CentraCare Health
good will
St. Cloud
Sauk Centre
Long Prairie
helping hand
healthy community
helping hand
impactful charitableness motivate
Love connection
Annual Report 2015
2 CentraCare Health Foundation
CentraCare Health Foundation engages the philanthropic community
in partnerships to improve health and health care.
CentraCare Health Foundation Mission Statement
St. Cloud
Long Prairie
centracare.com/foundation 3
As the new CentraCare Health President &
CEO, I would like to thank the more than
7,000 donors who support our work. The
impact of your gifts is reflected throughout
our health system, and is a powerful
testament to how generosity makes a
difference in our patients’ lives every day.
At CentraCare Health, we view ourselves
as a family — and like any family we
experience all that life presents to us,
including heartbreak and loss. Early this
fall, we tragically lost Todd Steinke, our
new Vice President of Philanthropy &
Community Health. Todd had served as
the Foundation’s Director of Development
for the past 10 years, so we were
confident of his abilities. We knew that his
vision, innovation and leadership would
help CentraCare Health move into a new
era of improved patient experience, clinical
quality and community health. Todd will
be greatly missed. His impact on our
Foundation and all of CentraCare will be
seen for years to come.
As we look back at the year, we would
like to send a genuine thank you to
Mark Larkin for his years of commitment
and service to our Foundation. We wish
him and his family the best in his new
endeavor in Boca Raton, Florida.
We are committed to the work of the
Foundation and committed to working
with you, our donors. We also are
committed to improving the lives of those
whom we serve, and improving the
health of the communities where we live.
Thank you for your support of CentraCare
Health and our Foundation.
Ken Holmen, MD
President & CEO, CentraCare Health
These hands represent the
people of CentraCare
Health. The plant and
soil represent you and
all of the communities
we serve. We
are here to
support you
and help
you thrive.
4 CentraCare Health Foundation
Barbara A. Anderson
Douglas J. Boser*
Craig Broman*
Paul Dorsher, MD
Jeff Gau
Christy Gilleland
Janet Handrigan, MD
Brad Hanson
Elizabeth Hayden
Kenneth Holmen, MD *
Jean Juenemann, OSB
Mark Kranz*
Yvonne Kremers
Elaina Lee, MD
Mary Linnemann
Carmie Mick*
Pam Raden
Marc Sanderson
David Smith, MD *
Kevin Smith, MD
Todd Steinke (†)
David Tilstra, MD
Deb Vogt*
Mary Weitzel*
Gene Windfeldt*
Rose Windschitl
Diane Wojtanowicz*
*not shown in photo above
Board of Directors
centracare.com/foundation 5
Message from the Chair of the Board
We dedicate this annual report to Todd Steinke, who died
tragically just 21 days after we welcomed him as CentraCare’s
new Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Health.
Todd was a good man — he was kind and compassionate,
energetic and enthusiastic, and a visionary who sought to
improve community health. He was a leader who excelled and
encouraged others to do the same; he led by example and fully
supported the work of his staff and employees.
We grieve his loss, and continue to keep his family in our
thoughts and prayers.
Thrilled with the opportunities before him, Todd had written
a message for this page. It still feels right to share his words,
just as it feels right to continue his work — CentraCare Health
Foundation’s work.
Marc Sanderson,
CentraCare Health Foundation Board Chair
“With all of the great things happening at
CentraCare Health, I am excited about being
part of Dr. Holmen’s team and to lead the
Foundation. We have a great team of people
who are committed to engaging our volunteers
and generous donors in improving health and
health care throughout Central Minnesota.”
Todd Steinke
October 13, 1967 – September 5, 2015
In Memory of ...
A Quiet and Sacred Space
Fifty pieces of stained glass art were installed in the
chapel at St. Benedict’s Senior Community – St. Cloud
by TerHaar Stained Glass Studio of Cold Spring. The
project was completed in August 2015, and includes
40 stained glass panels in the upper windows and 10
panels in the lower windows of the octagon-shaped
This project always has been intended to give
something special to the patients and residents of
SBSC, and to enhance the experience they have in the
chapel. According to Father Stephen Beauclair, “One of
the most important things is to always let the residents
know that they are welcome in the chapel, and having
that kind of a feeling goes beyond the halls here.”
Father Beauclair, who has been a leader with this
project, has been at SBSC for the past one and a half
years as the chaplain. Prior to his role at SBSC, he spent
40 years in parishes, including Richmond, for the last
10 years. Sister Susan Rudolph, current
director of Chaplain Services at SBSC, has been at the
facility for 21 years. She approached him about the
concept of this project, and the details fell into place.
Father Beauclair recruited TerHaar Stained Glass Studio,
because Terhaar had worked on a large project at
St. John’s University in Collegeville years earlier when
he was working there.
As the project developed, a theme was discussed –
Father Beauclair says of the process, “as we talked
about it as a group, we thought about what would
be a theme that could connect, or tie in, with
St. Benedict’s? What came to my mind was the
Benedictine cross; I observed that the cross is a symbol
of this place, and we wanted to fit it into the pattern of
the glass.”
Sister Susan says this project can impact the residents’
chapel experience through the artistry of the glass. “I
love art, I love beautiful things; the color, the meaning
and the symbols can pull one into the prayerful mode
at any time because of their beauty.” This art, and the
beauty of the glass and symbols, takes this peaceful
space to a higher level for the residents, patients,
families and staff of St. Benedict’s Senior Community.
50 Pieces of Art
Stained Glass
40 Celestrial Windows
10 Chapel Windows
Philanthropy Engaging the Community: St. Benedict’s Senior Community Stained Glass Project
6 CentraCare Health Foundation
Philanthropy Engaging the Community: St. Benedict’s Senior Community Stained Glass Project
This project was funded through the philanthropic efforts of 13
generous donors—SBSC would like to thank them for their gifts:
The Ackley Family
Bernice & Robert Braun Family
Virginia (†) & William Clemens
Colleen & Gerry (†) Donlin
Fritz (†) & Irene Frank
Lucille (†) & Richard Fuchs
Marina & Linus (†) Koopmeiners
Helen & Tom (†) Krebsbach
In loving memory of Joe & Devona
Kurpiers by their children
Vivian & Lewis (†) McGonagle
Helen (†) & Jim Nahan
Louise E. Theisen, in loving
memory of John & Elizabeth
Tabery Theisen & Vivia Theisen,
Rita & Hugo Weyrens
Deceased †
Featured with one of the pieces of stained
glass artwork, from left to right: Father Stephen
Beauclair, Sister Susan Rudolph and Sister
Janelle Sietsema.
The stained glass windows enrich the exterior and the interior
of the chapel with radiant and colorful light that is
upliing to minds and hearts.
centracare.com/foundation 7
8 CentraCare Health Foundation
Cumulative Benefactors
The persons, foundations
and corporations listed have
achieved a lifetime-giving
level of $10,000 or more.
We truly are grateful to our
benefactors and make every
effort to list them as they
prefer. Please call 320-240-
2810 to correct any errors or
discrepancies that appear in
the following lists. (As of June
30, 2015)
CentraCare Health Employees
Clearway Minnesota
The Coborn Family
Ms. Mae Ellingson-Skalicky
Benedict F. & Dorothy J.
St. Cloud Hospital
St. Cloud Hospital Volunteer
John & Mary Weitzel
Anderson Family of
Darwin Bonn
Bob & Linda Feuling & The
Feuling Family
Grocers On the Green
George & Shirley Torrey
Douglas J. & Tanya Boser --
Boser Construction, Inc.
State of Minnesota
The Kresge Foundation
American Foods Group, LLC
Rollie & Barbara A. Anderson
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
William E. Clemens
Crothall Services Group
Bob & Nancy Ferche Family
Barb & Art Grachek
Lee & Jan Hanson
Patrick E. Lynch
Marco, Inc.
Morgan Family Foundation
Otto Bremer Foundation
The Rosen Family Foundation,
Inc. -- Lud, Roberta &
Thomas Rosen
Bob & Sandy Sexton
Dr. Wesley J. & Jean A. Streed
Gene & Sheelah Windfeldt
Bernick Family Foundation
Scott & Kim Blattner
Design Electric, Inc.
Andy & Jodi Fritz - El-Jay
Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Lester Engel
Dr. Michael C. & Kendra
John & Nancy Frobenius
Harold E. Anderson Trust
Al & Yvonne Kremers
Leighton Broadcasting Radio
Stations KCLD, KZPK, KCML,
John Mahowald & Donna
Mahowald Insurance Agency
& Mahowald Financial
Gary & Jane Marsden
Dr. John & Joyce Matsuura
John & Cherie McDowall -
McDowall Company
McGough Construction
Company, Inc.
Medica Foundation
Dr. Terence & Sue Pladson
The Clara Foundation
Patrick J. & Karen L. Virnig
Wells Fargo Bank
William & Karen Young -
Granite City Dental Lab
Dennis & Karen Zaun
American Heritage Bank &
the Jay Johnston & Rodger
Johnston families
Barb Anderson & Dave
Arvig Communication Systems
Cornelius P. & Sandra L.
Michael & Sharon Bauerly
Family Fund
Bauerly Companies
Rodger & Marlys Bense
Dick & Mimi Bitzan
Bremer Bank
Craig & Karen Broman
The Carlson Family and C & L
Central Minnesota Emergency
Donlar Construction Company
Dr. Paul J. & Joanne E.
Roger & Betty Duininck
Epic Systems
Jared Gapinski & Molly
GNP Company – Gold’n
Gray Plant Mooty
Leo T. Henkemeyer
Emily Hoeft Estate
Kevin J. & Joanne M. Hughes
Hughes Mathews Greer, P.A.
Jim Christensen – J.C.
Christensen & Associates,
Dr. Dwight E. & Audrey C.
Sy & Corrine Janochoski - Sy &
Sons, Inc.
Knife River/MDU Foundation
Cheryl Lightle & Wade Skaja
Thomas E. & Mary Mathews
Gordy & Michelle Meyer
Dan & Susan Miller - Miller
Architects & Builders
Jim & Marion Miller
Minnesota Organization on
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Dr. Paul T. & Nancy E. Moran
Multiple Concepts Interiors
Carpet One
Pan-O-Gold Baking Co
Regional Diagnostic Radiology
Dr. Nicholas & Bernice Reuter
Barry & Sandy Ross
Phil & Evelyn Ruggiero
Leo M. & Karen M. Sand
Tom & Joyce Schlough
Ronald S. & Irene E. Schmidt
Christopher Shorba
Sprint PCS
St. Cloud Hospital Auxiliary Gift
St. Jude Medical
Tastefully Simple
Jerome & Esther Then
Delphine (+) & John
Undersander Family
US Bank
Paul E. Van Gorp, MD &
Bobbi Knutson
Faber Family – Viking Coca-
Cola, First Choice, Armada
Bob & Penny White
Diane & John (†)
Wojtanowicz/Prairie Farm
Wolters Kluwer Financial
Gail Anderson
Vonnie Bangtson
Carl & Barb Caspers
Child Care Choices, Inc.
Crystal Farms
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Greater MN Fight for a Cure
Donald Helgeson & Sue
J & B Group
Jennie-O Turkey Store, Inc.
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
William A. & Virginia M. Lee
Jim Nahan
Denny & Karol Ringsmuth
Russ Davis Wholesale
Sisters of the Order of Saint
Don & Sylvia Weeres & Family
– Spee-Dee Delivery Service,
St. Cloud Ear Nose & Throat -
Head & Neck Clinic, PA
Sysco / Appert’s Foodservice
The Lynn Johnson Family
Louise E. Theisen
Then Family Charitable
Array Services Group
Audio Video Extremes LLC
John, Nancy, Corey & Lee
Bartlett – Automotive Parts
Headquarters, Inc.
Charles D. Nielsen and Peggy
L. Carlson
John P. & Cindy B. Clemens
Robert and Veronica Coborn
Family Fund
Courrier Investments LLC
Crafts Direct
Creative Memories/The
Antioch Company
Dr. Luther (†) & K. Julie
Aronson Dehnel
Mark & Karla Donlin Family
Charles & Jane Dooley
The Eich Family & Eich Motor
Dr. Walter N. & Trecia Ann Ellis
Michael J. Faber
Rose Ann Faber
Form A Feed Inc.
Design Electric, Inc., generously
matched donations up to
$100,000 to benefit Child &
Adolescent Behavior Health.
centracare.com/foundation 9
Christy Gilleland - Gilleland
Ross Hall & Tanya Vossberg
Judge Elizabeth Hayden &
Judge Charles Flinn, Jr.
HealthPartners Central
Minnesota Clinics
Dennis & Tamara Holland
Allen & Laura Horn
Mary Lee & James H. Illies
J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc.
Mary Lou Jameson
Drs. Richard & Merryn R.
Karen & Jerry Jurgens
The Klick Foundation
Susan & Greg Klugherz
Linus (†) & Marina
Jim & Mary Jane Lauerman
Steven Letnes
Hub Levandowski & Karol
John P. & Maryanne
Steve & Trese Mareck
Mathew Hall Lumber
Scott & Mary Kay May
Metropolitan Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
Midsota Plastic &
Reconstructive Surgeons, PA
Minnesota Academy of
Pediatrics Foundation
Dr. Chris & Denise Moellentine
John & Helen Monson
Michael R. & Donna M. Nathe
Ben & Kari Nemeth
New Flyer USA
Robert & Marilyn Obermiller
Option Care
PCL Construction Services, Inc.
Rice Building Systems, Inc.
Rinke Noonan, Ltd
Mike & Elizabeth Roth
Scheels All Sports
Michael & Patricia Sipe
Stearns Benton Medical Society
Don & Angeline Hall Family
Supervalu Inc.
Daniel & Susan Swenson
Kathy & Tom Terhaar
The Hearst Foundations
Tony & Joyce Tillemans
Drs. David & Janet Tilstra
TKI/ Tom & Diane Kraemer
Traumen Glasberg Design
Vascular Solutions
Gary & Wendy Verkinnes
Brad & Kathy Wheelock
Dr. Daniel & Judy Whitlock
Duane & Elaine Schultz
and Winkelman Building
Robert & RoseAnn Zinter
Janie & Jack M. Amundson
Dr. Charles & Janet Andres
Anheuser - Busch
Mark K. Coborn
David & Jean Bauerly Family
Jerry & Elaine Bauerly
Don & Pat (†) Bitzan
Payton Blomstrom Perinatal &
Pediatrics Palliative Care
Dr. Joseph M. & Patty Blonski
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Bonnie & Stephen Bologna
Tom & Andrea Brasel
Bremer Financial Services Inc.
Dr. Frank T. & Alice L. Brown
Center For Diagnostic Imaging
Central Minnesota Noon
Optimist Club
Linda & Joe Chmielewski
Clearwater Travel Plaza
Continental Press, Inc
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Cragle
Mick Family - Custom Welding
& Metal Fabricating, Inc.
D.J. Bitzan Jewelers
Jim & Jan Davis
DCI, Inc.
Del Monte Foods
Gerry (†) and Colleen Donlin
Dunham Associates
Rene Eldidy, MD
Elmer Garding Memorial
Cancer Fund
Dr. Fred J. & Lynn Engman
Jason & Debra Erickson
Perry L. Evans
Events Extraordinaire By Jean
Inc/Jean Dotzler
Fifth District Eagles
Finken Water & Kay’s Kitchen
Dr. John H. & Jeanne M.
General Mills
Frank & Helen Gessell
Granite Equity Partners Fund
Patricia Gray
James & Pauline Hall
Hammel, Green and
Abrahamson, Inc.
Donald & Nancy Hansen
Drs. Ronald D. & Michelle
Paul & Jennifer Harris
Dr. Richard W. & Patricia Hart
Richard & Kris Inderieden -
Heater Rental Services
Joe & Amy Hellie
Kit & Jerry Henkemeyer
Henkemeyer Coatings Inc.
