Example Job Description Emergency Care Assistant
To support clinically qualified practitioners in the provision of high quality and effective pre-
hospital clinical care to the community, responding, when appropriate using advanced emergency
driving skills, to medical emergencies, inter-hospital transfers, urgent hospital admissions and
other allocated operational duties commensurate with the role and responsibilities, supporting the
provision of clinical, social and holistic care to patients in a pre-hospital environment, safely and
within appropriate level of training and competency
To act in accordance with Trust policies, procedures and protocols, ECA scope of practice,
appropriate sections of the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) guidelines
and current legislation at all times
To respond immediately to emergency calls, hospital admissions, hospital transfers and other
operational transport duties, as indicated by the Emergency Control Centre, in accordance with
operational requirements, clinical guidelines, local competencies, policies, protocols, scope of
practice, and procedures commensurate with this role (as part of a clinical crew or to deliver a
resource able to convey a patient to a clinician on scene.)
To ensure compliance with the appropriate sections of the JRCALC guidelines, policies, procedures,
protocols and scope of practice at all times, being personally accountable and responsible for
clinical decisions made during the course of duty, ensuring patients receive the highest quality and
standard of holistic care and attention
To support the work of qualified practitioners by using appropriate knowledge and skills in order to
assist them make professional judgements, conducting diagnostic procedures and treatments, as
requested by the qualified practitioners, safely and to the appropriate level of training and
competency for the role, in accordance with procedures, guidelines, scope of practice and
To ensure informed consent is obtained before treatment or intervention is undertaken, and to
ensure that the communication of information between self, the patient and colleagues is handled
sensitively, clearly, pro-actively and in a manner mindful of patient confidentiality
To ensure a continuous duty of care to patients, within the level of training and competency of this
role, ensuring an appropriate level of monitoring and treatment is maintained and continued until
the patient is either discharged or transferred to the care of another healthcare professional
To be involved in ‘see and treat’ scenarios and often communicating with patients GPs/ OOH
services and other referral pathways which include falls, safeguarding, Mental Health to manage
patients appropriately
To ensure that a clear handover report is provided when the patient is handed into the care of
another health professional. This should record all pertinent patient information, in accordance
with Trust procedure and that the transfer of patients into the care of others is conducted
according to procedure
Scope of the post
Duties and responsibilities
To ensure the safe transfer of patients, to and from vehicles, following health and safety and other
appropriate protocols and procedures, being mindful of the safety of patients, self, colleagues and
others, using appropriate equipment and manual handling techniques
To respond to and communicate with patients, relatives, colleagues, other health professionals,
other emergency responders and members of the public in a calm, caring and professional manner,
treating them with dignity and respect at all times, regardless of the circumstance
To ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times and that personal / clinical
information is only disclosed in accordance with Trust policy, procedure and protocol and in
accordance with Caldicott regulations, whilst ensuring that all appropriate information is recorded
in a timely and efficient manner
To undertake a dynamic risk assessment on arrival at the scene of an incident in accordance with
Trust policy and professional guidelines, having due regard for the health and safety of self and
others, and to request additional support appropriate to the circumstances through the Emergency
Control Centre
To practice in accordance with protocol and current legislation governing the use of medicines and
prescription only medicines, in relation to the storage and security of such items both while
operational and in station. To administer drugs when working with clinician (currently, aspirin,
oxygen, Entonox, Hypostop)
To maintain timely communications with the Emergency Control Centre, using any means available
and appropriate
To communicate and work with other emergency services, relevant authorities, healthcare
professionals and the general public in an appropriate and professional manner
To use all Trust equipment, facilities and premises in a careful, proper and mindful manner, paying
due regard to safety and security at all times
To carry out vehicle equipment checks and restock as required at the start of duty in accordance
with Trust policy and procedures, ensuring that the vehicle is roadworthy, properly kitted, cleaned
(paying particular attention to infection control) and stocked, faults or omissions reported and all
appropriate recording procedures completed
To drive Trust vehicles in accordance with the Road Traffic Law, the Highway Code and Trust policy
guidelines and current legislation
To maintain competency to operate all equipment clinical, non clinical, and information
systems - used during the course of duties, ensuring the efficient and effective operation of
equipment, and the safe use of equipment at all times, reporting faults in the appropriate manner
To ensure that the Emergency Control Centre is made aware of operational availability and
respond as instructed at all times
To be responsible for the security of patients property and patients valuables during the
transportation and hand-over at their destination
To ensure that all clinical waste is disposed of according to Trust policy and current legislation
To provide initial scene management and support to qualified practitioners, in the case of multiple
casualties and major incidents, in accordance with Trust policy and procedure, until relieved by an
appropriate officer
To assist in HALO (Hospital Ambulance Liaison Officer) duties at receiving hospitals when required,
having responsibility for the care of patients in the department with other SCAS colleagues and
working closely with hospital staff in the management of patients.
