The purpose of this handbook is to assist Airmen in
understanding the RAP process.
Version 3, 18 February 2020
An Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) Program
This guide is designed to familiarize you with the Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP). RAP
allows active duty Airmen to assist Enlisted Accession (EA) and Officer Accession (OA)
Recruiters by returning to their hometowns and providing personal testimonials, assisting in
obtaining school lists, participating in Center of Influence (COI) events/Delayed Entry Program
(DEP) Commander's Calls and performing other recruiting-related tasks. Authority for this
program is contained in AFI 36-3003, 7.9.
The Application for Participation in the Recruiter Assistance Program, AFRS FORM 1327 can be
found at
RAP handbook discusses participants from three main areas:
Permanent party
Technical Training/Total Force Officer Training (TFOT)
Air Force ROTC
Information specific to each area can be found in their respective chapters in this guide. The
following information is relevant for all RAP requests.
RAP is not intended to be a "free" leave program. While performing RAP duties,
participants are in a "non-chargeable leave" status; they receive no payment for per diem or
travel expenses. Up to 12 days of non-chargeable leave may be authorized; this will run
from Monday to Friday of the following week, and include ONLY one weekend. There is
no limit on how many times a member can take RAP in one calendar year as long as
member’s unit commander and squadron’s RAP monitor approve the application.
Authority for the program is contained in AFI 36-3003. Headquarters Air Force Recruiting
Service (HQ AFRS/RSOPA) sets policy and administers the program. This handbook
provides instructions and guidance needed to successfully execute the program. If you need
additional guidance, or have comments about the program, please contact AFRS/RSOPA at
DSN 565-2687 or commercial 210-565-2687.
The purpose of RAP is to permit Air Force members to work with Recruiters by returning
to their hometown and provide personal testimonials, assisting in school visits, and
perform other recruiting-related tasks. Participation in the program is entirely voluntary.
Participants will be allowed additional leave if approved, plus authorized travel days
between Technical Training and RNLTD. Reporting and port call dates will not be changed
to allow for RAP participation. "Non-chargeable leave" means that you will be in a leave
status, but these days will not be counted against your leave balance. Only one weekend
may be included in the non-chargeable leave period.
Expect to perform a full workday of recruiting duties during each duty day of non-
chargeable leave. The specific hours worked and duties to be performed will be
determined by your Recruiter and may include evening and/or weekend duty. You will
be expected to display a professional military appearance, positive and enthusiastic
attitude, exemplary personal conduct, and wear UOD at all times.
Your application may be disapproved; the Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor will evaluate
your request based on Recruiter's need for assistance during the time period of your
request. You may be approved for less than the full 12 days, and for a time period different
from what you requested, due to requirements and scheduling constraints of your
Regardless of the originally approved schedule, the Recruiting Squadron Commander/RAP
Monitor may terminate your participation at any time if performance standards are not
met, or if continuation in the program is determined not to benefit the Air Force. Should
this happen, the member’s leave status will change to ordinary chargeable leave or you are
required to report to your next duty station before your RNLTD or authorized chargeable
leave expires.
You will not be compensated for participating in the RAP beyond your normal pay and
benefits. Specifically, you will not be reimbursed for meals, lodging, travel or other
Technical Training/Total Force Officer Training Airmen should submit the application to
the appropriate Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor via encrypted (PII) .mil e-mail 4 weeks
prior to graduation. DO NOT send unencrypted e-mail or e-mail via .com or personal e-
mail. The Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor will consult with the Recruiter, approve or
deny your request, and return the application to you via e-mail within 7 duty days. You
must have an approved application to participate in the program.
If your graduation date change and the approved dates cannot be met, you must inform the
Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor.
If approved for RAP, you should contact your Recruiter immediately when you arrive
home on leave. The Recruiter will verify your dates of participation, make sure you can
meet your RNLTD/port call, specify when and where to report for duty, and describe the
types of activities planned for you.
When you complete Recruiter assistance duty, the RAP Monitor will provide you with a
letter signed by the Recruiting Squadron Commander verifying RAP participation. You
must file this letter with your travel voucher at your gaining duty station or part III of your
leave form (AF Form 988) for permanent party members to avoid being charged leave for
your RAP participation. On your voucher you should code all periods of leave, chargeable
or non-chargeable, as leave (LV).