Mike and Pat Henkemeyer
Steve & Megan Henkemeyer -
Henkemeyer Excavating
Joan Hicks
Andy (†) & Carol Hilger
Hoglund Bus Co. Inc.
Holiday Companies
Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites
Holiday Station Stores Inc
Dr. Mark D. Holm & Susan
Osaki Holm
Ken & Beth Honkomp
Nicholas & Terese Houle
Dr. Scot & Gretchen Hutton
Alcuin & Dorine (†) Illies
Jagielski Family
Kathy Janson Memorial Fund
JM Companies, Inc. & Mike
John Wiese Ford, Inc.
Cindy Johnson
Kevin and Julie Johnson-
K. Johnson Const. Inc
Dr. James L. & Mary Jost
Dr. Donald J. Jurgens
Michael & Joni Karl
Kiwanis Club of St. Cloud
Tom (†) & Helen Krebsbach
Dr. David A. & Susan M. Kroska
Laerdal Foundation
Lakeland Construction
Finance, LLC
Steve & Peggy Laraway
Mark & Judi Larkin
Dr. Thomas W. & Deanne
Aaron & Jill Levin
Dr. Douglas R. & Taimi T.
Duane & Patricia Lorsung
Jim & Vickie Lundeen
Dr. Todd & Sarah Magnuson
Jim & Chris Mahowald
Norie Mahowald
Mardag Foundation
Dr. Edward & William Martin-
Dr. Mark & Ronda Matthias
Drs. Eric T. & Lynn M.
Dr. Cindy Jensen Melloy &
Thomas P. Melloy
Michael Foods
Midwest Arrhythmia Research
Myrel A. Neumann Midwest
Vision Centers
Minnesota Medical
Minnesota Power Foundation
Rosie & Roger Moran
Morrison Healthcare Food
Steve Muggli
Mark & Jan Murphy
Negen Family – Negen
Architects, Inc.
Dr. Robert B. & Marianne
Old Dutch Foods Inc
Tom & Barb Orr
John & Elizabeth Packert/Ron’s
Kathy & Jim Parsons
Paynesville Hospital Auxiliary
Justin V. Pearson Memorial
Perkins & Will
David & Mary Phipps
Plaza Park Bank
Pleasureland RV Center, Inc.
Pope Architects, Inc.
Tom & Amy Porwoll
Durand J. & Mary Sue Potter
Quinlivan & Hughes, P.A.
Joni & Duane Rasmusson
RBC Wealth Management
Dr. John R. & Kathryn A.
Mae Ellingson-Skalicky,
celebrating 10 years of helping
children at Clara’s House.
Tom Rosen, President of the
Rosen Family Foundation
and CEO of American Foods
Group, LLC, generously
donated $500,000 to the Long
Prairie capital campaign.
10 CentraCare Health Foundation
Robert & Rita Rengel
Dr. David J. & Susan M. Roberts
Vickie & Al Ruegemer
Scenic Sign Corp.
Dr. John M. & Amy Schmitz
Claude C. & Mary A. Schneider
Dr. Thomas G. & Myra Lee
Jacqueline M. Schuh in
memory of Joan M. Schuh
John Seckinger
Tom & Kathy Sellnow
Sentra-Sota Sheet Metal, Inc.
Slumberland Furniture of
St. Cloud
Dr. Stephen (†) & Mary
St. Cloud Country Club
St. Cloud Lions Club
St. Cloud School of Nursing
Alumni Association
St. Cloud Surgical Center
Dr. Michael & Nina Steil
Stinson Leonard Street LLP
Scott & Shelly Streed
Todd & Heidi Streed
Dr. Muhammad Suri & Aqsa
Dr. Jessica & Andy Swartout
The Klick Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
Thermo-Tech Windows East
Side Glass Company
Lee & Mary Torborg
Townsquare Media, Inc
Mark J. Traut
Dr. Theodore & Andrea Truitt
Joan B. Volkmuth
W. Gohman Construction Co.
Donald R. & Jan D. Watkins
Bruce & Jodie Gohmann -
Weidner Plumbing &
West Central Anesthesia PC
Hugo & Rita Weyrens
Margaret & Michael White
Dr. Darin D. & Katy Willardsen
William and Betty Andres
Williams Dingmann Funeral
Brownie and Michelle Williams
Dr. Harold E. & Shirley
Xcel Energy
Dr. Mohamed S. Yassin
Todd & Kyoko Zaun
Daryl L. & Bonnie G. Zimmer
Sonja Zitur
Zonta Club of St. Cloud
Linda Abel
The Ackley Family
Adult & Pediatric Urology
Advantage One Insurance –
J. Ted Plombon
Advantage Sales & Marketing
AIS Planning
Dr. Oluade A. & Adeyoola A.
Albany Mutual Telephone
Hani Alkhatib
Tom & Sally Allen
Allergy, Asthma & Pulmonary
Assoc., P.A.
American Cancer Society
American Door Works
American Endowment
American Pharmacists
Drs. Stacia Anderson &
Matthew R. Hwang
John & Kay Delinsky & Apollo
Insurance Agency
Arbor Research Collaborative
for Health
Arctic Glacier Ice
Larry L. Asplin
Christine & Jason Bakke
Dr. Burton R. & Evelyn H.
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Barrel O’ Fun
Roberta Basol
Patrick C. Bauer & Gloria A.
Flavin Bauer
Brian & Marge Bauerly
Jenny Bauerly
Mark & Anita Bauerly
Rick & Helga Bauerly
Bayer Built Woodworks, Inc.
Penny & Dennis Beattie
Gary & Kay Bechtold
Mary Bell
Carol Belling
Michael S. & Gerry Beltinck
Ernest J. (†) & Eileen A.
Dean R. & Lori J. Bernick
Big Stone County Cancer
Support Group, Inc.
Kirstie & Peter Bingham
Ryan & Julia Bjerke
Byron & Peggy Bjorklund
Rona Bleess
Drs. Barbara J. & Steven H.
Bor-Son Construction, Inc.
Sharon & David Borgert
Dr. Philip F. & Kristine Boyle
Joe & Kathy Sexton
Robert & Bernice Braun family
Dennis & Merrie Breitenfeldt
Dr. Bryan J. & Kirsten H.
Gary & Sharon Brown and
Brown & Krueger, PA
Barbara & David Burandt
Laura Burns
Bush Foundation
Mary Bye
Roger & Sue Cada
Sheila Campbell
Care Transportation
Caribou Coffee
Dr. Dennis & Jeanne Carreras
Carson Pirie Scott Foundation
Cathedral Press
Central Minnesota Credit
Central Minnesota
Woodcarvers Association
Certified Hereford Beef
City of St. Cloud
College of Saint Benedict
Dr. Thomas & Paulette Como
Adeline Conlon
Dee Coppock
Dr. Thomas L. & Mary M. Cress
Crossmark/Reckitt Benckiser
Crow Wing County Auditor-
Pat Cumming
Craig & Lynn Dahl
Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC
Daniel Funeral Home, Inc.
Dr. Eileen H. & Brian H. Dauer
Dayton Foundation
Fred & Judy Dinkel and family
Cindy & Dwayne Dockendorf
Linda Doerr
Larry & Rita Donlin
Donlin Company
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dorle
Dr. Craig M. & Jennifer
Jyeton Drayna
Dr. Ann C. Dunnigan
Drs. Robert Ang & Belen Dy
East West Realty
Eden Valley Lions Club
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream
Dr. Charles Ehlen
Mike & Deb Eisenstadt
Dr. Dahlia Elkadi
Janice & Charles Engebretson
Dr. Hans H. & Sharon L.
Wayne R. & Linda J. Engstrand
Robert & Evelyn Erickson
Fairview Gardens
John & Gail Falconer
Family Voices of Minnesota
Dr. Kelly B. & Neil Fandel
Farmers & Merchants State
Bank, Sauk Rapids/Pierz
Tom & Gina Feldhege
Felling Trailers
Jason & Jennifer Ferche
First State Bank
Michele Fischer
Jim Forsting
Freeport State Bank
Frito Lay
Dick and Lucy Fuchs Family
G.R. Herberger’s, Inc.
Bernard J. Gambrino
Gannett National Shared
Service Center
General Mills Foundation
Ceree George
Drs. Terri T. & Jeffrey S. Gerdes
Jodi & Chad Gertken
Great River Federal Credit
Doug & Kay Greenlee
Dr. Winn & Denise Gregory
Dr. Albert S. & Janice
Hanratty & Associates, Inc.
Paul N. & Michele Hanson
Harley & Sally Hanson
Chad A. Haroldson
Mark Hauge
Todd & Jodi Hillmer
Kacey Hiltner
Dr. Kathleen Hobday
Holdingford Area Walk of
Dr. Ken & Linda Holmen
Hormel Foods
Drs. Weining Hu & Yi Zheng
Brenda & Matt Hulst
Imagine Nation Books, LTD
Ingram Entertainment Inc.
Initiative Foundation
Dan Janochoski
Jim Janochoski
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Janochoski
John Morrell & Co.
Dr. Craig M. & LuAnne
Paul Van Gorp, MD, and
wife Bobbi Knutson, made a
generous contribution to Long
Prairie’s new medical campus.
centracare.com/foundation 11
Bob & Judy Johnson
Angela Jordahl
Angelica Jurgens
Audrey & Dave Kamphenkel
Terry & Barbara Kantor
Dr. Barbi Kaplan-Frenkel &
Theodor Frenkel
Dale & Marie Katterhagen
Dale Kaufman
Drs. Mary & Jerry Keating
Rob & Joanne Keck
Kehe Food Distributors, Inc.
Keller Family Community
June Kelly
Kemps LLC
Karen Kinsley
KLN Family Brands
James M. & Janet Knoblach
Luan Knoll
Larry & Brenda Knutson
Kopp Family Foundation
Kopp Investment Advisors
Dr. Todd M. & Laura Kor
Naomi Kowalik
Kraft Foods
Mark Krebsbach
Miles & Rebecca Kulzer
Greg & Carla Kummer
Ron Kurpiers, Sue Albeck & Jo
Dr. Barry A. & Leslie Labine
Dr. John M. & Nancy Lacika
William J. & Phyllis M. Lacroix
Jerry & Bev Timmers Lahr
Aaron & Lisa Lahr Family
Dr. Patrick M. & Debra S. Lalley
Patricia & Henri Lanctin
Land O’ Frost, Inc.
Peggy Lange
Steve & Martha Lanz
David & Camilla Larson
Dr. Theresa M. & John Lau
Marie Laudon
Dr. Elaina Lee & Steven E.
Yvonne L. Leedahl
John & Arlene Leisen
Dr. Girum Lemma & Wuby
Scott & Lori Leonard
Mary J. Leyk
Dr. David & Gretchen
Bonnie & Richard Line
Shirley & Al (+) Loehr
Joan & Paul Lombardi
Phil & Holly Luitjens
Lumber One, Avon Inc.
Dr. John Teskey & Kathleen
Marjorie & Gerald Mahon
Robert L. & Anne M.
Samuel G. & JoAnn M. Mairs
Richard P. & JoAnn C. Manlove
Diane L. Marcotte
Nancy & Erich Martens
Bonnie Martin
Dr. Creston M. Martin
Mary Martin
Dr. Mark J. & Lisa B. Martone
McGladrey LLP
Vivian & Lewis McGonagle -
Ickler Bearing &
Machine Co.
McGough - St. Cloud
Melrose Lions Club
Merrill Corporation
John Meyer
Roy J. & Ruth Meyer
Mid Central Door Co.
Mid-America Coffee Service /
Ronnoco Coffee
Alvina Mies
Dennis Miley
Debra Miller
Dr. Simon & Renee Milstein
Minnesota National Bank
Andre’ Mitchell
Kathryn Morin
Roger A. & Barbara L. Moshier
Mr. Dee’s Inc.
Beverly Mueller
Musco Family Olive Co.
Name Brand Wigs
Tracy E. Napp, M.D.
Dr. Frank P. & Tracy Nellans
Dr. Peter E. & Laurie Nelson
Joe & Veronica Nessler
Nestle Nutrition
Nestle Purina
Nestle USA/Coffeemate
Bruce & Carolyn Neubauer
Hoang Nguyen, M.D. and
Regional Diagnostic
Eleanor Hemstreet Nickles &
William Nickles
Northwestern Mutual
NXC Imaging
O’Hara’s Brew Pub &
Troy & Gail Olson
Gerry & Carole Otto
Kurt & Linda Otto
Judith M. Ozbun
Dr. Scott & Susan Palmer
Palmer Printing Company
Troy & Sandra Payne
Paynesville Lions Club
Diane & Matt Pelant
Ken & Jeannette Pesta
Drs. Ted & Jane Peterson
Dr. Brett A. & Jonathan
Joy & Patrick Plamann
CentraCare Health Foundation
Thank you to everyone who generously supports health
and health care in Central Minnesota. The lists of
benefactors highlight the thousands of people in our
region whose gis are impacting the care of patients
today, leaving a legacy of future health improvements.
Thank you for making a difference!
Summary of Operations FY 2015
Revenue & Support (in thousands)
Contributions, net* $10,146
Investment Income, net $867
Special Events $1,279
Planned Giving Expectations** $858
Total Revenue $13,150
Expenses (in thousands)
Grants & Programs $7,656
Special Events $595
Administrative $768
Fundraising $1,198
Total Expenses $10,217
Net Assets at the end of the year $50,341
* St. Cloud Hospital and St. Benedict’s Senior
Community covered a portion of the Foundations
administrative expenses. The number is reflected in
the contribution line.
** Some planned gis are revocable and may not
12 CentraCare Health Foundation
Jean Poganski
Preferred Credit, Inc.
Noel & Cindy Johnson -
Premier Real Estate
Prestige Parking & Valet
Proctor & Gamble
Shannon J. Quinlivan
Stephanie Randolph
Dr. Deborah Rasmussen
Al & Kathy Rausch
Dr. Jodi K. Regan & Dean
Regional Diagnostic Radiology
Bret & Nicole Reuter
Dr. Nathaniel & Valerie Reuter
Millie Rice
Richard N. Klein Living Trust
Aleen & Rick Roehl
Barbara Rogan
Deacon Kenneth W. & Michele
A. Rosha
Deacon Jerome Roth
Richard B. Ruhoff
Gregory O. & Carol J. Rupp
Saint Paul City Ballet
Vernon Salzl
Juli Sanner
Thomas and Cheri Satre
Marilyn A. Savage
Scenic Specialties Landscape
Dr. Richard & Rita (†) Schaefer
Barb Scheiber
Jane Scherber
Armella Schimnich
James & Joan Schlenner -
Schlenner, Wenner & Co.
Judith C. Schmid
Doug & Mary Schmidt
Mike Mavetz & Mary Beth
John & Jan Schnettler
David Schoenborn
Gary & Bobbi Schroeder
Dr. Timothy N. & Amy
Mary Scott
Jeff Sell
Joe & Kathy Sexton
Ken & Marcia Shane
Joseph & Valerie Silva
Tereasa Simonson MD -
Regional Diagnostic
SJA Architects
Kevin L. Smith, MD
Snyder’s of Hanover, Inc.
Drs. Kim & Chad Spaulding
Kevin & Anita Spellacy
Steve & Jean Sperl
St. Cloud Foot & Ankle Center,
St. Cloud Medical Group
South Campus
St. Cloud Medical Mission
St. Cloud Orthopedic
Associates, Ltd.
St. Cloud Sertoma Club
St. Cloud Technical &
Community College
St. Cloud Toyota
St. Cloud Westside Sertoma
St. Cloud Window Inc.
