Print Management On-Premises
Version 2.8
Administrator's Guide
December 2018
Overview........................................................................................................ 4
Using Lexmark Management Console.......................................................6
Accessing Lexmark Management Console.................................................................................................. 6
Configuring the application...............................................................................................................................6
Configuring chunk size for device discovery and policy updates..........................................................9
Scheduling cleanup tasks................................................................................................................................10
Setting up multiple domain support..............................................................................................................10
Using Print Management Console............................................................12
Accessing Print Management Console........................................................................................................ 12
Configuring Print Management Console......................................................................................................12
Using the Print Management Console features......................................................................................... 14
Testing the solution...........................................................................................................................................22
Managing and generating a report.......................................................... 23
Using Lexmark Management Console........................................................................................................ 23
Using Print Management Console................................................................................................................24
Cannot log in to the web portal.....................................................................................................................25
Cannot find users.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Firmware failure [9yy.xx]..................................................................................................................................25
An application error about a missing bean on the home screen.........................................................25
Profile server is not responding.................................................................................................................... 25
Unable to add new devices using LMC...................................................................................................... 26
“Out of Policy” error message still appears even after multiple tries to update the policy...........26
“Unsupported Device” error message appears when installing a badge reader to the
“Unable to Read Badge Data” error message appears when swiping the badge..........................26
Print jobs submitted by the users do not appear in the print queue...................................................27
An error has occurred when swiping the badge.......................................................................................27
Page count is inaccurate.................................................................................................................................28
Contents 2
Notices......................................................................................................... 46
Contents 3
Use the Lexmark
Print Management OnPremises solution to print documents from a central print queue.
Send your
to the server from a computer, a mobile device, the web, or through email where they are held
until printed. Jobs that are not printed after a
period are deleted automatically.
The solution supports the following features:
Require users to authenticate when using the standard functions of the printer. These functions include
copying, faxing, emailing, and scanning to FTP or to a network.
Let another user (called a delegate) print your jobs.
Authenticate using your badge, card, PIN, or user name and password.
Track user quota and usage.
Send print jobs using AirPrint.
Lexmark Print Management OnPremises also lets you send print jobs using the following:
Google Chrome
Mobile device
Web portal
The solution can also be used to do the following:
Track jobs from a printer that is connected to the workstation using the USB port. For more information, see
the Local Printer Management Agent Print Tracker Component User’s Guide.
Find workstations that have print jobs using the LPM Hybrid Print Release application as an alternative to
using Active Directory or cloud storage. For more information, see Appendix H of the Lexmark Print
Management On
Premises Configuration Guide. For more information on serverless print release, see the
Lexmark Print Management Serverless Administrator’s Guide.
For information on how to print using this solution, see the User’s Guide.
For information on how to print from your mobile device, see the Lexmark Mobile Print User’s Guide.
Overview 4
For a list of supported printers and their firmwarelevel support, see the Print Release Device Support White
This document provides instructions on how to configure and troubleshoot the solution.
Overview 5
Using Lexmark Management Console
Accessing Lexmark Management Console
Before you begin, make sure that:
For Lexmark Document Distributor version 4.0 or earlier, you have Adobe® Flash® Player version 10 or later.
If your web browser settings do not allow ActiveX® controls to run, then update the plugin manually by
visiting the Adobe website.
Web browser cookies are enabled.
1 Open a web browser, and then type either of the following URLs:
Where hostname is the host name or IP address of the server.
2 Log in as an administrator.
The default user name and password is admin.
If the Lexmark Management Console is
to connect to an LDAP server, then use your LDAP
user name and password.
It may take several minutes to start all services when the server is
booted. If the Lexmark Management
Console cannot be accessed immediately after booting the system, then wait a few minutes, and then try again.
Configuring the application
Changing the status of the server
Print Management lets administrators control whether jobs are sent to the server from the load balancer.
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the System tab.
2 Select a server.
3 Click Set Online or Set
Before setting the server online, make sure that your printer has sucient licenses. For more
information on purchasing licenses, contact your Lexmark Technical Program Manager.
Setting the server
still allows administrators to stay connected to the server.
Configuring the application settings for your environment
Note: Before changing the settings, contact your Lexmark Solutions Development and Integration
representative to make sure that the change is appropriate and necessary.
Using Lexmark Management Console 6
During the initial installation, your Lexmark Integration Specialist configures the settings of the solution to meet
the needs of your environment. If you need to modify the settings because of user feedback or configuration
changes within your environment, then do the following:
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the Solutions tab.
2 From the Solutions section, select PrintReleasev2.
3 From the Tasks section, select Configuration, and then change the settings.
4 Click Apply.
Adding printers to a device group
Before adding devices to the solution, make sure that you have obtained licenses from your Lexmark Technical
Program Manager.
Add devices to the existing device group to have the same local settings as all other devices in the group.
Creating groups also lets you organize all your devices, such as by location, and modify
in the local settings, such as Print All Settings.
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the Device Groups tab.
2 From the Device Groups section, click +, and then type a unique name.
Note: To use the existing group, select the name of your device.
3 From the Tasks section, select Discovery Profiles.
4 In the address field, type the IP address of the printer, and then click Add.
You can add only one IP address at a time.
Do not fill up any information in the fields unless that information is already configured on the added
5 Click Discover.
6 From the Discovery section, select Discover new devices only, and then click Discover.
7 Click Done.
Note: To verify that your printer is successfully added, click Summary or Discovered Devices from the Tasks
Configuring the home screen
When new printers are added to the solution, you may need to configure the home screen for the following
The printer is part of a new device group.
The printer is a dierent model from the printer that was configured previously.
Because dierent device classes have dierent capabilities, you must configure a separate custom home
screen for each device class. For a list of supported printers in each device class, see the Print Release Device
Support White Paper.
Using Lexmark Management Console 7
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the Device Groups tab.
2 From the Device Groups section, select a device group.
3 From the Tasks section, click Home Screen, and then select the type of printer to
4 Select Use this home screen as part of the device groups policy.
5 In the Layout menu, select the number of buttons to show on the home screen.
6 Assign a button, action, and profile to each function.
Function Action Profile
Copy Copy + Profile CopyTrack
Fax Fax + Profile Use either of the following:
Email Email + Profile EmailTrack
FTP FTP + Profile N/A
Print Management Single Profile Print Release
Scan to Network Single Profile ScantoNetwork
Note: Unassigned buttons do not show on the home screen.
7 Click Apply.
Note: For more information on customizing the home screen for a device group, see the Lexmark Document
Distributor Administrator's Guide.
Deploying applications to the printer
Before you begin, deploy the applications to the printer. Also configure the deployment and the home screen
settings of all supported applications. For more information on deploying the applications, see the Deployment
White Paper that came with the applications.
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the Device Groups tab.
2 From the Device Groups section, select Print Release.
3 From the Tasks section, select eSF Configuration, and then configure the deployment settings in the
following order:
card reader drivers: keyboardreader, omnikey5427ckdriver, ominikeydriver
badgeauth or cardAuth
IdleScreen is available only in Lexmark Print Management OnPremises version 2.5 or earlier.
mobileAuth is available only in Lexmark Print Management OnPremises version 2.6 or earlier.
Using Lexmark Management Console 8
By default, the compatible Embedded Solutions Framework (eSF) level and the recommended
deployment order are installed.
4 From the eSF Applications section, do one or more of the following:
To change the deployment order, click the up or down arrow button.
To remove applications from a policy update, from the “Deploy to” section, clear the check box
corresponding to the application.
5 Click Save Settings.
6 From the Tasks section, click Policy Update > Update Policy.
Note: The deployment can take from one to two minutes. For more information on how to improve the
policy update performance, see
“Configuring chunk size for device discovery and policy updates” on
page 9.