Normal Sequence of Events
All Air Force permanent party members, Officers and enlisted must obtain prior
approval from your Unit Commander to receive non-chargeable leave status by
completing the AFRS IMT 1327.
Permanent party members will utilize the following AF Recruiting Service websites to locate
local Recruiting Squadrons, Recruiters and RAP Monitors:
a-recruiter and
The Recruiter locator ( ) allows the applicant to
determine the nearest recruiting office in the leave area. Once the Recruiter has been
identified, complete the application AFRS IMT 1327. This link provides a list of all the Air
Force Recruiting Squadrons RAP Monitors with e-mail addresses along with a map of the
United States showing all the Air Force Recruiting Squadron locations. Please do not call
the Recruiter; email the Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitors the completed AFRS IMT
The Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor will review the application along with the
availability for requested RAP dates, contact the Recruiter requesting a recommendation
of approval or disapproval. On the recommendation of the Recruiter, the Recruiting RAP
Monitor will approve or disapprove the application. The RAP Monitor may approve the
request for different dates than those requested as necessary to fit the Recruiter's schedule
but must not approve for more than the number of days requested. The applicant will be
notified within 7 workdays of approval status.
If approved, the applicant will receive the completed AFRS IMT 1327. The AFRS IMT
1327 is only an application, not a confirmation of RAP duty. The source document for
approving non-chargeable leave status is the recruiting Squadron Commander's
verification letter. A signed copy of the AFRS IMT 1327 will be emailed to the
applicant's squadron representative appearing on the AFRS IMT 1327.
Member must file the signed Squadron Command memo with part III of leave form (AF
Form 988) in order not to be charged leave for this period. Annotate in Block 8 remarks
section, “AFI 36-3003; para 7.9, non-chargeable leave for dates of participation in the
Recruiter Assistance Program; should be printed in the remarks section.”
Shortly before RAP duty is completed, the Recruiter will notify the squadron RAP
Monitor and verify the correct dates of non-chargeable leave.
Prior to the end of the RAP execution period, participant and Recruiter will complete
the After Action Report and submit it to the RAP Monitor.
Prior to the end of the RAP execution period, the RAP Monitor will submit AFRS
Squadron Command memo (see Attachment A) to the AFRS Squadron Commander for
Each squadron should implement local procedures to complete all documentation in a
timely manner.
AFRS Squadron RAP Monitor will return the signed AFRS Squadron Command memo to
RAP Participant via email and keep it on file for one calendar year.
The participant must file this letter with part III of leave form (AF Form 988) when they
return to their duty section in order to avoid being charged leave for these days
Normal Sequence of Events
The Recruiter locator ( ) allows the applicant to
determine the nearest recruiting office in the leave area. Once the Recruiter has been identified,
complete the application AFRS IMT 1327. This link
Us/Groups-Squadrons/ provides a list of all the Air Force Recruiting Squadrons RAP Monitors
with e-mail addresses along with a map of the United States showing all the Air Force Recruiting
Squadron locations. Please do not call the Recruiter; email the Recruiting Squadron RAP
Monitors the completed AFRS IMT 1327.
The Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor will review the application, along with office
availability, for requested RAP dates, contact the Recruiter for a recommendation of
approval or disapproval. There's no limitation to the number of participants performing
RAP duties as long as the Recruiter can manage them and the participants are kept
gainfully employed. Recruiters should select those who have made the most contributions
while in the DEP. Based on the recommendation of the Recruiter, the Recruiting Squadron
RAP Monitor will approve or disapprove the application. The Recruiting Squadron RAP
Monitor may approve the request for different dates than those requested as necessary to fit
the Recruiter's schedule but cannot approve more than the number of days requested. The
applicant will be notified within 7 workdays of approval status.
