Trainee Emergency Care Assistant
Unscheduled Care Group
Job Informaon
Working together for the Isle of Man
Isle of Man
Public Service
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
Job Title:
Trainee Emergency Care Assistant
Manx Care
Accountable to:
Ambulance Operations Officer
Reports to:
Ambulance Station Supervisor
Pay Band:
4 (Annex U)
Job Evaluation Reference No:
Organisation Chart:
Working on a rotational shift system including unsocial hours and overtime working within reasonable limits, responding to
emergency, urgent and routine ambulance calls, delivers treatment, including drug therapies, undertakes emergency driving, lifts
and carries patients, undertakes daily vehicle and equipment checks including re-stocking of supplies and equipment. Will be
required to work from all IOM ambulance service stations.
Must have training knowledge experience or certificates for ambulance aid (equivalent to NVQ level 3) and advanced Blue light
driving and must have categories C1 on their driving licences.
Management Airway.
Knowledge and use of each airway adjunct and interventions, when an adjunct/intervention is indicated and identify which is the
most appropriate. Adjunct/interventions include:
non-rebreathable oxygen mask
laryngeal mask airway
jaw thrust and head tilt manoeuvres
Manual and battery powered airway suction devices.
Identification of a patient in respiratory/cardiac arrest.
Knowledge, understanding and use of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation techniques, e.g.
Basic Life Support for new-born, infant, child and adult patients.
Immediate Life Support for adult patients.
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
The safe use of manual/automated external defibrillators.
Ability to prime a giving set in order to give fluid replacement therapy. Awareness and knowledge of different fluids and their
indication for use. Also check fluid for viability of use, i.e. packaging for damage and expiry dates.
Know how and when to administer drugs as appropriate including knowing the relevant indications, contraindications,
therapeutic effects, adverse effects, dosages and route of each drug given. And the relevant pharmacology, including the
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of each drug used. Documents drugs given correctly using patient report form.
Is able to identify the need for immobilisation and support of the patient. Is aware of various methods and equipment for
immobilising and supporting patient and can identify the most appropriate equipment to use, across all age ranges.
Moving and handling.
Ability to deal with situations involving multiple trauma casualties that may include road traffic incidents or fires involving
trapped persons. Know the principles of major incident management. Aware of local Major incident policy, is aware of role in
this, be flexible to meet the need of a wide variety of major incidents.
Be able to undertake basic observations (either manually or using electronic equipment), identify normal/abnormal values,
provide appropriate treatment and evaluate effectiveness of care given. Observations can include:
Blood pressure
Respiratory rate
Oxygen saturations
Pupillary reaction
Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
Revised trauma score
Burns Chart
Blood glucose level
Capillary refill
Be able to auscultate the respiratory, cardiac and alimentary systems and identify normal/abnormal sounds, document findings
and treat according to guidelines and experience.
Be able to give intra-muscular injections through awareness of appropriate injection sites, correct equipment and able to identify
any complications pre and/or post injection.
The post holder must be aware of the biological, psychosocial, environmental and political factors that can impact on a patient’s
Understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body and the changes that occur between birth to death, together with
knowledge of health and pathophysiology. Is aware of the interaction of the various body systems i.e. respiratory and
To have sufficient understanding of the cause and effects of injury/illness on the patient.
Takes, analyses and interprets history, presenting symptoms, examination and diagnostic information to identify differential
diagnoses, formulates an action plan to provide treatment and rapidly and continuously evaluates the patient’s condition and
response to treatment and modifies the plan of care for optimal patient outcomes.
Adequately assess and intervene to assist the patient in complex or emergency situations.
Ability to use theories and research to inform and guide practice.
To recognise the role of other professions in health, social care and other emergency services and collaborate with them
regarding patient care.
Knowledge of procedures and guidelines as laid down in the Joint Royal College Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) range of
procedures and practices that apply to every aspect of technician practice, the majority of which are non-routine. These include:
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
moving and handling
recognition and management of medical conditions
assisting the paramedic
drug administration.
Is aware of and follows local policies regarding the sudden death of patients, including relevant authorities.
Post holder must have basic computing skills to complete skills service data base.
Log on with the Joint Emergency Services Control Centre either by telephone or radio identifying the
crew and vehicle at the start of each shift.
Under supervision provide appropriate care, treatment and transportation of all categories of patients on a daily basis
(including emergency and non-emergency cases) using their knowledge and experience to make decisions supported by
JRCALC guidelines.
Ambulances cleaned inside and outside including all clinical equipment on a daily basis using appropriate safety
equipment provided.
Assists with maintaining the cleanliness of the ambulance stations, ensuring work areas are hazard free.
Conduct vehicle checks at the beginning of each shift, making sure vehicles are road worthy and meet standards as laid
down by the highway code.