Bert Stanley & Karen Berg
State Farm Insurance
Paul W. Steil & Elizabeth
Wenner Steil
Robert & Mary Stein
Todd (†) & Cindy Steinke
Heidi, Natalie, Kathryn, Joseph
and Benjamin Stiegel
Mary Stiles, MD
Drs. Robert E. Stocker &
Catherine A. Matuska
Bob & Laurie Strack
Strack Companies
Streed Family LMTD
Terry & Dr. Janelle K. Strom
Mary Struffert, RN
Debra D. & Donald H. Stueve
Dr. Pradub & Rampai Sukhum
Dr. Read & Tammy Sulik
Drs. Dale J. Minnerath & Sylvia
R. Sundberg
Sunray Printing Solutions, Inc.
Mary Super
Supervalu Foundation
SuperValu Inc.
Dr. Kevin & Linda Switzer
Take Heart America Sudden
Cardiac Arrest Survival
Tenvoorde Ford
Larry D. (+) & Margo A. Tepley
The Catholic Foundation -
Diocese of St. Cloud
The Change Companies
The JM Smucker Company
The Smile Train
The St. Cloud Morning
Optimist Club
Joleen & John Thell
Dr. Tracey B. Thompson
Kelly Thomton
Robert & Joann Thueringer
Dr. Daniel J. & Julie S. Tiede
Brad & Cathy Tieva
Times Media & St. Cloud Times
Traut Wells
Trudeau Distributing
Dr. Hilary I. & Lilyan Ufearo
University of Minnesota
Urban Associates, Inc.
Kay & Philip VanderStoep
Amy & Roderick Vansurksum
Dr. Timothy G. & Valerie
Verso Paper
Veterans of Foreign Wars East
Side Post 4847
Loren M. & Debra J. Viere
Joan & Steve M.
Vincent, Ph.D.
Jane Vortherms
Shar Wallack
Dena & David Walz
Patrick & Gwen Wampach
Shirley Ann Wampach
Christine Warzecha
Dr. Dove D. & Tracey L. Watkin
Melissa & Ryan Weber
Janet & Tim Wensman
Werschay Homes
Julia M. Westendorf
Tom & Cathy Williams
Greg & Beth Windfeldt
Womens Golf Association
Judith & Tom Wyne
Edward J. Zapp
Mary L. and Walter R. Zastrow
Peggy Zimmer
John & Connie Zinter
Michael Zyvoloski
Deceased †
Beacon Society
The following benefactors
have named St. Cloud
Hospital programs and
services, St. Benedict’s Senior
Community or CentraCare
Health Foundation as a
partial beneficiary in their
estates. (As of June 30, 2015)
Hani Alkhatib
Tom & Sally Allen
Larry L. Asplin
Ernest J. (†) & Eileen A.
Jason Bernick
Dick & Mimi Bitzan
Darwin and Rose Mary (†)
Douglas J. & Tanya Boser --
Boser Construction, Inc.
Larry J. & Dawn C. Caswell
Dan & Mabel Coborn
Adeline Conlon
Lester Engel
Dr. Hans H. & Sharon L.
Wayne R. & Linda J. Engstrand
Eugene & Jan Faulhaber
John & Nancy Frobenius
Jared Gapinski & Molly
Ken & Deb Gieske
Benedict F. & Dorothy J.
Barb & Art Grachek
Joan Groth
Ross Hall & Tanya Vossberg
Brad & Lisa Hanson
Jack & Geri Happe
Judge Elizabeth Hayden &
Judge Charles Flinn, Jr.
John & Mary Herges
Joan Hicks
Dennis & Tamara Holland
Alcuin & Dorine (†) Illies
Dr. Dwight E. & Audrey C.
Jagielski Family
Gorecki Guest House, adding
an additional 16 rooms to
further benefit our patients.
Amy Hellie, Dorothy and Benedict Gorecki, Luan Knoll at Spring
Fling, raising funds to benefit St. Benedict’s Senior Community and
CentraCare Heart & Vascular Center.
Health Gain
Regional Grants
The Regional Grants are vetted through a three step process.
Step 1 > The Foundation staff screens out requests not aligned with CentraCare
Foundations mission or invites a full proposal be submitted to the Grants
Step 2 > Grants Committee reviews.
Step 3 > Full Foundation Board approval. Over the Foundation history, 450+ grant
requests have been reviewed by the Committee and the Board has approved
276. The Grants Committee is looking for the best fit with the Foundations
mission of improving health and health care. Below are examples of the grants
•St. Cloud Hospital > Mannequin for Rural Trauma Team Development course
•Spare Key > Central Minnesota Housing grant assistance for families of pediatric patients
•United Way of Central Minnesota > Early Learning – Talahi Neighborhood
•Assumption Community > Rural Stearns Faith in Action
•Epilepsy Foundation > Seizure Smart Schools program
•Pearl Crisis Center > Olweus Bullying Prevention program
•Catholic Charities > Homeless Youth Shelter/Transitional Housing
•Alzheimer’s Association > Reshaping Rural Healthcare for Boomers
•Birthline > Stepping Stones Safe Baby Initiative
•Central MN Sexual Assault Center > Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program
•WACOSA > Wellness to Work
•Lutheran Social Services > St. Cloud Area Crisis Nursery
•The YES Network > Neighborhood based summer activity programs
•ISD 740 > Melrose High School Concession Stand Heatlhy Remodel
Most recent Innovations Fund investments this past fiscal year included:
•Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation – Wellbeing 5 Index > partnering with GSDC
and SCSU for planning and guiding a workplace well being initiative with employers and
other interested organizations in the region.
•Central Minnesota Concussion Collaborative (BrainSafe) > a community wide initiative
to improve the care for patients of all ages with concussions, also known as mild
traumatic brain injuries.
•CentraCare Clinic IHI Integrated Behavior Health > funding to engage in collaboration
with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to understand and explore the integration
of Behavior Health into Primary Care.
centracare.com/foundation 13
Drs. Richard & Merryn R.
Roger & Susan Justison
Linus (†) & Marina
Naomi Kowalik
Tom (†) & Helen Krebsbach
Al & Yvonne Kremers
Kevin & Ann Krenik
William A. & Virginia M. Lee
Steven Letnes
Dr. Douglas R. & Taimi T.
Duane & Patricia Lorsung
Norie Mahowald
Diane L. Marcotte
Gary & Jane Marsden
Scott & Mary Kay May
Terri McCaffrey
Dr. Cindy Jensen Melloy &
Thomas P. Melloy
Dr. Chris & Denise Moellentine
Dr. Paul T. & Nancy E. Moran
Rosie & Roger Moran
Roger A. & Barbara L. Moshier
Eleanor Hemstreet Nickles &
William Nickles
Charles D. Nielsen and Peggy
L. Carlson
Robert & Marilyn Obermiller
Judith M. Ozbun
Dr. Gregory & Ellen J. Pelletier
Dr. Terence & Sue Pladson
Daniel Purcell
Dr. Nicholas & Bernice Reuter
Denny & Karol Ringsmuth
Chad & Paula Roggeman
Gary & Denise Rosin
Phil & Evelyn Ruggiero
Richard B. Ruhoff
Gregory O. & Carol J. Rupp
Marilyn A. Savage
Tom & Joyce Schlough
Jacqueline M. Schuh in
memory of Joan M. Schuh
Marjorie Schwartz
Connie Schwinghammer
Bob & Sandy Sexton
Christopher Shorba
Michael & Patricia Sipe
Todd (†) & Cindy Steinke
Dr. Wesley J. & Jean A. Streed
M.J. & Richard Swanson
Louise E. Theisen
George & Shirley Torrey
Arlene Truszinski Clement
John & Mary Weitzel
Hugo & Rita Weyrens
Brad & Kathy Wheelock
Diane & John (†)
Wojtanowicz/Prairie Farm
Deceased †
“A high priority in our lives
has been to strengthen
and improve the quality of
life in rural communities.
First-rate health care is
one of the important
resources necessary to
maintain this goal.”
Paul Van Gorp, MD
& Bobbi Knutson
“We take great pride
in supporting local
organizations that
are truly making a
difference in the lives
of the people who live,
work and visit here.”
Duane Anderson,
President and CEO
of Farmers Union
“I was impressed with the support and contributions
that have come from the employees, medical staff
and leadership, as well as the great support from
the community. CentraCare Health – Long Prairie is
doing good work here and a new medical campus
can help keep this community vital and healthy,
both physically and economically,”
Tom Rosen, President of the Rosen Family
Foundation and CEO of American Foods Group, LLC
Field of Dreams
The residents of Long Prairie and greater Todd
County have long been dreaming of a new
medical campus to replace the existing 60-year-
old facilty to better serve the community. Thanks
to the generous contributions from community
members, businesses, families with a long history
in the area and CentraCare Health – Long Prairie
employees, plans for a new medical campus are
underway and construction of the estimated $25
million facility will begin by summer 2016.
In April 2014, a capital campaign was launched
for a new medical campus. With early gifts from
generous donors including long-time Long Prairie
family practice provider, Paul Van Gorp, MD, and
his wife Bobbi Knutson, and the Rodger and
Marlys Bense family, the campaign was underway.
Community response was great and it became
obvious this project was vital to Long Prairie. The
Lee and Jan Hanson family generously donated
wetland credits for wetland mitigation needed
on the south end of the property, which was a
necessity in moving the project ahead.
The employees also supported this project
whole-heartedly. In the 2015 annual employee
campaign, Long Prairie led CentraCare Health
system-wide with 62 percent of employees and
100 percent of leaders contributing.
Tom Rosen and the Rosen Family Foundation
Philanthropy Engaging the Community: Long Prairie Capital Campaign
14 CentraCare Health Foundation
“The Long Prairie
community must have
quality health care close
to home. A new medical
facility will help keep this
community competitive.”
Rodger & Marlys
“To help CentraCare
Health and the
community move
forward with their new
medical facility project
was something we
were honored to be
able to do.”
Lee & Jan Hanson
put the campaign over the initial goal with a gift
of $500,000. Duane Anderson, president/CEO
of Farmers Union Industries, LLP, was inspired
by Rosen’s gift and doubled their initial gift to
encourage other businesses and organizations to
support this effort.
A partnership between the community and
CentraCare Health — Long Prairie is what made
this dream a reality.
For information about giving opportunities, please contact
Nicole Bjerke, at BjerkeN@centracare.com or 320-732-7337.
Principal Gis
The Rosen Family Foundation
Lee & Jan Hanson & Family
Farmers Union Industries, LLC
Paul Van Gorp, MD & Bobbi Knutson
Rodger & Marlys Bense
Employee Gis
100% Leadership Support
62% Employee Support
Major Gis
31 Community & Business Gis
$10,000 +
Total raised as of 9/11/2015
centracare.com/foundation 15
Many CentraCare Health – Long Prairie employees gather for
a photo to celebrate the Employee Campaign success.
16 CentraCare Health Foundation
2015 Named Funds
The following endowment
funds have been created
by individuals to carry on
family names or to honor
special physicians, caregivers
or friends. The principal of
these gifts is invested and the
interest is used to support
the area designated by the
benefactor. (As of June 30,
Al & Yvonne Kremers Fund
Al Kremers Fund
Alcuin & Dorine Illies Fund
Almeda Ella Pollish Fund
Anna & Gracie Fund
Arthur F. & Barbara A. Grachek
Aunt Leona Fund
Barb Caspers Fund
Bernie Belling Recovery Fund
Bill & Jean Kane Fund
Bill & Virginia Lee Fund
Bonnie & Stephen Bologna
Boser Family Fund
Broker Family Fund
Carl & Marilyn Savage Fund
Celestine & Mary Lieser Fund
Chris Shorba Fund
Clara’s Fund
Craig & Lynn Dahl Fund
Darwin & Rose Mary Bonn
Dr. Fred & Lynn Engman Fund
Dr. Gerald L. & Karen Jurgens
Cancer Survivorship Fund
Dr. Hans Engman Diabetes
Dr. Harold E. Windschitl
Cancer Research
Dr. Jessica & Andy Swartout
Dr. Joseph & Patty Blonski
Family Fund
Dr. Nicholas & Bernice Reuter
Dr. Philip Halenbeck Education
Dr. Richard & Patricia Hart
Dr. Robert Cumming Family
Elizabeth Hayden & Charles
Flinn, Jr. Fund
Fabian & Donna Eickhoff
Family Fund
Flanagan Family Fund
Fred & Del Sexton Fund
Fred M. Riegger Fund
Gene & Sheelah Windfeldt
George & Shirley Torrey Fund
George J. McDowall Memorial
Granite City Dental Lab -
William & Karen Young
Greater MN Fight for a Cure
Hank & Dee Coppock Fund
Harold & Carole Groustra
Cancer Fund
Helen Liljedahl Fund
Herman Hollar Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Hind Site Fund
Irene Walsh Fund
Jagielski Family Fund
Jake & Mary Essen Alzheimer’s
Education Fund
James & Helen Nahan Family
James and Marion Miller Fund
Jean Kershner Lung Cancer
Jerome E. Schmitz Tobacco
Cessation Fund
John & Delphine Undersander
John & Maryanne Mahowald
John & Nancy Frobenius
Breast Cancer Fund
Joseph J. & Susan M. Kuhl
Heart Center Fund
Karla & Mark Donlin Fund
Kathy Janson Memorial Fund
Kay Pattison Fund
Kevin & Linda Switzer Fund
Kevin J Hughes Medical &
Legal Ethics Fund
Kidney Klimb Fund
Knevel Family Fund
Kristine Cunningham Rose
Memorial Fund
Lee & Mary Torborg Spiritual
Care Fund
Leonard and Catherine Horn
Liepert Family Fund
Lillian’s Garden Fund
Linda Chmielewski Nursing
Louise E. Theisen Fund
Madigan/Mosford Family Fund
Marco Health Fund
Mark D. Holm and Susie Osaki
Holm Research Fund
McDowall Company, John &
Cherie McDowall Fund
Mike & Joni Karl Family Fund
Nemeth Family Fund
Nicholas & Terese Houle Fund
Partners in the Art of Recovery
Pat Opatz Cancer Research
Paul & Joanne Dorsher Fund
Paul T. & Nancy E. Moran
Payton Blomstrom Perinatal &
Pediatrics Palliative Care
Peggy L Carlson - Charles D
Nielsen Hope Fund
Quinlivan & Hughes Fund
RDR Advised Fund
Richard & Merryn R. Jolkovsky
Richard B. Ruhoff Fund
Robert & Nancy Ferche Family
Robert & Sandy Sexton Fund
Robert Mahowald Sr. Fund
Rosalie Timmers Junior
Volunteer Scholarship
Rose Mary Bonn Garden Fund
Ruggerio CentraCare Health
Volunteer Scholarship Fund
Sallie Engel Trauma Survivor’s
Education Fund
Sam Ellis Fund
SCH School of Nursing Alumni
Sev & Ruth Koop Fund
Steven J Stiegel Memorial
Streed Family Cleft &
Craniofacial Fund
Sue & Terry Pladson Fund
Sy & Corrine Janochoski
Donor Advised
Wayne & Hazel Bonn
Memorial Fund
Weitzel Family Fund
William J. Held Memorial
Wojtanowicz Family Fund
Yvonne Obermiller Kremers
Nursing Scholarship
Caduceus Society
A philanthropic guild
of CentraCare Health
Foundation open to Central
Minnesota practicing and
retired medical staff who
make a gift to support the
Foundation’s mission of
improving heath and health
care. Members achieve active
standing by contributing
to the CentraCare Health
Foundation Caduceus Society
during the current calendar
year. Legacy standing is
achieved once a Caduceus
Society member has
cumulatively given $10,0000
or more. (As of June 30,
Active Caduceus
Dr. Nelson L. & Charisse A.