If approved, the applicant will receive the completed AFRS IMT 1327. The AFRS IMT
1327 is only an application, not a confirmation of RAP duty. The source document for
approving non-chargeable leave status is the recruiting Squadron Commander's verification
letter. A signed copy of the AFRS IMT 1327 will be emailed to the applicant's squadron
representative appearing on the AFRS IMT 1327. All days annotated by the recruiting
Squadron Commander as performing RAP will be counted as non-chargeable leave up to
the 12 days maximum.
TFOT and Technical graduates are authorized blanket statements to PCS orders reading:
“Member is authorized up to 12 days of non-chargeable leave at the leave location to
perform recruiting assistance IAW AFI 36-3003.” Member must file a letter of verification
signed by the Recruiting Squadron Commander with the travel voucher.
The participant should call the Recruiter immediately upon arrival in the area. The
Recruiter will verify the participation dates, ensuring they do not interfere with the RNLTD
or port call, specify when and where to report, and describe the planned activities. All RAP
participants complete a DD Form 2982.
Description of Responsibilities
Locates the nearest Recruiter, recruiting squadron and RAP Monitor in the leave area
by visiting
Submits AFRS IMT 1327 while at TFOT or technical training through the TFOT
personnel section or the Technical Training School Military Training Manager (MTM).
Submits the application to the Recruiting RAP Monitor via encrypted (PII) .mil e-
mail 4 weeks prior to graduation.
Notifies Recruiting RAP Monitor if graduation date changes affects RAP dates.
Performs RAP duties in satisfactory manner as determined by the Recruiter.
NOTE: Attach AFRS Squadron Command Memorandum verification letter received from the
Recruiting RAP Monitor to the travel voucher or AF Form 988 to avoid being charged leave for
these days. Annotate in Block 8 remarks section to read “AFI 36-3003; para 7.9, non-chargeable
leave for dates of participation in the Recruiter Assistance Program.”
Technical Training School MTL and TFOT Personnel
Assists RAP applicants in obtaining website information from the AF Recruiting Service
Recommends approval or disapproval of RAP applications. MTL will recommend
disapproving application when applicant meets disapproval criteria. Some examples of
criterion (not all inclusive) for disapproval are if the Airman has a UIF, is on a control
roster, or received UCMJ administrative action at Technical Training/TFOT.
Technical Training and TFOT Squadron Commander or Military Training Flight
Recommends approval or disapproval of RAP applications. In rare cases, squadron
commander can disapprove RAP applications when disapproval is for grounds other
than UIF, on a control roster, or UCMJ administrative action.
Technical Training and TFOT Group Commander
Approves or disapproves RAP applications. If application is not approved, Group
Commander will indicate why an applicant is being disapproved for RAP.
Technical Training Wing MPF
Ensures that RAP and leave while enroute can be completed before RNLTD/port call.
Adds RAP blanket statement: “Member is authorized up to 12 days of non-chargeable leave
at the leave location to perform recruiting assistance IAW AFI 36-3003. “Member must file
a letter of verification signed by the Recruiting Squadron Commander with the travel
voucher in order not to be charged leave for this period.
Gaining Unit FSS
Ensures RAP participants are not charged leave for days of RAP duty.
Guidelines for Military Training Leaders at Technical Training Schools
MTLs should familiarize themselves with the RAP application and fact sheet on the AF
Recruiting Service website, During
orientation/introduction, MTLs should brief Airmen on when to submit applications.
Assist RAP applicants in obtaining website information from the AF Recruiting Service
Submit disapproval recommendations of application when applicant meets disapproval
criteria. Some examples of criterion for disapproval (not all inclusive) are if the Airmen has
received a UIF, is on a control roster or received UCMJ administrative action at Technical
Training. No additional requirements should be placed on Airmen in order to qualify for
participation, i.e., point system, performing additional duties, etc.
The MTL will inform Airmen that have an approved RAP application if their graduation
date changes and the approved participation dates cannot be met. The Airman must notify
then Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor as soon as possible.
Guidelines for Officer Training School Personnel
TFOT personnel should familiarize themselves with the RAP application and the fact
sheet on the AF Recruiting Service website, During
training orientation/introduction, TFOT personnel should brief applicants on when to
submit applications.
Assist RAP applicants in obtaining website information from the AF Recruiting Service
The TFOT personnel will inform candidates that have an approved RAP application if
their graduation date changes and the approved participation dates cannot be met, the
candidates must notify the Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor as soon as possible.
