HRIS Human Resources Information Solution
HRIS Resource Guide
I - Internal Use Only June 30, 2020 HRIS INTRO - HRIS Navigation
Tutorial 2
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
LOGGING IN TO HRIS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
THE “PORTAL” CONCEPT & STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................... 4
NAVIGATING TO HRIS FORMS ...................................................................................................................................... 5
HRIS FORM PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................................................... 5
SINGLE RECORD FORM .................................................................................................................................................... 6
DETAIL RECORD FORM .................................................................................................................................................... 7
HEADER/DETAIL FORMS .................................................................................................................................................. 8
INQUIRY FORMS ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
SUBFORM FORMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
FORM & FIELD ACTIONS USED ON HRIS FORMS ........................................................................................................ 11
TABS AND RELATED LINKS .......................................................................................................................................... 13
TABS.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
RELATED FORMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
HRIS SECURITY............................................................................................................................................................. 15
ADDITIONAL PORTAL FEATURES................................................................................................................................. 15
PREFERENCES OPTION ................................................................................................................................................... 16
HELP OPTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
HOT KEYS ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
HRIS REPORTING ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
HRIS Resource Guide
I - Internal Use Only June 30, 2020 HRIS INTRO - HRIS Navigation
Tutorial 3
The Human Resource Information Solution (HRIS) System introduces several concepts to the State of
Arizona Human Resources (HR), Payroll (PR) and Benefits system users.
The Navigation Tutorial provides helpful information to identify and explain those new concepts.
Concepts explained in this tutorial are important to understanding and demonstrating a basic ability to
navigate within HRIS. This tutorial provides the background for learning the basics of the new HRIS
This tutorial provides information basics about HRIS; it is NOT intended to train employees on how to
perform HRIS processes. To receive training on HRIS processes, the user must complete the applicable
job role training.
Each section of this tutorial will follow a similar flow beginning with a concept introduction, important
information and/or screen captures.
Logging In to HRIS
Each HRIS user is assigned a unique User ID. The user will then setup his/her password to access the
HRIS system. To obtain a User ID, the agency must coordinate the necessary paperwork through the
Agency Security Approver.
Once the user ID is setup, the HRIS user will go to the HRIS portal and log in. To access the HRIS portal,
the user should go to the HRIS website at:
and click on the HRIS
Portal Login. The user will then be prompted with the screen above. The user will input his/her User ID
and Password. Problems or questions, contact the HRIS Help Desk: E-mail: or
by Phone: 602.542.4700.
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Tutorial 4
The “Portal” Concept & Structure
After logging into HRIS, the system displays an opening page also known as the “Portal” homepage (see
below). This homepage is the first stop in gaining access to the HRIS Application Forms required when
completing Human Resources (HR), Payroll (PR), and Benefits related tasks.
The Portal homepage is made up of two sections: the left pane and the right pane.
In the left pane, users will see optional menus that can be used to navigate to different parts of
HRIS forms, these links are called Bookmarks (e.g., A form may be broken out into multiple
pages called tabs or Bookmarks. For example, a page may include a Main Bookmark, a Personal
Bookmark, etc. Each Bookmark will have different information about the Employee. Users will
navigate within the bookmarks by clicking on them in the left pane).
The right pane will display the fields (or content) users will need to fill out to complete HRIS
related tasks (e.g., A form may contain the Name, Hire Date, etc., to hire an Employee. An HR
user would fill these in and then complete additional steps to perform a task). The content on
some pages will not allow changes and will be view only depending on the purpose of the HRIS
There are additional features on the Portal homepage that will be important to HRIS Users. Those
features include the Search Box, the Go To option, Preferences and the Help Option (see graphic above).
These features will be discussed in greater detail in the later sections of this tutorial.
