21 JUNE 2023
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the Maxwell Publications and
Forms Management Office AF Portal Web page for downloading.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
OPR: AFROTC/DO, RR Certified by: AFROTC/CCV (Lt Col Michael A. Trett)
Supersedes: AFROTCI 36-2011 Vol 3, 31 March 2022 Pages: 176
This instruction implements Department of the Air Force Policy Directive (DAFPD) 36-20,
Recruiting Programs and Accession of Military Personnel. It establishes the life cycle for cadets
from initial contact through commissioning or disenrollment. This instruction requires collecting
and maintaining information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. The authorities to collect and
maintain the records prescribed in this publication are 10 U.S.C. 2103-2107, 2110, and 9013.
System of Records Notices F036 AETC I, Cadet Records, and F036 AETC X, College Scholarship
Program (CSP), apply. Certifying and Approving authorities of implementing publications must
ensure that local guidance does not conflict with nor is less restrictive than guidance contained
within this publication. Compliance with attachments is mandatory per DAFI 90-160, Publications
and Forms Management. Failure to comply with paragraph 18.3.1. by Enlisted Commissioning
Program (ECP) students is a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and may result in disciplinary action. Ensure that all records created as a result of
processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with DAFI 33-322, Records
Management and Information Governance Program, and disposed of in accordance with the
Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) located in the Air Force Records Information Management
System (AFRIMS). Refer recommended changes and/or corrections to this publication to the
Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change
of Publication, through your chain of command. The OPR has the authority to waive requirements
as identified in this publication. This instruction applies to AFROTC Headquarters, Regions, and
Detachments. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product,
commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Department of the
Air Force.
This document has been substantially revised and should be reviewed in its entirety. Revisions to
this document include a rewrite of chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18; adds PFA failures for
cadets attending FT to Table 5.4, Rule 8; adds reference to AFROTC Form 704 for cadet feedback
to paragraph 9.12.2; updates Form 13 guidance in paragraph 9.13.2; adds references for AFROTC
2 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Forms 17 and 27 to paragraph; adds reference to AFROTC Form 82 to paragraph;
updates references to AFROTC Forms 5, 6, and 9 to paragraph 10.9.2; adds AFROTC Form 111
to paragraph 16 and updates all references; updates Qualifying Fitness Review (QFR) guidance
and removes AF Form 4446 requirement in paragraph 17.2.3; updates DAFIT contact information
in paragraph 17.4.3; updates Attachment 2 course hour requirements; updates Attachment 13
AFPC contact information and Tricare website; removes the Academic Plan for Foreign Language
or Technical Requirement for Non-Technical Scholarship Cadets; removes non-technical degrees
from the listing of Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)-Approved 5-Year Majors; removes obsolete
AFROTC forms (26, 60, 84, 84-1, 85, 204-1, and 526).
CHAPTER 1 POLICY, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................... 12
Section 1 – Policy
1.1. General ................................................................................................................. 12
1.2. Professional Relations .......................................................................................... 12
1.3. Recruit, Recruiter, Trainer, and Trainee .............................................................. 12
1.4. Cadets and Applicants .......................................................................................... 12
1.5. Cadet Relations with Subordinates ...................................................................... 13
1.6. Government Ethics and Fiscal Law ...................................................................... 13
1.7. Funding ................................................................................................................. 13
Table 1.1. Fiscal Law Matrix ................................................................................................. 13
1.8. Fund Raising Events ............................................................................................ 13
1.9. Military Decorum ................................................................................................. 14
1.10. Prohibitions ........................................................................................................ 14
Section 2 – Roles and Responsibilities
1.11. AFROTC Commander (AFROTC/CC) ............................................................. 14
1.12. AFROTC Director of Operations (AFROTC/DO) ............................................ 15
1.13. AFROTC Registrar (AFROTC/RR) .................................................................. 15
1.14. Region Commander (Region/CC) ...................................................................... 15
1.15. Detachment Commander (Det/CC) .................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 2 RECRUITING ............................................................................................ 18
2.1. General Information ............................................................................................. 18
Section 1 – Roles and Responsibilities
2.2. Recruiting Branch (AFROTC/RRR) .................................................................... 18
2.3. Detachment Commander (Det/CC) ...................................................................... 18
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 3
2.4. Recruiting Officer ................................................................................................. 19
Section 2 – Recruiting Operations
2.5. Lead Management ................................................................................................ 19
2.6. Recruiting Advertising & Promotion (A&P) Funds ............................................. 19
2.7. Funding Restrictions ............................................................................................ 20
2.8. Center of Influence (COI) Events ........................................................................ 20
2.9. Printing Sources ................................................................................................... 20
2.10. Travel and Temporary Duty (TDY) Management ............................................. 20
CHAPTER 3 ENROLLMENT ......................................................................................... 21
Section 1 – Enrollment Requirements
3.1. General Information ............................................................................................. 21
3.2. Liability and Insurance ........................................................................................ 21
Figure 3.1. AFROTC Student Life Cycle ............................................................................... 21
3.3. Participating Student ............................................................................................ 21
3.4. Applicants ............................................................................................................ 22
3.5. Cadets ................................................................................................................... 22
3.6. Pursuing Cadet ..................................................................................................... 22
3.7. Family Member Prohibition ................................................................................. 22
3.8. Non-US Citizens .................................................................................................. 22
Figure 3.2. Citizenship Statement of Understanding ............................................................. 23
3.9. Cadet Classifications ............................................................................................ 23
Table 3.1. Cadet Classifications .............................................................................................. 24
3.10. Abbreviated Programs ....................................................................................... 25
3.11. Substance Abuse and Drug Demand Reduction Policy ..................................... 25
Section 2 – Application Procedures
3.12. Applicant Actions .............................................................................................. 26
Table 3.2. Age Requirements ................................................................................................ 26
3.13. Detachment Actions ........................................................................................... 28
3.14. Waiver of Disenrollment from Previous Officer Training ................................ 29
3.15. GMC/POC Accreditation ................................................................................... 29
Table 3.3. GMC/POC Accreditation ..................................................................................... 29
CHAPTER 4 SCHOLARSHIPS ....................................................................................... 30
4.1. General Information ............................................................................................. 30
4 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
4.2. Purpose & Intent .................................................................................................. 30
4.3. Scholarship Programs, Types, and Categories ..................................................... 30
4.4. Special Scholarship Programs .............................................................................. 30
4.5. Scholarship Academic Majors ............................................................................. 31
4.6. The Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP) ..................................................... 31
4.7. Scholarship Types, Categories & Statuses ........................................................... 32
Table 4.1. Scholarship Types ................................................................................................ 32
Table 4.2. Scholarship Categories ......................................................................................... 33
Table 4.3. Scholarship Statuses ............................................................................................. 33
4.8. Scholarship Eligibility and Activation ................................................................. 34
Table 4.4. Basic Scholarship Eligibility and Activation Requirements ................................ 34
Table 4.5. PFA Requirements for Scholarship Nominations & Activations ........................ 35
4.9. Scholarship Entitlements ..................................................................................... 36
Table 4.6. Scholarship Terms of Entitlement ....................................................................... 39
4.10. Additional Terms of Entitlement ....................................................................... 39
4.11. High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) ....................................................... 40
4.12. The In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP) .................................................... 44
Table 4.7. ICSP Board Categories & Requirements ............................................................. 45
4.13. Brigadier General Charles McGee Leadership Award (CMLA) ....................... 46
4.14. Conversion of Scholarship to Housing Benefit ................................................. 47
4.15. Scholarship Temporary Inactivation .................................................................. 47
Table 4.8. Conditions for Scholarship Temporary Inactivation ............................................ 47
4.16. Scholarship Suspension ..................................................................................... 48
Table 4.9. Conditions for Scholarship Suspension ............................................................... 48
4.17. Scholarship Termination .................................................................................... 48
Table 4.10. Conditions for Scholarship Termination ............................................................ 49
4.18. Scholarship Withdrawal ..................................................................................... 49
Table 4.11. Conditions for Scholarship Withdrawal ............................................................. 49
4.19. Authorized Tuition & Fee Entitlements ............................................................. 49
Table 4.12. Authorized Reimbursements .............................................................................. 49
Table 4.13. Unauthorized Reimbursements .......................................................................... 50
4.20. Payment or Termination of Scholarship Entitlements ....................................... 51
4.21. Scholarship Cost Entry into WINGS ................................................................. 52
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 5
4.22. Invoices .............................................................................................................. 52
Figure 4.1. Commander’s Certification .................................................................................. 53
CHAPTER 5 STANDARDS .............................................................................................. 54
5.1. Academic Retention Standards ............................................................................ 54
Table 5.1. Minimum GPA and Enrollment Status Requirements ......................................... 55
5.2. Military Retention Standards ............................................................................... 55
5.3. PFA, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Body Fat Standards .................................... 55
5.4. Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) Requirements ............................... 57
Table 5.2. Minimum ECL/OPI Scores .................................................................................. 57
5.5. Post-EA Date of Commission (DOC) Changes ................................................... 58
5.6. Academic Major Changes .................................................................................... 58
5.7. EA/Category ........................................................................................................ 59
5.8. Conditional Event (CE) ........................................................................................ 59
5.9. Probation .............................................................................................................. 59
Table 5.3. Academic Conditional Event ............................................................................... 59
Table 5.4. Military Conditional Event .................................................................................. 60
CHAPTER 6 CIVIL INVOLVEMENTS (CI) ................................................................ 61
6.1. General ................................................................................................................. 61
6.2. Reportable Involvement ....................................................................................... 61
6.3. Timeline ............................................................................................................... 61
6.4. Cadet Statements .................................................................................................. 61
6.5. Corroboration ....................................................................................................... 62
6.6. Adjudication ......................................................................................................... 62
Table 6.1. CI Waiver Authorities .......................................................................................... 62
6.7. Post Adjudication Actions ................................................................................... 62
CHAPTER 7 CADET ACTIONS ..................................................................................... 64
7.1. General Information ............................................................................................. 64
7.2. Detachment Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) ................................................ 64
7.3. Commander Retention Review (CRR) ................................................................ 64
7.4. Waivers ................................................................................................................ 64
7.5. Period of Non-Attendance (PNA) ........................................................................ 64
7.6. Transfer of AFROTC Cadets ............................................................................... 65
6 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
CHAPTER 8 MEDICAL ................................................................................................... 67
8.1. General Information ............................................................................................. 67
8.2. Detachment Responsibilities ................................................................................ 67
8.3. Validity Periods ................................................................................................... 68
8.4. Rated and Specialty Non-Rated Operations Physicals ........................................ 69
8.5. Medical Waiver Requests .................................................................................... 70
8.6. Medical Recheck Status (MRS) (Contracted Cadets only) .................................. 70
8.7. Change in Medical Status (Non-Contract Cadets) ............................................... 72
8.8. Upgrading Medical Examinations ....................................................................... 72
8.9. Pregnancy ............................................................................................................. 72
8.10. Transgender ........................................................................................................ 73
CHAPTER 9 EDUCATION ............................................................................................. 75
9.1. General Information ............................................................................................. 75
9.2. Education Officer (EO) ........................................................................................ 75
9.3. AS Courses ........................................................................................................... 75
9.4. Academic Instructor Course (AIC) ...................................................................... 75
9.5. Course Descriptions ............................................................................................. 75
9.6. Curriculum ........................................................................................................... 75
9.7. Lesson Objectives ................................................................................................ 76
9.8. Grades .................................................................................................................. 76
9.9. GPA Standards ..................................................................................................... 76
9.10. Syllabus .............................................................................................................. 76
9.11. Cadet Counseling ............................................................................................... 77
9.12. Term Counseling ................................................................................................ 77
9.13. Cadre Training ................................................................................................... 78
9.14. EOT Survey/Critique Program .......................................................................... 78
9.15. Academic Records ............................................................................................. 79
9.16. University Academic Records ........................................................................... 79
9.17. Academic Degree Accreditation Requirements ................................................. 79
CHAPTER 10 TRAINING ................................................................................................ 80
10.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 80
10.2. Detachment Operations Flight Commander (OFC) ........................................... 80
10.3. Practical Military Training ................................................................................. 81
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 7
10.4. Non-PMT Activities ........................................................................................... 82
10.5. Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) ......................................................................... 83
10.6. Physical Training (PT) ....................................................................................... 83
10.7. Organization ....................................................................................................... 83
10.8. Field Training (FT) ............................................................................................ 84
10.9. Professional Development Training (PDT) ....................................................... 85
CHAPTER 11 ENLISTMENT ......................................................................................... 86
11.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 86
11.2. Authority ............................................................................................................ 86
11.3. Eligibility to Enlist ............................................................................................. 86
11.4. Enlistment Processing ........................................................................................ 87
11.5. Effective Date of Enlistment .............................................................................. 88
11.6. Eligible ECP Selectees (ASCP, POC-ERP, and SOAR) ................................... 88
11.7. Ineligible ECP Selectees .................................................................................... 88
11.8. AF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)
Contract ............................................................................................................. 88
11.9. Enlistment .......................................................................................................... 89
11.10. Reserve ID Card ............................................................................................... 89
11.11. Members of the Reserve Forces ....................................................................... 89
11.12. Erroneous Enlistment ....................................................................................... 91
11.13. Fraudulent Enlistment ...................................................................................... 92
11.14. Administrative Error ........................................................................................ 93
CHAPTER 12 POC SELECTION PROCESS ................................................................ 95
12.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 95
12.2. Purpose ............................................................................................................... 95
12.3. Selection Boards ................................................................................................ 95
12.4. PSP Nomination Period ..................................................................................... 95
12.5. Nurse Non-Line Selection Board ....................................................................... 95
12.6. PSP Criteria ........................................................................................................ 95
12.7. Notification to Detachments .............................................................................. 96
12.8. Cadet Not Receiving an EA during PSP ............................................................ 96
12.9. Out-of-Cycle (OOC) EA Process ....................................................................... 96
8 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
CHAPTER 13 SECURITY CLEARANCE ..................................................................... 97
13.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 97
13.2. Submission Timeline ......................................................................................... 97
13.3. Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 97
13.4. Completing Investigation Requests ................................................................... 97
13.5. Tracking ............................................................................................................. 97
13.6. Inquiries ............................................................................................................. 98
13.7. Investigations for Prior-Service ......................................................................... 98
13.8. Security Clearances ............................................................................................ 98
CHAPTER 14 CATEGORIZATION .............................................................................. 99
14.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 99
14.2. US Space Force (USSF) Officer Board ............................................................. 99
14.3. Rated Categorization Board ............................................................................... 99
Table 14.1. Minimum AFOQT Scores (non-waivable for rated duty) ................................. 100
14.4. Non-Rated Line of the Air Force (LAF) Classification and Accession ............. 102
14.5. Non-Line and Special Selection Process ........................................................... 102
14.6. Graduate Law Program (GLP) and One-Year College Program (OYCP) .......... 103
14.7. Medical .............................................................................................................. 104
14.8. Personnel Reliability Assurance Program (PRAP) ............................................ 104
14.9. DAFIT-Sponsored Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants ............................... 105
14.10. Educational Delays .......................................................................................... 105
14.11. Administrative Delays ..................................................................................... 105
CHAPTER 15 RECOGNITION ....................................................................................... 106
15.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 106
15.2. DG Program ....................................................................................................... 106
15.3. Awards and Decorations Program ..................................................................... 106
15.4. Valor Awards ..................................................................................................... 107
15.5. FT Awards ......................................................................................................... 107
Table 15.1. Field Training Cadet Awards ............................................................................. 107
15.6. Detachment-Level Cadet Awards ...................................................................... 108
Table 15.2. Detachment-Level Cadet Awards ...................................................................... 108
15.7. Annual Detachment Award Categories (Team) ................................................. 109
15.8. Organization Sponsored Awards ....................................................................... 109
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 9
CHAPTER 16 DISENROLLMENT ................................................................................ 111
16.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 111
16.2. Authority ............................................................................................................ 111
16.3. Purpose ............................................................................................................... 111
16.4. Types of Disenrollment ...................................................................................... 111
16.5. Administrative Release ...................................................................................... 111
16.6. Disenrollment Investigation ............................................................................... 112
16.7. Disenrollment Procedures .................................................................................. 114
16.8. Termination of AFROTC Scholarship Recoupment of Prior Disenrolled
Cadets ................................................................................................................ 121
16.9. Termination of AFROTC Scholarship Recoupment for Reenlisted/Contracted
Cadets ................................................................................................................ 122
16.10. Rescind Call to EAD for Reenlisted/Contracted Cadets .................................. 122
16.11. Disenrollment Appeal Process .......................................................................... 122
16.12. Appealing the Disenrollment ........................................................................... 122
16.13. Release of Cadet Records ................................................................................ 122
CHAPTER 17 COMMISSIONING ................................................................................. 124
17.1. General ............................................................................................................... 124
17.2. Program Completion .......................................................................................... 124
17.3. Commissioning Actions ..................................................................................... 125
17.4. Detachment Post-Commissioning Actions ........................................................ 127
Figure 17.1. AFPD/DP1TSA Mailing Address ...................................................................... 127
17.5. Commissioning at Location Other Than Detachment ....................................... 128
17.6. Mock Commissioning ........................................................................................ 128
17.7. Fraudulent and Erroneous Commissions and Administrative Errors ................ 129
17.8. Post-Commissioning Responsibilities ............................................................... 129
17.9. Air Force Appointment of AFROTC Graduates from another Service ............. 129
CHAPTER 18 ENLISTED COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS .................................... 131
18.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 131
18.2. Active Duty Status ............................................................................................. 131
18.3. Detachment Responsibilities .............................................................................. 132
18.4. In-Processing ...................................................................................................... 133
18.5. Tuition Guidance ............................................................................................... 133
10 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
18.6. SLECP and NECP Removal .............................................................................. 134
18.7. SLECP Classification ......................................................................................... 134
18.8. Graduation Guidance ......................................................................................... 135
18.9. Commissioning Guidance .................................................................................. 135
Attachment 1, Glossary of References and Supporting Information ............................... 136
Attachment 2, Scholarship Program Statement of Understanding .................................. 155
Attachment 3, Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)-Approved 5-Year Majors ................... 156
Attachment 4, Drug Demand Reduction Program MOU ................................................. 157
Attachment 5, AF Form 1056 – Instructions and Change Pages ..................................... 158
Attachment 6, Non-Line Position Consideration Memorandum ..................................... 161
Attachment 7, Degree Certification Letter ......................................................................... 162
Attachment 8, Security Clearance Statement of Understanding ...................................... 163
Attachment 9, AFROTC Cadet Nursing SLECP/NECP Commissioning Process ......... 164
Attachment 10, Memorandum of Appointment ................................................................. 165
Attachment 11, Commissioning Reserve Appointment Order ......................................... 166
Attachment 12, Source of Commissioning Codes .............................................................. 167
Attachment 13, Commissioning Memorandum of Instruction ......................................... 168
Attachment 14, Health Insurance Statement ..................................................................... 171
Attachment 15, Cross-Commissioning Release Request ................................................... 172
Attachment 16, Cadet Counseling Table ............................................................................ 173
Attachment 17, Scholarship Recoupment Action Termination Request ......................... 175
Attachment 18, Request to Rescind Involuntary Call to Extended Active Duty ............ 176
Index of Figures
Figure 3.1. AFROTC Student Life Cycle ............................................................................... 21
Figure 3.2. Citizenship Statement of Understanding ............................................................. 23
Figure 4.1. Commander’s Certification .................................................................................. 53
Index of Tables
Table 1.1. Fiscal Law Matrix ................................................................................................. 13
Table 3.1. Cadet Classifications ............................................................................................ 24
Table 3.2. Age Requirements ................................................................................................ 26
Table 3.3. GMC/POC Accreditation ..................................................................................... 29
Table 4.1. Scholarship Types ................................................................................................ 32
Table 4.2. Scholarship Categories. ........................................................................................ 33
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 11
Table 4.3. Scholarship Statuses ............................................................................................. 33
Table 4.4. Basic Scholarship Eligibility and Activation Requirements ................................ 34
Table 4.5. PFA Requirements for Scholarship Nominations & Activations ........................ 35
Table 4.6. Scholarship Terms of Entitlement ....................................................................... 39
Table 4.7. ICSP Board Categories & Requirements ............................................................. 45
Table 4.8. Conditions for Scholarship Temporary Inactivation ............................................ 47
Table 4.9. Conditions for Scholarship Suspension ............................................................... 48
Table 4.10. Conditions for Scholarship Termination ............................................................ 49
Table 4.11. Conditions for Scholarship Withdrawal ............................................................. 49
Table 4.12. Authorized Reimbursements .............................................................................. 49
Table 4.13. Unauthorized Reimbursements .......................................................................... 50
Table 5.1. Minimum GPA and Enrollment Status Requirements ......................................... 55
Table 5.2. Minimum ECL/OPI Scores .................................................................................. 57
Table 5.3. Academic Conditional Event ............................................................................... 59
Table 5.4. Military Conditional Event .................................................................................. 60
Table 6.1. CI Waiver Authorities .......................................................................................... 62
Table 14.1. Minimum AFOQT Scores (non-waivable for rated duty) ................................. 100
Table 15.1. Field Training Cadet Awards ............................................................................. 107
Table 15.2. Detachment Level Cadet Awards ...................................................................... 108
12 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Section 1 Policy
1.1. General. The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program educates, trains,
and motivates cadets for Department of the Air Force (DAF) commissioned service (required by
U.S.C. Title 10). This instruction provides guidance for AFROTC staff, regions, and detachments
to execute the AFROTC mission.
1.2. Professional Relations. Cadre will abide by Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction
(DoDI) 1304.33, Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry Level
Training; Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2909, and Air Force Professional Relationships and
Conduct. Any discrepancy between guidance in the DODI, AETCI and other supplemental
guidance will be resolved by following the AETCI or applicable supplemental guidance.
Unprofessional relationships are those interpersonal relationships that erode good order, discipline,
respect for authority, unit cohesion, and mission accomplishment.
1.2.1. Cadre and staff must conduct education and training in a professional and mutually
respectful environment free of harassment, discrimination, hazing, and any other unacceptable
conduct, actions, or circumstances inappropriate for cadets IAW DAFMAN 36-2032, Military
Recruiting and Accessions, and AFI36-2909_AETCSUP, Air Force Professional
Relationships and Conduct.
1.2.2. The AFROTC Commander (AFROTC/CC) will take action against any violations of the
above standards.
1.3. Recruit, Recruiter, Trainer, and Trainee. In AFROTC, a recruit is any applicant; a trainee
is a cadet; a recruiter is a Regional Director of Admissions (RDA), Gold Bar Recruiter (GBR), an
Admissions Liaison Officer (ALO), and all cadre members; and a trainer is any cadre member or
a staff member who has direct contact with trainees for the purpose of planning, organizing, or
conducting initial military training. Within the first 30 days of arrival or before any direct
engagement with cadets and recruits, whichever comes first, every cadre member or staff member,
guest instructor, RDA and GBR will sign a DD Form 2982, Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities
Acknowledgment. Cadre must recertify the DD Form 2982 annually and maintain this file at the
detachment as directed by the Operations Flight Commander (OFC). If a cadre member or staff
member who has a current and signed DD Form 2982 on file is physically present at a cadet event,
non-cadre members (ex. Non-AFROTC CGOs visiting the detachment for career day) do not need
to complete a DD Form 2982 unless they are instructing as part of the AFROTC curriculum.
AFROTC/RRR will maintain RDA and GBR forms. Reference the Glossary for the definition of
a Guest Instructor. The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) is responsible for ensuring
their ALOs maintain current and signed forms.
1.4. Cadets and Applicants. Cadets and applicants will complete a DD Form 2983,
Recruit/Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement, no later than (NLT) the first official event
with the detachment, e.g. during Orientation Week, first Leadership Laboratory (LLAB), or first
Aerospace Studies (AS) class, whichever occurs first. Detachments will maintain these forms until
the individual enters Extended Active Duty (EAD), drops, or is disenrolled from the program.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 13
1.5. Cadet Relations with Subordinates. Cadets are specifically forbidden from using their rank
or position to take, or be perceived as taking, undue advantage of subordinates. Cadets are
prohibited from hazing, maltraining, maltreatment, and any other unacceptable conduct towards
others IAW DAFMAN 36-2032.
1.6. Government Ethics and Fiscal Law. Air Force ROTC is a federal entity for purposes of
applying government ethics rules and federal fiscal law. Cadet wings, cadet drill teams, cadet color
guards and honor guards, and other cadet organizations set up or directed by detachment cadre are
extensions of the detachment for ethics and fiscal law purposes. Relationships between AFROTC
and private organizations must abide by provisions in DAFI 34-223, Private Organizations
Program. Private organizations include, but are not limited to, Arnold Air Society (AAS) and
Silver Wings (SW) chapters, Scabbard and Blade and Pershing Rifles chapters, alumni interest
groups, cadet booster clubs, and office-based coffee funds.
1.7. Funding. In addition to AFROTC-allocated funds, detachments may accept university funds
as the Aerospace Studies department if those funds are also available to other university
departments. These funds may be used for all AFROTC operations, including mandatory PMT.
Host universities may also provide scholarship funds directly to AFROTC cadets. Cadre may
advise universities how to allocate such funds, but only in broad general categories (i.e. scholarship
cadets, out-of-state cadets, etc.). These institutions may also provide funds to student organizations
that are military oriented. Air Force units may not solicit for funds or raise funds. Cadre should
consult with Holm Center/JA if there is any doubt as to an event funding source.
Table 1.1. Fiscal Law Matrix.
Transportation Lodging Facility (2) Meals
AF Univ
AF Univ
AF Univ
AF Univ
Base Visit (mand)
Base Visit (vol)
PMT (mand)
PMT (vol)
PDT (mand)
PDT (vol)
Note 1: Non-Federal Entities (NFE) funding may be accepted by students; and cadets may cover the activity expense
out of their own funds.
Note 2: Facility expenses include rental of and entry to a facility or location for an event, to include other direct costs
of obtaining access to the facility, such as usage fees.
1.8. Fundraising events. Cadre and cadets must avoid appearances of sponsorship or fundraising
as part of AFROTC activities IAW DAFI 34-223. Cadets participating in university events do not
require coordination with AFROTC.
14 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
1.9. Military Decorum. Cadets who have been trained may practice military decorum rules IAW
Field Training Trainee Preparation Guide. For example, cadets preparing for Field Training (FT)
may use the seven basic responses, square corners, give verbal greetings, and come to attention
with heels to the wall. This practice will be restricted to Practical Military Training (PMT) in
specified locations and as a role-playing exercise rather than a standing policy.
1.10. Prohibitions.
1.10.1. Arnold Air Society (AAS) and cadet booster clubs. These activities are not considered
PMT. Since AAS and Silver Wings (SW) have a connection to AFROTC, Detachment
Commanders (Det/CC) must report to AFROTC/CC, through their respective regions, any
issues of maltraining, maltreatment, hazing, academic integrity violations, unprofessional
relations, and any other unacceptable conduct, actions, or circumstances inappropriate for
cadets IAW DAFMAN 36-2032.
1.10.2. Cadets can participate as private citizens in university, community, or civilian-
sponsored events provided they do not wear a uniform or create the appearance of representing
AFROTC (except for AAS and cadet wing honor/color guards). Cadets who participate do so
voluntarily with the understanding that the activity is not sponsored by AFROTC, is not PMT,
and injuries could result in loss of AFROTC status and benefits. Reference Chapter 10 for the
definition of PMT events.
1.10.3. FT Preparation. FT preparation is designed to teach specific skills and knowledge from
Field Training Trainee Preparation Guide. Activities/exercises with the intention of simulating
the stresses of the FT environment/experience are expressly prohibited. Prohibitions in the
context of FT preparation activities include, but are not limited to: Direct individual feedback with raised voices. Using a merit/demerit system. AETC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report,
may be used as a visual aid for instructional purposes only. Any form of physical discipline. Actions including but not limited to sleep deprivation, uniform “superman”
(quickly change uniforms) drills, performing time compressed activities (eating), etc.
Section 2 Roles and Responsibilities
1.11. AFROTC Commander (AFROTC/CC). Commanders hold the authority and responsibility
to act and to lead their unit to accomplish the mission.
1.11.1. May disenroll any contract cadet at any time with or without cause (Authority: 10
United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2105, DODI 1215.08, Senior Reserve Officers’ Training
Corps (ROTC) Programs, and DAFMAN 36-2032.
1.11.2. Directs implementation of AFROTC programs.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 15
1.11.3. Initiates actions to establish Field Training Unit (FTU) and manage host-installation
support agreements IAW DAFMAN 36-2032.
1.12. AFROTC Director of Operations (AFROTC/DO).
1.12.1. Establishes and executes policies and procedures governing cadet Field Training,
Professional Development Training (PDT), awards, and logistical support.
1.12.2. Maintains overall responsibility and provides oversight for the FT program, to include
producing annual guidance, conducting planning and review processes, and determining and
assigning region staff requirements.
1.12.3. Develops comprehensive PDT strategy to progress cadets from academic experience
to operational application and understanding.
1.12.4. Manages centralized logistics support for Detachments and Regions, field training
contracts, and develops cadet awards program.
1.12.5. Collaborates with Standardization and Evaluation to validate the effectiveness of cadet
1.12.6. Partners with Holm Center Academic Affairs to align curriculum with AFROTC
program objectives.
1.13. AFROTC Registrar (AFROTC/RR).
1.13.1. Establishes and executes policies and procedures governing AFROTC accessions.
1.13.2. Manages the Professional Officer Course (POC) Selection Process (PSP) and Air Force
Specialty Code (AFSC) categorization process.
1.13.3. Establishes procedures and policies that govern scholarship programs.
1.13.4. Manages procedures, policies, and selection boards for Enlisted Commissioning
Programs (ECP).
1.13.5. Manages accession requirements, to include eligibility, enlistment, commissioning, and
1.13.6. Provides strategic direction and guidance for the AFROTC recruiting mission.
1.14. Region Commander (Region/CC). Commanders hold the authority and responsibility to
act and to lead their unit to accomplish the mission.
1.14.1. Executes tasks and ensures adherence to policies, procedures, and guidance in their
1.14.2. Directs region and detachment administration, operations, and policy compliance.
16 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
1.14.3. Coordinates detachment waiver and Commander Retention Review (CRR) packages.
1.14.4. Identifies and validates host institutions in their region that qualify for Senior Military
College (SMC) status.
1.14.5. Selects recipients for awards and recognition.
1.14.6. Manages FT staff assignments based on AFROTC/DO guidance.
1.15. Detachment Commander (Det/CC). Commanders hold the authority and responsibility to
lead their units to accomplish the mission.
1.15.1. Directs administration, operations, recruiting, and compliance at their detachment.
1.15.2. Ensures cadre manage personnel records for participants, applicants, and cadets.
1.15.3. Ensures all instructor-qualified cadre instruct at least one AS lesson each term.
1.15.4. Approves substitute AS class activities, tutorial instruction, and summer classes.
1.15.5. Ensures each instructor is evaluated IAW Holm Center Instruction (HCI) 36-2601,
Faculty Development and Master Instructor Programs, and paragraph 9.13 of this instruction.
1.15.6. Directs safety program, risk management, determination of high-risk activities of all
detachment personnel IAW AFI 90-802, Risk Management, and DAFI 91-202, The US Air
Force Mishap Prevention Program.
1.15.7. May drop (“Det Drop”) any non-contract cadet at any time, with valid basis.
1.15.8. Approves high-risk PMT activities and sends RM plan to Region/CC prior to the event.
1.15.9. Serves as or designates a liaison or advisor to AFROTC-associated student
organizations and non-federal entities (NFE).
1.15.10. Appoints an officer as the Operations Flight Commander (OFC), Education Officer
(EO), and Recruiting Officer (RO).
1.15.11. Nominates cadets or selects recipients for awards and recognition.
1.15.12. As required, appoints the Test Control Officer (TCO) and Test Examiner (TE) IAW
DAFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program, and the AFROTC Supplement.
1.15.13. Commands active duty ECP students and ADCON for Air Force Institute of
Technology (AFIT) students.
1.15.14. Verifies and provides institution tuition rates to AFROTC/RR.
1.15.15. Ensures scholarship estimates are entered into Web Intensive New Gain System
(WINGS) and timely submissions of tuition invoices are entered into WINGS.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 17
1.15.16. Provides oversight of the High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) interview
1.15.17. Ranks cadets at the end of each term for purposes of PSP, categorization, scholarships,
and awards boards. The Det Commander Ranking (DCR) will reflect cadets’ relative standings
amongst their peers within their cohort and is an assessment of a cadet’s performance and
potential for officership based on the whole person concept. Assess cadet’s ability to appropriately apply academic leadership/followership
lessons through job performance within the cadet wing, contribute to and lead small teams,
communicate effectively, apply lessons learned, follow instructions, and adhere to the Air
Force Core Values. Factors that should not be considered are those for which cadets receive other
objective scores which are combined with the cadet's static ranking to produce the cadet's
overall Order of Merit. This includes GPA, PFA score, FT rank etc. General Military Course (GMC) cadets will be ranked within their AS classes. Professional Officer Course (POC) cadets will be ranked within their fiscal year
of commissioning.
1.15.18. Reviews locally produced advertising and promotional (A&P) materials.
1.15.19. Reviews and approves the detachment recruiting plans.
1.15.20. Ensures applicants and cadets comply with accessions guidance, including DAFMAN
36-2032 and DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Appearance of United States Air Force and United
States Space Force Personnel, to include compliance with tattoo and body piercing guidance.
1.15.21. Manages ROTC Monthly Status and Payment Report IAW HOLM CENTER
INSTRUCTION 65-101, The AFROTC Cadet Payment Programs.
1.15.22. Ensure creation of DTS profiles and travel orders for cadets IAW DoDI 4515.13, Air
Transportation Eligibility.
18 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
2.1. General Information. The AFROTC recruiting mission is to recruit highly qualified
candidates to meet DAF officer accession goals. AFROTC recruiting is conducted in accordance
with DAFMAN 36-2032 and the AFROTC National Recruiting Strategy. The OPR for this chapter
Section 1 Roles and Responsibilities.
2.2. Recruiting Branch (AFROTC/RRR). Leads recruiting efforts on a strategic level for
2.2.1. Publishes the AFROTC National Recruiting Strategy.
2.2.2. Provides staff guidance and assistance to detachment Recruiting Officers (RO).
2.2.3. Directs the national marketing and advertising plan, national recruiting efforts, and the
development of recruiting methods.
2.2.4. Coordinates with USAFA and Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) to maximize overall
Air Force recruiting effectiveness.
2.2.5. Manages recruiting Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget.
2.2.6. Provides detailed market analysis, including top high schools, to each RO.
2.2.7. Participates in initial recruiter training for newly assigned AFRS Gold Bar Recruiters
and AFROTC detachment cadre in coordination with AFRS/RSO.
2.2.8. Provides functional area expertise for staff visits and AFROTC inspection teams.
2.2.9. National Call Center (RRRN). Monitors website and answers requests
for information to customer's satisfaction. Additionally, Gold Bar Recruiters contact
information is available on the website.
2.2.10. Targeted Recruiting Section (RRRT). Develops recruiting strategies through market
research and guidance from Air Force leadership. Coordinates with Air Force agencies to
determine target markets, including those based on diversity, skills, education or other goals.
2.2.11. Advertising Section (RRRM). Oversees AFROTC marketing and advertising efforts.
Develops print and multi-media ads, software, video and policy. Reviews locally developed
ads and print media annually. Maintains and approves special promotional items (SPIs) and
A&P funds to provide AFROTC recruiting materials.
2.3. Detachment Commander (Det/CC). Ensures a cadre member is present at all times during
off-campus recruiting events. Cadets are not allowed to recruit off-campus or virtually
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 19
2.3.1. Cadre/Cadets will maintain a professional appearance IAW DAFI 36-2903 for all
recruiting events. It is the Det/CC’s responsibility to ensure professionalism regardless of the
recruiting medium.
2.3.2. When conducting virtual recruiting, cadre/cadets will ensure their virtual background is
professional and their area is free of distractions/interruptions. Virtual name blocks should
include Detachment--Rank, First Name and Last Name (i.e. "Det 123--Capt John Doe", "Det
123--Cadet Jane Doe").
2.4. Recruiting Officer (RO). Leads detachment initiatives to recruit in-college, high school, and
enlisted members in their geographic area. ROs will:
2.4.1. Adhere to most recent publication of AFROTC Recruiting Officer Guide found in
TEAMS RRR > Files > Recruiting Officer Resources > RO Training > RO Guidance
2.4.2. Generate Detachment Spend Plan found under TEAMS > Reserve Officer Training
Corps > RRR > Detachment Spend Plans, and save under the detachment’s region folder.
2.4.3. Establish and maintain a detachment website on their host institution server IAW DAFI
35-101, Public Affairs Operations, if allowed by the institution.
2.4.4. Establish and maintain a web-based recruiting space (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams,
FaceTime, etc.). Ensure audio/video checks are conducted prior to event start.
2.4.5. Document and evaluate all recruiting events in a standardized AAR and submit to HQ
Section 2 Recruiting Operations
2.5. Lead Management. IAW DAFMAN 36-2032, “leads” are defined as individuals who appear
to possess, or may in the future possess, the qualifications for enlistment or appointment as a
commissioned officer. AFROTC personnel who perform recruiting functions must maintain leads
IAW AFROTC Recruiting Guide. Lead management must include protection of personally
identifiable information (PII).
2.5.1. Manage contact worklist on a regular basis, and follow-up with leads consistently to move
them through the recruitment process. Once a lead becomes an applicant, add their information
in WINGS. Applicant is defined as an individual who applies to AFROTC through HSSP or
enrollment in GMC courses.
2.6. Recruiting Advertising & Promotion (A&P) Funds. Recruiting A&P funds are used
primarily to support detachment recruiting needs. ROs may purchase detachment promotional
items utilizing allocated A&P funding. ROs should not pay taxes on purchases. To place an order,
ROs will:
2.6.1. Coordinate with the vendor and arrange for services.
20 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
2.6.2. Obtain a proof of the product before AFROTC/RRRM purchases the product in quantity.
ROs must proof all promotional items prior to ordering in final quantity.
2.6.3. Ensure work is not started by the vendor until AFROTC/RRRM authorizes purchase.
2.7. Funding Restrictions. Recruiting A&P and O&M funds cannot be used to purchase the
following: awards, uniforms for cadets or cadre, detachment beautification, construction, drones,
computers and computer accessories, or any single item valued at over $25 without
AFROTC/RRRM approval. Recruiting funds not obligated by the detachments or regions will be
recovered by AFROTC/RRR for use in support of national recruiting and marketing initiatives.
2.8. Center of Influence (COI) Events. A COI event is a planned event where meals or snacks
appropriate for the occasion are served to provide a setting for DAF personnel to make a recruiting
presentation to highly qualified leads or key influencers of highly qualified leads and/or applicants.
COI events will be conducted in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulation and AFMAN 65-
114, Travel Procedures for Financial Management Flights, Finance Offices-Reserve
Components, Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center-Finance Component, and
DAFMAN 36-2032. Any COI event that is HQ-funded will be reviewed by HQ/RRRM and any
COI event that is Det-funded will be reviewed by Det/CCs. Tax-free payable invoices for
requested items must be submitted to AFROTC/RRRM for purchase.
2.9. Printing Sources. Printing must be procured through the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Printing Services, unless a waiver is granted. IAW DAFI 64-117, Government Purchase Card
Program, if a waiver is granted, printing may be obtained locally using the GPC. All projects must
comply with institution policy and be approved by AFROTC/RRRM before printing. Send printed
copy with changes, text copy, or a rough layout to AFROTC/RRRM.
2.10. End of Course Survey. Ensure cadets complete End of Course Survey upon completion of
ROTC program or when disenrolling from the program.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 21
Section 1–Enrollment Requirements
3.1. General Information. The core competency of AFROTC is to train individuals seeking a
commission into a DAF military service. Traditionally these individuals are working on their first
undergraduate degree, but students seeking a second undergraduate or graduate degree are eligible
to join AFROTC as long as all other requirements are met and they are able to accomplish all
AFROTC requirements prior to graduation. This section provides eligibility, application, and
enrollment requirements for AFROTC cadets. It defines requirements for membership in the two
major phases of the program, the General Military Course (GMC) and the Professional Officer
Course (POC). The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RRF.
3.2. Liability and Insurance. Aerospace Studies courses are university-owned and are not
classified as PMT; therefore, medical coverage for all enrolled students (participating students,
applicants, pursuing and contract/non-contract cadets) will be through their university or personal
insurance programs. IAW Title 10 U.S.C. 2109, Practical Military Training, PMT is specific
AFROTC-sponsored training programs, such as Field Training (FT), PT, LLAB and Professional
Development Training (PDT), under which enrolled students may be covered under the
Department of Labor (DoL) for reimbursement of costs associated with medical treatment at
civilian facilities. Reference Chapter 10 for a definition on PMT.
Figure 3.1. AFROTC Student Life Cycle.
3.3. Participating Student. Students who are not seeking a commission may choose to enroll in
AFROTC academic courses. Participating students are not cadets, and the following apply:
3.3.1. Must create a WINGS record; however, students are not required to complete the
application for AFROTC membership. Detachments will take the appropriate actions to
establish a WINGS record for participating students.
3.3.2. May enroll in AFROTC classes for academic course credit only.
22 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
3.3.3. Will not participate in Leadership Laboratory, Physical Training, or any Professional
Development Programs. SMC Det/CCs may allow participation based on their university
requirements as long as it’s mandated by the university.
3.3.4. Will not be issued uniforms.
3.3.5. Will not be included in Detachment Commander's Ranking.
3.3.6. Will not compete in any selection program.
3.3.7. Are ineligible for a contract or commission.
3.4. Applicant Cadet. Applicants are cadets who are seeking a commission but are not yet
qualified to be an active cadet. Cadets will remain in Applicant status in WINGS until all
enrollment documentation is complete and any required waivers are obtained. Applicants will not
be issued uniforms, and are not eligible for scholarship nomination or PSP. Exception: cadets who
are in applicant status based on citizenship requirements may compete for PSP and be issued
uniforms prior to PSP selection at Det/CC discretion. See paragraph 3.8 for intent.
3.5. Active Cadet. Active cadets are students enrolled in the AFROTC program who are seeking
a commission and have completed all enrollment requirements. Cadets are listed as Active in
WINGS. Active status does not confer active duty military status upon cadets.
3.5.1. Active GMC can be either scholarship cadets who are contracted, or non-scholarship
cadets who are not on contract.
3.5.2. POC must be eligible to contract to carry Active POC status. For POC cadets who are
not yet eligible to contract, see paragraph 3.6 for correct WINGS cadet status.
3.6. Pursuing Cadet. Pursuing cadets are non-contract POC cadets who are temporarily ineligible
to contract because of a condition that is expected to be corrected within one academic term
(EXCEPTION: Guard and Reserve members (see paragraph 11.11), and Non-US citizens (see
paragraph 3.8)). Pursuing cadets are enrolled in both AS class and LLAB. Detachments will ensure
these cadets are changed from Active to Pursuing status in WINGS effective the first day of host
institution classes following the cadet's successful completion of Field Training. Det/CCs must
contract pursuing cadets within one academic term but NLT 10 workdays after the start of
subsequent term. The Region/CC is the approval authority for extensions. Once cadet becomes
eligible and is contracted, detachment will change cadet’s status in WINGS back to Active. If
cadet is unable to become eligible to contract within the required timeline, the detachment will det
drop the student. Pursuing cadets are not entitled to stipend or retroactive payment if later
3.7. Family Member Prohibition. Family members or relatives of AFROTC cadre members are
prohibited from enrolling as a cadet at the detachment where the cadre member is assigned.
AFROTC/CC is the waiver authority.
3.8. Non-US Citizens. Non-US citizens are applicants while enrolled in the GMC and become
pursuing cadets when they enter the POC. They must be able to become citizens prior to
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 23
contracting. Immigrants pursuing citizenship in the United States must provide the original
Immigration Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card for verification to become applicants. All
other Non-US citizens with no intent to commission may enroll as Participating Students. Non-US
Citizens with Applicant status may compete for an EA and attend FT provided the Applicant can
obtain US citizenship within 12-months after PSP results are announced. The Applicant is
responsible for obtaining citizenship; failure to obtain citizenship will result in loss of EA. When
EA results are announced, the Applicant must sign the Statement of Understanding below (Figure
3.8.1. For cadets who actively pursued citizenship and can demonstrate accomplishment of
citizenship requirements, but whose citizenship approval may be delayed beyond the 12-month
deadline, the Region/CC may grant a waiver until the end of the AS300 year (AS400 year for
5-year cadets).
Figure 3.2. Citizenship Statement of Understanding.
3.9. Cadet Classifications. Enroll cadets into the appropriate AS class level based on the time
they have remaining to complete AFROTC and their degree, not necessarily how the university
classifies the student. Reference Table 3.1 for cadet classifications.
3.9.1. General Military Course (GMC) Cadets. The GMC normally covers the first two years
in the program and consists of AS100 and AS200 classes and LLAB. The GMC entry date is
the first day of host institutional classes at the beginning of the AS100 or AS250 term.
