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FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: For complete details on the terms,
conditions, and exclusions of this coverage please refer to the Plan documents you receive
upon enrollment. Please note that although this sample is a group policy form, you may
receive one or more individual policies.
Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company
Administrative Office, 18850 N 56th St, AZ08-02-02, Phoenix, AZ 85054.
Premium Car Rental Protection provides insurance coverage to the Cardmember and Passengers when a
Cardmember uses an Enrolled Card to pay rental charges for a Rental Car. Coverage includes the
following benefits: reimbursement for Damage to or Theft of a Rental Car; a secondary Accidental Injury
Expense benefit; Accidental Death or Dismemberment coverage; secondary coverage for Damage to or
Theft of Personal Property. The terms and conditions of coverage, as well as the benefit levels, are
described in this Description of Coverage.
Coverage is worldwide except for vehicles rented in Australia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica and New
The Premium Car Rental Protection Plan does not provide insurance for personal liability, uninsured
motorists, worker's compensation injuries, disability benefits of any kind, any coverage mandated by
government or any other form of insurance coverage except as specifically described in this Description of
For any questions regarding the Plan, please call 1-800-338-1670, or the number on the back of your
Enrolled Card].
Certain words used in this Description of
Coverage have special meaning and are
explained below and in other sections of this
document. They appear throughout the
Description of Coverage beginning with a capital
“Accident” means a motor vehicle incident
involving the Rental Car that results in Damage to
the Rental Car, or Accidental Injury to a Covered
Person, or both.
“Alight” or “Alighting” means being in the direct
and immediate act of exiting the seating
compartment of the Rental Car. Once the
person's body is out of and not touching the
Rental Car, the act of Alighting is completed.
“Authorized Driver” means a person listed on the
rental agreement between the Cardmember and
the Rental Company, at the time the Cardmember
takes Possession of the Rental Car, who is
permitted to operate the Rental Car according to
the terms of the rental agreement.
“Board” or “Boarding” means being in the direct
and immediate act of entering the seating
compartment of the Rental Car. Once a person is
sitting in the Rental Car, the act of Boarding is
“Cardmember” m
eans an American Express
Basic or Additional Cardmember who has used
an Enrolled Card to rent the Rental Car, who has
signed the rental agreement with the Rental
Company and who takes Possession of, or who
permits an Authorized Driver to take Possession
of, the Rental Car.
“Company” means
AMEX Assurance Company,
and its duly authorized agents.
“Covered Person”
means the Cardmember and
any Passenger, including any Authorized Driver,
Boarding, sitting in, riding in or Alighting from the
Rental Car.
“Damage” means t
he effect of any contact with
or treatment of the Rental Car which requires
repair in order to restore the Rental Car to its
pre-Possession condition, or, in the case of
Personal Property, any alteration or destruction
of Personal Property which necessitates repair
or replacement.
“Domestic P
artner” means persons of the same
or opposite gender who either,
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1. Can provide documentation of registration of
the Domestic Partner relationship pursuant t
state, county or municipal provision, or
2. Can meet all of the following qualifications:
a. have resided with each other
continuously for at least 12 months in
ole-partner relationship that is int
o be permanent;
b. are not married to any other person;
c. are at least 18 years old;
d. are not related to each other by bl
loser than would bar marriage per stat
aw; and
e. are financially interdependent as can
umented by copies of joint hom
nership or lease, common bank
accounts, credit cards, investments or
“Enrolled C
ard” means an American Express
charge or lending Card that has been enrolled in
the Plan.
“Loss of U
se” means the unavailability of a Rental
Car and consequent loss of revenue by the
Rental Company due to Damage or Theft.
Unless otherwise required by law, the Rental
Company must submit a fleet utilization log
indicating that during such time:
1. no other Rental Car was available; and
2. there was a demand for a Rental Car.
means a person, other than the
Cardmember, who the Cardmember permits to
Board the Rental Car, including an Authorized
“Permanent R
esidence” means the Covered
Person’s one primary dwelling place where the
Covered Person permanently resides and intends
to return.
“Personal P
roperty” means any property that
accompanies the Covered Person when Boarding
the Rental Car or that is Secured in the Rental
Car when the Covered Person is not sitting in or
riding in the Rental Car.
an or Dentist” means a person licensed in
the healing arts and acting within the scope of
such license with respect to the treatment
provided. The Physician or Dentist may not be a
Covered Person, the Spouse or Domestic Partner
of a Covered Person, or anyone related to the
Covered Person by blood.
