Global CSP Survey by ICT Intuition
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
Exclusively for
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
Adapting to a New World
As operators approach their second decade of digital transformation, it’s more apparent than ever that this is
a journey and not a destination. Every year, there are new options and optimizations that affect the journey,
and right now the focus is very much on 5G and adapting to a post COVID-19 world. Operators are adjusting
strategies to incorporate these changes while continuing to move forward with efforts to transform business,
technology and operations functions.
5G will bring many new opportunities as businesses deploy thousands of connected devices and engage with
customers in a more digital way while accommodating remote workers and autonomous operations.
With these opportunities comes the need for improved customer-facing processes, network and service agility,
bigger partner ecosystems and, above all, security.
And with new revenue opportunities come new competitors vying for both consumer and business customers.
About the Study
The ICT Intuition global survey of operators includes
100 Tier 0, 1 and 2 operators evenly distributed
globally across North America, CALA, EMEA and
APAC. Targeted operators include Verizon, Bharti
Airtel, Rogers, Telenor, Telus, Sobank and Oi.
Executives responding include Officers, Directors,
Unit Heads and Senior Managers.
For our previous survey in 2017, operators were asked
about current progress and where they planned to be
in 12 months, two years and beyond to further gauge
progress as they transform their businesses, services
and technologies to become true Digital Service
Providers (DSPs). This survey was designed to gauge
progress against previous benchmarks as well as the
accuracy of those predictions.
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
Digital Channels Are in Place,
but Its Still All About Care
Improving and optimizing customer experience ranks at the top of every operator’s business goals in the survey.
Steady progress is being made in implementing new digital channels, especially related to the care side of the
And as recent global health events push customers and businesses toward digital channels for living, working and
studying, understanding and improving the customer experience becomes even more critical. Many working,
shopping, lifestyle and dining transactions that were suddenly shied to digital channels will likely stay there going
forward. Tele-health and remote work are here to stay and require operators to fortify the performance, reliability
and security of digital channels to optimize the experience for both residential and business customers.
Spending Prioritizes Digital Channels
In the previous study, operators were asked what portion of customer care transactions (e.g. orders, help,
support) is being conducted using digital channels. In 2017, less than 20% of operators surveyed were handling
half of all customer transactions via digital channels. In 2020, that figure is 56%, and 22% are handling nearly all
customer care transactions via digital channels.
Customer experience remains a top five spending priority for 69% of operators; however, that spending remains
focused on customer care rather than delivering new services, creating unique offers or implementing loyalty
The disconnect comes when the business units responsible for customer care are not the same ones tasked with
other customer-facing functions. Priorities shi to improving tactical responsibilities rather than the foundational
changes required to achieve transformation.
rate improving/
optimizing customer
experience as the top
business goal
Source: ICT Intuition
What portion of
customer care
transactions are
being conducted
using digital
<25% 25% to 50% 50% to 75% >75%
Source: ICT Intuition
2017 2020
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
5G and Digital Services
Shi Focus to Partner Ecosystems
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, growth in digital service offerings and utilization was accelerating.
Significant growth in IoT, cloud services and IaaS/PaaS has occurred since the 2017 survey, and operators are
moving quickly to offer these new digital services.
SD-WAN wasn’t even an option in 2017, and now nearly 70% of operators deliver those services according to
the survey. The recent explosion in demand for services in remote education, tele-health and digital events will
combine with the millions of additional IoT device-worker connections to fuel the move to 5G and the unique
support requirements that go with it.
Current events and evolving technologies have created an ideal opportunity for operators to deliver not only
5Gconnectivity, but also a wide variety of new services and business models that were difficult if not impossible
to deliver just a few years ago.
Yet for all the hype and anticipation, 5G is taking longer than expected to evolve. There is more complexity and
that equates to more challenges, but demand from business customers is soaring as industries adjust operating
models and accelerate their own digital transformations. Operators are responding with more deployments and
budget priority.
The solution for many operators is wider use of partners, and with that comes a need for dynamic partner
management and partner settlement solutions as the number and type of partner will continually change.
increase 5G
Source: ICT Intuition
Which digital
services do you
currently offer
your customers?
2017 2020
IoT Services
Cloud Utilities
Cloud Apps
Source: ICT Intuition
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
Partner Ecosystems Are Complex
As 5G opens up the possibilities for new services, operators know they need a large and efficient partner
ecosystem to further grow their business and monetize that investment. Beyond technology partners, service
providers will need to work with digital service partners, content providers and even other operators.
Managing a wide variety and high number of partners requires a broad new approach that existing systems
were never intended to deliver. Building a partner ecosystem requires both intelligence and automation to
rapidly and accurately evaluate, certify, on-board, off-board and settle with partners.