7 Click Done.
Configuring Universal Configuration File (UCF)
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the Solutions tab.
2 From the Solutions section, select PrintReleasev2.
3 From the Tasks section, select Security Setup Files, and then configure the settings.
BadgeAuth—Create an LDAP security building block that is compatible with eTask2 devices.
BadgeAuth2—Similar to BadgeAuth except that it is compatible with eTask2+ devices or later.
CardAuth_e5—Secure access to eTask5 devices using a card reader.
MobileAuth_e5—Secure access to eTask5 devices using a mobile device.
MobileAuth_e5 is available only in Lexmark Print Management OnPremises version 2.6 or earlier.
To remove eSF applications from a policy update, from the “Deploy to” section, clear the check box
corresponding to the application.
4 Click Apply.
Configuring chunk size for device discovery and policy
When using three or more servers, reducing the chunk size increases the speed of device discovery and policy
1 Access Lexmark Management Console from your Web browser, and then click the Services tab.
2 From the Services section, select General.
3 From the Tasks section, select Parameters.
4 In the ChunkSize
enter a new value.
Note: When using three or more servers, a value as low as 2 may be appropriate.
5 Click Apply.
Using Lexmark Management Console 9
Scheduling cleanup tasks
Lexmark Print Management can establish total or color user quotas on a monthly or yearly basis. It can also limit
function access by user or group and manage temporary badges. Schedule tasks to run for each feature to
update and clean up data periodically.
If you are using quotas, then reset the quotas to delete the data from the previous year automatically and let
users start with refreshed quotas. Schedule this task to run once a year on a schedule that works best for your
business processes. For example, many schools run this task at the beginning of each school year.
If you are using function access, then update the group information periodically to provide access to the
functions granted to their user role. Set the frequency that this task runs by how frequently users move around
within groups in your environment.
For temporary badges, make sure to reset the user information associated with the badges. When the badge
is assigned to a new user, the new user must re-register and cannot gain access to the previous user’s jobs.
Set the frequency that this task runs by how long you assign temporary badges.
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the System tab.
2 From the System section, select Schedule.
3 Click Add > Script > Next > None > Next.
4 Select a solution and the script associated with your task.
ResetFAUserGroup—The function access limit of the group is reset.
PrintDelete—The print jobs are deleted automatically after a time.
GenerateCSV—The report is generated after a time.
TempBadgeDelete—The temporary badge data is deleted.
ResetQuota—The user quotas is reset annually.
ResetUserGroup—The users that are already defined in the database to their current group are updated.
5 Click Next.
6 From the “Choose the frequency” dialog, specify the start date and time, and how often the cleanup occurs.
7 Click Finish.
Setting up multiple domain support
Multiple domain support lets the device accept multiple domain
so that
users under
domains can use the device.
1 Enable multiple domain support in Lexmark Management Console.
a From the Lexmark Management Console, click the Solutions tab.
b From the Solutions section, click PrintReleasev2.
c From the Tasks section, click Configuration.
d From the
(PrintReleasev2) section, in the LDAP MultiDomain Support menu, select
e Click Apply.
Note: If Mobile Print is installed, then also enable LDAP MultiDomain Support for mobileprint.
Using Lexmark Management Console 10
2 Configure the following files:
Note: For default installation, you can find these files at C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\apps\idm
\WEB-INF\classes and C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\apps\printrelease\WEBINF\classes,
respectively. For more information, see the Lexmark Print Management Installation Guide.
3 Restart Lexmark Solution Application Server in Windows® Services.
Using Lexmark Management Console 11
Using Print Management Console
You need administrative rights to use the Print Management Console administrator portal.
Accessing Print Management Console
Note: If you are using Internet Explorer®, then use version 11 or later.
1 Open a web browser, and then type either of the following URLs:
Where hostname is the host name or IP address of the Print Management server.
2 Log in as an administrator.
The default user name and password is admin.
If the Print Management Console is configured to connect to an LDAP server, then use your LDAP
user name and password.
Configuring Print Management Console
1 Click on the upperright corner of the Print Management Console.
2 Do any of the following:
Set the Print Management Console login
a Click Login.
b In the Type menu, do either of the following:
To use the Lexmark Management Console authentication, select LMC Login.
To use the LDAP authentication, select LDAP Login, and then configure the settings.
c Click Save Changes.
Restrict access to the configuration settings
a Click
b In the Authentication menu, do either of the following:
To use a password, select Password, and then provide a password.
To use your LDAP credentials, select LDAP Group, and then type the group name.
Note: Make sure that the Print Management Console login is LDAP Login. For more information,
“Set the Print Management Console login” on page 12.
c Click Save Changes.
Using Print Management Console 12
Show more features
By default, the only visible features on the pages are Dashboard, Print Queue, Delegates, and Badges.
a Click Feature Options > Settings.
b Select the features to show.
Note: For more information on each feature, see “Using the Print Management Console features” on
page 14.
c Click Save Changes.
Manage e-mail reports
The reports are based on the default dashboard.
A maximum of only five reports are stored in the server.
Depending on the size of the report, its delivery time may vary.
The download file is a .zip file that contains CSV files that are named after each card in the
Large data such as data that is longer than two years may cause an error to the e-mail reporting
a Click Feature Options > E-mail Reporting, and then do any of the following:
To se n d email reports, select Enable E-mail Reporting.
To specify the frequency of e-mail reports,
the Reporting Schedule section.
To specify the sender, recipient, and default language of the e-mail reports,
the Email
Defaults section.
the SMTP server,
the E-mail Setup section.
To specify the location of the reports, configure the Reports Storage Location section.
Note: If the location is on a
server or in an enterprise environment with multiple servers,
then share the reports with readandwrite access.
b Click Save Changes.
Manage AirPrint settings
a Click AirPrint, and then do any of the following:
To change the server status, click Server Status.
To configure server settings, click General.
print settings, click Printing or Paper Options.
To view the DNS record, click DNS Record.
b Click Save Changes.
Manage LDAP settings
a Add, edit, or delete servers by configuring the following files:
Using Print Management Console 13
Note: For default installation, you can find these files at C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\apps\idm
\WEB-INF\classes and C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\apps\printrelease\WEBINF\classes
respectively. For more information, see the Lexmark Print Management Installation Guide.
b Restart Lexmark Solution Application Server in Windows Services.
Using the Print Management Console features
By default, the only visible features on the page are Dashboard, Print Queue, Delegates, and Badges. To show
more, see
“Show more features” on page 13.
Note: The setting
from the Lexmark Reports Aggregator Service determines the frequency of
when the data is refreshed. For more information, see the Lexmark Print Management On
Configuration Guide.
1 From the Print Management Console, click Dashboards.
2 Do any of the following:
Create a dashboard
Click Actions > Dashboard > Create.
b Type a unique name.
Note: Dashboard names are case sensitive.
c Click Create.
Note: You can also copy or delete existing dashboards.
Create cards
Select a dashboard, and then click Actions > Add Card.
b Type a unique name.
c Select a report type, and then configure its settings.
Note: For more information on report types, see
“Understanding reports” on page 15.
d Click Add Card > Done.
For the top user report, the ID of the users who released the jobs are shown.
The environmental impact computations are using the Paper Calculator from Environmental Paper
Network. For more information, go to
Change card layout
Select a dashboard, and then click Actions > Change View.
b Select the number of columns.
Using Print Management Console 14
Rename the dashboard
Select a dashboard, and then click Actions > Dashboard > Rename.
b Type a unique name.
Note: Dashboard names are case sensitive.
c Click Rename.
