2023 Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey Overview
The CSAT survey was run from 6 July until 15 October 2023. The Council services included
were Communications, Development Applications, Roads, Waste Services, Customer Service,
Parks and Libraries.
Respondents provided satisfaction scores out of 10, which indicated how various services
influenced their overall satisfaction, and offered suggestions for improving the customer
Promotion channels included digital screens, banners, flyers in rates notices, e-signature
messages, Mayoral Column, Social Media, E-Newsletters and Woollahra News.
Survey responses were analysed for key insights.
The Executive Leadership Team and managers were briefed on the survey findings.
Survey Findings
Overall Customer Satisfaction with Council’s performance:
The CSAT Score for 2023 was 6.5/10 based on an average of 180 customer satisfaction
ratings submitted.
2023 Vs 2022 CSAT ratings:
201 customers provided a rating in 2022 and the CSAT score was 6.7.
We saw an increase in the neutral rating (5 & 6) in 2023. A rating of 5 or 6 is often considered
neutral because it indicates moderate satisfaction. The respondents who give neutral ratings
are considered crucial to sway in future surveys because they are in a position where their
experience can be influenced positively or negatively.
CSAT score, top 3 suburbs with the highest number of respondents:
Paddington: 48 respondents, CSAT score 5.6
Woollahra: 33 respondents, CSAT score 6.7
Bellevue Hill: 19 respondents, CSAT score 6.7
These findings align with the population distribution in Woollahra LGA, as per the 2021
census, where Paddington had the highest population, followed by Bellevue Hill then
Demographic overview of survey respondents:
Over 65 year olds formed the largest respondent group at 37%, while the under 18 age group
had minimal representation at 1%.
The 50-64 age group, constituting 18% of the Woollahra LGA population (as per the 2021
census) exhibited strong representation with 36% of survey respondents.
The 35-49 age group, representing about 20% of the population, accounted for 19% of survey
The 20-34 age group, constituting around 21% of the population, had the lowest participation
at 3% in the survey.
In terms of the respondent’s connection to Woollahra LGA, 72% live in, 13% work in, 9%
invest in, and 6% visit the area.
How Council services impacted rating:
Top 3 services with positive impact were Libraries, Parks and Waste Services
Top 3 services with negative feedback were Roads, Communications and Development
Positive Sentiments and Opportunities for Improvement
Feedback highlighted appreciation for the library’s friendly and helpful staff, well-organised
spaces, and flexible administrative processes. There was praise for the selection, design, and
facilities. Community engagement and events were recognised, and the library’s role as a
space for relaxation, study, and community engagement across age groups. Positive mentions
of knowledgeable staff, and commended for being well-run, well-stocked, and providing
excellent customer service, along with appreciation for its accessible locations, trading hours,
and service availability.
Some concern regarding library’s fees for overdue books and item reservations and the
allocation of ratepayers’ funds, with suggestions to optimise spending more efficiently.
Customer Service
Comments highlighted the efficiency of the service, quick issue resolution and pleasant
interactions. Staff members were praised for being friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful.
Accessibility and convenience were noted positively as well as ease of processing
applications. The responsive email acknowledgment system and prompt interactions received
appreciation. Overall, there were consistent positive mentions of staff being helpful, courteous,
and professional.
Comments regarding slow response times, and a lack of follow-up from the council, with
concerns about accountability in email communication. Difficulty in accessing services,
particularly for busy professionals, suggestion for more convenient online alternatives for
processes such as obtaining residents parking stickers. Criticisms included the handling of
issues like abandoned vehicles and other regulatory services.
Respondents appreciate the well-maintained condition of parks like Rushcutters Bay Park,
Trumper Park, Cooper Park, and Lyne Park. Positive feedback emphasised the importance of
green spaces and trees, and recognised the Council’s efforts to organise walks and educate
the community. The prompt response to service requests, courteous phone interactions, and
quick attention to issues, such as trimming trees were also commended by several
Some dissatisfaction with park maintenance, concerns like overgrown weeds, and cleanliness
issues. Complaints about dog-related issues, suggestions for stricter leash enforcement and
fines through dog scanners. Some mentioned challenges in dealing with the Council, noting
difficult staff interactions and concerns about inadequate resources for park maintenance.