Guidelines for Military Personnel Flights
MPF personnel should familiarize themselves with the RAP Application and the fact sheet
on the AF Recruiting Service website,
Recruiters will brief all Airman/Officer candidates about the RAP program prior to
departure for Basic Training/TFOT. The Airman/Officer candidate will annotate their
phone number and email address (commercial and DSN) on the application and email the
application to the Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor. The Recruiting Squadron RAP
Monitor will e-mail the application back indicating approval/disapproval and, if approved,
the approved dates.
The signed application and e-mail response should both be filed in the member's
relocation folder as stated in AFI 36-2102.
The MTL/TFOT squadron personnel should notify the student of any changes in
graduation dates that may affect the approved participation dates. If RAP is
approved, check to be sure that RAP and enroute leave can be completed before
RNLTD/port call.
Inform Airmen that have an approved RAP application that if their graduation
date changes, they must notify the Recruiting Squadron RAP Monitor as soon as
possible to see if the new dates can be accommodated.
The following blanket statement will be added to the remarks section of the PCS
orders: Member is authorized up to 12 days of non-chargeable leave at the leave
location to perform recruiting assistance duties IAW AFI 36-3003”. Member must
file a letter of verification signed by the Recruiting Squadron Commander with the
travel voucher in order not to be charged leave for this period.
Normal Sequence of Events
The purpose of the Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP) at an AFROTC Detachment is to permit
former AFROTC graduates to work with the AFROTC Detachment Recruiting Flight Commander
(RFC) by returning to their graduating school and providing personal testimonials, assisting in
school visits, and performing other recruiting-related tasks. Participation in the program is entirely
Former AFROTC graduates should submit an application (AFRS IMT 1327) through
their current personnel section no later than 6 weeks prior to the requested RAP
The form will verify if the applicant has any UIF or any administrative actions.
The dates requested should not have negative impact on training, ops, or PCS.
Requested dates cannot exceed 12 days, nor can they cover more than one
Applicants should contact the AFROTC Detachment Recruiting Flight Commander NLT
4 weeks prior to requested RAP dates.
AFROTC Detachment RFC will review the application and recommend approval or
If approved, AFROTC Det RFC will require the applicant to complete DD Form 2982
before their first recruiting event. If the application is disapproved, the applicant will be
notified by AFROTC Det RFC.
Description of Responsibilities
NLT 6 weeks prior to requested RAP dates: Submits an application (AFRS IMT 1327)
through their current personnel section to verify:
Requested dates do not negatively impact training, ops, PCS.
Applicant does not have UIF and there are no pending administrative actions of the
applicant during the requested RAP dates.
NLT 4 weeks prior to requested RAP dates:
Contacts the AFROTC Detachment’s RFC.
Verbally and tentatively clears the desired RAP dates with the RFC, then submit the
AFRS IMT 1327 to the RFC.
Notifies RFC if anything should arise that will require terminating the RAP request.
Completes DD Form 2982 prior to participating in the RAP event, and send it to the local
RFC who will file it for one year.
Ensures RAP participation does not interfere with any PCS RNLTD/port call.
Ensures requested dates do not exceed 12 days, nor cover more than one weekend.
Perform RAP duties in a satisfactory manner as determined by the RFC.
NOTE: Attach AFROTC Detachment Memorandum verification letter signed by the Detachment
PAS that you received from your Recruiting RFC to the travel voucher or AF Form 988 to avoid
being charged leave for these days. Annotate in Block 8 remarks section to read “AFI 36-3003;
para 7.9, non-chargeable leave for dates of participation in the Recruiter Assistance Program.”
AFROTC Detachment Recruiting Flight Commander
Reviews the RAP application (AFRS Form 1327) and DD Form 2982.
In general, RFCs should recommend approval UNLESS:
There is RAP request already approved for any days of the new request (RAP events
cannot overlap).
The Det has already reached its 2 RAP events per calendar month limit.
The Det will not have any cadre members available to oversee execution of the RAP
event during the requested time period.