3.9.2. Professional Officer Course (POC) Cadets. The POC consists of AS300 and AS400
classes and LLAB. The POC entry date is the first day of host institution’s classes at the
beginning of the AS300 term. POC Membership. Cadets can enter the POC if they successfully completed GMC
requirements, hold an EA, satisfactorily completed FT (or been properly deferred) and
attend POC classes and LLAB while enrolled in school. POC scholarship cadets who lose
their scholarship due to failure to meet academic retention standards may remain POC
members if they continue to meet cadet retention standards. POC Duration. The POC consists of two full academic years. Requests to
commission with less than two years in the POC require a waiver from the Region/CC. The
Det/CC may authorize a POC member to enroll simultaneously in two POC courses for a
I understand that I am within the 12-month point for applying for my citizenship. I also understand that I cannot apply
for citizenship until 90 days prior to my citizenship eligibility date. I am competing for an AFROTC enrollment
allocation based on this timeframe. I will file for my citizenship 90 days prior to my eligibility. I will provide copies
of my citizenship package to the Det/CC when filed. If I do not file the package at the 90-day point of my citizenship
eligibility date, my enrollment allocation will be withdrawn. If I do not receive my citizenship, my enrollment
allocation will be withdrawn.
_______________________________________ _____________________________________________
(Cadet Printed Name and Date) (Signature of Cadet)
24 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
maximum of one academic term. (Exception: occasional specific programs, such as JAG
One-Year Commissioning Program (OYCP) may not be subject to this paragraph.)
Table 3.1. Cadet Classifications.
Definition (Applies to Cadets Only) Status Courses Notes
Contract or non-contract cadets. They remain classified as
AS100 cadets until disenrolled (contract only), dropped
(non-contract), or enter into the AS200 course.
AS 100
Contract or non-contract cadets. They remain AS200
cadets until disenrolled (contract only), dropped (non-
contract), enter into the POC, or become AS500s.
AS 200
Contract or non-contract cadets. AS250 cadets must meet
all LLAB objectives for both AS 100 and AS 200 courses.
A student remains an AS250 until disenrolled (contract
only), dropped (non-contract only), no longer dual-
enrolled in the GMC (contract and non-contract), or enter
into the POC.
AS 100
AS 200
When determining
overall cadet
enrollment, count
AS250s as AS200s.
All cadets on contract or in pursuing status with AFROTC
who are enrolled as a member of the first year of the POC.
They remain AS300 cadets until disenrolled (contract
only), dropped (pursuing only), or enter into the AS400
AS 300
All cadets on contract or in pursuing status with AFROTC
who are enrolled as a member of the second year of the
POC. They remain AS400 cadets until disenrolled,
commissioned, or enter into extended cadet status.
AS 400
who have completed the GMC and did not
compete successfully for an enrollment allocation (EA)
the previous year, did not successfully complete field
training (FT) and are awaiting disenrollment (scholarship
cadets), or are attempting to re-compete for an EA. They
remain AS500 cadets until dropped, disenrolled, or enter
into the POC.
Eligible for
nomination and
award, but
entitlements cannot
be activated until
entering the POC.
Non-scholarship contract or pursuing cadet (including
those who received CMLA) who has completed all AS
and LLAB requirements but has not graduated.
If in a SAF-approved
5-year major,
authorized up to 900
days of stipend. Not
required to register
for LLAB;
attendance is
Scholarship contract cadet who has completed all AS and
LLAB requirements but has not graduated.
Extended LLAB
If in a SAF-approved
5-year major,
authorized additional
entitlements and up
to 900 days of
stipend. Not required
to register for LLAB;
attendance is
Cadets who have completed AS classes and their degree
but are not yet qualified to commission.
Extended None
Must meet all pre-
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 25
requirements on
3.10. Abbreviated Programs. Depending on the needs of the DAF, AFROTC may establish
abbreviated programs to include 1- or 2-year AFROTC programs. These programs are intended
for university students who are within one or two years of degree completion, including AFROTC
classes. Detachments must submit requests for program entry approval and Out of Cycle
Enrollment Allocation (OOC EA) via WINGS Category (EA) Change. Approval will be made on
a case-by-case basis by the AFROTC/CC.
3.10.1. 1-Year Cadets. Senior Military College (SMC) students (all other students by exception
only) may apply. These cadets will enter the program as an AS400 with an OOC EA. They
should attend FT after their AS400 year but before they commission.
3.10.2. 2-Year Cadets. These cadets will enter the program as an AS300 with an OOC EA.
They should attend FT between their AS300 and AS400 years.
3.11. Substance Abuse and Drug Demand Reduction Policy. The AF Form 2030, USAF Drug
and Alcohol Abuse Certificate, must be used to screen and counsel applicants for drug use and/or
abuse, particularly regarding AF policy that any future use is disqualifying. Illegal drugs are
defined on the AF Form 2030. Use of prescription drugs without a prescription is considered
illegal drug use. Hemp derivatives and synthetic cannabinoids (e.g. “Spice”) are also prohibited.
Applicants will ensure they understand the importance of listing required information when
completing the AF Form 2030. Revealing pre-orientation drug use later, even if it were originally
waivable, may result in disenrollment or dismissal from AFROTC based on fraudulent entry.
Additional guidance can be found in DAFMAN 44-197, Military Drug Demand Reduction
3.11.1. Drug Policy Briefing. Briefing date is the earliest date the applicant is officially briefed
in-person or virtually by a cadre member on the AFROTC Drug Policy and signs the AF Form
2030. This signature and acknowledgement will occur during the New Student Orientation or
the first official class or training event, whichever occurs first.
3.11.2. Pre-Orientation Drug Use. Pre-orientation drug use (separate from drug offenses) is not
a disqualifier for program entry. Det/CCs may, at their discretion, waive pre-orientation
marijuana drug use based on an applicant’s responses on the Form 2030. AFROTC/RR is the
waiver authority for all other pre-orientation drug use and drug-related convictions, or
adversely adjudicated drug offenses, as outlined in DAFMAN 36-2032 Attachment 2.
3.11.3. Det/CC must contact Holm Center/JA for advice when independent evidence of a
cadet’s drug or hemp usage is brought to their attention.
3.11.4. Post-orientation drug use (including marijuana) by applicants and cadets renders them
ineligible for the program and is not waivable.
3.11.5. Drug Demand Reduction Program (DDRP). AFROTC follows the Air Force’s Zero
Tolerance policy on illicit drug use. All cadets pursuing a commission are required to sign a
DDRP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and are subject to drug testing any time after
26 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
program entry, during the school year, or at field training (FT). When contracting and new
student orientation occur on the same day, the DAF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer
Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract, is the source document for the DDRP program and the
MOU is not required. Failure to Comply/Report. Unless an authorized excusal exists, failure to comply
or report for a random drug test is considered an unauthorized absence. Cadets who fail to
report for a random drug test may be ordered to provide a urinalysis sample immediately.
Any cadet who fails to submit to a drug test will be subject to dismissal from the AFROTC
program. Positive Testing. Any individual testing positive on a drug test will be subject to
dismissal from AFROTC. Drug testing of AFROTC cadets is only for the purposes of
determining eligibility for continued participation in AFROTC and does not subject cadets
to criminal liability.
3.11.6. Detachment DDRP Training and Collection Procedures. Per DAFMAN 44-197,
Chapter 4, host-installations are responsible for training Geographically Separated Units
(GSUs) which include AFROTC detachments and providing drug testing material as required. Det/CC will appoint a Drug Testing Program Administrative Manager (DTPAM)
and provide the appointment letter to the host-installation DDRP program manager. All
cadre members can be used for collection purposes as long as they are the same gender as
the individual providing the sample. Detachments can reach out to other detachments,
host-installation, region staffs and AFROTC HQ staff to support collection efforts when
there are not enough collectors. Det/CCs who want to perform a random drug testing, have a reasonable suspicion
of drug use, or have received evidence indicating drug use within their detachment may
order such urinalysis collection. Prior to testing, contact HC/JA to evaluate evidence that
supports reasonable suspicion. If considering a full sweep or collection within the
detachment work directly with your host-installation DDRP program manager and contact
HC/JA prior to performing the collection.
Section 2Application Procedures
3.12. Applicant Actions. Applicants must:
3.12.1. Meet age requirements in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2. Age Requirements.
Maximum Age
Program Entry
1, 2
Scholarship Activation
(as of 31 Dec of Year of Commissioning)
1, 2
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 27
Mission Exposure (Base
3, 4
Pilot, CSO, ABM
5, 6
Health Professions
1. If under 18, Parent or Legal Guardian permission Required.
2. Minimum age to sign a DAF Form 1056 is 18 - 21, depending on state requirement to enter a legal contract.
3. Use an adjusted age for applicants with prior military service. To calculate, subtract the applicant’s years of
satisfactory service, from the applicant’s age. See DAFMAN 36-2032 paragraph for additional
4. AFROTC/RR will coordinate with AFPC on age waivers required for commissioning.
5. AFPC/DP3 is the waiver authority for commissioning Pilot, CSO, and ABM officers over maximum age limits.
6. AFMAN 36-2023 paragraphs through provide information on specific age restrictions and
3.12.2. Enroll as a full-time student at an accredited college that hosts an AFROTC detachment
or a university or junior college having a cross-town agreement IAW AFROTCI 36-2014,
AFROTC Enrollment and Relations with Host/Non-Host Institutions, Including Crosstown and
Consortium Agreements.
3.12.3. Enroll and participate in AS classes, LLAB, and PT.
3.12.4. Enter required application information into WINGS.
3.12.5. Present original birth certificate, proof of naturalization or current U.S. passport to
certify U.S. citizenship.
3.12.6. Present original signed social security card.
3.12.7. Complete sports physical either via AFROTC Form 28, Air Force ROTC Pre-
Participatory Sports Physical, a university, NCAA, or state-approved physical form or have a
qualified medical exam (certified DoD Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) or
Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) physical).
3.12.8. Provide an academic degree plan that demonstrates their ability to commission in their
programmed fiscal year. Cadets must recertify their academic plan in the Fall term each year
after consultation with a university academic advisor and detachment cadre. An exception is
4-Year HSSP recipients, who may be an active cadet and contract without a completed
academic degree plan, but are required to complete it NLT their first mid-term feedback.
University-provided or locally produced forms may be used at the Detachment Commander’s
3.12.9. Provide the following documents, if applicable: DD Form 785, Record of Disenrollment from Officer Candidate Training. DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty.
28 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United
States. College transcript(s) and Advanced Placement (AP) course certificate(s).
3.13. Detachment Actions. Detachments must:
3.13.1. Verify applicant’s US citizenship with the original birth certificate, naturalization
certificate, or current U.S. passport (that identifies the holder as a U.S. citizen, not a non-citizen
national). Detachments must also verify dual citizenship (if applicable). Refer to Chapter 11
for information on citizenship requirements.
3.13.2. Verify applicant’s social security number (SSN) with the original Social Security Card.
3.13.3. Build cadet records containing the following items using Section 1 of the AFROTC
Form 63, AFROTC Enrollment / Enlistment Checklist: Drug Demand Reduction MOU (Attachment 4). AFROTC Form 28 or university, NCAA, or state-approved sports physical form
or qualified medical exam IAW Chapter 8. AF Form 2030, USAF Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate. Not required for
Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to ROTC (SOAR), Airmen Scholarship
Commissioning Program (ASCP) or POC Early Release Program (POC-ERP); reference
DAFMAN 36-2032, Officer Training School (OTS) and Enlisted Commissioning
Programs (ECPs). DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data. DD Form 2005, Privacy Act Statement–Health Care. DD Form 2983, Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement. If applicable, obtain the following forms: AFROTC Form 14, Law Enforcement Inquiry. DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United
States. DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and
verify applicant’s eligibility for reenlistment. DD Form 785, Record of Disenrollment from Officer Candidate-Type
Training. Scholarship Program Statement of Understanding (SOU) (Attachment 2).
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 29
3.14. Waiver for Cadets Who Were Disenrolled from Previous Officer Training Programs.
The Det/CC may approve waivers for former cadets who were disenrolled from any
commissioning source with a marking of “1” or “2” on the DD Form 785, Section IV,
Recommendation for Future Officer Training. The Region/CC is the approval authority for other
waivers of previous disenrollments. Any cadet who resigns or is eliminated from another
commissioning source for an honor code violation, regardless of the recommendation on the DD
Form 785 or DD Form 214, will not be allowed to enroll as a cadet in AFROTC without a waiver
from AFROTC/CC. In all prior cadet enrollment request cases, include a copy of the DD Form
785, a signed statement by the applicant stating the reason for disenrollment, and DD Form 214
(if previously enlisted or at a service academy). A USAFA cadet with an Active Duty Service
Commitment (ADSC) must provide proof of release from the ADSC. The following statement
must be included in their handwritten statement: “I certify that I had no honor code incidents,
involvements or resignation in lieu thereof.”
3.15. GMC/POC Accreditation. AFROTC is designed and structured as a 4-year program. In
cases where cadets enter the AFROTC program with less than 4 years remaining in their academic
degree program, Det/CCs may accredit cadets for completion of military training/service
(including reserve and guard), Junior ROTC (JROTC), sister service ROTC, service academy
training, or Civil Air Patrol (CAP) awards as outlined in Table 3.3. Verify JROTC participation
using AFJROTC Form 310, AFJROTC Certificate of Completion, DAF Form 1256, Certificate of
Training or similar certificates from the other services, or high school transcripts. Accreditation
documentation must be filed in cadet’s UPRG.
Table 3.3. GMC/POC Accreditation.
GMC Accreditation
Service Academy/
Prep School/ Sister
Service SROTC
Prior Military
Service (Active
Prior Military
Service (ARC)
(see note)
2 Years
2 Years
1 Semester
180 or more days
of consecutive
military service
BMT and 1
creditable year
of ARC service
3 or 4
Earhart 2 Semester 2
N/A 3 Years
3 Semester
ALS and 2
creditable years
of service
4 Years
4 Semester
NOTE: Regardless of accredited semesters, all cadets must meet the PSP board as a GMC prior to entry into the
POC. The only exceptions are programs which board-select cadets to enter the POC directly (POC-ERP, JAG
programs, some SOAR/ASCP, etc.); those cadets receive out-of-cycle EAs.
POC Accreditation
3 Years at a Service Academy/Sister Service SROTC. (Region/CC can accredit one additional
semester of POC for an equivalent Service Academy/Sister Service SROTC senior year.)
Note: Cadets must complete at least one year in the AFROTC POC to be commissioned.
30 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
4.1. General Information. This chapter provides guidelines for the administration of AFROTC
scholarship programs. The AFROTC scholarship programs are authorized by 10 U.S.C. 2107,
Financial Assistance Program for Specially Selected Members, and annual National Defense
Authorization Acts (NDAA), and DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions. The
AFROTC/CC approves scholarship programs, selection cycle schedules, the number of
scholarship awards, types of scholarships, and the qualification requirements for scholarship
programs. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RRU.
4.2. Purpose & Intent. To provide merit-based academic scholarships as an incentive to attract,
recruit, and retain a diverse, intellectual, and leadership-focused talent pool of high school seniors,
high school graduates, and college students whose planned undergraduate fields of study meet Air
& Space Force accessions objectives. AFROTC scholarships are intended to provide financial
assistance to cadets pursuing an undergraduate program qualifying them for commission into the
Air & Space Forces.
4.3. Scholarship Programs. AFROTC scholarships are offered through three primary programs
consisting of the High School Scholarship Program (HSSP), the In-College Scholarship Program
(ICSP), and the Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP).
4.4. Special Scholarship Programs. As DAF requirements necessitate, AFROTC/CC may
establish special scholarship programs to address specific accessions needs. To the maximum
extent possible, these programs will remain consistent with enduring scholarship programs with
regard to eligibility and selection.
4.4.1. Language Flagship Scholarships. Language Flagship Scholarships are foreign language
scholarship opportunities available to eligible GMC cadets attending universities with an
approved Language Flagship program. Language flagship scholarships have a 4-year
maximum length. The capstone 5th year is paid by the Defense Language and National
Security Education Office (DLNSEO). To be eligible for a Language Flagship Scholarship,
cadets must be accepted into and enrolled in a Language Flagship program, pursuing an
approved foreign language at an approved university, and meet all scholarship eligibility and
activation requirements IAW Table 4.4. For more information regarding Language Flagship
programs and a complete list of approved languages and universities visit website. Flagship scholarships are not boarded; instead
the Detachment must contact AFROTC/RRU for each cadet selected into a Flagship program
to request award of the scholarship. The scholarship must be activated in the term the cadet is
selected into the Flagship program; or, if cadet is selected during a summer term, the
scholarship must be activated the next immediate Fall term.
4.4.2. AFJROTC J-100 Leadership Scholarships. The J-100 scholarships are a form of HSSP
available exclusively to Air Force Junior ROTC cadets selected by an AFJROTC convened
board. These scholarships are 4-year Type 1 scholarships with a housing benefit of $5,000 per
semester added in exchange for a reduction in the cadet textbook allowance. J-100
scholarships are not restricted by academic major or university. Except for the room
reimbursement, J-100 scholarships are administered in the same way as other HSSP
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 31
scholarships. The housing benefit must be used in on campus housing or university contracted
housing and must be invoiced by the university where the cadet is enrolled. Refer to paragraph
4.14 for more information about the housing benefit.
4.4.3. United States Space Force (USSF) Scholarships. These scholarships are a form of HSSP
available to all HSSP program applicants who indicate a desire to ultimately obtain a
commission as a Guardian in the United States Space Force. These applicants have indicated
this choice while completing their online HSSP application. As a result, HSSP qualified
applicants will be interviewed by a selection board of USSF officers in addition to the interview
conducted by AFROTC. Those selected for this program will receive a 4-year Type 1
scholarship and will receive priority consideration for selection during the Space Board after
they have successfully competed for an enrollment allocation during the POC selection Process
Board. The USSF scholarship board occurs one month prior to the spring HSSP board.
Therefore, HSSP applicants wishing to compete on the USSF board must have their HSSP
application completed NLT 30 November.
4.5. Scholarship Academic Majors. Scholarship cadets must major in the category for which the
scholarship was awarded. Refer to Table 4.2, Scholarship Categories, for potential award
4.5.1. Cadets awarded a scholarship or scholarship upgrade that was based on pursuit of a
critical/technical major will have their scholarship terminated, downgraded, or withdrawn as
applicable, should they change their major. This includes most HSSP scholarship awards, USSF
scholarships, Express scholarship awards from the In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP), and
critical major scholarship upgrades from the ICSP general board. EXCEPTION: Recipients of
the HSSP Commander’s Scholarship (CS), the Commander’s In-College Scholarship (CICS),
and recipients of the AFJROTC J-100 scholarship. A major change completed by a cadet without prior approval at the appropriate
level regardless of category will result in loss of scholarship. No exceptions will be
considered. SAF-Approved 5-year Major Changes. Cadets in a SAF-approved 5-year major
who obtain approval for an academic major change will be counseled in writing that
scholarship entitlements end upon completion of AFROTC classes (AS400) unless their
new major is also a SAF-approved 5-year major and they obtain approval for additional
terms of entitlements IAW paragraph 4.10.
4.6. The Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP). The ECP provides 2- to 4-year scholarships
to specially selected enlisted members to pursue a commission through AFROTC or to complete
their undergraduate degree and commission through OTS. The ECP consists of the Airman
Scholarship & Commissioning Program (ASCP), the Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to
Reserve Officer Training Corps (SOAR), the Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program
(POC-ERP), the Senior Leader Enlisted Commissioning Program (SLECP-A), and the Nurse
Enlisted Commissioning Program (NECP). For additional information on ECPs, refer to Chapter
18, Enlisted Commissioning Programs.
32 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
4.6.1. Airman Scholarship & Commissioning Program. ASCP offers enlisted personnel the
opportunity to earn a commission while completing their bachelor’s degree as an AFROTC
cadet. Scholarships range from two to four years in length. Members selected for ASCP
separate from active duty and join AFROTC as traditional cadets. Participants receive a Type
2 scholarship for tuition and fees, an annual textbook allowance, and a monthly stipend. Any
participants selected for this program with only two years remaining in their undergraduate
program will receive an out-of-cycle EA, enroll directly into the POC, and attend field training
between their AS300 and AS400 years. Refer to Chapter 18 for additional information on the
ASCP, detachment responsibilities, and member requirements.
4.6.2. Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to Reserve Officers Training Corps. SOAR
allocates scholarship quotas to MAJCOMs, field operating agencies, and direct reporting units
who select outstanding Airmen for program participation. Qualified and selected airmen
receive a two- to four-year scholarship to a college or university offering AFROTC. Members
selected for SOAR separate from active duty and join AFROTC as traditional cadets.
Participants receive a Type 2 scholarship for tuition and fees, an annual textbook allowance,
and a monthly stipend. Any participants selected for this program with only two years
remaining in their undergraduate program will receive an out-of-cycle EA, enroll directly into
the POC, and attend field training between their AS300 and AS400 years. Refer to Chapter
18 for additional information on the SOAR program, detachment responsibilities, and member
4.6.3. Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program. The POC-ERP is an avenue for
enlisted Airmen with no more than two years of college remaining to apply for early release
to attend college to finish earning their baccalaureate degree and commission through
AFROTC. Selected participants separate from active duty join AFROTC as POC cadets.
POC-ERP participants do not receive a scholarship, but do receive a monthly stipend.
Participants will receive an out-of-cycle EA and attend field training between their AS300 and
AS400 years.
4.6.4. Senior Leader Enlisted Commissioning Program and Nurse Enlisted Commissioning
Program. Active-duty members selected through the SLECP-A and NECP programs remain
on active duty through the duration of the programs. Refer to Chapter 18 for additional
information on the SLECP-A and NECP programs, detachment responsibilities, and member
4.7. Scholarship Types, Categories, & Statuses. AFROTC scholarship programs may offer
various types and categories of scholarships to balance recruitment incentives, production
requirements, and funding availability. Refer to Table 4.1 for established scholarship types and
Table 4.2 for established scholarship categories.
Table 4.1. Scholarship Types.
Scholarship Description
Full tuition & fees (no cap).
Public or
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 33
Up to $18,000 per year ($9,000 per semester or $6,000 per quarter) toward tuition
At schools where tuition and authorized fees are over the scholarship cap,
students are liable for the difference even if the tuition is below the cap when the
student starts at the school, but then increases above
the cap during the
Public or
2, 3
Full tuition & fees (capped at in-state tuition rate). Only authorized for use at a
school where
the cadet qualifies for the in-state tuition rate.
Public only
All HSSP awards are Type 1. This also applies to CS and CICS awards.
. All ICSP and ECP
awards are initially awarded as Type 2. Where tuition rates exceed Type 2 award, detachments should
pursue arrangements with host and crosstown universities to exte
nd in-
state tuition rates to AFROTC cadets where these
rates are below the Type 2 award value. Contact AFROTC/RR
U for assistance.
. Initial awards may be upgraded based on needs of the Air Force.
. Type 7 scholarships are no longer awarded although previously awarded scholarships may still be in effect.
Table 4.2. Scholarship Categories.
Covers all degrees designated by HAF Career Functional Managers in the Air Force Officer
Classification Directory (AFOCD) as a mandatory degree requirement for accessions into a
specific AFSC. A degree program is not considered critical solely because it i
s technical in nature
but is rather based upon demand signals from the AF Program Guidance Letter (PGL). Critical
degree examples: Meteorology, Computer Science, Chemistry, and most engineering disciplines.
The list of critical majors is subject to change
based on updates to the AFOCD and AF PGL. The
current list can be found on the annual HSSP Applicant Guide and on the Scholarship Branch
page on the TEAMS
. Majors may require specific accreditation requirements IAW paragraph
All degrees not listed on the most current critical major list are to be considered non-critical.
Typical non-critical degree examples: Biology, Geology, History,
Communication, Criminal
Justice, and General Studies. The non-
critical category may also include technical or STEM
degrees and foreign languages either not necessary to meet Air Force Program Guidance Letter
requirements or already in sufficient quantities that a scholarship incentive is not indicated.
Foreign Language
Applies to SAF-approved foreign language majors at universities with Language Flagship
programs. Refer to for listing of programs an
d universities.
NOTE: Some foreign languages not available as part of a flagship program may still be
considered critical and will be reflected on the most current list published in the HSSP applicant
guide, the Holm Center intranet under Scholarship Bran
ch and on the Scholarship Branch
TEAMS channel under HQ AFROTC.
Table 4.3. Scholarship Statuses.
Upon selection of an applicant/cadet from a scholarship board, scholarships are classified as
Scholarships offers that have been accepted by the recipient and are ready to activate pending
meeting activation requirements.
Scholarships that have been activated and are available for use by the scholarship recipient.
A scholarship that has been utilized by the cadet and no further obligation exists.
A scholarship offer that has been declined by the recipient. Once declined, the scholarship offer
cannot be reinstated for any reason.
34 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
A scholarship nomination, traditionally only seen during ICSP.
Not Awarded
A scholarship that was not awarded, typically only seen during ICSP.
A scholarship that was previously suspended or temporarily inactivated which has been
reactivated. For administrative purposes, this status is equivalent to “Activated”
A scholarship that has been suspended and is not available for use by the recipient. Refer to
paragraph 4.16 for scholarship suspensions.
Temp Inactive
A scholarship that has been temporarily inactivated and is not available for use by the recipient.
Refer to paragraph 4.15 for scholarship temporary inactivation situations.
A scholarship that has been terminated IAW paragraph 4.17. Scholarships terminated for cause
cannot be reinstated regardless of cadet’s continuation in the program.
A scholarship that has been withdrawn IAW paragraph 4.18. Scholarships withdrawn for cause
cannot be reinstated regardless of cadet’s continuation in the program.
4.8. Scholarship Eligibility and Activation Requirements. Basic eligibility and activation
requirements for all scholarships are outlined in Table 4.4, Basic Eligibility and Activation
Requirements. Additional Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) activation requirements are outlined
in Table 4.5, PFA Requirements for Scholarship Nominations and Activations. Requirements
outlined in Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 apply to all scholarships regardless of program of award. All
scholarships must be activated NLT than the end of the academic term following the term in which
the scholarship was awarded unless otherwise indicated in this instruction.
Table 4.4. Basic Scholarship Eligibility and Activation Requirements.
Eligibility Requirements
Must meet GPA standards for nomination IAW Chapter 5
Must m
eet SAT/ACT standards for nomination as determined by AFROTC/CC.
Must be at least 17 years of age at time of contracting and projected to be under 30 as of 31
December of
the calendar year of commission.
Must meet the Body Mass Index or Body Fat standards (unless waived for athletics) IAW
hapter 5.
Must have a passing Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) score
, super
score, or valid
AFOQT waiver
(Only required if the cadet has taken the AFOQT)
Must be a U.S. citizen or able to obtain U.S. citizenship by the activation deadline
Must not have attended a post
-secondary institution as a full-time student.
Must meet the AFROTC Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) requirements.
Must have completed at least one term of full-time graded college-level work.
Activation Requirements
Must have a qualified DoDMERB physical examination in cadet record.
Must activate the immediate term following the selection cycle from which the scholarship was
. 4-Year HSSP Exception: when late start is mandated by the institution of
activation must occur within the academic year following award.
Must have a signed Form 422 indicating medical qualification for re-enlistment if contracted
within 24 hours from the date of separation. If contracted beyond 24 hours from the date of
separation, must meet Rule A01. (Refer to para
Must attend as a full-time student at the institution where the scholarship will be activated the
immediate term following selection cycle (3-Year scholarship recipients)
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 35
Must have a
college TGPA and CGPA of
2.50 or higher. TGPA is the GPA earned in the
previous full
time term. Summer terms are used to calculate CGPA, but cannot be used as the
TGPA to activate scholarships, regardless of how many hours were taken.
Must have received an Enrollment Allocation (EA), if competed prior to activation.
Must meet the accessions height/weight (BMI) or Body Fat standards (unless waived for
athletics) IAW Chapter 5
Must be a U.S. citizen. For dual citizenship, refer to Chapter 11.
Members of the Guard and Reserve forces (including those from other services) will not be nominated for ICSP until
they obtain a conditional release (DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release) from their unit.
2. Scholarships not activated by the end o
f the activation term and without an approved activation deferral will be withdrawn
and cannot be recovered.
3. Requirements outlined in this table do not apply to SLECP and NECP members on scholarship. Refer to Chapter 18
requirements of members in these programs.
4. Applies to second semester HSSP scholarships activations.
Table 4.5. PFA Requirements for Scholarship Nominations and Activations (see Note 1).
Required to
Required to
Guidance and Timelines
-year HSSP
(see Note 2)
Must pass PFA prior to 31 December of their freshman year; if not,
suspend scholarship; if cadet fails the PFA the subsequent term,
terminate the scholarship, and
initiate CRR.
Exception: cadets unable to meet the 31 December deadline due
to MRS IAW paragraph
will complete the PFA as soon as
possible IAW paragraph
-year HSSP
To activate their scholarship at the beginning of the AS200 Fall
term, cadets must have passed the PFA in the spring of their
AS100 year.
Do not activate the scholarship if cadet’s
most recent PFA is a
failure. Cadets have until the end of the AS200 Fall term to pass
the PFA for activation purposes. If the cadet is unable to pass the
PFA prior to the end of Fall term as AS200, withdraw offer.
(see note 4)
Note 3)
Cadets must have passed their most recent PFA, which must not
be older than the previous term. Cadets returning from FT will
use the PFA Score from FT.
Official AF PFAs that meet testing timelines as prescribed in
AFMAN 36-2905 AFROTC Supplement
may be used to
contract. Must be complete
PFAs with no exempt portions.
For all categories, administer PFA IAW AFROTC Sup to DAFMAN 36-2905,
Department of the Air Force Physical
Fitness Program
Year HSSP recipients with an approved activation deferment to activate after 31 December of their freshman year are
required to
pass a PFA prior to scholarship activation.
Must have achieved a passing score on the most recent official PFA administered to the cadet.
CMLA will follow rules of ICSP for purposes of activation
36 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
4.9. Scholarship Entitlements. Scholarship entitlements are awarded in the form of terms of
entitlements based on the award length. Scholarship entitlements are limited to the number of terms
in the scholarship contract, or the number of terms required to complete the first undergraduate
degree, whichever occurs first, unless additional terms are awarded. Reference Table 4.6.
4.9.1. Terms of Entitlement Statuses. The following statuses will be assigned to each term of
entitlement of an awarded scholarship based on the state of the term of entitlement. Awarded. The status of “Awarded” indicates an awarded term of entitlement
eligible to be used by a cadet with an activated scholarship. Estimated. The status of “Estimated” indicates an awarded term of entitlement with
an estimated cost that is pending invoicing. Used. The status of “Used” indicates a term of entitlement for which funding has
been expended regardless of dollar value. Once used, any “unused” portion of a term of
entitlement cap cannot be re-allocated to another term, awarded or otherwise. Suspended. The status of “Suspended” indicates a term of entitlement that is
ineligible for use by a cadet because the scholarship status is either in suspension or
temporary inactivation. Billed-in-Full (BIF). The BIF flag indicates a term of entitlement has been fully
invoiced and there is no outstanding balance on the cadet’s account eligible to be covered
by the scholarship for the respective term.
4.9.2. Funding Summer Terms/Mini-sessions. Cadets may request to apply scholarship
entitlements to summer school and mini-sessions when attendance is mandatory for their major
and the coursework is only offered during the summer term or mini-session. The total cost
cannot exceed the annual limit based on the scholarship type. Courses offered during the
normal school year, taken to maintain DOC/DOG, or taken to lighten academic load are not
authorized under this paragraph. Requests must be approved by AFROTC/RR prior to
enrollment of the course(s) to be taken. Requests for summer terms and mini-sessions must be submitted via AFROTC
Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request, prior to 15 September of the academic year in
which the courses are to be taken. If approved, detachments will ensure accurate estimates
are entered into WINGS within 14 days of request approval.
4.9.3. Funding Graduate Courses. Scholarship funding ceases upon completion of an
undergraduate degree regardless of the original award length. Use of scholarship funds
towards graduate courses is authorized by exception only, when funding is available. Requires
AFROTC/CC approval no earlier than POC entry. If approved, only remaining entitlements
from the original scholarship award will be authorized for use towards graduate courses. Approved graduate funding may be applied only to courses taken at the cadet's
detachment host institution or one of its affiliated crosstown institutions.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 37 Graduate funding will not be authorized for cadets that choose to consolidate a
four- or five-year program to complete all undergraduate requirements early. Funding requests must submitted via Cadet Personnel Action Request (CPAR) to
AFROTC/RRU at afr[email protected] and must be received NLT 31 Aug of the
academic year in which the cadet will complete their undergraduate work, but no earlier
than enrollment in the POC. Requests should include any supporting documentation as
applicable to help evaluate merit for approval. Late requests will not be processed and
will be automatically disapproved. Scholarship cadets who are not having their graduate courses funded may be
eligible to receive the housing conversion.
4.9.4. Funding Additional Degree Courses. AFROTC will not extend scholarship entitlements
for courses taken after first undergraduate degree is completed. In the case of cadets who have
completed their first undergraduate degree but have not completed all AS academic
requirements, scholarship entitlements will cover only AS academic requirements.
4.9.5. Period of Non-Attendance. If a cadet has an approved PNA per paragraph 7.5, they may
request unused terms of entitlements from the PNA period be moved to the end of their
scholarship upon returning to the program. If the cadet chooses to leave without an approved
PNA, the scholarship shall be withdrawn or terminated as appropriate with an effective date of
the cadet’s departure from the program. HSSP applicants selected for a scholarship and approved for a PNA must be
contracted prior to beginning the PNA, then have their scholarships placed in temporarily
inactive status until the end of the PNA. In cases where the PNA is for disciplinary reasons,
the scholarship may be suspended for the duration of the PNA at the discretion of the
detachment Commander. Suspended terms of entitlement are not recoverable. Active cadets that are approved for a PNA prior to contracting and scholarship
activation will have their scholarship activation term adjusted to the first term after the
conclusion of the PNA period. For example, cadet expected to contract Fall 2021 is
approved for a PNA of 1 year will have their activation term moved to Fall 2022.
4.9.6. Concurrent Degree Programs. Scholarship funding may be authorized for eligible
technical concurrent degree programs. Concurrent degree programs are defined as academic
programs in which both undergraduate and graduate diplomas are conferred at the end of the
program. Programs where the undergraduate degree is conferred prior to graduate work
beginning are not authorized. Concurrent degree programs must comprise of both technical undergraduate and
graduate programs (e.g., undergraduate in Electrical Engineering with a graduate in
Electrical Engineering). Non-technical and technical/non-technical combination concurrent degree
programs are not authorized.
38 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Requests to fund concurrent degree programs shall be submitted via CPAR to
AFROTC/RRU at afr[email protected]. Approval authority is AFROTC/RR.
Requests must be received NLT 60 days prior to the start of the AS200 year. Include any
supporting documentation as applicable to help evaluate merit for approval. Late requests
will not be processed and will be automatically disapproved.
4.9.7. Scholarship Transfers. Active scholarships may be transferred when a cadet has been
approved to transfer detachments provided the scholarship award was not contingent upon the
attendance at a specific institution or institution type (e.g., Commander’s scholarships, HBCU,
HSI, etc.). A transferred scholarship will be capped at the tuition rate of the lower cost
university regardless of scholarship type. Exception: If the cadet is transferring from a 2-
year institution to a 4-year institution where the scholarship is eligible to be used normal
scholarship caps apply. 3-Year HSSP scholarship awards are not eligible for transfer prior to activation.
Withdraw the scholarship offer if a cadet transfers prior to activating a 3-year HSSP offer. Commander’s scholarships awarded through any scholarship program are non-
transferrable. Withdraw or terminate, as applicable, Commander’s scholarships in the
event the cadet transfers from the awarding detachment. Withdraw or terminate (as applicable) scholarships in situations where the
contingencies of award will not be met after transferring institutions and/or detachments.
4.9.8. Secondary Institutions. Scholarship entitlements are authorized for use towards eligible
courses at an eligible institution other than the cadet’s primary institution of enrollment.
Cadets are not authorized to use scholarship entitlements at a school not associated with their
detachment through either a host or crosstown agreement. To be funded, course(s) taken at a
secondary institution must meet the following requirements: The secondary institution must be an active host or crosstown to the cadet’s
detachment. Course credit must be approved by the primary institution of enrollment and count
towards the cadet’s degree program. Reimbursement will be capped at the lower cost institution rate.
4.9.9. Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) & Post-9/11 GI Bill Eligibility. Scholarship funding may
affect eligibility for MGIB benefits after entry onto active duty. Reference Title 38, U.S.C.
Section 3011C (3) (B), for further information on MGIB education benefits eligibility.
Commissioned officers that received an AFROTC scholarship are eligible for the Post-9/11 GI
Bill after completing their initial service commitment resulting from receipt of scholarship
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 39
Table 4.6. Scholarship Terms of Entitlements.
Terms of Entitlement Authorized
4 academic years (8 semesters or 12 quarters)
3 academic years (6 semesters or 9 quarters)
2 academic years (4 semesters or 6 quarters)
1 academic years (2 semesters or 3 quarters)
Half-year scholarships (3.5 year, etc.) equal one additional term (1 semester or 1 quarter).
4.10. Additional Terms of Entitlement. Cadets pursuing a SAF approved 5-year major may
request up to a 1-year extension of scholarship entitlements beyond the contracted scholarship
length. Cadets whose total entitlements (original entitlements plus extended entitlements) exceed
4 years (8 semesters/12 quarters) will incur an ADSC of 1 month for each additional month of
scholarship benefits beyond 4-years IAW AFMAN 36-2100, Military Utilization and
Classification, and are required to complete section II of the AFROTC Form 88, Extended Terms
of Scholarship Entitlements Acknowledgement and Certification. Total terms of entitlements may
not extend beyond one academic year after the completion of AS classes and are capped at 5 total
years of entitlements (10 semesters or 15 quarters).
4.10.1. 5-Year Program Length Requirements. Extended entitlements are authorized for
degree programs that have a prescribed length of five total years to include all requirements
for graduation by the cadet’s institution of primary enrollment. Requirements that count
towards the program length include all academic, non-academic (e.g., internships, co-ops, etc.),
and AFROTC requirements.
4.10.2. Additional Terms of Entitlement Eligibility. To be eligible for additional term funding,
scholarship cadets must: Be certified by the owning Det/CC as being enrolled in a SAF-approved 5-year
academic major with a prescribed program length of five years or as requiring more than
four years to complete the degree program with the normal academic load (including
AFROTC courses) but not including courses not required for conferring of the
undergraduate degree. Refer to paragraph 5.1.4 for minimum academic load requirements.
YEAR MAJORS for a list of SAF-approved 5-year majors. Meet Scholarship Activation Requirements prior to the end of the cadet's original
contracted scholarship length. Cadets with a suspended or temporarily inactive scholarship
are ineligible to request additional entitlements. Continue in full-time student status during the 5th year, except for the final term
before graduation/commissioning.
4.10.3. AFROTC Form 88 Processing. For scholarship cadets in an eligible SAF-approved 5-
year undergraduate program, initiate Section I, Cadet Acknowledgement on the day of, but
prior to, enlistment for scholarship activation. Complete Section II, Cadet Acceptance no
40 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
earlier than 10 days prior to the cadet entering the first day of classes of the 5th academic year.
Complete Section III, Termination of Extended Scholarship Entitlements when entitlements
are exhausted, or scholarship is terminated.
4.10.4. Additional Terms of Entitlement Authorization. Additional term funding is authorized
by AFROTC/RR. Completion of Section I of the AFROTC Form 88 does not automatically
qualify a cadet for additional terms of entitlements. Granting of DOC/DOG extension is a
requirement for submitting a request for additional terms of entitlement. Cadets cannot use
additional terms of entitlement towards graduate-level coursework. Requesting Additional Entitlements. Until a WINGS CPAR module is created,
Dets must submit requests for additional terms of entitlement via Form 22. Only Unit
Number, Cadet name, Emp ID, DOC/DOG and sections 21 and 23 are required. Email the
Form 22 directly to AFROTC/RRU at [email protected] per the following
timeline: Ensure Form 88 (with Section I completed) and current academic plan
uploaded to UPRG. Ensure WINGS data reflects 5-year DOC. If not, submit 5th-year DOC
request in WINGS via CPAR module. (Should be submitted NLT end of fall AS200
term to ensure approval prior to data closeout for PSP board, typically January of
AS200 year.) Submit entitlement request per paragraph NLT 31 Dec of AS300
Year. Once request is approved, file signed Form 22 in cadet’s UPRG.
4.11. High School Scholarship Program (HSSP). The HSSP provides 3- and 4-year scholarship
offers to high school seniors and graduates who have no full-time college experience. Students
who have participated in a joint high school/college credit program prior to high school graduation
may still apply via the HSSP program. The focus of the HSSP is to incentivize the study of those
critical majors as influenced by the AF PGL and AFOCD. All critical major scholarships awarded
under the HSSP program are subject to loss of scholarship in the event of a major change from a
critical to a non-critical major.
4.11.1. HSSP Application. The HSSP is announced annually through the Air Force ROTC
website. Students must use the online application to apply.
4.11.2. HSSP Application Period. The HSSP application period will be announced by
AFROTC/RRU annually and will normally occur between the months of July to January.
4.11.3. HSSP Deadlines. Upon receipt of an application, AFROTC/RRUC will determine the
applicant’s status and notify the applicant. Strict application deadlines are established for each
selection cycle to ensure required actions are completed within a timely manner and facilitate
a structured application and boarding process. Applicants are solely responsible for ensuring
all required items are completed by the published deadlines to be considered for scholarship.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 41 Standardized Test Results. Only official ACT or SAT test scores will be accepted.
Test scores must be received by AFROTC/RRUC electronically from the test authority
(e.g., College Board). AFROTC/RRU will publish test score requirements annually. High school counselor certified transcripts for grades 9 through 11. AFROTC/RRU
will publish Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements annually. Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) and PFA Letter of Certification. Extracurricular Activities.
4.11.4. HSSP Scholarship Interview. Qualified applicants are scheduled for an in-person
interview with a detachment near their home of record ZIP Code (generally the nearest
detachment), or a virtual interview with an Air Liaison Officer (ALO) or officer cadre from an
available detachment. Det/CCs will determine if an interview will be in-person or virtual. HSSP Interview Guide. AFROTC/RRU will update and post the guide on the
current AFROTC Intranet no later than 1 August each year. The guide specifies a structured
interview process that must be followed by detachment cadre and ALOs. Interview Scheduling. Detachments will schedule an active duty cadre officer
(O-4 or above preferred; senior O-3 at Det/CC’s discretion) or ALO to conduct interviews.
Det/CCs should conduct assigned interviews personally to max extent practical, but are
authorized to delegate overflow to trained cadre and ALOs when conditions require.
Detachments who will be unable to complete scheduled interviews by 15 Feb of the
application year should contact one of the education technicians in AFROTC/RRUC to
transfer interviews to another detachment, however they should first attempt to obtain
assistance from one of the ALOs assigned to the area. See annual HSSP Cycle guide for
additional information.
4.11.5. Civil Involvement and Drug/Alcohol Abuse. AFROTC will withdraw scholarship
offers for students who failed to disclose civil involvements and drug or alcohol abuse that
occurred prior to scholarship award. These scholarships are considered obtained under
fraudulent circumstances since the student failed to disclose. One or more incidents occurring
post-scholarship award are not in and of themselves grounds for scholarship withdrawal as
applicants are not officially counseled on Air Force policies until completion of the AF Form
2030. Refer to paragraph 3.11, Substance Abuse and Drug Demand Reduction Policy, when
dealing with drug or alcohol abuse situations.
4.11.6. HSSP Commander’s Scholarship (HSSP CS). If the AFROTC/CC approves an HSSP
CS, Region/CCs and Det/CCs may have one or more CS offers to award to HSSP applicants.
Offers can be made only to eligible applicants that meet or exceed all HSSP requirements. The
HSSP CS selection and nomination process is outlined in the current cycle’s HSSP Cycle
Guide. Once offered, these scholarships will be considered as any other HSSP offer and all
acceptance, declination, award, activation, and withdrawal requirements will apply. The HSSP
CS is non-transferrable; scholarship loss will result if cadet transfers to detachment other than
the one from which the HSSP CS is awarded.
42 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
4.11.7. HSSP Selection and Acceptance. AFROTC/RRU will notify each scholarship selectee
and non-selectee of their status following each board. AFROTC/RRUC must receive
acceptance from the scholarship recipient by the published acceptance deadline to award the
scholarship. After conclusion of the selection cycle and acceptance is confirmed,
AFROTC/RRU will transfer the scholarship winners in WINGS to the detachment prior to the
beginning of the academic year following the selection cycle.
4.11.8. HSSP Scholarship Declination. Scholarship recipients who decline their scholarship,
before or after activation, must sign a statement declining the scholarship. If a scholarship is
not accepted by the published annual deadline for acceptance, the scholarship is deemed
declined, will not be awarded, and cannot be reinstated. Scholarship recipients who accept their
scholarship but do not attend college during the immediate Fall term following the scholarship
award cycle will have their scholarship withdrawn per paragraph 4.18. Declination of accepted scholarship offers. Scholarship recipients may decline a
scholarship offer after acceptance, but prior to activation, for any reason. For declined
scholarship offers, include the letter of declination in the cadet’s record.
4.11.9. HSSP Major Declaration. All HSSP scholarship cadets must declare their academic
major in WINGS NLT the first day of their AS200 class.
4.11.10. HSSP DODMERB. AFROTC/RRUC will provide a listing of HSSP scholarship
selectees to DoDMERB. DoDMERB then schedules the physical examination for each
selectee, notify the selectee of their status, and send the medical determination to the selectee’s
projected detachment.