Ambulance equipment checked daily and any equipment found to have faults, either fixed or removed from the vehicle
and labelled as defective, all vehicle and equipment defects reported to line manager.
Conducts frequent stock check on consumables and restocks when required.
Conducts daily drug checks, ensuring the correct quantity, viability and expiry dates of drugs and contact line manager
with any problems.
Responsible for ensuring patients valuables remain with patient to their destination.
The post holder under supervision will frequently respond to the needs of any patient needing ambulance services: they will
diagnose and treat any given patient using their knowledge, experience and appropriate guidelines and service policies and
procedures as a reference. Any treatment given or diagnosis made will be reported verbally and documented using the service’s
patient report form during a hand over to the receiving hospital, clinic, or care centre. The post holder will also be responsible
for reporting skills used on a daily basis on the services skills data base.
On a daily basis identify the seriousness of a client’s condition through clinical judgement, knowledge and experience provide
appropriate care and transport using autonomous clinical decision making using JRCALC guidelines as a reference.
Must be able to demonstrate clinical decision making by identifying need to initiate treatment, evaluating and deciding whether
to continue, modify, discontinue or possibly start another intervention/treatment. Post holder must be able to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of interventions/treatment in order to justify care given.
The post holder will give health care advice to patients and their carers, report any Child Protection concerns following the
departmental policy and be available for specific case conferences that involve other health care staff and allied agencies.
All suspected abuse cases to vulnerable adults (mental patients, physically disabled etc) must be reported using appropriate
policies and procedures.
The need for good and precise skilled manual dexterity, in order to perform/provide clinical procedures. These may include
invasive techniques such as intramuscular injections, insertion of Oral/Nasal Pharyngeal airways and laryngeal masks all
recorded using appropriate paperwork.
Other duties include assisting paramedics, administration of prescription only medicines, understanding and use of
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
decontamination procedures for patients and staff in relation to Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear (CBRN) incidents.
The post holder will be able to use effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and
professional opinion to colleagues, the patient’s relatives and carers and the general public.
The ECA cannot discharge patients, unless under the guidance of a Paramedic / Technician.
The post holder will be undertaking a post education development period of 12 months before being deemed competent by the
Isle of Man Ambulance Service and be holders of Ambulance Aid certificates (equivalent to NVQ level 3) and Blue light Driving
They will also work in accordance with JRCALC Guidelines.
The post holder will keep up to date with current guidelines, policies and procedures.
The post holder will be responsible for auditing their own practice by keeping their portfolio of evidence updated as well as skills
used being entered onto the service’s data base: the information that trainee ECA’s contribute can be used for identifying future
training needs.
They will attend a mandatory annual refresher training programme that is aimed at improving clinical practice that is evidence
based and been updated with the latest guidelines issued by JRCALC.
Attend major Incident and Health & Safety Training exercises, complete staff surveys.
The post holder will maintain self development, acknowledge training needs and promote evidence based practice.
They understand the need for career long self directed learning.
The post holder will trial clinical equipment during the shift for a specified time and provide feedback to the clinical supervisor,
e.g. carry chairs, combi-boards.
The post holder keeps records of emergencies and treatment given on patient report forms with other incidents recorded using
clinical report forms.
Under supervision, the post holder, following information gathering and assessment, composes a plan of care for treatment and
interventions. The plan of care given is continually evaluated and revised depending on assessment of the patient’s condition.
Post holder organises their own day-to-day working tasks or activities such as cleaning of clinical areas and equipment and
infection control measures.
Under supervision, the post holder will risk assess patients or specific incidents, and together with other services in attendance,
plan and organise safe systems of providing optimum care to the patient.
Receiving complex, sensitive verbal, non-verbal and written information from patients, relatives, carers, emergency personnel
(e.g. police) and healthcare professionals (e.g. doctors and nurses). Transmit this information to emergency personnel (e.g.
police) and healthcare professionals (e.g. doctors and nurses).
Provide verbal information and health promotion at a level that is understandable to patients, relatives and carers. Identifies
when there are barriers to communication such as physical/mental barriers, cultural differences and foreign languages and uses
other forms of communication such as non-verbal to interact.
Post holder is exposed to situations where patients may demonstrate barriers to communication such as emotional problems,
grief, alcohol abuse and potentially violence and aggression. They may have to provide these patients with information that they
may not accept or dispute, such as the death of a relative etc. In such cases the post holder may be required to use their skills
and experience (e.g. empathy and reassurance) to diffuse highly emotional and hostile situations, then gain the trust of the
patient for them to accept treatment and or transport to appropriate service.