Note: You can also change the dashboard name from the Edit page.
Setting a default dashboard
The default dashboard has a beside its name from the list of dashboards.
Select a dashboard, and then click Actions > Dashboard > Set as Default.
Manage email reports
Click Actions > Dashboard > Setup Reporting.
Note: For more information, see
“Manage e-mail reports” on page 13.
Understanding reports
Report type Report items
Color versus Mono—Shows the total number of printed color
and blackandwhite jobs.
Card Name
Chart Type
Date Range
Duplex versus Simplex—Shows the total number of printed two-
sided and one-sided jobs.
Job Type—Shows the total number of sent jobs per type.
Printed versus Deleted—Shows the number of pages that are
printed and the number of pages that are deleted, based on the
number of submitted pages. Pages that are deleted are expired
or were removed manually.
Environmental Impact—Shows some analysis on the printer
usage, such as potential savings and environmental impact.
Card Name
Unit of Measurement—Lets you select either
the English or metric system when viewing the
Date Range
Pages Printed—Shows the total number of printed jobs.
Card Name
Chart Type
Date Range
Interval—Lets you view the daily, weekly,
monthly, or yearly data of the report.
Note: Selecting Auto shows the weekly data.
Top Printers by Job Type—Shows the printers with the highest
usage per job type. The graph is sorted based on the page count.
Card Name
Job Type
Number of Printers
Date Range
Using Print Management Console 15
Report type Report items
Top Users by Job Type—Shows the users with the highest usage
per job type. The graph is sorted based on the page count.
Card Name
Job Type
Number of Users
Date Range
Print and Reprint Queues
Use the Print Queue feature to view all submitted jobs that are not yet printed or deleted.
Use the Reprint Queue feature to view all submitted jobs that are printed at least once but not yet deleted.
1 Depending on your configuration, from the Print Management Console, do either of the following:
Click Print Queue or Reprint Queue.
Click Print Jobs > Print Queue or Reprint Queue.
2 Manage the print jobs.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter field, and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Show or hide columns by clicking .
Refresh the list by clicking .
Delegate, print, or delete print jobs.
Note: When delegating to groups, only the group ID is shown on the Print Management Console user
View and manage user or group delegates.
A delegate is a user who is allowed to print another user’s jobs. For example, an administrative assistant may
print jobs submitted by an executive.
You can assign an individual as the delegate or as part of a delegate group for more than one user.
However, you can assign only one individual delegate or delegate group to each user.
When delegating to groups, only the group ID is shown on the Print Management Console user portal.
1 From the Print Management Console, click Delegates.
2 Manage the delegates.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter field, and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete users or groups.
Using Print Management Console 16
For groups, you can add only one member at a time.
If multiple domain support is enabled, then use the [email protected] format. For more
information, see
“Setting up multiple domain support” on page 10.
If "Update delegation for existing jobs" is not selected, then the delegate can print only future
Increase security by adding a Print Release PIN to a user account. If Print Release PIN is not used, then Card
Authentication PIN is used. For more information on Card Authentication, see the Card Authentication
Administrator’s Guide.
1 Depending on your configuration, from the Print Management Console, do either of the following:
Click PIN.
Click Security > PIN.
2 Manage the PINs.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter field, and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete PINs.
Note: You can create a random PIN by clicking Generate PIN.
Import or export PINs.
Note: When importing, use a CSV file with the pin, userid format.
PIN settings
1 Click on the upperright corner of the Print Management Console.
2 Click Feature Options > PIN.
the settings.
Note: If Unique PIN is enabled, then make sure that there are no duplicate Print Release PINs in the Print
Management Console. For more information, see
“PIN” on page 17.
4 Click Save Changes.
Using Print Management Console 17
Manage badges registered for the solution.
the solution to let users register their badges when using the solution for the
time. For
more information, see the Card Authentication Administrator’s Guide.
1 Depending on your configuration, from the Print Management Console, do either of the following:
Click Badge.
Click Security > Badge.
2 Manage the badges.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter field, and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Show or hide columns by clicking .
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete badges.
Make sure that the badge ID is mapped to your operating system user ID to get the print jobs
from the print queue.
You can only add one badge ID at a time.
You can also create a temporary badge ID for a user.
Import or export badges.
Note: When importing, use a CSV file with the badgeid, userid format.
Configuring badge columns
1 Click on the upperright corner of the Print Management Console.
2 Click Feature Options > Badge.
3 Configure the following:
Registered Device—The printer where the badge was registered
Last Used Device—The printer where the badge was last used
4 Click Save Changes.
Function Access
Manage user or group access to printer functions.
1 Depending on your configuration, from the Print Management Console, do either of the following:
Click Function Access.
Click Security > Function Access.
Using Print Management Console 18
2 Manage the access to printer functions.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter
and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete accesses.
Set the default access to printer functions.
a Depending on your configuration, do either of the following:
Click Groups > Defaults.
Click Users > Defaults.
b Select any of the following:
Allow Copy
Allow Color Copies
Allow only Mono Copies on Color Devices
Allow Email
Allow Fax
Allow Scan to Network
Allow Print
Allow Color Print
Allow only Mono Print on Color Devices
Allowing group access to printer functions
1 Click on the upperright corner of the Print Management Console.
2 Click Feature Options > Function Access.
3 In the Groups menu, select Ye s.
4 Click Save Changes.
View and manage user and group print quotas.
1 From the Print Management Console, click Quotas.
2 Manage quotas.
Filter the list by selecting a quota type, typing the keywords in the Filter
and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Show or hide columns by clicking .
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete quotas.
Using Print Management Console 19
Add the group associated with the Active Directory
group manually. The group name must match
the name in the Active Directory group.
A user quota is established depending on their Active Directory group.
The individual user quota supersedes the group quota.
Configuring quota settings
Manage user and group quotas on a monthly or annual basis. Depending on your configuration, the user
receives a new allocation of pages on the first day of each month or year. Unused pages are not carried over
from the previous time frame.
1 Click on the upperright corner of the Print Management Console.
2 Click Feature Options > Quota.
the following:
Type—Lets you select when the running quota is refreshed
Groups—Lets you select whether the quota is applied on a group
Allow Edit
4 Click Save Changes.
Manage user or group restrictions when printing. Print policies are predefined settings that are enabled when
printing jobs. They override the print settings configured by a user.
Note: To enforce print policies during job submission, make sure that the Lexmark Print Management Client
is installed on the user’s computer. For more information, contact your Lexmark representative.
1 From the Print Management Console, click Policies.
2 Manage the policies.
Filter the list by typing keywords such as the policy name in the Filter field, and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, copy, or delete a policy.
Note: For more information, see the Lexmark Print Management Configuration Guide.
Add, edit, or delete users or groups.
Assign policies to users or groups.
Allowing group policies
1 Click on the upperright corner of the Print Management Console.
2 Click Feature Options > Policies.
Using Print Management Console 20
3 In the Groups menu, select Ye s.
4 Click Save Changes.
Alternate Locations
View jobs on a printer, and print them on another printer.
1 Depending on your configuration, from the Print Management Console, do either of the following:
Click Alternate Locations.
Click Device Functions > Alternate Locations.
2 Manage the printers.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter field, and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete the printers.
Release IP—The IP address of the printer where the print job is submitted
Alternate IP—The IP address of the printer where the print job is printed
Alternate Display Name
Alternate Model Name
Alternate Device is Color
PrintTrack Devices
Track user print jobs that are not sent to the printer print queue.
You can still print jobs through a shared Windows operating system print queue, but directly to the printer
instead of being held before printing. To store the information with the print job data, add the information using
the PrintTrack Device feature. If the information is not added, then the model and the device type are not stored
in the usage date.