4.11.11. HSSP Travel. All HSSP scholarship cadets are authorized PCS travel allowance for
travel to activate a scholarship whether the scholarship is eventually activated or not.
Reimbursement for such travel may not exceed the distance from selectee’s permanent place
of residence, school, or duty station at the time of appointment to the institution of primary
enrollment. The OPR for travel entitlements is Holm Center/SDFA. The student does not need to have the scholarship activated before filing the
voucher. Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS) Travel. Detachments will
coordinate with OCONUS HSSP selectees to provide travel orders prior to departure.
Government transportation will be directed if possible. Otherwise, the most economic form
of transportation will be directed. HSSP Travel Voucher. Detachments will assist claimants in filing the DD Form
1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher. The Det/CC or designated representative must sign
the “Approving Officer Signature” block verifying the information and forward the
voucher with three copies of the travel order to the finance office at the support base within
30 calendar days after travel is completed.
4.11.12. HSSP Activation. All HSSP scholarships must be activated by 31 Dec of the cadet’s
AS100 year (for 4-year awards) or AS200 year (for 3-year awards). Cadets are required to
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 43
meet all scholarship activation criteria IAW Table 4.4 and under this paragraph and its sub-
paragraphs. Failure to meet all activation requirements by the end of the term will result in
scholarship withdrawal IAW Table 4.11. All 4-year HSSP scholarship selectees must activate their scholarship while also
attending all required AFROTC courses starting the fall term immediately following the
scholarship award cycle, except in cases where late start is mandated by the institution of
enrollment. In cases where late start is mandated, activation must occur during the cadet’s
first term and must be within the academic year immediately following award. All 3-year HSSP scholarship selectees must attend the institution where the
scholarship will be activated while also attending all required AFROTC courses starting
the academic year immediately following the scholarship award cycle. No activation deferments will be considered if the scholarship selectee does not
meet the above requirements except as authorized in paragraph 4.11.14.
4.11.13. HSSP Activation Deferment. Activation deferments provide one additional term for
cadets to obtain initial medical qualification determination (qualified or disqualified).
Applicants that opt to take a gap semester or year(s) for any reason will have their HSSP
scholarship offers withdrawn IAW Table 4.11 and may reapply to HSSP during a later
application cycle or may pursue an ICSP scholarship once in college. Applicants should be
reminded that they cannot attend a post-secondary institution as a full-time student during gap-
year(s) period if they wish to reapply for an HSSP scholarship. Activation Deferment Eligibility. For eligible cadets, an activation deferment
may be requested from AFROTC/RR. Deferment requests shall be submitted via the
Scholarship Deferment CPAR with a reason of “DoDMERB.” To be eligible for an
activation deferment a cadet: Must be awarded a 4-year HSSP scholarship. Must be pending initial medical qualified certification. Must meet all activation criteria IAW Table 4.4 at the end of the activation
term. Must be enrolled as a full-time student participating in AFROTC
beginning the fall term immediately following the selection cycle. Activation Deferment Ineligibility. Scholarship recipients are ineligible for an
activation deferment when: The scholarship recipient opts not to accept or activate an awarded
scholarship with intent to take one or more gap years. The scholarship recipient was previously approved for an activation
deferment. Multiple activation deferments are not authorized.
44 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 The scholarship recipient has been medically disqualified (regardless of
whether a waiver or appeal is sought). Scholarship deferments not covered under paragraph 4.11.14 may be submitted
for cadets in extenuating circumstances. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis
evaluated on merit and best interest of the Air Force. Activation deferment requests must be submitted NLT 30 days prior to the end
of the activation deadline. Deferments in excess of one term are not authorized. If granted,
the offer must be activated by the last day of the cadet’s next full term; if not approved,
withdraw the offer IAW Table 4.11.
4.11.14. Post-Activation Requirements. Once a scholarship is activated, a cadet is not eligible
for ICSP until their scholarship is terminated and they complete at least one term without a
scholarship. Cadets with an active scholarship cannot exchange their current scholarship for
another offer. The following exceptions apply: HSSP Termination Exception. AS100 HSSP cadets may terminate their
scholarship, be disenrolled, and remain eligible to compete for an ICSP. Include the letter
of declination in the cadet record. Cadet must enroll for at least one academic term without
scholarship funding prior to activation.
4.11.15. Scholarship Statement of Understanding (SOU). Scholarship recipients will sign the
SOU prior to scholarship activation. Detachments will file the SOU in the cadet’s record within
the system of record.
4.12. The In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP). The ICSP provides 2- to 3-year scholarship
offers to GMC cadets to help AFROTC meet officer production goals. Similar to the HSSP, cadets
compete in the ICSP on a national basis. Cadets should be briefed on ICSP eligibility and activation
requirements upon enrollment in AFROTC. ICSP scholarships are reserved for highly qualified
cadets whose documented performance merit scholarship consideration. ICSP scholarships
supplement those awarded during the HSSP board. Except as otherwise indicated prior to an ICSP
scholarship board, ICSP scholarship awards are not major dependent.
4.12.1. ICSP Selection Phases. ICSP scholarship boards are offered in phases as needed,
generally during the fall and/or spring term. AFROTC/RRU will announce a selection phase
approximately 1 week prior to the opening of the records review window. Selection phase
announcements will include specific nomination eligibility requirements, applicable academic
majors (if applicable), board categories available, and the deadlines for each phase. Selection
phase schedules are established with hard deadlines to facilitate predicable and timely
nominations, boards, and selection notifications.
4.12.2. ICSP Eligibility. The cadet’s profile as reflected in the system of record is used to
determine eligibility. To be eligible for ICSP consideration, cadets must meet all requirements
outlined in Table 4.4 unless otherwise stipulated in the selection phase announcement by the
selection phase records cut-off date.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 45
4.12.3. ICSP Categories. ICSP selection phases comprise of one or more categories as
determined by AFROTC/CC. Available categories in a selection phase are based on
production goals, DAF priorities, and DAF needs. Not all categories are guaranteed to be
available in a given selection phase. Table 4.7 outlines ICSP board categories, special
eligibility requirements, and general information about each category.
Table 4.7. ICSP Board Categories & Requirements.
Board Category
Requirements & Notes
As approved by AFROTC/CC
Cadets must meet all selection phase eligibility requirements
Non-transferrable, loss of scholarship will result if cadet transfers
to a detachment other than the one from which the CICS is awarded
Driven by critical DAF accession requirements
May be suspended at any time
ay be tied to Fiscal Year (FY), academic major, or officer
accession shortfall
May stipulate awarded cadets be vectored toward specific AFSCs
(e.g., Developmental Engineering or Weather)
May preclude cadets from pursuing other opportunities (e.g.,
Must be pursuing an approved foreign language major. Please see
the RRU
Scholarships Branch Teams channel for approved
Must be attending a Historically Black College or University
(HBCU) as their primary university
Scholarship cannot be transferred to non-HBCU universities
University must be an HBCU per the United States Department of
Education\ (Office of Civil Rights Enforcement) website
Must be attending a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) with an
active Title V grant as their primary university
Scholarship cannot be transferred to non-HSI universities
Must be pursuing a nursing major and planning acceptance into a
nursing program at a school where the major is accredited by the
National League of Nursing (NLN) or the Commission on
Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Nursing scholarship cadets who fail to gain acceptance into the
certified nursing program will lose their scholarship and will have
to request a non-technical EA to remain in AFROTC.
General ICSP scholarship board for respective AS-levels
46 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
1. See the United States Department of Education (Office of Civil Rights Enforcement) for
a list of HBCU classified universities.
2. Contact your HSI universities administration offices, if applicable, to obtain a copy of the
Grant Award Notification to verify Title V grant status. Notify AFROTC/RRUE of any new
or expired Title V grants at [email protected].
3. A host HBCU or HSI has a cross-town agreement with a non-HBCU or non-HSI, cadets
attending the non-HBCU or non-HSI are ineligible for HBCU/HSI scholarships
4. Detachments are responsible for ensuring their school(s) are appropriately designated as
5. Nominees attending 2-year HBCU or HSI schools (Community Colleges) may be awarded
an HBCU or HSI scholarship while attending a community college/junior college if the host
school is also a HBCU or HSI and a cross-town agreement is in-place that stipulates that all
community college/junior college classes will be accepted at the host (HBCU or HSI)
4.12.4. ICSP Activation. All ICSP scholarship selectees must be fully contract eligible by the
records cut-off date of the selection phase and throughout the activation period. Cadets must
activate scholarships immediately following the selection cycle; for Fall awards must activate
by 31 May and for spring awards must activate by 31 December. For scholarships not activated
by the activation deadline, withdraw the offer IAW Table 4.11, Rule 3.
4.13. Brigadier General Charles McGee Leadership Award (CMLA). Effective with the start
of AY22/23, recipients of an enrollment allocation who meet AFROTC scholarship standards will
earn a 2-year tuition award of $18K/year. This award is distinct from a typical In-College
Scholarship in that it is granted to all qualified individuals who are selected for an enrollment
allocation and complete field training. The award recognizes cadets who have demonstrated the
ability and intent to continue into the POC and commission. The intent of the award is to allow
cadets to better focus on their academics and leadership development and mitigate tuition or
housing expenses associated with college attendance. The CMLA activation requirements are the
same as those for ICSP awards and are activated in the same way as ICSP scholarships within
4.13.1. CMLA recipients have until 31 December of the Fall activation term immediately
following award to meet activation requirements (see Table 4.4). Failure to activate the
CMLA by that date, without an approved ETP, will result in withdrawal of the CMLA for the
remainder of the recipient’s POC years. CMLA recipients may decline the award by notifying
AFROTC/RRU at Exception: CMLA recipients with an approved FT deferment may activate the
CMLA if all other activation criteria are met.
4.13.2. The CMLA may be converted to a housing benefit of up to $10K/year (reference
paragraph 4.14. for more information on the optional housing benefit conversion).
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 47
4.13.3. The CMLA is not tied to a particular major but can only be used for undergraduate
degrees. The CMLA will not be used to fund graduate work or credit hours toward graduate
4.13.4. The CMLA will not be extended beyond two years and is not upgradeable regardless
of degree plan or major.
4.13.5. Guard and Reserve members who have been released from their military contract and
who present a signed DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release, may receive a CMLA
after contracting with AFROTC. They may also defer activation pending obtaining the signed
DD Form 368 with an approved ETP routed through the Region HQ to AFROTC/RR.
4.14. Conversion of Scholarship to Housing Benefit. Beginning AY22/23, all tuition
scholarships and the CMLA may be converted into a housing scholarship. This is useful for cadets
who have other means to pay their tuition and would secure more benefit from a scholarship
conversion that can be applied to housing. Scholarships activated prior to AY22-23 will follow
the scholarship rules that were in place at the time of award and are not eligible for the housing
conversion option. All conversion requests must be received prior to the start of the academic year
in which the cadet wishes the change to take effect and will remain in effect for not less than one
academic year. Cadets will not receive the funds directly and they cannot be used for any other
purpose. Conversion requests will be sent via MFR signed by the requesting cadet and the
detachment commander to AFROTC/RRU at [email protected].
4.14.1. The value of the housing scholarship is capped at $10K per year and bills must be
submitted through the university bursar’s office. Housing scholarship may be used for only on-
campus housing or university contracted off-campus housing.
4.14.2. Boarding costs (i.e., food and utilities) must be separated from the room cost.
4.14.3. Tuition scholarships converted into a housing scholarship may not be converted back
into tuition scholarships within the same AY.
4.15. Scholarship Temporary Inactivation. Temporarily inactivate a scholarship whenever a
cadet’s scholarship continuation or retention in AFROTC is in jeopardy. The temporary
inactivation date is the date the commander decided to inactivate the scholarship (this date can be
a date prior to the date the cadet was counseled). Once the issue is resolved, reactivate the
scholarship, suspend, terminate, or initiate a CRR, as appropriate. If the cadet’s scholarship is
reactivated, the reactivation date is the day after the original temporary inactivation date. Reference
Table 4.8 for conditions that drive temporary inactivation.
Table 4.8. Conditions for Scholarship Temporary Inactivation.
Temporarily inactivate the scholarship when:
Directed by AFROTC/CC, Region/CC, or Det/CC, even though current guidance directs less severe
action; a scholarship can be temporarily inactivated any time a cadet’s actions require a change to
scholarship status but suspension is not warranted.
A CRR or disenrollment action is initiated.
A cadet changes academic major without approval.
48 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
A cadet transfers to a different school without approval.
A cadet indicates intent not to: 1) complete the GMC; 2) attend FT; or 3) enter/complete the POC.
Counsel the cadet in writing and obtain a statement to file in the cadet record.
A cadet expends all scholarship entitlements, completion date is the last day of the term.
4.16. Scholarship Suspension. Once a scholarship is suspended, it is suspended for the entire
term. Reference Table 4.9 for conditions that drive scholarship suspension.
4.16.1. Suspension and Funds. Each suspension results in an unfunded term for the cadet. The
lost funds cannot be recovered at a later date and the suspended term counts toward total
authorized entitlements. After one term in suspended status, a cadet’s scholarship may be
reinstated IAW retention standards. GMC cadets will not receive stipend payments when their
scholarship is suspended. POC cadets will continue to receive a stipend while still an active
member of AFROTC. Refer to paragraph 4.17.1 for stipend guidance for suspended
scholarships subsequently terminated.
4.16.2. 45-Day Rule. If the suspension occurs after the 45th day (Fall term only) or after the
pecuniary liability date (all other terms), the financial impact of the suspension will take effect
the following term. The suspension date will be the day of the infraction or the last day of the
term of host institution classes if already temporarily inactivated. For cadets in their final term
of entitlement, the tuition payment for the current term is not affected if the suspension occurs
after the pecuniary liability date.
Table 4.9. Conditions for Scholarship Suspension.
Suspend the scholarship when:
Directed by AFROTC/CC, Region/CC, or Det/CC, even if current guidance directs less severe
action; a scholarship can be suspended any time a cadet’s actions warrant suspension.
A cadet is issued a second Academic Conditional Event (CE).
A cadet earns a grade of “D” or “F” in an AS Course (any term including LLAB).
A cadet is unable to meet the minimum contract/commissioning requirements after their 2
4.17. Scholarship Termination. When scholarship termination is required for a GMC cadet, the
detachment should temporarily inactivate the scholarship first. If the detachment wishes to retain
the cadet, suspend the scholarship and initiate a CRR. If the cadet is retained, the scholarship will
remain in suspended status until the cadet enters the POC, at which time it will be terminated. If
the Det/CC wants to disenroll the GMC cadet, suspend the scholarship and complete a
disenrollment package IAW Chapter 16. Reference Table 4.10 for conditions that drive
scholarship termination.
4.17.1. Termination and Stipends. GMC cadets will not receive stipend payments when their
scholarship is terminated. POC cadets will continue to receive a stipend while still an active
member of AFROTC. Stipend will be terminated even though disenrollment has not been
finalized if a POC cadet stops attending or is removed from AS classes.
4.17.2. Termination and Travel. HSSP scholarship recipients, whose scholarship appointments
are later terminated, not including completion of entitlements, are authorized terminal travel
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 49
allowance from the institution to their home of record. To be eligible for payment, the cadet
must disenroll from the institution and travel to their home of record. No action is required if
the departing cadet does not desire to claim terminal travel allowance or does not disenroll
from the institution.
Table 4.10. Conditions for Scholarship Termination.
Initiate scholarship termination when:
Directed by Det/CC, Region/CC or AFROTC/CC for failure to meet standards, or when a
suspension is not considered to be in the best interest of the DAF.
A cadet voluntarily removes himself/herself from the scholarship program.
A cadet is issued a third Academic CE.
A cadet changes date of commissioning (DOC) so that the cadet exceeds the age of 30 years old as
of 31 Dec (of the commissioning year).
A cadet dies.
4.18. Scholarship Withdrawal. Awarded scholarships that have not yet been activated may be
withdrawn for cause IAW Table 4.11. Once withdrawn, scholarships cannot be reinstated. Cadets
with a withdrawn scholarship may re-compete for a subsequent scholarship offer if eligible. Please
refer to Table 4.11 for conditions to withdraw a scholarship offer.
Table 4.11. Conditions for Scholarship Withdrawal
Initiate scholarship termination when:
Directed by Det/CC, Region/CC or AFROTC/CC for failure to meet standards, or when a
withdrawal is considered to be in the best interest of the DAF.
A cadet voluntarily removes himself/herself from the scholarship program prior to activation.
A cadet fails to meet activation criteria by the end of the activation term and is not approved for
deferment IAW paragraph
Any condition met in Table 4.9, Conditions for Scholarship Suspension, prior to scholarship
4.19. Authorized Tuition and Fee Entitlements. Reimbursement for authorized entitlements must
not exceed the annual scholarship cap IAW the scholarship type and length, and is limited to tuition
and fees associated with required and elective courses. A required course is a prerequisite for further
advancement in the cadet’s contracted major. An elective course is one required to meet graduation
requirements but where the cadet has latitude in actual course selection. For required courses,
AFROTC will also pay mandatory institutional fees when those fees are incurred by all students.
Reference Table 4.11 for authorized reimbursements and Table 4.12 for unauthorized
Table 4.12. Authorized Reimbursement.
Reimbursement is authorized for the following:
Courses taken to meet AFROTC requirements.
Course overloads are authorized, but are limited to courses: 1) are required for reasonable progress
toward degree completion, or 2) that result from prerequisite requirements, or 3) are required as
result of changes in curriculum made by the institution.
50 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Courses missed due to an injury or illness. Institutional authorities and the Det/CC must approve the
Costs for distance learning/correspondence courses. Distance learning courses must be accepted and
by the cadet’s primary institution enrollment, be offered by either
the cadet’s primary institution of
enrollment or an institution associated with the cadet’s detachment, and begin/end within the
academic term.
Scholarship continuation resulting from detachment inactivation.
Registration and matriculation fees.
Special fees for student activity, athletic, library, student union, student publication costs, and
similar fees required of all students enrolled in the institution.
Payment of university health fees is authorized if it is mandatory for all students whether or not they
have alternative insurance. If the university provides an option to either pay a university health fee
or maintain their own private insurance, then payment of such fees is
authorized if the cadet chooses
the university’s plan.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test that replaces a required course if the test is passed
and accepted for credit toward degree requirements by the
institution. Student must be on
scholarship at the time of the test.
Computer access time is authorized if it is related to the degree.
Graduation, diploma, and cap and gown fees. Fees must be billed through the university.
Institutional transfers for the purpose of initial scholarship activation.
Laboratory fees and non-refundable deposits.
Transportation to official events when required of all students.
Co-op fees when the co-op is a degree requirement.
Table 4.13. Unauthorized Reimbursement.
Reimbursement is not authorized for the following:
Courses that do not count as a requirement or elective toward overall degree completion in the
contracted major.
Flying courses, to include additional fees associated with actual flying activities, such as aircraft
rental, equipment, or instructor time. Cadets may take these courses if they meet degree
requirements but they will pay the extraordinary fees (e.g., all costs associated with flying training
must be paid by the student). If these costs are combined with tuition and fees, they must be itemized
and the cadet becomes responsible for their payment.
Repeat or remedial courses. Retaken courses count toward full-time status but will not be funded. If
the institution bills by the course or course hour, the scholarship cadet pays for all remedial or repeat
Courses taken at a university other than the cadet’s detachment host or crosstown university.
Courses taken by a cadet at a university associated with another detachment or with no AFROTC
association are not authorized.
Course overloads resulting from course failures, incompletes, withdrawals, add/drop, etc.
Reimbursement of suspended or inactivated terms.
Special expenses associated with field trips.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 51
Additional fees associated with a recreational-type elective course (e.g., equipment rental fee for a
scuba course), even if the institution
directly bills them.
Optional projects, personal equipment (including personal computers), and supplies.
Equipment, equipment rental, and material costs, and those scholarship restrictions identified in the
reenlistment briefing.
Additional costs associated with term abroad studies or similar programs (reference paragraph 7.5.
for PNA terms).
Penalties or fines for late registration or makeup examinations.
Professional licenses to include certification or exam fees.
Transfers made at the discretion of the individual.
Special fees for social activities.
Gym lockers and laundry.
4.20. Payment or Termination of Scholarship Entitlements. Detachments must provide host
and crosstown institutions with a list of cadets expected to receive scholarship payments prior to
each term and notify them of any scholarship suspension, termination, or temporary inactivation
to include the effective date.
4.20.1. University Notification. The detachment must ensure the system of record reflects the
cadet’s correct scholarship status. After detachments notify respective universities of the
cadet’s scholarship status, the university is authorized to either claim reimbursement [as
prescribed in the Educational Service Agreement (ESA)] or terminate the university’s incentives
associated with a cadet’s scholarship status. If a prorated share of the cost is due as of the
termination date, ensure the university is advised the cadet is responsible for any excess tuition.
4.20.2. Invoice Submission. Invoices submitted by the university must be reduced to the
prorated amount. Payments may not be authorized for the fall term if the scholarship or
incentive is temporarily inactivated, suspended, or terminated prior to the close of business on
the 45
day from the university start date. Temporarily inactivated scholarships or incentives
reactivated before the end of the term will be paid.
4.20.3. 45-Day Rule. The 45-day requirement applies only to the Fall term. All scholarship
payments (tuition and fees), and textbooks must be billed against the next fiscal year no earlier
than (NET) the 45th calendar day of institutional classes. For AFROTC to pay scholarship
costs, cadets must be enrolled in AFROTC and in active status in WINGS at close of business
on the 45th day of classes or after (at each school) but not later than the last day of the term at
the institution of attendance. Scholarships that have not been activated by the last day of the
term will be withdrawn, unless a prior waiver is obtained from AFROTC/RRFA.
4.20.4. Non-duplication of Financial Aid Programs. Most federal assistance programs have a
duplication clause that prohibits receipt of educational benefits from more than one source. A
scholarship selectee should check with the agency concerned to determine whether the
52 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
duplication clause applies. Students may receive scholarship entitlements and Veterans
Administration benefits simultaneously. Scholarship recipients should inform their financial
aid offices that they are on AFROTC scholarships. If tuition, fees, or any part thereof are paid
by any other federal educational assistance program (e.g., GI Bill, Pell Grants, etc.) AFROTC
will not duplicate payment.
4.21. Scholarship Cost Entry into WINGS. Detachments must enter into WINGS estimated costs
for tuition and fees as ascertained from the institution. Report all active, temporarily inactivated,
and awarded scholarship cadets. Each notification must include the ESA and University tax
identification number.
4.21.1. Technical and Foreign Language Majors Data. Detachments will review and update
WINGS with approved technical and foreign language degrees for their host and crosstown
institutions annually NLT 31 August. Update changes after 31 August in WINGS immediately
upon the notification by the university.
4.21.2. Tuition Rates and Details. Detachments will review and update WINGS with the
tuition rates & Details for each academic year for their host and crosstown institutions annually
NLT 31 August. Tuition rates are broken out between in-state and out-of-state students and
should include the standard rate, ROTC cadet rate, ROTC cadet rate with scholarship, and
extra hour fee. Details should include any special incentives provided by the institution to
AFROTC cadets. Make update changes to tuition rates & details occurring after 31 August as
soon as the change is known to the detachment.
4.21.3. Estimates for Scholarships. Estimates must be entered for all terms of the current
academic year, including summer courses, by 31 August. This estimate includes all active
scholarships as well as scholarships anticipated to be activated during the current academic
year. Note: Dets who fail to meet the suspense may not be considered for ICSP
4.21.4. Estimates for Extended Cadets. Do not include cadets in extended status with approved
additional entitlements unless Section II of the AFROTC Form 88 is completed.
4.21.5. Any changes to the original estimate must be made within 5 workdays of the change.
Examples of changes: New scholarship appointments. Approved additional terms of scholarship entitlements not previously reported. Deleted term of entitlement due to suspension, non-attendance, transfer, or
scholarship termination. An estimate in the system for a cadet who will not be paid for a term.
4.22. Invoices. The detachment must verify and approve host and crosstown invoices for
scholarship reimbursement before submitting them to Holm Center/SDFA for payment. An
invoice may only be submitted for a cadet with an active scholarship term of entitlement for the
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 53
term to which the invoice applies and the cadet is in active status in the AFROTC program. The
detachment must notify the appropriate institution officials when invoices are not received for
processing within 60 days after the beginning of the first term of the academic year or 30 days
after the beginning of subsequent terms. Detachments must maintain records of attempts to obtain
invoices from institutions.
4.22.1. Invoicing assistance. For questions or assistance with processing tuition and housing
invoices contact Holm Center/SDFA Tuition Vouchers at [email protected]. For
questions or assistance with processing textbook payments contact Holm Center/SDFA
Cadet Pay at
4.22.2. Invoice Deadlines. Detachments have five calendar days to process an invoice; Holm
Center/SDFA has five calendar days to process an invoice; and Defense Finance and
Accounting Service (DFAS) has 18 calendar days to make payment.
4.22.3. Commander’s Certification. The invoice is certified for payment by the Det/CC signing
the Commander’s Certification (use the exact wording in Figure 4.1.), as required by DFAS
DE 7010.5. Invoices received by Holm Center/SDFA without this statement will be returned
to the detachment. Maintain statement on a separate sheet of paper and reference the invoice(s).
Figure 4.1. Commander’s Certification.
I certify services were received on and accepted on IAW the terms of the contract in
the amount of $ .
have been rendered in accordance with the contract. Prices have
been verified per the contract and DFAS
DE 7010.5
-R, Chapter 5, paragraph C5.3.2.
(Signature of Unit Commander)
Typed Name and Rank AFROTC Det 999/CC Complete Detachment address
4.22.4. Billed-in-Full (BIF). Mark cadet terms of entitlements BIF when all invoices for that term
have been processed. Once a term of entitlement is marked BIF the estimate cannot be adjusted and it
cannot be invoiced. Detachment personnel will run a BIF report at least once every two weeks
starting the 60th day after classes start in the Fall term and 30 days after classes start for all other
terms until every cadet is completely paid for all terms.
4.22.5. Invoice Records. Maintain accounting records for one full calendar year (CY) after
cadet’s participation in AFROTC ends.
54 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
5.1. Academic Retention Standards. Academic retention standards are those minimum
institutional and AFROTC grade requirements needed for retention in the AFROTC program.
Failure to meet academic retention standards could result in a CRR. The OPR for this chapter is
5.1.1. GPA Requirements. Cadets must meet GPA standards. Reference Table 5.1 for GPA
requirements. Detachments will use T/CGPA that is listed on the transcript from the cadet’s
school of primary attendance. All GPAs are based on the A = 4.00 scale. Failure to meet the
general AFROTC membership cumulative GPA requirements will result in a det drop or
investigation for disenrollment. Refer to Table 5.3 for scholarship, Table 5.1 for academic
grade requirements, and issuance of CEs.
5.1.2. Cadets must earn a “C” or better in all AS classes to be eligible to continue in the
program. Det/CCs may allow a cadet to retake an AS class the following year, however the
cadet will not advance in the program during the intervening period.
5.1.3. Cadets will provide an academic degree plan at enrollment (and recertify each fall term
and prior to POC Selection Process (PSP) nomination) that demonstrates their ability to
commission in their programmed fiscal year. Academic degree plans should be uploaded to
the cadet's vUPRG in WINGS each fall term as part of midterm counseling, and when
substantially changed (i.e., major change, DOC/DOG change, etc.).
5.1.4. Full-Time Student. Full-time student status is defined by the primary school of
attendance. AFROTC specifies a minimum of 12 semester-hours of undergraduate level
courses or 9 semester-hours of graduate level courses. A combination of classes, to include
distance learning, non-traditional, or courses from other institutions, can be utilized in
calculating full-time status if they meet the requirements and are accepted by the institution
conferring the degree. Failed courses do not constitute dropping below full-time status.
Withdrawn courses and incomplete grades do constitute dropping below full-time status.
Cadets are not required to maintain full-time status their final term nor are they required to take
additional classes not required for degree completion to maintain full-time status during any
other term. However, the cadet’s academic plan will make maximum use of unused credit
space below the full-time requirement (including that for electives) to either enroll in the
appropriate AS class or other classes that meet the undergraduate degree requirement. Note:
IAW Table 3.1, AS 700/800 cadets are not required to take AS classes but are required to
attend LLAB. Audit courses do not count toward full-time status. Classes taken at an institution without a cross-town or consortium agreement may
count towards full-time student status if the university is an accredited institution and the
cadet/applicant is properly registered for AFROTC classes at the host institution.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 55
Table 5.1. Minimum GPA and Enrollment Status Requirements.
For General
in PSP
To Attend
To Contract
as POC
To Nominate
To Activate
To Maintain
waivable for
2.0 (and C
or better in
all AS
2.0 2.0
As determined
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
As determined
2.5 See Table 5.3
Enrolled as
(Except for
Final Term)
Yes Yes Yes See Table 5.3
Yes Yes Yes See Table 5.3
* Semester, Quarter or Trimester; Do not consider summer or Mini Terms.
** Summer or Mini Terms are not used as TGPAs for scholarships, contracting, or Academic CEs.
NOTE 1: Summer terms can raise or lower CGPA
NOTE 2: GPA requirements may be adjusted per specific board/nomination cycle. Look for board messages for exact
requirements for a specific board.
RR is the waiver authority for criteria outlined in Table 5.1
5.2. Military Retention Standards. Military retention standards include, but are not limited to,
moral character, bearing and behavior, physical fitness, professional conduct and relationships,
dress and appearance, meeting contracted retention standards, and other standards as prescribed
by Air Force directives. Failure to meet any military retention standard may result in dismissal.
Refer to Table 5.4 for issuance of CEs for failure to maintain military retention standards.
5.3. PFA, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Body Fat Standards. PFA, BMI and body fat standards
remain part of accession physical standards and are used as entry criteria for AFROTC consistent
with DoDI 1308.03, DoD Physical Fitness/Body Composition Program, and DAFMAN 36-2905,
Department of the Air Force Physical Fitness Program.
5.3.1. Contract cadets and cadets competing for an EA must successfully meet current Air
Force physical fitness and body composition requirements IAW DAFMAN 36-2905 AFROTC
Supplement and this instruction. Unless exempted for temporary athletic body composition
waiver, cadets are expected to maintain DoD BMI standards or BF standards, and abdominal
circumference measurement screening over their entire cadet career. Cadets are responsible for
maintaining the required body composition standards. Detachment Commanders are the OPR
for administering and monitoring cadet compliance with these standards.
5.3.2. Temporary Athletic Body Composition waivers. Det/CCs may approve cadets for a
temporary adjustment to body composition standards for athletic performance reasons. The
program fundamentals will help ensure cadets are postured to meet the AFROTC and Air Force
commissioning requirements while still being an effective athlete in their respective sport. The Det/CC will have the cadet sign the adjustment waiver acknowledging he or she
is still required to meet all AFROTC standards and pass the USAF fitness assessment to
receive a commission.
56 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Once a cadet no longer has a valid competitive requirement for a temporary body
composition waiver, the Det/CC will immediately provide initial counseling in which the
cadet acknowledges that they must meet DoD BMI/BF standards to be allowed to
commission and must show progress. Satisfactory progress for males and females is three
pounds of weight loss or one half inch (1/2”) abdominal circumference reduction or one
percent reduction in body fat composition each month until within standards. Monthly
weight and taping measurements will occur no sooner than every 28 calendar days, but
no later than every 32 calendar days. An additional 3 calendar days may be granted for
females to account for changes in weight during menstrual cycles. Failure to make
satisfactory progress will result in administrative action, up to and including
disenrollment. Cadets who require a temporary athletic body composition waiver for athletic
performance reasons may commission as long as they are making satisfactory progress
(as defined in paragraph above), satisfy the AF FA requirement, and have an
approved waiver for BMI requirements from AFROTC/CC.
5.3.3. All cadets are responsible for meeting BMI or Body Fat standards in order to activate a
scholarship, meet the PSP selection board, attend Field Training, contract, and commission. If
over BMI, conduct body fat measurement according to procedures in DoDI 1308.03 and
DAFMAN 36-2905 AFROTC Supplement. Cadets are disqualified if not medically cleared.
Cadets over the maximum BMI standard who are athletes must have a temporary athletic body
composition waiver in their cadet record while participating in their school’s sports program
but must meet BMI/BF standards to commission unless waived per paragraph All cadets must meet BMI or Body Fat standards within 30 days prior to the
scholarship activation date, PSP selection board nomination date, and commission. Cadets
covered by the temporary athletic body composition waiver may receive a scholarship or
meet the PSP selection board but must meet the BMI/BF standards for commissioning
unless waived per paragraph All cadets must meet BMI or Body Fat standards within 30 days prior to the end
of the spring term immediately before Field Training attendance except for those covered
by the temporary athletic body composition waiver. Contact AFROTC/DOF to remove the
FT assignment for any cadet that fails to meet the standards. All cadets must meet BMI or Body Fat standards within 30 days prior to
contracting except for those covered by the temporary athletic body composition waiver.
5.3.4. Det/CCs must issue a CE for contract cadets who fail to meet Body Fat standards at
designated times stated in Table 5.4. A contract cadet who receives a CE during the semester
for failure to meet Body Fat standards is required to meet the standards within 30 days into the
next term or the Det/CC will initiate a CRR or investigate for disenrollment.
5.3.5. Det/CCs may issue a CE or Det Drop any cadet that does not meet Body Fat standards
at any time not explicitly stated in Table 5.4.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 57
5.3.6. Do not activate a scholarship, submit for the PSP selection board, contract, send to Field
Training, or commission if a cadet does not meet BMI or Body Fat standards except for those
covered by the temporary athletic body composition waiver.
5.4. Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) Requirements. The minimum scores required
to contract (exception refer to Table 4.4) and commission are Verbal-15 and Quantitative-10 IAW
DAFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program. Cadets will have up to three opportunities
to pass the verbal and quantitative sections. Superscoring will be used across all composites. For
superscoring, an applicant’s best composite score on any test attempt will be used as the score of
record. AFROTC/CC may consider an exception to policy for cadets who do not meet minimum
5.4.1. Timing. All cadets must take the AFOQT NLT 31 December of their AS200 (or 250)
year. All cadets must pass the AFOQT NLT the end of their AS300 year.
5.4.2. Abbreviated Commissioning Programs. Cadets who are enrolled in abbreviated
commissioning programs are required to meet minimum AFOQT standards before
commissioning. Cadets must follow retest guidance in section 5.4.3, but are not subject to that
timeline due to the compressed time in AFROTC.
5.4.3. Retests: Cadets may retest NET 90 days after the previous attempt. Requests to waive
the 90-calendar-day rule must be approved by AFROTC/RRF (via Cadet Personnel Action
Request) prior to being submitted to the AFPC testing office for approval. To qualify for a
third attempt, the cadet must prove that they have met the requirements IAW DAFMAN 36-
2664, paragraph A2.6.2, and seek a waiver; the AFROTC/CC has delegated this waiver
authority to the Region/CC. When a third attempt is authorized, the retest will be accomplished
NLT the end of their AS300 year.
5.4.4. Scholarships. Scholarships previously activated are not affected by first-time AFOQT
verbal and/or quantitative failures. Failure to successfully meet the minimum scores for verbal
and/or quantitative sections after the second testing, or first retest, will result in scholarship
5.4.5. Special Testing Requirements for English as a Second Language (ESL) Cadets. Non-
native English-speaking cadets must meet the Defense Language Institute (DLI) English
Language Center requirements before entry into POC and commissioning if they fail to attain
the minimum Verbal requirement on the AFOQT, IAW DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph Det/CC will include DLI English Comprehension Level (ECL) Test and Oral
Proficiency Interview (OPI) scores as part of supporting documentation to seek an AFOQT
exception to policy from the AFROTC/CC via waiver in the WINGS CPAR module. Meeting
minimum ECL/OPI Scores does not automatically result in a waiver.
Table 5.2. Minimum ECL/OPI Scores.
OPI 2+/2 or 2/2+
58 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
5.5. Post-EA Date of Commission (DOC) Changes. Cadets must commission in the FY stated
on their DAF Form 1056. When a cadet cannot meet a scheduled DOC, the detachment must take
immediate action to change the DOC (or initiate CRR), and notify AFPC according to the
following procedures.
5.5.1. The Det/CC may approve a DOC change via WINGS Cadet Personnel Action Request
(CPAR) if the cadet does not have an EA and doing so does not put the cadet in completed
status for more than one year or does not change the FY if a cadet received a scholarship tied
to a specific FY. No notification to AFPC is required.
5.5.2. The Det/CC may approve a DOC change via WINGS CPAR within the same month or
to a later date in the same fiscal year if the cadet holds an EA. If change moves cadets DOC
earlier in the same FY it must be approved by AFROTC/RR. Once the DOC change CPAR is
executed in WINGS, notify AFPC according to 5.5.4. Update the DAF Form 1056 using the
change page.
5.5.3. The Det/CC may request a DOC change via WINGS CPAR if the cadet holds an EA and
needs to change to a new FY. Post-EA DOC changes to a new FY will be granted only to meet
the needs of the DAF. AFROTC/RR is the approval authority. Once the DOC change CPAR
is executed in WINGS, notify AFPC according to 5.5.4.
5.5.4. If cadet is listed on the EAD spreadsheet (which normally occurs during the Fall of the
second-to-last year), detachment will notify AFPC via the EAD spreadsheet change tab..
5.6. Academic Major Changes. Academic majors and EAs are tied directly to AF/SF accession
requirements and managed by AFROTC/RR. Contracted cadets or those with scholarship offers
must graduate with the major on their DAF Form 1056 or their programmed major. When cadets
cannot continue in their contracted academic major or when cadets desire to change academic
majors, the following apply:
5.6.1. Det/CCs can approve major changes from non-technical to non-technical or technical-
to-technical within the programmed FY. The exception to this authority is when the initial
major was a pre-requisite for a scholarship (e.g., Critical Major, Express). Det/CCs can
approve major changes from non-technical to technical within the programmed FY, but must
request an EA change (if the cadet has an EA) with AFROTC/RRF via WINGS CPAR before
the major change is approved.
5.6.2. Any major change not within the Det/CC’s approval authority requires approval prior to
the cadet changing majors. Submit a WINGS CPAR request to AFROTC/RRF.
5.6.3. Cadets with a non-line EA who request an academic major change that will alter the
status of their present or upcoming contracted category or DOC must be approved by
AFROTC/RRF via a WINGS CPAR. Update the DAF Form 1056 using the change page.
5.6.4. Major changes will not be approved once the AFSC/SFSC classification process has
begun. Once cadets receive a non-rated AFSC, Detachments must request major changes from
RRF via CPAR. RRF will seek approval for the new major from AFPC and/or the owning
career field.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 59
5.7. EA/Category. Cadets must commission in the category stated on their DAF Form 1056.
Changes in category require coordination with AFROTC/RRF via WINGS CPAR. Update the
DAF Form 1056 using the change page.
5.8. Conditional Event (CE). A CE is official documentation of a failure to maintain AFROTC
retention standards. A CE can be given only if authorized by the Det/CC, or the officer in charge
in the Commander’s absence. CEs are classified into two major categories: Academic CEs and
Military CEs. Reference Table 5.3 and Table 5.4 for matrix and schedule for CEs.
5.8.1. Det/CCs should issue and document CEs as soon as possible to adjust an applicant or
cadet’s behavior and to warn the applicant or cadet they are not meeting academic or military
retention standards. Counsel the applicant or cadet in writing via WINGS counseling module
on the deficiency that resulted in the CE. CEs may be issued any time, regardless of term, an
applicant or cadet fails to meet a retention standard, or if the Det/CC deems warranted. When
an applicant or cadet fails to maintain two separate retention factors in a single term, document
each incident in a separate counseling. These count as two separate CEs.
5.8.2. Higher-level commanders may issue a CE.
5.8.3. Region/CCs are the approval authority to rescind a CE. Rescinding CEs is an absolute
exception and rarely warranted.
5.9. Probation. A commander may place a cadet on probation with waiver approval or with a
CRR. The terms of the probation will be documented by the issuing authority. A cadet offered
waiver approval with probation is allowed to continue in the program. The cadet must agree to and
meet the terms of the probation. Failure to meet the terms of the probation will result in
disenrollment or Det Drop from the program. See Table 5.3 and Table 5.4 for information on
Table 5.3. Academic Conditional Event.
This schedule applies to scholarship cadets regardless of scholarship status and specifies required follow-on actions by
the detachment based on Academic CEs accumulated by a cadet’s failure to meet academic standards. Depending on the
degree of the academic deficiency, the Det/CC or Region/CC may direct scholarship suspension, temporary inactivatio
termination, or CRR.
If cadet’s academic performance reflects:
Detachment Commander will:
Receipt of a “D” or “F” or “F equivalent” in
any AS course (any term, including LLAB)
Suspend scholarship and initiate CRR.
TGPA less than 2.5
Issue Academic CE.
Failure to maintain Full time Student status
upon term completion.
Issue Academic CE. Region/CC may waive the CE if cadet
dropped below full time status due to proper withdrawal from a
University course and withdrawal does not result in a change to
Academic CEs
1 No scholarship actions required. Det/CC may consider scholarship suspension.
Suspend the scholarship.
Region/CC may waive scholarship suspension if
there are mitigating circumstances.
60 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Terminate the scholarship.
Region/CC may waive scholarship termination if
there are mitigating circumstances.
Table 5.4. Military Conditional Event.
Military Conditional Events apply to all cadets and are issued on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of
the offense and provides required follow-on actions by the detachment based on CEs accumulated. Depending on
the severity of the behavior, the Det/CC or Region/CC may direct scholarship suspension, temporary inactivation,
termination, as well as a Det Drop, investigation for disenrollment, or a CRR. This table is not all inclusive. Det/CCs
can issue a CE for any conduct that does not meet military standards.
If cadet’s military training
performance reflects:
The Detachment Commander will:
Civil Involvement Cat 1
Issue Military CE. AFROTC/CC may waive CE.
Civil Involvement Cat 2
Issue Military CE. Region/CC may waive CE.
Civil Involvement Cat 3
Issue Military CE. Region/CC may waive CE.
Civil Involvement Cat 4
Issue Military CE. Det/CC may waive CE.
Civil Involvement Cat 5
Consider issuing Military CE.
Over Body Fat (BF)
(Contract Cadets Only)
Issue Military CE if contracted cadet fails one of the following mandatory
BMI and/or BF checks:
1. Pre-PSP Selection Board
2. Pre-Field Training Attendance
3. Pre-Commissioning
Issue a second Military CE if cadet does not meet standards within 30 days
of the subsequent term.
The Det/CC will not issue a CE for being under BMI.
Any BF failure outside the three mandatory checks or failure by non-
contract cadet is left to Det/CC discretion.
Failure of Commissioning
Issue Military CE. Initiate CRR or investigate for disenrollment upon
second failure.
Official PFA Failure
(Contract Cadets and those
attending Field Training)
Issue Military CE.
Honor Code Violation.
Issue Military CE. Det/CC may waive 1st GMC offense. Region/CC is
waiver authority for any others.
Removal from FT with
Issue Military CE. Initiate removal from AFROTC program IAW
paragraph 10.8.3.
Military CEs
2 CEs
Initiate a CRR, investigate for disenrollment, or Det Drop. Region/CC can
approve CRR or waive disenrollment or Det Drop actions under mitigating
3 CEs or more
Initiate a CRR, investigate for disenrollment, or Det Drop. AFROTC
Commander can approve CRR or waive disenrollment or Det Drop actions
under mitigating circumstances.
1. Civil Involvement Categories are listed in DAFMAN 36-2032, Attachment 2.
2. Issue Military CE for the highest-level civil involvement when multiple offenses occur during a single event.
3. Issue only one Military CE for Over Body Fat condition and PFA failure that occur during the same assessment.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 61
6.1. General. Applicants and Cadets are required to report all involvements with civil, military or
school authorities, regardless of the severity, disposition, or the date of the involvement. Offenses
are categorized IAW DAFMAN 36-2032, “AF Offense Category.” Applicants and cadets must be
informed that they should be aware that underage involvements, sealed or expunged records may
still be found during a federal background check. AFROTC cannot mandate applicants disclose
sealed or expunged records; the applicants and cadets may consider disclosing this information
upfront if they so choose. If applicants or cadets fail to advise the detachment of sealed or expunged
records this shall not be viewed as an omission or integrity violation. Sealed and expunged
records are the legal processes by which criminal records are removed or masked from
databases of local, state and some federal law enforcement agencies. This process is done
through a judicial court order and is aimed at allowing the individual to reintegrate into
society. The judicial order advises the individual whose records have been sealed or
expunged that they, by law, no longer have to disclose the criminal conviction when seeking
employment. Each state has their own laws on how and what types of records may be sealed
or expunged and what an employer in that state may consider or ask for when making
employment decisions. Federal law allows limited circumstances where these records may be
considered for employment such as for military security clearances. The OPR for this chapter
6.2. Reportable Involvement. Any offense, violation of law or ordinance, or any other incident
causing adverse involvement or contact with civil, military, or school authorities as an adult or
juvenile is an involvement for AFROTC purposes and must be reported in WINGS. This includes
violations of school honor code; prior-service UCMJ/Article 15 actions; and administrative
discharge, demotion, or letters of reprimand while in government or military service.
6.2.1. When a single incident results in more than one offense, consider each charge a separate
involvement and list them as a separate entry.
6.2.2. A finding of not guilty or advice by an attorney or court official to consider the record
as clear does not constitute authority to omit the involvement. This includes involvements that
resulted in state-sealed records or expungement relief with respect to juvenile records.