The post holder has collaborative working relationships with staff in acute care, emergency service personnel, staff of the
Emergency Joint Services Control Room (EJSCR) and General Practitioners. Communication with these groups involves clinical
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
information such as patients and their details and non-clinical such as road closures and requests for assistance.
Communicate and liaise with other emergency services, providing statements for the Police for serious incidents where a crime
may have been committed and which may result in a courtroom appearance.
Occasionally attend patient case conferences.
Decides upon use of technical communications such as radio telephony or data transfer.
Work under supervision.
Follows JRCALC guidelines but may be asked to comment or suggest through staff surveys, practices and procedures that could be
improved upon.
Complete and submit reports on any clinical incidents such as unsafe practice, problems with equipment and communication with
other professionals (e.g. nurses).
Under supervision, conducts dynamic clinical risk assessments and decides upon safe systems of working.
Responsible for checking, cleaning and fault reporting daily on ambulance vehicles and the vast array of ambulance equipment
(for example: Defibrillators, Suction Units, Spinal Boards, Combi Boards, and Medical gases). The post holder will also be expected
to conduct station duties including the safe use of cleaning materials and equipment.
Post holders will use a computer to update the services data base and read and respond to work related e-mails sent to them.
They will have the knowledge to use advanced radio and telephony technology for communications and data transfer situations,
and equally important the post holder will know and understand when communication is and is not to be used (such as in close
proximity to medical equipment in ITU etc).
The post holder will also be required to attend and assemble equipment at scenes of Major Incidents including decontamination
equipment and identify the use and need of protective clothing.
The post holder will adopt and follow the laid down safe systems of working when dealing with incidents that necessitate the use
of an air ambulance that is either a fixed wing or helicopter aircraft.
Under supervision, assesses situations by dynamic risk assessment, decides on the course of action that may interpret JRCALC
guidelines and ensures that the patient and other individuals come to no harm (e.g. relatives, other professionals). The post
holder will recognise situations that could potentially be dangerous to the patient, the post holder and other individuals and
decide upon the appropriate actions (e.g. police assistance. Removal of patient/post holder from situation).
The post holder will frequently contribute in the decision making process for other allied agencies (e.g. emergency service
personnel at a road traffic incident).
Trainee ECA’s must:
Be able to gather appropriate information from various sources such as the patient, relatives, healthcare professionals and
emergency service personnel. The different information gathered may conflict, for example the patient and the relatives’
account of the incident.
Be able to conduct a thorough and detailed physical examination of the patient using observations, palpation, auscultation
and other assessment skills to inform clinical reasoning and to guide the formulation of a diagnosis across all age ranges,
including calling for specialist help where available.
Be able to undertake or arrange clinical investigations and observation as appropriate.
The information gathered by the post holder is from various sources and using different skills and equipment. This is then
analysed and evaluated to formulate a plan of care for the patient.
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
In the course of the post holder’s duties they may have access to confidential material about patients, members of staff or other
business of the Department. On no account must information relating to identifiable patients be divulged to anyone other than
authorised persons, for example, medical, nursing or other professional staff, as appropriate, who are concerned directly with
the care, diagnosis and /or treatment of the patient. If the post holder is in any doubt what so ever as to the authority of a
person or body asking for information of this nature, you must seek advice from your manager. Similarly, no information of a
personal or confidential nature concerning individual members of staff should be divulged to anyone without the proper
authority having first been given. Failure to observe these rules will be regarded by your employers as gross misconduct which
could result in disciplinary action being taken against the post holder. In the case of information held on computer systems, the
post holder may be held personally liable if they in any way knowingly contravene the appropriate terms of the Data Protection
Act 2018.
Health & Safety/Security
It is the duty of all employees to work in such a way that accidents to themselves and to others are avoided, and to co-operate
in maintaining their place of work in a tidy and safe condition, thereby minimising risk. Employees will, therefore, refer any
matters of concern through their respective line managers. Similarly, it is each person’s responsibility to ensure a secure
environment and bring any breaches of security to the attention of their managers.
Be aware of applicable health and safety legislation, and any relevant safety policies and procedures in force at the workplace,
such as incident reporting, and be able to act in accordance with these.
Be able to establish safe environments for clinical practice, which minimise risks to patients, clients and users, those treating
them, and others, including the use of hazard control and particularly infection control.
Be able to work safely, including being able to select appropriate hazard control and risk management, reduction or elimination
techniques in a safe manner in accordance with health and safety legislation.
Be able to select appropriate personal protective equipment and use it correctly.
Understand and be able to apply appropriate moving and handling techniques.
The Isle of Man Government is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at
risk and expects staff to share this commitment.
Staff must work in accordance with all health and social care policies relating to safeguarding.