Dr. Oluade A. & Adeyoola A.
Drs. Stacia Anderson &
Matthew Hwang
Dr. Richard & Michaela Backes
Dr. Christopher K. & Johanna
Dr. Burton R. & Evelyn H.
Dr. & Mrs. Dante and Jaimie
Dr. Joseph M. & Patty Blonski
Drs. Steven H. & Barbara J.
Dr. Stephen M. & Bonnie
Dr. Philip F. & Kristine Boyle
Dr. Frank T. & Alice L. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. &
Paulette M. Como
Tammi Congdon, MD
Dr. Stephen P. & Beth Cragle
Dr. Thomas L. & Mary M. Cress
Bradley A. & Jessica D. Curtis
Drs. Arihant Dalal & Shweta
Dr. Eileen H. & Brian H. Dauer
Dr. Luther (†) & K. Julie
Aronson Dehnel
Dr. Paul J. & Joanne E.
Dr. Craig M. & Jennifer
Dr. Marc A. & Teresa M.
Dr. Rene & Milady Eldidy
Dr. Ronald L. & Marsha D. Elg
Dr. Dahlia Elkadi
Dr. Fred J. & Lynn Engman
Dr. Jason & Debra Erickson
Dr. Sherrie Erickson-Birkedahl &
Lawrence Birkedahl
Drs. Alan D. & Adella Espelien
Jessica Swartout, MD,
Caduceus member, established
the Dr. Jessica & Andy
Swartout Fund to benefit high
risk pregnancies.
centracare.com/foundation 17
Dr. Kelly B. & Neil C. Fandel
Drs. Daniel & Debra Ferraro
Drs. Stephen M. & Bonnie P.
Dr. Michael C. & Kendra
Dr. John H. & Jeanne M.
Dr. Winn & Denise Gregory
Drs. Ronald D. & Michelle
Drs. Chad A. & Sheri
Dr. Richard W. & Patricia Hart
Dr. Mark D. & Joanne C.
Dr. Kevin S. & Carol Holton
Dr. Allen & Laura Horn
Drs. Weining Hu & Yi Zheng
Dr. Dwight E. & Audrey C.
Drs. Richard & Merryn R.
Dr. Donald J. Jurgens
Dr. Gerald L. & Karen Jurgens
Dr. Brian R. & Bonnie J. Kay
Dr. David A. & Susan M. Kroska
Dr. Patrick M. & Debra S. Lalley
Dr. Srilakshmi Lankireddy &
Vamsi Dwaram
Dr. Thomas W. & Deanne
Dr. Kurt R. & Cindy Lemke
Dr. Girum Lemma & Wuby
Dr. Stephen & Debbie Leslie
Dr. David R. & Gretchen
Dr. John Mahowald & Donna
Dr. Andrew & Sarah Maloney
Dr. Creston M. Martin
Dr. Edward & William Martin-
Dr. John & Joyce Matsuura
Dr. Mark & Ronda Matthias
Drs. Eric T. & Lynn M.
Dr. Cindy Jensen Melloy &
Thomas P. Melloy
Joel Miron, M.D.
George & Mary Kay Morris
Steven & Barbara Mulawka
Dr. Thomas J. & Kathleen
Dr. Ravikanth Nathani & Kanthi
Dr. Thomas John & Elaine M.
Dr. Sara J. & Lucas D.
Dr. Troy & Sandra Payne
Dr. Marilyn Peitso & Peder
Drs. Theodore A. & Jane M.
Dr. Terence & Sue Pladson
Kirk Ramin, MD
Dr. Deborah Rasmussen
Steve & Chris Reichl
Dr. Nathaniel & Valerie Reuter
Dr. Nicholas & Bernice Reuter
Dr. William (†) & Millie Rice
Dr. David J. & Susan M.
Jessie L.K. Roske MD
Dr. Thomas J. & Cheryl J.K.
Dr. Robert J. & Judy Scheuerell
Melanie & Christian Schmidt
Dr. John M. & Amy Schmitz
Dr. George E. & Jeanie F.
Dr. Thomas G. & Myra Lee
Dr. Timothy N. & Amy
Drs. Kurt & Mary Schwieters
Todd & Lisa Severnak
Dr. Greg & Laura Sherr
Dr. Joel C. & Susan Shobe
Dr. David L. & Jill Smith
Dr. J. Weston & Marilyn C.
Drs. Kevin Smith & Angelina
Dr. Stephen (†) & Mary
Drs. Robert E. Stocker &
Catherine A. Matuska
Dr. Wesley J. & Jean A. Streed
Drs. Dale J. Minnerath & Sylvia
R. Sundberg
Dr. Fareed Suri & Aqsa
Dr. Jessica & Andy Swartout
Dr. Kevin & Linda Switzer
Dr. Tracey B. Thompson
Drs. David & Janet Tilstra
Dr. Theodore O. & Andrea B.
Dr. Hilary I. & Lilyan Ufearo
Dr. Paul E. Van Gorp &
Roberta M. Knutson
Dr. Philip H. & Kay
Dr. Timothy & Valerie Vedder
Dr. Dove D. & Tracey L. Watkin
Drs. Christopher Widstrom &
Sharon Ruggiero
Dr. Darin D. & Katy Willardsen
Dr. Thomas L. & Judith A.
Dr. Mohamed S. Yassin
Dr. Randall J. & Molly
Dr. Patrick & Penny Zook
Legacy Caduceus
Dr. Oluade A. & Adeyoola A.
Dr. Hani S. & Majedah Alkhatib
Drs. Stacia Anderson &
Matthew Hwang
Drs. Robert Ang & Belen Dy
Dr. Richard & Michaela Backes
Dr. Burton & Evelyn Bancroft
Dr. Joseph M. & Patty Blonski
Drs. Steven H. & Barbara J.
Dr. Stephen M. & Bonnie
Dr. Jon C. & Barb Bowar
Dr. Philip F. & Kristine Boyle
Dr. Bryan J. & Kirsten H.
Dr. Frank T. & Alice L. Brown
Dr. Dennis & Jeanne Carreras
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. &
Paulette M. Como
Dr. Stephen P. & Beth Cragle
Dr. Thomas L. & Mary M. Cress
Dr. Robert (†) & Patricia
Dr. Eileen H. & Brian H. Dauer
Dr. Luther (†) & K. Julie
Aronson Dehnel
Dr. Michael J. & Roberta L.
Dr. Paul J. & Joanne E.
Dr. Craig M. & Jennifer
Dr. Ann Dunnigan
Dr. Charles Ehlen
Dr. Rene & Milady Eldidy
Dr. Walter N. & Trecia Ann Ellis
Dr. Fred J. & Lynn Engman
Dr. Hans H. & Sharon L.
Dr. Jason & Debra Erickson
Dr. Kelly B. & Neil C. Fandel
Dr. Michael C. & Kendra
Dr. John H. & Jeanne M. Geiser
Drs. Jeffrey S. & Terri T. Gerdes
Dr. Winn & Denise Gregory
Dr. Albert S. & Janice
Drs. Ronald D. & Michelle
Drs. Chad A. & Sheri
Dr. Richard W. & Patricia Hart
Dr. Mark D. & Joanne C.
Drs. H. Thomas (†) & Kathleen
Dr. Mark D. & Susan Osaki
Dr. Ken & Linda Holmen
Dr. Allen & Laura Horn
Drs. Weining Hu & Yi Zheng
Dr. Scot W. & Gretchen Hutton
Dr. Dwight E. & Audrey C.
Dr. Craig M. & LuAnne
Drs. Richard & Merryn R.
Dr. James L. & Mary Jost
Dr. Donald J. Jurgens
Dr. Gerald L. & Karen Jurgens
Dr. Barbi Kaplan-Frenkel &
Theodor Frenkel
Drs. Jerome P. & Mary U.
Dr. Robert J. & Joanne Keck
Dr. James (†) & June Kelly
Dr. Todd M. & Laura Kor
Dr. David A. & Susan M. Kroska
Dr. Barry A. & Leslie Labine
Dr. John M. & Nancy Lacika
Dr. Patrick & Debra Lalley
Dr. Henri P. & Patricia Lanctin
Dr. Lanse C. & Livia Lang
Dr. Theresa M. & John Lau
Dr. Elaina Lee
Dr. Thomas W. & Deanne
Dr. Girum Lemma & Wuby
Dr. Douglas R. & Taimi T.
Dr. David R. & Gretchen
Dr. James W. & Vicki Lundeen
Dr. Todd D. & Sarah
Dr. John Mahowald & Donna
Dr. Creston M. Martin
Dr. Edward & William Martin-
Dr. Mark J. & Lisa B. Martone
Dr. John & Joyce Matsuura
Dr. Mark & Ronda Matthias
Drs. Eric T. & Lynn M.
Dr. Cindy Jensen Melloy &
Thomas P. Melloy
Dr. Simon & Renee Milstein
Drs. Dale J. Minnerath & Sylvia
R. Sundberg
Dr. Andre’ L. & Lakisha Mitchell
Dr. Chris & Denise Moellentine
Dr. Paul T. & Nancy E. Moran
Dr. Tracy E. Napp
Dr. Frank P. & Tracy Nellans
Dr. Peter & Laurie Nelson
Dr. Joseph P. & Veronica
Drs. Hoang Nguyen & Nhan
Dr. Troy & Sandra Payne
Drs. Theodore A. & Jane M.
18 CentraCare Health Foundation
Dr. Brett A. & Jonathan
Dr. Terence & Sue Pladson
Dr. Jodi K. Regan & Dean
Dr. John R. & Kathryn A.
Dr. Nathaniel & Valerie Reuter
Dr. Nicholas & Bernice Reuter
Dr. William (†) & Millie Rice
Dr. David J. & Susan M.
Dr. Thomas J. & Cheryl J.K.
Dr. John M. & Amy Schmitz
Dr. Thomas G. & Myra Lee
Dr. Timothy N. & Amy
Dr. Tereasa & Eric Simonson
Dr. David L. & Jill Smith
Drs. Kevin Smith & Angelina
Dr. Stephen (†) & Mary
Dr. Joel P. & Jenny Spalding
Drs. Kim & Chad Spaulding
Dr. Michael & Nina Steil
Dr. Mary A. Stiles
Drs. Robert E. Stocker &
Catherine A. Matuska
Dr. Wesley J. & Jean A. Streed
Dr. Janelle K. & Terry D. Strom
Dr. Pradub & Rampai Sukhum
Dr. Read & Tammy Sulik
Dr. Fareed Suri & Aqsa
Dr. Jessica & Andy Swartout
Dr. Kevin & Linda Switzer
Dr. John Teskey & Kathleen
Dr. Tracey B. Thompson
Dr. Daniel J. & Julie S. Tiede
Drs. David & Janet Tilstra
Dr. Theodore O. & Andrea B.
Dr. Hilary I. & Lilyan Ufearo
Dr. Paul E. Van Gorp &
Roberta M. Knutson
Dr. Philip H. & Kay
Dr. Roderick D. & Amy
Dr. Timothy & Valerie Vedder
Dr. Dove D. & Tracey L. Watkin
Dr. Daniel J. & Judy A.
Dr. Darin D. & Katy Willardsen
Dr. Harold E. & Shirley
Dr. Thomas L. & Judith A.
Dr. Mohamed S. Yassin
Deceased †
Partners in Caring
Recognizes benefactors who
made annual gifts of $1,000
or more to CentraCare
Health Foundation.
(As of June 30, 2015)
Linda Abel
Elaine M. Adams Estate
Advantage One Insurance –
J. Ted Plombon
Advantage Sales & Marketing
AFAM Capital, Inc.
Richard J. Ahles & Karen A.
AIS Planning
Dr. Oluade A. & Adeyoola A.
All State Communications
Tom & Sally Allen
Allergy, Asthma & Pulmonary
Assoc., P.A.
American Heritage Bank &
the Jay Johnston & Rodger
Johnston families
American Door Works
American Endowment
American Legion Post 101
American Pharmacists
Anderson Family of
Barb Anderson & Dave
Barb Anderson and Jeanette
Anderson (†)
Carole M. Anderson
Jim & Lois Anderson
Rollie & Barbara A. Anderson
Drs. Stacia Anderson &
Matthew R. Hwang
Dr. Charles & Janet Andres
William and Betty Andres
Arbor Research Collaborative
for Health
Arctic Glacier Ice
William Arendt
Array Services Group
Arvig Communication Systems
ASM/Post Foods
Larry L. Asplin
At Home Apartments, LLC
Audio Video Extremes LLC
Drs. Angelina Ausban & Kevin
Sue Baker
Christine & Jason Bakke
Beverly Bakken
Bame Foundation
Vonnie Bangtson
Lisa Baron
John, Nancy, Corey & Lee
Bartlett – Automotive Parts
Headquarters, Inc.
Roberta Basol
Jake & Jennifer Bauerly
Jenny Bauerly
Jerry & Elaine Bauerly
Penny & Dennis Beattie
Gary & Kay Bechtold
Bryan & Carin Becker
Chad & Paula Becker
Mary Bell
Dan, Andrew, & Anna Bender
David & Marilyn Bengtson
Rodger & Marlys Bense
Benton County
Bernatello’s Pizza
Dean R. & Lori J. Bernick
Jason Bernick
Bernick Family Foundation
Leslie Bernick Netter & Aaron
Pete & Rosemary Berscheit
John & Yvonne Beste
Linda Kay & Gregory C. Bethke
Big Heart Pet
Big Stone County Cancer
Support Group, Inc.
Bimbo Bakeries U.S.A.
Dick & Mimi Bitzan
Nicole & Travis Bjerke
Ryan & Julia Bjerke
Byron & Peggy Bjorklund
Scott & Kim Blattner
Rona Bleess
Dr. Joseph M. & Patty Blonski
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Drs. Steven H. & Barbara J.
Bonnie & Stephen Bologna
Darwin Bonn
Sharon & David Borgert
Douglas J. & Tanya Boser --
Boser Construction, Inc.
Boston Scientific Corporation
William & Louise Brandt
Tom & Andrea Brasel
Donna S. Brauch
Robert & Bernice Braun family
Breitbach Construction Co.
Dennis & Merrie Breitenfeldt
Bremer Bank
Bremer Financial Services Inc.
Craig & Karen Broman
Daniel & Teri Brooks
Brookwood Farms
Sonia Browen
Dr. Frank T. & Alice L. Brown
Gary & Sharon Brown and
Brown & Krueger, PA
Brutger Equities Inc
Bud’s Bar
Laura Burns
Byron & PegAnne Bjorklund
Sheila Campbell
Janna L. Cannon
Cardiovascular Systems Inc
Caribou Coffee
The Carlson Family and C & L
Charles D. Nielsen and Peggy
L. Carlson
Carl & Barb Caspers
Cathedral Press
Central McGowan, Inc.
Central Minnesota Area Health
Education Center
Central Minnesota Arts Board
Central Minnesota Community
Central Minnesota Credit
Central Minnesota Diagnostic,
Central Minnesota Wedding
Charity Cup Ride
Chattem Inc.
Cherrywood Advanced
Living, LLC
Linda & Joe Chmielewski
Del & Colleen Christianson
Clearwater Travel Plaza
Clearway Minnesota
John P. & Cindy B. Clemens
Dan & Mabel Coborn
Mark K. Coborn
Coborn Investments
The Coborn Family
Nicholas Colatrella
Dr. Thomas & Paulette Como
Tammi Congdon, MD
Continental Mills
Dee Coppock
Bernick Family Foundation,
MDRT Foundation and Knife
River/MDU Foundation
partnered to make a climbing
wall at Clara’s House a reality.
centracare.com/foundation 19
Crafts Direct
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Cragle
Dr. Thomas L. & Mary M. Cress
Crossmark/Reckitt Benckiser
Crothall Services Group
Crow Wing County Auditor-
C-Suite Resources
Michael & Beth Cummings
D.J. Bitzan Jewelers
Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC
Drs. Arihant Dalal & Shweta
Lyle & Betty Danielson
Dr. Eileen H. & Brian H. Dauer
DCI, Inc.