1 Depending on your configuration, from the Print Management Console, do either of the following:
Click PrintTrack Devices.
Click Device Functions > PrintTrack Devices.
2 Manage the sites.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter field, and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete sites.
Site—The location where the print job is printed
Address—The IP address of the printer where the print job is printed
Model Name—The printer model number or custom text such as the printer friendly name
Using Print Management Console 21
Model Type
Printer Nicknames
Printer nicknames are friendly names that are used on the email watcher. The email watcher uses them when
monitoring the email server to retrieve jobs.
1 Depending on your
from the Print Management Console, do either of the following:
Click Printer Nicknames.
Click Device Functions > Printer Nicknames.
2 Manage the printers.
Filter the list by typing the keywords in the Filter
and then clicking .
Note: Do not use special characters or symbols.
Refresh the list by clicking .
Add, edit, or delete printers.
Testing the solution
After changing the
or adding devices to the device group,
a client workstation to make
sure that print queueing is working properly.
1 Open the printer wizard.
In Windows 10 operating system
a From the control panel, navigate to the Devices and Printers window.
b Click Add a printer.
In Windows 8 operating system
From the Search charm, navigate to:
Apps list > Run > type control printers > OK > Add devices and printers
In Windows 7 and Vista
operating system
a Click > Run.
b In the Start Search dialog box, type control printers.
c Click Add a printer > Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.
2 Select the option that lets you connect to your network printer, and then type the destination folder where
your printer is located.
3 Set the printer as default, and then select the option that lets you print a page, if prompted.
4 From the printer home screen, touch Print Release.
5 Select the print job that contains the test page, and then touch Print Selected.
Using Print Management Console 22
Managing and generating a report
Using Lexmark Management Console
Generating reports
Export the data from the usage tracking database to a CSV or a PDF file for data analysis.
1 From the Lexmark Management Console, click the System tab.
2 From the Systems section, select Reports.
3 From the Available Reports section, select PR Full Data Export, and then specify the reporting period.
4 Select the output format.
5 Do either of the following:
Save the report
Select Save To, and then click ... beside the text field.
b Specify the folder path.
c If the folder is password protected, then provide the necessary credentials.
d Click OK.
Email the report
Select Email To, and then click ... beside the text field.
b Specify the email settings.
c Click OK.
6 If necessary, add more parameters.
7 Click Run Report.
Adding a custom report
1 From the Available Reports section, click +.
2 Type a unique report name, and then configure the settings.
3 Click Save.
Scheduling reports
1 Access Lexmark Management Console from your Web browser, and then click the System tab.
2 From the System section, select Schedule, and then click Add.
Note: If you want to modify the existing schedule, then select the scheduled task, and then click Edit.
3 From the “Choose task” dialog, select Report, and then click Next.
4 From the Available Reports section, select PR Full Data Export, and then specify the reporting period.
Managing and generating a report 23
5 Select the output format you want to generate.
PDF—This generates a report in PDF format.
CSV—This generates a report in Excel format.
6 If you want to save the exported
then do the following:
a Select the Save To check box, and then click the button next to the “Save to” field.
b Specify the path of the folder where you want to save the
and then click OK.
7 If you want to send the report to an email address, then do the following:
a Select the Email To check box, and then click the button next to the “Email to” field.
b Specify the recipient of your email and other information, and then click OK.
8 Click Next.
9 From the “Choose the frequency” dialog, specify the start date and time and how often the generated report
runs, and then click Finish.
Using Print Management Console
Generating reports
1 From the Print Management Console, click Dashboards.
2 Select a dashboard, and then select a card.
Exporting reports
1 From the Print Management Console, generate a report.
2 Click , and then click Export.
Managing and generating a report 24
Cannot log in to the web portal
Try one or more of the following:
Make sure that the user credentials are correct
If the Print Management server is configured to connect to an LDAP server, then use your LDAP user name
and password.
If the Print Management server is
to support multiple domains, then select a domain, and then
type your user name and password.
Contact your LDAP administrator
Cannot find users
Make sure that there are no duplicate Print Release PINs in the Print Management Console
For more information, see “PIN” on page 17.
Firmware failure [9yy.xx]
on the device needs to be updated.
Contact Lexmark Help Desk for more information on the latest firmware update.
An application error about a missing bean on the home
Restart the Lexmark Solutions Application Server service on the LDD server.
Profile server is not responding
Make sure that all required Lexmark services on the LDD load balancer are running
1 From the LDD load balancer, navigate to:
Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
2 Make sure that the following services are in a Started state:
Firebird Server Default Instance
Lexmark Solutions Backup and Restore Agent
Troubleshooting 25
Lexmark Solutions Apache Agent
Lexmark Solutions Web (or Protocol)
Lexmark Solutions License Manager
Make sure that Lexmark Solutions Application Server is running
Restart the Lexmark Solutions Application Server service on the LDD server.
Unable to add new devices using LMC
Make sure that your printer has sucient licenses
1 From LMC, click the System tab, and then select Licenses.
2 Check if the licenses of your printer are added on the server and are not expired.
Note: If you have not purchased licenses or if the licenses are expired, then contact your Lexmark
Te chn i c al Pr o g ram M a n a ger.
“Out of Policy” error message still appears even after
multiple tries to update the policy
The licenses may not be
to allow the number of devices in the group. Contact your Lexmark
Technical Program Manager to determine the number of printers for which licensing was purchased.
“Unsupported Device” error message appears when
installing a badge reader to the printer
Make sure that the appropriate driver is installed on the printer
If you do not know the driver that is required, then check another working printer in the environment or
contact Lexmark Help Desk.
“Unable to Read Badge Data” error message appears
when swiping the badge
Make sure the badge reader has the correct configuration file
If you do not know the required configuration file, then check another working printer in your environment
or contact Lexmark Help Desk.
Troubleshooting 26
Print jobs submitted by the users do not appear in the
print queue
Try one or more of the following:
Make sure that the user credentials are correct
If the Print Management server is configured to connect to an LDAP server, then use your LDAP user name
and password.
If the Print Management server is configured to support multiple domain, then select a domain, and then
type your user name and password.
For Microsoft Windows operating system, make sure that the Lexmark Universal Print
Driver of your shared printer is installed on your computer and that the port is
to the Print Management server
For more information, contact Lexmark Help Desk.
For Mac OS operating system software, make sure that the generic print driver is installed
on your computer
For more information, contact Lexmark Help Desk.
Make sure that the document name and the user ID are correct and that the user is not
logged in using a dierent user ID when printing
For more information, see “Print and Reprint Queues” on page 16.
Make sure that the badge ID is registered to the correct user ID
For more information, see “Badge” on page 18.
An error has occurred when swiping the badge
Make sure that the badge ID is registered to the Print Management Console
For more information, see “Badge” on page 18.
Restart the printer
The card reader may be having issues that require the printer to be restarted.
Troubleshooting 27
Page count is inaccurate
Make sure that the print jobs are not sent until they are finished spooling
1 From the printer folder, rightclick your printer, and then click Printer properties or Properties.
2 Click the Advanced tab, and then select the following check boxes:
Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster.
Start printing after last page is spooled.
3 Click OK.
Note: Print Management page count tracking is for trending purposes only and is not designed for
Troubleshooting 28
Contacting Lexmark Help Desk
When contacting Lexmark Help Desk, make sure that you have the following information to expedite handling
of issues:
The PIN of your company, if provided.
The version of LDD your printer is currently connected to.