6.3. Timeline. Applicants must report all on-going or previous incidents, regardless of final
disposition, at time of application. Enrolled cadets must report an incident within 72 hours of the
incident, including periods away from campus (i.e., summer break or holidays). Changes to
ongoing involvements up to, and including, final disposition must also be reported within 72 hours.
Method of reporting is at the discretion of Detachment Commander.
6.4. Cadet Statements. Cadets must provide a detailed statement in the WINGS counseling
module for DAFMAN 36-2032, Category 1-4 offenses. Additional information is required for the
following cases:
6.4.1. Alcohol-related incidents. The cadet statement must include, if available, the amount
consumed, over what period of time, the time between last consumption and the civil
involvement, field sobriety test results, blood alcohol content, and breathalyzer results.
62 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
6.4.2. Drug-related incidents. The cadet statement must include, if available, dates and
circumstances surrounding each occurrence, total number of times used, specific drug or
combination of drugs used, effects produced, and a description of any residual effects.
6.5. Corroboration. The detachment must seek to obtain corroborating information from
appropriate authorities describing the officially recorded facts and disposition if the CI waiver
authority is the AFROTC/CC. The Det/CC should seek corroboration for all other category
offenses. The cadet must give express, written consent for all necessary corroboration for civil
involvements using the AFROTC Form 14. The cadet is responsible for any expenses associated
with obtaining required records. Detachments must obtain corroboration through police authorities
or a certified copy of the court records and must obtain a copy of the police report. If the court
records are sealed, advise the cadet to request a copy of these sealed records or provide a reason
from the court as to why the sealed records cannot be released. Letters from prosecutors or clerks
of court explaining disposition of charges are satisfactory. Detachments must include all requests
for corroboration and documents received in WINGS as attachments.
6.6. Adjudication. Any adverse involvement affecting a cadet or an applicant for membership in
AFROTC, regardless of the outcome or date of the offense, must be considered under this section
to determine whether the involvement disqualifies the applicant for enlistment or continuation in
the program. A CE should be considered for each incident independent of the waiver to continue
in the program (see Chapter 5). Table 6.1 outlines authorities for these decisions. Cadets pending
Cat 1, 2, and/or 3 waivers are not eligible for scholarship activation, enlistment, enrollment
allocation, FT attendance, or commissioning until waivers are approved in WINGS. Commanders
must base their waiver decisions on the original event and not necessarily the adjudicated results
of the case. Commanders must base their decisions on their independent review of the facts, based
upon the evidence available to them.
Table 6.1. CI Waiver Authorities.
Waiver Authority
Military CE
Det/CC Det/CC
6.7. Post Adjudication Actions. The Civil Involvement (CI) may be restricted based on the
adjudication by the waiver authority. Cadets may not be contracted or commission until all CIs
have been resolved via the appropriate waiver authority.
6.7.1. Waiver authorities may direct actions required for the cadet to continue in the program
and may place cadets in probation status.
6.7.2. In accordance with DAFMAN 36-2032, a 90-day waiting period is required prior to
contracting a cadet following termination of parole, probation, suspended sentence, or any
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 63
period of confinement for a conviction. The only exception is a suspended sentence for minor
traffic offenses and completion of community service.
6.7.3. The Det/CC or officer cadre member must counsel cadet in writing upon adjudication of
civil involvement. The WINGS CI record becomes a permanent record and must not be altered
or re-accomplished after adjudication for any reason.
64 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
7.1. General Information. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RR.
7.2. Detachment Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO):
7.2.1. Manages cadet life-cycle personnel actions to include medical, physical, enlistment,
categorization, waiver processing, disenrollment, and commissioning.
7.2.2. Manages personnel records for cadre, Air Force Institute of Technology (DAFIT),
SLECP and NECP students.
7.2.3. Accomplishes unit support administration.
7.2.4. Gains SLECP and NECP students into WINGS and accomplishes appropriate
administrative actions.
7.2.5. Monitors and updates cadet pay and scholarship actions.
7.2.6. Manages publications and forms, GPC, and information technology (IT) resources.
7.3. Commander Retention Review (CRR). A CRR is the Det/CC’s preliminary examination of
a cadet’s failure(s) to maintain standards. Det/CCs may forego a CRR altogether and initiate
disenrollment actions IAW Chapter 16, should the situation dictate. Det/CCs will collect known
information regarding the cadet’s situation and coordinate findings and recommendation with the
Region/CC, who will in turn determine whether the CRR will result in retention, probation, or
disenrollment action.
7.4. Waivers. Det/CCs may request a waiver for cadets and applicants who fail to meet eligibility
requirements or for contract cadets who fail to maintain retention standards.
7.4.1. Appeals. A denied waiver can be appealed by the Det/CC to the next Commander in the
chain. Ensure the original correspondence, any additional information, and the justification for
the appeal is included in the package.
7.4.2. Cadet Notification. Cadets must be counseled in writing on results of all waiver requests.
7.5. Period of Non-Attendance (PNA). A PNA is a period of authorized absence from school or
AS classes and LLAB. PNA is “No Pay” unless the cadet is contracted and working towards degree
requirements. Det/CCs may authorize a PNA and dual enrollment in AS classes for one term.
Longer PNAs require Region/CC approval. If a PNA results in a change to the cadet’s current
DOC, approval is required from AFROTC/RR. Detachments will counsel the cadet in writing to
maintain standards and contact with the detachment for duration of the PNA. NOTE: PNA is not
to be used for HSSP scholarship recipients who have not been contracted by the detachment or
activated their scholarship. Activation may not be deferred for non-contracted cadets. Please refer
to paragraph 4.9.5.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 65
7.5.1. PNA for academic purposes. Scholarship costs are capped at those costs the cadet would
have had at the host institution and are paid through the host institution. The student is
responsible for any other costs. There is no Air Force allowance for travel, room, board, or any
other costs incurred by the PNA. The student shall complete a statement of understanding in
the WINGS counseling module.
7.5.2. Cadets are not authorized a PNA in their final term prior to commissioning without
Region/CC approval.
7.6. Transfer of AFROTC Cadets.
7.6.1. Det Drop any non-contracted cadet who transfers to Army or Navy ROTC.
7.6.2. AFROTC/RR must approve conditional release of contract cadets to Army ROTC
(AROTC) or Navy ROTC (NROTC). Submit requests for conditional release waiver and
include the written letter of acceptance from sister service ROTC. If approved, the cadet may
enlist and terminate their AFROTC scholarship. Upon verification of enlistment (i.e. DD Form
4 in hand, the detachment will submit an administrative release disenrollment IAW Chapter
16 of this instruction.
7.6.3. For contract cadets accepted to USAFA, Det/CC may approve a conditional release from
AFROTC via Memorandum for Record (MFR). Upon verification of USAFA enlistment, the
detachment will complete an administrative release disenrollment IAW Chapter 16 of this
7.6.4. AFROTC Transfer. Cadets may transfer to another AFROTC detachment. The gaining
detachment will request all pertinent cadet records and a recommendation for continued
membership. The losing detachment will transfer the cadet in WINGS.
7.6.5. Cadet Transfers. Cadets or selectees may not transfer between institutions without prior
approval of the losing Det/CC and acceptance by the gaining Det/CC. For technical majors, the cadet must transfer into the same major or have prior
approval to change majors. If the transfer moves the DOC into a different fiscal year, the losing Det/CC must
receive approval prior to the transfer. Scholarships of transfer cadets should be processed IAW Chapter 4, paragraph
4.9.7. If a transfer is approved, the losing detachment will: Prepare a statement of scholarship and subsistence entitlements received and
include it with the records forwarded to the gaining detachment. Forward the cadet’s record to the gaining detachment. Do not allow the cadet
to hand carry records.
66 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Ensure Kentucky Logistics Operations Center (KYLOC) is updated to reflect
the transfer. Write-off cadet uniforms from the detachment inventory as a donation. The
losing detachment must accomplish all KYLOC actions prior to the cadets transfer to
the gaining detachment. If notified by the gaining detachment that the cadet did not enroll in AS
classes, the gaining detachment will need to transfer the cadet's WINGS account back
to the losing detachment to initiate a CRR or Det Drop. When notified of a pending transfer, the gaining detachment will: Notify the losing detachment when the cadet is gained in WINGS. Update WINGS. Ensure “School of Primary Attendance” is updated. Gain the cadet’s uniforms with the “Receive Items” feature found in WINGS
Logistics. Ensure that the transferred cadet is receiving scholarship money at the
properly capped amount. Notify AFPC/DPMLT if an AFROTC Form 53, Cadet Assignment
Preference Worksheet, has been submitted.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 67
8.1. General Information. This chapter covers the medical requirements for contracting a cadet
(enlistment) and commissioning into the DAF. Medical examinations can be obtained from the
Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB), a Military Entrance
Processing Station (MEPS), or a military treatment facility (MTF). For additional information refer
to the AFRS/AMWD ROTC Cadet Medical Processing Guide (CMPG). The OPR for this chapter
8.1.1. DoDMERB Physicals. DoDMERB is the centralized certifying authority for scholarship
physicals. Certified DoDMERB physicals are used for scholarship activation, FT attendance,
POC entry, and commissioning (non-rated and non-specialty only). The initial DoDMERB
determination of “MEETS” or “DOES NOT MEET” medical accession standards is based on
DoDI 6130.03V1, Medical Standards for Military Service: Appointment, Enlistment, or
Induction. For additional information regarding medical processing refer to the most current
CMPG. AFRS/AMWD serves as the action office following initial DoDMERB certification
for contract cadets, regardless of medical action addressed, and will accomplish all subsequent
recertification (reference paragraph 8.6). If a change in medical status occurs with a non-
contract cadet, DoDMERB is the action office (reference paragraph 8.7).
8.1.2. MEPS Physicals. MEPS is a certifying authority for POC entry physicals (non-
scholarship), FT attendance, and commissioning physicals (commission certification ONLY).
MEPS physicals are scheduled by detachment personnel through the local USAF Recruiter.
When requesting a MEPS physical, detachments should request a commissioning physical.
Physicals certified by MEPS are annotated with a Physical Profile Serial System grade (known
as PULHES) on the DD Form 2808, Report of Medical Examination, (NOT stamped) and are
certified for commissioning purposes. Do not forward to AFRS/AMWD for certification. If a
medical waiver is required, MEPS will automatically send it to AFRS/AMWD for review.
MEPS is not the certifying authority for changes in a cadet/applicant’s medical status following
initial MEPS qualification. Once initially qualified by MEPS, AFRS/AMWD becomes the
reviewing and certifying authority for any subsequent medical condition/illness.
8.1.3. Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Physicals. MTFs may provide entrance physicals for
ECP cadets and cadets who are concurrently serving in the Guard/Reserve. MTFs will perform
commissioning physicals for cadets selected into CSO and ABM, and non-rated operations
(13XX/19Z) positions. Cadets must be categorized/selected for the position prior to requesting
a physical examination appointment with the MTF. Cadets will hand-carry any supporting
medical documents maintained at the detachment so they may be available for review by the
MTF personnel and copies uploaded into the Physical Exams Processing Program (PEPP) as
required. This will ensure all the documents needed for review and certification by
AFRS/AMWD are available. Reference CMPG and DAFMAN 48-123, Medical Examinations
and Standards, for additional information.
8.2. Detachment Responsibilities. Ensure cadets have the properly certified physicals for
contracting or commissioning.
68 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
8.2.1. Schedule cadets or applicants for a physical as soon as the commander believes the
individual is a viable candidate for the program. NOTE: Cadets must not be scheduled for a
physical until they have completed the AF Form 2030. Allow DoDMERB at least 60-90 days
from the date of examination for processing.
8.2.2. Obtain medical examinations directly from DoDMERB for applicants who have
completed a physical within the last 24 months for another program. In such cases, forward a
request via email to DoDMERB requesting the information.
8.2.3. All cadets who have had a physical administered must be counseled in writing on their
responsibility to report changes in medical status, to include mental health, within 72 hours.
Specifically, cadets must report any medical treatment (to include prescription medication
other than birth control), illness, injury, hospitalization, or other change in medical status,
including pregnancy. Reference 8.7.2 for the requirement to report behavioral health
8.2.4. Non-contract cadets who have not completed a DoDMERB physical are required to have
an AFROTC Form 28 or a university, NCAA, or the state-approved sports physical form on
file with the detachment to participate in LLAB/PT. If required, it must be accomplished no
earlier than 30 days before the beginning of each academic year and is valid for that academic
year only.
8.3. Validity Periods. Physicals are valid for a limited time depending on the purpose of the exam.
Update all certified medical physicals in WINGS.
8.3.1. Accession Physicals (for enlistment purposes). Cadets may not contract until physical
examination has been certified by DoDMERB, MEPS, or AFRS/AMWD (waivers or MTF
exams). IAW DAFMAN 48-123, DoDMERB, MEPS, and MTF physicals are valid for 24
months from the date of exam for contracting. Detachments will update the physical exam expiration date in WINGS to 24
months from the date of exam. If an initial qualified or waived physical examination will expire prior to a cadet
completing PSP and Field Training, a one-time one-year medical certification extension
may be granted via DD Form 2807-2 request sent to
[email protected]. See CMPG for detailed instructions on
completing this request. After a cadet contracts, adjust the expiration date to 60 months or 5 years from
the date of certification stamp.
8.3.2. For ECP cadets and cadets who are concurrently serving in the Guard/Reserve, AF Form
422, Physical Profile Serial Report, qualification date must be within 24 months to be valid
for contracting.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 69 ECP cadets must contract within 24 hours of their date of separation from active
duty. If they fail to meet this requirement, the AF Form 422 becomes expired and cadet
will require a DoDMERB physical. (See also paragraphs 11.6 and 11.7) Guard/Reserve cadets who elect to separate from enlisted service to continue as
contract cadets (see paragraph 11.11) must contract within 24 hours of their date of
separation from the Guard or Reserve. If they fail to meet this requirement, the AF Form
422 becomes expired and cadet will require a DoDMERB physical.
8.3.3. Field Training (FT). To attend FT, cadet must have a qualified DoDMERB, MTF, or
MEPS physical stamped with a date of exam within 48 months or 4 years (regardless of
contract status) of the FT end date. NOTE: AF Form 422, Notification of Air Force Member’s
Qualification Status, is sufficient to meet this requirement for ECP and Guard/Reserve cadets
if there is no change to medical status since latest certification.
8.3.4. Senior Physical Review. For contracted cadets, physicals are valid for 60 months or 5
years from the date of the certification stamp. To re-validate cadets’ readiness for commission,
dets must initiate a review of physicals for all final-year cadets via DD Form 2807-2. See
Senior Physical Review in CMPG for processing instructions. EXCEPTION: Cadets who
have accomplished or will accomplish specialized physicals (Rated, MOD, ATC, or SWA) do
not need to follow this process as their new physicals will replace the DoDMERB physical.
8.3.5. Physical requirements for SLECP and NECP students are contained in DAFMAN 36-
2032. The remainder of this paragraph applies only to ASCP/SOAR/POC-ERP cadets. Do
NOT schedule any ASCP/SOAR/POC-ERP cadets for DoDMERB physicals unless
coordinated with AFROTC/RR. ASCP/SOAR/POC-ERP cadets must meet the same Senior Physical Review
requirements as all other AFROTC cadets.
8.3.6. Specialty Career Fields. Specialized physicals must be accomplished for all rated
AFSCs as well as several non-rated operations AFSCs (13H, 13M, 13N, 13S, and 19Z). These
physicals must be completed and certified prior to commissioning for each affected cadet;
commissioning a cadet in any of these AFSCs without a certified physical constitutes an
erroneous commission. For further information, consult paragraph 14.7. and the CMPG.
8.4. Rated and Specialty Non-Rated Operations Physicals.
8.4.1. Potentially Qualified for Rated Duty. For rated categorization nomination purposes,
cadets are required to have their current physical screened using WINGS. A physical screened
as Potentially Pilot Qualified (PPQ)/Potentially RPA Qualified (PRQ)/Potentially CSO
Qualified (PCQ)/Potentially ABM Qualified (PAQ) applies for rated categorization and only
indicates the “potential” of a rated certification. Cadets are still required to receive an
appropriate certified flying class physical prior to commissioning.
8.4.2. Initial Flying Class/Medical Flight Screening (IFC/MFS) Physicals. IFC/MFS physicals
are for Pilot and RPA selects. These cadets will receive an IFC/MFS examination conducted
by the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) located at Wright-Patterson AFB
70 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
(WPAFB), OH. IFC/MFS physicals are scheduled by the detachment in coordination with
RRFA. AFRS/AMWD certifies IFC/MFS physicals.
8.4.3. Dental Treatment. All active orthodontic treatment must be completed before a cadet
can be medically certified for commissioning. Ensure orthodontic appliances are removed prior
to a cadet’s commissioning examination. Physical examinations for all Flying Class candidates
with a Dental Class 3 will be medically disqualified until all corrective dental documents have
been received/processed by USAFSAM/FECM and/or AFRS/RSG (AMWD). All Flying Class
candidates that are Dental Class 3 and those not meeting DoDI commissioning standards who
require corrections must have these conditions corrected within 2 months of notification from
8.4.4. Contact Lenses. Cadets scheduled for FCI/IA/IIU/FCIII physicals are restricted from
wearing hard lenses 90 days before the examination and soft lenses 30 days before the
examination. To permit an accurate refraction evaluation, cadets who fail to remove contact
lenses within these timeframes will be sent home from Wright Patterson Air Force Base
8.4.5. Non-Rated flight physicals. Detachments will schedule appointments at their
local/servicing MTF for cadets selected for non-rated flight duty, to include 13H, Aerospace
8.4.6. Non-rated/non-flying physicals. Detachments will schedule appointments at their
local/servicing MTF for cadets selected for non-rated/non-flying career fields which require
medical qualification above the normal DoDMERB physical. These include 13M, Airfield
Operations (ATC), 13N Missile Operations (MOD), 13S Space Operations (SOD), and 19Z
Special Warfare Airman (SWA). Refer to the IFC Guide and the Cadet Medical Processing
8.5. Medical Waiver Requests. AFRS/AMWD serves as medical waiver authority for cadets in
all categories and year groups with one exception. The waiver authority for space/missile
operations duty is AFGSC/SGP.
8.6. Medical Recheck Status (MRS) (Contracted Cadets only). MRS allows a cadet temporarily
not medically qualified for commissioning to continue receiving monetary benefits and to meet
selection boards while healing. When a change in medical status occurs, the previously certified
physical is temporarily no longer considered a “qualified/certified” physical. Immediately upon
notification of a change in a cadet’s medical status, forward a request for MRS to AFRS/AMWD
IAW the CMPG. The cadet will remain on MRS until released by AFRS/AMWD. NOTE: Cadets
cannot attend Field Training, proceed to MFS for IFC physical, or commission while on
8.6.1. The Det/CC may place the cadet on a 30-day temporary medical deferral if the condition
is considered to be minor in nature (sprained ankle, wisdom teeth extraction, flu); document
temporary medical deferral via a cadet counseling in WINGS. The cadet must be excused from
the PFA while on deferral. If the condition persists beyond 30 days, the detachment must
forward a request to AFRS/AMWD for placement on MRS IAW the CMPG.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 71
8.6.2. A cadet in or pending MRS is excused from Physical Training (PT) until the cadet’s
medical condition is reviewed and the cadet is released from MRS. Counsel the cadet in writing
that he or she has been placed in MRS and that he or she has 10 calendar days to provide
medical documentation or the scholarship will be temporarily inactivated until documentation
has been provided. Cadets will be deferred from the PFA for the period of MRS (reference
DAFI 36-2905_AFROTC Sup). Ensure MRS data is updated in WINGS. Once notified of
release from MRS, the cadet will enter a 42-day reconditioning period, during which time he
or she may participate in PT. The cadet must pass the PFA no later than the 60th calendar day
after removal from MRS. Unless that date occurs during a break between terms, in which case
MRS waives the PFA requirement for that term and the cadet completes a PFA at the next
reasonable point. A cadet cannot be forced to take the PFA during the 42-day reconditioning period.
However, a cadet may elect to take the PFA at any time after release from MRS. If the
cadet waives the reconditioning period, counsel the cadet in writing the PFA will be official
and documented as such. MRS for administrative-type procedures does not excuse cadets from PFA
requirements. For example, a cadet may be in MRS for 6 months awaiting final certification
for Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) or Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK)
surgery. Once they are cleared for full activity by the operating doctor, they are expected
to participate in PT and PFA while awaiting official removal from MRS. Situations where the cadet has been diagnosed or admitted with behavioral health
condition by a Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, or PsyD, AFRS/AMWD requires the
cadet to provide a copy of those records to the detachment for MRS submission. If any
doubt exists regarding the cadet’s condition, please call AFRS/AMWD or submit the
medical documents for review.
8.6.3. Send changes in medical status directly to AFRS/AMWD IAW the CMPG. AFRS/AMWD may direct a period of MRS not to exceed 6 months. MRS
extensions beyond the 6-month point must be requested from the Region/CC via CPAR.
AFRS/AMWD will be notified when an extension is requested and the final decision. The
request must be initiated prior to the expiration of the MRS. Granting the extension beyond
the 6-month point will not occur except in rare cases. If an extension is granted, it will not
exceed an additional 3 months. The request for the extension must include a
prognosis/diagnosis from the attending physician and a get-well date within the 3-month
period. If the get-well date extends beyond the 3-month period, do not submit the waiver
request and initiate a medical DI. MRS due to pregnancy will exceed the normal 6 months. Reference paragraph 8.9. MRS due to orthopedic conditions and/or injuries may exceed the normal 6
months. Cadets will initially be placed on 6-month MRS. Detachments should send
medical documents to AFRS/AMWD as soon as possible for assessment. MRS can be
72 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
extended up to a total of 12 months. If surgical treatment is required, MRS can be granted
up to 12 months from date of surgery, but not to exceed a combined total of 18 months.
8.6.4. Contracted cadets may compete for PSP but cannot attend FT or participate in AFROTC
physical activities while on MRS. If change in medical status occurs after FT and before POC
entry and enlistment, the cadet cannot be enlisted and may be placed in Pursuing
Status. EXCEPTION: Cadets in MRS due to Corneal Refractive Surgery (CRS) may attend FT
and participate in physical activities once the treating physician clears the cadet for full
unrestricted duty (reference CMPG).
8.6.5. To remove the cadet from MRS, refer to the CMPG.
8.7. Change in Medical Status (Non-Contract Cadets). DoDMERB must reevaluate non-
contract cadets who have been medically qualified or certified who have a change in medical status
prior to contracting. When a change in medical status occurs, the physical is no longer a
“qualified/certified” physical until reevaluation is complete and the physical is recertified.
Questionable conditions should be submitted via email with full name and last four of SSN to
DoDMERB to determine if they warrant evaluation. Refer to CMPG for further information.
8.7.1. Send changes in medical status directly to DoDMERB via email for evaluation with any
medical documentation scanned in and attached in PDF Format for DoDMERB review. The
email will include cadet’s full name, last four of SSN, medical condition warranting evaluation,
and detachment information (phone/fax number and detachment). Faxes must be pre-
authorized by DoDMERB.
8.7.2. If a cadet has been diagnosed or admitted with behavioral health condition by a
Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, or PsyD, AFRS/AMWD requires the cadet to provide a
copy of those records to the detachment for MRS submission. If any doubt exists regarding the
cadet’s condition, please call AFRS/AMWD or submit the medical documents for review.
8.7.3. Once recertified (either qualified or disqualified), attach documentation to the original
examination and file in the cadet’s record. If a waiver is required, send e-mail request to
AFRS/AMWD; refer to CMPG for additional guidance.
8.8. Upgrading Medical Examinations. Cadets who have a certified physical at one level of
qualification and need their physical examinations upgraded to a higher level of qualification (e.g.,
from commission qualified to non-rated operations, CSO, or Pilot), must have a new exam
accomplished by the MTF or MFS. Cadet examinations cannot be upgraded to FCI/IA prior to
categorization and selection. Exception: A cadet selected for CSO duty can be scheduled for an
FCI exam to ensure overall qualification in the event of category upgrade to Pilot by AFROTC/RR
if the host base can support the request.
8.9. Pregnancy. Once a cadet pregnancy is reported, a contract cadet will be put on MRS
immediately and the detachment can extend the cadet’s DOC into the next FY (if the cadet is
unable to commission as originally scheduled) to accommodate for pregnancy. The cadet’s DOC
must be updated to NET six months from the completion of pregnancy, per DoDI 6130.03.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 73
8.9.1. Cadets who are on MRS due to pregnancy will have their MRS extended twelve weeks
beyond the completion of the pregnancy. Send changes in medical status directly to
AFRS/AMWD. When the cadet is no longer pregnant, detachments must notify AFRS/AMWD
so the MRS expiration date can be adjusted.
8.9.2. Cadets must take the PFA NLT the first reasonable opportunity after 12 months post-
conclusion of pregnancy.
8.9.3. Non-contract cadets will not be allowed to contract or commission until six months after
the conclusion of the pregnancy. The cadet can be nominated for a scholarship, but must meet
all AFROTC membership requirements to activate scholarships.
8.10. Transgender. The gender transition process is highly individualized, and each case must be
worked independently. A transgender person is someone whose gender identity or gender
expression does not correspond with their sex assigned at birth. Some may experience gender
dysphoria, which is diagnosed by a medical provider per DoDI 1300.28, In-Service Transition for
Transgender Service Members. AFROTC personnel will only provide contact information for
DODMERB personnel to begin the intake process.
8.10.1. For non-contract cadets, the medical POC is DODMERB. Detachment commanders
will provide the DODMERB POC with the applicant or cadet’s name, cell phone number, and
email address. Per DODMERB, they will contact the cadet and perform an intake ASAP to
determine where the applicant or cadet is on the transgender spectrum and determine the proper
course of action. DODMERB communicates with the cadet and detachment commander once
a final determination is made. An applicant for appointment must disclose all medical history, to include
submitting medical records, including the names of the cadet’s current and past medical
insurers and providers. Applicants will also provide DOD authorization to request and
obtain their medical records. All cadets contracted and non-contracted, will require an
evaluation or physical to determine if they meet accession qualifications and may be
disqualify per DoDI 6130.03, Vol 1. A history of cross-sex hormone therapy associated with gender transition is
disqualifying for contracting or accession unless the individual has been stable on such
hormones for 18 months or no longer requires such hormones, as certified by a licensed
medical provider per DoDI 6130.03. A history of sex reassignment, genital reconstruction surgery, or gender dysphoria
is disqualifying for contracting or accession unless a period of 18 months has elapsed since
the date of the most recent of any such surgery and no functional limitations or complications
persist, and no additional surgery is required per DoDI 6130.03.
8.10.2. Contract cadets must coordinate with their detachment commander on how to submit
all required civilian medical and mental health documents to AFRS/AMWD for clinical and
administrative review for appropriate case disposition. Any changes in medical status must be
reported immediately. Detachment Commanders will follow up on concerns with a member’s
treatment plan or ETP within 30 days but the decision authority resides with AFRS/AMWD.
74 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 AFRS/AMWD forwards cases to the Transgender Health Medical Evaluation Unit
(THMEU) to validate civilian diagnosis, medical treatment plan (MTP), and to determine
the estimated date transition is complete in accordance with associated timeline. The MTP
will usually include Real Life Experience (RLE), which may include an approved ETP. Recommend reword to "The ETP will be annotated in WINGS, the closest
thing AFROTC has to a DEERS equivalent, by detachment staff. ETP considerations for
university/college facilities will be the responsibility of the student/cadet to work with
their university/college. AFROTC personnel will not be responsible for policy
considerations at the university level. A contracted cadet is subject to placement on medical leave of absence/medical
recheck status or medical disenrollment from ROTC based on a medical condition that
impairs the individual’s ability to complete training or be accessed into the Air Force or
Space Force. A cadet may be disenrolled for medical disqualification within 180 days after
becoming a contracted cadet or disenrolled as otherwise permitted under applicable
regulations. All Contracted cadets must meet DoD and DAF accession standards at graduation
and prior to commissioning. Any changes in medical status must be reported immediately
to their detachment and AFRS/AMWD.
8.10.3. Identity Validation is the responsibility of AFROTC detachment cadre once a final
determination is made and the cadet submits the required documentation demonstrating a
change in the cadet’s gender marker. AFROTC personnel will ensure appropriate information
is updated in WINGS of an individual's identity, using one of the following documents to
validate an applicant's gender, a certified true copy of a state birth certificate reflecting self-
identified gender, a certified true copy of a court order reflecting self-identified gender, or a
U.S. Passport reflecting self-identified gender.
8.10.4. A cadet must perform a Physical Fitness Assessment in the gender assigned in WINGS,
the closest AFROTC has to a DEERS equivalent. During treatment and surgery recovery,
members may receive medical profiles and exemptions for components to the Physical Fitness
Assessment, just as they would for any other medical conditions. Medical providers may issue
medical profiles and exemptions for fitness components. A cadet receiving cross-sex hormone
treatment for their transition may request a total exemption from the Region/CC after their
detachment commander certifies the member made a full and clear effort but are unable to
meet fitness standards. A fitness failure is not required for exemption.
8.10.5. When permissible, AETC/CC will grant Exceptions to Policy (ETPs) contained in the
governing directives and regulations cited herein, such as dress, appearance, and fitness, as the
Wing Commander equivalent. Control of facilities on campus is controlled by the educational
institution. ETP denial authority is withheld to AF/A1 or SF/S1.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 75
9.1. General Information. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/DO.
9.2. Education Officer (EO). The Education Officer is responsible for ensuring completion of all
instruction-related activities. The EO:
9.2.1. Ensures all cadets are enrolled in their applicable AS course(s).
9.2.2. Reviews each instructors course syllabus and gradebook for compliance and retains
documentation for one academic year.
9.2.3. Reviews one exam by each instructor per academic year to assess effectiveness in testing
lesson objectives and retains review documentation for one academic year.
9.2.4. Verifies that cadre complete annual In-Service Training (IST) and all other Continuation
Training requirements.
9.2.5. Maintains and conducts course surveys IAW paragraph 9.14 of this instruction.
9.2.6. Manages academic records.
9.2.7. Ensures all students, staff, and guest speakers are briefed on AUI 36-2602, Command,
Governance and Administration Policy, at the beginning of each academic term or prior to
lecture/speaking engagements.
9.2.8. Ensures cadre know how to use the learning management system or various system the
university/school uses to deliver the AS curriculum.
9.3. AS Courses. AS courses may be taught through distance learning, independent study, or one-
on-one instruction for one term for extenuating circumstances with Det/CC approval. Further terms
require Region/CC approval. Detachments must maintain attendance records and show that all AS
class objectives were met for these methods of instruction. LLAB cannot be conducted through
distance learning or independent study.
9.4. Academic Instructor Course (AIC). All instructors must attend and complete AIC prior to
instructing cadets IAW Holm Center Instruction (HCI) 36-2601, Faculty Development and Master
Instructor Programs.
9.5. Course Descriptions. The detachment EO will provide host institutions and cross-towns with
updated course descriptions to be included in course catalogs and on institution websites. For
individual AS course descriptions, refer to the AFROTC Course Catalog. This is an annual
document that is typically published before 1 August. The EO can shorten the AS course
descriptions to meet institutional requirements, as necessary.
9.6. Curriculum. Holm Center Academic Affairs will provide approved curriculum and lesson
plan templates.
76 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
9.7. Lesson Objectives. All instructors will accomplish the lesson objectives for each AS course
and LLAB. Instructors may modify a lesson plan provided by Holm Center/DE as long as the lesson
objectives are presented.
9.8. Grades. All instructors are responsible for reviewing AS course grades at the end of each
term to ensure academic standards are met as defined by paragraph 5.1.2 of this instruction.
9.9. GPA Standards. The Det/CC must verify students meet GPA standards IAW Table 5.1.
Cadets attending universities that do not provide an equivalent grading system will not be able to
compete for AFROTC programs. They can, however, enroll as a Participating Student provided
there is a cross-town/consortium agreement with the detachment host university or if the
Participating Student is registered as a part-time student at the detachment host university.
9.10. Syllabus. All instructors shall provide a syllabus (written copy if requested) to Participating
Students, applicants and cadets. Every syllabus must contain the following:
9.10.1. Attendance Policy. Cadets and Participating Students must achieve at least 80%
attendance over the course of the term to pass each of the following: AS Class, LLAB, and PT.
All absences will initially be categorized as unexcused and will count against the 80%
attendance requirement. At the discretion of the primary instructor, the absence may be marked
as excused after the cadet completes missed objectives. Excused absences will count towards
meeting the 80% attendance requirement.
9.10.2. Grading Procedures. The detachments will maintain a letter grading system for all AS
classes. If the Host University mandates a pass/fail or credit/fail system, the detachment will
maintain normal letter grades in cadet records. Clearly list each graded item, indicate how
much weight each item has been assigned, and include the grading scale (percentage and/or
point ranges for each letter grade). Final course grades must consider only subject matter
knowledge, writing, and briefing assignments. Class participation may be considered if desired
but will not exceed 10 percent of the final grade. A curve system will not be utilized for course
grades. Offer LLAB on a pass/fail or credit/fail system unless the institution requires letter or
numerical grades. Failed AS Classes and LLAB. Cadet may apply for re-entry, but the failed
class(es), to include LLAB, will have to be re-accomplished for AFROTC credit. Incompletes. The Det/CC must approve all “Incompletes” for AS classes and
LLAB. “Incompletes” should be used for unusual or unavoidable circumstances, such as
an extended illness. “Incompletes” must not be used for make-up of unsatisfactory or
delinquent work, or as a sanction for cadets who do not return uniforms. An “Incomplete”
must be resolved NLT the end of the following term or it will constitute a failure.
9.10.3. Scheduling. Must indicate class meeting dates, holidays, and breaks.
9.10.4. Does not require students to purchase commercial texts.
9.10.5. For LLAB syllabus, include a numbered list of LLAB objectives.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 77
9.11. Cadet Counseling. Cadet counseling provides:
9.11.1. A means to review performance and verify that cadets understand retention and
scholarship standards, scholarship entitlements (if applicable), and the consequences for not
meeting standards.
9.11.2. A means to mentor cadets, identify positive performance areas, review deficiencies in
the cadets’ performance, and to motivate cadets to improve performance.
9.11.3. The necessary documentation for adverse actions such as dismissal, scholarship
suspension, termination, or disenrollment become necessary.
9.11.4. A means to address any situation that could adversely affect a cadet’s continuation in
the program or place a cadet’s scholarship or stipend in jeopardy.
9.11.5. WINGS will be used to document counseling and is not to be a replacement for face-
to-face counseling.
9.12. Term Counseling. Det/CC and/or APAS cadre must counsel all applicants and cadets and
document in WINGS at least once each Fall term and at least once each Winter or Spring term.
The term counseling must be accomplished via face-to-face to the maximum extent possible; for
this, either in-person or via video teleconferencing (i.e., Zoom™, Teams, etc,) will meet the
intent of face-to-face. Refer to Attachment 16 for face-to-face counseling requirements. As a last
resort, telephone may be used. Cadre will at a minimum:
9.12.1. Ensure the cadet understands academic, military, and medical retention standards and
the consequences of not meeting standards. At a minimum, the cadre member will ensure the
cadet is briefed that: All cadets are prohibited from certain activities and relationships with cadre IAW
DD Form 2983, Recruit/Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement, and paragraph
1.4 of this instruction. All cadets are subject to the Air Force’s Zero Tolerance policy on illicit drug use
and drug testing IAW paragraph 3.11.5 of this instruction. All cadets are required to meet physical fitness and BMI and/or Body Fat
standards IAW paragraph 5.3 of this instruction. All cadets must display an aptitude and judgment expected of an officer, not
exhibit undesirable character traits that are unbecoming of an officer, and not display an
indifference to military training. All cadets must report any civil involvements with civil, military or school
authorities within 72 hours IAW paragraph 6.3 of this instruction. All cadets must maintain minimum GPA and enrollment requirements based upon
their status IAW Table 5.1 of this instruction.
78 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Cadets must maintain a “Cor better in all AS courses IAW paragraph 5.1.2 and
Table 5.3 of this instruction and all cadets must pass both AS courses and LLAB IAW
paragraph of this instruction. All cadets must report any changes in medical status, to include behavioral health
diagnoses, within 72 hours IAW paragraph 8.2.3 and 8.7.2 of this instruction. Refer to
AFRS CMPG for further information about reportable changes in medical status.
9.12.2. Review the cadet’s performance and progress. Cadre will document the session in the
WINGS Cadet Feedback module to generate an AFROTC Form 704, Academic Performance
Inquiry. This form will be used to assess and discuss standards, behavior, and performance
with the cadet.
9.12.3. Review academic plan, to verify commissioning FY, academic major, and that the
cadet is still on track to graduate. Counsel a cadet in writing in a SAF-approved 5-year major
who obtains approval of a major change to a non-SAF-approved 5-year major that they are
now only authorized up to 600 days stipend in the POC.
9.12.4. Ensure the cadet has confirmed accuracy of all information contained in WINGS via
the cadet SURF.
9.13. Cadre Training. The OPR for Cadre Training is AFROTC/CCVT.
9.13.1. Det/CCs will ensure all faculty are properly trained, certified, and maintain their
currency IAW the AFROTCI 36-2011V2, AFROTC Cadre Training and Certification. All cadre must accomplish Initial Qualification Training at the first availability.
Region/CC is the deferral authority. All cadre must accomplish Mission Qualification Training within the first 90
days of completing initial training or 90 days after arrival at the detachment, whichever
occurs later. In addition, all NCOs must accomplish Job Qualification Standard (JQS)
training in addition to their MQT.
9.13.2. Det/CCs will ensure all faculty academic instructor performance in the classroom,
LLAB, and during other cadet training opportunities are assessed by a qualified Det/CC or
APAS IAW the AFROTC 36-2011V2. Det/CCs, APAS, and 8B3s are required to be assessed
in a minimum of one classroom instruction each school year. The AFROTC Form 13, AFROTC
Individual Assessment, will be utilized for the assessment. Assessment standards and criteria
are available in the AFROTCI 36-2011V2. PMT does not count toward the annual classroom
instruction assessment for cadre members, but the Det/CC may evaluate an instructor at any
9.14. EOT Survey/Critique Program. This program will consist of, at a minimum, university-
mandated EOT surveys/critiques and will be given at the end of the spring term (or as directed).
During the review, the EO will identify and document issues needing resolution and annotate
actions taken. Retain results for one academic year.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 79
9.15. Academic Records. The detachment EO will ensure the following items are on file in the
detachment. When a university or college has more restrictive record retention requirements,
follow the more restrictive guidance. Except for grade books and attendance records, retain all
items for one academic year. The institution’s learning management system may be used if all
requirements can be met.
9.15.1. Instructor training and evaluation data IAW HOLMCENTERI 36-2601.
9.15.2. A syllabus for each AS and LLAB course offered.
9.15.3. A master copy of each examination.
9.15.4. AS class and LLAB instructor grade books (or equivalent) and attendance records and,
when applicable, scores for all graded items, points or percentages earned by students for each
graded item, and a final course grade for each student. Retain for two academic years.
9.16. University Academic Records. The detachment EO will brief the Det/CC on university
rules regarding academic records and instructor training which are more demanding than the
requirements of this instruction.
9.17. Academic Degree Accreditation Requirements. All accreditation requirements are based
on DAFMAN 36-2032 and DAFMAN 36-2100. In order to qualify for technical scholarship
funding, a cadet’s degree program must be judged by Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) as
qualifying a cadet to be accessed into a technical AFSC and accredited.
9.17.1. Accreditation. Detachments associated with schools accredited by the appropriate
agency will maintain documentation (course catalog, departmental letter, etc.) identifying the
accreditation and review it at least every five years. Annotate this review in an MFR and
maintain until the next review.
9.17.2. Meteorology/Atmospheric Science (8FYY) majors must be reviewed by DAFIT/ENEL
to validate accreditation of the program. The major must be reviewed by DAFIT immediately
if any program changes occur that may impact program accreditation. To initiate the periodic
review, submit review requests directly to DAFIT/ENEL by sending the host/crosstown
university’s course catalogue and descriptions to
Detachments will retain the completed evaluation received from DAFIT until the next review.
Majors not addressed by an accredited agency (such as unique or combination majors) may be
sent to AFROTC/RRU for approval. Requests should include all coursework requirements.
Include comparisons to similar accredited majors at the same institution.
80 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
10.1. General Information. This chapter covers Practical Military Training (PMT) for cadets.
The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/DO.
10.2. Detachment Operations Flight Commander (OFC). The OFC is the primary instructor for
all PMT at the detachment. The OFC:
10.2.1. Supervises cadet wing (or equivalent) in the planning of all PMT events that accomplish
Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) objectives IAW the current AFROTCI 36-2011, VOL. 1,
AFROTC Cadet’s Guide to Leadership Laboratory Curriculum.
10.2.2. Ensures students enrolled in LLAB have access to the current LLAB syllabus.
10.2.3. Ensures cadets are enrolled in LLAB. Note: AS700-800 cadets are not required to
register for LLAB but must attend.
10.2.4. Ensures all LLAB events are supervised IAW paragraph
10.2.5. Ensures cadets treat each other with proper dignity and that hazing, discrimination,
harassment, and any other unacceptable conduct, actions or circumstances, inappropriate for
cadets participating in the AFROTC program do not occur. Refer to AFI 36-2909, and AETC
10.2.6. Ensures the Honor Code is taught to all cadets each academic year. The Cadet Honor
Code states, "We will not lie, steal, or cheat nor tolerate among us anyone who does."
10.2.7. Ensures required LLAB objectives are presented in the academic year.
10.2.8. Documents all required LLAB objectives are met by concurrently enrolled cadets (e.g.,
AS250 Cadets) and cadets who have missed a term (e.g., PNA).
10.2.9. Tracks LLAB attendance and grading criteria for each cadet.
10.2.10. Ensures cadets are counseled and documented in WINGS following non-detachment
hosted PMT/PDT events (e.g. FT and AFROTC hosted PDT). At a minimum, cadets should
be debriefed on the logistics process, their performance, and their major lessons learned.
10.2.11. Ensures POC cadets serve at least one leadership position within the cadet wing (or
equivalent) during their AFROTC career. A cadet wing leadership position is defined as "POC
cadets directly responsible for supervising one or more cadets.” The OFC can award leadership
credit for CTA duty and non-wing leadership positions.
10.2.12. Approves cadet rank and duty descriptions listed on the cadet wing organizational
10.2.13. Approves and signs the Operation Plan (OPLAN) prior to the first mandatory PMT
event of the semester. The OPLAN is designed to provide the Cadet Wing, or equivalent, an
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 81
OFC approved training roadmap for a specific semester. At a minimum, OPLANs must
include: When the required training objectives are to be presented within the semester. If
any training objectives for the academic year will not be presented during the semester, the
current OPLAN must account for these missed objectives in either a previous or subsequent
OPLAN that falls within the same academic year. When concurrently enrolled cadets (e.g. AS250 Cadets) are to be presented all
required training objectives IAW the current academic year’s AFROTCI 36-2011, Vol. 1. The authorized positions for POC Cadets to include the organizational chart,
leadership position designation, and duty descriptions. The plan for the Cadet Wing, or equivalent, to acquire and track attendance for
all Mandatory PMT events.
10.2.14. Approves and signs Operations Orders (OPORD). The OPORD is designed to provide
cadets and cadre a detailed and structured plan of how the Cadet Wing, or equivalent, plans to
present the training objectives for a specific mandatory PMT event. An OPORD must be
created by the Cadet Wing, or equivalent, for all mandatory PMT events, may cover more than
one event, and must be signed by cadet leadership prior to the first event listed on the OPORD.
At a minimum, OPORDs must include: The date(s), start/stop times, uniform(s), and location(s) for each event. Det/CC
approval and justification is required if the 6 hour PMT limit per week is exceeded. How the training objectives will be presented and to which cadet classification. The risk management assessment and mitigation plans for all activities IAW
AFI 90-802, Risk Management. Det/CC approval is required for any activities determined
to be high-risk IAW DAFI 91-202
10.3. Practical Military Training. PMT is AFROTC-sponsored training that is uniquely military
and meets the requirements in Title 10 U.S.C. 2109, Practical Military Training.
10.3.1. There are two types of PMT; mandatory and voluntary. All PMT must be clearly
identified as either mandatory or voluntary when posted and announced. Mandatory PMT. Any AFROTC sponsored training activity designed to present
training objectives IAW the current academic year’s AFROTCI 36-2011, Vol. 1.
Mandatory PMT events include but are not limited to LLAB and PT and must be
supervised, authorized, facilitated and/or provided resources by an authorized cadre
member. A qualified cadre member must be present during all mandatory PMT scheduled
activities and ensure all cadets are under the supervision of a qualified cadre member, to
include qualified NCO cadre. The all cadre members, to include APAS contractors, must
be present for all LLAB events. The Det/CC may excuse individual cadre from LLAB
events on a case-by-case basis.
82 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Voluntary PMT. Any AFROTC sponsored, military-related training activity that
the Det/CC designates as voluntary PMT. Examples include but are not limited to mock
deployments, FT preparation classes conducted in addition to normal LLAB hour
requirements and drill team/honor guard membership. AFROTC may hold medical liability
for voluntary PMT activities. Detachment commanders should use appropriate command
authority and decision-making processes to determine cadre presence at voluntary PMT
10.3.2. PMT funding must be IAW paragraph 1.7 and Table 1.1 that outline specific funding
restrictions between mandatory and voluntary PMT.