“Plan” means
the benefits described in this
Description of Coverage.
means the master group insurance
contract of which this Plan is descriptive and
under which this Plan provides coverage for a
Covered Person.
on” means that period of time
beginning when the Cardmember or Authorized
Driver Boards the Rental Car for the first time
and ending when the Cardmember or Authorized
Driver Alights from the Rental Car for the last
time in order to surrender all the keys and
custody of the Rental Car to the Rental
“Rental Car
” means a four-wheeled, two-axle
passenger type motor vehicle, designed for and
sold to accommodate private passenger
transport on public roads, rented to the
Cardmember by the Rental Company, and
intended to be operated by the Cardmember or
Authorized Driver by means of a rental
agreement with the Rental Company. A Rental
Car includes a pick-up truck, cargo or passenger
van and sport utility vehicle (SUV).
“Rental Com
pany” means a commercial car
rental agency that is licensed under the laws of
the applicable jurisdiction and whose primary
business is renting private passenger
automobiles. A Rental Company does not
include a moving van rental company or any
business which may incidentally rent an
automobile to a customer, such as an auto
dealership or auto body repair shop.
“Secured” m
eans locked in the trunk of the
Rental Car or locked in the seating compartment
of the Rental Car with all windows fully closed
and all Covered Persons absent the vicinity of
the Rental Car.
“Spouse” means
the person to whom the
Cardmember or a Passenger is lawfully married.
“Theft” m
eans the taking and driving of the
Rental Car by a person other than the
Cardmember or an Authorized Driver, or the
taking of Secured Personal Property, without the
permission of the Cardmember or the Covered
Person who owns the Personal Property.
How to Activate Coverage
Coverage is activated when the Cardmember
uses an Enrolled Card to pay the rental fee for
the Rental Car and the Cardmember signs the
rental agreement for that Rental Car.
Coverage will not be activated if an American
Express Card that has been used to pay a rental
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fee for the Rental Car is enrolled in the Plan after
the Cardmember or Authorized Driver Boards the
Rental Car for the first time. Coverage also will
not be activated if an Enrolled Card has not been
used to pay the rental fee, but is subsequently
used to pay for Damage to the Rental Car.
Damage and Theft Benefit
If Damage to or Theft of the Rental Car occurs,
the Plan will reimburse the Cardmember up to a
maximum of [$75,000, $100,000] for the following
payments the Cardmember is required to make:
1. up to the lesser of:
a. the actual cost to repair Damage to the
Rental Car; or
b. the wholesale monetary worth of the
Rental Car at the time of Damage or
Theft as stated in an authority commonly
used to determine such worth, or book
value, minus salvage and depreciation
costs; or
c. the invoice purchase price of the Rental
Car, minus salvage and depreciation
costs; and
2. Loss of Use; and
3. charges related to the Rental Car subsequent
to the Accident, such as expenses for towing
and storage, which are charged by the
nearest vendor or facility capable of rendering
assistance and which are the usual and
customary charges in the locale where the
Accident occurred.
Personal Property Benefit
If an Accident causes Damage to Personal
Property, or if Theft of Personal Property that has
been Secured occurs, the Plan will reimburse the
Covered Person the lesser of:
1. the replacement cost, less depreciation, as
determined by the Company, of the Personal
Property at the time of Damage or Theft; or
2. the cost of repair or replacement of the
Personal Property.
Personal Proper
ty is insured against Damage or
Theft only to the extent such coverage is not
provided by other insurance available to the
Covered Person.
Personal Proper
ty for each Covered Person is
insured for up to [$2,500, $5,000]. However, if
the Personal Property of more than one Covered
Person is affected by Damage or Theft from the
same Accident or incident of Theft, the total
coverage for all such affected Personal Property
is [$5,000, $10,000].
If Theft of P
ersonal Property that has been
Secured occurs, there must be visible signs of
forced entry to the Rental Car. Additionally, a
report listing each stolen item of Personal
Property must be filed with the appropriate law
enforcement agency.
Receipts or proof of ownership are required for
reimbursement of any item under the Personal
Property Benefit.
Accidental Injury Expense Benefit
If a Covered Person suffers an Accidental Injury,
the Plan will pay a secondary Accidental Injury
t up to a maximum of [$7,500, $15,000] for
treatment and supplies that are Medically
Necessary, only when all insurance otherwise
available to the Covered Person is not sufficient
to pay for the cost of the Medically Necessary
“Accidental Injury” means bodily injury to a
Covered Person as a result of an Accident. An
Accidental Injury may neither, directly or
indirectly, wholly or partially, result from nor be
caused or contributed to by a disease, illness or
infirmity, nor by the ingestion, injection or
inhalation of any substance.