To obtain the version, do the following:
1 Access Lexmark Management Console from your Web browser.
2 From the top section of the page, click About.
The version of the Print Management solution you are currently using.
To obtain the version, do the following:
1 Access Lexmark Management Console from your Web browser.
2 Click the Solutions tab, and then select PrintReleasev2 in the Solutions section.
3 From the Tasks section, select Summary, and then find the version section.
Understanding Print Management database fields
Usage data field Description
ID The unique ID referenced to a job.
SITE The location where the job is submitted.
The name of the user who submitted the job. This data matches your operating system
user ID.
SUBMITIP The IP address of the printer where the job is submitted.
PRINTJOBNAME The name of a print job.
SUBMITDATE The date and time the print job is submitted.
FINALDATE The date and time the print job is printed.
The job performed by the user.
P—A print job is printed.
D—A job is deleted.
C—A copy job is printed.
F—A fax job is printed.
E—An email job is printed.
T—An FTP job is printed.
S—A scan job is printed to a network.
FINALSITE The printer where the job is printed.
* Basic Print Management supports tracking for printing and deleting of print jobs only. The solution tracks other
standard printer functions if authentication is used to access the function and if you purchased the tracking option.
Appendix 29
Usage data field Description
NUMPAGES The number of pages a job contains.
RELEASEIP The IP address of the printer where the job is printed.
RELEASEUSERID The name of the user or delegate who printed the job.
RELEASEMETHOD Indicate how a job is tracked, printed, or deleted.
T—A print job is printed outside of a Print Management queue.
P—A print job is printed.
W—A print job is printed from the Print Management Console.
D—A print job is printed through a Print Management queue.
T—A copy job is printed from the Lexmark Management Console.
T—An email job is printed from the Lexmark Management Console.
T—A fax job is printed from the Lexmark Management Console.
S—A fax job is printed through a fax feature of the printer.
R—A fax job is submitted through a fax feature of the printer.
T—An FTP job is printed through an FTP.
T—A scan job is sent to a network.
W—A print job is deleted from the Print Management Console.
U—A print job is deleted from the printer.
A—A print job is automatically deleted from the queue or is expired.
PRINTJOBCOLOR Show whether a job is printed in color or in black and white.
Y—A job is printed in color.
N—A job is printed in black and white.
PRINTJOBDUPLEX Show whether a job is printed on one or both sides of the page.
Y—A job is printed on both sides of the page.
N—A job is printed on one side of the page.
PRINTJOBPAPERSIZE The size of the paper used for the print job.
RELEASEMODEL The model name of the printer for the print job.
RELEASEMODELTYPE The type of printer used for the print job.
C—The job is printed using a color printer.
M—The job is printed using a monochrome printer.
U—The job is printed using an unknown printer.
* Basic Print Management supports tracking for printing and deleting of print jobs only. The solution tracks other
standard printer functions if authentication is used to access the function and if you purchased the tracking option.
Appendix 30
Usage data field Description
RELEASEHOSTNAME The IP address of the printer where the job is printed.
DESTINATION The location where the email and the fax jobs are sent.
PROFILE Show the profile executed to complete the job.
CUSTOM1 More information from a defined LDAP attribute.
* Basic Print Management supports tracking for printing and deleting of print jobs only. The solution tracks other
standard printer functions if authentication is used to access the function and if you purchased the tracking option.
Solutions setting index
Item Can
Values Description
<any text string> The descriptor for the name of the site tracked in
a print job. Use this item only when the solution is
used across customer locations.
User Authentication
Provided by Device
Badge with Database Lookup
Badge with LDAP Lookup
PIN with Database Lookup
PIN with LDAP Lookup
Userid Only
Determines the method used for authenticating
user IDs.
If the Badge Auth eSF or PKI/CAC
application is installed and used, then set it
to Provided by Device.
If the badges or PIN values are stored in the
database tables, then the Database Lookup
setting is used.
Use Active Directory or LDAP for LDAP
Userid/Password and Userid Only require
users to enter their credentials on the
printer control panel.
Custom refers to a custom authentication
Alternate Badge
PIN with Database Lookup
PIN with LDAP Lookup
An authentication method where the badges are
the primary login and the users are allowed to
enter their credentials manually.
Note: This method does not work when Badge
Auth eSF is installed.
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 31
Item Can
Values Description
Register New Badge
Allows users to enter their LDAP credentials, if
prompted, to register their badges for the first
Note: This setting does not work when Badge
Auth eSF is installed.
Badge Prompt X <any text string>
Please Swipe Your Badge
Shows the message on the screen before the
users enter their credentials.
Note: This setting does not work when Badge
Auth eSF is installed.
Tou chs creen Print
Allows users to select the Print All option.
Note: This setting applies only to touchscreen
Keypad Only Job
User selects from the list
Print all jobs
Determines whether a user is allowed to browse
and select a print job or to print all print jobs after
Keypad Only User
Print Only
Print and Delete
Allows users to delete a print job selectively.
Note: This setting applies only to
nontouchscreen printers.
Keypad Only Print
Allows users to select all print jobs.
Note: This setting applies only to
nontouchscreen printers and when Keypad
Only Job Release is set to User selects from
the list.
Job Display Order X
Date Printed (Descending)
Date Printed (Ascending)
Determines whether print jobs are displayed in
descending or ascending order.
Job Print Order X
Date Printed (Descending)
Date Printed (Ascending)
Determines whether released print jobs are
displayed in descending or ascending order.
Directory for Print
X <any network or local path>
The location where print jobs are held or saved.
Username for Print
Job Directory
X <any text string> The name of the user with read and write
privileges to the directory specified in Directory
for Print Jobs.
Note: If a domain account is used, then the user
name is written as <domain; username>.
Password for Print
Job Directory
X <any text string> The password assigned to the user with read and
write privileges to the directory specified in
Directory for Print Jobs.
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 32
Item Can
Values Description
Directory for
Encrypted Print Jobs
X <any network or local path>
The location where encrypted print jobs are
saved. The administrator uses PrintCryption or
smart cards to encrypt the print jobs.
Job Encryption
Device Certificate
User Certificate
Indicates the certificate used to decrypt
encrypted print jobs before the jobs are released.
If PrintCryption is used, then select Device
If smart cards are used, then select User
Delete Unprinted
Jobs After Specified
X 1–168
Indicates the number of hours that the printer
waits before a print job is deleted.
Delete Printed Jobs
After Specified
X 1–24
Indicates the number of hours that the printer
waits before a released and kept job for reprinting
is deleted.
Any value from 1 to 24 enables reprinting.
0 disables reprinting.
Function Access X
By Userid
By Group
Determines whether a user or a group accessed
certain printer functions.
User Quotas X
By Userid
By Group
Determines the number of quotas a user or group
is set for print and copy jobs.
Quota Duration X
Ye a r ly
Determines whether quotas are measured on a
monthly or yearly basis.
Default User Total
X <any positive integer value>
Indicates the initial number of pages that the user
is allowed to print or copy.
Default User Color
X <any positive integer value>
Indicates the initial number of pages that the user
is allowed to print or copy in color.
Default User Allow
Ye s
Determines whether a user is allowed to print in
Quota for Group
By Group
By User
Determines if an administrator can override the
quotas for individual users or all users in a group.
Note: This setting applies only when User
Quotas is set to By Group.
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 33
Item Can
Values Description
Show Copy Quota
Before Copy Job
After Copy Job
Determines whether users are notified of their
remaining allowable number of times to copy.
Reset Quotas X
Reset All Totals
Remove All users
Determines whether to reset the quotas or
remove the users from the quota table.
Note: This setting works only if the ResetQuotas
script is configured.
Quota Overage X
Allows users to exceed their allotted print and
copy quota.
