Cross-species variation in gaze following and conspecic preference
among great apes, human infants and adults
Fumihiro Kano
, Josep Call
Department of Developmental and Comparative Psychology, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
article info
Article history:
Received 27 November 2013
Initial acceptance 6 January 2014
Final acceptance 11 February 2014
Available online 14 April 2014
MS. number: 13-00982R
conspecic model
gaze following
great ape
human infant
species difference
Although previous studies have shown that many species follow gaze, few have directly compared
closely related species, and thus its cross-species variation remains largely unclear. In this study, we
compared three great ape species (bonobos, Pan paniscus, chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, orang-utans,
Pongo abelii) and human s (12-month-olds and adults) in their gaze-following responses to the videos
of conspecic and allospecic models. In the video, the model turned his head repeatedly to one of two
identical objects. We used a noninvasive eye-tracking technique to measure participants eye move-
ments, and used both conspecic and allospecic models as stimuli to examine their potential preference
in following conspecic rather than allospecic gaze. Experiment 1 presented to great apes the videos of
conspecic and human models. We found that all species followed the conspecic gaze. Chimpanzees did
not follow the human gaze, whereas bonobos did. Bonobos reacted overall more sensitively than
chimpanzees to both conspecic and human gaze. Experiment 2 presented to human infants and adults
the videos of human, chimpanzee and orang-utan models. Both infants and adults followed the human
gaze. Unlike adults, infants did not follow the ape gaze. Experiment 3 presented to great apes the videos
of allospecic ape models. Consistent with experiment 1, chimpanzees did not follow the allospecic ape
gaze, whereas bonobos and orang-utans did. Importantly, preferential following of conspecic gaze by
chimpanzees (experiment 1) and human infants (experiment 2) was mainly explained by their prolonged
viewing of the conspecic face and thus seems to reect their motivation to attend selectively to the
conspecic models. Taken together, we conclude that gaze following is modulated by both subject
species and model species in great apes and humans, presumably a reection of the subjects intrinsic
sensitivity to gaze and also their selective interest in particular models.
Ó 2014 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gaze following, dened as looking in the same direction as
others after seeing their gaze direction, is one of the best studied
social behaviours in comparative cognition. It functions in various
ways depending on the species and context, from simply exploiting
the same information that others have acquired to making in-
ferences about others intentions and knowledge (Hare, Call, &
Tomasello, 2000). Gaze following has been documented in
numerous species, including primates (great apes: Bräuer, Call, &
Tomasello, 2005; Old World monkeys: Anderson & Mitchell,
1999; Emery, Lorincz, Perrett, Oram, & Baker, 1997; Scerif, Gomez,
& Byrne, 20 04; New World monkeys: Amici, Aureli, Visalberghi, &
Call, 2009; Burkart & Heschl, 2006; lemurs: Ruiz, Gómez, Roeder,
& Byrne, 2009; Sandel, MacLean, & Hare, 2011; Shepherd & Platt,
2008), nonprimate mammals (dogs, Canis familiaris: Téglás,
Gergely, Kupán, Miklósi, & Topál, 2012; goats, Capra hircus:
Kaminski, Riedel, Call, & Tomasello, 2005), birds (ravens, Corvus
corax: Bugnyar, Stöwe, & Heinrich, 2004; bald ibises, Geronticus
eremita: Loretto, Schloegl, & Bugnyar, 2010) and reptiles (red-footed
tortoise, Geochelone carbonaria: Wilkinson, Mandl, Bugnyar, &
Huber, 2010). Although gaze following appears to be fairly wide-
spread in phylogeny, studies have also documented its variation
among closely related species. Thus, stumptailed macaques,
Macaca arctoides, follow gaze more frequently than other macaque
species (Tomasello, Call, & Hare,1998), bonobos, Pan paniscus, more
than chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes (Herrmann, Hare, Call, &
Tomasello, 2010) and human children more than great apes
(Herrmann, Call, Hernandez-Lloreda, Hare, & Tomasello, 2007),
especially when only the models eyes (not the head direction)
serve as a gaze cue (Tomasello, Hare, Lehmann, & Call, 2007).
Moreover, rather than simply co-orienting with the model, in
more complex settings in which individuals have to take into
Correspondence: F. Kano, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,
Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig, Germany.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Kano).