“Medically Necessary” means medical treatment
and supplies from a Physician or Dentist
required for the treatment of an Accidental Injury.
If the Covered Person has other secondary
insurance available, the Covered Person must
assist the Company in arranging with any other
such insurer to share and administer payment
for Medically Necessary treatment, up to the
covered maximum for each Covered Person, in
the interest of an equitable distribution of the
treatment expense among all insurers.
Medically Necessary treatment must begin within
90 days of the Accident that caused the
Accidental Injury and must be completed within
52 weeks of the Accident date.
Expenses for Medically Necessary treatment will
be paid on a reasonable and customary basis up
to the maximum for each Covered Person.
Accidental Death or Dismemberment Benefit
If a Covered Person suffers an Accidental Death,
the Plan will pay to the beneficiary of that
Covered Person [$75,000, $100,000] if the
Covered Person is the Cardmember and
[$7,500, $10,000] if the Covered Person is a
“Accidental Death” means the death of a
Covered Person as a result of an Accident. An
Accidental Death may neither, directly or
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indirectly, wholly or partially, result from nor be
caused or contributed to by a disease, illness or
infirmity, nor the ingestion, injection or inhalation
of any substance.
If a Covered Per
son suffers Dismemberment as
the result of an Accidental Injury, the Plan will pay
the benefit amount as determined from the Table
of Losses for Dismemberment below. The Table
of Losses for Dismemberment indicates that
percentage of the Accidental Death benefit, for
which the Covered Person is insured, which the
Plan will pay to the Covered Person in the event
an Accidental Injury causes Dismemberment.
means, with reference to:
1. an adjoining thumb and index finger,
complete and permanent severance of both
appendages through or above the joint where
they meet the hand at the palm as a result of
an Accident;
2. a hand or foot, complete and permanent
severance through or above the wrist or ankle
joint as a result of an Accident;
3. an eye, the irrecoverable loss of the entire
sight as a result of an Accident;
4. speech, complete and irrecoverable loss of
speech as a result of an Accident; or
5. hearing, complete and irrecoverable loss of
hearing in both ears as a result of an
The Accidental Deat
h or Dismemberment must
occur within 365 days after the Accident date.
The benefit payment f
or Accidental Death or
Dismemberment will be either for Accidental
Death or one category of loss for
Dismemberment. If Dismemberment involves
more than one category of loss, the Plan will pay
that one amount which represents the greatest
loss sustained by the Covered Person as a result
of the Accident.
Table of Losses for Dismemberment
Both Hands or Both Feet…………………...
Sight of Both Eyes…………………………..
One Hand and One Foot…………………...
Either Hand or Foot and the Sight of One
Speech and Hearing in Both Ears………
Either Hand or Foot. ………………………..
Sight of One Eye ……………………………
Speech ………………………………………
Hearing in Both Ears………………………..
Thumb and Index Finger of the Same
Hand …………………………………………
NOTE: With respec
t to the Accidental Injury
Expense Benefit and the Accidental Death or
Dismemberment Benefit, for any one Accident
resulting in Accidental Injury, Accidental Death or
Dismemberment which merits payment under
either or both of these two benefits, the
maximum payment will not exceed [$200,000,
$300,000] for all Covered Persons affected by
any one Accident. The maximum payment will
be apportioned to each Covered Person or to
each Covered Person's beneficiary in the
amount proportionate to the limit for which the
Covered Person was insured.
Only the Cardmember may designate a
beneficiary, or change a previously designated
beneficiary, to receive the Accidental Death
To name or change a beneficiary, please call
American Express at the toll-free number on the
back of the American Express Card in order to
receive a form for this purpose which is
satisfactory to the Company. In order for a
beneficiary designation or change of beneficiary
to be effective, the form must be filed with the
Company. The designation or change of a
beneficiary will take effect as of the date it was
signed, provided it has been received by the
Company. Any payment of proceeds made by
the Company prior to notification of a beneficiary
designation or a change of beneficiary on the
form satisfactory to the Company will fully
discharge the Company to the extent of such
If more than one beneficiary is named without
stating the respective interests of each
beneficiary, all beneficiaries will share equally.
If no beneficiary is named, or if the beneficiary
does not survive the Cardmember, or if the
Covered Person is a Passenger, Accidental
Death benefits will be paid to the first surviving
class of the following classes:
1. Spouse or Domestic Partner;
2. children, equally per stirpes;
3. the estate.