Alternate Release
Determines whether a user is allowed to release
a job to another printer.
Enable Printing from
X Ye s
Determines whether a user can perform
advanced processing of the incoming jobs
released from a print queue in a UNI X, Linu x, O S X ,
or Micro Focus (formerly known as Novell)
operating system environment.
LDAP Multi-Domain
Allows the device to accept multiple domain
configurations, and dierent users under dierent
domains can use the device.
LDAP Server X <any text string> The LDAP server used for authentication.
Indicates the port used by the LDAP server.
389 is the standard LDAP port.
636 is the standard LDAP port with SSL.
3268 is the Global Catalog.
3269 is the Global Catalog with SSL.
Determines whether Print Management uses SSL
when querying LDAP.
LDAP Login
X <any string> The user ID used to log in to the LDAP server.
LDAP Login
X <any string> The password used to log in to the LDAP server.
LDAP Userid Type X
Principal Name
Distinguished Name
The user ID format used for LDAP login
LDAP Principal
X <any text string> Indicates the domain name used in LDAP.
Note: This domain name is used when LDAP
Userid Type is set to Principal Name.
LDAP Search Base
<any text string> The LDAP search base used with LDAP queries.
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 34
Item Can
Values Description
LDAP Use Advanced
Config File
X Ye s
Determines whether the LDAP system requires
LDD to use an Advanced Config File.
LDAP Userid
X <any text string> The name of the LDAP field containing the user
LDAP Badgeid
X <any text string> The name of the LDAP field containing the badge
Note: This setting is required when User
Authentication is set to Badge with LDAP
LDAP PinID Attribute X <any text string> The name of the LDAP field containing the PIN
Note: This setting is required when User
Authentication is set to PIN with LDAP Lookup.
LDAP Email Attribute X <any text string>
The name of the LDAP field containing the users
email addresses.
Note: This setting is required when any of the
advanced email features is used.
Directory Attribute
X <any text string>
The name of the LDAP field containing the users
home directories.
Note: This setting is required when Scan to
Network profile and destination settings are
configured in User’s Home Directory.
LDAP Custom
Attribute 1
X <any text string> Used only when users have more LDAP attributes
in tracked usage data.
LDAP Custom
Attribute 2
LDAP Custom
Attribute 3
Copy Return to
Copy Screen
X Ye s
Determines whether the printer allows users to
return to the copy home screen after completing
a copy job.
Copy Warning
X 0 999 Indicates the number of copies that a user
requires to confirm before the copy job is
999 is the factory default setting.
0 disables this feature.
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 35
Item Can
Values Description
Copy Copy Center
X <any integer> Determines the number of pages allowed on a
single copy job.
If the number of pages exceeds the
maximum, then a prompt appears informing
users to use Copy Center. Users cannot
proceed with the copy job.
0 is the factory default setting.
Copy Center Error
X <any text string>
This job is too large to be
processed on this device. It must
be sent to the Copy Center.
Shows an error message when the number of
pages exceeds the maximum number of pages
set in Copy Copy Center Threshold.
Email From Source X
Indicates what email address to use when
sending an email from a printer.
LDAP and Database use the user’s email
Device uses the email address configured
in the printer email settings.
Email User can only
send to self
X Ye s
Determines whether users send email to
themselves or to any other email addresses.
Email Send User a
Ye s
Determines whether users receive a copy of
released email jobs released.
Email Track
X Ye s
Determines whether to track the email addresses
in the “TO” field after completing an email job.
Email Send Thru X
Determines whether the user sends an email
from a printer or an LDD server.
Email Return to
Email Screen
X Ye s
Determines whether the printer allows users to
return to the email home screen after completing
an email job.
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 36
Item Can
Values Description
Email Maximum
Attachment Size
X <any integer> Determines the maximum size of the file (in
megabytes) a user can attach to an email.
0 is the factory default setting. Using the
factory default setting disables the checking
of the attachment.
If the size of the file exceeds the maximum,
then the user cannot proceed with the
email job.
Email Maximum
Size Error Message
X <any text string>
The attachment exceeds the
maximum allowed size set by your
email system; the email cannot be
Shows an error message when the size of the file
exceeds the maximum size set in Email Maximum
Attachment Size.
Fax Track
X Ye s
Determines whether the printer tracks fax
destination numbers after completing a fax job.
Scan to Network
User’s Home Directory
File Share
File Share + Userid
File Share + LDAP Attribute
Database Lookup
Determines the type of destination path when
scanning to a network.
Scan to Network
File Share
<any network or local path> Specifies the destination path from any of the File
Share options set in Scan to Network
Scan to Network
X <any text string> Specifies the subfolder of the network
Scan to Network
Create Directory
Ye s Create Only
Ye s Create and Set Permissions
Determines whether the printer creates a
directory automatically when the network
destination path set by the user does not exist.
Scan to Network
User Service Account
Prompt User for Password
Specifies the printer authentication type when
scanning to a network.
Scan to Network
X <any text string> Determines the network domain used when
scanning to a network.
Scan to Network
X <any text string> Determines the name of the user who sends the
job to a network.
Note: This setting applies only when Scan to
Network Authentication is set to Use Service
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 37
Item Can
Values Description
Scan to Network
X <any text string> Determines the password assigned to the user
who sends the job to a network.
Note: This setting applies only when Scan to
Network Authentication is set to Use Service
Scan to Network
Default Filename
X <any text string>
Specifies the name of the document sent to a
Scan to Network
Append Timestamp
Ye s
Determines the date and time appended to a
document when sent to a network.
Scan to Network
Prompt to Scan More
X Ye s
Determines whether the user selects to scan
again after completing the Scan to Network job.
Note: To let users return to the Scan to Network
home screen, set it to No.
Track Device
Ye s
Determines whether the printer host name or IP
address is recorded with the usage data.
Print Duplex Check
for Page Counts
X Disabled
Determines whether to record the printer
performing the advanced checking of jobs printed
on both sides of the page.
Print File Operations X
Use Standard Method
Use Alternate Method
Determines whether the printer saves the file in a
standard or alternate method.
Use Device Usage
for Print Stats
X Ye s
Determines whether to use the printer to track
print jobs.
Note: To prevent LDD from recording the print
jobs to the usage data, set it to Ye s.
User Server Time for
Device Usage
X Ye s
Determines whether the printer time is used for
usage data.
Note: To record LDD server time for usage data,
set it to No.
Job Separator
Determines whether the printer places a sheet of
paper between pages.
Show Print Status X Disabled
Allows you to show a status message on the
screen when printing a job.
The default value of a setting
† The item that is in the local solutions settings and can be defined per printer group
Appendix 38
Understanding standard reports
Usage by device (PR_DeviceUsageReport.jasper)
Report field Description
Device IP The IP address of the printer where you printed the job
Serial Number The serial number of the printer where you printed the job
Output Volume (Total) The total number of print and copy jobs printed
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs printed
Print (Color) The total number of jobs printed in color
Print (Mono) The total number of jobs printed in black and white
Print (Duplex) The total number of jobs printed on both sides of the paper
Copy The total number of copy jobs printed
Email The total number of email jobs printed
Fax The total number of fax jobs printed
Scan The total number of jobs sent to a network
FTP The total number of jobs sent to an FTP address
Usage by device host name (PR_DeviceUsageReport_Hostname.Jasper)
Note: The host name is obtained through DNS query. If the host name is not configured in DNS, then the IP
address will be used as substitute.