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Tutorial 5
Navigating to HRIS Forms
HRIS Users will navigate HRIS using the Search box available on all HRIS forms in the top right corner. To
navigate to the form, the user will input the form identifier (typically a two digit alpha code, followed by
an up to 3 digit numeric code e.g., HR11.1, XP52.1, etc). Each lesson will contain the specific form that
the user will need to perform his/her task. When inputting the form number, the user can shorten the
form identifier and will still receive the same results (e.g., HR11, XP52). The only time a full form
identifier is required in full is when the same identifier appears in the first 4 positions (e.g., XP52.1 and
HRIS Form Properties
After using the search box to navigate to an HRIS form to perform a task, a user will encounter one of
five types of HRIS forms. These forms will have a similar look, but they will function differently. The five
types of HRIS forms include:
Single Record Forms
Detail Record Forms
Header/Detail Forms
Inquiry Forms
These different types of forms will be used to update Employee records in the HRIS database and/or
perform Employee data inquiries.
Within each form, certain fields will be required and certain fields will be optional.
HRIS Resource Guide
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Tutorial 6
Single Record Form
A Single Record Form displays one Employee record at a time on the form. This type of form will have
one or more key fields at the top above the grey divider line. These key fields are important to
determine what Employee record will be displayed.
The example below provides a portion of the single record form used by Agency Payroll to
setup Employee direct deposit accounts. This form contains 4 key fields: Company, Employee,
Distribution Order and Country. These key fields must be filled out to determine which of the
Employee’s 3 available direct deposit records a user wants to add/change/delete.
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Tutorial 7
Detail Record Form
A Detail Record form displays multiple records at a time for one or more Employees (depending on the
form). Each record appears as a separate row, and will have the same set of fields arranged on each
line. The line or record is called a detail line. This form will also contain one or more key fields at the
top to determine what records to display on the detail lines.
The example below contains a portion of the Detail Time Entry Form to make adjustments to
Employee time records. This form contains three key fields: Company and Employee. These
fields are used to determine which Employees record will be displayed on the form. Each row is
updated independently depending on what the user of the form places in the FC field.
The FC field is the most critical field on this form. FC defines which of the detail lines a user wants to
update. If multiple rows are being updated, then the user has to have the FC field defined for each of
those rows. On most forms, the FC options are Add, Change and Delete.
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Tutorial 8
Header/Detail Forms
A Header/Detail form looks very similar to a Detail Record form. This form contains two separate
sections: the header (above the grey line) and the detail area (below the grey line). The header section
contains one or more key fields identifying the record. The detail area contains multiple lines, each line
representing a record related to the header.
The example below shows the form used by the HRIS team to define different HR Codes in the
HRIS system. The selected code refers to the Hire Sources that can be selected on the Individual
Action Form (XP52.1). Once the HRIS team defines these HR Codes, Agency users will see them
available on different forms throughout the HRIS system.
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Tutorial 9
Inquiry Forms
An Inquiry form looks very similar to the detail record form and header/detail form. The main
difference is that Inquiry Forms only allow users to lookup Employee information. These forms cannot
be used to Add, Change or Delete information from the HRIS database. Inquiry forms have a header and
detail section. The header section will be used to complete the key fields necessary to outline what
information will be displayed on the form. The detail section will display the results of an inquiry.
The example below shows one of the Inquiry forms that can be used by Agency HR or PR users
to view Employee leave plan balances. The key fields at the top include: Company, Employee
and Plan. After the user completes these fields, he/she will see the transaction history of all
accruals, usage and adjustments made to the requested plan for the requested Employee. This
Inquiry form can show one plan, per Employee at a time.
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Tutorial 10
Subform Forms
A subform is an HRIS form only accessible from within another HRIS form. Subforms provide additional
fields to capture optional information related to the information on the main HRIS form. Subforms are
identified as underlined blue links on the main HRIS form.
The form below is used by the HRIS Team to define important codes, such as Alphanumeric User
Fields throughout the HRIS system. The subform is used to define the various values for each of
these different codes (e.g., ANNUAL LEAVE PLAN, CASH/COMP, etc.). To access the subform,
the user would click on the Values link; this will open the subform for that specific HR Code. For
example, when you click on the ‘Values’ link for ANNUAL LEAVE PLAN, it opens the subform
below and shows various types of leave plans. The second image displays the subform that
opens on top of the main HRIS form. The user would then select applicable information from
the subform, save the changes, and click Close. The user would then be returned to the main
HRIS form. Depending on your job role, you may or may not have access to the various
HRIS Resource Guide
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Tutorial 11
Form & Field Actions used on HRIS Forms
Form and Field Actions are used on HRIS forms to process the different actions being completed on
Employee records.