10.3.3. PMT at the detachment should be primarily cadet planned, directed, and executed.
10.3.4. Detachments must: Authorize high-risk PMT activities through the Det/CC IAW DAFI 91-202. Conform to guidance in DAFI 48-151, Thermal Stress Program. Confirm annual certification for non-DoD obstacle, challenge, confidence, or
training courses (as defined in DAFMAN 36-2611, Air Force Obstacle Course Program)
used for PMT. Unless delegated, AETC/A3S is the approving agency for use of sister-
service, joint, coalition, Department of Defense courses, or other entity owned (including
University owned) obstacle, ropes, and challenge courses. Limit mandatory PMT to no more than 6 hours per week (Monday through
Sunday). The Det/CC holds approval authority to exceed the weekly limit. Not require cadets to attend PMT when their academic institution is not in session
(i.e., holidays, fall, and spring breaks, etc.) but ensure all objectives are evaluated.
10.3.5. AFROTC/DO will establish objectives, policy, and oversee resources/training support
for PMT events. The Det/CC will provide oversight and maintain overall responsibility for all
detachment PMT events.
10.3.6. Only applicants and cadets (active and pursuing status) are authorized to participate in
PMT IAW 10 U.S.C. 2109(c)(1).
10.3.7. Medical Care. Cadets may receive medical care at a military medical treatment facility
or a military-authorized civilian treatment facility for injuries that occurred during mandatory
or voluntary PMT. Detachments will assist cadets in filing Department of Labor (DoL) claims
for reimbursement of costs associated with medical treatment at civilian facilities. Guidance
and forms for this process are provided on the legal and DO sections of the AFROTC Teams
10.4. Non-PMT Activities. There are many activities cadets participate in that are not training
and/or are not sponsored by the detachment or cadet wing. Non-PMT activities include those
events that are neither part of the scheduled coursework, part of the curricular activities, nor within
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 83
the definition of PMT, but have social, public relations, or educational value. Do not use class or
LLAB time for non-PMT activities. Examples of Non-PMT activities include, but are not limited
to Arnold Air Society, Silver Wings, booster club, and intramural sports activities.
10.4.1. AFROTC holds no medical or legal liability for Non-PMT activities.
10.4.2. The detachment commander may prohibit uniform wear for Non-PMT activities.
10.5. Leadership Laboratory (LLAB). LLAB is any PMT that is designed to accomplish
required LLAB objectives IAW the current academic year's AFROTCI 36-2011, Vol. 1.
Objectives must be covered during LLAB and credit cannot be applied for objectives covered in
AS curriculum.
10.5.1. Extended cadets (except AS900 cadets) must attend LLAB, regardless of university
enrollment status. They will assist with PMT and/or be given special projects (i.e., dining out,
joint service event planning, etc.) to be worked during LLAB time. This provides extended
cadets needed opportunities to further develop their leadership skills.
10.5.2. LLAB grading is based on only three criteria: PFA. Attempt the PFA IAW AFROTC Supplement to DAFMAN 36-2905,
unless on MRS or other medical excuse as determined by the Det/CC. A failing score does
not constitute a failure in LLAB, but may impact cadet retention status IAW Chapter 5. Attendance. Meet attendance requirements IAW paragraph 9.10.1. Attitude towards training. The inability or refusal to conform to PMT may result
in immediate failure and/or dismissal from the course as determined by the Det/CC.
10.5.3. SMCs must accomplish FT preparation and LLAB objectives that are unique to
AFROTC IAW AFROTCI 36-2011, VOL 1; the remainder of LLAB objectives are not
required due to the training environment already provided in SMCs.
10.6. Physical Training (PT). PT is PMT that includes, but is not limited to, the PFA and weekly
PT sessions. PT associated with LLAB objectives and attendance are part of LLAB grading, unless
PT is recognized as a separate course at the host University. Detachments must require cadets to
attend a minimum of two but no more than three PT sessions per week. SMCs may use SMC
physical training program instead of separate AF PT sessions. Any PT sessions held in excess of
the maximum limit must be strictly voluntary. Prior to attending PT, cadets must be presented and
acknowledge the Sickle Cell Trait education video IAW AFROTCSUP to DAFMAN 36-2905 and
must have a valid sports physical/qualified DoDMERB on file.
10.7. Organization. Cadet organizational structures are comprised of cadets at the host and cross-
town institutions (if applicable). The Det/CC determines the designation level (e.g., Wing, Group,
or Squadron) each term and may also form cross-town institution cadets into separate cadet
organizations. The cadet organization must:
84 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
10.7.1. Conform to current USAF practice and mirror active duty organizational structure IAW
AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization.
10.7.2. Rotate cadet officer positions at least once during the academic year. No POC may hold
the same position for two consecutive rotational periods without Det/CC approval. The OFC
may approve a cadet to hold the Drill Team Commander for two consecutive terms.
10.7.3. Produce an organizational chart for all POC cadet positions each rotation. The chart
must be clearly displayed for all cadets to reference and at a minimum must include the cadet's
name, rank, and position title.
10.7.4. Cadets should use a cadet-led evaluation and feedback process.
10.7.5. Cadet ranks are designed to provide cadets with knowledge and practical applications
of active duty officer rank structure and must be commensurate with their AS level and their
assigned positions within the cadet wing (or equivalent). The word "cadet" must precede any
reference to the cadet's rank. No cadet is authorized to hold "enlisted" cadet rank or any grade
above Cadet Colonel (C/Col). GMC cadets and cadets that have not successfully completed FT are only
authorized the ranks of Cadet Fourth Class (C/4C) for AS100 cadets and Cadet Third Class
(C/3C) for AS200 cadets. Concurrently enrolled GMC cadets (e.g., AS250 cadets or 2-year
cadets) will wear C/4C during their first term and C/3C during their second term. POC cadets who have successfully completed or been properly deferred from FT
are authorized the ranks of cadet officers (C/2d Lt C/Col); Det/CC approves rank and
position for deferred and 1-year cadets.
10.8. Field Training. The FT program will train cadets in the AF institutional competencies and
evaluate cadet suitability for entry into the Professional Officer Corps (POC). AFROTC will issue
guidance each year on requirements for FT attendance.
10.8.1. Cadet Counseling. Counsel cadets in writing upon selection to FT and prior to
attendance that their retention in AFROTC is dependent on satisfactorily completing FT.
Counsel cadets upon completion or removal (with or without prejudice) on their FT
10.8.2. FT Performance Report (FTPR). Upon completion or removal, cadets will receive an
AFROTC Form 27, Field Training Performance Report, that will inform the detachment on
the cadet's performance at FT. Additional forms used during FT to determine cadets’
performance are (guidance on use of these forms will be provided at FT): AFROTC Form 17, Cadet Field Training Counseling Record; AFROTC Form 82, AFROTC Cadet Sign Out/In Register.
10.8.3. FT Removal. Issue a CE to cadets who are removed from FT with prejudice (reference
Table 5.4). Non-contract cadets removed from FT with prejudice will be Det Dropped unless
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 85
waived by AFROTC/CC. Contract cadets who do not satisfactorily complete FT are not
permitted to enter the POC or enroll in AS300 class if the Det/CC initiates a disenrollment. In
rare cases, a Det/CC may request retention of a cadet removed from FT with prejudice. If the
Det/CC would like to retain the cadet, initiate a CRR, withdraw their EA, place them in AS500
status, temporarily inactivate scholarship, and ensure they continue to attend LLAB until the
CRR is resolved. The CRR must include a remedial training plan with milestones and the
Det/CC must re-assess the cadet’s potential before nominating him/her during the next (POC
Selection Process) PSP cycle. If a cadet is awarded the opportunity to attend FT again, they
are not allowed to be awarded a Distinguished Graduate (DG) title.
10.8.4. FT Deferral. Detachments may submit a deferral request to AFROTC/RRFP via
WINGS when a cadet is unable to attend FT in the summer assigned. Detachments must also
notify AFROTC/DOF immediately when a deferral request is submitted on any cadet who has
already been assigned to an FTU.
10.9. Professional Developmental Training (PDT). PDTs are an integral component to the 4-
year AFROTC curriculum and are comprised of outside-the-classroom events intended to motivate
and inspire GMC cadets and to further develop and enhance leadership skills for POC cadets. PDTs
are designed to progress cadets from academic experience into operational application and
understanding of the Air Force. Per paragraph 3.2, DOL medical coverage is available for
approved PDT activities.
10.9.1. Each PDT event is unique and will vary in size, scope, and duration. GMC involvement
will be primarily participatory while POC cadets’ experience should involve planning, product
development, and mission execution. AFROTC/DOT will disseminate guidance as PDT
programs become available.
10.9.2. Each cadet must participate in at least one PDT as a GMC and one PDT as a POC. The
Det/CC may waive one PDT requirement (GMC or POC) on a case-by-case basis and is the
approval authority for local PDTs not requiring HQ AFROTC funding. The Region/CC is the
approval authority for local PDTs requiring HQ AFROTC funding and the waiver authority
for a second PDT requirement on a case-by-case basis. Accomplish the following forms as
appropriate for cadet PDTs; AFROTC Form 5, Cadet PDT Assignment Briefing Checklist,
AFROTC Form 6, Professional Development Training Unit Processing Checklist, AFROTC
Form 9, PDT Volunteer Statement.
86 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
11.1. General Information. This chapter provides guidelines for enlistment in the Obligated
Reserve Section (ORS) of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). The OPR for this chapter is
11.2. Authority. Cadets selected for POC membership or a GMC scholarship will be enlisted in
the ORS before becoming a contracted member in AFROTC. Authority for AFROTC enlistment
is Title 10, Section 2104.
11.3. Eligibility to Enlist. Before enlistment in the ORS, a cadet or scholarship designee must
fulfill all eligibility requirements. Submit waivers for eligibility criteria IAW paragraph 7.4.
11.3.1. Do not enlist cadets unless they meet the GPA requirements in Table 5.1.
11.3.2. Do not enlist cadets who do not meet physical fitness standards IAW paragraph 5.3.
Exception: 4-year HSSP designees only require a height/weight check.
11.3.3. Do not enlist cadets who do not meet BMI and/or body fat determinations IAW
paragraph 5.3. Conduct BMI checks on all cadets within 30 days prior to enlistment or
scholarship activation. If over BMI, conduct body fat test in accordance with DAFMAN 36-
2905_AFROTCSUP. Non-contract cadets must meet BMI or body fat standard prior to
enlistment, scholarship activation, and FT attendance.
11.3.4. Do not enlist cadets without a certified physical examination IAW paragraph 8.3 of
this instruction. For POC that have not successfully completed Field Training due to medical,
AFOQT, etc., a waiver from AFROTC/RR is required to contract.
11.3.5. Do not enlist cadets who have a failing verbal or quantitative AFOQT. See paragraph
5.4.5 and Table 5.2 for process and eligibility for AFOQT waivers.
11.3.6. Citizenship Requirements. Verify cadet is a US citizen in WINGS prior to contracting. Cadet must be a US citizen by birth or naturalization. The cadet has the burden
of proof for citizenship. Substantiation must be in the form of an original or true copy
(raised seal) birth certificate that has been filed through vital statistics. For all other cadets,
verify the document that established citizenship and update WINGS. For most this is a
certificate of naturalization or current, valid U.S. passport. For cadets with dual citizenship, reference DAFMAN 36-2032 and DODM
5200.02_AFMAN 16-1405, Air Force Personnel Security Program. Individuals who claim
dual citizenship must, in writing, express their willingness to renounce their citizenship to
another country and relinquish any foreign passports. Note: this requirement does not
constitute an official renouncement of citizenship to another country. As stated in DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph, “Dual citizenship in and
of itself is not an automatic disqualifier. Dual citizenship and particularly the exercise
of dual citizenship, to include foreign military service, is a condition raising a security
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 87
concern and may be a disqualifying factor in a security clearance eligibility
determination in accordance with DoDM 5200.02_AFMAN 16-1405.”
11.3.7. Enlistment Age. The minimum age for enlistment is 17. An individual who is 17 years
old at the time of enlistment, unless married, must have a parent or guardian’s consent on the
DAF Form 1056 before being enlisted. Contact Holm Center/JA for assistance if required. The minimum age to sign the DAF Form 1056 varies from 18 to 21 years of age,
depending on the age required to enter into a legal contract as determined by the laws of
the state where the cadet signs the contract (all states are 18, except in Alabama and
Nebraska the age is 19; Puerto Rico is 21). Parental consent is required if the cadet is, for
the purpose of entering into contracts, considered a minor by the state in which enlistment
occurs. Obtain consent by having the parent or guardian co-sign the DAF Form 1056. A
notary must be present at the location if a parent is not present. Contact Holm Center/JA
for final determination and advice on minimum age to enter into a contract. Cadre must verify age in WINGS prior to contracting.
11.3.8. Cadre must verify that the cadet’s SSN in WINGS matches their contracting documents
(DD Form 4 and DAF Form 1056) prior to contracting.
11.3.9. Cadre must verify each male cadet who is 18 years or older has registered through the
selective service system.
11.3.10. Dependency policy. Cadets who have dependents incapable of self-care must establish
a family care plan IAW DODI 1342.19_DAFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans.
11.3.11. For applicants with prior military service, cadre must verify member’s DD214 for
reenlistment eligibility.
11.4. Enlistment Processing. Any commissioned officer (active duty, guard, reserve, or retired)
or oath-administering official may enlist scholarship designees and POC cadets. Officers who
resigned their commissions, and were transferred to the ORS or the non-affiliated reserve sections
(NARS) may not administer the oath. Refer to AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment and Extension of
Enlistment in the United States Air Force.
11.4.1. Pre-Enlistment Actions. The detachment may complete pre-enlistment administrative
actions outside of the normal contracting window. Actual dating and signing of the DAF Form
1056, DD Form 4 (Part E), and recertification of the items listed in paragraph 11.4.3 must
occur on the date of enlistment as determined by the DD Form 4.
11.4.2. Enlistment must occur within ten days prior or after the first day of school. For cadets
not fully qualified at the start of institution classes, enlist immediately after qualification
requirements are met. Scholarship winners must contract NLT the end of the term in which
their scholarship was awarded unless waived by AFROTC/RR. For cross-town/consortium
schools, the first and last day of classes is based on the host institution’s schedule.
88 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
11.4.3. Pre-Enlistment Review of Qualifications. Detachments must use the AFROTC Form
63, Enrollment and Enlistment Checklist, to ensure that the individual is qualified for
enlistment. For scholarship designees, the scholarship entitlement must be awarded in WINGS
before contracting. On the day of, but prior to enlistment, have the cadets recertify the
following: Certify Civil Involvements in WINGS. AF Form 2030 (ASCP, SOAR, and POC-ERP cadets must complete a new form).
If drug (or hemp) abuse is reported which occurred subsequent to the original certification
or was not reported upon a previous certification, the cadet is normally denied enlistment.
If evaluation for possible waiver is considered appropriate, the Det/CC may enroll the
individual into the POC as a pursuing student and forward a waiver through command
channels to AFROTC/CC or the appropriate waiver authority.
11.5. Effective Date of Enlistment. The enlistment of an individual may not, under penalty of
law, be postdated or predated. The actual date the individual is administered the Oath of Enlistment
is the effective date of enlistment into the ORS. Enlist only individuals who are fully qualified; an
enlistment cannot be invalidated. A Det/CC can delay an enlistment for cause and counsel the
cadet in writing as to the reason for delay. Place the POC cadet in pursuing status.
11.6. Eligible ECP Selectees (ASCP, POC-ERP, and SOAR). Eligible persons must be enlisted
within 24 hours of their separation date as required by DAFMAN 36-2032 and DAFI 36-3211,
Military Separations.
11.7. Ineligible ECP Selectees. If an ECP selectee does not contract with AFROTC within 24
hours of date of separation, they are ineligible to contract until they have a certified DoDMERB
exam. Verify the actual date of separation via the DD Form 214 or through AFPC/DPSOS.
11.8. DAF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract.
Complete the DAF Form 1056 (Attachment 5) and file the original in the cadet’s record and
provide a copy to the cadet. A signed DAF Form 1056 is not a guarantee that a commission will
be offered to the cadet.
11.8.1. Completion of the Contract. The DAF Form 1056 must be executed before the
individual is admitted to contract cadet status. Ensure the cadets signature is witnessed by two
adults not related to the cadet. Cadet, witnesses, and AFROTC detachment officer
representative signatures are not signed until the day of, but after, the oath of enlistment, unless
paragraph 11.8.2 applies.
11.8.2. Enlistment of Minors. If the individual is considered a minor by the state in which the
enlistment occurs, obtain consent (signature) of the parent or guardian, unless the individual is
married. The cadet and two adult witnesses not related to the cadet will sign the DAF Form
1056 prior to consent. If the parent or guardian cosigns giving consent to enlist, a notary public
must witness all applicable signatures if not in the presence of a detachment representative
(officer or enlisted may witness). If consent is necessary; individual witness and
parental/guardian signatures are required prior to enlistment but not required on the day of
enlistment. A detachment officer representative will sign the form the day of, but prior to, the
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 89
enlistment. The cadet must complete a DAF Form 1056 “Changes Page” according to
Attachment 5
11.9. Enlistment. Accomplish enlistment by administering the Oath of Enlistment and completing
the DD Form 4.
11.9.1. Reserve Orders Publication. Publish Reserve Orders through WINGS when the
individual enlists or reenlists in the ORS as a POC or scholarship member. Complete Manual
Special Orders and travel vouchers for all HSSP recipients as freshmen. The day the DD Form 4 and DAF Form 1056 are signed will be the scholarship
activation date. Scholarship entitlements cannot be paid retroactively for a term that ended
before the scholarship activation date, unless approved by AFROTC/RRU. Stipends are
never paid retroactively. Complete Section I of the AFROTC Form 88, for scholarship cadets in a SAF-
approved 5-year undergraduate major. Section 2 of AFROTC Form 88 is used to verify
extended terms of scholarship entitlements, acknowledgement, and certification.
11.10. Reserve ID Card. Cadets are responsible for obtaining the Reserve ID card from the
support base Military Personnel Section Customer Service branch. Cadets should not attempt to
obtain ID cards until 30 days after enlistment.
11.11. Members of Reserve and Guard Forces. Air Force Reserve Inactive or Standby IRR. If
the POC or scholarship cadet or scholarship designee is already a member of the Air Force
Reserve, the cadet or designee must be discharged and immediately reenlisted in the ORS. This
break in service must occur since POC or scholarship members do not accrue service credit for
time spent in the ORS. If the member does not have a conditional release (DD Form 368, Request
for Conditional Release) before contracting, the detachment must coordinate with the Reserve unit
or base's Separations office and obtain approval via official memorandum for discharge and
subsequent enlistment into the ORS. (If inactive Air Force Reserve, the unit is ARPC). Upon
enlisting scholarship and POC members, forward a copy of the Participating Student’s DD Form
4 to ARPC/DPTTS, 18420 E Silver Creek Ave, Bldg. 390 MS68, Buckley AFB, CO 80011.
11.11.1. Sister Service Reserve Components (all statuses), Air National Guard and the Air
Force Selected Reserve (Active)/Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs). If an individual
is a member of a sister Service Reserve component regardless of status, a member of the
National Guard, or a member of the Air Force Selected Reserve, a clearance from the service
must be received before enlisting in the ORS. Request a conditional release utilizing the DD
Form 368 and forward the request IAW paragraphs 11.11.2 through 11.11.6. Complete Section
I, Blocks 1-4 of the DD Form 368 and annotate the ORS enlistment NLT date (DOC minus 30
days) in Section II, Block 5. Upon receipt of approval (DD Form 368, Part II), or written
notification of the clearance, the individual may enlist in the ORS if otherwise fully qualified
to contract. With certain restrictions, cadets may participate concurrently in AFROTC and the
Guard or Reserve based on current benefits associated with their participation. Prior to
competing for an EA, cadets must secure a conditional release. Upon successful completion of
FT and if the cadet meets all POC entry standards, they are authorized to enter the POC in
90 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
pursuing status per paragraph 3.6. Cadets will remain in pursuing status until the valid date of
the conditional release (DOC minus 30 days, or earlier if accepting a scholarship). Enlistment
must occur NLT 30 days prior to the projected commissioning date. Cadets placed in pursuing
status must meet appropriate POC military and academic retention standards, meet AS class
and LLAB objectives, obtain necessary waivers as required, meet appropriate physical fitness
requirements, GPA requirements and may compete for rated categorization. They will be held
to contracted cadet standards.
11.11.2. For a member of the National Guard: submit requests for clearance to the appropriate
unit commander.
11.11.3. For a member of the United States Army Reserve: Ready Reserve - submit requests
for clearance to the detachment of assignment. Standby Reserve - US Army Regulations do not require a conditional release on
a member of the United States Army Standby Reserve in order to permit enlistment in any
Service. Furnish the US Army Administration Center, 9700 Page Boulevard, St Louis MO
63132-1528, a copy of the cadet’s DD Form 4 following enlistment.
11.11.4. For a member of the United States Naval Reserve: Ready Reserve - to the detachment
of assignment. Standby Reserve - to the Commanding Officer, Naval Reserve Personnel Center,
4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans LA 70149-7800.
11.11.5. For a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserve: Ready Reserve - to the
detachment of assignment. Standby Reserve - to the appropriate Marine Corps District Headquarters. USMC Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) - to the Commanding General, Marine
Corps Recruiting Command, 2 Navy Annex, Washington DC 20380-1775.
11.11.6. For a member of the United States Cost Guard - to the detachment of assignment. USCG Personnel Service Center, CG-PSC-RPM-1, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr.
Blvd, SE Stop, Washington DC 20593.
11.11.7. When enlistment is completed, notify the agency granting the clearance via DD Form
368 by completing Part III, Notice of the Enlistment, or by letter. Furnish a copy of the cadet’s
DD Form 4 and the Reserve Order announcing enlistment in the ORS and request the
individual be discharged effective the day before enlistment in the ORS.
11.11.8. If, for any reason, the individual is not enlisted in the ORS, the agency that granted
the conditional release must be notified so the conditional release can be terminated.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 91
11.11.9. Reenlistment in the ORS. A cadet for POC or scholarship readmission who was
previously disenrolled from the ORS must be enlisted in the ORS in the same manner as an
initial enlistee.
11.12. Erroneous Enlistment. Erroneous enlistments that are identified must be immediately
corrected. Detachments may only take action to resolve correctable erroneous enlistments through
the standard waiver process in WINGS. Approval authority for erroneous enlistment conditional
waivers is Region/CC.
11.12.1. Erroneous enlistment is one the DAF should not have accepted, but it does not involve
fraud. Errors in the enlistment process occur when the DAF does not have the true facts or does
not take the correct actions.
11.12.2. All erroneous enlistment waiver requests require Region/CC approval. An erroneous
enlistment exists when a cadet was enlisted who: Was not medically qualified for enlistment. Had subsequent medical determination that invalidated the initial medical
certification. Was a previously disenrolled member of an officer training program, required
AFROTC waiver for reentry, but the waiver was not obtained. Did not meet AFROTC standards and did not receive a waiver. Had not attained the minimum age for enlistment or would exceed the maximum
age for commissioning according to their established commissioning date, but did not
receive a waiver from the appropriate authority. Was 17 years old, unless married, or signed the DAF Form 1056 before
achieving legal age requirements according to the state where enlistment occurred and
failed to receive parental consent. Indicated conscientious objector status or was not a US citizen. Had properly disclosed information on the AF Form 2030 that was either
disqualifying or required an AFROTC waiver, but the waiver was not obtained. Was not fully enrolled in the institution and tentatively scheduled to receive a
baccalaureate degree in the contracted fiscal year (FY). Failed to complete a DAF Form 1056 on the day of enlistment (excluding
parental consent, if required). Was a member of any active or reserve component of the armed forces, except
Air Force Reserve (Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), Inactive, or Standby), or Army
Standby Reserve and did not have a conditional release.
92 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Was a present or former commissioned officer, an officer in the Health Services
and Mental Health Administration, or a member of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Had prior military service, but the DD Form 214 was not certified by
AFROTC/RRFA for reenlistment. Entered the POC (2-year program) without successful completion of FT or FT
deferral with an AFROTC/RR contract waiver. Had not successfully completed required prerequisite training (GMC, FT, or
its equivalent) but entered the POC without a deferral and waiver from AFROTC/RR. Had been properly administered the PFA prior to enlistment, but failed. Had been properly administered a BMI check prior to enlistment, but exceeded
body fat standards. Did not meet the required TGPA and CGPA requirement for the previous
normal (non-summer or mini-) term. Had a failing AFOQT score of less than 15 Verbal and 10 Quantitative without
approved waiver.
11.13. Fraudulent Enlistment. Enlistments involving material misrepresentation, omission, or
concealment that, if known at any time in the enlistment process, might have resulted in rejection.
A fraudulent enlistment exists when a cadet was enlisted who deliberately failed to report or
materially misrepresented. AFROTC/CC is the waiver authority. Fraudulent enlistments must be
investigated for disenrollment. Counsel the cadet in writing that the enlistment was not a valid
enlistment as it was not authorized by existing directives and service performed during the
enlistment is not creditable for any purpose. Clearly identify the disqualifying factor that made the
enlistment invalid. Examples of Fraudulent Enlistment:
11.13.1. A civil involvement that happened before enlistment that the cadet failed to report.
11.13.2. A previous disenrollment as a contract member of an officer training program without
proper re-entry waiver approval.
11.13.3. Failure to meet, misrepresentation, or omission of current academic standing with the
university or AFROTC GPA standards.
11.13.4. Omission or failure to disclose complete medical history or information on their
physical exam.
11.13.5. Admission of pre-service drug use after denying such use at time of entry. This may
be found out when cadet completes other required documentation such as commissioning
physical, security paperwork, etc.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 93
11.14. Administrative Error. Enlistments with mistakes committed by the DAF. The waiver
authority for administrative errors is the Det/CC. An administrative error exists when:
11.14.1. The cadet inadvertently failed to report an involvement that happened before
11.14.2. The cadet did not properly complete the PFA prior to enlistment. Administrative error
exists only if the cadet subsequently passed the PFA in the first attempt after enlistment. If
they did not pass, the enlistment is erroneous and paragraph applies.
11.14.3. The cadet did not properly have height, weight, and BMI/Body Fat (if applicable)
checked prior to enlistment. Administrative error exists only if the cadet subsequently passed
height, weight, and BMI/Body Fat in the first check after enlistment. If they did not, the
enlistment is erroneous and paragraph applies.
11.14.4. An ASCP, SOAR, or POC-ERP cadet was not enlisted in the ORS on the day
following separation from active duty according to DAFI 36-3211.
11.14.5. Errors occur in the preparation of the DD Form 4.
11.14.6. Did not initial corrections or erasures on the DAF Form 1056.
11.14.7. The AF Form 2030 was not recertified at time of enlistment. (Administrative error
exists only if the cadet attests to "No Change."). If the cadet recertifies and lists substance
abuse, the enlistment is erroneous and paragraph 11.2 applies.
11.14.8. The cadet had prior military service and was contracted before receipt of the
reenlistment code and DD Form 214 from the appropriate agency, or who was contracted based
on a review of the individual's copy of the DD Form 214. If the DD Form 214 is reviewed and
the cadet was not eligible for enlistment, the enlistment is erroneous.
11.14.9. Enlisted based on meeting all eligibility requirements (reference Chapter 3) for a
fully-qualified scholarship program, but failed to receive AFROTC/RRUE approval. If it is
determined that the individual was ineligible to activate the scholarship at the time of
enlistment, then it is an erroneous enlistment. Administrative error must be corrected by the detachment holding the cadet’s
records even if the cadet was enlisted at a Military Personnel Section (MPS) or another
detachment. When the items are corrected, an MFR listing the errors and corrections made
must be placed in the cadet record. Correction of the DD Form 4: Correction tape must be used, no white out or
strikethroughs, unless it is a date or signature, and correction must be TYPED in or clearly
written. Correct the entry and have member and Air Force representative initial the
changes. Annotate the form at the top as "Corrected Copy." If an incorrect entry is detected
after submission of the DD Form 4 to AFPC, follow the guidance above and send a copy
of the corrected form to AFPC along with a letter requesting they change their copy of the
94 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
form. Changes in personal data, such as name changes, do not require a correction to the
DD Form 4. Name or SSN Changes After Enlistment and Before Commissioning. Follow the
guidance in AFI 36-2606. Cadet Responsibilities. From the nearest United States Post Office or Social
Security Office, obtain and complete an SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card.
Provide a reproduced copy of this form and all other documentary proof of the name change
to the detachment.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 95
12.1. General Information. This chapter explains the purpose of enrollment allocations (EAs)
and establishes the POC Selection Process (PSP). It also explains basic eligibility requirements
common to EAs. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RR.
12.2. Purpose. Cadets are selected to advance into the POC based on DAF needs. Selection
normally occurs in the applicant’s AS200/250/500 year. A cadet cannot be contracted in the POC
or enroll in AS300/400 classes without an EA.
12.3. Selection Boards. PSP selection boards convene at HQ AFROTC. Separate boards may be
considered to meet the needs of the DAF. Potential categories include, but are not limited to Space
Force interest, rated interest, tech majors, critical majors, etc. as required to meet PGL numbers.
12.4. PSP Nomination Period. The nomination period will normally be announced each
December via announcement message. A nomination panel in WINGS will normally open in
January, during which Det/CCs will be able to nominate cadets. Based on annual requirements,
the board may occur earlier or later at the discretion of AFROTC/RR
12.5. Nurse Non-Line Selection Board. All cadets in a degree which awards a Bachelor of
Science in Nursing (BSN), whether or not they have been accepted into a Nursing program, should
meet the Nurse PSP for a Nurse EA.
12.5.1. Cadets pursuing a Nursing degree must provide the detachment documentation if they
have been accepted into the certified Nursing Program. Cadets with a Nurse EA who are not
subsequently accepted into a certified nursing program or who are dropped from a certified
nursing program will have to request a non-technical EA, be Det Dropped, or have a CRR
initiated. If on a Nurse scholarship, they will have their scholarship suspended pending re-
application and acceptance into a certified nursing program, or terminated.
12.5.2. Cadets selected for a non-line EA are ineligible to compete for any rated category.
12.6. PSP Criteria. Detachments are encouraged to nominate motivated and qualified cadets.
12.6.1. Each applicant for an EA must meet the minimum standards identified in the annual
announcement, to include the following: AFOQT, PFA, GPA, and medical. Det/CC Ranking (DCR) and OM. The DCR is an evaluation of officership potential
based on performance as a cadet using the “whole person” concept. Rank all eligible cadets
competing for an EA. WINGS will compute the Relative Standing Score (RSS) based on the
DCR and the class size.
12.6.2. PSP Order of Merit (OM) factors will be determined and announced prior to each board
and will be structured to award EAs to the most qualified cadets. The AFROTC/CC may adjust
OM factors and weighting. Examples of factors included in the Order of Merit calculation
include, but are not limited to Cumulative GPA, PFA, SAT-E, AFOQT-Verbal, AFOQT-
96 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Quantitative, and RSS. The formula for calculating RSS is: ((1-R/C)+0.5/C)*100, where
R=DCR and C=Class Size.
12.7. Notification to Detachments. Once the PSP nomination window is closed, each Region will
convene a Data Verification Team (DVT). AFROTC/RRF will send raw PSP data to the DVT to
verify and correct errors in data for cadets meeting the board. Once the board is complete,
AFROTC/RRF will send a draft list to Regions for final verification prior to public release.
12.8. Cadets Not Receiving an EA during PSP. Counsel cadets in writing who did not receive
an EA so they understand their options.
12.8.1. If the Det/CC wishes to re-compete non-selected cadets in PSP the following year, the
cadet must have a DOC three years out to allow completion of two full years in the POC if
selected. The detachment will update them as AS500s (completed GMC) in WINGS the next
Fall and may re-compete them for an EA in the next PSP cycle.
12.8.2. Non-contracted cadets who are not selected are Det Dropped or enter AS500 IAW
paragraph 12.8.1. If this is a cadet’s second opportunity to compete in PSP, then accomplish a
Det Drop. The cadet is released without any commitment.
12.8.3. Contract cadets who do not receive an EA during PSP are subject to disenrollment. The
AFROTC/CC, or designee, will determine whether release or recoupment of scholarship funds
will be accomplished. Once the contract is terminated the cadet may reenter the program IAW
paragraph 12.8.1 and paragraph 3.14.
12.9. Out-of-Cycle (OOC) EA Process. Once the PSP board has convened, any further awards
must be requested with justification through a Category (EA) Change request in WINGS.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 97
13.1. General Information. Personnel assigned to national security positions or required to
perform national security duties will be subject to investigation to determine whether they are and
will remain reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the United States and
whether granting or continuing national security eligibility is clearly consistent with the national
interest. Investigation requests are processed via the Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations
Processing (e-QIP) program or the successor system, electronic Application (e-APP). Detachment
security managers will monitor progress of the investigation through the Defense information
System for Security (DISS) or the successor system, National Background Investigation Services
(NBIS). The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RRFP.
13.2. Submission Timeline. Detachment Security Manager (SM) will submit cadets for a Tier 3
(secret) investigation once the cadet is contracted and selected to advance into the Professional
Officer Course (POC). Upon AFSC classification, only cadets requiring a Tier 5 (Top Secret)
clearance will be submitted for this investigation. This requirement will be found in the AF
Officer’s Classification Directory (AFOCD) or a Personnel Processing Code (PPC) associated
with an assignment. Detachments will not submit a security investigation on non-contract cadets
(Exception: guard/reserve members with approved conditional release per paragraph 11.11 can be
submitted for clearance investigation).
13.3. Responsibilities. Cadets must complete the SF 86, Questionnaire for National Security
Positions, in e-QIP or eAPP upon initiation of the investigation by the Detachment SM.
Detachment SMs are responsible for the management of DISS/NBIS, to include submitting cadet
security investigations, monitoring status, responding to inquiries, and correcting errors.
Detachment SMs will also update security investigation information in WINGS.
13.3.1. Detachment SMs will coordinate with HQ AFROTC/RRFP in establishing new DISS
accounts and with their Region SM in establishing new NBIS accounts.
13.3.2. Detachment SMs will ensure cadets report any travel internationally, changes in marital
status, personal/criminal conduct, and significant changes in financial status (such as bills in
collection) as these items may impact their security clearances.
13.3.3. HQ AFROTC/RRFP is the liaison between detachment security managers and outside
agencies (OPM, DCSA, etc.).
13.4. Completing Investigation Requests. Once SF 86 is complete, ensure e-QIP or eAPP is
used for final validation, printing, and submission. Detachment SMs should utilize Fieldprint if
available to submit electronically-scanned fingerprints. Detachment SMs must maintain a copy of
the completed and signed SF 86 package until either the clearance is adjudicated or the individual
enters active duty. Cadets should also be informed to print an archival copy of their SF-86 before
releasing the investigation.
13.5. Tracking. Detachment SMs will track the status of open security clearance investigations in
e-QIP/eAPP and DISS/NBIS bi-weekly (every other week) until a clearance is adjudicated, the
individual enters active duty, or the clearance is denied or withdrawn. Coordinate with
AFROTC/RRFD and AFROTC/RRFP for disenrolled cadets.
98 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
13.6. Inquiries. Detachments may submit a customer service request (CSR) for inquiries regarding
closed investigations that have not been adjudicated. All other status inquiries should be directed
13.7. Investigations for Prior-Service.
13.7.1. Prior-service cadets requiring a secret clearance can commission if their security
clearance meets both of the following: The current investigation is in scope or there is a continuous evaluation for
Deferred Investigation dated within scope (not to exceed 9 years and six months). Does not have a break in service exceeding 24 months between the date of
separation from active duty and the contract date.
13.7.2. Prior-service cadets requiring a top secret clearance are able to commission if their
clearance that meets both of the following: The current investigation is in scope or there is a continuous evaluation for
Deferred Investigation dated within scope (not to exceed 5 years and six months). Does not have a break in service exceeding 24 months between the date of
separation from active duty/reserves and the contract date.
13.8. Security Clearances. Contracted cadets must have at least an open security investigation
IAW their AFOCD and/or their PPC before they can be commissioned. If a previously adjudicated
security clearance or an open security clearance is placed on “Hold” status, do not commission
until the security clearance has been re-opened.
13.8.1. If a cadet does not have a favorably adjudicated clearance at the time of commissioning,
the cadet must sign the Statement of Understanding (Attachment 8) no earlier than three duty
days prior to commissioning. Detachments will track the open investigation until it is granted
by the Central Adjudication Service (CAS). Detachments must maintain the original, signed
statement until either the adjudication is complete or the individual enters active duty.
13.8.2. Newly commissioned lieutenants with open investigations must hand-carry a hard copy
of their completed SF 86 to their initial duty station.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 99
14.1. General Information. This chapter explains the categorization procedures for line officer
AFSCs and provides information pertaining to non-line AFSCs and other specialized officer career
fields. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RR.
14.2. US Space Force (USSF) Officer Board. The purpose of this board is to select cadets for
commission into the USSF. As of 2023, future Guardians will be selected during the POC Selection
Process in the Spring of their AS200 year. Cadets will then be classified into one of the five core
USSF career fields in the FY prior to commissioning coincident with Air Force Rated and Non-
Rated Line selection processes. USSF will administer this process IAW Chief of Space Operations
guidance via Space Selection Board ARMS.
14.3. Rated Categorization Board. The purpose of this board is to categorize cadets into Pilot,
CSO, RPA, or ABM career fields. Cadets must volunteer for Air Force rated positions and will be
boarded in the FY prior to commissioning.
14.3.1. Cadets volunteering for rated duty must understand that they may be assigned to any
rated category for which they are qualified.
14.3.2. Rated and Special Selection Programs. Special selection programs (Special Warfare,
OSI, Space, JAG, Reserve, Medical, etc.) take precedence over Rated and Non-Rated Line
AFSC selection; competing for them assumes they are the cadet’s #1 choice. Therefore, cadets
already selected under special selection programs are ineligible to compete for rated
categorization. In cases where special selection program windows overlap the rated board
process, cadets may compete for both, but are expected to accept the higher-precedence
selection if offered.
14.3.3. The selection rate for certain critical majors (e.g., Electrical Engineering, Computer
Engineering, Meteorology, Nuclear Engineering) may be constrained in order to satisfy those
Air Force accessions requirements. Cadets in critical majors are eligible to compete, but the
selection rate may be lower than the board average selection rate.
14.3.4. Cadets must be potentially medically qualified for the categories in which they
14.3.5. Approximate Schedule of Events. The rated categorization board announcement will
typically be released between November and January. The nomination window normally opens
in January or February and the board is normally conducted in February or March. Dates are
subject to change based on changing accessions requirements.
14.3.6. Rated Categorization Requirements. Detachments must ensure the latest physical exam data is in WINGS. Cadets must
meet the standard in the rated screening exam for their desired category prior to submission.
Meeting the medical pre-screening eligibility criteria prior to the board only establishes
“potential” qualification and does not guarantee eligibility. See Chapter 8 for medical
100 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Candidates must meet the AFOQT minimum scores shown in Table 14.1. These
scores cannot be waived for rated classification, even if previously waived for enlistment
into the ORS.
Table 14.1. Minimum AFOQT Scores (non-waivable for rated duty).
CSO (Nav)
10 Cadets meeting the rated board and who meet "potentially qualified" medical
standards for Pilot and RPA must complete the Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS) so a
Pilot Candidate Selection Method (PCSM) score can be computed and documented prior
to rated categorization. The Det/CC will assign each individual a Detachment Commander Ranking
(DCR) based on the entire FY commissioning class. The PCSM is used for categorization processing if applying for Pilot and RPA.
The AFOQT-CSO is used for categorization processing if applying for CSO. The AFOQT-
ABM is used for categorization processing if applying for ABM. OM factors include AFOQT/PCSM, RSS, CGPA, PFA, and FT Ranking.
AFROTC/CC will determine the weights of each factor. Cadets properly deferred from FT will have their OM normalized to exclude the
FT score.
14.3.7. Cadets must submit preferences to the Det/CC via WINGS prior to the nomination
board window. Cadets are volunteering for any rated duty position for which they are medically
qualified. Cadets competing for Pilot must indicate whether they are volunteers for Euro-
NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) or Helicopter Training Next (HTN). (Cadets may
select either ENJJPT or HTN or neither, but not both.)
14.3.8. Upon acceptance of a cadet’s rated categorization, detachments will complete a change
page to the DAF Form 1056 within 10 school days.
14.3.9. Counseling Requirements. Counsel rated categorized cadets in writing that they will
lose their categorization if they require a DOC change to a new FY or are medically
disqualified. Cadets who do not receive a certified flight physical within one year after
selection or 30 days prior to commissioning, whichever is earlier, may lose their rated
14.3.10. AFROTC/RRFA must be notified for EA re-categorization if the cadet: Refuses to sign the change-page to the contract.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 101 No longer desires the requested category. Cadets who decline a rated slot after
selection will be ineligible to re-apply for rated duty while in AFROTC and may be subject
to disenrollment. Is medically disqualified from rated duty. AFROTC/RR will revoke the rated
position EA upon receipt of medical disqualification from AFRS/AMWD. Detachments
will coordinate with AFROTC/RRFA for reclassification/assignment into a new AFSC.
Notify AFROTC/RRFA if cadet is later deemed medically qualified for rated duty and they
may be added to the alternate list commensurate with their Order of Merit (OM). Is dismissed from the program.
14.3.11. Post-Board Rated Nomination. Cadets who desire rated categorization after the board
convenes may be added to the alternate list post-board at the discretion of AFROTC/RR.
Cadets must be potentially medically qualified (PPQ, PCQ, etc.) for at least one rated category.
Submit a request to AFROTC/RRFA with appropriate rated preferences, PCSM score, and
DCR. AFROTC/RRFA will add cadets to any rated alternate list for which cadet is qualified
commensurate with their OM.
14.3.12. Continuation Board. The Continuation Board will occur each August to allow updates
to PCSM scores and/or FT rankings. AFROTC/RR will notify detachments of Continuation
Board data cutoff date so detachments can ensure PCSM scores are updated in WINGS prior
to OM refresh.
14.3.13. Supplemental Board. All cadets nominated for rated duty will remain on the alternate
lists for which they are qualified until all rated positions are exhausted or cadet commissions,
whichever comes first. A supplemental board will only be conducted if dictated by an increase
in accessions requirements that cannot be filled by the alternate list, or when directed by HAF
or AFPC. Detachments should not expect a supplemental board to occur as a matter of course.
14.3.14. Alternate List. An alternate list will be maintained for each rated category to backfill
slots vacated by previously-selected cadets. Cadets who are qualified in multiple categories
will be listed on each alternate list for which they are qualified. Cadets selected for a rated category on the primary board will not be placed on
alternate lists to fill vacancies in categories “above” the one for which they have been
selected (i.e., CSO-selects will not be placed on the Pilot alternate list, and so forth). Cadets will be selected from alternate lists as vacancies become available without
regard to their order of preference. Cadets who choose to decline the rated position they are offered as an alternate
will not be allowed to remain on other alternate lists. Cadet may be reverted to NRL or could
be disenrolled based on the needs of the Air Force at that time.
14.3.15. Cadets are removed from rated consideration upon commissioning.
102 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
14.4. Non-Rated Line of the Air Force (LAF) Classification and Accession. AFROTC
classification and assignments are based primarily on the needs of the Air Force at the time of
entry. AFPC/DPMLT manages AFSC classification and AFPC/DP1TAM will provide EAD
orders to detachments.
14.4.1. AFROTC Form 53. Contracted cadets and Guard and Reserve in pursuing status, must
complete a web-based AFROTC Form 53 NLT the date specified by AFPC/DPMLT for each
accession classification cycle. The Region, with AFROTC/RRFA as a backup, establishes
accounts for staff members (technician and commander); detachment personnel establish cadet
accounts. NOTE: This process is under review at AFPC and is subject to future process
14.4.2. There are two phases to the AFROTC Form 53 process: Phase 1 classifies cadets into an AFSC according to AF requirements established
by higher headquarters. Cadets will indicate their top six AFSC preferences based on their
qualifications and interests. Cadets should consult the Air Force Officer Classification
Directory (AFOCD), including the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)
Education Matrices at the back to determine interest and educational qualifications for each
career field. Cadets with technical majors should request appropriate technical AFSCs.
Cadets should not request career fields for which they are not qualified. Cadets who do
not complete an AFROTC Form 53 will be classified to the needs of the Air Force. Phase 2 assigns cadets to AF units based on their AFSC, needs of the AF, and
cadet preference
14.4.3. Changes to AFROTC Form 53. Once the AFROTC Form 53 database has been closed,
detachments can no longer make changes to cadet preferences. In extenuating circumstances,
dets should contact AFROTC/RRF to coordinate changes to the information listed on a cadet’s
Form 53. Dets will not contact AFPC to discuss cadet AFSC/SFSC selections.
