Envisioning Austin's
Airport of the Future
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport
Terms Used In Aviation
Aviation industry terms can be confusing or foreign,
so we have put together a helpful guide.
ABIA 2040 Master Plan Terms V3 Sept 2018
Lots A-G
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport
Common Terms Used by Aviation Planners
It is the area leading to and from the terminal,
and contains most support services.
An airport building that contains ticket
counters and is where the airline gates are
located. The terminal is where passengers
transfer between ground transportation and
the facilities that allow them to board and
disembark from airplanes.
Also known as the ‘secure side,’ it is the area
where aircraft move between the runways and
the terminal building.
1 Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airport_terminal
Best U.S.
Domestic Airport
Passengers in
Increase in
passengers from
Fast Facts
Aircraft Fleet Mix
The existing and future aircraft (e.g. airplanes
and helicopters) that airlines and private pilots at
ABIA will use over the next 20 years. There are
two types of commercial airplanes: widebody and
narrowbody. Widebody aircraft, like the Boeing
777-200, can carry up to 280 passengers, while
narrowbody airplanes like the Airbus 321, can carry
anywhere from 99 to 191 passengers. Regional jets
are also part of the aircraft fleet mix.
Airline Hub Airport
An airport that serves as a connection to get
passengers to their final destination (domestic
and international). In Texas, Dallas/Ft Worth
International Airport and Bush Intercontinental
airports are considered hub airports.
Airport Demand/Capacity & Delay
Planners use complex models to determine the
need for future terminal and runway facilities. The
models anticipate future needs and delays based on
annual, peak month and peak hour demands.
Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
A planning tool that shows existing facilities and
planned development at an airport, it shows
boundaries and how proposed improvements
would look like. The FAA must approve an ALP
before any construction can begin.
Catchment Area or Airport Service
Area (ASA)
The area from which potential passengers
come. Twenty-one counties are within in the
catchment area for ABIA. The primary catchment
area is comprised of the five counties including:
Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Williamson.
The secondary catchment area includes 16 more
counties next to the five major counties that
ABIA serves.
Consolidated Rental Car Facility
Is an area that houses several rental car agencies,
which is proven to lessen traffic around the airport and
increase efficiency in services.
The area in front of the terminal building where private
and commercial vehicles are able to drop off or pick up
Enplaned Passenger
This term is widely used in the aviation industry and is
defined as a ‘passenger boarding a plane at a particular
airport.’ Tracking enplaned passengers is the most
important air traffic measurement because the majority
of airport revenues are generated directly or indirectly
from enplaned passengers.
General Aviation (GA)
All private (non-commercial) flights usually flown using
a smaller aircraft. GA activity at ABIA has been steadily
declining since 2002, with service for these aircraft going
to the smaller regional airports.
Ground Transportation Center (GTC)
A central area from which travelers are picked up or
can choose a ground transportation method. Ground
transportation services include buses, taxis, rideshares
and trains.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
One or more counties next to each other that have a
high degree of social and economic integration.
In the ABIA 2040 Master Plan, the MSA is made up
of the Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Williamson
Million Annual Passengers (MAP)
The unit of measurement used to describe the growth
and volume of enplaned passengers at
US and international airports.
Origin and Destination (O&D) Airport
An airport that serves passengers who fly into or out of
the airport as the ending or starting point. ABIA
is considered an O&D airport.
Planning Activity Level (PAL)
Aviation demand levels that will trigger the need for the
expansion or improvement of a specific airport facility.
These triggers might be based on peak hour passenger
counts, aircraft operations or cargo sizes. By using
PALs, the airport can keep an eye on growth trends and
expand the airport as needed.
Remain Over Night (RON)
Aircraft that are parked at the gate overnight for
maintenance or cleaning. Then number of additional
RON gates needed due to ABIAs expansion is included in
the 2040 Master Plan.