Upon notification of approval by the AFROTC Det RFC:
AFROTC Det RFC will have RAP participant complete a DD Form 2982 before
their first recruiting event. The RFC will maintain a copy of the DD Form 2982 for
one year after the event.
RFC will plan and supervise RAP activities; ensures all activities support the unit
recruiting plan.
Provides and annotates safety briefing to RAP participant. (See Attachment B)
If application is disapproved by the AFROTC Det RFC:
RFC will notify RAP applicant of disapproval.
During execution of the RAP event:
Inform the AFROTC Det Professor of Aerospace Studies (PAS) if participant fails to
perform assigned duties.
If RAP is curtailed, assist participant in making necessary changes in transportation.
NET 1 work day remaining in the RAP execution period, RAP participant and
AFROTC Det RFC will complete the After Action Report and submit it to the
AFROTC Det PAS for signature.
AFROTC Det RFC will scan and email signed AFROTC Det Memo to RAP
AFROTC Detachment PAS
Ensures AFROTC Det RFC familiarizes themselves with the RAP application process and
their responsibilities.
Ensures RAP participants are performing appropriate recruiting-related duties.
Terminates RAP participants as required for non-performance.
RAP Applicant’s Personnel Section
Assists RAP applicants in obtaining website information from the AF Recruiting Service
Recommends approval or disapproval of RAP application. Recommends disapproval of
application when applicant meets disapproval criteria. Some examples (not all inclusive)
of criterion for disapproval are if the Airman has a UIF, is on a control roster or received
UCMJ administrative action.
RAP Applicant’s local MPF (this section ONLY applies for RAP enroute of a PCS)
Checks that RAP and leave while enroute can be completed before RNLTD/port call.
Adds RAP blanket statement to PCS orders: “Member is authorized up to 12 days of non-
chargeable leave at the leave location to perform recruiting assistance IAW AFI 36-3003.
Member must file a letter of verification signed by the AFROTC Detachment PAS with the
travel voucher in order not to be charged leave for this period.
RAP Applicant’s Leave Approver or Gaining MPF (if a PCS)
Upon receipt of an approved AFROTC Detachment PAS Memo (Attachment A), ensures
RAP participants are not charged leave for days of RAP duty.
Attachment A
“Use most current letter head
SUBJECT: RAP Participant RANK and NAME, Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP)
1. In accordance with AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, the below listed member participated in RAP
for the period indicated.
RANK, NAME: A1C John Doe
NUMBER OF DAYS: # ( maximum of 12 days )
2. Direct questions to (Name of RAP Monitor/DET RFC), Position title, 3XXSQ or DET XXX, email:
firstname.lastn[email protected]
commercial: (555) 555-5555.
Attachment B
Unit Commanders must ensure that military personnel assigned to the Recruiter
Assistance Program are reminded of the hazards involving recreational activities and
operating a private motor vehicle.
The Recruiter will conduct the briefing upon arrival of the individual. Provide a
pre-departure safety briefing prior to departure.
Advise the individual to contact the briefer upon arrival at their new duty station
for conformation of safe arrival.
Dispose of this form upon arrival at new duty station or 30 days after departure, which
ever is sooner.
Discourage driving during late night hours. Remind the individual that a very high
percentage of drivers on the road after dark are drunk.
Stress the value of occupant restraint devices, including head restraints.
Stress the importance of vehicle condition; vehicle defects also contribute to mishaps.
Discuss the main causes of injury and death by vehicle mishaps in AETC, which are
speeding, fatigue, alcohol, and nonuse of occupant restraints.
Discuss driving in hazardous conditions; i.e., fog, ice, black ice, rain, snow etc
and the precautions to take (slow down, delay or cancel driving until conditions
Discuss defensive driving as deterrent against aggressive drivers.
Depending on the member’s destination, discuss the importance of having items such
as extra blankets, traffic flares, candles, flashlights, traffic triangles, etc., in case of
breakdown or getting stranded in snow or icy conditions.
I understand that injuries incurred as a result of my driving under the influence of alcohol or failure to utilize required safety
devices may result in a loss of medical benefits, as well as potential UCMJ action.
BRIEFED BY (Name and grade)