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0003-3472/Ó 2014 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150
account the position and nature of visual barriers in relation to both
the model and themselves, the distribution of gaze following
among species appears more restricted. Thus, following gaze
around barriers has been documented in apes, ravens, capuchin
monkeys, Cebus apella, and spider monkeys, Ateles geoffroyi, but not
in marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, and bald ibises (Amici et al., 2009;
Bräuer et al., 2005; Bugnyar et al., 2004; Loretto et al., 2010;
Tomasello, Hare, & Agnetta, 1999). Moreover, bonobos and chim-
panzees, unlike orang-utans, Pongo abelii, take barrier opacity into
consideration when following the gaze of others (Okamoto-Barth,
Call, & Tomasello, 2007) and double-looks (i.e. looking back at the
models face after following her gaze and detecting nothing
remarkable) have been observed in great apes and Old World
monkeys but not in capuchin and spider monkeys (Amici et al.,
2009; Bräuer et al., 2005; Scerif et al., 2004).
Taken together, these studies show that even though gaze
following is displayed by numerous species, its expression in terms
of strength and exibility vary substantially among species. Data
like these are crucial to be able to test evolutionary hypotheses
linking gaze following with social and ecological factors that may
contribute to explaining the differences between species, including
the differences between human and nonhuman animals (Rosati &
Hare, 2009). However, this sort of evolutionary analysis is
currently hindered by two major difculties. First, gaze following is
modulated not only by the individuals potential abilities but also
by motivational or contextual factors. For example, in the previous
studies with macaque species, the subjects preferentially followed
the gaze of particular individuals depending on the social rela-
tionship with and emotional status of the model (Goossens,
Dekleva, Reader, Sterck, & Bolhuis, 2008; Micheletta & Waller,
2012; Shepherd, Deaner, & Platt, 2006; Teufel, Gutmann, Pirow, &
Fischer, 2010). Most relevant for the species comparison is that
many previous studies have used human models rather than
conspecic models for pragmatic reasons, and thus it is possible
that the species differ in the sensitivities to only human but not
conspecic gaze. For example, Hattori, Kano, and Tomonaga (2010)
found that chimpanzees followed the gaze of a conspeci c but not
of a human model when they were presented with the still pictures
of those models (but see Itakura, Agnetta, Hare, & Tomasello, 1999),
whereas human adults followed the gaze of both types of models.
Ideally, when comparing two or more species, one should use a
crossed design with two factors, subject species and model species,
that is, presenting the models of both species to the subjects of both
Second, the dependent measure most of ten used in previous
studies has been head-turning frequency owing to the difculty in
recording the eye movements directly. However, species may differ
in their physical constraints to move their head, body and eyes. For
example, orang-utans frequently move their eyes but not their
heads to shift their gaze (i.e. sideways gaze; Kaplan & Rogers, 2002).
Therefore, additional measurements based on eye direction alone
may reveal gaze following that goes undetected when using more
coarse measures based on head turning.
Developmental differences should also be taken into consider-
ation when comparing species, especially species that may follow
different developmental trajectories. Previous studies have shown
that the sensitivity and exibility of gaze following change with age
in human and nonhuman primates. That is, human infants begin to
follow the gaze of others from 3 to 6 months of age (DEntremont,
Hains, & Muir, 1997; Hood, Willen, & Driver, 1998) and establish a
robust pattern from 1 year of age (Corkum & Moore, 1998; von
Hofsten, Dahlstrom, & Fredriksson, 2005). Moreover, around 1
year of age human infants begin to follow gaze geometrically to
regions beyond their immediate view (Moll & Tomasello, 2004).
Similarly to nonhuman primates, human infants gaze following is
modulated by motivational and contextual factors. For example,
they preferentially follow the gaze of those who have looked to-
wards interesting things versus nothing in the past (Chow, Poulin-
Dubois, & Lewis, 2008), and take into account whether individuals
have their eyes open or closed (Brooks & Meltzoff, 2002). In
nonhuman primates, studies have shown that macaques and
chimpanzees begin to follow gaze by around 1 and 3 years of age,
respectively, and continue to increase the frequency of gaze
following with age (Ferrari, Kohler, Fogassi, & Gallese, 2000;
Tomasello, Hare, & Fogleman, 2001; but see Okamoto et al., 2002
for the earlier onset of gaze following in a chimpanzee). More-
over, macaques and chimpanzees display a relatively late onset for
voluntary control of gaze following such as habituation to unreli-
able observers (Tomasello et al., 2001) and double-looks (Bräuer
et al., 2005).