Dr. Luther (†) & K. Julie
Aronson Dehnel
Del Monte Foods
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity
Dentistry for Children
Design Electric, Inc.
Helen B. & Thomas D. Differt
DLMC Foundation
Dwayne & Cynthia
Linda Doerr
GM & CL Donlin Living Trust
Mark & Karla Donlin Family
Paul & Joanne Dorsher
Dr. Craig M. & Jennifer
Dunham Associates
Dr. Jacob & Sarah Dutcher
Dr. Marc A. & Teresa M.
Vamsi Dwaram
East West Realty
The Eich Family & Eich Motor
Mike & Deb Eisenstadt
Chuck & Nancy Eldred
Dr. Dahlia Elkadi
Ms. Mae Ellingson-Skalicky
Dr. Walter N. & Trecia Ann Ellis
Vicki & John Elsenpeter
Janice & Charles Engebretson
Engelmeier & Umanah, P.A.
Epic Systems
Dr. Jason M. & Debra Erickson
Robert & Evelyn Erickson
Rich & Jodi Erkens
Events Extraordinaire By Jean
Inc/Jean Dotzler
Faber Family – Viking Coca-
Cola, First Choice, Armada
Fairview Gardens
Family Voices of Minnesota
Dr. Kelly B. & Neil C. Fandel
Faribault Foods
Farmers & Merchants State
Bank, Sauk Rapids/Pierz
Farmers Union Industries, LLC
Tom & Gina Feldhege
Felhaber Larson Foundation
Bob & Nancy Ferche Family
Jason & Jennifer Ferche
Drs. Daniel & Debra Ferraro
Bob & Linda Feuling & The
Feuling Family
Shannon & Thomas Ficker
Dennis Finch Family
Drs. Stephen M. & Bonnie P.
Keith R. & Janet Finstad
Janet & Tim Wensman
Michele Fischer
Dr. Michael C. & Kendra
Florida Natural Growers
Deborah Folsom
Form A Feed Inc.
Franciscan Poor Clare Nuns
Michele Freeman
Kenneth & Henrietta Freie
Frito-Lay, Inc.
Andy & Jodi Fritz - El-Jay
Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Bryant & Emily Fritz
Dick and Lucy Fuchs Family
Bernard J. Gambrino
Jared Gapinski & Molly
Elmer Garding Memorial
Cancer Fund
Chanda & Eric Gebhardt
Dr. John H. & Jeanne M.
General Mills, Inc.
Ceree George
Jodi & Chad Gertken
Geyer Rental Service
John & Sandy Gibbs
Gilbert Financial Services
Christy Gilleland - Gilleland
John & Arlene Glynn
GNP Company – Gold’n
Bruce & Jodie Gohmann -
Weidner Plumbing &
Benedict F. & Dorothy J.
Barb & Art Grachek
Jenine Graham
Granite Equity Partners Fund
Patricia Gray
Gray Plant Mooty
Greater MN Fight for a Cure
Doug & Kay Greenlee
Dr. Winn & Denise Gregory
Grey Eagle - Burtrum Lions
Grocers On the Green
Brandon & Jennifer Engen
Chance & Teresa Haakonson
James & Pauline Hall
Joan Hall
L. Michael Hall, PA
Hallmark Cards
Jason & Ann Hallonquist
Marty & Jan Halvorson
Hammel, Green and
Abrahamson, Inc.
Kris Hammer
Donald & Nancy Hansen
Michelle Hansen
Brad & Lisa Hanson
Harley & Sally Hanson
Lee & Jan Hanson
Chad A. Haroldson
Sheri W. Haroldson
Angelyn Harper
Paul & Jennifer Harris
Dr. Richard W. & Patricia Hart
Mark Hauge
Judge Elizabeth Hayden &
Judge Charles Flinn, Jr.
HealthPartners Central
Minnesota Clinics
James J. Heikes Family Trust
Dennis Heinen
Donald Helgeson & Sue
Dr. Pat & Juliann Heller
Joe & Amy Hellie
Henkemeyer Coatings Inc.
Mike and Pat Henkemeyer
Kit & Jerry Henkemeyer
Leo T. Henkemeyer
Steve & Megan Henkemeyer -
Henkemeyer Excavating
Henkemeyer Landfill
Michelle & Troy Hennen
Robert M. & Jennifer L.
Justin Heurung
Todd & Jodi Hillmer
Kacey Hiltner
Holdingford Area Walk of
Dennis & Tamara Holland
Dr. Ken & Linda Holmen
Ken & Beth Honkomp
Hormel Foods
Allen & Laura Horn
Hughes Mathews Greer, P.A.
Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
Richard & Kris Inderieden -
Heater Rental Services
Initiative Foundation
Iten Funeral Home
J & B Group
J.F. Kruse Jewelers
J.R. Ferche Inc.
Jack Links Snacks
Jacobs Financial
Russ D. & Jean M. Jacobsen
Clayton & Christine Jacobson
Sy & Corrine Janochoski - Sy &
Sons, Inc.
Kathy Janson Memorial Fund
Debra K. Japp
Jennie-O Turkey Store, Inc.
Bob & Judy Johnson
Cindy Johnson
David O. Johnson
Kevin and Julie Johnson- K.
Johnson Const. Inc
Noel & Cindy Johnson -
Premier Real Estate
Johnson Controls
Drs. Richard & Merryn R.
Angela Jordahl
Jova Management LLC
Dr. Donald J. Jurgens
Donlar Construction Company
Andrea & Dean Kales
Dorothy A. Kandels
Terry & Barbara Kantor
Michael & Joni Karl
Mary Lou Kasella
Dale & Marie Katterhagen
Tracy Kellen
Keller Family Community
Kern DeWenter Viere, Ltd.
Conrad J. & Lillian M. Kettler
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Karen Kinsley
Scott Kissner
The Klick Foundation
KLN Family Brands
Susan & Greg Klugherz
Knife River/MDU Foundation
Luan Knoll
Erik & Shannon Koenig
The Nicholas P. Koenig HERO
Duane & Kim Koepp
Tami & Jason Koosmann
Christy & Grant Gilleland,
and the Gilleland Family,
provided funding for the
new Organ Donor Wall at
St. Cloud Hospital in honor
of their mother, Karen, who
is a transplant recipient.
20 CentraCare Health Foundation
Naomi Kowalik
TKI/ Tom & Diane Kraemer
Kraft Foods
Amy Kramer
Kraus-Anderson Construction
Mark Krebsbach
Al & Yvonne Kremers
Dr. David A. & Susan M. Kroska
David Kuefler
Drs. Mitchell D. & Traese Kuhl
Miles & Rebecca Kulzer
Greg & Carla Kummer
Dr. Barry A. & Leslie LaBine
William J. & Phyllis M. Lacroix
Aaron & Lisa Lahr Family
Jerry & Bev Timmers Lahr
Lake Henry Lions Club
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
Land O’ Frost, Inc.
Peggy Lange
Martha & Steven G. Lanz
Steve & Peggy Laraway
Mark & Judi Larkin
David & Camilla Larson
Jim & Mary Jane Lauerman
Lavarda Family Limited
Yvonne L. Leedahl
Leighton Broadcasting Radio
Stations KCLD, KZPK, KCML,
Dr. Thomas W. & Deanne
Dr. Kurt R. & Cindy Lemke
Dr. Girum Lemma & Wuby
Steven Letnes
Hub Levandowski & Karol
Mary J. Leyk
Deb Libbesmeier
Dennis J. Libbesmeier
Jill Libbesmeier
Jodi Lillemoen
Dr. David & Gretchen
Bonnie & Richard Line
Little Falls Orthopedics
Donna & Bruce Liveringhouse
Dr. John & Sarah Liveringhouse
Shirley & Al (†) Loehr
Long Prairie-Grey Eagle High
Joshua & Melissa Longnecker
– Northwestern Mutual
Duane & Patricia Lorsung
Ronald Luetmer
Phil & Holly Luitjens
Craig Lukow and Jacqueline
Jim & Vickie Lundeen
Granite Logistics
Marjorie & Gerald Mahon
Mahowald Insurance Agency
& Mahowald Financial
Bob W. & Marissa Mahowald
Jim & Chris Mahowald
John P. & Maryanne
Dr. Maria & Jason Mallory
Malt-O-Meal Co.
Richard P. & JoAnn C. Manlove
Michael & Sheryl March
Marco, Inc.
Diane L. Marcotte
Mars Candy
Mars Chocolate
Gary & Jane Marsden
Pat Marshik
Nancy & Erich Martens
Mary Martin
Phil Martin
Dr. John & Joyce Matsuura
Mother Mary Matthew
John & Dorothy Matthews
Dr. Mark & Ronda Matthias
Eileen Maus
Nicole May
Scott & Mary Kay May
McCormick & Co.
John & Cherie McDowall -
McDowall Company
Drs. Eric T. & Lynn M.
Vivian & Lewis McGonagle -
Ickler Bearing & Machine Co.
McGough - St. Cloud
McGough Construction
Company, Inc.
McKay’s Family Dodge, Inc.
MDRT Foundation
Medica Foundation
Melrose Electric
Melrose Pharmacy, Inc.
Darla & Brian Mergen
Metropolitan Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
Michele Meyer
Roy J. & Ruth Meyer
Stacy & Barry Meyer
Mick Family - Custom Welding
& Metal Fabricating, Inc.
Douglas & Jane Mick
Mid Central Door Co.
Midsota Plastic &
Reconstructive Surgeons, PA
Midwest Coin Concepts
Midwest Vision Centers
Alvina Mies
Dennis Miley
Jim & Marion Miller
Marilyn L. Miller
Minnesota Academy of Family
Physicians Foundation
Minnesota National Bank
Minnesota Organization on
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Minnesota Power Foundation
Mark & Pat Mohr
John & Helen Monson
The Johnson-Moore Fund
JM Companies, Inc. & Mike
Victoria A. & Lee Morgan
Morgan Stanley Global Impact
Funding Trust, Inc.
Kathryn Morin
George & Mary Kay Morris
Morrison Healthcare Food
Mortenson Construction
John & Phyliss Mosby
Elizabeth J. Mosby Albright, MD
& Daniel A. Albright, MD
Angie Moscho
Mr. Dee’s Inc.
Multiple Concepts Interiors
Carpet One
Mark & Jan Murphy
Musco Family Olive Co.
Jim Nahan
Name Brand Wigs
Michael R. & Donna M. Nathe
Jaime Neff & Christi Alvord
Negen and Associates
Dr. Benjamin & Kari Nemeth
Dr. Robert B. & Marianne
Ruth M. Neron-Heipley
Nestle Nutrition
Nestle Purina
Nestle USA/Coffeemate
Myrel A. Neumann Midwest
Vision Center
New Flyer USA
Ryan & Mollie Newman
Debra L. Nielsen
Kevin Noble
Nudak Ventures LLC dba
Nucara Pharmacy
Old Dutch Foods Inc
Old Orchard
Jayleen Olin
Jane M. & Kirk R. Olson
Troy & Gail Olson
Tiffany Omann-Bidinger & Rory
Tom & Barb Orr
Jacqueline Osterhaus, P.A.-C
Gerry & Carole Otto
Kurt & Linda Otto
John & Elizabeth Packert/Ron’s
Dr. Scott & Susan Palmer
Steven & Debra Palmer
Palmer Printing Company
Pan-O-Gold Baking Co
Kathy & Jim Parsons
Troy & Sandra Payne
Paynesville Lions Club
Justin V. Pearson Memorial
Diane & Matt Pelant
Dr. Jamie Michael & Jodi Pelzel
Pershing Advisor Solutions LLC
Ken & Jeannette Pesta
David S. & Faith L. Petersen
Luann Peterson
Drs. Ted & Jane Peterson
David & Mary Phipps
Dr. Terence & Sue Pladson
Joy & Patrick Plamann
Plaza Park Bank
Pope Architects, Inc.
Tom & Amy Porwoll
Post Foods
Jim & Denise Potter
Preferred Credit, Inc.
Proctor & Gamble
Pro-Tec Design
Quinlivan & Hughes, P.A.
Rapid Container Service, Inc.
Dr. Deborah Rasmussen
Joni & Duane Rasmusson
Larry R. Rassier
Al & Kathy Rausch
Jim & Lisa Redquest
Regional Diagnostic Radiology
Rejuv Medical
Resurrected Artists
Bret & Nicole Reuter
Dr. Nathaniel & Valerie Reuter
Dr. Nicholas & Bernice Reuter
Danya Rice
Rice Building Systems, Inc.
Pamela Richardt, RN
Denny & Karol Ringsmuth
Rinke Noonan, Ltd
Dr. David J. & Susan M.
Aleen & Rick Roehl
Trish & Jason Roehrl
Barbara Rogan
Rolling Ridge Event Center
Ronnoco Coffee LLC
Leighton Broadcasting Radio
Stations KCLD, KZPK, KCML,
KNSI a proud sponsor of
multiple CentraCare Health
centracare.com/foundation 21
Gary & Denise Rosin
Royal Tire
Vickie & Al Ruegemer
Rural Health Alliance, LLC
Russ Davis Wholesale
S.A.M. Slam
Gaylord A. & Mary J. Saetre
Jack & Carol Ann Sander
Juli Sanner
Sargento Foods
Thomas and Cheri Satre
Marilyn A. Savage
Scenic Sign Corp.
Scenic Specialties Landscape
Scheels All Sports
Barb Scheiber
Jane Scherber
Armella Schimnich
James & Joan Schlenner -
Schlenner, Wenner & Co.
Jim & Ann Schleper
Richard & Marlene Schlichting
Julie K. & Ted R. Schmid
Lumber One Avon & Cold
Dorothy M. Schmidt
Douglas L. Schmidt American
Family Insurance
Doug & Mary Schmidt
Melanie & Christian Schmidt
Mike Mavetz & Mary Beth
Dr. John M. & Amy Schmitz
George & Nancy Schnepf
John & Jan Schnettler
Paul & Jennifer Schoenberg
Dr. Thomas G. & Myra Lee
Dr. Timothy N. & Amy
Steven J. & Christine Schueller
Jacqueline M. Schuh in
memory of Joan M. Schuh
Duane & Elaine Schultz
-- Winkelman Building
Jimmy F. & Joanne R. Schultz
Katie Schulz
Janice Schwieters
Mary Scott
Constance K. Sell
Jeff Sell
Sentra-Sota Sheet Metal, Inc.
Sentry Bank
Bob & Sandy Sexton
Joe & Kathy Sexton
Ken & Marcia Shane
Sherburne County Auditor/
Dr. Greg & Laura Sherr
Alice A. Siegle
Joseph & Valerie Silva
Smithfield Farmland Corp.
Dr. Stephen (†) & Mary
Michael M. & Kathleen M.
