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Community Economic Development Program
Change of Scope Request Template
This document provides a template for completing a cover letter and form for a change of scope for
grantees of the Community Economic Development (CED) program. Grantees requesting a change of
scope should submit a cover letter and information form and submit them both through the “Manage
Amendments” section in GrantSolutions. Items highlighted in yellow should be filled out by grantees
based on the details of their CED grant. Note: This template provides the basic information required in a
change of scope request. Grantees should include additional information as it applies to their request
for a change of scope and additional items discussed with Program Specialists.
Once all needed items are gathered, grantees will prepare and submit a formal request for change of
scope through the Manage Amendmentsection in GrantSolutions.
Change of Scope RequestCover Letter Template
(Must be on organization’s letterhead)
[Name of OGM Grants Management Specialist]
[Name of Agency]
[Address of the Grants Management Specialist]
Re: Change of Scope Request for CED Grant:
Our organization would like to formally request an change of scope for the CED grant, [Grant Number ],
awarded to [organization name ] in [XXXX] , with a budget period of [00/00/00] through
[00/00/00]. Our organization is requesting this change of scope to take the project in a different
direction than what was proposed in the application.
Our organization requires this change a scope to:
Currently, the project has a balance of approximately $[00.00] in unspent funds and $[00.00] in funds
that have not yet been drawn down. A budget detailing our proposed use of these funds is attached.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
[Authorizing Official and/or Project Contact names and contact information].
[Authorized Official’s name & title for signature]
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[Name of OGM Grants Management Specialist]
[Name of Agency]
[Address of the Grants Management Specialist]
[Grant Number]
[Mr./Ms. Grants Management Specialist]:
[Grant Number]
[Organization Name]
Provide a detailed paragraph with supporting reasons for why the change of scope is needed. On the
next page of this template, complete the Change Request Form Table to identify the aspect(s) of the
projects that are changing from what was proposed in the application. Examples:
1. Geographic scope change (i.e. grantee no longer serving the communities proposed, or
wants to expand service area served);
2. Change in the type of businesses created (i.e. grantee proposed project in food services, but
now will loan money to manufacturing business); and
3. Change in project partner (this applies to grantees who are changing the type of business
and grantees who are not changing the type of business but want to work with new partners).
[Authorizing Official and/or Project Contact Names and Contact Information].
[Authorized Official’s Name & Title for Signature]
[Name of Assigned Program Specialist]
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Change of Scope Request Information Form
Grantee Organization
Grant Number
Grantees should complete the table below to identify each factor of the project that the grantee is
proposing to change via the change of scope request.
FactorAspect of the project that the grantee is proposing to change.
If the factors listed do not apply to the change of scope request, the grantee should add the
factor to the table.
Only complete the original proposal and change request columns for the factors that apply to
the change of scope request.
Original ProposalSummary of the proposed activity for the factor in the original application.
Change RequestA detailed explanation of how and why the activities for the factor is needed to
meet the project goals.
Original Proposal
Change Request
Project Name/Title
Community Served
Project Purpose
Business Type
Business Product
Job Types
Number of Jobs
Federal Funding
Non-Federal Funding
OCS Grant Budget Expense
Enter Factor
Enter Factor
Enter Factor
Enter Factor