Excluded Vehicles
The following vehicles are not considered a
Rental Car and no benefit under the Plan will be
paid for a loss if such a vehicle is rented:
1. any truck other than a pick-up truck;
2. a cube van or box truck;
3. leased or mini-leased motor vehicles;
4. vehicles that, after manufacture by the
maker, have had any part customized or
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modified, except for driver's assistance
equipment for the physically challenged
5. any vehicle more than 20 years old or that
has not been manufactured for 10 or more
6. limousines, off-road vehicles, motorcycles,
motor bikes, mopeds, recreational vehicles,
any motorized cart including a golf cart,
campers and trailers; or
7. vehicles rented in Australia, Ireland, Israel,
Italy, Jamaica and New Zealand.
Excluded Items
its will not be paid under this Plan for any of
the following:
1. costs attributed to the Rental Company's
normal course of doing business and
expenses assumed, waived or paid for by the
Rental Company or its insurer;
2. Damage that has occurred prior to
Possession of the Rental Car;
3. tires, unless other Damage occurs to the
Rental Car from the same Accident, or Theft
of the entire Rental Car occurs;
4. defect in the manufacture of the Rental Car;
5. diminishment of value, unless required by
6. depreciation, unless reimbursement for
depreciation is required by law;
7. wear and tear, including such effects caused
gradually over time;
8. any property other than the Rental Car and
Personal Property;
9. lost items;
10. animals;
11. furniture;
12. art;
13. money, securities, tickets, or documents;
14. items left in the Rental Car after the
Cardmember or Authorized Driver has
relinquished Possession;
15. any injury, except coverage for a Covered
Person described under the Accidental Injury
Expense Benefit and Accidental Death or
Dismemberment Benefit; or
16. any injury or physical condition of a Covered
Person existing before an Accident.
Excluded Actions
Benefits will not be paid under this Plan if the loss
for which coverage is sought was directly or
indirectly, wholly or partially, contributed to or
caused by any of the following:
1. violation of the rental agreement with the
Rental Company;
2. acts by a Covered Person to intentionally
damage or injure;
3. consumption of alcohol at or in excess of the
legal blood alcohol level for operating a
motor vehicle in the state or locality in which
the Accident occurred;
4. being under the influence of any drug
unless taken as prescribed or administered
on the advice of a Physician or Dentist;
5. war or act of war, whether declared or
6. actual, alleged or threatened discharge,
dispersal, seepage, migration, escape,
release of or exposure to any hazardous
biological, chemical, nuclear or radioactive
material, gas, matter or contamination;
7. confiscation by governmental authority;
8. freezing and mechanical breakdown or
electrical failure, except where it results
from Theft;
9. the Rental Car being left unattended and
unlocked or a window not completely
10. pushing or towing anything;
11. violation of criminal law, or commission of a
criminal act, whether cited or charged, by or
behalf of the Covered Person;
12. participation in a riot, civil disturbance or
13. suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally
self-inflicted injury while sane.
14. failure of the Cardmember or Authorized
Driver to surrender all the vehicle keys
following Possession;
15. a Rental Car used outside the rental
territory authorized by the Rental Company;
16. a Rental Car used for any manner of racing
or team sport;
17. A Rental Car used for hire, whether for hire
to carry persons or property;
18. off-road operation of the Rental Car; or
19. any disease, illness, or infirmity.
Maximum Limit
Per Covered Person
Duplicate or multiple enrolled American Express
Card accounts do not obligate the Company to
pay more than one benefit limit under this Plan,
per Accident or Theft covered. The maximum
amount the Company will pay for any one
Accident or Theft is the coverage amount for
which the Cardmember is enrolled in at the time
of the Accident or Theft.
Length of Coverage
As long as the Cardmember remains in
Possession of the Rental Car, the Plan covers
an eligible Rental Car for the first [42]
consecutive days.
When Coverage Ends
Coverage ends automatically at the earliest of
the following:
1. the date the Policy is cancelled;
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2. the date the enrolled Card account is
3. the date the Cardmember’s Permanent
Residence is no longer within the 50 Unit
tates of America, the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands;
4. the date the Cardmember’s Permanent
Residence is in a state where the Plan is not
Cancellation or ter
mination of coverage will not
prejudice any claim commencing while coverage
is in force.
A [$19.95, $24.95] premium charge will be billed
to the Cardmember’s Enrolled Card each time the
Card is used to pay the rental charges for a
Rental Car until the enrollment is terminated.
