04 April 2024 Page 1 of 4
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Official Record Series 4
United Kingdom
Civil Aviation Authority
General Approval for Leasing Agreements Entered into by a UK Air Carrier
1) The purpose of this General Approval is to enable United Kingdom (UK) Air Carriers to enter into
leasing agreements of UK registered aircraft. This is as a result of an unintended consequence
of EU exit. Once this has been addressed in the regulations this Approval will be revoked.
2) Additionally, it provides guidance on the notification requirements for such leasing agreements
and the documentation required to be presented to the UK Civil Aviation Authority (the CAA), prior
to commencement of these agreements.
3) For the purposes of these approvals:
a) “UK Air Carrier” means an Air Carrier holding an air operator certificate (AOC) and an
operating licence (OL) granted by the CAA;
b) “dry lease agreement” and “wet lease agreement” have the same meanings as in UK
Reg. (EU) No. 965/2012;
c) “lessor” means the party from which the aircraft is leased
; and
d) “lessee” means the party to which the aircraft is leased.
General Approvals
4) Dry Lease-in agreement of a UK Registered Aircraft between UK Air Carriers
The CAA approves, in accordance with regulation 17(1) of the Operation of Air Services in the
Community Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/41) and as required by regulation 17(2)(b), any dry lease-
in agreement of a United Kingdom registered aircraft by one UK Air Carrier from another UK Air
Carrier subject to the following conditions:
Source: ICAO Doc 10059 Manual on the implementation of Article 83 bis of the Convention on International
Civil Aviation; 1
ed. 2017
The Operation of Air Services in the
Community Regulations 2009 SI 2009
No 41: Regulation 17(1) and 17(2)
UK Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012
General Approval
Publication date:
04 April 2024
General Approval
UK Civil Aviation Authority Official Record Series 4, No. 1595
04 April 2024 Page 2 of 4
OFFICIAL - Public. This information has been cleared for unrestricted distribution.
a) that the lease is for the purposes of commercial air transport;
b) that there is a valid written lease agreement in place between the Air Carriers; and
c) that prior notification to the CAA of the lease is made in accordance with paragraphs 7) a),
b) and c) below.
5) Wet Lease-in by a UK Air Carrier of a UK Registered Aircraft from another UK Air Carrier
The CAA approves, in accordance with regulation 17(1) of the Operation of Air Services in the
Community Regulations 2009 and as required by regulation 17(2)(c), any wet lease-in agreement
of a UK registered aircraft by one UK Air Carrier from another UK Air Carrier subject to the
following conditions:
a) that the lease is for the purposes of commercial air transport;
b) that there is a valid written lease agreement in place between the Air Carriers;
c) that prior notification of the lease to the CAA is made in accordance with paragraphs 7) a),
and c) below.
6) Dry Lease-out agreement of a UK Registered Aircraft to a UK Air Carrier
The CAA approves, in accordance with ARO.OPS.110(a)(3) of UK Reg. (EU) No. 965/2012, any
dry lease-out agreement of a United Kingdom registered aircraft from one UK Air Carrier to
another UK Air Carrier subject to the following conditions:
a) that the lease is for the purposes of commercial air transport;
b) that the lessor provides to the CAA a copy of the lease agreement, excluding the financial
arrangements, between the Air Carriers; and
c) that prior notification to the CAA of the lease is made in accordance with paragraphs 7)
a), b) and c) below.
7) Required CAA Notifications for Use of this Approval
a) UK Air Carriers shall notify their CAA assigned FOI of all leases entered into pursuant to
this approval, prior to the commencement of the lease;
b) UK Air Carriers shall notify their CAA assigned Airworthiness Surveyor of all leases entered
into pursuant to paragraph 4) of this approval, prior to the commencement of the lease. The
notification shall include all of the information required in Annex A of this General Approval.
c) Prior to the commencement of the lease, all lease agreements entered into, pursuant to
paragraphs 4), 5), and 6) of this General Approval, shall be notified to the CAA by e-mail to
Aircraft.Leasing@caa.co.uk. The following details shall be included in the notification:
i) the circumstances which led to the lease;
ii) the routes to be flown; and
iii) in the case of a wet lease-in under paragraph 6), the name of the operator of the
leased aircraft.
UK Civil Aviation Authority Official Record Series 4, No. 1595
04 April 2024 Page 3 of 4
OFFICIAL - Public. This information has been cleared for unrestricted distribution.
8) This approval replaces the approval published in the Official Record Series 4 No.1573, which is
hereby revoked.
Date in Force
9) This approval has effect from 04 April 2024 until 03 April 2025, both dates inclusive, unless
previously revoked.
J Hanafin
for the Civil Aviation Authority
04 April 2024
UK Civil Aviation Authority Official Record Series 4, No. 1595
04 April 2024 Page 4 of 4
OFFICIAL - Public. This information has been cleared for unrestricted distribution.
ANNEX A for dry leases under Paragraph 4 and 7(b) above
The operator (lessee) intending to dry lease-in an aircraft should provide their assigned Airworthiness
Surveyor with the following documentation for approval relating to the dry leased aircraft:
a) Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME) Amendment to include updated
b) Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) amendment. This may also include detail of any bridging
checks which may be required to align to the new programme;
c) Any required updates to Part 145 ‘Contracts’ or Part M ‘Subcontracts’; and
d) Any other relevant documents, e.g. Technical Log which may require approval prior to a UK to
UK dry lease-in.
Please note: an aircraft can only be dry leased-in by an operator if they already hold the scope for that
aircraft type on their Part M / Part CAMO Form 14 certificate and within the CAME ‘Scope of Work’.
Short Term UK to UK Dry Leasing
For dry lease period less than 12 weeks in duration (Short Term), the UK Civil Aviation Authority may
accept that an aircraft remains on the lessors AMP, is only contained within the lessor’s CAME, and
utilises existing maintenance contractual arrangements the lessor may have with Part 145 maintenance
organisations. However, in these instances, it shall be noted that the lessee remains responsible for
the Continuing Airworthiness of the aircraft in accordance with subpart M.A.201(b) of UK Reg. (EU) No.
In these short term situations, the lessee shall provide to the Airworthiness Surveyor a ‘Short Term
Leasing Interface Agreement between the lessee and lessor which details how the responsible CAMO
(lessee) will have oversight of the activities the subcontracted functions of the lessor during the lease
period, as well as the contracted functions of the Part 145 maintenance organisation per subpart
M.A.711(a)(3)/CAMO.A.125(d)(3) and M.A.708(c) /CAMO.A.315(c) of UK Reg (EU) No. 1321/2014,
respectively. An example template of this is available upon request from the UK CAA through the
assigned Airworthiness Surveyor.
It should also be noted that the lessee should also have a CAME procedure on how short term UK to
UK Dry Lease In of aircraft are managed, and how the lessee has oversight of all decisions made by
the lessor during the lease Period.
All Dry Leases of an Ad-Hoc duration (i.e. used in-between normal operations for the lessor) require
individual notifications to the Civil Aviation Authority to take place for each lease period.
Please note: an Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC) cannot be extended during or post a dry lease
period due to a change of the unique CAMO managing the aircraft.