14.5. Non-Line and Special Selection Processes.
14.5.1. Cadets are eligible to compete for active duty boards for the following programs:
Medical Corps, Dental Corps, Biomedical Service Corps, Medical Service Corps, Judge
Advocate General, STO, CRO, TACPO, and Office of Special Investigations. Cadets who have
a line EA but would like to compete for a non-line career field can use Attachment 6 to request
a change to their EA. AFROTC/RRFP will notify detachments of the application process and
14.5.2. Nurses are non-line officers and are managed by AFPC/DP2NN. Cadets receiving
Nursing EAs are thus managed by AFPC/DP2NN instead of DPMLT. Any changes in status
affecting a Nursing cadet’s ability to commission as a Nurse must be coordinated through
DP2NN (via RRFA). DP2NN also manages Nursing cadets’ assignments and EAD process;
Nursing cadets do not appear on the EAD spreadsheet and do not participate in the
AFCAPS/Form 53/other directed assignment process unless they are removed from Nursing
and recategorized to Line of the Air Force.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 103
14.6. Graduate Law Program (GLP) and One-Year College Program (OYCP). The Graduate
Law Program and the One Year College Program offer opportunities for law students to
commission as JAG officers through AFROTC. The Graduate Law Program is a two-year
AFROTC commissioning program for eligible first-year law students and the One Year College
Program is a one-year AFROTC commission program for eligible second-year law students.
14.6.1. Eligibility. Eligibility requirements are described in detail in DAFI 51-101, The Air
Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps Operations, Accessions, And Professional
Development. Graduate Law Program. Be in their first year of law school. Part-time law students
undergoing a four-year J.D. program may apply in their second year of law school. One Year College Program. Be in their second year of law school. Part-time law
students undergoing a four-year J.D. program may apply in their third year of law school. Be attending an American Bar Association-approved law school with an
AFROTC detachment (host school) or be attending an American Bar Association-approved
law school with a cross-town agreement with an AFROTC detachment at another
institution. Meet AFROTC enrollment requirements IAW Chapter 3. Receive certified DoDMERB physical IAW Chapter 8. Maintain AFROTC standards IAW Chapter 5.
14.6.2. Training Requirements. The Det/CC has the sole discretion to determine whether to
enroll a GLP or OYCP applicant as a cadet if accepted into the JAG Corps. An applicant must
interview with the Det/CC. During the interview, the Det/CC must counsel the applicant on
academic and PMT requirements, and evaluate the applicant on suitability for AFROTC
enrollment. If the Det/CC determines the applicant meets AFROTC requirements and
standards for acceptance as a cadet, the Det/CC must provide the applicant with a conditional
acceptance memorandum. Furthermore, if accepted into the JAG Corps, GLP/OYCP cadets
must: Complete all AS classes while attending law school. Attend LLAB and PT. Serving in a leadership position is highly recommended. Attend Field Training prior to their final year of law school. Field Training
preparation must be accomplished before attending Field Training. The Det/CC is
responsible for the preparation of GLP and OYCP cadets accordingly upon acceptance into
the programs.
14.6.3. Commissioning. Upon completion of AFROTC requirements and graduation from law
school, cadets are commissioned as second lieutenants and placed in an inactive, non-pay
status. AFROTC is responsible for the scrolling and commissioning process to appoint cadets
104 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
as second lieutenants. Officers will enter active duty as first lieutenants upon completion of
legal licensing requirements. The JAG Corps is responsible for the scrolling process to appoint
the officers as first lieutenants in the Regular component.
14.7. Specialized Medical. Some AFSCs require additional medical examinations beyond the
basic DoDMERB commissioning physical. These physicals are conducted at a local MTF or the
USAF School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. All special
physicals must be certified by USAFSAM prior to commissioning. Do not commission a cadet
without a current, certified physical for their AFSC as this constitutes an erroneous commissioning.
Refer to the Initial Flying Class (IFC) Guide for additional guidance on scheduling these physicals
and verifying their results. The Cadet Medical Processing Guide (published by AFRS/AMWD) is
an additional resource.
14.7.1. Cadets categorized in AFSC 92T0 (Pilot) must have a Flying Class (FC) I physical.
14.7.2. Cadets categorized in AFSC 92T1 (CSO) must have a FCIA physical.
14.7.3. Cadets categorized in AFSC 92T2 (ABM) must have a FCIII physical.
14.7.4. Cadets categorized in AFSC 92T3 (RPA) must have a Ground Based Operator (GBO)
physical and Medical Flight Screening (previously called FCII) conducted by USAFSAM at
Wright-Patterson AFB,OH, as well as an FAA Class III medical certificate.
14.7.5. Cadets categorized in AFSC 13H (Aerospace Physiology) must have a FCIII physical.
14.7.6. Physicals for cadets classified into AFSC 13M1 (Airfield Operations) must include
successful completion of a Read Aloud Test and have an Adaptability Rating-Air Traffic
Control (AR-ATC) examination by an aeromedical provider.
14.7.7. Cadets categorized into 13N1 (Missile Operations) must have a MOD certified physical
and be PRP qualified.
14.7.8. Cadets categorized into 13S1 (USSF) do not require an additional physical. However,
dets must follow instructions in CMPG regarding certifying color vision requirements for
Space Operations Duty prior to commissioning.
14.7.9. Cadets categorized into Special Warfare AFSC (ALO, CRO, STO) will require
specialized physicals prior to commissioning. Follow specific guidance from Special Warfare
community to complete medical actions as required.
14.8. Personnel Reliability Assurance Program (PRAP). The purpose of PRAP is to ensure only
the most reliable cadets are selected to perform duties associated with nuclear weapons. PRAP
encompasses the Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) and Arming and Use of Force by Air Force
Personnel (AUoF). Cadets who are classified into one of the nuclear AFSCs (13N, 21M, and 31P)
require PRAP clearance. Detachment PRAP monitor must initiate the PRAP process within 30
days of notification. Do not commission a cadet until all AFSC-specific requirements are met.
Governing documents for PRAP are DODM5210.42_AFMAN13-501, Nuclear Weapons
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 105
Personnel Reliability Program (PRP), and AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by Air Force
14.8.1. All 13N and 21M cadets are required to complete the PRP Prescreening Process. In
addition, 13N cadets must have an approved Missile Officer Duty (MOD) physical.
14.8.2. 21M cadets assigned the “I” or “N” shred will be required to complete the PRP
Administrative Qualification Process. These shreds indicate the cadets are assigned to a
nuclear mission. They will also have the Personnel Processing Code (PPC) of HRA; which
indicate a critical position under PRP.
14.8.3. Detachments must monitor the EAD roster as updates occur frequently. 21A cadets
assigned a PPC of HRA will also be required to undergo PRP Administrative Qualification
14.8.4. All cadets assigned to the 31P AFSC must go through AUoF process.
14.8.5. PRAP continuity materials, checklist, forms and other information are located in TEAMS:
Reserve Officer Training Corps / RRF – Force Management / Programs (tab) / 3. PRAP.
14.9. DAFIT-Sponsored Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants. The DAFIT-sponsored
fellowships, scholarships, and grants allow new commissionees to compete for an opportunity to
further their education, earning an advanced degree. Boards are held at DAFIT, which determine
participants in this program. The program allows a predetermined number of newly commissioned
lieutenants who have been offered a scholarship, fellowship, or grant for graduate study to pursue
their education as DAFIT students. Individuals enrolled in the program are on active duty, engaged
in full-time study or research, and agree in writing to serve the ADSC specified in AFMAN 36-
2100. This program differs from others in that funding for the individual’s education comes from
an DAFIT-approved source, rather than from DAFIT itself.
14.10. Educational Delays. Educational delays extend the time between commissioning and
reporting for EAD. AFPC/DPMLT is the OPR. AFPC approves delays IAW DAFMAN 36-2032.
Should Air Force needs change, an approved educational delay does not assure assignment to
duties in or related to the individual's academic specialty. If the delay results in the EAD changing
to a new CY, cadets will be re-categorized. This will also result in a change to training dates as
14.11. Administrative Delays. Administrative delays are an agreement between AFPC/DPMLT
and the cadet delaying their EAD; but is not guaranteed. Under normal EAD circumstances, delays
can be up to 365 days from the DOC. Reference DAFMAN 36-2032 for processing requests.
106 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
15.1. General Information. This chapter covers the Distinguished Graduate (DG), Cadet Awards
and Decorations, and Detachment-level award programs. The OPR for this chapter is
15.2. DG Program. The DG Program is established to recognize the top 10% of commissioning
cadets during each FY. DG selection is accomplished through the Detachment Quota or Regional
Selection Boards. Detachments must ensure DOC data in WINGS is correct prior to October for
eligible cadets. Detachments are allotted one DG for every ten FY commissionees; this quota will
be verified by the Region. Detachments will notify the region of their DG designees.
15.2.1. Regional Selection Boards. There are two types of regional selection boards: Aggregate
and Carry-over. Detachments must follow formatting and timelines IAW regional guidance. Regional Aggregate Boards are used to select DG candidates from detachments
with less than ten FY commissionees. These detachments may nominate one cadet to this
board. Regional Carry-Over Boards are used to designate remaining DG allocations
following the Quota and Aggregate Boards. All detachments may nominate their next most
deserving cadets, but must be in rank order if nominating more than one. Aggregate Board
cadets not selected as a DG candidate are automatically included in the Carry-over Board.
15.2.2. After designation and irrespective of the DG selection method, detachments must: Prepare the designation memorandum and the AFROTC Form 402, DG
Certificate and present them at the end of their final term and at an appropriate time prior
to departing the detachment. Ensure the Source of Commissioning (SOC) code reflects the DG selection on
the Reserve commissioning order IAW Attachment 12.
15.2.3. If a cadet loses DG designation (e.g., disciplinary, academic, administrative reasons),
the designation returns to the commander at the appropriate selection level (detachment quota
back to the detachment and Region selection to Region for alternate selection).
15.3. Awards and Decorations Program. The Cadet Awards and Decorations Program
recognizes cadet achievements. See DAFI 36-2903_AFROTCSUP for awards order of
precedence. Detachments will follow administrative procedures and specific
nomination requirements from AFROTC/DO.
15.3.1. AFROTC Sponsored Awards. AFROTC sponsored awards recognize excellence,
which consist of ribbons, medals, coins and congratulatory letters. Detachments obtain and
distribute all AFROTC sponsored awards devices.
15.3.2. Only awards and decorations authorized in this instruction are authorized for wear on
the cadet uniform. AFROTC/DO is the waiver authority for exceptions.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 107
15.3.3. The AFROTC Awards Board will convene to select award recipients and consider
changes to the Cadet Awards Program. The AFROTC Awards Board consists of:
AFROTC/DOS (chair) and two officers appointed from AFROTC. The AFROTC/CC is the
final selection authority.
15.4. Valor Awards. Valor Awards are intended to recognize cadets who distinguish themselves
through acts of heroism. If awarded multiple valor awards for the same act, wear only one. If
AFROTC is one of those organizations, wear only the AFROTC valor award. Cadets are
authorized to wear valor awards on the AFROTC uniform, as listed below:
15.4.1. Prior service AD valor awards will be worn above all AFROTC awards (e.g. Silver
Star, Purple Heart, Airman’s Medal, any medal or ribbon with “V” device). AFJROTC valor
awards are equivalent to the AFROTC award. Civil Air Patrol, Army ROTC and Navy ROTC
valor awards will be worn beneath AFROTC valor awards but above all other awards.
15.4.2 There are two types of AFROTC valor awards: Gold Valor Award. Awarded for acts of heroism involving personal risk of life. Silver Valor Award. Awarded for acts of heroism that do not meet the risk of life
standard of the Gold Valor Award.
15.4.3. Nomination. Det/CCs submit nomination packages which include: a nomination
memorandum to the Region/CC for the Gold or Silver Valor Award; a draft 12-14 line citation;
supporting documentation (e.g., newspaper clippings, statements by victims and observers,
etc.); and an AETC Form 114, Indorsement for Decoration. Unless the cadet is unavailable,
an official statement of the event by the nominated cadet must be included.
15.5. FT Awards. FT awards are those awards given for individual and flight (team) performance
at FT. Final selection lies with the FTU/CC. Reference Table 15.1 for eligibility.
Table 15.1. Field Training Cadet Awards.
Eligibility Description
Cadet Training
This award recognizes the
single most outstanding
CTA from each FT
encampment as determined
by the FTU leadership.
The selection authority for this award rests with the FTU
leadership comprised of the FTU/CC and their leadership team.
FTU leadership will select this cadet based on nominations
from the FT staff. Nominated CTAs must have demonstrated
leadership in FT positions and projects, and demonstrated
qualities of dependability, good character, patriotism, and
military discipline.
Field Training
Cadets graduating FT with
an overall cadet ranking
within the top 10 percent
will be designated as a
distinguished graduate and
will be awarded the FTDG
ribbon including silver star
This ranking is based on a cadet’s overall FT performance and
is derived from many inputs such as the FTM test score, PFA
score, and other evaluation points.
108 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Field Training
The FT Ironman Award
recognizes one male and one
female cadet in each
encampment with the top
PFA score at FT.
All components of the PFA must be completed to qualify. In
the event of a tie, cadets will be given additional points -
based on the age/gender appropriate Physical Fitness
Assessment Chart from DAFI 36-2905 - as follows: 1 point
for each pushup and each sit-up beyond the numbers listed
for maximum Muscle Fitness points; and 1 point for each 5
seconds faster than the time listed for maximum
Cardiorespiratory Endurance points. The faster 1.5-mile run
time will be used to break any ties.
Warrior Spirit
Peer-nominated recognizing
a single cadet in each FT
This is awarded to the cadet that best exemplifies the Air Force
warrior spirit. Criteria should include appearance, attitude,
enthusiasm in duty performance, and physical fitness. Awarded
to one cadet in each FT flight. Ties will be decided by the
FTO. (NOTE: This is the same ribbon as the detachment
Warrior Spirit Award.)
Honor Flight
Honor Flight Award is given
to a single FT flight for
exceptional performance
Honor Flight is awarded based on academic performance,
evaluation performance of individual evaluations, and
professionalism. Criteria examples are FTM test scores, SBIs,
ORIs, evaluation from leadership scenarios, and overall flight
performance. (NOTE: This is the same ribbon as the
detachment Honor Flight Award.)
Warrior Flight
Warrior Flight Award is
given to a single FT flight
for exceptional performance
Warrior Flight is awarded based upon the warrior flight
challenge. (NOTE: This is the same ribbon as the detachment
Warrior Flight Award.)
Fitness Award
Cadets who score a 90
percent or above on the
Physical Fitness Assessment
This is the same ribbon as the detachment Physical Fitness
Award. (NOTE: The silver star device is not eligible to be
earned from a FT fitness assessment.)
15.6. Detachment-Level Cadet Awards. These awards are selected by the Detachment cadre and
cadets to recognize excellence. Reference Table 15.2 for eligibility criteria and description.
Table 15.2. Detachment-Level Cadet Awards.
Eligibility Description
Service Award.
Award to cadets each
academic term to no more
than 5 percent of the corps.
Recognizes outstanding performance for single exemplary acts
of achievement or term service. (Consider outstanding
performance in leadership positions, project officer duties,
training other cadets, or det service project leadership).
Award to cadets each
academic term to no more
than 10 percent of the corps.
Recognizes superior performance for single superior acts of
achievement or academic term service that does not rise to the
level of the Meritorious Service Award.
Award to cadets each
academic term to no more
than 15 percent of the corps.
Recognizes superior performance for single acts of
achievement or academic term service that does not rise to the
level of the Commendation Award.
Honors Award.
Award to cadets with a
TGPA of 3.0 or above (on a
scale of 4.0) for one full
academic term; must have an
average of 4.0 in AS courses
for the duration of period.
Recognizes academic excellence.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 109
Warrior Spirit
Award to one cadet in each
AS class. Extended cadets
cannot be considered.
Recognizes the cadet in each AS class who best exemplifies
the Air Force warrior spirit. (This is the same ribbon as the FT
Warrior Spirit Award. Once the ribbon is awarded, cadets can
continue to wear it throughout their duration in AFROTC).
Honor Flight
All cadets in that flight will
be authorized to wear the
Honor Flight Ribbon.
Recognizes one flight per detachment each academic term will
be designated as the Honor Flight based on criteria approved
by the Det/CC. Designation as the Warrior Flight is not a
disqualifier for designation as the Honor Flight.
Warrior Flight
All cadets in that flight will
be authorized to wear the
Warrior Flight Ribbon.
One flight per detachment each academic term will be
designated as the Warrior Flight based on criteria approved by
the Det/CC. Designation as the Honor Flight is not a
disqualifier for designation as the Warrior Flight.
Fitness Award.
Cadets who score a 90 or
above in the Physical Fitness
Recognizes cadets who score a 90 or above on the PFA. The
Detachment may choose to increase the minimum score
required. This award may be received only once per term.
Fitness Award
Silver Star
Cadets who score a 100 on
the Physical Fitness
Assessment for the first time.
Recognizes a cadet who receives a perfect 100 points on the
PFA for the first time at the detachment. Only one Silver Star
device will be worn and will be worn centered on the ribbon or
to the wearer’s right in relation to oak leaf clusters.
Contracted cadet with an
active scholarship.
Recognizes cadets who earned and activated an AFROTC
scholarship. A bronze oak leaf cluster may be added at the
completion of each scholarship year.
Award to cadets each
academic term based on
recommendation of the RO.
Recognizes outstanding effort in support of detachment
recruiting activities. Detachments may impose additional
criteria based on local standards and needs.
Drill Team
Award to cadets who have
participated for one calendar
year with at least one drill
team performance.
Recognizes cadets who were on an AFROTC or joint service-
sponsored drill team, rifle team, military musical marching
unit, or military band. (No temporary wear of the ribbon is
authorized. See AFROTC SUP to DAFI 36-2903 for definition
of Drill Team and Color/Honor Guard).
Award to cadets who have
participated for one calendar
year with a minimum of
three Color Guard and/or
Honor Guard performances
before being awarded the
Recognizes a cadet for active participation in an AFROTC or
joint Service-sponsored Color Guard or Honor Guard.
15.7. Annual Detachment Award Categories (Team). Detachments will be categorized into the
following categories based on the Fall Semester’s enrollment: Large, Medium, and Small.
15.7.1. High Flight (HF) Award refers to the top detachment in each fall enrollment category
within a region. The nomination consists of an AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award, with
five categories: Production, Education, Recruiting and Retention, University and Public
Relations, Cadet Activities.
15.7.2. Right of Line (ROL) Award refers to the top detachment in each Fall enrollment
category within AFROTC. ROL award winner is chosen by the AFROTC/CC from the four
region's HF winners in each category.
15.8. Organization Sponsored Awards. Organization Sponsored Awards recognize cadets for
outstanding individual achievement in academics, military performance, leadership, athletics,
110 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
extracurricular endeavors, etc. They normally consist of medals, ribbons, and/or certificates.
Award elements (ribbons, medals, certificates, etc.) for awards sponsored by national
organizations are donated through their national headquarters or local chapters. Additional sets
may be purchased by the cadet. Detachments will follow administrative procedures and specific
nomination requirements on the AFROTC Intranet.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 111
16.1. General Information. This chapter covers the guidelines for disenrollment action. Only
contract cadets are disenrolled. Contract cadets are scholarship cadets in the GMC and all cadets
in the POC (except cadets in pursuing status). Contract cadets are subject to disenrollment at any
time up until commissioning. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RR.
16.2. Authority. The AFROTC/CC or the AFROTC/CC’s designee at HQ AFROTC has the
authority to disenroll any contract cadet at any time with or without cause. Authority to release,
recoup or call the individual to EAD is outlined in Title 10, USC, Sections 2105 and 2107, DoDI
1215.08 and DAFMAN 36-2032. A signed DAF Form 1056 contract is not a guarantee that a
commission will be offered to the cadet.
16.3. Purpose. Disenrollment is the removal of any contracted cadet from their AFROTC contract
or the program before its completion. Disenrollment does not affect an individual’s service status.
However, the decision to disenroll may raise the question of whether further retention of the cadet
in the AFROTC program or on active duty is in the best interest of the DAF.
16.4. Types of Disenrollment. There are two types of Disenrollments; Administrative Release
and Investigative Disenrollment.
16.5. Administrative Release. The following are circumstances for which cadets may be
disenrolled without an investigation or AFROTC Form 10, Disenrollment Action Worksheet for
AFROTC Cadet. The Det/CC will submit the disenrollment IAW the Disenrollment Processing
Guide. Reasons for administrative release disenrollment includes the following:
16.5.1. Death of a cadet. The Det/CC must sign a Memorandum for Record (MFR) attesting to
the death of the cadet.
16.5.2. Transfer to another military commissioning program (Conditional release). Submit
request once a conditional release has been granted IAW Chapter 7 of this instruction and the
cadet has enlisted into the other commissioning program (i.e,, DD Form 4,
Enlistment/Reenlistment Document, Armed Forces of the United States).
16.5.3. Freshman Self-Initiated Elimination (FSIE). AS100 (except enlisted commissioning
program cadets) may request FSIE prior to the start date of host institutional AFROTC classes
of their AS200 (sophomore) year. The cadet is required to submit a written explanation for
their request to the Det/CC. The cadet must indicate whether they intend to continue attending
AS classes during the current term. The detachment will then immediately counsel in writing
and ensure the cadet understands that FSIE may preclude future entry into any commissioning
16.5.4. Medical Disqualification. Cadet must be medically disqualified by AFRS/AMWD and
the reason for medical disqualification must have been beyond the cadet’s control. (See
paragraph 16.6.2 for medical disqualification to which the cadet contributed.) Counsel the
cadet in writing that they are medically disqualified and if they later become medically
qualified, they may apply for reentry into the program. Immediately terminate stipend upon
112 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
notification that a cadet is medically disqualified for commission. The effective date is the date
of medical disqualification by AFRS/AMWD.
16.6. Investigative Disenrollment. When a cadet is being considered for disenrollment and faces
the possibility of contract fulfillment (i.e, call to involuntary EAD or recoupment of scholarship
benefits), the case must be processed as an investigative disenrollment and requires the initiation of an
AFROTC Form 10, Disenrollment Action Worksheet for AFROTC Cadet. Cadets may be
considered for disenrollment for the following reasons as outlined in Chapter 6 of AFMAN 36-2032:
16.6.1. Humanitarian consideration or personal hardship beyond the cadet’s control that is not
temporary. Request must be made in writing by the cadet and submitted to the Det/CC.
Establishing proof of hardship is the cadet's responsibility. Additionally, the request must be
accompanied by sufficient documentation to substantiate the hardship. The following
examples are situation that potentially could be considered hardship. Financial Hardship. A summary of the cadet’s financial condition must include
income statement, statement of living expenses, copies of bills and past due noticed (if
any), and bank statements (both checking and savings). The documentation must
substantiate the cadet’s inability to meet financial obligations necessary to continue in
school. The documentation must be logically summarized and organized in an order that
can be followed and cross-referenced for reviewing. If the cadet is not of legal age or
majority according to their state of residence, their parent’s financial condition may also
be required. A request for disenrollment because of financial hardship without
documentation will not be approved and should not be submitted. Other Personal or Family Hardship. Family separation or the inconveniences
usually incident to military service does not necessarily constitute a personal or family
hardship. A cadet must provide evidence of the following to substantiate the existence of
a personal or family hardship. Evidence may include statement from family members,
clergy, physicians or other personal knowledge of the cadet’s circumstances. The hardship is not temporary. The condition arose or became aggravated after the cadet entered AFROTC. The cadet made every reasonable effort to alleviate the situation. There are no readily available means to alleviate the situation other than
16.6.2. Medical Disqualification due to circumstances within the cadet's control. This occurs
when a cadet becomes medically disqualified for commissioning or for a category of
commissioning due to circumstances within the cadet's control. Examples include but are not
limited to: Failure to report a disqualifying condition. Injuries or illnesses resulting from a lack of good judgement.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 113 Failure to report any changes in medical status within 72 hours IAW Chapter 8
of this instruction. NOTE: First determine the nature of the change and allow the cadet the
opportunity to explain about the failure to report.
16.6.3. Failure to Meet or Maintain AFROTC or institution scholastic standards (FTMARS).
Refer to Chapter 5 of this instruction, regarding academic retention standards for scholarship
and POC cadets, award of CEs for substandard scholastic standards and when to initiate an
investigative disenrollment. FTMARS may include, but are not limited to: Falling below full-time student status without AFROTC approval. Compromise of academic integrity. If the cadet is being investigated for cheating
or plagiarism, also include failure to maintain military retention standards as a reason for
investigation since this can be considered an integrity issue.
16.6.4. Failure To Meet or Maintain Military Retention Standards (FTMMRS). Disenrollment
resulting from FTMMRS may disqualify a cadet from accession into officer and enlisted
programs. The Detachment/CC may conduct an investigation for disenrollment based on
FTMMRS at any time, even for an initial offense, depending on its severity. The investigation
must include documentation of the cadet’s failure to maintain these standards and address
whether or not the failure was within the cadet’s control. Examples may include, but are not
limited to: Fraudulent Enlistment. Illegal Drug Use. Alcohol-related incidents. Integrity violation. Failure to maintain BMI and Body Fat standards. (Refer to Chapter 5). Failure to complete FT satisfactorily. Failure to compete with applicants for an enrollment allocation (EA). Ineptitude, to include failure to exercise the maturity and/or judgment expected
of an officer candidate, or unacceptable adjustment to the military environment. Demonstrating undesirable character traits Misconduct resulting in adverse civil involvement. (Refer to Chapter 5). Misconduct that would constitute an offense under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice (UCMJ).
16.6.5. Indifference to training occurs when a cadet displays an apathetic attitude toward
training. (NOTE: The Detachment/CC or designated representative should first use the means
114 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
necessary to counsel the cadet on the lack of performance and provide the cadet the opportunity
to improve the deficiency within a predetermined period). Examples include, but are not
limited to: Failure to meet uniform, grooming, or appearance standards. Failure to perform assigned tasks or corps duties. Failure to meet AS class and/or LLAB attendance requirements. Receipt of a failing grade in LLAB.
16.6.6. Breach/Anticipatory Breach of the AFROTC Contract. This occurs when a cadet fails
to meet any terms of their contract or expresses a clear and convincing intention to breach the
contract, but has not yet done so. (NOTE: This does not apply to AS100 contract cadets
desiring to exercise the FSIE option). Examples include, but are not limited to: Attempting Self-Initiated Elimination. Failing to enroll in required AFROTC courses or dropping AFROTC courses
without AFROTC approval. Inability to meet contracted DOC/DOG due to circumstances within the cadet's
control. Inability to meet contracted major requirements due to circumstances within the
cadet’s control. Failure to put forth a good faith effort to maintain academic retention standards.
Lack of good faith academic effort includes a failure to attend classes regularly, failure to
complete required assignments in a timely or satisfactory manner, or failure to take exams. Refusal to accept a commission as an Air Force Officer when actually tendered. When a cadet elects on the AFROTC Form 10, Disenrollment Action Worksheet
For AFROTC Cadets, they will not continue AFROTC training or will not accept a
commission if one were offered to them. Failure to meet officer accession standards. For example, a cadet who fails to
pass the AFOQT after the maximum number of authorized attempts.
16.7. Disenrollment Procedures.
16.7.1. Administrative Release Procedures. See paragraph 16.5 for list of reasons for
administrative release. The Det/CC will submit the package IAW the Disenrollment
Processing Guide. NOTE: If the cadet was listed on the EAD spreadsheet, the detachment
must notify AFPC/DPMLT (A[email protected]) of the cadet’s pending
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 115
disenrollment. If the cadet is disenrolled AFROTC/RRFD will provide official notification to
16.7.2. Investigative Disenrollment Procedures. Detachment/CC will initiate investigative
disenrollment actions when evidence as defined in paragraph 16.6 exists. Region/CC and HQ
AFROTC may direct investigative disenrollment. In a Commander’s absence, the senior
officer assigned to the detachment may initiate disenrollment action on the commander’s
behalf. NOTE: If the cadet was listed on the EAD spreadsheet, the detachment must notify
AFPC/DPMLT ([email protected]) of the cadet’s pending disenrollment.
If the cadet is disenrolled AFROTC/RRFD will provide official notification to AFPC. Detachment/CC (or senior officer, in the commander’s absence) will initiate
investigative action using the AFROTC Form 10, Disenrollment Action Worksheet for
AFROTC Cadets, and AFROTC Form 111, Student Status Statement of Understanding, as
follows: Will complete part I of the AFROTC Form 10 by indicating the reason(s)
for initiating the disenrollment action and appoint both a Military Advisor (MA) and
an Investigating Officer (IO). (NOTE: Neither of these positions can be filled by the
Det/CC). The military advisor will be an officer or non-commissioned officer
(NCO) and can be a member of detachment cadre. The MA will assist the cadet in
obtaining copies of the cadet's military record and instructional guidance relevant
to AFROTC disenrollments, and advise the cadet on matters regarding military
bearing. The MA must be available to assist the cadet until the Report of
Investigation (ROI) is sent to HQ AFROTC. The MA may not be a judge advocate
or paralegal. The Investigating Officer must be a commissioned officer in active
duty status, and should be the most unbiased, impartial officer reasonably available.
The IO may be a cadre member, AFIT student, officer from another AFROTC or
sister service unit, or from a local support base. The IO should be an officer with
suitable experience and temperament to conduct the investigation effectively.
The IO
may not be a Second Lieutenant, Gold Bar Recruiter (GBR) or contractor cadre. If
the Det/CC has no satisfactory individual to appoint as IO, contact the Region/CC
for assistance. Completes Section I of the AFROTC Form 111. The AFROTC Form 111
is used to verify mailing address and the current DOG. Attach evidence supporting initiation of disenrollment action to the
AFROTC Form 10. Reviews Part II of AFROTC Form 10 with the cadet. Ensures the cadet
initials lines 1 through 8 and writes the current date in line 8 before releasing a copy to
the cadet. (See paragraph for specific instructions for the cadet on completing
the AFROTC Form 10.)
116 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 Reviews and completes the AFROTC Form 111 with the cadet. Ensures all
applicable blocks are filled and form is signed and dated by the cadet and a witness. Once the AFROTC Form 10 is issued, the cadet has 24 hours to consider
his/her rights to an investigation. (NOTE: If the cadet cannot or does not return or sign
the AFROTC Form 10 within 24 hours, process the case in absentia. See paragraph for instructions.) Once the AFROTC Form 10 is signed by the cadet, the disenrollment
investigation process must be completed through final disposition. If the Det/CC
believes disenrollment is no longer warranted, he/she may recommend
probation/retention. During this meeting Det/CC may ask cadet whether, in the event of
disenrollment, cadet would prefer recoupment of scholarship or EAD. This is not
required, but is, in some cases, a useful data point. Remind cadet regardless of his/her
preference, AFROTC/CC is the final decision authority. Document cadet’s preference
as part of Form 22 narrative. The cadet will complete Part II of the AFROTC Form 10 as follows: Acknowledges receipt and understanding of the AFROTC Form 10 by
initialing next to statements in Part II of the form. Indicates whether they will continue AFROTC training and accept a
commission through AFROTC, by circling “WILL” or “WILL NOT,” as appropriate,
and initialing lines 9 and 10. (NOTE: Choosing "WILL NOT" constitutes breach of the
AFROTC contract and is a basis for disenrollment). Indicates whether they waive the right to a disenrollment investigation by
circling “DO” or “DO NOT,” as appropriate, and initialing on line 11. (NOTE: If the
cadet selects “DO” waive their right to an investigation, Part III is not applicable
because there will be no ROI. If the cadet selects “DO NOT” waive their right to an
investigation, Part III will be filled out by the cadet after receipt of the ROI). Fills in the date and signature block, and signs at the bottom of Part II and
returns it to the Det/CC within 24 hours of the date in line 8. The cadet may change elections made on the AFROTC Form 10 up until
the completed case file is forwarded to the Region for coordination. Changes may be
made by pen and ink amendment of the AFROTC Form 10; the cadet will date and
initial all changes. Election changes can also be made by accomplishing a new
AFROTC Form 10 and attaching the original AFROTC Form 10 to the new one or by
attaching a memorandum to the original AFROTC Form 10. Disenrollment action where the cadet “waives” his/her right to an investigation:
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 117 The Det/CC will provide the cadet a copy of the AFROTC Form 10 with
Parts I and II completed. Regardless of their choice to waive the investigation, the
cadet will have 5 business days from the date in Part II to submit written matters on
their behalf. The cadet may elect to waive the 5-business day response time by signing
an MFR stating his/her intent. The Det/CC may direct that an investigation be conducted despite the
cadet’s desire to waive. The commander will do so by signing a memorandum to that
effect and provide a copy of the AFROTC Form 10 (with the memorandum attached)
to the Investigating Officer (IO). If the cadet waived the right to a disenrollment investigation and the 5 business
days response period, and the initiating commander did not direct a disenrollment
investigation, then the AFROTC IMT 10 is complete. The Det/CC will submit the
disenrollment action IAW the Disenrollment Processing Guide. Disenrollment action where the cadet “does not waive” his/her right to an
investigation (does desire an investigation): The Det/CC will provide a copy of the signed AFROTC Form 10 with Parts
I and II completed, and evidence supporting initiation of disenrollment action to the
cadet and the IO. Provide a copy of the AFROTC IMT 10 to the MA. Retain the
original. The IO will conduct the disenrollment investigation and prepare the ROI
using the template in the Disenrollment Processing Guide. The IO has 10 business days from the date the cadet signs the AFROTC
Form 10, Part II, to complete the ROI. The Investigation. The investigation is intended to be a non-adversarial, fact-
finding process to gather all details in the cadet’s case so the Det/CC can make an informed
recommendation to the Region/CC for retention or disenrollment. The investigation is the
cadet’s opportunity to dispute his/her failure(s) that triggered the investigation, present
facts/evidence supporting his/her position, or to submit mitigating/extenuating
circumstances to the Det/CC and the disenrollment authority at HQ AFROTC. The cadet may challenge the IO for cause by submitting a memorandum to the
initiating commander stating reasons why the IO is biased or otherwise cannot act in an
impartial manner in his/her case. The initiating commander will consider the challenge in
consultation with Holm Center/JA and will appoint a new IO if the challenge is justified.
If not justified, the Det/CC will prepare a memorandum explaining why the challenge is
not justified, provide a copy to the cadet, and include a copy in the disenrollment case file. Personal Appearance. Upon receipt of the AFROTC Form 10, the IO must contact the cadet to
offer an opportunity for a personal appearance to discuss issues pertaining to the
118 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
investigation. The personal appearance should occur within 5-business days of the
cadet signing the AFROTC Form 10. An extension beyond 5-business days may be
granted; however, the reason(s) for the extension must be explained in the ROI. If the
cadet is unwilling to make an appearance before the IO, the meeting may be conducted
by telephone, video teleconference, or similar technology. The personal appearance is the cadet’s opportunity to present their case
directly to the IO. At the personal appearance, the cadet may make an oral statement
and present written materials/evidence to the IO. The cadet may provide other
individuals to offer testimonial evidence on the cadet’s behalf. Any individual offering
testimonial evidence at the personal appearance shall be sworn in by the IO using the
following oath: “Do you swear (or affirm) that the statements you are about to make in
this matter shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you
God?” The interviewee has the option to omit “so help you God.” The IO should
prepare a summary of statements given by the cadet and any other witness and include
that summary in the ROI. NOTE: Do not prepare a verbatim transcript of the
cadet’s oral statement or witnesses’ testimony. A civilian attorney or member of the cadet’s immediate family may attend
the personal appearance if the cadet desires. The IO has the authority and may use
discretion to limit the number of individuals present at the personal appearance to
ensure safety, efficiency, and good order and discipline. The personal appearance is
not a trial or hearing, and the IO is not a judge. Rules of evidence or procedure
applicable in courts do not apply. If others in attendance interfere in any way with the
personal appearance, the IO may disallow their attendance. If a representative of the cadet’s college or university requests to be present
at the personal appearance, the IO ensures arrangements are made for the representative
to attend. The IO will review every aspect of the cadet’s record during the
investigation to ensure all AFROTC instructions were observed. Documentary Evidence. The cadet may submit evidence on his/her behalf
at any time during the disenrollment investigation. The IO will attach evidence
provided by the cadet to the ROI. Other Investigative Steps. The IO may perform any other investigative steps
necessary to fully document the facts of a cadet’s case. This may include locating and
interviewing witnesses. Witnesses shall be sworn in using the following oath: “Do you
swear (or affirm) that the statements you are about to make in this matter will be the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” (the witness has the
option to omit “so help you God”) or “Do you affirm that the statements you are about
to make in this matter will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” The
IO will reference that they placed the cadet facing disenrollment and all witnesses under
oath in the final IO report.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 119 The IO should investigate any issues or allegations made by the cadet
during the disenrollment investigation not already established by the evidence. The
IO will either interview applicable individuals to obtain information required to
address the cadet’s issues, or explain in the ROI why further investigation was
unnecessary. If any Equal Opportunity and Treatment (EOT) issues arise during the
investigation (e.g., sexual harassment or unlawful discrimination), the IO should
contact Holm Center/JA for guidance before contacting the detachment's servicing
Military Equal Opportunity office for military personnel or the university’s Title
IX office for cadets/students. If any other criminal activity arises during the investigation, the IO
should contact Holm Center/JA for legal guidance, not the servicing base legal
office. The Report of Investigation (ROI). The IO will prepare the ROI IAW the
Disenrollment Processing Guide. The ROI is a factual summary of all evidence
compiled by the IO during the investigation. All facts cited in the ROI will be supported
by attached documentation. THE IO WILL NOT INCLUDE OPINIONS,
CONCLUSIONS, OR RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE ROI. The IO will provide a copy of the ROI to the cadet for review. The
cadet will acknowledge receipt of the ROI by dating and signing Part III of the
AFROTC Form 10. The cadet has 5-business days from the date he/she
acknowledges receipt of the ROI to submit any further rebuttals or challenges to
the ROI for inclusion in the disenrollment case file. The cadet may waive the 5-
business day response time by signing a memorandum stating his/her intent. If the
cadet submits matters prior to the end of the 5-business day period, the IO shall
determine if the cadet is waiving the remainder of the response period. If so, IO
will document that waiver in a memorandum or indorsement to the ROI signed by
the IO or the cadet and forward the ROI to the commander. If cadet has not submitted a response within 5-business days, a signed
memorandum statement from the Det/CC or IO stating “cadet did not present
matters on his/her behalf by the end of the 5-business day response time” must
accompany the disenrollment case file for processing. If the cadet provides new evidence in the ROI response, the IO will
investigate the additional information and supplement the ROI. The 5-business day
response process outlined above must be repeated. After the 5-business day response period, or after the cadet waives the
5-business day rebuttal period, the IO (or the detachment staff) submits the ROI
with all attachments (to include the cadet’s rebuttal/response, if any) to the Det/CC. Investigative Disenrollment in Absentia. An investigative disenrollment
action may be processed in absentia when the cadet is not available to participate in
120 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
person, declines to participate, or fails to respond to notification of the disenrollment
action. Additionally, if a cadet becomes physically unavailable or ceases to participate
in the disenrollment action, process the case as an “in absentia” disenrollment from that
point forward. If the detachment is unable to serve the AFROTC Form 10 to the cadet
in person, forward the AFROTC Form 10 (with attached evidence supporting the
initiation of the disenrollment investigation) and AFROTC Form 111 with a letter
explaining the action and direct the cadet to complete and return the AFROTC Form
10 within 30 calendar days of receipt. Do not forward original copies of evidence.
Send the AFROTC Form 10 to the cadet’s last known address via certified mail,
return receipt requested, and restricted delivery. If your university mail does not
support any of those requirements, use the United States Postal Service. Keep all
receipts to document efforts to contact the cadet. If the cadet does not respond to
the AFROTC Form 10 sent by certified mail, the Det/CC should exhaust all
reasonable attempts to contact the cadet. Consider leaving messages with known
friends, classmates, teachers, roommates, parents, or work locations. Maintain a
copy of all documentation and mail receipts, as well as MFRs of efforts to contact
the cadet. In the event there is no contact, an ROI will be required. If the cadet responds to the AFROTC Form 10 within 30 days and
waives the right to a disenrollment investigation, the Det/CC will complete the
AFROTC Form 22 with all evidence and forward to the Region/CC for
coordination prior to submission to AFROTC/RRFD. If the cadet responds to the AFROTC Form 10 within 30 days and
does not waive the right to a disenrollment investigation, the Det/CC will provide
a copy of the AFROTC Form 10 (with attachments) to the IO. The IO will then
investigate and prepare the ROI. If the cadet is unable to make an appearance
before the IO, the meeting may be conducted by telephone, video teleconference,
or similar technology. Provide a copy of the final ROI to the cadet via certified mail, return
receipt requested, and restricted delivery. Keep copies of receipts, emails, etc. If
the cadet does not respond within 30 days, the initiating commander will prepare
the AFROTC Form 22 and submit the case file. Reopening Investigations. Further Investigation. In the event the Det/CC, Region/CC or
AFROTC/RR determines a case file needs additional information, the investigation
action may be reopened. To reopen an investigation, notify the cadet, MA, and IO in writing
that the investigation is reopened, and the cadet has the same rights as before. If
substantial changes to the ROI must be made, complete a new AFROTC Form 10
for the cadet and IO to review and make changes as necessary. Otherwise, amend
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 121
the original ROI as required to add additional facts/details. Attach the new
AFROTC Form 10 to the old one if required. DO NOT DISCARD ANY
PREVIOUS DOCUMENTS. The Det/CC will ensure the cadet is afforded all
rights as requested. If the original IO is unavailable or has developed a bias in the case,
a new IO must be appointed in writing and be granted the opportunity to review the
case file. Ensure the cadet is granted the opportunity to: Challenge the new IO for cause. Review all new evidence gathered and respond to this evidence. Receive a copy of changes/additions to the ROI. Submit matters in rebuttal to the ROI. The Det/CC prepares a new AFROTC Form 22 and submits the
case file to the Region. Final Actions of the Det/CC. The Det/CC will review the case file: The commander will ensure the ROI thoroughly addresses the reason
or reasons for the disenrollment actions and has addressed all issues or allegations
raised by the cadet. The ROI should not contain any opinions, conclusions, or
recommendation by the IO. The commander ensures the cadet was allowed 5
business days to respond to information presented in the case file or has waived the
5 business-day period in writing. The Det/CC will make recommendation concerning the cadet’s
continuation or disenrollment and suggested DD Form 785, Record of
Disenrollment from Officer Candidate-Type Training, rating to HQ AFROTC via
an AFROTC Form 22 through the Region/CC to AFROTC/RRFD.
16.7.3. Appoint a Military Advisor. Generally, the military advisor will be an officer or non-
commissioned officer (NCO) and can be an officer or NCO at the detachment. The military
advisor will assist the cadet in obtaining copies of the cadet's military record and relevant
instructions and advise the cadet on matters regarding military bearing. The MA is not an
attorney. Additionally, the investigating officer or the commander cannot represent the cadet
or give the cadet legal advice.
16.7.4. The cadet can voluntarily waive, in writing, their right to a disenrollment investigation
to the Det/CC. This documentation will also be attached to the AFROTC Form 10.
16.8. Termination of AFROTC Scholarship Recoupment of prior Disenrolled Cadets.
AFROTC/RR will consider terminating the recoupment debt of disenrolled AFROTC cadets who
122 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
complete at least 2 years of continuous enlisted active duty service or who receive an active duty
commission (with any branch of the United States Armed Forces). A commission or enlistment in
the Guard or Reserves does not apply unless 2 years of continuous active duty service is completed.
Proof of service is the responsibility of the disenrolled cadet. To request termination, contact
AFROTC/RRFD for guidance.
16.9. Termination of AFROTC Scholarship Recoupment for Reenlisted/Contracted Cadets.
Scholarship cadets who are disenrolled and identified for recoupment of scholarship money are
not prevented from reentering the AFROTC program as long as they meet the criteria for a waiver
of disenrollment. The goal of AFROTC is to produce qualified officers; therefore, AFROTC will
terminate recoupment of scholarship money for any cadet who receives a new AFROTC
enrollment allocation, successfully completes field training, and recontracts/reenlists. The cadet
must submit a letter of request to terminate scholarship recoupment using the memorandum format
in Attachment 17. The Det/CC must endorse and submit the memorandum via official email to
AFROTC/RRFD ( Counsel cadet in writing that termination of the
recoupment of scholarship money is contingent upon receipt of a DAF commission. If
subsequently disenrolled, the cadet will be liable for scholarship funds from their first
disenrollment as well as current enrollment.
16.10. Rescind Call to EAD for Reenlisted/Contracted Cadets. A prior disenrolled AFROTC
cadet called to EAD who receives a new AFROTC enrollment allocation and recontracts/reenlists
may request rescission of their call to EAD. Cadet must submit a letter of request to rescind EAD
action using the memorandum format in Attachment 18. The Det/CC must endorse and submit
the memorandum via official email to AFROTC/RRFD ([email protected]). Counsel cadet in
writing that termination of the call to EAD is contingent upon receipt of a DAF commission.
16.11. Disenrollment Appeal Process. Disenrolled cadets may appeal their disenrollment, call to
EAD, or recoupment action one time. Suspension and probation cannot be appealed. AFROTC/CC
is the appeal authority for AFROTC disenrollments. Requests for reconsideration of the
disenrollment decision will always be reviewed; however, changes to the decision will be
considered only if new evidence is presented that was not available during the initial investigation.
Cadet must submit appeals in writing NLT 1-year from the individual’s effective date of
disenrollment listed on the DD Form 785. Submit written appeal to the following address:
AFROTC/CCX, 60 Maxwell Blvd, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 or via email at [email protected].
(NOTE: Requests received after the 1-year cutoff date will not be considered. The cadet is not
permitted or authorized to make personal appearances with HQ AFROTC personnel to discuss
their case).
16.12. Release of Cadet Personnel Records. At any time during the disenrollment process, a
cadet is permitted to review their vUPRG upon request under the supervision of detachment cadre.