In this study we aimed to reveal the variation in gaze following
among closely related species by addressing the above-mentioned
issues. We used a crossed design with two factors, subject species
and model species, and studied four hominid species, bonobos,
chimpanzees, orang-utans and human infants (12-month-olds) and
control adults (Fig. 1). We implemented a relatively simple setting
to examine the basic performances of gaze following among spe-
cies. That is, we measured the frequency of gaze following when
each species was observing a human or conspecic model repeat-
edly turning his head to one of two identical objects. We adopted
the eye-tracking method for two reasons: (1) to present controlled
gaze cues of both conspecic and allospecic models on the com-
puter monitor and (2) to rely on the eye movement measurement
which is relatively independent of physical constraints. We exam-
ined whether species (1) showed any evidence of gaze following for
each model species, (2) differentiated between conspecic and
allospecic gaze, and (3) differed from one another in their overall
gaze sensitivities (frequency and/or response time) when pre-
sented with either conspecics or allospecics. A previous study
conrmed that the great apes did not differ from one another in
their basic patterns of eye movement (Kano, Hirata, Call, &
Tomonaga, 2011). However, the same study also conrmed that
humans, especially infants (Hood & Atkinson, 1993), tend to shift
their gaze less frequently (the xations were stickier) than apes.
Owing to this species difference and some procedural differences
that existed for pragmatic reasons (e.g. the type of attracting
stimuli), we did not compare great apes and humans in a single
experiment. Experiment 1 presented to great apes videos of
conspecic and human models. Experiment 2 presented to human
infants and adults videos of human and allospeci
c ape models
(chimpanzee and orang-utan). Experiment 3 returned to great apes
and presented videos of allospecic ape models.
We examined the gaze-following responses in bonobos, chim-
panzees and orang-utans when they were presented with a
conspecic or a human model repeatedly turning his head to one of
two identical objects. Based on previous studies using eye tracking
(Hattori et al., 2010), we predicted that chimpanzees would pref-
erentially follow the conspecic gaze rather than the human gaze.
In addition, based on previous studies using a different behavioural
paradigm (Bräuer et al., 2005; Herrmann et al., 2010), we predicted
that bonobos would follow gaze, at least the human gaze, more
frequently than chimpanzees. Finally, based on previous studies
using behavioural paradigms (Bräuer et al., 2005; Okamoto-Barth
et al., 2007), we predicted that orang-utans would follow the
gaze of either conspecic or human models; however, it was un-
clear whether they would follow gaze differentially depending on
the observed species.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150138
Eight bonobos, 14 chimpanzees and seven orang-utans partici-
pated (mean age 16.5 years; 16 females, 13 males). All apes lived in
groups (>10 individuals) with their conspecics (but not with their
allospecics) in the Wolfgang Köhler Primate Research Centre
(WKPRC). Most of the apes were raised by their biological mothers.
Although some of them were reared by humans early in ontogeny
(hand reared), they mostly grew up with conspecics from an early
age (for details of participants, see Table A1). All great apes were
housed in seminatural indoor enclosures (175e430 m
) with
sleeping and test rooms, and also in outdoor enclosures during the
summer (1400 e 4000 m
). Both enclosures were equipped with
climbing structures, natural vegetation and enrichment devices to
foster extractive foraging activities. The apes received fresh fruits,
vegetables, eggs, meats, cereals and leaves distributed in three
main meals and occasional enrichment programmes. Water was
available ad libitum throughout the day. They voluntarily partici-
pated in the study and were never food or water deprived. Animal
husbandry and research complied with the EAZA Minimum Stan-
dards for the Accommodation and Care of Animals in Zoos and
Aquaria and the WAZA Ethical Guidelines for the Conduct of
Research on Animals by Zoos and Aquariums, respectively. All apes
were tested in rooms located at WKPRC.
The eye movements of ape participants were noninvasively
recorded with an infrared eye-tracker (60 Hz; Tobii X120, Tobii
Technology AB, Stockholm, Sweden) at a viewing distance of
approximately 60 cm. We tested them unrestrained but separated
from the experimenter and eye-tracker by a transparent acrylic
panel. However, to keep their heads relatively still, we imple-
mented a nozzle and tube attached to the acrylic panels, which
produced grape juice little by little, and let the apes suck the nozzle
during the recording (Fig.1a; also see Appendix Fig. A1). No explicit
training was conducted for the apes. Stimuli were presented on a
22-inch LCD monitor (1366 768 pixel) with Tobii Studio software
(version 3.2.1).