Waste Services
There is appreciation for the efficient green waste collection service, praised for its flexibility in
handling large amounts of green waste. The overall reliability of waste collection services
received positive feedback. The Council’s prompt response to reported issues such as missed
bin collection was commended. Respondents recognise the efficiency and responsivity in
addressing concerns or disruptions in waste collection and also highlighted the reliability of the
Complaints around noise and environmental impact from garbage trucks, particularly early
morning collection times and spillage. Concerns raised about bin placement and mess and the
need for better clean-up practices. Public bin management was mentioned suggesting
solutions for overflow issues. Requests for street cleaning more frequently, with attention to
gutters. Issues with large waste collection resulting in unlawful dumping were noted.
Positive feedback received for recent road repairs and upgrades and fixing of potholes.
Concerns about road maintenance, delays in filling potholes, and dissatisfaction with repair
Positive feedback regarding timely and informative updates via mail, email, Woollahra News
and library eNews, keeping residents informed about Woollahra activities and events and
praised for being helpful and accessible. Comments about the community engagement
approach being proactive, involving residents through requests for their opinions via surveys.
Concerns included difficulty navigating the council’s website, issues with the Council app, and
a perception of lacking substance in certain communication channels. It’s important to note
that the survey was conducted before the launch of the new website.
Development Applications
Positive feedback noted the ease and efficiency of payment for development applications, and
straightforward processes. Some respondents expressed satisfaction with helpful telephonists
and customer service.
Frustration with the lengthy processing time for development applications. Disapproval
highlighted regarding the approval of controversial developments. Complaints regarding lack
of transparency in the development application system, raising concerns about insufficient
community input, decision-making favouring developers, and a perceived absence of
consideration for residents’ interests.
Actions to improve Customer Satisfaction
We have developed a Customer Experience Strategy that will drive a customer first approach
across council and ensures accountability of actions.
We will be reviewing our complaint management policy and procedures to ensure customer
feedback is captured, analysed and this information informs our service improvements.
Monthly reports from the Woollahra Council app are now part of the regular communication to
the Executive Leadership Team, providing valuable insights.
Additional training for staff on the Woollahra Council app will be implemented and we will
emphasise the significance of closing the loop in customer interactions by ensuring customers
are informed of the outcome upon request finalisation.
Woollahra Council app improvements will include the ability to add comments once the
Customer Request Management (CRM) is lodged, enhancing the platform’s functionality.
The telephone system is being replaced with Microsoft Teams, which will increase
accountability, functionality and mobility for all calls.
A post-call survey will be implemented for the call centre, ensuring continuous improvement in
customer interactions.
We are automating the renewal process for certain permits, notably parking permits. We have
identified a priority list of the top 5 transactions, aiming to streamline the online completion of
these processes, ensuring customers obtain permits quickly and more efficiently.
A website upgrade has been undertaken which has enhanced the customer experience and
has increased functionality.
Council conducted an LGA-Wide review of dog controls. This review proposed changes to
existing dog controls across a range of our parks, reserves and beaches to reflect the current
needs of the community, with this being reported to Council in the coming months.
Monthly reporting of pothole requests will be completed to monitor customer sentiment and
identify problem streets.
In line with the recent Development Assessment service review and subsequent resolutions of
Council, a Customer Experience initiative will be introduced to improve communication during
the Development Application process. At designated stages within the application process the
DA assessment officer will proactively reach out to applicants. A customer survey will also be
implemented on DA approval.
Managers have participated in Customer Experience workshops and they have developed a
Customer Experience measure within their respective business areas. These measures will be
implemented by 30 June 2024.
In a move towards data-driven decision-making, Customer Experience dashboards are being
developed to inform service improvements across Council and to empower managers with
easy access to key data.
The approved Special Rate Variation will see an increase in our open space maintenance staff
to allow us to provide greater and more frequent levels of maintenance resulting in better
maintained parks and reserves.