Report field Description
Device Name The name of the printer where you released the job
Output Volume (Total) The total number of print and copy jobs released
Print (Total) The total number of jobs printed
Print (Color) The total number of jobs printed in color
Print (Mono) The total number of jobs printed in black and white
Print (Duplex) The total number of jobs printed on both sides of the paper
Copy The total number of copy jobs released
Email The total number of email jobs released
Fax The total number of fax jobs released
Scan The total number of jobs sent to a network
FTP The total number of jobs sent to an FTP address
Appendix 39
Usage by device IP address and model name
Report field Description
Device IP The IP address of the printer where you printed the job
Serial Number The serial number of the printer where you printed the job
Model The model name of the printer where you printed the job
Output Volume (Total) The total number of print and copy jobs printed
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs printed
Print (Color) The total number of jobs printed in color
Print (Mono) The total number of jobs printed in black and white
Print (Duplex) The total number of jobs printed on both sides of the paper
Copy The total number of copy jobs printed
Email The total number of email jobs printed
Fax The total number of fax jobs printed
Scan The total number of jobs sent to a network
FTP The total number of jobs sent to an FTP address
Usage by device IP address, model name, and model type
Report field Description
Device IP The IP address of the printer where you printed the job
Serial Number The serial number of the printer where you printed the job
Model The model name of the printer where you printed the job
Output Volume (Total) The total number of print and copy jobs printed
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs printed
Print (Color) The total number of jobs printed in color
Print (Mono) The total number of jobs printed in black and white
Print (Duplex) The total number of jobs printed on both sides of the paper
Copy The total number of copy jobs printed
Email The total number of email jobs printed
Fax The total number of fax jobs printed
Scan The total number of jobs sent to a network
FTP The total number of jobs sent to an FTP address
Appendix 40
Detail print report by device (PR_detailPrintReportByDevice.jasper)
Group header
User The name of the user who printed the print job
Total Print The total number of pages printed
Report field Description
Device IP The IP address of the printer where you printed the print job
Serial Number The serial number of the printer where you printed the job
Print Job Name The name of the print job defined by the submitting system and extracted from the
print job header
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs printed
Color Determines whether a job is printed in color
Duplex Determines whether a job is printed on both sides of the paper
Paper Size The size of the paper selected at the time the print job was printed
Detailed print report by user (PR_DetailPrintReportByUser.jasper)
Group header
User The name of the user who released the print job
Total Print The total number of pages printed
Report field Description
Device Address The IP address of the printer where you released the print job
Print Job Name The name of the print job defined by the submitting system and extracted from the
print job header
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs released
Color Determines whether a job is printed in color
Duplex Determines whether a job is printed on both sides of the paper
Paper Size The size of the paper selected at the time the print job was released
Detailed print report by host name
Group header
User The name of the user who released the job
Total Print The total number of pages printed
Appendix 41
Report field Description
Hostname The host name of the printer where you released the job
Print Job Name The name of the print job defined by the submitting system and extracted from the
print job header
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs released
Color Whether a job is printed in color
Duplex Whether a job is printed on both sides of the paper
Paper Size The size of the paper selected at the time the job was released
Detailed print report by printer IP address, model name, and model type
(PR_detailPrintReportByUser_ IPMMT.jasper)
Group header
User The name of the user who printed the print job
Total Print The total number of pages printed
Report field Description
Device IP The IP address of the printer where you printed the print job
Serial Number The serial number of the printer where you printed the print job
Model The model name of the printer where you printed the print job
Model Type The model type of the printer where you printed the print job
Print Job Name The name of the print job defined by the submitting system and extracted from the
print job header
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs printed
Color Determines whether a job is printed in color
Duplex Determines whether a job is printed on both sides of the paper
Paper Size The size of the paper selected at the time the print job was printed
Detailed print report by printer IP address and model type
(PR_detailPrintReportByUser_ IPModelType.jasper)
Group header
User The name of the user who printed the print job
Total Print The total number of pages printed
Report field Description
Device IP The IP address of the printer where you printed the print job
Serial Number The serial number of the printer where you printed the print job
Model Type The model type of the printer where you printed the print job
Appendix 42
Report field Description
Print Job Name The name of the print job defined by the submitting system and extracted from the
print job header
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs printed
Color Determines whether a job is printed in color
Duplex Determines whether a job is printed on both sides of the paper
Paper Size The size of the paper selected at the time the print job was printed
Color or mono printing report by user (PR_ColorMonoByUser.jasper)
Report field Description
User The name of the user who released the print job
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs released
Print (Mono) The total number of jobs printed in black and white
Print (Color) The total number of jobs printed in color
Usage report
in Custom1
Group header
Custom1 The variable name defined as attribute for grouping users in LDAP database
Report field Description
User The name of the user who released the job
Copy The total number of copy jobs released
Email The total number of email jobs released
Fax The total number of fax jobs released
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs released
Print (Mono) The total number of jobs printed in black and white
Print (Color) The total number of jobs printed in color
Print (Duplex) The total number of jobs printed on both sides of the paper
Singlesided or twosided printing report by user
Report field Description
User The name of the user who released the job
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs released
Print (Simplex) The total number of jobs printed on one side of the paper
Print (Duplex) The total number of jobs printed on both sides of the paper
Appendix 43
Top or bottom 20 users report by print count (PR_top20PRINTUser.jasper
or PR_bottom20PRINTUser.jasper)
Report field Description
User The name of the user who owns the print job
Print (Total) The total number of print jobs released
% of Total The percentage of print jobs the user released against the total number of print jobs
all users released
Top or bottom 20 users report by copy count (PR_top20COPYUser.jasper
or PR_ bottom20COPYUser.jasper)
Report field Description
User The name of the user who released the copy job
Page Count (Total) The total number of copy job the user released
% of Total The percentage of copy job a user released against the total number of copy job all
users released
Top or bottom 20 users report by email count (PR_top20EMAILUser.jasper
or PR_bottom20EMAILUser.jasper)
Report field Description
User The name of the user who released the email job
Page Count (Total) The total number of email job a user released
% of Total The percentage of email job a user released against the total number of email job
all users released
Top or bottom 20 users report by scan to network count
(PR_top20SCANUser.jasper or PR_ bottom20SCANUser.jasper)
Report field Description
User The name of the user who sent the scan job to a network
Page Count (Total) The total number of scan job the user sent to a network
% of Total The percentage of scan job a user sent to a network against the total number of scan
job all users sent to a network
Appendix 44
Top or bottom 20 users report by fax count (PR_top20FAXUser.jasper or
PR_ bottom20FAXUser.jasper)
Report field Description
User The name of the user who released the fax job
Page Count (Total) The total number of fax job the user released
% of Total The percentage of fax job a user released against the total number of fax job all users
Deleted pages report by user (PR_pageDeletedByUser.jasper)
Report field Description
User The name of the user who deleted the jobs
Page Count (Total) The total number of all deleted jobs
Deleted User The total number of jobs the user deleted
Deleted System The total number of jobs the system automatically deleted
% of Total The percentage of jobs the user and the system deleted against the total number of
all deleted jobs
Appendix 45
Edition notice
December 2018
The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local
express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made
to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvements or changes in the
products or the programs described may be made at any time.
References in this publication to products, programs, or services do not imply that the manufacturer intends to
make these available in all countries in which it operates. Any reference to a product, program, or service is
not intended to state or imply that only that product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally
equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any existing intellectual property right may be
used instead. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, programs, or services,
except those expressly designated by the manufacturer, are the user’s responsibility.
For Lexmark technical support, go to
For information on Lexmark's privacy policy governing the use of this product, go to
For information on supplies and downloads, go to
© 2013 Lexmark International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Lexmark and the Lexmark logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc. in the
United States and/or other countries.
ActiveX, Windows, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, and Active Directory are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies in the United States and other countries.