Two-point automated calibration was conducted for great apes
by presenting a small object or video clip on each reference point. A
relatively small number of reference points was adopted for apes
because they tended to view these reference points only briey.
However, we manually checked the accuracy at ve points after the
initial calibration and repeated the calibration if necessary. As a
result, our preliminary session conrmed the comparable accuracy
between apes and humans (see Kano, Call, & Tomonaga, 2012 for
the accuracy estimate). Before every test session for apes, we
checked the accuracy manually and started the session when we
conrmed that the error value was less than 1e2 degrees.
Stimuli and procedure
The stimuli were 10 s videos in which a model repeatedly looked
at one of the two identical objects (hereafter target as opposed to
distractor). The model was either a male bonobo, chimpanzee,
orang-utan (one of the members from WKPRC) or male human
(F.K.) (Fig. 1b). These models were familiar to the ape participants
(the apes had at least some regular visual access even to allospecic
models). Each models head turn was videotaped in the test room at
WKPRC, and then later edited in Adobe Premier Pro so that the
model appeared to look at the target repeatedly in the nal video.
The brightness and contrast were matched across stimuli as much
as possible. The objects were plain coloured square shapes (the
colour was selected not to stand out too much from the back-
ground; green for the bonobo video and red for the other videos,
depending on the greenish/reddish background tones). In each
video, the model faced forward for 1 s, and for the remaining time
(9 s) repeatedly looked at the target by turning both eyes and head
back and forth. The head-turning frequency varied between stimuli
to conserve the natural speed of each models head turn (4, 5, 5, 3
Figure 1. Overview of experiments. (a) The participants and (b) the models in this study. (c) An example of area of interest (AOI) de ned for the xation analysis. In this study,
bonobos were presented with the bonobo, chimpanzee and human models; chimpanzees were presented with the chimpanzee, bonobo and human models; orang-utans were
presented with the orang-utan, human and bonobo models; human infants and adults were presented with the human, chimpanzee and orang-utan models. Thus, each species was
presented with three types of models, and each model was presented to at least three species.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150 139
times, respectively, for bonobo, chimpanzee, human and orang-
utan video; each head turn was thus about 1.8e3 s; see
Supplementary Video S1).
Each ape viewed the videos of both conspecic and human
model. Each video was played three times (total six trials). Each ape
viewed a single video in a day (total 6 days). The order of presenting
model type (conspecic or human) and direction of the models
gaze (left or right) was counterbalanced across individuals. The
experimenter initiated the presentation of each video when apes
were attending to the monitor.
Data analysis
Participants xations were detected by the Tobii xation lter
using Tobii Studio (version 3.2.1) with a default setting. To deter-
mine on which areas each xation landed, we dened the area of
interest (AOI) as a circle for target, distractor (diameter 350 pixels)
and models face (diameter 400e700 pixels depending on the size
of the models face; Fig. 1c).
The main measurement was the proportion of trials in which
the participants rst looked at the target or distractor after the
initiation of the model s head turn (hereafter, the proportion of rst
look) with respect to total number of trials (including the trials in
which participants looked at neither). We also measured the total
number of xations onto the target or the distractor (after the
initiation of the models head turn). As this measure yielded very
similar results to the rst look measure throughout this study, we
report these results in detail in the Appendix.
In addition, to examine how rapidly each species responded to
the gaze, we measured the response time when the participants
rst looked at the target (the initiation of looks at the target from
the initiation of the models head turn). Moreover, to examine
whether the occurrence of gaze following was mediated by the
strength of attention to the models face, we measured the amount
of time spent viewing the models face before the models rst head
turn (hereafter, face viewing time) and correlated that value with
the proportion of rst look at the target. We standardized the face
viewing time as the proportion of viewing time for the face with
respect to the total viewing time for the entire scene.
For the statistical analyses, we distinguished between within-
species and between-species analyses. Within-species analysis
tested whether each species showed any evidence of gaze following
and differential sensitivity to the conspecic versus human gaze
(a repeated-measures ANOVA with Object and Model species as
factors). Between-species analysis tested whether these species
differed quantitatively from one another in their frequency of gaze
following and their sensitivity to conspecic versus human gaze
(a repeated-measures ANOVA with Subject species, Object and
Model species as factors). All analyses were conducted in SPSS
version 20 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, U.S.A.).