If the cadet desires copies of specific records from their vUPRG they must submit a written request
to the detachment cadre. The detachment must remove any Privacy Act Information about other
individuals before releasing copies of the records to the cadet. The detachment will keep the cadet’s
vUPRG IAW the AF Record Disposition Schedule.
16.13. Release of Cadet Disenrollment Case File. After disenrollment, Cadets may obtain copies
of the disenrollment case file by submitting a written request to the Freedom of Information Act
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 123
(FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) office, 42 CS/SCOKR, 50 LeMay Plaza South, Maxwell AFB AL
36112, (334) 953-3165 or online at The request must list the specific information
desired. AFROTC/RRFD will keep the cadet’s disenrollment case files IAW AF Record
Disposition Schedule.
124 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
17.1. General. This chapter outlines pre-commissioning, commissioning and post-commissioning
requirements. Cadets must be fully qualified to commission (medical, academics, fitness, BMI,
Body Fat, etc.) Commissioning must occur within the fiscal year (FY) associated with the
enrollment allocation. Therefore, it is possible for a cadet to complete both AFROTC and degree
requirements but not commission until 1 October of the next FY. Requests to change FY must be
routed to AFROTC/RRF. The POC for this chapter is AFROTC/RR.
17.1.1. Character. Do not commission cadets who have pending civil involvements that could
require a waiver. Cadets who were placed on supervised probation by the court cannot be
commissioned until the end of their probation. If this probationary period pushes the cadet to
the next FY, conduct a CRR. If the cadet is placed on unsupervised probation, the cadet can
commission; ensure the civil involvement is adjudicated in WINGS.
17.1.2. Failure to Meet Commissioning Requirements. If a cadet is not eligible to commission
by the date scheduled but will meet commissioning requirements within the same FY,
detachment must take immediate action to change the DOC. Ensure the medical examination
is valid for the new DOC. Per paragraph 5.5, update the DOC in WINGS via CPAR. As soon
as the CPAR is Executed, notify AFPC via the EAD Spreadsheet change tab.
17.1.3. If a cadet is not commissioned on the date scheduled and will not meet commissioning
requirements within the FY, initiate a CRR. Exception: prior to initiating a CRR on nursing
and law cadets who cannot commission in their designated FY, detachments must contact
AFROTC/RRF and AFPC/DP2NN (for nurses) or AF/JAX (for law cadets).
17.1.4. Declination of Appointment. If a cadet declines appointment as a commissioned
officer, initiate a disenrollment action IAW Chapter 16 of this instruction. Change the DOC
in WINGS to the end of the contracted FY and notify AFPC/ DPMLT
([email protected]) of potential disenrollment. Upon disenrollment,
AFROTC/RRFD will notify AFPC.
17.2. Program Completion.
17.2.1. Graduation. A cadet is eligible for commissioning only after the detachment receives
an official transcript indicating degree awarded or written certification from the university
registrar or other institutional official confirming the cadet has completed all degree
requirements (Attachment 7). DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph, is the governing
17.2.2. DOC. Do not commission the cadet in a FY other than that associated with the DOC,
unless AFROTC/RR approves an enrollment allocation for a different FY.
17.2.3. Commissioning Qualifying Fitness Review (QFR). The QFR must be administered by
cadre prior to commissioning and accomplished IAW DAFMAN 36-2905 and DAFMAN 36-
2905_AFROTC Supplement. The QFR consists of a PFA and BMI measurement and will be
accomplished no earlier than the cadets last semester prior to commissioning. Cadets must
pass the PFA/QFR. Cadets not within BMI standards are commission qualified if they meet
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 125
body fat standards IAW DODI 1308.03. The QFR can count as the current term PFA but the
requirement to measure the BMI/BF within 30 days of commissioning is still required. Cadets are authorized two attempts at the QFR. Refer to Table 5.4 for QFR
failures and CE actions, but take no CRR or disenrollment action until after a second
failure. Cadets who fail the retest will be issued another CE and be subject to a
disenrollment regardless of the total number of CEs. If they pass the retake, take no action
on the QFR CEs provided they meet all other commissioning requirements. SLECP and NECP students are required to meet height, weight and BMI
standards outlined in DAFMAN 36-2032 and DAFMAN 36-2905 for accessions into OTS.
These measurements will be conducted during all annual FAs and prior to departure for
OTS. Failure to meet this requirement could result in withdrawal of OTS slot allocation.
17.2.4. Prior to commissioning, cadets who are not in the pre-Health Professions Program (pre-
HPP), who are selected for Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS),
are commissioned as line officers and incur a 4-year ADSC, plus the specified ADSC cited in
the USUHS contract. Those who are accepted to a civilian medical school and approved for an
educational delay are commissioned as line officers, incur a 4-year ADSC, and retain the line
commission through medical school. AFPC/DPAME policy prohibits extensions to cadets who
fail to meet this contractual requirement, even if they are subsequently admitted to medical
school. Only pre-HPP designated cadets are guaranteed the Air Force Health Professions
Scholarship/Financial Assistance Program (AFHPS/FAP) if accepted into a medical school
before undergraduate graduation and commissioning as stated on DAF Form 1056.
17.3. Commissioning Actions.
17.3.1. Detachments must use the AFROTC Form 64, Commissioning Checklist, and the
guidance contained within this chapter to ensure the cadet is qualified to commission.
17.3.2. Using the Cadet Data section of WINGS, verify cadet has been scrolled before
commissioning. If no nomination date is listed within 4 months of commissioning date, or no
approval date is listed within 30 days of commissioning, contact AFROTC/RRFA to verify
commissioning eligibility.
17.3.3. Recertify the AF Form 2030 by completing page 2 of a new AF Form 2030. The
AFROTC representative must sign the form. Attach the recertified form to the original AF
Form 2030.
17.3.4. Accomplish the AF Form 3010, USAF Statement of Understanding for Dependent Care
Responsibilities, for commissionees with dependents only. The AFROTC representative must
sign the form.
17.3.5. Completion of AF Form 133, Oath of Office (Military Personnel) and Certificate of
Commission. In accordance with DAFMAN 36-2032, complete the AF Form 133 and the
Certificate of Commissioning and the instructions contained on the AF Form 133. The grade entered is "Second Lieutenant, USAF."
126 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 The type of commission for AFROTC cadets will be “Reserve of the Air Force.”
Note: Space Force officers initially commission as Reserve of the Air Force on their DOC.
Space Force officers will then re-commission into the Space Force on their EAD date. The individual commissioning and the officer administering the oath do not sign
the AF Form 133 until after the oath has been administered. The date the AF Form 133 is
signed is the effective date of appointment.
17.3.6. Memorandum of Appointment. Prepare a memorandum of appointment according to
Attachment 10 for all commissionees. Present the original to the cadet at the commissioning
ceremony and forward one copy with the commissioning documents.
17.3.7. DD Form 1AF, Certificate of Commission. Prepare the DD Form 1AF according to
DAFMAN 36-2032 for each commissionee and present the certificate to the cadet at time of
17.3.8. Memorandum of Instruction. Prepare a memorandum of instruction according to
Attachment 13 for all commissionees and present a copy to the cadet at time of
17.3.9. Commissioning Reserve Appointment Order (Attachment 11). Ensure each cadet’s
SOC code is correct on this order. The SOC codes are listed in Attachment 12. Maintain the
original appointment order in detachment files and issue a copy to the commissionees.
17.3.10. Health Insurance Statement (Attachment 14). IAW FY04 and FY06 National
Defense Authorization Acts, Reserve officers awaiting EAD are entitled to active-duty health
care benefits. New second lieutenants are eligible for TRICARE coverage after commissioning
and before EAD. Dependents are not entitled to medical benefits until the officer enters EAD.
Newly commissioned officers must drop Other Health Insurance (OHI) benefits and be
enrolled under TRICARE. This is accomplished by not checking "Has health insurance" in
WINGS. Detachments are required to update their graduates in WINGS. Commissionees who
elect TRICARE Medical Coverage must check the block and provide the date the statement
was signed. After inputting the date, uncheck the block in WINGS.
17.3.11. Annotate termination of extended entitlements by completing the AFROTC Form 88,
Section III. Note: applicable only for SAF-Approved 5-Year scholarship cadets who receive
more than 4 years of tuition payments.
17.3.12. Non-line Commissioning Requirements. Detachments should follow procedures IAW
DoDI 6000.13_DAFI 41-110, Medical Health Care Professions Scholarship Programs, for
commissioning Pre-HPP and non-Pre-HPP cadets who desire a career as an Air Force
physician, dentist, nurse anesthetist, pharmacist, and those selected for Air Force Health
Professions Scholarship Program (AFHPSP) and Uniform Services University of Health
Services (USUHS).
17.3.13. Commissioning for GLP/OYCP Students. Graduate Law Program (GLP) and One
Year Commissioning Program (OYCP) cadets are commissioned as line officers in the grade
of second lieutenant upon completion of AFROTC and their law degree. Upon successful
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 127
completion of all GLP/OYCP requirements, including successfully passing a state Bar Exam,
candidates are called to EAD in the judge advocate career field in the grade of first lieutenant
and are typically promoted to the grade of captain after six months. The minimum ADSC is
four years. Note: do not enter the Judge Advocate Category on the AF Form 133. In the event
of licensing failure (failure to pass a state Bar Exam), GLP/OYCP commissionees are not
discharged, but must serve on EAD in a non-JAG line AFSC in the initial grade of second
17.3.14. Nurse Commissioning Requirements. The following procedures apply for
commissioning nurse cadets. Licensing. Nursing student cadets will not be commissioned until verification of
passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX- RN).
The cost of the licensure exam is paid by the individual. The graduate needs to take the NCLEX-RN as soon as possible post-graduation.
Nurses failing the NCLEX-RN will schedule a second exam as soon as possible to enable
commissioning before the end of the FY. If NCLEX is pushed beyond the contracted FY,
contact AFROTC/RR to determine if a disenrollment is required. A second failure results
in reclassification as a line officer or disenrollment. There will be no waivers or exceptions
to policy after a second NCLEX failure. Nurse Transition Program (NTP). Registered nurses with less than one year full-
time (minimum 24 hours per week) experience in inpatient (acute care) clinical nursing
will attend the NTP as their first duty assignment. The NTP is a 9 to 11 weeks transition
program at one of four medical centers across the country. Commissioning Nurses. Upon meeting all baccalaureate nurse degree
requirements, obtaining passing scores on the NCLEX-RN and receipt of completed
requested forms (Attachment 9) by AFPC/DP2NN, nurse cadets will be commissioned
into the Air Force Nurse Corps.
17.4. Detachment Post-Commissioning Actions.
17.4.1. Within five duty days after appointment, submit the commissioning package (with
attachments) electronically to AFPC/DP1TSA via the MyPers module. Cadre must retain a
copy of the confirmation page in the Lieutenant’s file until EAD orders have been provided to
the member. In cases of extended system outage, commissioning packages may be mailed to
DP1 at the address in Figure 17.1.
Figure 17.1. AFPC/DP1TSA Mailing Address.
550 C St West Ste 10
JBSA Randolph AFB TX 78150
17.4.2. Update WINGS for commissioned cadets NLT three workdays after appointment.
128 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
17.4.3. College Transcripts. DAFIT is required to establish an academic file for all newly
commissioned officers. The detachment must forward an official transcript indicating the
degree awarded with appropriate seals, embossments, or authentication, to DAFIT Academic
Coding Branch NLT 90 days after commissioning. Detachments may email official transcripts
to DAFIT ([email protected]). If email is used, ensure file size is less than 4mb
and rename each transcript pdf with full name and last four of Social Security Number. For
multiple transcripts, use DoD SAFE (Secure Access File Exchange).
17.4.4. Retention of Records. File and maintain copies of all commissioning documents in the
cadet’s records for one year. Final disposition instructions for cadet records are contained in
the Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) in AFRIMS. Do not retire any cadet records to the
staging area; destroy IAW the RDS in AFRIMS at the detachment.
17.4.5. Safety Brief. The Det/CC or designated officer will provide commissioned second
lieutenants a pre-departure safety briefing IAW HOLMCENTERI 91-101, Holm Center Safety
Program, and document this on AF Form 4392, Predeparture Safety Briefing.
17.5. Commissioning at Location Other Than Detachment. Cadets requesting to commission
at a location other than their assigned detachment must confirm the desired date and obtain prior
written permission from the owning Det/CC and from the agency performing the commissioning.
17.5.1. The detachment will prepare the following forms and send to the commissioning
location prior to the commissioning: AF Form 2030; recertification is accomplished by completing only page 2 of a
new AF Form 2030 on day of but prior to commissioning. Prepare the DD Form 1AF IAW DAFMAN 36-2032. Place the DD Form 1AF in
the appropriate presentation binder. Original AF Form 133.
17.5.2. After commissioning, the commissioning agency will send these forms back to the
owning detachment.
17.5.3. The owning detachment will attach the Form 2030 to the original form in the cadet’s
records and send the completed commissioning package to AFPC/DPMLT.
17.6. Mock Commissioning.
17.6.1. Det/CCs are the authority for mock commissioning.
17.6.2. The prerequisites for mock commissioning are: Cadet has completed degree requirements but not commissioning requirements. Cadet must meet military retention standards and not be on probation.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 129 Cadet requests mock commission via official memorandum and certifies that
he/she, family, friends and guests all understand that the mock commissioning is
ceremonious only and he/she will not be commissioned until a future date when official
paperwork would be signed. The Det/CC approved memorandum must be filed in cadet
records. Commissioning documents cannot be "mock" signed or actually signed under any
17.7. Fraudulent and Erroneous Commissions and Administrative Errors.
17.7.1. Fraudulent commissions are those involving deliberate material misrepresentation,
omission, or concealment that, if known at any time in the commissioning process, might have
resulted in rejection. Prior to EAD, fraudulent commissions will normally result in the
investigation of the causes and possible, subsequent AF actions. Process all requests through
17.7.2. Erroneous commissions are those the DAF should not have accepted but do not involve
fraud. Errors occur in the commissioning process when the DAF does not have the true facts
or does not take the correct actions. Prior to EAD, erroneous commissions require immediate
notification to the Region/CC and subsequent AF actions. Notable examples of erroneous
commissions are incomplete medical clearances, proper security clearance not initiated, and
PPC code requirements not verified.
17.7.3. Administrative errors are made on the part of the DAF. Prior to EAD, administrative
errors can be corrected by the detachment.
17.8. Post-Commissioning Responsibilities. Following commissioning but prior to reporting for
active duty, cadets awaiting EAD are on inactive reserve status and assigned to ARPC.
Detachments must complete all actions on the AFROTC Form 64. Detachments should maintain
contact with these cadets and serve as the cadet’s first line of support. If the Det/CC becomes
aware of misconduct on the part of a newly commissioned 2Lt waiting for EAD, they should
contact the HC/JA. The HC/JA will coordinate follow on actions with ARPC/JA.
17.9. Air Force Appointment of ROTC Graduates from another Service. An ROTC graduate
of another service may request consideration for appointment as a commissioned officer in the
Department of the Air Force, provided the individual meets the eligibility requirements listed
below and is granted a conditional release from the current commissioning service. Approved
applicants are ordered to active military service as an Air Force or Space Force officer and are
required to serve their ADSC associated with their AFSC.
17.9.1. Eligibility. An applicant must meet minimum AFROTC eligibility requirements as
outlined in Chapter 4 of this instruction.
17.9.2. Application Procedures. A cadet who desires appointment in the DAF must apply under
the instructions of the current commissioning service. Before commissioning and entry on
active duty however, the Air Force requires:
130 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 An AF Form 24, Application for Appointment as Reserve of the Air Force or
USAF without Component. DD Form 2808, Report of Medical Examination. SF 93, Report of Medical History. DD Form 2807-1, Report of Medical History, in duplicate. Results of AFOQT and PFA. Transcripts of college work as evidence of the applicant’s degree completion. AF Form 56, Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a Commission in
the United States Air Force, completed by the applicant and the Det/CC. Professor of Military Science (PMS) or Professor of Naval Sciences (PNS) cross-
commissioning conditional release (Attachment 15). A signed/dated statement of reasons for requesting transfer.
17.9.3. Processing Procedures. Forward applications to AFROTC/RRFA. Include the
documents listed in paragraph 17.9.2 above as attachments. AFROTC/RR will approve or
disapprove these requests based on the needs of the Air Force. If approved, AFROTC/RRFA
will award an EA. The detachment must then contract the individual into the ORS and contact
AFROTC/DOF for a FT assignment. Provide a copy of the completed DD Form 4 and the
Reserve Order to the releasing service to secure the individual’s release. Ensure the individual
is gained to WINGS according to proper procedures.
17.9.4. Ensure the application process is initiated early enough to allow sufficient processing
time for FT attendance. If an application is not received in time for FT attendance, the
individual will be required to meet AFROTC enrollment requirements for an additional year
to allow FT attendance the following summer or must commission with their original
commissioning service.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 131
18.1. The Enlisted Commissioning Programs (ECP). Active duty Air Force enlisted members
may compete for 2-4 year scholarships through Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen (SOAR) and
Airmen Scholarship Commissioning Program (ASCP), or non-scholarship opportunities through
the 2-year POC Early Release Program (POC-ERP). Eligibility and nomination procedures for
these enlisted programs are covered in chapter 4 of this document and in DAFMAN 36-2032. The
Senior Leader Enlisted Commissioning Program (SLECP) and Nursing Enlisted Commissioning
Program (NECP) are covered in the chapter below IAW DAFMAN 36-2032. The OPR for SLECP
and NECP is AFROTC/RRU, which will also provide all post-selection and pre-arrival guidance
to the respective detachments.
18.1.1. SLECP students are Active Duty Airmen who are selected by the Air Force’s Senior
Leaders and are pursuing a baccalaureate degree. Maximum program participation will not
exceed 36 months.
18.1.2. NECP students are Active Duty Airmen pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing.
Maximum program participation will not exceed 24 months.
18.2. Active Duty Status. SLECP-A and NECP students are Active Duty enlisted Airmen whose
duty is to obtain a baccalaureate degree. ASCP, SOAR, and POC-ERP Airmen are cadets.
18.2.1. ECP students are subject to all the same UCMJ and Air Force standards and
requirements as Active Duty detachment cadre. Detachments must immediately notify
AFROTC/RRUE, AFPC/DP2NN (NECP only), and HC/JA if an ECP student violates or
allegedly violates the UCMJ. Detachments must notify AFROTC/RRUE if an ECP student
receives one LOR or two LOCs for academic or military issues to determine eligibility to
continue in the program.
18.2.2. Promotion. ECP students are ineligible for promotion consideration while enrolled on
or before the Promotion Eligibility Cutoff Date (PECD) IAW DAFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman
Promotion and Demotion Programs. Qualified Airmen with a line number to TSgt or above,
will be promoted on the normal effective date IAW DAFMAN 36-2032.
18.2.3. Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR). ECP students will not receive an EPR unless
removed from the program. If directed, the EPR will be effective the date of removal from the
commissioning program and will document the performance that resulted in the removal.
18.2.4. Medical. ECP students and dependents will comply with the TRICARE guidance and
follow the travel procedures established by the Det/CC and billing IAW local MTF. Medical
records are maintained IAW AFMAN 41-210, Tricare Operations and Patient Administration
18.2.5. Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) are
authorized. Rate is determined by the detachment ZIP Code.
132 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
18.2.6. ECP students must use detachment assigned vehicles for official travel, if available,
except for routine and emergency medical treatment. With prior approval, students may be
eligible for reimbursement.
18.3. Detachment Responsibilities. Detachments must ensure all ECP students:
18.3.1. Meet and abide by all Air Force directives and standards. Detachments will not issue
or allow purchase of uniform items to ECP students, as they receive a uniform allowance.
Failure to comply with Dress and Appearance IAW DAFI 36-2903 or maintaining DD Form
93, Record of Emergency Data, is a violation of Article 92, UCMJ, and may result in
disciplinary action.
18.3.2. Meet annual and semi-annual PFA requirements. ECP students are authorized to
participate in cadet-led PT sessions and complete their PFA with AFROTC cadets.
18.3.3. Meet required BMI and PFA accessions requirements. SLECP students must be administered a PFA NET 30 calendar days and NLT the
day prior to attending Total Force Officer Training (TFOT). NECP students must be administered a PFA NET 90 calendar days but NLT 60
calendar days prior to their EAD date.
18.3.4. Meet the same academic requirements as contracted scholarship AFROTC cadets IAW
Chapter 4. AFROTC/RRF and AFROTC/RRU must be notified of any academic changes to
status (e.g., probation, advancement to candidacy, suspension). Det/CC must administer LOC for ECP student who receives a TGPA below 2.5.
Notify AFROTC/RRU if student receives two LOCs for academics; RRU will coordinate
actions for removal from the program. Det/CC must approve any changes to the academic timeline/plan unless date of
graduation is affected. AFROTC/RRF and AFPC/DP2NN (NECP only) must approve any date of
graduation changes or request to exceed the program limits of 36 months for SLECP and
24 months for NECP. Provide an academic degree plan that demonstrates their ability to commission in
their programmed fiscal year. ECP students must recertify their academic plan in the Fall
term each year after consultation with a university academic advisor and detachment cadre.
University-provided or locally produced forms may be used at the Detachment
Commander’s discretion. Deviations from the academic plan without approval may result in disciplinary
actions and will be at the student’s expense.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 133
18.3.5. Are included in the detachment recall roster. The campus is considered the duty station
and will be the reporting location in the event of a mobilization or emergency recall.
18.3.6. Perform duty equivalent to a 40-hour work week as a full-time student, at the AFROTC
detachment, or by special project. Detachments must ensure ECP students are in class, on
leave, or supporting AFROTC at the discretion of the Det/CC. Full-time student status (12 semester hours or equivalent) equals a 40-hour work
week. Regardless of university or class attendance policy, ECP students must attend all
classes unless excused by Det/CC. Failure to attend scheduled classes or to comply with
local personnel accountability procedures will result in disciplinary action and or removal
from ECP. Absences due to illness require medical documentation. During co-op terms, SLECP students will be considered full-time students.
Normal tuition and fees associated with the co-op terms will be paid. SLECP students with
co-op requirements must still complete their degree within the 36-month time limit. Summer Terms and Breaks. ECP students must maintain full time student status
during the summer terms in order to minimize program length requirements. At institutions
with pre- or post-summer sessions, 2 to 3 hours will be taken each session in addition to
the normal summer term loads. Det/CC may approve a reduction in course load over the summer term. SLECP students may be tasked to support AFROTC summer PMT
programs. Tasking must not conflict with summer courses. NECP students may be tasked to support AFROTC summer PMT programs.
Tasking must not conflict with summer courses and approval must be obtained by
18.3.7. For SLECP students only, the SLECP student should arrive with a completed AF Form
56, Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a Commission in the United States Air
Force. File in student’s UPRG. Contact RRU if student does not arrive with AF Form 56.
18.4. In-processing.
18.4.1. Counsel ECP students in writing that failure to maintain standards will lead to
disenrollment actions.
18.4.2. Counsel students in writing who were promoted to SSgt for the purpose of entry into
ECP of demotion if disenrolled from the program.
18.5. Tuition Guidance. SLECP/NECP students are on scholarships capped at $18,000 and
receive a textbook allowance. They are not authorized stipend since they receive full military pay
and benefits. Also, tuition and fees are paid at the beginning of the Fall term, unlike AFROTC
scholarships which are paid after day 45 of the Fall term. Estimates for the following Fall term
134 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
must be entered by the end of the previous spring term since their tuition is paid with current FY
funds and the 45-day waiting period is not required.
18.5.1. VA regulations specifically prohibit the payment of educational benefits to Active Duty
personnel if the course(s) are paid for, in whole or in part, by the Armed Forces. Reference
Chapter 3 for guidance on non-duplication of financial aid.
18.5.2. AFROTC will not reimburse any graduate exam fees.
18.5.3. ECP students will receive an annual textbook allowance. Payments are usually made
within 3 months after entering the program for the quarters/terms remaining in the current FY
and NLT December for those already active unless there are delays in funding. If delayed funds
will be distributed as soon as possible to the student’s account. Students must be enrolled for
at least 60 days of their first FY quarter/term in order to receive a payment. Textbook allowance
for subsequent quarters/terms will be paid if the student is enrolled in the quarter/term for at
least 30 days.
18.6. SLECP and NECP Removal. The Det/CC will make recommendations to the AFROTC/CC
concerning removal of students from the program via an AFROTC Form 22 through the
Region/CC to AFROTC/RRU.
18.6.1. The two categories of disenrollment are: Voluntary. Any student wishing to voluntarily disenroll should immediately
contact their Det/CC. The Det/CC will counsel the student in writing and advise them on
the required procedure. Voluntary disenrollment action can be prejudicial to future entry
into a commissioning program and to career progression in the Air Force. Involuntary. The Det/CC will make recommendations to the AFROTC/CC via
the chain of command concerning removal.
18.6.2. ECP students who are withdrawn from school are considered "surplus Airmen" and
will be forecasted for reassignment within the AFSC held prior to entry into the program in
accordance with DAFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, immediately after disenrollment.
18.6.3. Disenrollment Appeals. For SLECP students, the AFROTC/CC is the decision authority. Disenrollment
appeals must be made to the HC/CC within 30 days of the date on the DD Form 785. For NECP students, the decision of AFPC/DP2NN is final; no appeals are
authorized and will not be entertained.
18.7. SLECP Classification. SLECP students are classified for their AFSC when they are selected
for the program. Once AFRS/RSOCL assigns them An Officer Training School (OTS) class date
AFPC/DPMLT will reach out to the member for their assignment preferences.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 135
18.8. Graduation Guidance.
18.8.1. Ceremony Guidance. The student's official completion governs campus departure date.
While attending university graduation ceremonies are encouraged, the student normally will
not be allowed to remain on campus for the ceremony if there are more than 7 days between
the completion of final examinations and the ceremony unless the student takes leave (delay
en-route to their next assignment). Students will verify their attendance at the graduation
ceremony is not a mandatory for degree completion. If attendance is mandatory, the departure
date will be adjusted and the student will work at the detachment or be on leave.
18.9. Commissioning Guidance.
18.9.1. SLECP students will be commissioned upon successful completion of OTS. SLECP students must be medically certified for commissioning. Use the
guidelines IAW DAFMAN 48-123. If the student is medically disqualified, notify
AFROTC/RRF. PCS Guidance. SLECP students must have valid PCS orders and work all PCS
actions in advance of their actual departure to OTS. AFROTC/RRUE will coordinate OTS
attendance upon publication of OTS schedule and will work with AFPC/DPMLT to project
training requirements in the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS). SLECP students will report to OTS with copies of PCS orders, original college
transcripts, DD Form 4, copies of all EPRs and decorations, and an updated Virtual Record
of Emergency Data (vRED) printout.
18.9.2. NECP students are commissioned at the detachments IAW Chapter 17. Following
commissioning, NECP students will hold dual status as a Reserve Officer and be on Active
Duty as an enlisted member IAW DAFI 36-3211. The member will continue to wear the
enlisted rank and receive enlisted pay until they arrive at Commissioning Officer Training.
Commander, AFROTC
136 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 1
10 U.S.C. 651, Members: required service
10 U.S.C. 2103, Eligibility for Membership
10 U.S.C. 2104, Eligibility for Advanced Training
10 U.S.C. 2105, Advanced Training; Failure to Complete or Accept Commission
10 U.S.C. 2106, Advanced Training; Commission on Completion
10 U.S.C. 2107, Financial Assistance Program for Specially Selected Members
10 U.S.C. 2110, Logistical Support
10 U.S.C. 2603, Acceptance of Fellowships, Scholarship, or Grants
10 U.S.C. 9013, Secretary of the Air Force
18 U.S.C. 1001, Statements or Entries Generally
38 U.S.C. 3011, Basic Educational Assistance Entitlement for Service on Active Duty
DAFPD 36-20, Recruiting Programs and Accession of Military Personnel, 3 March 2023
AFPD 36-27, Equal Opportunity (EO), 18 March 2019
AFI 24-301, Ground Transportation, 22 October 2019
AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by Air Force Personnel, 6 August 2020
DAFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 March 2020
AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program, 10 March 2020
DAFI 34-223, Private Organizations Program, 13 December 2018
DAFI 35-101, Public Affairs Operations, 20 November 2020
DAFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, 15 November 2021
DAFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman Promotion and Demotion Programs, 16 April 2021
AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment and Extension of Enlistment in the United States Air Force,
19 September 2019
DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of United States Air Force and United States
Space Force Personnel, 7 February 2020
DAFI 36-2903_AFROTCSUP, Dress and Personal Appearance of United States Air Force and
United States Space Force Personnel, 18 November 2021
DAFMAN 36-2905, Department of the Air Force Physical Fitness Program, 21 April 2022
DAFMAN 36-2905_AFROTCSUP, Department of the Air Force Physical Fitness Program,
28 April 2023
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 137
AFI 36-2909, Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct, 14 November 2019
AFI 36-2909_AETCSUP, Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct, 27 October 2020
DAFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, 24 August 2020
AFI 36-3026V1, Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Eligible
Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel, 4 August 2017
DAFI 36-3211, Military Separations, 24 June 2022
AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization, 29 August 2019
AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program, 18 July
DAFI 48-151, Thermal Stress Program, 2 May 2022
DAFI 51-101, The Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps (AFJAGC) Operations, Accessions,
and Professional Development, 29 November 2019
DAFI 64-117, Government Purchase Card Program, 19 May 2022
DAFI 90-160, Publications and Forms Management, 14 April 2022
DAFI 90-802, Risk Management, 1 April 2019
DAFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, 12 March 2020
DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions, 27 September 2019
AFMAN 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification, 7 April 2021
DAFMAN 36-2604, Service Dates and Dates of Rank, 7 October 2022
DAFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program, 18 January 2023
DAFMAN 36-2664_AFROTCSUP, Personnel Assessment Program, 12 April 2023
AFMAN 41-210, Tricare Operations and Patient Administration, 10 September 2019
AFMAN 65-114, Travel Procedures for Financial Management Flights, Finance Offices-
Reserve Components, Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center-Finance Component,
27 August 2019
AFROTCI 36-2011, VOL. 1, AFROTC Cadet’s Guide to Leadership Laboratory (LLAB)
AFROTCI 36-2011, VOL. 2, AFROTC Cadre Training and Certification, 8 February 2023
AFROTCI 36-2014, AFROTC Enrollment and Relations with Host/Non-Host Institutions,
Including Crosstown and Consortium Agreements, 30 November 2016
AUI 36-2602, Command, Governance, and Administration Policy, 18 August 2021
DAFMAN 36-2611, Air Force Obstacle Course Program, 12 January 2021
DAFMAN 36-2114, Management of the Air Force Reserve Individual Reserve (IR) and Full-Time
Support (FTS) Programs, 24 May 2021
DAFMAN 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards, 8 December 2020
138 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
DoD 5210.42/AFMAN 13-501, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP),
19 September 2018
DoDI 1215.08, Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Programs, 19 January 2017
DoDI 1304.25, Fulfilling the Military Service Obligation (MSO), 31 October 2021
DoDI 1304.33, Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry Level
Training, 5 April 2017
DoDI 1308.03, DoD Physical Fitness/Body Composition Program, 10 March 2022
DoDI 1322.06, Fellowships, Legislative Fellowships, Internships, Scholarships, Training-With-
Industry (TWI), and Grants Provided to DoD or DoD Personnel for Education and Training,
12 October 2016
DoDI 1342.19_DAFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans, 10 March 2023
DoDI 4515.13, Air Transportation Eligibility, 22 January 2016
DoDI6000.13_DAFI41-110, Medical Health Care Professions Scholarship Programs,
23 December 2020
DoDI 6130.03V1, Medical Standards for Military Service: Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction,
6 May 2018
DoDI 1300.28, In-Service Transition for Transgender Service Members, 30 April 2021
DoDM 5200.02_AFMAN 16-1405, Air Force Personnel Security Program, 1 August 2018
VA Manual M22-4, Educational Procedures
HOLMCENTERI 36-2601, Faculty Development and Master Instructor Programs, 13 April
HOLMCENTERI 65-101, The AFROTC Cadet Payment Programs, 27 June 2012
HOLMCENTERI 91-101, Holm Center Safety Program, 5 March 2019
HOLMCENTER T-203, AFROTC Field Training (FT) Manual (FTMAN)
ALO Handbook
Education and Training Course Announcements (ETCA) Database,
HSSP Detachment Guide
Waiver Processing Guide
Tuition and Invoice Guide
Joint Federal Travel Regulations National Communication Strategy
Prescribed Forms
AFROTC Form 5, Cadet PDT Assignment Briefing Checklist
AFROTC Form 6, Professional Development Training Unit Processing Checklist
AFROTC Form 9, PDT Volunteer Statement
AFROTC Form 10, Disenrollment Action Worksheet for AFROTC Cadets
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 139
AFROTC Form 13, AFROTC Individual Assessment
AFROTC Form 14, Law Enforcement Inquiry
AFROTC Form 16, Cadet Counseling Record
AFROTC Form 17, Cadet Field Training Counseling Record
AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request
AFROTC Form 27, Field Training Performance Report
AFROTC Form 53, Cadet Assignment Preference Worksheet
AFROTC Form 63, AFROTC Enrollment/Enlistment Checklist
AFROTC Form 64, AFROTC Commissioning Checklist
AFROTC Form 82, AFROTC Cadet Sign Out/In Register
AFROTC Form 88, Extended Terms of Scholarship Entitlements Acknowledgement and
AFROTC Form 111, Student Status Statement of Understanding
AFROTC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report
AFROTC Form 402, AFROTC Distinguished Graduate Certificate
AFROTC Form 704, Academic Performance Inquiry
Adopted Forms
SF 86, Questionnaire for National Security Positions
SF 93, Report of Medical History
SF 1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other than Personal
DD Form 1AF, Certificate of Commission
DD Form 2, US Armed Forces ID Card
DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States
DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data
DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release
DD Form 785, Record of Disenrollment from Officer Candidate – Type Training
DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher
DD Form 1610, Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel
DD Form 2005, Privacy Act StatementHealth Care Records
DD Form 2807-1, Report of Medical History
DD Form 2808, Report of Medical Examination
140 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
DD Form 2842, DoD Public Key Infrastructure Subscriber Certificate of Acceptance and
Acknowledgement of Responsibilities
DD Form 2982, Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment
DD Form 2983, Recruit/Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment
AF Form 24, Application for Appointment as Reserve of the Air Force or USAF Without
AF Form 56, Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a Commission in the United
States Air Force
AF Form 133, Oath of Office (Military Personnel)
AF Form 286, Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Qualification/Certification Action
AF Form 357, Family Care Certification
AF Form 422, Notification of Air Force Member's Qualification Status
AF Form 766, Extended Active Duty Order
AF Form 833, Multimedia Work Order
DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
DAF Form 899, Request and Authorization for Permanent Change of Station – Military
DAF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract
AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award
DAF Form 1256, Certificate of Training (LRA)
AF Form 2030, USAF Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate
AF Form 3010, USAF Statement of Understanding for Dependent Care Responsibilities
DAF Form 3902, Application and Approval for Off-Duty Employment
AF Form 4060, USAFA Candidate Evaluation/AFROTC Scholarship Evaluation
AF Form 4391, High-Risk Activities Worksheet
AF Form 4392, Predeparture Safety Briefing
AETC Form 114, Indorsement for Decoration
AETC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report
AFROTC Form 8, Incident Information Report
AFROTC Form 28, Air Force ROTC Pre Participatory Sports Physical
AFJROTC Form 310, AFJROTC Certificate of Completion
I-551, Permanent Resident Card
SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card
NGB Form 22, Report of Separation and Record of Service
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 141
NGB Form 23, Retirement Points History
Abbreviations and Acronyms
A&P – Advertising and Promotion
AARAfter Action Review
AAS – Arnold Air Society
ABM Air Battle Management or Air Battle Manager
ACCT Association for Challenge Course Technology
ACT American College Test
ADSC Active Duty Service Commitment
AFFMS - Air Force Fitness Management System
AFHPSPAir Force Health Professionals Scholarship Program
AFHPS/FAP Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship/Financial Assistance Program
DAFIT – Air Force Institute of Technology
AFJROTC – Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
AFOCDAir Force Officer Classification Directory
AFOQT Air Force Officer Qualifying Test
DAFIT – Air Force Institute of Technology
AFPC Air Force Personnel Center
AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
AFRS Air Force Recruiting Service AFSC Air Force Specialty Code
AIC – Aerospace Instructor Course
ALO Admissions Liaison Officer or Accounting Liaison Office or Air Liaison Officer
APAdvanced Placement
APASAssociate Professor of Aerospace Studies
ARATC Adaptability Rating for Air Traffic Controllers
ARMS Automated ROTC Mail System
AROTC Army Reserve Officer Training Corps
AS Aerospace Studies
ASCP – Airman Scholarship Commissioning Program
ATC Air Traffic Control
BAH – Basic Allowance for Housing
BAS Basic Allowance for Subsistence
BMI – Body Mass Index
142 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
CAF – Combat Air Forces
CAP Civil Air Patrol
CCNE Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
CE – Conditional Event
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
CI – Civil Involvement
CICS Commander’s In-College Scholarship
CLEP – College Level Examination Program
CMGP Cadet Medical Processing Guide
CPAR – Cadet Personnel Action Request
CRO Combat Rescue Officer
CRR – Commander Retention Review
CRS Corneal Refractive Surgery
CS – Commander’s Scholarship
CSO Combat Systems Operator (navigator)
CTA Cadet Training Assistant
CTAS – Cadet Training Assistant Scholarship
CY Calendar Year
DAF Department of the Air Force
DAPS – Documentation Automation & Production Service
DCR – Detachment Commander Ranking
DDRP – Drug Demand and Reduction Program
DEERSDefense Eligibility and Enrollment System
DFAS – Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DG – Distinguished Graduate
DISS – Defense Information System for Security
DLI Defense Language Institute
DOB Date of Birth
DOC Date of Commissioning
DoD – Department of Defense
DoDMERB Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board
DOG Date of Graduation
DOL – Department of Labor
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 143
EA Enrollment Allocation
EAC – Engineering Accreditation Commission
EAD – Extended Active Duty
ECL – English Comprehension Level
ECP – Enlisted Commissioning Program
ENJJPT Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training
EO – Education Officer
EOT – Equal Opportunity and Treatment and End of Term
E-QIP – Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing
ESA Educational Services Agreement
ESL – English as a Second Language
FCI – Flying Class I
FCIA – Flying Class IA
FCIIU – Flying Class IIU
FCIII – Flying Class III
FSIE Freshman SelfInitiated Elimination
PFA Physical Fitness Assessment
FTField Training
FTMARS Failure to Maintain Academic Retention Standards
FTMMRS Failure to Maintain Military Retention Standards
FTPRField Training Performance Report
FTU Field Training Unit
FY – Fiscal Year
GBR – Gold Bar Diversity Recruiter
GLP Graduate Law Program
GMC General Military Course
GPA – Grade Point Average
GPC – Government-Wide Purchase Card
HBCU Historically Black Colleges and Universities
HCI – Holm Center Instruction
HF – High Flight
HPP – Health Professions Program
HSI – Hispanic Serving Institution
144 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
HSSP – High School Scholarship Program
HTN – Helicopter Training Next
IAW In Accordance With
ICSP In-College Scholarship Program
IFCInitial Flying Class
IO – Investigating Officer
IRR – Individual Ready Reserve
ISTIn Service Training
IT – Information Technology
JA – Judge Advocate
JAGJudge Advocate General
JPAS – Joint Personnel Accountability System
JQS - Job Qualification Standard
JROTC – Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp
KYLOC - Kentucky Logistics Operations Center
LAF – Line of the Air Force
LLAB – Leadership Laboratory
LASIKLaser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis
LOA Letter of Admission
MEPS Military Entrance Processing Station
MFR – Memorandum for Record
MFS Military Flight Screening
MGIB – Montgomery GI Bill
MilPDS Military Personnel Data System
MOD Missile Operations Duty
MOU – Memorandum of Understanding
MPS Military Personnel Section
MRSMedical Recheck Status
MSAMetropolitan Statistical Area
MSC Medical Service Corps
MTF Military Treatment Facility
MWRMorale, Welfare, and Recreation
NARSNon-affiliated Reserve Section
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 145
NCLEX-RN – National Council of Licensure Examination Registered Nurse
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NDAANational Defense Authorization Acts
NECP Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Program
NET No Earlier Than
NFENon-Federal Entities
NLN – National League of Nursing
NLT No Later Than
NROTC – Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps
NTP – Nurse Transition Program
O&M – Operation and Maintenance
OFC – Operations Flight Commander
OHIOther Health Insurance
OM Order of Merit
OPI Oral Proficiency Interview
OPLANOperations Plan
OPMOffice of Personnel Management
OPORD – Operations Order
OPR Office of Primary Responsibility
ORS Obligated Reserve Section
OTS – Officer Training School
OYCPOne-Year College Program
PAQ Potential ABM Qualified
PAS Professor of Aerospace Studies
PCSM – Pilot Candidate Selection Model
PCQPotentially CSO Qualified
PDT – Professional Development Training
PECD – Promotion Eligibility Cutoff Date
PEPPPhysical Exams Processing Program
PGLProgram Guidance Letter
PIF – Personnel Information File
146 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
PMS Professor of Military Science
PMT Practical Military Training
PNA – Period of Non-Attendance
PNS Professor of Naval Science
POC Professional Officer Course
POC-ERP Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program
POV Privately Owned Vehicle
PPC – Personnel Processing Code
PPQ Potential Pilot Qualified
PRK Photorefractive Keratectomy
PRP Personnel Reliability Program
PRQPotentially RPA Qualified
PSP POC Selection Program
PT – Physical Training
QAR – Quarterly Activity Report
QFR – Qualifying Fitness Review
RAT – Reading Aloud Test
RDA – Regional Director of Admissions
RMRisk Management
RN Registered Nurse
RO Recruiting Officer
ROI – Report of Investigation
ROL – Right of Line
RPARemotely Piloted Aircraft
RRR Director of Recruiting
RRU – Request for research/upgrade
RSS Relative Standing Score
RWOA – Return Without Action
SAF Secretary of the Air Force
SAP – Scholarship Actions Program
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test
SLECP – Senior Leader Enlisted Commissioning Program
SMC Senior Military College
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 147
SOAR – Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to ROTC
SOC – Source of Commission
SOD – Space Operations Duty
SOU – Statement of Understanding
SPISpecial Promotional Items
SSBI – Single Scope Background Investigation
SSN Social Security Number
STOSpecial Tactics Officer
SW – Silver Wings
SWFT – Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission
TBAS Test of Basic Aviation Skills
TCO Test Control Officer
TETest Examiner
TFOTTotal Force Officer Training
TDY Temporary Duty
UCMJ – Uniform Code of Military Justice
UPT – Undergraduate Pilot Training
USAFA United State Air Force Academy
USAFR United States Air Force Reserve
USAFSAM USAF School of Aerospace Medicine
USC – United States Code
USSFUnited States Space Force
USUHSUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
vRED – Virtual Record of Emergency Data
WINGS Web Intensive New Gain System
YR Year
Academic Major. College or university degree sought by a student.
Academic Term. A semester, trimester, quarter, or other detachment comparable of an academic
Academic Year (AY). Consists of two semesters, three quarters, or the equivalent combination of
other academic terms.
148 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Additional Terms of Entitlements. Umbrella term used to address both adjusted and extended
entitlements for cadets in SAF-approved majors authorized for 5th-year scholarship funding.
Adjusted Terms of Entitlements. Additional scholarship entitlements authorized in a SAF-
approved 5-year major for cadets who received scholarships of less than 4-years in length.
Admissions Liaison Officer (ALO). An Air Force active duty, Air Force Reserve, Air National
Guard, or retired officer who provides counseling information and guidance to high school
students, civilian educators, and other civilians concerning the USAFA admissions, AFROTC
programs and other Air Force enlistment and commissioning programs. The ALO program is
administered and managed by the USAFA Director of Admissions in coordination with AFROTC.
All Regional Directors of Admissions (RDA) are trained as ALOs and recruit for the USAFA and
Advanced Enrollment Allocation (AEA). AEAs are awarded to an applicant whose date of
commission (DOC) normally falls three years after the current FY (normally applicants enrolled
in five-year majors). Individuals are awarded an Officer Candidate category (or Nurse candidate
if applicable).
Advertising and Promotion (A&P). A national or local effort to convince students to enroll in
AFROTC and inform student influencers about AFROTC programs by means of public service
announcements, presentations before interested groups, and participation in various civic
functions. Various print or audio-visual media are provided for recruiting personnel through HQ
AFROTC/RRR, Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS), RDAs and host institutions. Serves as
recruiting team director for one of the four AFROTC regional recruiting teams located at AFROTC
Recruiting Branch (HQ AFROTC/RRR). Responsible for directing recruiting activities with
prospective AFROTC cadets. Establishes and conducts recruiting operations at college fairs and
other required recruiting events. Maintains on-going relations with host universities or
geographically separated units. RDAs located at eight field locations serve as regional recruiting
team members with additional duties as required.
Aerospace Studies (AS). The official designation of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
(AFROTC) program of instruction.
AFROTC Graduate. A contract cadet who successfully completes the academic and military
requirements of the AFROTC Professional Officer Course, including prescribed FT, and is
awarded at least a baccalaureate degree.
Airman Scholarship Commissioning Program (ASCP). A program that awards AFROTC
scholarships to Airmen on active duty and provides for their discharge from active duty to enter
the AFROTC program under scholarship.
