisor is able to view:
View any students
View assigned students or majors
If by majors, list up to 10 major codes:
Can Advisor process exceptions?
Athletic Compliance Administrator Role - Update student athletic information
School/Division Registrar Role - View comprehensive student data and update select student data
Admin Support Role – View Only comprehensive student data, including select student holds, advisory
assignments, graduate student committee service data, comments, and transcript events
Pennant Student Holds and Comments
Release Student Holds Yes No
Add Advising Notes/Student Comment Yes No
If ‘Yes’ selected to either of the above, please indicate individual’s responsibility:
Academic Advisor Major Advisor School Registrar Program Administrator College Contact
Pennant Reports please refer to
Pennant Aid
School User
Penn IM Tool access
Financial Aid Feeder App access (list Fund)
Check the functionality for which access is being requested.
User Access Form
By signing this application, I agree to restrict my computer access
to the requirements of my job description. Specifically, I will not—
outside the duties of my position—view, print, copy, update, or disclose to any person proprietary, confidential, and/or protected
information. Moreover, I agree that:
I will use only this account and will not share it with anyone else.
I will use this account only for duties assigned by my supervisor.
I am responsible for securing this account against unauthorized acces
s and use, and for
all activity in this account.
I will use this account only for the duration of my employment in this position
I will keep confidential any and all data whether in electronic or printed format. The confidentiality of student records is defined in
the provisions of The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1232 (G)), and with the
regulations issues there under by the U.S. Department of Education. See
Employee Signature
Supervisor Name Signature _________________________________________
Approval Name Signature _________________________________________
User Access Form
For internal use only
For Internal Use Only
Access Date Completed Notes
On Line Training Assigned
On Line Training
Completed Grad Funding
User Activated
Banner Security Groups
Works User
Approved Date Signature
Yes No Director of Student Accounts ________________________________________
Yes No Director Financial Aid ________________________________________
Yes No University Registrar ________________________________________
Yes No SRFS System Administrator ________________________________________
Questions? Contact [email protected]