Steve & Jean Sperl
Brenda Spoden
St. Cloud Country Club
St. Cloud District Network
St. Cloud Ear Nose & Throat -
Head & Neck Clinic, PA
St. Cloud Foot & Ankle Center,
St. Cloud Hospital Volunteer
St. Cloud Metro Lions
St. Cloud Optimist Club
St. Cloud Rox
St. Cloud School of Nursing
Alumni Association
St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud Surgical Center
St. Cloud Toyota
St. John’s University
St. Jude Medical
Tami Stanger
State of Minnesota
Stearns County
Stearns Electric Association
Dr. Michael & Nina Steil
Robert & Mary Stein
Todd (†) & Cindy Steinke
Thomas & Ramona Steinmetz
Heidi, Natalie, Kathryn, Joseph
and Benjamin Stiegel
Stinson Leonard Street LLP
Lori Stock
Drs. Robert E. Stocker &
Catherine A. Matuska
Gene & Bev Storms
Scott & Shelly Streed
Todd & Heidi Streed
Dr. Wesley J. & Jean A. Streed
Streed Family LMTD
Debra D. & Donald H. Stueve
Scott D. & Julie M. Sundgaard
Mary Super
SuperValu Inc.
Dr. Muhammad Suri & Aqsa
Dr. Jessica & Andy Swartout
Daniel & Susan Swenson
Dr. Kevin & Linda Switzer
Sysco / Appert’s Foodservice
Tiffany R. Tangen, RN
Mike Tenvoorde & Lily Gould
Tenvoorde Ford
The Catholic Foundation -
Diocese of St. Cloud
The Clara Foundation
The Fresh Connection, Inc.
The JM Smucker Company
The Mended Hearts Inc. -
Chapter 10
Louise E. Theisen
Joleen & John Thell
Thermo-Tech Windows East
Side Glass Company
Third Street Brewhouse
Scott & Maxine Thome
Kelly Thomton
Brad & Cathy Tieva
Drs. David & Janet Tilstra
George & Shirley Torrey
Townsquare Media, Inc
Toyota Dealer Match Program
Traut Wells
Dr. Theodore & Andrea Truitt
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Dr. Hilary I. & Lilyan U. Ufearo
UMC, Inc.
Delphine (†) & John
Undersander Family
United Way of Central
Julie L. Upshur
US Bank
Marc & Heather Vaillancourt
Paul E. Van Gorp, MD &
Roberta Knutson
Kate VanBuskirk
Linda Vanvalkenburg
Vascular Solutions
Dr. Timothy G. & Valerie
Gary & Wendy Verkinnes
Versa Vend Vending, Inc
Patrick J. & Karen L. Virnig
Molly Voigt
Jane Vortherms
Mark D. & Jane E. Vortherms
W. Gohman Construction Co.
Tom Wachlarowicz
Walgreens Infusion Services
Lewis R. & Patricia Walker
Shar Wallack
Karin & Don Walz
Dena & David Walz
Eileen Warzecha
Gloria & Scott Warzecha
Dr. Dove D. & Tracey L. Watkin
Donald R. & Jan D. Watkins
Victoria Weah
Robert Weber & Jessica
LaChance Weber
Ryan & Melissa Weber
Don & Sylvia Weeres & Family
- Spee-Dee Delivery Service,
John & Mary Weitzel
Mary Ellen Wells
Wells Fargo Bank
Paul M. Wenner
Jennifer Wenzel & Steven
William & Margaret Werlinger
Werschay Homes
West Central Anesthesia PC
Julia M. Westendorf
Doris J. & Dani Westra
Brad & Kathy Wheelock
Bob & Penny White
Margaret & Michael White
Tom & Sonya Wieber
Lynn Wieczorek
Wigs for Women
Dr. Scott & Joan Wilcox
Wilkie Sanderson
Dr. Darin D. & Katy Willardsen
Mr. Dexter & Rosetta Williams
Williams Dingmann Funeral
Keri Wimmer
Gene & Sheelah Windfeldt
Greg & Beth Windfeldt
Rosemary A. & Michael H.
Mary Ann Woeste
Diane & John (†)
Wojtanowicz/Prairie Farm
Wolters Kluwer Financial
Womens Golf Association
World’s Finest Chocolates
Xcel Energy
Dr. Mohamed S. Yassin
William & Karen Young -
Granite City Dental Lab
Mary L. and Walter R. Zastrow
Todd & Kyoko Zaun
Daryl L. & Bonnie G. Zimmer
Brian & Sara J. Zimny
John & Connie Zinter
Robert & RoseAnn Zinter
Sonja Zitur
Zonta Club of St. Cloud
Jody Zylstra
Michael Zyvoloski
Deceased †
Dr. John and Jeanne Geiser
established the Karlie Geiser
Hobson Reach Out and Read
Fund in memory of their
The CentraCare Health Foundation supports programs that impact the
community through collaboration, partnerships and leadership. One
of these programs is BLEND, which is a grassroots initiative advocating
for healthy communities that allow every child the opportunity to easily
participate in daily physical activity and have access to nutritious foods.
Policy | Systems
CentraCare Health
Coborn’s Inc.
Greater St. Cloud
Development Corporation
St. Cloud Area School
District 742
St. Cloud
Long Prairie
A Community of Collaboration
80% of health happens outside of CentraCare
Philanthropy Engaging the Community: Wellness
Promoting healthy
food choices
Promoting nutrition
and physical activity
Safe Routes
to School
Establish and sustain
SRTS programs
Heatlhy and successful
school fundraisers
Fit Kids Club
Fun and fit kid
BLEND Initiatives
Half marathon | youth
run and activitites
Thanksgiving Walk/run
Crave The
Smoke-Free Housing
22 CentraCare Health Foundation
Wellness in Action
In seeking to foster community collaboration and impact
childhood wellness, BLEND staff connected with Geri Bechtold,
director of KIDSTOP for the Boys & Girls Club in St. Cloud.
The kids were invited to attend the annual BLEND Earth Day
Run Kids Health and Fitness Expo, and to participate in the 1K
Youth Fun Run at St. Cloud State University. As a result of this
new partnership, BLEND staff created a special Earth Day Run
just for the kids of this KIDSTOP program, which would be
held prior to the larger Earth Day Kids 1K that day. They also
partnered with physical education teachers at the St. Cloud
School District to provide a physical training program with
activities for the children to help them prepare for their special
The children started training about two months before the
race; 215 children from their program visited the BLEND
expo and 208 children participated in the run. The children
were excited about the expo, the race and most importantly
receiving medals as they crossed the finish line. The day was
full of smiles and energy as they cheered each other on!
Geri was at the finish line and witnessed a lot of great
moments, including one between two young brothers, Cody
and Nolan Seiberlich. “These brothers are at one of our sites,
and Nolan is in first grade with special needs – he participated
in the 1K and had a helper run with him. His older brother,
Cody, is in fourth grade and had finished the 1K before him.
As Nolan crossed the finish line Cody was waiting for him. He
gave him a high five and a big hug and said ‘I knew you
could do it, Buddy!’ — it brought tears to my eyes.”
The event was a success due to all the volunteers and BLEND
staff who made it possible for the kids to get to the event, as
well as participate in the run.
Sue, Nolan, Dennis and Cody Seiberlich shared
their BLEND experience with the CentraCare
Health Foundation Board of Directors.
Since the BLEND initiative began,
among 12 year old boys in the
Greater St. Cloud region
BLEND Walk-A-Thons have raised
centracare.com/foundation 23
24 CentraCare Health Foundation
Employee Campaign
These CentraCare Health
employees participated in
the 2015 Employee
Campaign and are listed
alphabetically be giving level.
(As of June 30, 2015)
90-Minute LEADERS
Employees committed to
90 minutes per pay
Tom & Sally Allen
Bernice Anderson
Donna Armstrong
Kimberly Asmus
Larry L. Asplin
Christine Bakke
Roberta Basol
Rebecca Billmyer
Nicole & Travis Bjerke
Ryan & Julia Bjerke
Sharon Blaskowski
Rona Bleess
Mary Lou Blonigen
Tom & Andrea Brasel
Craig & Karen Broman
Dorothy Bromenshenkel
Laura Burns
Sheila Campbell
Linda Chmielewski
Del & Colleen Christianson
Ben & Jessica Dehn
Karla & Mark Donlin
Vamsi Dwaram
Mike & Deb Eisenstadt
Ceree George
Jodi & Chad Gertken
Doug & Kay Greenlee
Angelyn Harper
Lisa & Randy Harren
Paul & Jennifer Harris
Joe & Amy Hellie
Elizabeth Hensley
Justin Heurung
Todd & Jodi Hillmer
Dr. Ken & Linda Holmen
Ken & Beth Honkomp
Clayton & Christine Jacobson
Cindy Johnson
Janice Johnson
Lori A. Johnson
Angela Jordahl
Audrey & Dave Kamphenkel
Terry & Barb Kantor
Dale & Marie Katterhagen
Karen Kinsley
Susan & Greg Klugherz
Kari Kluver
Luan Knoll
Aaron & Lisa Lahr Family
Stephanie & Jeremy Lang
Peggy Lange
Peggy Laraway
Mark & Judi Larkin
Mary J. Leyk
Deb Libbesmeier
Jill Libbesmeier
Heidi & Jay Loven
Phil & Holly Luitjens
Sara & Randy Magwire
Jim & Chris Mahowald
Eileen Maus
Darla & Brian Mergen
Douglas & Jane Mick
Dennis Miley
Patrick & Dawn Moen
Barbara A. Moll
Bennett & Amy Morris
Angie Moscho
Gwen Muehring
Theresa Noponen
Troy & Gail Olson
Kurt & Linda Otto
Kathy & Jim Parsons
Sandra Payne
Diane & Matt Pelant
David & Mary Phipps
Dr. Terry & Sue Pladson
Joy & Patrick Plamann
Tom & Amy Porwoll
Dawn Rasmussen-Graves &
Greg Graves
Melanie & Tom Rau
Al & Kathy Rausch
Kim Reichert
Pamela Richardt, RN
Aleen & Rick Roehl
Vickie & Al Ruegemer
Dan & Merci Sand
Jan Schmiesing
John & Jan Schnettler
Mary Scott
Kathy Sellnow
Ken & Marcia Shane
Tricia Shoutz
Sara M. Sipple
Steve & Jean Sperl
Brenda Spoden
Todd (†) & Cindy Steinke
Debra D. & Donald H. Stueve
Daniel Swenson
Joleen & John Thell
David & Janet Tilstra
Marc & Heather Vaillancourt
Linda Vanvalkenburg
Molly Voigt
Jane Vortherms
Shar Wallack
Gloria & Scott Warzecha
Victoria Weah
Mary Ellen Wells
Jennifer Wenzel & Steven
Tom & Sonya Wieber
Lynn Wieczorek
Mr. Dexter & Rosetta Williams
Mark & Audra Zastrow
Sonja Zitur
14 Anonymous Leaders
Deceased †
60-Minute STEWARDS
Employees committed to
60 minutes per pay
Michelle Anderson
Tim & Laurie Annett
Sue Baker
Bette Bakke, PhD, LP
Lisa Baron
Jenny Bauerly
Julie & Mike Baum
Beth Bechtold
Mary Bell
Athena Belz
Dan, Andrew, & Anna Bender
Carla Biniek
Matthew & Claire Bliss
Patricia Blonigen-Heinen
Michael Borell
Andrew & Lillian Breen
Jenelle F. Brekken
Jacqueline Bruhn
Gail Buermann
Karen & Mike Burzette
Karen Chatterton
Peg & Tim Churchwell
Mary Croat
Amy Crosby
Leenay Doll
April J. Doten
Jennifer Doyle
Julia Draxten
Laura Erickson
Misa Feldhege
Michele Fischer
The Foreman Family
Troy Frerich & Debbie VanHeel
Dawn Gibson
Genell Goerger
Peter & Paulette Hagen
Holly Haley
Kris Hammer
Michelle Hansen
Kim Hartman
Patrick & Cathie Hartmann
Dennis Heinen
Kacey Hiltner
Debra Himsl
Jessica Hom
Richard Hom
Michelle Hutchins
Sack Insixiengmay
Pamela Jackson
Caroline Jacobs
Naima Jama
Roxi Jelinski
Sue Josewski
James & Tracy Ketzeback
Chris & Jamie Kipka
Jason & Angela Klein
Ron Klinkhammer
Lori Kloth
Carolyn & Randy Koglin
Amy Kramer
Carla A. Kroll
Miles & Rebecca Kulzer
Tamara Lambert
Yvonne L. Leedahl
Carl Legan
Sherry Lehnen
Jodi Lillemoen
Karen Locnikar
Judith L. Majerus
Heather & Scott Marcyes
Nancy & Erich Martens
Phil Martin
Kathryn Morin
Mark & Jan Murphy
Geralyn Nathe-Evans &
Dave (†) Evans
Mary Oberembt
Jill Oechsle
Andrea Oelkers
Ida Oksa
Carla Olson
Marlene V. Olson
Tiffany Omann-Bidinger & Rory
Jacqueline Osterhaus, P.A.-C
Luann Peterson
Jamie Pettit
Joni & Duane Rasmusson
Trisha Reiling
Rose Retka
Yvette Rodriguez, CNM
Trish & Jason Roehrl
Laura Rolfes
Jane Scherber
Jason & Sarah Schindler
Katie Signore
Shele Skelton
Kirsten N. Skillings
Greg Klugherz, CentraCare
Health CFO, Chair of the 2015
Employee Campaign that
raised $930,000 to benefit
patients throughout Central
centracare.com/foundation 25
Ann Marie Spanier
Sandy and Dave Spoden
Tami Stanger
Sue Stein
Lori Stock
Craig & Carrie Stowell
Jan Strommen
Mary Struffert, RN
Mary Super
Tiffany R. Tangen, RN
Kelly Thomton
Brad & Cathy Tieva
Cassie Tinius
Dorothy Tripp
Kate VanBuskirk
Andrea Voigt
Colleen Walquist
Karin & Don Walz
Lisa Warner
Dave & Marilyn Weber
Patty Weller
Shannon Wenning
Kasey Westra
Sharon Whalen
Jill Wilcken
Keri Wimmer
Phuong Wippler
Judy Woods
Emily Zempel
Ann Zierden
Penny Zimny
Jody Zylstra
20 Anonymous Stewards
Deceased †
30-Minute PATRONS
Employees committed to
30 minutes per pay
Gail Aalderks
Linda Abel
Rebecca Ahlbrecht
Mary Ahles
Tanya Akerson
Melody Allen
Jessie Allen-Johnson
Dean Anderson
Rachel & Josh Anderson
Anita Arceneau
Jolene Archer
Ronda K. Arnold
Diane Asmus
LeeAnn Athmann
Victoria Atkinson
Julie Bartos
Cheryl Bauer
Kristin Bauer
Tina Bauer
Tiffany Baune
Peggy Bayer
Fr. Stephen Beauclair, OSB
Wendy Kremers Bechtold
Mary Becker
Sarah Becker
Melinda Bemis
Ken & Mary Pat Benning
Renee Bernardy
Pam Bertram
Karrie Bestgen
Daric & Melissa Birr
Heather Blais
Cindy Bleninger
Donna Bloch
Lance Bollmeyer
Amy Bong
Sharon & David Borgert
Monique Bork
Julia A. Bourne
Jeannie Boyle
Linda Brenner
Sue & Chris Brixius
Steve & Crystal Brown
Julie Bunkowski
Jennifer Burris
Kimberly Butkowski
Rachel Capistrant
Kimberly Chartrand
Jody Christen
Cmelik Family
Lisa Coulter
Nancy Czech
Tim & Lisa Dalton
David Danielson
Carolyn Deadrick
Donna Deutsch
Lori Diederichs
Amy Dinger & Jeremy Stover
Joe & Jan Dirkes
Vicki Dobmeier
Linda Doerr
Toni Drum
Patricia & Damien
Judith A. Dupre’
Dennis & Vera Ebensteiner
Adam Eggert
Kristi Enerson
Mark & Summer Erdmann
Rachel Erkens
Barb Euteneuer
Virginia Evans
Pat Faust
Tom & Gina Feldhege
Mary Filzen
Jason & Karla Fleming
Emily Foss
Brenda Foster
Melissa Fradette
Pamela Frakes
Sheila M. Frank
Michele Freeman
Marilyn Freie
Lynda Frenchick
Ronke Gbadebo
Ron & Melanie Gedde
Jennifer Gehrman
Katherine Geislinger
Jenny Giambruno
Eric Gohman
Jane A. Gottwald
Annette Greely
Daniel Green
Sandy Greene
Jeanette Greener
Donna & Tom Gregory
Stacy Groves
Ashley Gruber
Joy Gustin
Amber Guzman
William B. Hagan
Christopher & Jennifer Hagen
Sandy Haggerty
Deb Hall
Peggy Hall
Brenda Haller
Sandra Hamilton
Brad & Lisa Hanson
Dave Hartford
Donna Hartung
Barb Hayes
Carrie Hayes
Michele Held
LeAnn Hellermann
Gloria Hendrickson
Sara Heurung
Trina Hinnenkamp
Erin & Adam Hjort
Valerie Hoeschen
Rhondelle Hoggarth
Lindsay Hollenkamp-White
Nicki & Gary Holthaus
Heather Hooper
Pam Horn-Ettel
Betsy Horsch
Cortney Imdieke
John & Brianna Inkster
Nicole Jacobson
Mary Janski
Jan Jaskowiak
Jo Ellen Johnson
Melanie Johnson
Shelly Kalthoff
Carrie Kampa
Nancy Kampa
Donna M. Kamps
Matt & Alyssa Kangas
Wesley & Mandi Karls
Becky Kastanek
Kendra Keller
Sandy Keller
Lisa M. Kellner
Leigh D. Klaverkamp
Julie Klein
Mary Klein
Bill & Denice Klimek
Tab & Brenda Klimstra
Mary Jo Koenig
Tami & Jason Koosmann
Nancy Kostreba
Stacey Arndt Kotek
Pamela Kraker
Gert Krawczeski
Jolene Krsiean
Joanie Krueger
Janet Kruzel
David & Season Kryzer
Corrine Labaw
Melissa Lahn
Roberta Lauzon
Angela Lecher
Bylan Lemke
Mona Libbesmeier
Sherri & Mike Liebl
Doris Lieser
Dorothy Lindquist
Shirley Loehr
Melissa Lommel
Jillene Lubbers
Sarah Luing
Steve Lungstrom
Kristy Lynch
Mary Macy
Jeff Magera
Julie Magera
Cynthia Malmrose
Diane L. Marcotte
Kathy & Mike Markman
Lucinda Martin
Mary Martin
Deb Massey
Jane Mathiasen
Bethany Maus
Nicole May
Tony & Tanya Mazzone
Terri McCaffrey
Michelle McDonald
Jennifer McLaird
Dianna Mead
Timothy & Susan Mealey
Anthony & Sara Meemken
Angela Mehr
Jeri & Steven Mehr
Additional Bilisoft blankets for
newborns with jaundice to
use at home, were purchased
with Employee Campaign
contributions, which means
less time in the hospital for our
tiniest patients.
