Component Issue Description
Access Control: Reports CE-120767
When a user account's manually assigned role is removed, the existing group-assigned roles that were previously are listed as added, in the
Security Events report.
ACP CE-119616 After updating to 6.12, the instances in the Archer Control Panel open with a '*', indicating unsaved changes.
ACP, Authentication, Login Home Page
The single sign-on (SSO) user can not see the custom message when the account lockout message option is selected in the Archer control panel
with a custom message.
API (Web, Rest, other) CE-120733
While the 'Advanced Workflow Actions by email' option is enabled for the user, activating or deactivating the user via Rest API throws an error.
API (Web, Rest, other) CE-120585 Archer Web Services API incorrectly encodes the ampersand as "&&" rather than "&".
API (Web, Rest, other) CE-120476 The API calls 'RemoveUserFromGroup' and 'RemoveUserFromRole' return a success status even for the incorrect input.
Application Builder CE-120687 The 'Select Default Users/Groups' popup in the 'Default Users/Groups' section of the automatic record permission field does not load.
Application Builder CE-120674 When the user copies the questionnaire layout, Archer displays an unexpected error.
Application Builder CE-120650 The 'Created By' and 'Last Updated By' fields are empty if the user who created or last updated the application is deleted from the system.
Application Builder CE-120635
While the minimum and maximum values for the 'Related Record' fields are both blank, adding a record to this field on the record page results in
the maximum allowable violation warning.
Application Builder CE-120629 The global values list, which contains values with the '<' and '>' symbols, is exported incorrectly, causing DPS reports to fail.
Application Builder CE-120628 The task-driven landing page in the multi-level application fails to direct the task assignee to the application child-level record.
Application Builder CE-120553 Delete the layout throws an error in the browser console, and the layout is not removed from the application.
Application Builder CE-120344 The Text Box layout object does not have the Open-Sans font style.
Application Builder CE-120276 The field dependency message shows 'Encrypt' even when the field encryption is not enabled in the ACP.
Application Builder CE-120145 Formula Editor does not match parentheses correctly due to escape character being used as a character to be searched in the FIND formula.
Application Builder CE-120095 In the Application Builder layout Designer, the copied field's name does not save with the new name.
Application Builder CE-120049 In Application Builder, when a user enters a specific date value for the Date field configuration, it does not save correctly.
Application Builder, Packaging, CE-120592 When a user adds a subform field to the application, the UI becomes blank. Opening that subform also loads the UI forever.
Bulk Operations, Scheduler CE-119787 The bulk scheduled monthly jobs do not begin on the scheduled day once Daylight Saving Time begins.
Calculated Cross References CE-120688
When a user clicks on the name of a reference field with a grid display, it collapses and expands without any drop-downs to indicate the same.
Charts and Graphs, Export, Reports CE-120723
When a user exports a Heat Map report to PDF/RTF format, the zero values are displayed even though the "Display Zero Values" option is
Content API, Database, Data Feeds CE-120745 The Content API returns an internal server error for some applications.
Content Save and Delete CE-120653
Unable to Save New Records with Applications that have empty DDE Actions or when multiple DDE Apply Conditional Layout actions are applied
on “Multiple Reference Display Control” and “Cross Reference” fields at the same time.
Content Save and Delete CE-120441
When creating a record for cross-referenced application, where GVLs are also present, if GVL is edited, followed by Save and Close of the
referenced application record, Archer displays the message "The input is not a valid Base-64 string".
Content Save and Delete, HTML Sanitizer
CE-120632 When a user enters the HTML code using the Rich Text Editor Source Code and saves the record, the page continues to load and is timed out.
Data Driven Events CE-120754 The "Changed" operator on a Related Records field in a DDE Rule evaluates to True even if no modifications are made to the fields.
Data Driven Events CE-120752
When a user saves a DDE rule with the "Changed to" operator, it changes to "Equals" after one or more values for a cross reference field are
Data Driven Events CE-120467
When a user configures a Set Date action with a Date Only field of 'None' type and selects the 'Current Date' option, the date is always set to the
previous day.
Data Driven Events, Record Page CE-120769 When a user saves a record, the values list field minimum validation appears incorrectly.
Data Feeds CE-120731 In an XML file exported by a transport-only data feed, the ampersand sign is encoded as '&amp;'.
Fixed Issues in Archer Release 6.14 Patch 2
Data Feeds CE-120644
After the package installation, only one day is selected for the weekly data feed that was configured to run on all weekdays.
Note: This fix is specific to packages that are generated in or later versions, the issue will persist for packages generated in or
Data Feeds CE-120437 When a user adds a data feed, the cross reference field cannot be mapped to the field that is referring to itself.
Data Feeds, Globalization and Localization
CE-120734 When a user with the English (Canada) or English (Australia) locale saves the data feed, an unexpected error occurs.
Data Feeds, Performance CE-120342 The data feed execution takes longer than expected after upgrading to
Data Import CE-120558 Although the data feed is faulted, the run details show the number of records created in the system.
Data Import CE-120026 When a user imports decimal numbers in a different locale format, data import fails.
Database, Data Feeds CE-120729 The datafeed schedules are reset to their default values after a SaaS instance refresh.