Form actions appear as buttons on the Form Action bar at the top of each type of HRIS Forms.
The form action bar contains various buttons to perform specific actions on HRIS records.
Actions may include adding, changing, inquiring, or deleting a record. Form actions will be used
on all types of HRIS forms.
o The example below shows the form action bar at the top of the Individual Action
form used by Agency HR staff to hire, rehire, separate and perform additional
personnel actions on Employee Records. The buttons on this bar are used at
different points in the process to lookup information, fill default information, and
then lastly to add/or change the action for processing in the system. Specific
instructions on using these buttons are available to agencies in the Job Role training
for the specific task.
Field actions appear only on detail and header/detail record forms. The field actions, or FC
column, are used to make updates to specific rows within an Employee’s Record. The field
actions are displayed as drop down menus within the detail portion of the form. These fields
signify for each row whether information is being added, changed or deleted from the
Employee’s record.
o The example below shows the field actions for the form used by Agency Payroll staff
to create adjustment time records for an Employee. Each adjustment would appear
as a separate row on this form. When making updates, each row would have to
HRIS Resource Guide
I - Internal Use Only June 30, 2020 HRIS INTRO - HRIS Navigation
Tutorial 12
signify whether it is being added, changed or deleted. After the field actions are
defined, the user would click on the form actions at the top of the form to save
his/her changes.
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Tutorial 13
Tabs and Related Links
As mentioned in Portal, each HRIS Form is structured within the right pane. The right pane displays the
content of the form and is where the user views or enters his/her various actions. The left pane is used
to store bookmarks related to the HRIS Form.
HRIS created the tabs in the left pane. These tabs display immediate access to employee information
within the HRIS form.
The form below shows the Employee Master Record (HR11.1). The Form has a number of tabs
listed. They include: Main, Assignment, Pay, Work, etc. Each of these tabs shows additional
fields with information about the Employee. To access a tab, the user would click on the tab for
the information he/she wants to display.
Related Forms
When working on a specific HRIS form, the Related Forms menu may appear in the left pane. This menu
provides quick access to other HRIS forms related to the form currently visible.
The form on the following page shows the HR Writer Title Creation Form. This form is used as
part of the HR Writer Report writing product. Click on Related Forms as show below, a list will
display select one number HRIS would then open that form for the user to input information.
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Tutorial 14
It is important for a user to understand with Related Forms, the user MUST save his/her changes before
moving on to another form. HRIS will not automatically save your changes, and changes could be lost if
a form under Related Forms is clicked before the changes are saved.
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Tutorial 15
HRIS Security
Access to HRIS forms is secured by HRIS system rules and restrictions. HRIS has developed a number of
HRIS Job Roles in the areas of HR/PR/BN, Taxes and Labor Distribution. Each HRIS Job Role has a set of
forms assigned to it. As Employees are assigned roles in their agencies, and complete required training,
they are given access to forms applicable to their job responsibilities.
Example Agency Timekeeper Specialist job role allows agency staff the forms to input
Employee Time Records. This role does not have access to the HR forms that display SSN, or the
Payroll forms to setup direct deposit.
When a user attempts to search on a form and receives the message “0 hits for XX”, that means the user
does not have security rights to that form. If he/she is supposed to have access to the form, they need
to contact the Agency Security Approver.
If a user with view only access attempts to perform an action on a form and clicks the add or change
buttons, he/she will receive the message “Security Violation” in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Although an Employee may have security to a form, not all of the information on the form may be
available to the Employee (e.g., Payroll users may have access to the Employee Master Record (HR11.1)
to lookup Employee information, but they are not allowed access to the SSN field). The Employee
Master Record is discussed in more detail in the HRIS Basics training.
Additional Portal Features
There are three additional features available in the top right corner of each HRIS form to assist users
with the HRIS System. The links include Go To, Preferences and Help.
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Tutorial 16
Preferences Option
The Preferences menu contains two options: Content and User Options.