26 CentraCare Health Foundation
Sheila L. Mehr
Mary Metcalf
Joyce Meyer
John & Mary Kay Miller
Nicole Mitchell
Teresa & Dennis Mohs
Angela Molitor
Mark & Jackie Molus
Debbie Moritz
Stephanie Mueller
Joy Mulder
Stephanie Munsch
Betty Munsterteiger
Claire E. Murphy
Julie Nacey
Ashley Nadeau
Brenda Naegeli
Clara Nathe
Joanne Schleper Nei
Connie & Kevin Ness
Ryan & Mollie Newman
Kathryn Nichols
Terri J. Nicoski RN
Art & Elaine Niewind
Jeanine Nistler
Dan & Lori Norheim
Katie B. Notch
Carrie Oehrlein
Randy & Michele Olmscheid
Becky Olson
Vickie A. Olson
Jay & Krista Ophoven
Mike & Cindy Oquist
Angela Overland
Erin Pallansch
Hyung Park
Tammy Parker
Kristi Patterson
Deb & Doug Paul
Adam & Mindy Paulson
Joni Pawelk
Jennifer Peifer
Brenda Peschl
Marjorie Peternell
Carolyn Kim Peterson
Owen & Marcia Peterson
Michelle Peterson
Kathie Pflueger
Brandon Philippi
Emily Piccerillo
Howard Pierskalla
Colleen Pommier
Jacqueline Pooler
Lori Potter
Melissa Pribyl
Elaine Prom
Sangita Pudasainee-Kapri
Erin Ralph
Mellisa Rausch RN
Arlys Redden
Paula Redemske
Rachael Rein
Roxanne Reining
Bruce & Mary Ann Reischl
Paul Reisdorf
Bret & Nicole Reuter
Laura Revering
Janene & Jim Riedeman
Luke Rieland
Emily Ritter
Sheryl A. Robinson
Bridget Rogers
Candace Rolfes
Tim Rowen
Bonnie Rozycki
Paul & Becca Ruegemer
Sharon Rueter
Carla Rust
David Sakariason
Sharon Samson
Cindy & Jack Sandberg
Lonnie Sandmeyer
Barb Scheiber
Ken & Mary Schimnich
Pamela J. Schnettler
Paul & Jennifer Schoenberg
Kevin Schoenherr
Joan Schoolmeesters
Dr. Thomas G. & Myra Lee
Steven Schrupp
Mary Schultz
Katie Schulz
Sharon Ann Schwantz
Margo Schwinghammer
Joni Scott
Jennifer Seifert
Richard Seifert
Joni L. Serena
Robert Shea
Pamela C. Siewert
Joan Silbernick
Ellen Simonson
Wayne & Linda Skajewski
Brandon Smith
Janice Smith
Laura L. Smith
Kristine Smoley
Kari Soderholm
Stacy Solomonson
Rachel Stack Goerger
Karen Staggert
Tina Standfuss
Rachel Stoltz
Ann Summar, RN, CNP
Sandy Sutton
Allison M. Tetrault
Robin & Dave Theis
Cassidy Thiel
Allan Thomes
James Thomes
Beth Thorsten
Jessica Tindal
Melissa & Joel Torborg
Jon D. Tufte
Michelle Tull
Brenda Turner
Pam Twardowski
AnneMarie Vannurden
Eliezer Vigil
Susan Volkman
Sharon Walesch
Chris Walker
Dena & David Walz
Nicole Wander
Julie Warzecha
Dawn Wasserman
Debra Watson
April W.
Joan & Dale Wegleitner
Marla Wegleitner
Kristen Weidner
Mary K. Weis
Grant & Michelle Wendt
Betty Widmeier
Dr. Darin D. & Katy Willardsen
Kayla Wilwerding
E. Woodman
Bridgette Worlie
Jackie Wruck
Dawn M. Yilek
Donna Yohnke
Karen & Terry Zwiener
99 Anonymous Patrons
Amy Abel
Tamara Abers
Naomi Abfalter
Pat Abfalter
Brenda Ackerman
Marlene Adkins
Benita Adolph
Theresa Albold
Lindsey Albright
Tony & Jean Albright
Shelly Alexander
Tonia Alexander
Amy Allanson
Cassie Amundson
Amy Anderson
Holly A. Anderson
Jill Anderson
Lori Anderson
Lisa Anderson Peck
Gary Anderst
DuDonne Andrie
Nancy Anson
Leora Appel
Tracy Arduser
Tricia Arent
Tina M. Asseln
Jane Austing
Ann Backes
Daniel Backes
Boubacar Bah
Katherine Baidoo
Deb Bakken
Sue Baklarz
Cathy Bales
Trisha Ball
Karen Bandar
Cathy Barden
Evonne Barhorst
Lisa Barker
Debra Baron
Donna Bartels
Stacie Bartels
Trish Barten
Jan Barthel, RN
Laurie Bartlett
Bryan & Elizabeth Bauck
Dawn Bauerly-Pieper
Vickie Baumann
Katrina Beack
Janet Bearden
Agnes Bearson
Robert Bearson
Eva Becker
Karla R. Becker
Victoria Becker
William K. Becker
Kristin Beehler
Joyce Belanger
Sue Benoit
Collette Berg
Crystal Berg
Joan Berg
Frosa Berger
Siri Bergeson
Lee & Patricia Bergstrom
Dorothy Beringer
Judy Berndtson
Hannah Berns
Angela Bertram
Terri Beste
Linda Kay & Gregory C. Bethke
Kjirstin Bingel
Nicole Birr
Erin Bjork
Sally & Steve Blair
Marilee Blais
Denise Blommel
Brianna Blouin
Curt & Jolene Boeckermann
Brian Boehmer
Marco, presenting sponsor of
the 2014 Holly Ball celebrating
40 years.
centracare.com/foundation 27
June T. Bohlig
Roxann Bohman
Julie Bollin
Brenda Bonamie
Leslee Bonebright
Jody Borel
Lynn Borgert
Kathleen Borgman
Julie Boser
Kimberly Brack
Kristin & Jeremy Brandt
Nikki Brasel
Candace & Justin Braulick
Jodi Braun
Laurie Braun
Tiffany Breitbach
Karen Brennhofer
Kristi Brenny
Debbie Breth
Jen Breth
Jolene Breth
Channon Bristlin
Debbie Britz
Lori & Gary Brix
Lori Brown
Cynthia “Cindy” Fay Buhl
Jantelaa Buhr
Julie & Michael Bukowski
Kim Burnett
Maryann Burrows
Fe S. Buschmann
Carmen Butala
Deanna Butcher
Ladonna Butenhoff
Linda Butts
Deb Byram
Deanna Cahill
Patricia Caird
Jennifer Capretz
Dawn Captain
Caren Carlson
Angella Carter
Barbara Carver
Heidi Chalich
Henry Chapa
Angela Christensen
Peggy & Lyle Christensen
Melissa Christinsen
Edward Clemens
Pam Clemens
Mike Clementich
Emma Cluka
Katrina Coppicus
Jessica Corrigan
Kelsey Cors
Michelle Countryman
Cynthia Cox
Sandy Cremers
Peg Dahl
Gin Dahl
Jennifer Daleiden
Holly Dammann
Rhonda Danielson
Tracey Dearing-Jude
Patty Decknatel
Carol Degiovanni
Sandy Dehn
Jeanne DelZoppo
Dawn L. Demant
Lori DeRoo
Jacqueline DesMarais-Finke
Curt & Sara Devos
Deborah J. Devriendt
Connie L. Dickinson
Susan Dierkhising
Gayleen Dierks
Robert Dilley
Jodie Dingmann
Vern & Joyce Dingmann
Janet Dinkel
Kimberly M. Dodds-Thompson
Renee Doetkott
Melissa Dols
Vicky & Gary Donnay
Tiffany Donnell
Janel Dorn
Natalie Dornbusch
Jonathan Dotseth
Trisha Douvier
Nicole Dove
Liz Doyle
Kathryn Drake
Miki Dreyer
Christina Drontle
Julianne Ebnet
Mary & Ryan Eckholm
Lisa Edelbrock
Ann Edwards
Susan Egbers
Robyn Eischens
Mary Eisenschenk
Lori Eiynck
Andrea Elmes
Sherri Engelbrekt
Brandon & Jennifer Engen
Haley Entner
Rachel Erickson
Esmeralda Estrada
Diane Even
Sharon M. Evens
Joanne Eveslage
Nancy Fandel
Carrie Fasching
Al Faust
Deb Fearing
Charles Fehlhaber
Sandi Feldewerd
Rosie & Paul Feneis
Kathleen Ferguson
Kelijo Fernholz
Lana Ferrario
Angella Ferris
Mary Findlay
Kara Fink
Wanda Fink
Denise Fischbach
Gene Fischbach
Barbara Fischer
Jodi Fiskness
Ruth Fladmark
Janet Flanders
Crystal Fleischhacker
Denise & Bill Fleming
Sandy Florek
Rachel Flygare
Margo Lea Flynn
Kayla Fofana
Abby Foley
Yoshiko Foreman
Cecelia Frank
Susan M. Frank
April Franklin, RN
Steve & Alice Frechette
Debbie Free
Melissa Freese
Kathy Frenn
Leonard & Pamela Freudenrich
Jeanne & Paul Friebe
Jodi Friedrichs
Toni Friese
Janice Fruth
Angela Fuchs
Jenna Fuchs
Pat & Gary Fuchs
Sharon & Keith Fuchs
Sheila A. Fuchs
Shirley Funk
Julie Gaffaney
Anne Gagliardi
Michelle Gamble
Cecilia Gamradt
Scott & Wendy Gangl
Mark J. Gartner
Donna Gasperlin
Michelle Gebhardt
Gwen Gehrke
Keith Gerding
Nicole G.
Dean Giese
Lynette Gieske
Gerry & Debora Gilbertson
Colleen Glenz
Tanya Glenz
Bonnie Goedecke
Barbara Keenan Goenner
Katie Gonzalez
Amy T. Gorecki
Ashley Gottwalt
Shaina Gottwalt
Jessica Gotvald
Raymond & Connie Goulet
Laurie Gradin
Marlene Graham
Kurt Gramith
Julie Grams
Janine Grasswick
Tally Gregor
Kayla Gronau
Alicia Groth
Sherry Gruber
Melissa Guggenberger
Monica Gumley RN, BSN
Diane Gustafson
Roxanne Gutknecht
Pam Haake
Sandy Habiger
Tammy Habiger
Leslie Haessly
Stephanie Hagen
Shannon Hagman
Darlene Haley
Debra R. Hall
Michelle Hall
Roxane Hall
Janet Hallermann
Kim M. Hallgren
Marty & Jan Halvorson
Lynzie Halvorson
Laura Hanneman
Angela Hansen
Andrea Hanson
Diane Harms
Karen Harne
Rosie Harren
Donna K. Harris
Charles Harrison
Timothy Hartokolis
Charles Hartsfield, Jr.
Kristine Hassebrock
Andria Hasz
Jackie Hauglund
Sondra Haus
Kimberly Hawkins
Heidi Hayes
Cheryl Hedin
Susan Heidal-Schiltz
Amy Heinen
Jill & Nicholas Heinen
Kristy & Mike Heinen
Tricia Heitzman
Mary Ellen Held
M. Kim Hellier
Jessica M. Hemmesch
Shelly Hemmesch
Sarah Henagin
Kathryn Hendrickson
Daryl & Judy Henneman
Marina and Linus (†)
Koopmeiners visiting TerHaar
Stained Glass Studio.
28 CentraCare Health Foundation
Amy Hennen family
DeAnn Hennigs, R.N.