Adobe Flash Player is either a registered trademark or trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United
States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
AirPrint and the AirPrint logo are trademarks of Apple, Inc.
The Software Program and any related documentation are "Commercial Items," as that term is
in 48
C.F.R. 2.101, "Computer Software" and "Commercial Computer Software Documentation," as such terms are
used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. 227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 or 48 C.F.R.
Notices 46
227.7202-1 through 227.7207-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Software
Documentation are licensed to the U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only
those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein.
Notices 47
“Out of Policy” error message still
appears even after multiple tries
to update the policy
troubleshooting 26
“Unable to Read Badge Data”
error message appears when
swiping the badge
troubleshooting 26
“Unsupported Device” error
message appears when installing
a badge reader to the printer
troubleshooting 26
Lexmark Management
Console 6
accessing Print Management
Console 12
adding badges 18
adding delegates 16
adding function access 18
adding PIN 17
adding policies 20
adding printers 21, 22
adding printers to a device
group 7
adding quotas 19
adding sites 21
adding temporary badges 18
AirPrint settings
managing 12
allowing group access to printer
functions 18
allowing group policies 20
Alternate Locations
using 21
application settings
configuring 6
deploying 8
arranging cards 14
using 18
badge columns
adding 18
deleting 18
editing 18
bottom 20 users report by copy
understanding standard
report 44
bottom 20 users report by email
understanding standard
report 44
bottom 20 users report by fax
understanding standard
report 45
bottom 20 users report by print
understanding standard
reports 44
bottom 20 users report by scan
to network count
understanding standard
report 44
cannot find users 25
cannot log in to the web
portal 25
card layout
changing 14
arranging 14
changing card layout 14
changing the status of the
server 6
chunk size
configuring 9
cleanup tasks
scheduling 10
color printing report by user
understanding standard
report 43
configuring badge columns 18
configuring chunk size for device
discovery and policy updates 9
PIN settings 17
Print Management
Console 12
configuring quota settings 19
the application
settings for your environment 6
configuring the home screen 7
contacting Lexmark Help
Desk 29
copying dashboards 14
copying policies 20
creating dashboards 14
copying 14
creating 14
deleting 14
editing 14
using 14
using 16
adding 16
deleting 16
editing 16
delegating print jobs 16
deleted pages report by user
understanding standard
report 45
deleting badges 18
deleting dashboards 14
deleting delegates 16
deleting function access 18
deleting PIN 17
deleting print jobs 16
deleting printers 21, 22
deleting quotas 19
deleting sites 21
deploying applications
using UCF 8
deploying applications to the
printer 8
detail print report by device
understanding standard
report 41
Index 48
detailed print report by host
understanding standard
report 41
detailed print report by IP
understanding standard
report 42
detailed print report by model
understanding standard
report 42
detailed print report by model
understanding standard
report 42
detailed print report by user
understanding standard
report 41
device groups
adding printers 7
configuring chunk size 9
editing badges 18
editing dashboards 14
editing delegates 16
editing function access 18
editing PIN 17
editing policies 20
editing printers 21, 22
editing quotas 19
editing sites 21
error that occurred when swiping
the badge
troubleshooting 27
exporting reports using Print
Management Console 24
email reports
managing 12
failure [9yy.xx] 25
Function Access
using 18
function access
adding 18
deleting 18
editing 18
generating reports 23
generating reports using Print
Management Console 24
group access
allowing printer function
access 18
home screen
configuring 7
improving performance
chunk size 9
LDAP authentication
setting 12
LDAP settings
managing 12
Lexmark Management Console
accessing 6
Lexmark Management Console
setting 12
managing AirPrint settings 12
managing email reports 12
managing LDAP settings 12
managing print jobs 16
managing the printers 22
managing the sites 21
missing bean on the home
screen 25
mono printing report by user
understanding standard
report 43
more features
showing 12
multiple domain support
setting up 10
overview 4
page count is inaccurate
troubleshooting 28
password setting 12
adding 17
deleting 17
editing 17
using 17
PIN settings
configuring 17
using 20
adding 20
copying 20
editing 20
policy updates
configuring chunk size 9
print jobs
delegating 16
deleting 16
managing 16
printing 16
print jobs submitted by the users
do not appear in the print queue
troubleshooting 27
Print Management Console
accessing 12
configuring 12
Print Management database
understanding 29
Print Queue
using 16
Printer Nicknames
using 22
adding 21, 22
adding to a device group 7
deleting 21, 22
editing 21, 22
managing 22
printing print jobs 16
PrintTrack Devices
using 21
profile server is not responding
troubleshooting 25
Index 49
quota settings
configuring 19
using 19
adding 19
deleting 19
editing 19
exporting using Print
Management Console 24
generating 23
generating using Print
Management Console 24
scheduling 23
understanding 15
Reprint Queue
using 16
scheduling cleanup tasks 10
scheduling reports 23
server status
changing 6
setting LDAP authentication 12
setting Lexmark Management
Console authentication 12
setting password 12
setting up multiple domain
support 10
showing more features 12
singlesided (simplex) printing
report by user
understanding standard
report 43
adding 21
deleting 21
editing 21
managing 21
solutions setting index 31
temporary badges
adding 18
testing the solution 22
top 20 users report by copy
understanding standard
report 44
top 20 users report by email
understanding standard
report 44
top 20 users report by fax count
understanding standard
report 45
top 20 users report by print
understanding standard
reports 44
top 20 users report by scan to
network count
understanding standard
report 44
cannot find users 25
cannot log in to the web
portal 25
error that occurred when
swiping the badge 27
firmware failure [9yy.xx] 25
missing bean on the home
screen 25
page count is inaccurate 28
print jobs submitted by the
users do not appear in the
print queue 27
profile server is not
responding 25
unable to add new devices
using LMC 26
“Out of Policy” error message
still appears even after
multiple tries to update the
policy 26
“Unable to Read Badge Data”
error message appears when
swiping the badge 26
“Unsupported Device” error
message appears when
installing a badge reader to
the printer 26
twosided (duplex) printing report
by user
understanding standard
report 43
deploying applications using 8
unable to add new devices using
troubleshooting 26
understanding Print Management
database fields 29
understanding reports 15
understanding standard report
bottom 20 users report by copy
count 44
bottom 20 users report by
email count 44
bottom 20 users report by fax
count 45
bottom 20 users report by scan
to network count 44
color printing report by user 43
deleted pages report by
user 45
detail print report by device 41
detailed print report by host
name 41
detailed print report by IP
address 42
detailed print report by model
name 42
detailed print report by model
type 42
detailed print report by user 41
mono printing report by user 43
singlesided (simplex) printing
report by user 43
top 20 users report by copy
count 44
top 20 users report by email
count 44
top 20 users report by fax
count 45
top 20 users report by scan to
network count 44
twosided (duplex) printing
report by user 43
usage by device 39
usage by device host name 39
usage by device IP address 40
usage by device model
name 40
usage by device model type 40
Index 50
usage report defined in
Custom1 field 43
understanding standard reports
bottom 20 users report by print
count 44
top 20 users report by print
count 44
usage by device
understanding standard
report 39
usage by device host name
understanding standard
report 39
usage by device IP address
understanding standard
report 40
usage by device model name
understanding standard
report 40
usage by device model type
understanding standard
report 40
usage report defined in Custom1
understanding standard
report 43
using Alternate Locations 21
using Badge 18
using dashboards 14
using Delegates 16
using Function Access 18
using PIN 17
using Policies 20
using Print Queue 16
using Printer Nicknames 22
using PrintTrack Devices 21
using Quotas 19
using Reprint Queue 16
Index 51