In Manx Care, we pride ourselves on being committed, appreciative, respectful and excellent. CARE represents what we are
what we stand for and what we value. All our recruitment, performance management and development is based on our CARE
I have read and agree with the content of this job description, and accept that the
role will be reviewed annually as part of the development review process.
Job Holder’s name (please print) …………………………………………………..…….
Job Holder’s signature: ………………………………………………………..………………
Line Manager’s name (please print) ……………………………………….…………...
Line Manager’s signature: …………………………………………………………………..
Date: ………………….
Date: ………………….
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
Manx Care
Organisation Chart
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
This section should describe the nature, level, frequency and duration with which you will be expected to deal
with physical, mental and emotional effort and the nature, level, frequency and duration of demands arising
from inevitably adverse environmental conditions.
Physical Effort
Post holder will:
Move, push, lift and carry heavy equipment (e.g. oxygen cylinders, stretchers) to the patient, lift and move patient’s
with/without use of equipment/other staff. This may occur over short/medium distances (yards/metres) frequently on a
daily basis or occasionally over long distances (miles).
Work in conditions that are cramped often with poor lighting, littered with obstacles and dirty causing slip, trip and fall
hazards and are not specifically designed for clinical use. E.g. patient’s homes and industrial areas. Occurs frequently on
a daily basis.
Additionally they may involve rough terrain and be exposed to environmental and weather conditions. E.g. farms, hills,
glens and harbours. Occurs frequently on a weekly basis.
Carry out repetitive movements such as pumping up the trolley and lifting and moving patients (frequently on a daily
basis), providing Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (once/twice a month).
Possess basic keyboard skills to use e-mail and complete skills database once every shift.
Drive and control an ambulance vehicle in various road, traffic, and weather conditions. Occurs frequently on a daily
Mental Effort
Post holder will:
Concentrate on advanced driving and driving defensively in accordance with road, traffic and weather conditions. Occurs
frequently on a daily basis.
Assess and deliver emergency medical care to patients in a variety of situations which can never be predictable. Occurs
frequently on a daily basis.
Be expected to respond to instructions given to them by telephone or radio and which may necessitate post holder
adapting or altering plans. Occurs frequently on a daily basis.
Complete a patient report form that incorporates all information gathered and interventions given. Occurs frequently on
a daily basis.
Calculate the various paediatric drug dosages relevant to age, weight and type of drug being administered. Occurs on a
monthly basis.
Carry and use hand held radio and mobile telephones continually throughout the shift.
Be interrupted by EJSCR whilst attending a patient to be diverted to attend a higher priority call. Occurs occasionally.
Emotional Effort:
Post holder will:
Deal with distressing or emotional circumstances, caring for seriously injured patients, communicating distressing
information (e.g. serious illness, trauma or unexpected death) to patient’s relatives or carers and provide support and
reassurance. Occurs frequently
Deal with incidents involving children and mentally and emotionally challenging patients. Occurs frequently
The above situations raise many personal emotions which need to be managed so that they do not interfere with or have
a detrimental effect on the situation that is being dealt with, and equally important is that the post holder recognises
these emotions and is aware of where to get assistance if needed.
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
Working Conditions
Post holder will:
Have frequent exposure to hazards on a daily basis that include:
Inclement weather.
Excessive temperatures.
Unpleasant smells/odours.
Non household waste such as emptying bins around station.
Infectious substances such as body fluids, soiled linen and equipment.
Smoke, dust, dirt, fleas, lice, mud and household pets.
Humidity: swimming pools, greenhouses etc.
Contaminated work areas.
Driving in emergency situations.
Risk of injury from needles, cannulas, defibrillator and other clinical equipment.
Chemical spills/hazardous substances.
Potential aggressive behaviour with no/little initial support.
Feeling of vulnerability due to working in isolation.
The post holder needs to be flexible in both working patterns and from what location they work from on the Island to
meets the needs of the service.
I have read and agree with the above description.
Job Holder’s Name (please print): ……………………………………..………………....
Job Holder’s Signature: ………………………………………………..…………………….
Line Manager’s Name (please print): …………………………………….………..…
Line Manager’s Signature: …………………………………………………….…………..…
Date: …………………
Date: …………………
File: Chief Exec/Pay Modernisation/Draft & Approved documents/Job descriptions
Trainee Emergency Care Assistant
Clean Driving License for 3
years Cat C1
Ambulance Aid Certificates
NVQ Level 3
Blue light Driving Certified.
IT Skills
Previous healthcare
3 years driving
Driving Assessment
Ambulance Aid Certificate NVQ
Level 3
Physically able to carry out the
requirements of the role,
including driving
Self motivated
Medical Screening, Driving
Good communication skills
both in writing and verbal.
Satisfactory Police Checks
Isle of Man Worker
Pre-employment Checks