Kristine Hennix
Patty Henry
Tawnya Herdklotz
Anita Herold
Peggy Hess-Johnson
Jordyn Hetland
Jennifer Heyne
Susan Heysse
Peggy Hickman
Pat Hieb
Annette Hieserich
Pamela Hill
Elizabeth Hilsgen
Wendy Hime RN
Kathy Hines
Patsy Hinnenkamp
Tara Hinnenkamp
Amanda Hitchings
Joelle Hjort
Tonya Hoaglan
Mary Hocum
Clara Hoeschen
Carol Hoffman
Karen Hoftyzer
Brad & Jodi Holbrook
Janet Holmberg
Jocelyn Holmberg
Rachel Holzknecht
Brenda Hommerding
Ann Hopko
Kelly Hotchkiss
Dolores Howen
Leon J. Huberty
Sally Huls
Danyel Huntley
Brandon Hurrle
Kristen Husen
Scott Hutchinson
Angela Hyde
Andrea Hylla
Renae Illies
Kellie Irlbeck
Barbara Isaacson
Sandra Isaacson
Patty Jaclyn-Doty
Dani Jakubowski
Nancy James
Carleen Janey
Renee Jansky
Samantha Jansky
Sherry S. Jarmones
Brian Jemming
Jane Jenc
Marie Jendro
Charles & Rosemary Jernberg
Natalie Job
Carol & Gerry Johannes
Lori A. Johannes
Andra Johnson
Carol Johnson
Kelly A. Johnson
Kristina Johnson
LeAnn & Todd Johnson
Robin Johnson
Linda Jonas-Brown
Elizabeth Jones
Brian & Tina Jones
Kelly Jovanovich
Ashley J. Jude
Melany Jungles
Dawn Juntunen
Melissa Kaiser
Joy Kalk
Doug Kantor
Melissa Kantor
Joylena Kardell
Sheryl Kardong
Natalie Karg
Keith & Sue Karsky
Lana Kascht
Kelly Kasper
Joyce Katke
Stella Katterhagen
Jess Kaufman
April Kayfes
Deborah Keller
Kayla Kemper
Renee Kemper
Sara Kemper
Kristi Kenney
Jennifer Kenning
Jane Keppers
Melissa A. Keske
Lisa Kickhafer
Karen Kiffmeyer
Todd & Lisa Kilgard
Samantha King
Lisa Kirchner
Brenda Kissinger
Jessica Klaphake
Trista Klaphake
Bridget & Michael Klein
Linda & Larry Klein
Patricia Kleinart
Jennifer Klick
Charlene Klimek
Lori Klinkhammer
Bernice T. Klocker
April Klug
Michelle & Scott Kluge
Dorothy Knapper
Larry & Brenda Knutson
Paul M. Knutson
Melissa Kockler
Carmel Koep
Lindsey Kohls
Andrea Kollmann, RN
Brenda Konietzko
Kimberly Korneck
Denise Kortan
Sue Kossila
Sara Kraemer
Wendy Kraemer
Terri Krause
Jennifer Krebsbach
Lois Krick
Renee Krueger
Tami Kruzel
Stacy Kuechle
Della Kuhl
Bill Kuhlman
Linda Kunkel
Laura Laho
Nicky Lahr
Debra S. Lalley
Teagen Lambert
Amber Lambertson
David Lance
Lynn Lange
Pat Langer
Diane Larson
Kathleen Larson
Rachel Larson
Karen Lashinski
Carol Latour
Brittney Laudenbach
Judith Laudenbach
Stephanie Laudenbach
Deb Lawrence
Kristine Lawrence
Colleen & Gary Layne
Angela Leen
Tiffany Lemieur
Mary Jo Lemke, RN
Nadine Lemke
Todd & Ann Lemke
Dawn Lenarz
Megan Lensing
Lois Lenzmeier
Christina Leonard
Wanda Leuty
Daniel Lewellyn
Julie Lieberg
Nancy Lieser
Marcia Lieske
Lynn Liesmaki
Brenda Liestman
Carrie Lindberg
Tracey Lindberg
Sara Lindbloom
Emily Lindeman
Denise Linn
Tamara Linn
Debbie Linz
Colleen M. Lisson
Amy Listerud
Lori & Dane Listug-Lunde
Samantha Littler
Laura Loberg
Natalie Loch
Brenda Lochen
Debbie Lochen
Sheri Lochner
John & Janelle Loehlein
Allison Loerzel
Annie Lommel
Kerri Looman
Mary Loven
Megan Ludwig
Cindy Luedtke
Carol Lukanen
Jean Lund
Michelle Lundorff
Kathryn Lund-Reed
Teresa Luttschwager
La Rae Lymer
Leslie Maas
Brenda MacArthur
Jen Machula
Janelle L. Maciej
Sara Maciej
Leann Mack
Donna Mackedanz
Marcie Maddox
Cindy Maki
Michelle Malchow
Nate Manning
Shana Marcusen
Rebecca & Jared Marquardt
Mary K. Marthaler
Peg Marthaler
Tamara Maslonkowski
Denise Massmann
Mary Matthews
Josie Mattson
Mary Maurer
Steve & Brenda Maus
Kim May
Judith Mayhew
Kelly & Nick McCarney
Peggy McClanahan
Joan McDonald
Kathleen/William McDowall
Scott & Angela McGee
Lacey McGrane
Mike McGuire
Lance McNab
Todd McSorley
Jeanne Mehrwerth
Christy Meierhofer
Michele Meinz
Mitzi Meizinger
Kevin & Sharon Mentzer
Lisa Baron, Coordinator
Information Services
- CentraCare Health,
Employee Campaign
donor and ambassador.
centracare.com/foundation 29
Cindy Meyer
Laurie Meyer
Michele Meyer
Sandy Meyer
Amy Miller
Darcy Miller
David & Carla Miller
Debra Miller
Jeanna Miller
Joanie Miller
Jon Miller
Robert Miller
Sara Miller
Morgan Mills
Joanne Misbe
Darlene L. Mitchell
Debra Mock
Ronald & Catherine Moe
Denise Moen
Christy Mohrman
Sharna Moliga
Linda Molitor
Shelly Molitor
Mallory & Dan Mondloch
Randy Moneypenny
Lacey Monnier
Jane Monson
Janet Montreuil
Marcia Morin-Brandvold
George & Mary Kay Morris
Cheryl Morrissette
Julie & Kiumarce Mortezaee
Sean Muehring
Kristie Mueller
Stephanie R. Mueller
Megan Muellner
Sara A. Muellner
Mary Ellyn Muhlhauser
Lisa Mullen
Pamela Mumm
Tonya Mumm
Pat Mustonen
Brittany Myers
Jim Myhrwold
Gwen Nagorski
Deborah Nathan
Brittaney Nathe
Christy Nathe
Karen Neis
Andrea Nelson
Annie Nelson
John & Bernadette Nelson
Jodi Nelson
Kari Nelson
Kris Nelson
Lana Nelson
Michael Nelson
Vicki Nelson
Darla Neumann
Janet Neuwirth
Nancy Nistler
Patricia Nistler
Callee R. Nolden
Mike Noonan
Emily Nordick
Renae Nordmann
Dustin & Jenny Norton
Hannah Noska
Lori Notch
Sana Nunn
Andrea Nyquist
Patty Odegard
Kathleen & Michael E. Ohman
Kevin Okeson
Shelly O’Leary
Jayleen Olin
Chelsea Olson
Jason & Dana Olson
Judy Olson
Kimberly Olson
Stacy Olson
Mary Ann & Wally Oltz
Elaine I. Omann
Kerry A. O’Neill & Kyle Fossen
Jami Orndorff
Sandy Orton
Debra Otterstetter
Jen Otto
Carol Overfors RT, (R)(M)
Cheryl Pachan
Kara Panek
Christina Pangerl
Jessica Parker
Jessica Patrick
Cindy L. Paul
Cassandra Pearson
Shawn Pearson
Leslie Pechan
Sarah Peckskamp
Sara Peerboom
Sue Peichel
Deborah Perkins
Fran Peters
Cheryl Peterson
Jason Peterson
Lynn Peterson
Linda Petrangelo
Matt Philippi
Amy Piehl
Kimberly Piersak
John Pilarski
Kendra Pilcher
Joan Pilot
Mary Pippert
Marla Plante
Cassandra Plotz
Mary K. Porwoll
Lori Powell
Anita Praska
Nichole Pride
Danita Primus
David Primus
Ruth Primus
Jessica Proell
Shannon Prom
Amanda Protolipac
Jennifer M. Puhalla
Kathy Pullis
Judy Pundsack
Susan Putzke
Masayo Radeke
Amanda Rademacher
Nicole Radika
Jeannie Rajkowski
Kari Raker
Deb Ramler
John Rammel
Deb Randall
Jamie Rask
Sherry Rausch
Recovery Plus Alumni &
Jacqueline Reineke
Michael Reinert
Joanne E. Reinhart
Stacy Reisinger
Dawn Reiter
Susie Reitmeier
Roberta Reitsma
Diane Reller
Carol Rentz
Brenda Reutzel
Mark Rian
Megan Richert
Cathy Riebel
Peggy J. Riedel
Denise Rieland
Marsha Riendeau
Ruth Robeck
K Robinson
Diane Roda
Tracy Rodriguez
Judy Roehl
Judy Roelike
Pamela Roerick
Kayla Roering
Amy Roesler
Jean Rogers
Chris & Rebecca Rogholt
Lorena R.
Jessica Rollison
Michelle Rosenberger
Briana & Mike Ross
Kelly Rossman
Patty M. Roth
Cheryl Rothfork
Tanya Rothstein
Sara Rueckert
Carolyn Ruegemer
Jennifer Ruhland
Sue Rushmeyer
Margaret Russell
Linda Rust
Lindy Sabraski
Cory Sabrowsky
Cindy Sakariason
Jen Salzer
Joyce & Dave Salzer
Stacey Salzer
Rebecca Samari
Barb Sand
Donna Sand
Michelle Sand
Jodi R. Sanders
Juli Sanner
Nicholas Sanner
Robin Sass
Catherine Sauer
Kelsey Sauer
Scott & Michelle Scepaniak
Charlie Schad
Ruth Schaffer
Kristina Scheel
Catherine Schellinger
Nancy Schempp
Janelle Schenstad-Hodgin
Karen Scherer
Patricia Scherping
Jody Schirmers
Gail Schlauderaff
Jill Schlegel
Susan Schleper
Bonita Schmidt
Cynthia Schmidt
Darla Schmidt
Rebecca Schmidt
Tiffany Schmidt
Lyle & Kim Schmidtbauer
Amy Schmit
Lois Schmitt
Mary E. Schmitt
Nancy Schmitt
Vickie Schmitz
Jennifer Schmuhl
Shirley & Paul Schnobrich
Ruth Schofield
Carol A. Schott
Jan Schramel
Jennifer Schreifels
Emily Schueller
Janet Schulte
Deb Schultz
Kathryn Schultz
Peggy Schumacher
Deborah Schwiebert
Connie Schwinghammer
Jodi Zylstra, RN, Administrator
- CentraCare Clinic, Employee
Campaign donor and
30 CentraCare Health Foundation
Mark Schwinghammer
Marlene Schwinghammer
Mary E. Scott
Chaplain Beverly Scripter
Janice Seguin
Marian Seliski
Sheila Sepulvado
Debbie Setten
Amanda J. Shank
Melissa Shankey
Nicole Sherven
Laura Shrode
Jodie Simonson
Diane Sinell
Kelsi Single
Allison Skillingstad
Janeen Slegh
Julie Smallwood
Alyssa Smith
Evelyn Smith
Gary Smith
Krin Smith
Paul Smith
Vicki Smith
Mary Jo Smoger
Joseph & Pamela Smoley
Shelley Solinger
Lisa Soltis
Connie Soper
Lorrie Spanier
Sharon Spanier
Jo Ann Spaulding
Rosanne Spieker
Amy Spry
Rebecca St Jean
Lynn Stacken
Fr. Mark Stang
Steve Stang
Susan M. Stang
Jody Stangl
Barbara Stanley
Angela Stanoch
Katherine Staska
Connie Stauffenecker
Kathy Stearns
Marianne Steichen
Carol Steil
Linda Stepka
Lori Sticha
Jeremey & Gloria Stockinger
Dan & Amy Stolt
Sara Stolt
Pete & Hannah Stommes
Sam & Allison Stone
Todd & Patty Stordahl
Marshall Storms
Stefinie Storms
Mary Stotko
Pamela Stout
Melissa Stowe
Kristi Strack
Sandy Stuckey
Sarah Studniski
Heidi Supan
Gail Suzick
Anne M. Swanson
Viki Swanson
Danielle Sweely
Brenda Swendra-Henry
Tessa Swenson
Linda Tauber
Holly Tegels
Sarah Teich
Jamie Teicher
Michelle Templin
Curtis Tepley
Jodi Terwey
Lisa Theiler
Carol Theis
Pam Theisen
Karen Then
Sheryl Theuninck
Barb Thom
Jess Thoma
Geri T.
Jennifer Thomas
Marcella Thompson
Debra Thomsen
Gail Thorson
Matthew Thueringer
Jennifer Thuftedal
Danelle Tibbetts
Jennifer Todd
Daniell Toenyan
Cheri Tollefson Lehse
Judy Tomaso
Kara Tomazin
Jennifer Tomford
Allison Tooley
Anna Torborg
Shannon Trakore
Valerie Tschakert
Emily Tschida
Greg Tschida
Julie Tschida
Shirley Tschida
Deanna J. Turnvall
Doris Tynio
Kimberly Uecker
Margy Umhoefer
Catherine Undersander
Tina Uphoff
Therese Urzi
Mildred Vadnais
Karl Van Beckum & Catherine
Haley VanderVoort
Sandra VanNorman
Leah Vanoverbeke
Erin Virnig
Karla & Larry Voigt
Megan Vollmer
Rachel Von Wahlde
JoHanna Voss
Patricia M. Voss
David Waage
Kimberly Waara
Tom Wachlarowicz
Taryn Waddell
Leah Wagner, RN
Kayla Walberg
Jeff Wallager
Judy Walters
Linda Walz
Judy Wander
Wendy Wang
Barbara Warnert
Jodi Warzecka
Jordan Wasserman
Bonnie Watkins
Elizabeth Watts
Barbara Weber
Betty Weber
Brenda Wehlage
Stephanie C. Wehrenberg
Ann Weismann
Paulette Weleski
Lola Welle
Brittany Welter
Dave Wendt
Jessica Wenker
Lynn Wensman
Emily Wensmann
Karen Wensmann
Amber D. Wente
Marge Wentland
Janell Wesenberg
Jason Wesenberg
Kristi Wessel
Amy Westerberg
Jennifer Weyer
Hannah Whalen
Amy White
Dayna & Jason White
Bonnie & Bob Wiehoff
Janet Wiener
Carissa Wilcox
David & Caroline Wilder
Amandah Wilhelm
Sue Will
Mike & Joan Willenbring
Tammy Williams
Jessica Wilson
Lana Wilson
Deb Wimmer
Diane Wimmer
Beverly Winczewski
Dale Wirkkula
Shelby Wirz
Wojciech Wojcik
Jeanne & Mark Wolbeck
Stephanie Wolford
Karen Wonderlich
Heather Wood
Zhanna Woodard
Jeanne Woods
Jen Wuertz
Kelly Wurdelman
Michelle Wurzberger
Heather Yender
Christine & Mark Young
Leiloni Young
Deb Yunek
Mary Zachman
Joan Marie Zadoo
Michelle Zaske
Sheri Ziebol
Cynthia Zieglmeier
Gail Ziemer
Irene Zierden
Kristi Zimmer
Konnie Zimmerman
Alison Zimmermann
Sara Zimny
Ann Ziwicki
Jewell Zwack
Jennifer Zylla
Michael Zyvoloski
587 Anonymous Friends
Deceased †
We enable life victories everyday.
centracare.com/foundation 31
Engaging the philanthropic community to improve
health and health care across central Minnesota.
Central MN Residents Rely on CentraCare Health for Care
9 10
out of
Help us continue
to strengthen
and diversify
in St. Cloud
7,10 0 +
1,10 0 +
which funds patient care, community,
innovation, research and education
Since 2007, the Foundation has generated
A minimum of 90% of funds are
distributed to improve health and
healthcare in our community
A maximum of 10%
covers operational costs
Since the BLEND initiative began,
among 12 year old boys in the
Greater St. Cloud region
BLEND Walk-A-Thons have raised
Stained Glass Project
50 windows
62,000 sq ft clinic & hospital
12 inpatient and outpatient rooms
2 dedicated labor/delivery/
recovery suites
2 operating suites
Expanded outpatient areas
Live your passion and change the world.
- Dawn Tevy
1406 Sixth Avenue North | St. Cloud, MN 56303-1901
320-240-2810 phone | 320-255-6691 fax | centracare.com/foundation