Between-species analysis
Figure 2 presents the results for rst look. A repeated-measures
three-way ANOVA revealed a signicant main effect of Object
¼ 24.93, P < 0.001,
¼ 0.49). Thus, overall, great apes rst
looked at the target rather than the distractor more frequently than
vice versa, indicating that they followed the models gaze. There
was a signicant main effect of Subject species (F
¼ 15.59,
P ¼ 0.040,
¼ 0.22). However, we also found a signicant two-
way interaction between Subject species and Object (F
¼ 4.16,
P ¼ 0.027,
¼ 0.24). Thus, species also differed from one another
in their frequency of rst look at the target versus the distractor.
More specically, bonobos followed the gaze more frequently than
chimpanzees (F
¼ 16.74, P ¼ 0.001,
¼ 0.45). Bonobos differed
from chimpanzees particularly in their responses to the human
gaze (F
¼ 7.22, P ¼ 0.015,
¼ 0.27) rather than to the conspe-
cic gaze (F
¼ 1.62, P ¼ 0.21,
¼ 0.07). Although bonobos and
chimpanzees responded to conspecic versus human gaze some-
what differently, we did not nd a signicant three-way interaction
between Model species, Subject species and Object (F
¼ 0.87,
P ¼ 0.43,
¼ 0.06). Orang-utans did not differ signicantly from
either bonobos or chimpanzees in their frequency of rst look at
the target versus the distractor (Ps > 0.1).
We also examined the individual differences in terms of sex
(male, female), age (young & 9 years of age, adult > 9 years of age)
Conspecific Human Conspecific ConspecificHuman Human
Bonobo (N = 8)
Proportion of first look
Chimpanzee (N = 14) Orang-utan (N = 7)
Figure 2. Proportion of rst look in great apes when they were viewing conspecic and human models. Error bars denote the SEM. þ P < 0.07; *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150140
and rearing history (mother, hand reared) by including these fac-
tors in the same analysis. However, we did not nd any signicant
effect of these factors (Ps > 0.1), and importantly, the species dif-
ference in rst look at the target versus the distractor was still
detected in this follow-up analysis (Species*Object: F
¼ 3.96,
P ¼ 0.040,
¼ 0.33).
We then examined whether the species difference in rst look at
the target was related to the species difference in face viewing time
(how long they spent viewing the face before the models rst head
turn). Species did not differ signicantly from one another in their
face viewing time (F
¼ 2.62, P ¼ 0.092). In addition, there was no
signicant correlation between rst look at the target and face
viewing time (Pearson correlation: r
¼0.12, P ¼ 0.51). Thus, it is
unlikely that the species difference in overall frequency of gaze
following was due to the variation in face viewing time.
Within-species analysis
We then examined the pattern of rst look in each species using
two-way ANOVAs. In bonobos, we found a signicant main effect of
Object (F
¼ 19.38, P ¼ 0.0 03,
¼ 0.73) but not a signicant
interaction between Object and Model species (F
¼ 0.038,
P ¼ 0.85,
¼ 0.005), indicating that they followed the gaze of both
conspecic and human models. Similarly, in orang-utans, we found
a trend in the main effect of Object (F
¼ 5.25, P ¼ 0.062,
¼ 0.46; we found a signicant main effect of Object in the total
number of xations, see Appendix) but not a signicant interaction
between Object and Model (F
¼ 0.60, P ¼ 0.46,
¼ 0.09). In
chimpanzees, we did not nd a signicant main effect of Object
¼ 1.63, P ¼ 0.22,
¼ 0.11); yet we found a signicant inter-
action between Object and Model (F
¼ 5.06, P ¼ 0.042,
¼ 0.28). Follow-up paired t tests indicated that chimpanzees
followed the gaze of the conspecic model (t
¼ 2.82, P ¼ 0.014)
but not that of the human model (t
¼ 0.51, P ¼ 0.61).
We then examined whether chimpanzees differential re-
sponses to the conspecic versus human gaze may be because of
their differential viewing of the conspecic versus human face. We
indeed found that chimpanzees viewed the conspecic face for
longer than the human face (Table 1; t
¼ 3.87, P ¼ 0.0 02). More-
over, they viewed the face AOI for longer on those trials in which
they looked at the target (followed the gaze) than on those trials in
which they looked at the distractor (Table 2; t
¼ 3.03, P ¼ 0.016).
Thus, chimpanzees preferential following of conspecic gaze may
be simply explained by their preferential viewing of the conspecic
face. No such relation was con rmed for bonobos and orang-utans
(Ps > 0.07).