Regardless of approach, more investment is needed to implement a solid end-to-end partner platform. While
most operators agree that BSS functions are in need of further investment, only 26% named BSS as a spending
priority. However, that figure does not include OSS/BSS budgeting allocated to business units outside of IT,
which is becoming much more common.
What aspects
of BSS/revenue
require further
to meet
2010 30 50 60 70 80 9040 100
5G ready rating/charging
B2B2x capability
Partner management
Support for advanced payment mechanisms
Dynamic product management
eSIM management capability
Multi-vertical revenue management capability
Converged revenue management
Advanced loyalty management
Source: ICT Intuition
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
Public Cloud Acceptance Is Growing
as Multicloud Becomes a Necessity
In our previous survey, 75% of operators predicted they would have cloud OSS/BSS deployments in two years
and 93% within three years, and that prediction has been realized. Over 90% have deployed at least part of
their OSS/BSS functionality to some type of cloud platform. While most favor a private telco cloud, there are
numerous functions that are now being moved out of private data centers into public and even vendor cloud
In this survey, North America is moving fastest to the public cloud while operators in EMEA continue to favor a
private cloud for most OSS/BSS functions. The exception is APAC, which eschews cloud OSS/BSS deployment
in general with more than 30% responding “Not Deployed in Cloud” compared to less than 10% across other
BSS is a popular starting point for moving to the public cloud given that many BSS initiatives are replacements
rather than extensions of existing systems. And public cloud is thought to be generally less expensive than
private cloud as operators only pay for what they need, can scale on demand and avoid the upfront expense
and ongoing operations of their own telco cloud.
The most popular BSS application in the public cloud is CRM with 36% of deployments. Product catalog as
well as billing and revenue management are also growing with 28% and 18% respectively that are public cloud
based. Operators are looking to follow next with OSS/Orchestration.
Which cloud
platforms are
being used or
partially used for
(average of
responses across
primary OSS/BSS
Not Deployed
in Cloud
Source: ICT Intuition
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
5G and Edge Cloud Will Further Drive Multicloud
New 5G services, especially those that require an edge cloud for latency or performance requirements,
will further drive public and vendor cloud deployments. Operators will need fast access to cloud resources
in many locations and will need to form partnerships with specialist cloud platform players to achieve their
service goals.
As long as these multi-cloud deployment strategies deliver the right performance at the right price, we expect
operators will continue to migrate some OSS/BSS functionality away from private telco clouds.
Security Becomes a Bigger Challenge
With increasing virtual workloads, massive numbers of IoT devices and distribution of services and OSS/BSS to
multiple public and private cloud platforms, security and privacy remain top concerns.
In addition to the challenge of integrating partner elements and service offerings, operators must ensure that
strict levels of control and monitoring are maintained to protect sensitive data and infrastructure while repelling
cyber-attacks and intrusions. Vendor solutions will require similarly strong security frameworks that are part of
the products and solutions being delivered to operators.
rank security
as the top
Source: ICT Intuition
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
More Automation = More Analytics and AI/ML
When discussing business strategy, 70% of operators insist that a high degree of operations automation is a key
element to delivering on digital transformation. Not coincidentally, that same percentage indicate that reducing
operations expense is a goal of their digital strategy.
Every operator is managing a hybrid of fixed, wireless and virtual resources. And those virtual resources are
becoming cloud native. Add a multi-cloud environment, extensive partner management, product development
and customer experience management, and automation becomes a necessity.
From security to interoperability and orchestration, operators need sophisticated automation to ensure carrier-
class reliability, scalability and performance. The problem is that so much attention is being paid to network
expansion and virtualization that OSS/BSS oen becomes an aerthought. So much so that 73% of operators
say existing OSS/BSS cannot manage complexity, and 61% don’t think the technology is even ready.
There are pockets of automation gaining momentum such as operational process automation. Nearly one-
third have automation deployed across the business, while 39% have implemented automation within specific
business units and nearly half will be spending more on automation than in the previous 12 months.
Yet automation of existing workflows isn’t enough. Orchestration/OSS systems need to move away from
deterministic workflows to declarative, intent-based orchestration based on standard service models and
As a result, a majority of operators will be spending more on analytics, artificial intelligence and machine
learning than last year with an emphasis on operational and customer analytics/AI/ML. Progress has been
slower in this area as a result of poor data quality and a lack of data science skills. As intelligence is built into
systems rather than acting as a stand-alone function, utilization and results will improve. Many vendor solutions
are adding intelligent automation to their solutions, and operators are seeing success.
2010 30 50 60 70 80 9040 100
Technology interoperability
Legacy processes, hardware, soware, systems
Existing OSS/BSS not managing complexity
Existing OSS/BSS not managing hybrid networks
System interoperability
Technology isn’t there yet
Source: ICT Intuition
Rank the
challenges to
successful digital
(ranked extremely or
quite challenging)
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
In the decade or so since operators started transforming to become digital enterprises and digital service providers,
they are finally making real progress. Technology has caught up, complexity is slowly being reduced with standards
for APIs, automation and XaaS offerings, cloud is becoming more reliable, and customers are becoming more digital.