Export CE-120615 User is unable to export to excel because cell constraints limit characters to 32,767.
Export CE-120608 Getting Failure while exporting some questionnaires records in PDF format for the SaaS customers.
Export, Global Print and Export CE-120618 Excel Export displays a waterfall pattern for each new column.
Export, Reports CE-120498 First Published date fields are not exported correctly from the Report page for users in the Australian timezone.
Export, Reports CE-120073 Horizontal bar chart is not exported correctly when there are long labels in the vertical axis.
Global Print and Export, IIS Web Server
CE-120213 Exporting the system report with a large number of records results an IIS outage.
Globalization and Localization CE-120563 When a user selects a date from the date grid, the incorrect day is displayed.
HTML Sanitizer CE-120596 The user is unable to save the record with the relative path in the Text Area area field.
IIS Web Server CE-120692 Large Print/Export activities cause stack overflow resulting in W3WP.exe process hanging.
IIS Web Server CE-120691 The SetUserDefaultEmail API call tries to insert duplicate values into the table that doesn't allow duplicates.
Job Framework CE-119164 CondenseEnquedJobsWorkflow jobs have incorrect version information.
Master Report Listing, React Common Component(s)
CE-119717 The Reports Listing page takes a long time to load.
Navigation, UI CE-120270 The "skip navigation" heading appears at random.
NextGen Dashboard CE-120684 The user is unable to rename the Dashboard since the cursor location moved to the end after typing one character.
NextGen Dashboard, Workspaces, Dashboards and iViews
CE-120698 When a user adds a marker to one widget on the Next generation dashboard, it is added to all widgets.
NextGen Dashboard CE-120831
The font for featured metric reports is inconsistent.
Notifications CE-120732 Attachment fails in the email when a cross reference field is referencing a leveled application.
Notifications CE-120624 When a user configures an HTML table in the Notification template, the format of the notification email is not as configured.
Packaging CE-120667 While installing a network graph report from a package, an error occurred.
Packaging CE-119603 The package installation log displays a failure if the package contains the renamed application with Advanced Workflow configurations.
Questionnaires CE-120776
In Questionnaire Values-list field configuration, the references selected in the Authoritative Sources section are displayed in the Control Standards
Questionnaires CE-120560 The user is unable to set a time for a scheduled campaign.
Queuing Service CE-120575 Performance issues cause the Archer Queuing service to stop.
Queuing Service CE-120259 Queuing Service crashes when processing certain types of PDF files
Queuing Service CE-119341 Queueing Service stops working and needs to be restarted after instance refresh
Record Page CE-120623 When a user configures DDE to set the values list field to 'No Selection,' the DDE action is not triggered properly.
Record Page CE-120548 The user can upload any file type to the image field.
Record Page CE-120421 When a user navigates between tabs after clicking on a cross-reference, an error page is displayed.
Record Page CE-119337 The external link field cannot be saved if the URL contains the "&" character.
Reports CE-120756 Drilling down on a statistical report and then saving the changes results in a warning that the report name isn't unique.
Reports CE-120660 In the statistical mode, Group By two fields and count of another field throws an error in the 'Charts Only' and 'Charts and Data' search.
Reports CE-120626 The user is unable to scroll past the first 7 numbers when the numeric range field is filtered by range.
Reports CE-120586 If a user shares a report and then needs to change it, the report is no longer shared.
Reports CE-120569 In the Report Properties modal, the symbols 'Greater Than' and 'Less Than' in report titles are not rendered correctly.
Reports, Search and Search Results CE-120587 After upgrading to 6.13.2, the Task Management lost its relationships in the Advanced Search Reports.
Scheduler, View Mode (Record) CE-120783 The edit and view buttons in the Timesheet task application are not working.
Signatures, Workflow (AWF) CE-120775 Configuring AWF signatures sometimes causes properties pane UI to break
System Reports CE-120197 Even if a different report is later chosen, the Record view detail report returns reports for the initial application.
Tools, Web API suite CE-120766 The UpdateUserAccountStatus API request to update the user fails if the user has the option "Enable the action by email" checked.
User Profile CE-120750 The 'Refresh' button/icon is not present on the Email Subscription, Login History, Bulk Action History, and Data Import History pages.
Workflow (AWF) CE-120717 AWF Bulk Update Jobs status popup window shows as "0 of 0 completed" even when the process has completed updating the AWF jobs .
Workflow (AWF) CE-120582 Improvement to WorkflowCleanupJobHandler system job to also cleanup AWF jobs in error state based on the 30 days retention policy.
Workflow (AWF) CE-120574 AWF seems to stop working correctly after Warm Deploys of Archer
Workflow (AWF) CE-120572 AWF stopped working in SaaS environment.
Workflow (AWF) CE-120557 AWF stops working after Windows security patches
Workspaces, Dashboards and iViews CE-120661 When a record is accessed via Next Gen Dashboard > Report and data is added and saved for a sub form, the issue occurs.
Workspaces, Dashboards and iViews CE-120601
When a user creates a quick link for an internal page that has a link to Manage questionnaires or Manage subforms, the page does not respond.
Workspaces, Dashboards and iViews CE-120578 Dashboard does not display a report with colored values for the Value List column.