There may be occasions when premium charges
are billed to the Enrolled Card for:
1. a cancelled car rental or no-show;
2. a vehicle other than a Rental Car;
3. two premiums for the same car rental;
4. vehicles rented in Australia, Ireland, Israel,
Italy, Jamaica, and New Zealand; or
5. other charges unrelated to the actual car
If any such charges are billed to the Enrolled
Card, contact American Express for a refund or
fill out the refund coupon attached to the Card
Claims Process
Notifying Law Enforcement Agency
Notification of Damage, including vandalism,
Theft, or an Accident must be reported to the
appropriate law enforcement agency as soon as
reasonably possible. This requirement applies
regardless of whether the Rental Car is involved
with other vehicles. Failure to notify may result in
denial of benefits.
Notification of Loss
The initial notification of a loss must be reported
to the Company as soon as reasonably possible
following a loss. To report a loss, call
1-800-338-1670, or the number on the back of
your Enrolled Card.
Proof of Loss
If required, a claim form will be sent to the
Covered Person after the Company receives
notice of loss. Written proof of loss, which
includes the signed claim form and all other
requested documentation, must be received
within 60 days following the date of the Damage
or Theft. The proof of loss must be sent to:
Premium Car Rental Protection Claims Unit, PO
Box 979178, Miami, FL 33197-9178. If the
required proof of loss and other documentation is
not received within 60 days of the date of loss
(except for documentation which has not been
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furnished for reasons beyond the Covered
Persons’ control), coverage may be denied. It is
the claimant’s responsibility to provide all
required documentation.
Required documentat
ion may consist of, but is
not limited to:
1. itemized bill for repair or replacement of t
ental Car or item;
2. report from law enforcement agency (e.g.,
police report);
3. photos of the damaged vehicle;
4. copy of all claim documents
orrespondence, provided by the Rental
5. copy of the written rental agreement with t
ental Company;
6. death certificate and/or itemized medical bills
and medical records;
7. signed authorization to obtain medical
8. completed claim form;
9. documentation from the Rental Company
indicating that the Covered Person was
responsible for the damages or loss; and
10. receipts or proof of ownership for stolen or
damaged item.
l Examination and Autopsy
The Company has the right, at its expense, to
have the Covered Person, for whom a request
for benefits is pending, examined as often as
reasonable. The Company may require an
autopsy, at its expense, unless the law forbids it.
Cardmember c
ooperation with issues related to
the benefits is required. Failure to cooperate
may result in denial of benefits.
How Benefits are Paid
The Damage and Theft Benefit is payable to the
Cardmember or to the Rental Company.
Benefits payable under the Accidental Injury
Expense Benefit and Personal Property Benefit
are payable to Covered Person.
Dismemberment benefits payable under the
Accidental Death or Dismemberment Benefit are
payable to the Covered Person.
Death benefits payable under the Accidental
Death or Dismemberment Benefit are payable as
indicated in the Beneficiary provision.
Any payment made by the Company in good
faith pursuant to this provision will fully discharge
the Company to the extent of such payment.
Rights of Recovery
In the event of a payment under this Policy, the
Company is entitled to all the rights of recovery
that the Covered Person, to whom payment was
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made, has against another. The Covered Person
must sign and deliver to the Company any legal
papers relating to that recovery, do whatever else
is necessary to help the Company exercise those
rights and do nothing after loss to harm the
Company’s rights.
When the Covered Per
son or the Rental
Company have been paid under this Plan, and
also recover from another, the amount recovered
from the other must be held by the Covered
Person or Rental Company in trust for the
Company and reimbursed to the extent of the
Company’s payment.
As a condition pr
ecedent to coverage, the
Covered Person is required, and has a duty, to
fully cooperate with the Company in any
investigations, subrogation matters or legal
proceedings by providing copies of any and all
legal notices and any and all statements,
including sworn statements and contributing any
other papers and documents to reasonably assist
in the disposition of the legal matter.
The Company shall
be entitled to recovery as
stated in this provision only after the Covered
Person has been fully compensated for damages
by the other party.
Notification of Legal Action
When a Cardmember is served with legal
papers, such as a Summons and/or Complaint,
relating to a claim covered under the Plan, the
Cardmember must notify (see address and
phone number under Claims Process section)
and provide copies of these to the Claims Unit
within 15 days of when the Cardmember is
served. Failure to comply may result in denial of
Additional Information
This coverage is underwritten by AMEX
Assurance Company ("Insurer") through
insurance Policy AX0610 (the "Policy") issued to
American Express Travel Related Services
Company, Inc. and its participating subsidiaries,
affiliates and licensees. The Policy may be
changed or canceled with notice.
This Descr
iption of Coverage is an important
document. Please keep it in a safe place. This
document replaces any prior Description of
Coverage under the Policy which may have been
furnished to the Cardmember.