The Content feature is used to add additional Bookmark groups to an Employee’s access. For
example, this is where the feature to view HRIS Web Reports would be added. Availability of
these links depends on the users security and HRIS Job Role.
The User Options feature allows for personalization of the HRIS portal home page. The options
include feature to determine how application forms and fields are displayed. In addition, users
can select default Lawson Printers (at this time, Lawson printers are not available). The final
option allows users to elect the Default Report Type.
o Users should not change the default Locale or Data Area.
o It is not recommended that users select the List Style Presentation. This changes how
each HRIS form opens, and does not display the form in its entirety.
o If users select the Display Field Help option, HRIS will display field help for every field on
every form. In all likelihood, displaying field help all the time will be unnecessary and a
burden to most users. At any time, a user may still access field help when needed from
any form by clicking Help in the upper right corner next to Preferences. The field help
feature will remain on until the user moves to a different form or turns it off. To turn off
field help, the user will click back on Help, then Field Help. (see next page for more
HRIS Resource Guide
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Tutorial 17
HRIS Resource Guide
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Tutorial 18
Help Option
The Help option provides access to various online help within HRIS. Information is accessible from every
application form, so there is no need for bulky printed documentation. Help options include:
About Learn what version of HRIS you are using.
Hotkeys Find a list of HRIS keyboard functions
Form Help Understand more information about a particular Form’s function. This feature is
not accessible from the Portal Home Page; you must be on an HRIS form to see this option.
Field Help Understand a particular Field’s function. This feature is not accessible from the
Portal Home Page; you must be on an HRIS form to see this option.
Users are encouraged to check out the Help section and try these options to uncover user benefits.
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Tutorial 19
Hot Keys
Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts used to quickly perform specific operations with keyboard keystrokes.
Infor Lawson ERP Forms
Perform Submit Action
Form Transfer
Perform Close/Cancel Action
Open/Select Field Context
Perform Refresh Action
Move to Action Selection
Perform Delete Action
Perform Add Transaction
Perform Next Action
Perform Change Transaction
Perform Previous Action
Perform Inquire Transaction
Perform Page Up Action
Clear To End of Form
Perform Page Down Action
Clear Entire Form
Tab Page Up
Clear Current Field
Tab Page Down
Open Define Screen
Position in First Field
Open Attachments Screen
Display Field Help
Open Drill Screen
Display Form Help
Copy Detail Field
Display Hotkeys Help
Copy Detail Field Inverse
Position in Search Box
Display Field Information
Position in Toolbar
Display Form Wizard
Open New Window
Position Focus in Detail
Display Home Page
Position Focus in Detail Tab
Show Context Menu
Scroll Next Field Value
Down Arrow
Toggle status bar
Scroll Previous Field Value
Up Arrow
Open a new tab
Move to Next Row
Shift+Down Arrow
Close the current tab
Move to Previous Row
Shift+Up Arrow
Cycle through the open tabs
Perform Release
Infor Lawson ERP Jobs and Reports
Form Transfer
Completed Jobs
Active Jobs
Print Files
Waiting Jobs
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Tutorial 20
HRIS Reporting
HRIS provides users with numerous types of standard reports and reporting tools to extract information
out of the HRIS system. The various reports include:
HR Writer Reports this product allows agencies to create ad-hoc reports from HRIS database
information. Users must attend special training to gain access to the HR Writer Tool.
HRIS Standard Reports these reports also vary based on the HRIS Job Role assigned to the user.
Standard reports come in various types:
o Listings of data these reports provide a list of information based on the report. For
example, the Supervisor listing would provide a list of all Supervisor Codes.
o Update report this report is typically run before processing an update action on the
HRIS database. For example, a retroactive pay creates a report of what it will change;
the user can then review this report before updating the Employee’s information.
After accessing a Standard Report Form, the user defines the report parameters (selection criteria),
enters the appropriate information in the fields and submits the report to be processed (run). The report
parameters determine what information the report displays. After the report is processed, results can
be viewed online or printed in several formats. The report parameters can be saved and run over and
over again.
Users can find more information about Reports training on the HRIS website.