To undertake all mandatory training and training related to the advancement of patient care
commensurate with this role
To undertake continuous professional training and development, maintaining a portfolio of
practical and clinical evidence, in accordance with the requirements of the Trust
To report any untoward incident immediately and in accordance with Trust policy
To report any incidences of risk, neglect, abuse or endangerment to vulnerable children or adults in
accordance with Trust Safeguarding policy
There are occasions when staff agree to take on additional roles which are not specifically part of the
main job role, such as station duties which may include drugs and stores management, administration,
health and safety checks etc. and to perform other tasks in keeping with the role as required by the
line manager.
This job description is not comprehensive but contains the main responsibilities and functions of the
post. Other reasonable duties may be required, in accordance with operational need.
Performance proactively and positively contributes to the successful overall performance of the
Partnership work with those you support to develop a collaborative working partnership which
positively contributes to their overall efficiency and role performance
Clinical standards aspires to achieve clinical excellence at all times
Communicating information identifies and uses the most effective means of communication
appropriate to the situation and the individuals involved
Self-management manages own behaviour to achieve positive results
Teamwork is motivated to work together with others and in a variety of different team settings
Staff Support provides effective support to staff and is viewed as approachable, reliable and
Professionalism sets and maintains high personal and professional standards
Development and Training learns from experience and strives to continually improve
Innovation and improvement supports the Trust in identifying new and better ways of providing
the service, to achieve organisational aims
Changes to this job description
This is an outline of the job description and may be subject to change according to service needs and
developments, which will take place in consultation with the post holder as appropriate.
Equality and Diversity
The Trust is committed to the fair treatment of all people, regardless of their gender, race, colour,
ethnicity, ethnic or national origin, citizenship, religion, disability, mental health needs, age, domestic
circumstances, social class, sexuality, beliefs, political allegiance or trades union membership.
Other duties
Trust organizational expectations
General Information
Health and Safety
It is the general duty of every employee to take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of
themselves and others including the use of necessary safety devices and protective clothing and co-
operation with the Trust in meeting its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work legislation.
The post holder must be aware of individual responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act
and identify and report, as necessary, any untoward accident, incident or potentially hazardous
It is the Trust’s responsibility to ensure that staff are able to work in a safe and conducive working
environment and that responsibilities regarding Health and Safety and staff welfare legislation and
best practice are fulfilled throughout their area of responsibility, this will also include undertaking Risk
Assessments as and when required.
Infection Control Infection Prevention and Control
The Trust is committed to reducing the risk of healthcare associated infections. All employees involved
directly or indirectly in the provision of healthcare have a duty to cooperate with the Trust’s Infection
Prevention and Control associated Policies and Procedures to reduce the risk of healthcare associated
infections for patient’s staff and the public. You will be expected to cooperate with colleagues,
contractors and other healthcare providers also involved in patient care directly or indirectly so far as
is necessary to enable the Trust to meet its obligations under the Health and Social Care Act 2008.
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
In accordance with Section 11 of the Children Act (2004) and Department of Heath guidance 'No
secrets' (2000). The Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children, Young
People and Adults. All staff working with these groups are expected to share a commitment to this.
You will be expected to promptly report any concerns relating to the safeguarding of children, young
people and / or adults in accordance with agreed policy and procedures. If your own conduct in
relation to the safeguarding of children, young people or adults gives cause for concern the Trust’s
agreed Public Protection Procedures will be followed, alongside implementation of the Disciplinary
Procedure where appropriate.
The post holder must ensure that personal information for patients, members of staff and all other
individuals is kept secure and confidential at all times in compliance with the Data Protection
The post holder will be required to participate in relevant development activities and development
The job description is not exhaustive and is subject to review in the light of the changing needs of the
organisation. Any review of this job description will be undertaken in consultation with the post