Execution is accelerating in all regions with the majority of operators feeling like they are at least halfway there.
As network, service creation and customer experience efforts take priority, security, staffing and interoperability
remain barriers to successful transformation.
The outbreak of COVID-19 and, more importantly, the response to the pandemic by governments, businesses
and service providers, have shown that rigid manual operating models, over-provisioning of fixed networks and
an inability to rapidly deploy capacity can adversely affect customers.
This suggests a new and important window of opportunity to accelerate digital transformation in operator
enterprises and for their business customers. Expanding cloud-based networks and services, automation and
built-in intelligence are needed to support a new normal that includes remote work, education and healthcare.
And while the scale of these networks is daunting, the processes to operate them don’t have to be. Many of today’s
network operations processes are needed to work around existing systems and processes. Add-ons and exceptions
are so common that the original process has been entirely obliterated to achieve the same outcomes. Operators can
replace outdated systems with well thought-out processes, solid executable transition plans and partners.
Foundational business and operational strategies must be reiterated and fortified so that “make do” doesn’t
become “makeover”. Flexible architectures allow room for new technology and techniques, rather than
creating additional silos. There is an opportunity to define differentiating, optimized, automated processes, and
there are systems that can implement those processes.
Digital transformation has been going on for a decade and will continue for the foreseeable future, and in
between operators need to keep the network running, keep customers happy and monetize operations.
Change on a global scale is difficult, but as we’ve seen with the response to COVID-19, not impossible.
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS:
Making CSPs Central to Their Customers
Digital Experience in the 5G Era
With the rollout of 5G networks, increased power at the edge and partner-enabled ecosystems bringing new
services to market, CSPs need modernized BSS/OSS that meets the new network, IT and business demands
that these services create.
Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS is a modernized and digital portfolio of products and services that has been
redesigned and enhanced for the 5G era.
It includes Customer Engagement, Digital BSS and Digital OSS layers, each of which contains a broad range of
enabling functional areas. Complementing the horizontal layers are Cloud Platform Management and Advanced
Analytics. The entire product suite runs on the Netcracker Cloud Platform, allowing CSPs to benefit from the
cloud scale, performance and efficiency of flexible delivery models.
Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS is fully open, standards-compliant and cloud-native. It allows CSPs to develop their
own enhancements or co-develop functions through a low code platform and blueprint delivery approach. Central
to Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS is an industry-leading security framework with the highest level of proven system-
wide security and privacy, providing critical protection in an era of increased cyberattacks, intrusion and disruption.
NetcrackerDigital BSS/OSS for the 5G Digital Era
Built for cloud
Simplified and
Dynamically adaptable
to business needs
Sets security benchmark
Open and standards
5G, edge cloud
Digital ecosystem
Advanced customer
Hyper automation
Modernized delivery
Source: Netcracker
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business
© 2021 NetCracker Technology Corp.
95 Sawyer Road, Waltham, MA 02453 USA Tel. +1-781-419-3300 |
University Office Park III
95 Sawyer Road
Waltham, MA 02453 USA
Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS helps CSPs become central to customer lifestyle needs by:
Radically transforming customer engagement: CSPs can anticipate customer needs with AI-driven
contextual interactions to go beyond problem solving and deliver relevant new services that combine their
services, partner services and rich 5G experiences. Personalized offerings can be dynamically created and
delivered with a groundbreaking gaming-style user experience and cross-partner loyalty schemes.
Rapidly achieving monetization with dynamic partner ecosystems: Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS helps
build dynamic digital ecosystems to quickly adapt to changing business and market needs. With automated
onboarding, simplified lifecycle management and partner-centric B2B2X opportunities, Netcracker enables
CSPs to become both leaders and enablers of new platform-based monetization opportunities in diverse
Fully enabling hyper automation: Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS uses a new operational model to eliminate
manual tasks and drive hyper automation across network domains, cross-domain services, business processes
and channels. Its digital applications are cloud-native, utilize AI/advanced analytics and run in a multi-cloud
environment, delivering the high performance and resiliency of telco cloud platforms to public clouds.
Innovatively implementing a new service and delivery model: Delivery is optimized with Agile/
DevOps methodologies and a blueprint approach, providing an extensive library of out-of-the-box processes
and functional capabilities to minimize the lengthy requirements of gathering phases and accelerate solution
delivery. Netcracker accelerates cloud migration by providing a set of specialized services for cloud enablement
that helps CSPs build up, migrate to, or improve on cloud-native IT environments.
Conclusion: Netcracker Digital BSS/OSS brings a new level of modernization to service provider business and
operations environments, helping them to innovate and disrupt in the 5G digital economy.
The New DSP:
Building a Successful 5G Business