ALOweb. Website maintained by the Air Force Academy to submit USAFA and AFROTC
applicant interview comments.
Applicant. An individual who makes written application for membership in the General Military
Course (GMC), Professional Officer Course (POC), College Scholarship Program (CSP), or High
School Scholarship Program (HSSP). A non-U.S. or dual citizen with intent to commission is an
AS100 Cadets. Contract (scholarship) or non-contract (non-scholarship) applicants or cadets
enrolled in the first (freshman) AS course and LLAB. They remain AS100 applicants or cadets
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 149
until disenrolled (contract only), dismissed from LLAB, dropped (non-contract), or entered into
the AS200 course.
AS200 Cadets. Contract (scholarship) or non-contract (non-scholarship) cadets in the second
(sophomore) aerospace studies course and LLAB. They remain AS200 cadets until disenrolled
(contract only), dismissed from LLAB, dropped (non-contract), or entered into the POC.
AS250 Cadets. Contract (scholarship) or non-contract (non-scholarship) cadets dual-enrolled in
the first (freshman) and second (sophomore) AS, simultaneously. These cadets must meet ALL
LLAB objectives for both courses. When determining overall cadet enrollment in the corps, count
dual enrolled GMC cadets (AS250) as AS200 cadets. A cadet remains an AS250 until disenrolled
(contract only), dismissed from LLAB, discontinued from both AS classes (non- contract only),
discontinued from one of the classes and no longer dual-enrolled in the GMC (contract and non-
contract), or entered into the POC.
AS300 Cadets. Scholarship or non-scholarship cadets on contract or in pursuing status with
AFROTC who are enrolled as a member of the first year of the POC and are attending the third
(junior) year of AS courses and are participating in LLAB. They remain AS300 cadets until
disenrolled (contract only), dismissed (pursuing only), or entered into the AS400 class.
AS400 Cadets. Scholarship or non-scholarship cadets on contract with AFROTC who are enrolled
as a member of the second year of the POC and are attending the fourth (senior) year of the AS
courses and are participating in LLAB. They remain AS400 cadets until disenrolled,
commissioned, or entered into extended cadet status.
AS500 Cadets. Cadets who have either completed the GMC and did not compete successfully for
a POC allocation the previous year or are preparing for membership in the POC. They may also
be cadets who did not successfully complete FT and are awaiting disenrollment (scholarship
cadets) and/or awaiting to compete for an enrollment allocation for the POC. These cadets will
participate in LLAB only. They remain AS500 cadets until dropped, disenrolled, or entered into
the POC. AS500 cadets are eligible for scholarship nomination and award; however, scholarship
entitlements cannot be activated until entering the POC.
AS700 Cadets. Non-scholarship contract cadet who has completed all AS and LLAB requirements
but has not graduated. AS700 cadets are authorized up to 900 days of stipend if in a SAF-approved
5-year major.
AS800 Cadets. Contract cadet who has completed all AS and LLAB requirements but has not
graduated and is still receiving additional scholarship entitlements.
AS900 Cadets. Cadets who have completed all AFROTC and graduation requirements and are
awaiting commissioning due to a delay. They do not need to participate in AFROTC classes or
LLAB but must meet all pre-commissioning requirements on-time.
Cadet. Cadets are students who have intent to commission and are enrolled in the AFROTC
Calendar Year. One full calendar year, regardless of the month in which counting begins. Any
portion of a month counts as the entire month. (e.g., September August, December – November,
July – June).
Category. A classification used to identify applicants and cadets with a potential career area
utilization as determined by Air Force requirements, the individual's qualifications, and personal
150 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
desires. The contract categories used in AFROTC are: O(N) (officer candidate, non-tech major);
O(T) (officer candidate, tech major); P (Pilot); N (CSO); Q (nurse); R (Pre-Health); J (physical
therapy); U (pharmacy); H (physician assistant; T (occupational therapy); L (lawyer); and A (Air
Battle Manager).
Commander’s Scholarship (CS). Scholarship offered by Det/CC to exceptional high school
applicants or GMC cadets.
Completed Cadets. Contract cadets who have successfully completed all AS and LLAB training
requirements, including FT, and all institutional degree requirements. They are simply awaiting
commissioning. Completed cadets may continue to attend and actively participate in LLAB at the
discretion of the OFC. They remain completed cadets until disenrolled or commissioned.
Completed Status. A classification used to identify cadets who have completed all AS course
requirements and have not yet earned an EA (GMC).
Concurrent Enrollment. Simultaneous enrollment in two courses of the GMC or POC. (NOTE:
Concurrent enrollment in a GMC and a POC is not authorized.)
Conditional Event. A cadet failing to maintain academic or military retention standards.
Consortium Arrangement. An agreement which two or more colleges or universities make for
their mutual benefit to permit cross-enrollment of their students. AFROTC, as a department of a
consortium school, shares as a beneficiary of the consortium agreement and can enroll students
from any consortium non-host institution without a cross-town agreement provided the non-host
institution is an accredited baccalaureate degree-granting or 2-year non-baccalaureate degree-
granting institution. The non-host institution agrees to grant appropriate academic credit applicable
toward graduation for the successful completion of courses offered by the Department of
Aerospace Studies.
Contact. An individual who has requested information about AFROTC or USAFA.
Contract Cadet. An AFROTC cadet who has executed a DAF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve
Officer Training Corps Contract, enlisted in the United States Air Force Reserve [Obligated
Reserve Section (ORS)] under the provisions of Title 10 U.S.C. 2104 or 2107, and is a member of
the POC or on scholarship.
Cross-town Agreement. An agreement between AFROTC, a host institution, and a non-host
institution that either is accredited and grants bachelor’s degrees or is a 2-year institution not
authorized to grant bachelor’s degrees. The agreement permits students from the non-host
institution to enroll in the AFROTC program conducted by the host institution.
Designation. A term used in conjunction with non-line officer accessions indicating a cadet is “on-
track” for categorization in their particular specialty.
Det Drop. Non-contracted cadets who are removed from the AFROTC program by the Det/CC.
Detachment Commander’s Ranking (DCR). For PSP, the DCR is the numerical ranking given
by the Det/CC reflecting an applicant’s standing among all cadets in their peer group from the
same detachment. For rated categorization, it is the applicant’s standing among all cadets in their
commissioning fiscal year group from the same detachment.
Detachment Recruiting Objectives. Targets are established each year and forwarded to
detachments. These targets are based on past officer production and the available market.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 151
Detachment Recruiting Plan. A document prepared by each RO to guide annual recruiting and
retention activities.
Disenrollment. The elimination of a contract GMC or POC cadet from program membership.
Distinguished Graduate (DG). A cadet recognized as having graduated in the top 10 percent of
his AFROTC fiscal year group commissioning class.
Early Release Program (ERP). The POC-ERP program awards AFROTC allocations to Airmen
on active duty and provides for their discharge from active duty to enter the AFROTC POC
Education Officer (EO). An officer at an AFROTC detachment assigned specific responsibility
for all aspects of education and curriculum.
Educational Services Agreement (ESA). Outlines responsibilities and procedures between
AFROTC and the University Services and payment of tuition and fees. Each agreement is given a
number used for accounting allowance.
Enrollment. Individuals who apply for membership in the AFROTC program and have intent to
commission. Enrollment is completed upon the completion of the application paperwork.
Enrollment Allocation (EA). Provides authorization to enter the POC. Individuals are awarded
an Officer Candidate category.
Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT). A joint Pilot training program with NATO
allied nations held at Sheppard AFB TX. After completion of ENJJPT, most Pilots will normally
receive a fighter or bomber assignment.
Express Scholarship (EXSP). Streamlined scholarship application with quick approval for hard-
to-fill Air Force officer accession requirements. Typically tied to specific Fiscal Year.
Extended Cadets. Contract cadets who have successfully completed all AS and LLAB
requirements and FT, but who have not completed institutional degree requirements. Extended
cadets must continue to attend and actively participate in LLAB. They remain in extended status
until disenrolled or commissioned. Extended cadets must continue to meet all retention standards
to include PFA, height, weight, and academic.
Extended Terms of Entitlements. Additional scholarship entitlements authorized in a SAF-
approved 5-year major for cadets who received 4-year or 3.5-year scholarship offers.
Fiscal Year (FY). Government accounting year starting three months ahead of the calendar year.
Defined as the period from 1 October through 30 September. For example, FY 06 is 1 October
2005 through 30 September 2006.
Four-Year Program. The GMC and POC. Includes 4 years of AS classroom instruction, (attended
or accredited), LLAB, and a standard FT encampment. Cadets in the AFROTC program for more
than POC, for example, 3 years, are considered in the four-year program.
Full-Time Student. An individual enrolled in authorized courses and taking at least the minimum
number of credit hours specified in the institutional catalog for designation as a full- time student.
If the institution does not specify minimum criterion, the student will enroll in a least the minimum
number of credit hours specified by AFROTC. Courses enrolled in, then withdrawn from,
152 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
audited, or otherwise not completed, do not count toward meeting the full-time requirement
in any given semester, regardless of university policy.
General Military Course (GMC). The first and second years of the 4-year program consisting of
AS100, AS200, AS250, and AS500.
Good Academic Standing. Academic performance that meets or exceeds the minimum guidelines
of the host or attending institution for good academic standing. Grade requirements are published
in the catalog or other official school publication or document. The individual’s academic record
must not indicate academic deficiency (probation, warning, etc.) as determined by the host
Guest Instructor. Someone who leads the class in place of instructor. Anyone who presents with
the instructor present, is not an instructor but a briefer.
Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Scholarship Program. Program designed to support HSIs
by providing broad scholarship opportunities at these schools.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Scholarship Program. Program
designed to support HBCUs by providing broad scholarship opportunities at these schools.
High School Scholarship Program (HSSP). Scholarship program for students to obtain
AFROTC scholarships while still in high school. Also used to refer to an offer from this program
such as “4-Year HSSP.
HSSP Freshman Review Statement of Understanding. Statement outlining retention standards
required for freshman HSSP cadets to retain an active scholarship or pending scholarship offer
past the end of the freshman academic year.
Involvement. Any offense, violation of law or ordinance, or any other incident causing adverse
involvement or contact with civil, military, or school authorities as an adult or juvenile is an
involvement for AFROTC purposes and must be reported in WINGS.
Leadership Laboratory (LLAB). Non-academic portion of the AFROTC program conducted
during the normal academic year.
Line. The category used to identify all applicants except Q (nurse); R (Pre-Health); D (dental); J
(physical therapy); U (pharmacy); H (physician assistant); T (occupational therapy).
Nonattendance. A period (other than an institutional vacation period) in which a contract cadet
not in completed/extended status is excused from attending AS courses and LLAB.
Non-line. A category used to identify applicants competing for a career in Pre-Health, Dentistry
and nursing. For example: R (Pre-Health); D (dental); Q (nurse). Other categories include; but 22
are not selected by HQ AFROTC are: J (physical therapy); U (pharmacy); H (physician assistant);
and T (occupational therapy).
Non-US Citizen Student. A foreign national eligible to participate in the AFROTC program under
the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 2103(b). Cadets from American Samoa are considered US Nationals
but are not US Citizens without naturalization.
Obligated Reserve Section (ORS). The reserve element in which AFROTC cadets are assigned.
Offer. Conditional scholarship award tendered to a student that may be accepted or turned down.
All conditions must be met before an offer can be activated.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 153
Officer Candidate. The line category awarded during the PSP process.
Officer Training Corps Contract. Enlisted in the ORS under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 2104
or 2107 and is a member of the POC or on scholarship.
One-Year College Program (OYCP). Program used to meet commissioning requirements in
about one year and under special circumstances.
Operations Flight Commander (OFC). An officer at an AFROTC detachment assigned specific
responsibility for all aspects of training and LLAB activities.
Order of Merit (OM). The national ranking by which applicants compete for an enrollment
allocation and rated categorization.
Out-of-Cycle EA (OCEA). An enrollment allocation that is awarded at other than the scheduled
PSP Board.
Participating Students. Those who are registered in AS courses but do not seek a commission.
Pecuniary Liability. Term used to define what portion of a cadet’s tuition and fees the government
is obligated to pay.
Period of Non-Attendance (PNA). A period of absence by a cadet from AFROTC, the university,
or both.
Pilot Candidate Selection Model (PCSM). The PCSM is used for categorization processing for
a Pilot slot. The PCSM score is comprised of three factors: the Test of Basic Aviation Skills
(TBAS), the AFOQT-P, and flying hours.
Practical Military Training (PMT). PMT for AFROTC includes LLAB, PT, FT and Professional
Development Training (PDT). PMT is AFROTC-sponsored training that is uniquely military and
meets the requirements in Title 10 U.S.C. 2109, Practical Military Training.
POC Selection Process (PSP). Board process whereby cadets are selected for an enrollment
allocation (slot in a commissioning class).
Professional Officer Course (POC). Normally, the third and fourth years of the 4-year program
or the first and second years of the 2-year program consisting of AS300 and AS400 courses as
prescribed under 10 U.S.C. 2104.
Pursuing Status. Identifies any applicant who has an EA, has attended FT, or has had FT deferred,
and is temporarily ineligible to enlist or does not wish to enlist, as a result of a condition that is
expected to be corrected within one academic term.
Recruiting Officer (RO). An officer at an AFROTC detachment assigned specific responsibility
for directing local and on-campus recruiting activities.
Recruiting Market. Categories of qualified students who are potential candidates for AFROTC
enrollment. The market includes high school and college students, and enlisted members who want
to attend college and receive an Air Force commission.
Regional Director of Admissions (RDA). An active duty Air Force officer who conducts a
coordinated regional recruiting program under the supervision of HQ AFROTC/RRR. This officer
is responsible for a specific geographical region and serves to expand recruiting contacts beyond
the capabilities of detachment personnel. This officer is responsible for all recruiting activities
including those of RO in the prescribed recruiting area.
154 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Relative Standing Score (RSS). A value calculated by comparing the DCR to the class size.
Scholarship. Financial grant offered to a student under provisions of 10 U.S.C. 2107 and this
Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to ROTC (SOAR). A program that allows MAJCOM,
FOA, and DRU commanders to select or nominate active duty Airmen for AFROTC scholarships
and provides for their discharge from active duty to enter the AFROTC program under scholarship.
Selectee. Student or cadet with a scholarship offer that has not yet been activated.
Substandard Performance. Performance below established AFROTC standards in the areas of
academic or military retention.
Summer or Mini Session. One or more of the non-standard terms offered by a school. These
terms are usually shorter than the regular terms and are usually not required terms of attendance.
Suspension. Term used in conjunction with scholarship administration meaning a cadet receives
no scholarship funding (tuition and fee payments) for a term.
Temporary Inactivation. Term used in conjunction with scholarship administration meaning a
“hold” has been placed on the scholarship. Payment of tuition and fees may or may not be resumed.
Term Abroad. Overseas study opportunity for students offered by many schools with credit
applicable at the host school toward the student’s degree.
Termination. Term used in conjunction with scholarship administration meaning the scholarship,
and entitlements under that scholarship, are at an end.
Test of Basic Aviation Skills. A test to measure a Pilot applicant’s eye-hand coordination.
Transcript. A school-prepared cumulative record of an individual's academic performance.
Two-Year Program. A program consisting of an extended encampment, the POC, and LLAB.
University List. This roster contains data on HSSP applicants who have consented to the release
of their Privacy Act Information to the university.
Unit Personnel Record Group. A folder created on cadets that is used to maintain cadet
WINGS. Web-based database used to track all cadet actions.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 155
Attachment 2
Figure A2.1. Scholarship Program Statement of Understanding.
FOUR-YEAR SCHOLARSHIP SELECTEES (4YR HSSP). I understand I must be enrolled as a full-
time student each term. I understand I must be enrolled and participating in the AFROTC course and
Leadership Laboratory each term. I understand that I must pass the PFA prior to 31 December of my
freshman year or my scholarship will be suspended. If I fail to pass the PFA during the subsequent term, I
understand that my scholarship will be terminated. I understand I must achieve a Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA) of 2.5 or higher while I am contracted. If I do not, my scholarship eligibility may be
impacted, suspended, or terminated. If I am disenrolled from AFROTC as an AS100 cadet, I will not be
subject to recoupment of scholarship funding or call to active duty. I have been counseled by an AFROTC
representative on the scholarship activation and retention standards prescribed in AFROTC instructions and
I understand the activation and retention standards. Even if I achieve GPA standards but my Det/CC does
not feel my performance warrants scholarship retention, I understand my scholarship can be suspended or
terminated immediately. In such case, I may, at the discretion of my Det/CC, continue in AFROTC on a
non-scholarship basis.
THREE-YEAR SELECTEES (3YR HSSP). I understand that I must be enrolled as a full-time student
each term, including the entire freshman year at the school where I will activate my scholarship. I
understand I must be enrolled in and participating in AFROTC classes and Leadership Laboratory each
term. I understand that I must have a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) of 2.5 during the spring term of
my freshman year and have a CGPA of 2.5 or higher by the end of my freshman year to activate my
scholarship in the fall of my sophomore year. I understand that once the scholarship is activated, I must be
enrolled as a full-time student each term and be enrolled and participating in AFROTC courses and
Leadership Laboratory each term. I also understand that I must achieve a TGPA of 2.5 or higher during all
terms while I am contracted. I have been counseled by an AFROTC representative on the scholarship
activation and fitness and retention standards prescribed in AFROTC instructions. I understand the
activation and retention standards and that I must pass the PFA NLT the Fall term of my AS200 year to
keep my scholarship, but I must have a passing PFA before my scholarship can be activated. If I fail to
meet any of these standards, my scholarship offer will be withdrawn. In such case, even if I achieve these
standards and my Det/CC does not feel my performance warrants scholarship retention, I understand my
scholarship offer can be withdrawn immediately.
ALL SCHOLARSHIP SELECTEES. I understand that being a scholarship cadet does not guarantee me
a POC enrollment allocation. I understand that failure to compete favorably for an enrollment allocation
will result in loss of scholarship, disenrollment from AFROTC, and potential recoupment of scholarship
funds. This does not apply to 1-2-year scholarship winners.
Cadet Signature / Date Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
(Only for Applicants under Minimum Enlistment Age)
Printed Name Witness / Date Witness Signature
156 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 3
Table A3.1. Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)-Approved 5-Year Majors.
Engineering Science
Administration **
Computer Science
Management **
Engineering Physics
Materials Science and
Engineering Ceramic
Academic majors not listed do not qualify for additional terms of
** To qualify for additional terms of entitlements, cadets in these majors must have
also completed the following courses: Calculus I & II (or a math minor), Statistics
I, and Operations Research/Management Sc
ience. The Calculus and Statistics
courses must come from the school’s Mathematics (or equivalent) Department (not
Business, Social Sciences, etc.). These courses are required by SAF and are non
waivable. Must be concurrent degree programs (simultaneous award of Bachelor and
Master’s degree in same subject).
Degrees must be Bachelor of Science degrees. (Example: Switching from a
B.S. in Mathematics to a B.A. in Mathematics will lead to a loss of scholarship.)
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 157
Attachment 4
Figure A4.1. Drug Demand Reduction Program MOU.
By direction of the Secretary of the Air Force, I understand as an Air Force ROTC cadet
participating in a SROTC program, I will be subject to random urinalysis drug testing. I
understand that if I am randomly selected, I must provide the requested sample within the
specified time limits. I understand failure to report for a mandatory urinalysis test will be
considered an Unauthorized Absence (UA) and will result in individual command-directed
screening. I understand that any individual refusing to submit a urinalysis sample or testing
positive on a urinalysis test will be processed for disenrollment or dismissal from Air Force
ROTC or specific officer commissioning program.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Cadet Signature and Date Parent/Guardian Signature and Date
(Only for applicants under legal age of
majority. Must be notarized if not signed in
presence of detachment personnel)
Printed Name and Signature Witness (or Notary) and Date
158 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 5
Table A5.1. DAF Form 1056 – Instructions.
STUDENT'S NAME: Enter cadet’s last name, first name and middle initial (or NMI,
if none).
NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSTITUTION: Enter the school name and address
of the Host University.
DATE OF BIRTH: Enter cadet’s date of birth (DDMMMYYYY).
clear text academic major that the cadet will/has complete(d) a bachelor’s degree.
If the cadet will pursue a graduate degree or second bachelor’s degree, and will
complete it prior to commissioning, enter that degree at the cadet’s request. Use the
LOA Roster (HSSP only), and WINGS to verify.
fiscal year, e.g., 2017, 2018, etc., the commission is to be administered based on
completion of a bachelor’s degree and all AFROTC training requirements; i.e., FT
and all required AFROTC course work. Use WINGS to verify.
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: "X" if cadet is activating an AFROTC
scholarship (any type, including incentives).
PROFESSIONAL OFFICER COURSE (POC): "X" if cadet is entering the POC.
TYPE OF SCHOLARSHIP: Enter the type, as applicable, of scholarship being
Activated; e.g., Type 1, Type 2, Type 7, etc., or Not Applicable.
NOTE: "X" both SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM and POC blocks if cadet is activating a
scholarship and entering the POC concurrently.
LENGTH OF SCHOLARSHIP: Enter either number of years, semesters or
quarters (e.g., 2 years, 4 semesters, or 8 quarters) or Not Applicable. Do not include
extended (AS800) entitlements.
type of enlisted commissioning program through which the cadet entered AFROTC;
e.g., POC-ERP, SOAR, ASCP, etc., or Not Applicable.
TYPE OF COMMISSION: Follow the instructions on page 1 of DAF Form 1056.
CATEGORY: Follow the instructions on page 1 of DAF Form 1056.
ENLISTMENT PAY GRADE/RANK: Enter appropriate pay grade/rank according
to DAFMAN 36-2032, Table 3.1
NAME ON THE LINE FOLLOWING: This agreement is entered into between the
Department of the Air Force and…
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 159
In paragraph 4 enter the type of scholarship or incentive; e.g., Type 1, Type 2, Type
7, etc., which is being activated or Not Applicable.
DATE: Enter the date the form is signed (DDMMMYYYY).
SIGNATURE/SSN. Enter the Social Security Number. Cadets must sign their
name as printed on the contract.
SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES: Two adults, not related to the cadet, must
witness the cadet's signature. If a notary public signs, only their signature is required
COMPLETE Parent/legal guardian consent if applicable. (If applicable, the cadet
and parent/legal guardian are authorized to sign the contract prior to the day of
Complete date block (DDMMMYYYY), name block and obtain the detachment
officer representative's signature (Det/CC or other officer cadre member) the day
of, but prior to enlistment. The detachment officer representative cannot also sign as
a witness.
COMPLETE the change blocks as appropriate, filling in the data change FROM
blocks and the data change TO blocks.
DATE: Enter date the cadet and the Det/CC signs the Changes Page
PRINT NAME OF STUDENT: Enter the cadet’s name as printed on the Page 1.
PRINTED NAME OF DET/CC: Enter Det/CCs name, rank and USAF.
SSN: Enter the cadet’s Social Security Number.
DUTY TITLE: Enter the Det/CC’s duty title.
SIGNATURE OF STUDENT: Cadet must sign their name as printed on the
SUCCESSIVELY enter the “Changes Page” starting with Attachment 1.
160 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Table A5.2. DAF Form 1056 Change Pages.
If the change
is between any category
Prepare a DAF
Form 1056
“Changes Page”.
Obtain consent of parent or
guardian if member is considered
to be a minor by the state at the
time the D AF Form 1056
“Changes Page” is signed. Type
the parent/legal guardian’s
statement from page 5 in the
block on the bottom of the
“Changes Page” and obtain
parent or legal guardian’s
is from non-scholarship to
is from scholarship to
is anything not covered in
rules 1 through 3 above
NOTE: (applies to all rules above):
1. If using AF Form 1056,
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)
Contract, dated 1 Aug 06, and need to make any change, re-accomplish the DAF Form
1056 using the most recent version of the form. After the personal data area and below the
first paragraph under the heading “IMPORTANT,” include the statement: “This contract
supersedes AF Form 1056 signed date”.
2. Counsel cadet when activating or terminating a scholarship.
3. Successively number and attach all (D)AF Form 1056 “Changes Pages” to the DAF
Form 1056.
4. Attach a copy of the previous versions AF Form 1056 to the new DAF Form 1056
(including addendums) if the form is re-accomplished on a newer version form.
5. Changes Page: Refusal to sign Changes Pagedoes not relieve the cadet from the
terms of the contract. If the cadet refuses to sign the Changes Page,” the Det/CC makes
the change, (and contacts AFROTC/RRFA or Holm Center/JA) and attaches an
appropriate explanation as to why the changes were required and an indication that the
cadet refused to sign the changes.
6. Category Changes: The contract must be changed to reflect awarded category within
10 workdays/schooldays of cadet’s notification. Individuals failing to sign appropriate
change may lose awarded category and automatically revert to previous category, if still
qualified. Counsel cadet and notify AFROTC/RRFA immediately.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 161
Attachment 6
Figure A6.1. Non-Line Position Consideration Memorandum.
FROM: Cadet Terry L. Harris
SUBJECT: Non-line Position Consideration
1. I wish to compete for non-line in the [type] category. [Enter Pre-Health, or Dental; enter only
one category].
2. I understand that receiving a non-line enrollment allocation does not guarantee that I will be
selected to medical or dental school. If I am not selected for medical or dental school, there is no
guarantee that I will be continued in the AFROTC program and allowed to commission. My
ability to remain in the program and commission will be contingent on the needs of the AF and
the availability of a new enrollment allocation based on my academic major.
3. I understand that if I am selected for any of these programs, I am ineligible to apply for an
educational delay.
Terry L. Harris
162 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 7
Figure A7.1. Degree Certification Letter.
[Host University Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
SUBJECT: Request for Confirmation of Degree Completion
1. Cadet [name, student number], is a student at your university pursuing a [type of degree and
major]. He/She is tentatively scheduled to commission into the United States Air Force on [date
of commission] through the Air Force ROTC program. Before we can offer Cadet [name] a
commission, we must have confirmation from his/her university that all requirements for
completion of his/her degree have been met. If Cadet [name] has met all degree completion
requirements, please complete the 1st Indorsement below by signing and affixing your
Registrar’s Seal and return this memorandum to me at the address above. If Cadet [name] has
not met all degree completion requirements, please DO NOT complete the 1st Indorsement
below. Instead, please return this memorandum to me at the address above and include a letter
stating which requirements have not been met.
2. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [999-9999].
1st Ind, Registrar, Skidmore College, Date: _________
Cadet [name, student number] has satisfactorily met all requirements for degree completion.
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 163
Attachment 8
(DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions)
Figure A8.1. Security Clearance Statement of Understanding.
“I, (Full Name), understand that my appointment as a commissioned officer in the United States
Air Force is being accomplished prior to completion of the required National Agency Check.
I further understand that if, as a result of completion of the post commissioning investigation
process, I am determined ineligible or unqualified for original appointment as an Air Force
commissioned officer under the laws and instructions applicable on the date of accelerated
appointment, or the laws and instructions applicable on the date the investigation is finally
reviewed by the Air Force, or if the investigation discovers information which, if known, could
have permissively prevented tender of commission, I will be subject to discharge.”
_________________________________ _____________________________
Cadet’s Printed Name/Date Cadet’s Signature
_________________________________ _____________________________
Witness’ Printed Name/Date Witness’ Signature
164 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 9
(NOTE: Scan forms and email to AFPC Workflow (AFPC.DP2NN.WO[email protected]il)
inbox as completed. Do not commission member prior to approval from AFPC.)
Table A9.1. AFROTC Cadet Nursing SLECP/NECP Commissioning Process.
Nursing track: Medical/Surgical or Obstetrics (coordinate with this office)
NCLEX exam: Date/State for which taking the test is to be provided to this office as
soon as it has been scheduled.
Online Verification: After student has completed the NCLEX, please notify this office.
AFPC will verify RN license number is available. This process can take up to 5 business
Statement of understanding for COT (SLECP only)
If spouse is AD, copy of orders (AF only supports join spouse within DoD)
DAF 1056 (AFROTC Cadets Only)
Commissioning Physical: SLECP/NECP can use the AF Form 422. The exam must be
less than 2 years old prior to EAD. AFROTC cadets may use DD Form 2808/2807 with
all 8 pages sent or DD Form 2492, DoDMERB Report of Medical History, or DD Form
2351, DoDMERB Report of Medical Examination.
AF Form 24 (Pages 1 5) NOTE: page 4, question 2 needs to be initialed by nursing
candidates in all statements.
Commissioning Fact Sheet (Accessions will only be reimbursed for travel from the
address listed on the AF Form 766 (EAD orders), Active Duty Order Block 1. Accessions
can only ship household goods from the two addresses listed on the AF Form 766, Block
1 and/or Block 5, Home of Record
Official transcripts with GPA or completion letter from school with date Bachelor in
Science of Nursing degree conferred.
DD Form 4 (SLECP only)
AF Form 1466 is needed for each family member if going overseas
Did the member marry after graduation AND change their last name? Marriage
certificate ONLY if they changed their last name.
AF Form 133 (Oath of office) (category is NC and Reserve is type of commission, Appt
as Reserve of the AF (date is to be the first day of the month of commissioning)
Note: The Oath of Office cannot be dated before the member has successfully passed the
NCLEX (nursing exam).
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 165
Attachment 10
Figure A10.1. Memorandum of Appointment.
(1st day of month of commissioning)
FROM: AFROTC Detachment 215/CC "full address not required if in the letterhead"
814 E. Third Street
Bloomington IN 47405-5701
SUBJECT: Appointment as a Reserve of the Air Force
1. By authority of the Secretary of the Air Force, the Commander AFROTC, has directed me
to inform you, by direction of the President, you are tendered an indefinite term appointment
as a Reserve of the Air Force in the grade shown above. Appointment is effective on date of
2. Execution of the accompanying Oath of Office constitutes acceptance of your appointment;
no other evidence is required. You are requested to do this at once. If you do not accept this
Tender of Appointment within the month in which this memorandum is dated, it is canceled
and must be returned with an explanation immediately.
3. You will not perform the duties of an officer under this appointment until specifically ordered.
4. Authority for this appointment is 10 U.S.C., Section 2106.
* NOTE: If Nurse commissionee (Category Q), enter “(NC)”
166 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 11
Figure A11.1. Commissioning Reserve Appointment Order.
(Unit Heading)
RESERVE ORDER (Date same day as commissioning oath)
YOUR TOWN, AL 36113-6106
1. By direction of the President, the Air Force appoints JOHN ERIC DOLE, XXX-XX-XXXX, as a
Reserve of the Air Force in the grade of 2d Lt.
a. Date of Birth: 21 Jun 90
b. Permanent Residence: (Same as above, unless otherwise indicated)
c. Primary AFSC: 36P1 (obtain from assignment notification)
d. Date of Appointment: 19 May 18 (same as DOC)
e. Date of enlistment in Air Force Reserve (ORS): 21 Aug 14
2. Member is assigned to ARPC* effective 19 May 18; TYSD: 19 May 18; PDS: 19 May 18;
TFCSD: 19 May 18**. Source of Commission: ROTC Code S***. Authority: DAFMAN 36-2032.
3. Member is relieved from assignment to ARPC (ORS) and Honorably Discharged from USAFR enlisted
status, enlisted grade E-1, effective the day proceeding acceptance of commission. Authority: DAFI
(commander’s signature element)
1 – Individual
* - All commissionees will be assigned to ARPC until they enter EAD
** - Effective date, TYSD, PDS, and TFCSD will be the same as the date of commission
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 167
Attachment 12
A12.1. Eligibility. Currently, under Title 38, United States Code, Section 3011(c)(3)(B), Air
Force ROTC cadets who commission and enter active duty after 1 Oct 96 are eligible to participate
in the MGIB if they received $3,400 or less in tuition, fees, and books during any year of
eligibility. The eligibility window for MGIB starts the day the cadet contracts and ends upon
commissioning. For the purpose of administering this program, a “year of eligibility” is defined
as an academic year (Fall semester/term through the following Fall semester/term), in
which the cadet received or was supposed to have received scholarship funding.
Table A12.1. Cadets eligible for the Montgomery GI Bill use one the following codes.
(See Notes)
If the cadet is a:
SOC Code
Distinguished Graduate, 4-year institution
Non-Distinguished Graduate, 4-year institution
Distinguished Graduate, 2-year institution
Non-Distinguished Graduate, 2-year institution
Table A12.2. Cadets ineligible for the Montgomery GI Bill use one the following codes.
(See Notes)
If the cadet is a:
SOC Code
Distinguished Graduate, 4-year institution
Non-Distinguished Graduate, 4-year institution
Distinguished Graduate, 2-year institution
Non-Distinguished Graduate, 2-year institution
Figure A12.1. MGIB Eligibility Decision.
Question 1: Did the cadet receive any AFROTC scholarship monies (scholarship or incentive)?
If no, STOP HERE…cadet is eligible for the MGIB.
If yes, go to Question 2.
Question 2: Did the cadet receive more than $3,400 in scholarship funds (including tuition,
fees, and books) during EVERY academic year the cadet was on scholarship?
If yes, STOP HERE…cadet is NOT ELIGIBLE for the MGIB.
If no, STOP HERE…cadet is ELIGIBLE for the MGIB.
NOTE 1: In accordance with VA Manual, 22-4, Part V, paragraph 1.17g(1), an individual who declines
the scholarship during the last semester in AFROTC and receives $3,400 or less in total scholarship
assistance during the final year of eligibility in AFROTC remains eligible for MGIB. In addition, for
cadets whose tuition, fees, and books exceed $3,400 in a year of eligibility, AFROTC can pay (tuition,
fees, and books) a maximum of $3,400 during any year of eligibility and the cadet must pay the difference
above $3,400 to remain eligible for the MGIB. Cadets whose scholarships are suspended or terminated
(e.g., poor grades, etc.) and receive $3,400 or less during that academic year are eligible for the MGIB.
NOTE 2: Prior service members who previously established an MGIB entitlement (i.e., accepted the
program and served 30 months on active duty prior to entering AFROTC) retain their MGIB even if they
are receiving an Air Force ROTC scholarship.
168 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 13
Figure A13.1. Commissioning Memorandum of Instruction.
FROM: AFROTC Detachment 999/CC "full address not required if in the letterhead"
?????? University
123 4
Mytown NY 01010-000
SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction
1. On behalf of the detachment staff, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your
appointment as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force and wish you success in your
2. Although you are assigned to Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) in Denver,
Colorado, Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) maintains your records. If you have
questions concerning your assignment or if any changes occur in your status (for example, serious
civil involvements [e.g., felony charge], or a potentially disqualifying physical condition), you must
contact AFPC immediately at:
550 C Street West, Suite 10
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4712
Toll Free 1-800-531-5507
Nurse, Pre-HPP, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy and all other BSC/MSC commissionees contact:
AFPC/DP2ND Medical Service Corps (AFSC 41AX) (210) 565-0675
AFPC/DP2NN Nurse Corps (AFSC 46XX) (210) 565-0690/0676
AFPC/DP2NP General Medical Education (Med Pre-Health) (210) 565-0656/0655
AFPC/DP2NW Biomedical Sciences Corps (AFSC 42XX/43XX) (210)-565-0696/0681
550 C Street West Suite 27
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4729
3. Pending actual receipt of your extended active duty (EAD) orders, we advise that you not make
any major personal decisions such as terminating employment or canceling a lease. Do not report to
your assigned duty location until the dates specified in your orders. You are also cautioned not to
begin travel until the effective travel date specified in your orders. To do so will subject you to
forfeiture of travel pay. Use the sponsorship program to resolve relocation problems and to preclude
early reporting for personal reasons. Until you begin your official EAD travel, you are a
commissioned member of the Inactive Reserve, and therefore, not eligible for commissary privileges
for yourself or your dependents.
4. To bridge the gap between commissioning and entry into active duty, you are entitled to active
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 169
duty medical benefits (only if you do not have other medical coverage). This benefit only applies to
you--not your dependents. Additionally, you will forfeit the benefit if you subsequently acquire
medical insurance (through parent, spouse or self-purchase.) Benefits will not start again until you
begin extended active duty. If you require medical care, seek care at the nearest Military Treatment
Facility (MTF). If you are not near an MTF, contact either the TRICARE office at the nearest MTF
or the Defense Health Agency (DHA). Additional instructions may also be found on the DHA
website at If you need emergency (threat to
life, limb, or eyesight) care, you should maintain receipts for any medical care costs incurred outside
the direct care system for eventual reimbursement. Be aware that since TRICARE authorized costs
for each procedure are almost certainly less than the current "market value,” reimbursement may not
cover the entire bill. It may also take a while to process the claim.
(NOTE: Only include paragraph 5 if the commissionee is actually in receipt of an educational
5. Since you have received an educational delay, you will remain a commissioned member of the
Inactive Reserve until completion of your academic program and call to EAD. Until then, the Air
Force Institute of Technology (DAFIT) manages your educational program. The mailing address is:
DAFIT/ENEL (Educational Delay Program) 2275 D Street, Bldg 16 Rm 120
Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7765
DSN 785-2259 x3039/3033 Comm: (937) 255-2259 x3039/3033
DAFIT will correspond with you periodically to verify your academic progress and personal status. It
is imperative that you reply promptly to these inquiries to preclude possible termination of your
educational delay and call to early EAD. When your educational delay nears completion, DAFIT will
refer you to AFPC for assignment processing as prescribed in paragraph 2. Be aware that the
TRICARE benefits mentioned in paragraph 4 do not apply to educational delay participants until you
are on EAD orders. You will be responsible for your own healthcare.
6. Your EAD orders indicate your first in-processing stop. Normally, your initial processing includes
reporting to the customer service and special actions office at the Military Personnel Section (MPS),
followed by a visit to the military pay section at the accounting and finance office. These stops
should minimize initial payroll problems. You should nonetheless be prepared for a 4-week delay in
getting your first paycheck. In addition, take an official copy of your school transcript for
presentation to the base education office. You should also have copies of all important papers; for
example, EAD orders, birth certificate, marriage license, Social Security card, car registration, driver's
license, auto insurance policy, etc.
7. You are reminded that complete compliance with DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance
of United States Air Force and United States Space Force Personnel, and DAFMAN 36-2905,
Department of the Air Force Fitness Program, is required of all commissionees. Specifically, you must
report for initial active duty in proper uniform and have available all uniform items necessary for the
performance of your duties. Take them with you instead of shipping them. You are required to
continue to meet Air Force physical fitness standards while awaiting call to EAD. Reporting to
active duty unfit will subject you to administrative actions that may prove detrimental to your
8. Veteran’s Educational Assistance Act of 1984-Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) Information: For
170 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
those individuals coming on active duty 1 Jul 1985 or later, enrollment in the MGIB program is
automatic. Accounting and Finance will initiate a $100 per month allotment for 12 months unless an
individual formally declines the MGIB. Once the allotment has started, it cannot be stopped. The
declination must occur within 180 to 270 days of the individual’s active duty date (90 day window).
Individuals not eligible for the MGIB must notify their servicing base education office personnel of
their ineligibility (if required). Failure to make an election within the 90 day MGIB election window
will result in the initiation of the 12-month allotment. Individuals commissioned after 27 Dec 01 are
eligible if they received $3,400 or less in scholarship benefits (tuition, fees, and textbooks) in any one
academic year on contract. Prior active duty service cadets are not eligible regardless of the above
conditions since they already had their one-time opportunity to contribute when they initially enlisted.
Please ensure your Source of Commission (SOC) code is correct prior to departing the detachment.
This code is used to verify MGIB eligibility upon entry on active duty. Direct questions to your
servicing base education office personnel."
9. One final reminder. Although your initial active duty service commitment is normally between 4
and 10 years, depending on your category, all candidates who do not successfully complete their
initial Air Force training requirements are liable for release from EAD depending on Air Force
requirements at that time. This may also result in prorated recoupment of any scholarship funds.
Therefore, it is imperative that you do your best in any training situation to preclude jeopardizing
your continuation on active duty.
10. While your affiliation with the detachment has technically ended, we must maintain accurate
contact information for you (home phone/cell phone/non-university email address) to contact you in
the event there are changes to training, your gaining base, TRICARE updates etc. Finally, we remain
available to assist you in any way possible and are anxious to hear about your impressions of active
Health Insurance Statement
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 171
Attachment 14
Figure A14.1. Health Insurance Statement.
I, ____________________________________, SSAN: ________________, certify that:
(Cadet’s Full Name)
Initial which applies (select ONE):
_____ "I do" have medical insurance coverage that expires after commissioning but prior to EAD.
I understand TRICARE eligibility will begin after expiration of the personal medical coverage.
_____ “I do not” have medical insurance coverage my TRICARE benefit will begin after
Initial if cadet has or will have dependents:
______ I understand that my dependents are not eligible for TRICARE coverage until I begin
extended active duty.
____________________________________ _______________________________
Insurance Company Date coverage ends prior to EAD
____________________________________ _______________________________
Signature Block/Signature of Commissionee Signature Block/Signature of Witness (Cadre)
Date Signed Date Signed
The information herein is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) information which must be protected under the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C 552) and/or the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a). Unauthorized disclosure
or misuse of this PERSONAL INFORMATION may result in disciplinary action, criminal and/or civil penalties.
NOTE: Maintain the ORIGINAL in the detachment record, include copy in the AF Form 24
package sent to AFPC, and provide the commissionee with a copy.
172 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 15
Figure A15.1. Cross-Commissioning Conditional Release Request.
FROM: [Current commissioning unit PMS or PNS and address]
SUBJECT: Conditional Release to Commission as an Officer of the Air Force
1. [Cadet/Midshipman] Kerry N. Robins, XXX-XX-XXXX, will complete [Army/Naval] ROTC
on [date] and is currently scheduled to commission into the United States [Army/Navy/Marine
Corps] on [date]. She has requested to commission into the United States Air Force through Air
Force ROTC. I support her decision and recommend she be allowed to commission into the
United States Air Force.
2. She is granted a conditional release effective for 90 days from the date of this memorandum.
3. (Any additional comments may be added; otherwise, do not use this paragraph.)
4. If you have any questions, please contact [POC] at [phone number].
[Signature block of PMS/PNS]
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 173
Attachment 16
Table A16.1. Cadet Counseling Table.
NOTE: Below instances require both face-to-face counseling and documentation
Scholarship Temporary Inactivation (Table 4.8)
5-Year SAF Approved Maj Changes (paragraph 4.5.1)
Receiving a Conditional Event (CE) (paragraph 5.8.1)
Civil Involvement (CI) Adjudication (paragraph 6.7.3)
Results of Waiver Requests (paragraph 7.4.2)
PNA Status (paragraph 7.5)
SOU for PNA and Scholarship Limitations (paragraph 7.5.1)
Changes in Medical Status (paragraph 8.2.3)
Providing Medical Documentation for Scholarship (paragraph 8.6.2)
Waiving 42-day Reconditioning Period for PFA (paragraph
Term Counseling (Fall/Spring) (paragraph 9.12)
Changes from SAF to non-SAF Approved Major (paragraph 9.12.3)
Non-detachment PMT (FT, PDT) (paragraph 10.2.10)
FT Attendance/Selection & Removal/Completion (paragraph 10.8.1)
Enlistment Delayed for Cause (paragraph 11.5)
Fraudulent Enlistment (paragraph 11.13)
174 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
No EA at PSP Results in Scholarship Withdrawal (paragraph 12.8.3)
Did not Receive an EA (paragraph 12.8)
Rated Categorization (paragraph 14.3.9)
FSIE (paragraph 16.5.3)
Scholarship Recoupment (paragraph 16.12)
Termination of Call to EAD (paragraph 16.13)
ECP Student Standards (paragraph 18.4.1)
ECP Students Promoted to SSgt (paragraph 18.4.2)
Voluntary Disenrollment for ECP (paragraph
AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023 175
Attachment 17
Figure A17.1. Scholarship Recoupment Action Termination Request.
FROM: Cadet (Name)
SUBJECT: Terminate Scholarship Recoupment
I request the action to recoup my scholarship funds be terminated. I received a waiver of
disenrollment and reenlisted into the AFROTC program. I request any money I have paid be
refunded to me. I also understand that the debt will be reinstated if I fail to commission into the
United States Air Force.
(Cadet Signature)
(Typed Name of Cadet)
1st Ind, AFROTC Detachment XXX/CC (Date)
Please terminate the recoupment of scholarship funds on Cadet (Name). Cadet (Name) was
previously disenrolled on (Date) and was contracted into the AFROTC (ORS) program on
(Detachment/CC's Signature Block)
1. Copy of DD Form 4
2. Copy of DAF Form 1056
3. Copy of Reserve Order
176 AFROTCI36-2011V3 21 JUNE 2023
Attachment 18
Figure A18.1. Request to Rescind Involuntary Call to Extended Active Duty.
FROM: Cadet (Name)
SUBJECT: Rescind Call to Involuntary Extended Active Duty (EAD)
I request my call to EAD be rescinded. I received a waiver of disenrollment and reenlisted into
the AFROTC program. I also understand that termination of my call to EAD is contingent upon
my receipt of an Air Force commission.
(Typed Name of Cadet)
(Cadet Signature)
1st Ind, AFROTC Detachment XXX/CC (Date)
Please rescind the call to EAD on Cadet (Name). Cadet (Name) was previously disenrolled on
(Date) and was contracted into the AFROTC (ORS) program on (Date).
(Detachment/CC's Signature Block)
1. Copy of DD Form 4
2. Copy of DAF Form 1056
3. Copy of Reserve Order