Response time
We examined the response time for rst look (the time at which
they rst looked at the target). We restricted this analysis to the
presentation of conspecic models because chimpanzees did not
follow the human gaze. The response times were 1989 451,
3364 359 and 2621 501 ms (mean SE), respectively, for
bonobos, chimpanzees and orang-utans. Overall, there was some
indication that species might differ in response time (F
¼ 2.85,
P ¼ 0.076,
¼ 0.41). Bonobos followed the conspecic gaze
signicantly faster than chimpanzees (t
¼ 2.37, P ¼ 0.028). Orang-
utans did not differ from either bonobos or chimpanzees in their
response time (Ps > 0.05).
All species followed at least conspecic gaze in this eye-tracking
paradigm. That is, they more frequently looked in the same than in
the opposite direction as the conspecic model. As for the species
difference, we found that bonobos followed human gaze more
frequently than chimpanzees, which extends the similar nding in
a previous study using a different behavioural paradigm (Herrmann
et al., 2010). Although the two species did not differ from one
another in their frequency of following the conspecic gaze,
bonobos followed the conspecic gaze faster than chimpanzees.
Thus, bonobos seem to be more sensitive than chimpanzees to the
gaze in general. Orang-utans were not statistically different from
the other two species in their frequency or timing of gaze following.
Also consistent with a previous study using a similar eye-
tracking paradigm (Hattori et al., 2010), chimpanzees followed
the conspecic gaze but not the human gaze. This preferential
following of the conspecic gaze seems to be related to their
preferential viewing of the conspecic face. In addition, as shown in
Fig. 2, unlike chimpanzees, bonobos frequently followed the gaze of
both the conspecic and the human model. Thus, the two species
may differ from one another in their responses to conspecic
versus allospecic gaze. However, in experiment 1, the statistical
support for this idea was insufcient (i.e. the three-way interaction:
Model species*Subject species*Object). Also, it remains unclear
whether each species prefers not to follow only human gaze or
allospecic gaze in general. For orang-utans, although we did not
nd a statistical difference between their responses to conspecic
and allospecic gaze, we also did not nd a clear statistical support
for gaze following in response to the human gaze (see Fig. 2). Thus,
we further explored great apes responses to the allospecic gaze
by presenting the nonhuman allospecic gaze to the same partic-
ipants in experiment 3.
This experiment examined how infants and adults differently
follow the gaze of human and ape models (chimpanzee and orang-
utan models) with the same method used in experiment 1. Based
on a previous study using an eye-tracking paradigm (Hattori et al.,
2010), we expected that human adults would follow the gaze of
both human and ape models. Although numerous studies have
used nonhuman agents as stimuli to examine infants social
cognition in general, to the best of our knowledge, no previous
Table 1
Proportion of face viewing time (mean, SE) for each model species
Subject species Model species
Ape Human
Bonobos (experiment 1) 0.66 (0.069) 0.57 (0.051)
Chimpanzees (experiment 1) 0.90 (0.032) 0.68 (0.039)
Orang-utans (experiment 1) 0.83 (0.051) 0.70 (0.019)
Human infants (experiment 2) 0.71 (0.052) 0.88 (0.023)
Table 2
Proportion of face viewing time (mean, SE) as a function of the looking patterns for
the objects
Subject species Looking pattern
Looked at
Looked at
Looked at
Bonobos (experiment 1) 0.60 (0.14) 0.62 (0.057) 0.62 (0.059)
(experiment 1)
0.80 (0.054) 0.88 (0.030) 0.70 (0.045)
(experiment 1)
0.79 (0.031) 0.75 (0.049) 0.78 (0.071)
Human infants
(experiment 2)
0.78 (0.060) 0.84 (0.029) 0.76 (0.044)
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150 141
study has used nonhuman primates as stimuli to examine infants
gaze following. Thus, two different predictions are possible. One
could hypothesize that human infants may follow both human and
nonhuman gaze because previous studies have shown that human
infants nd goal directedness in nonhuman agents if the agents
show certain type of behavioural cues (e.g. self-propelling; Gergely
& Csibra, 2003). However, some studies also suggest that human
infants do not follow the gaze of nonhuman agents if the behav-
ioural cues are limited. For example, infants followed the gaze of a
toy animal only when the animal showed contingent movements to
the infants prior to gaze cueing (Johnson, Slaughter, & Carey, 1998).
Also, the previous studies suggest that human infants, unlike great
apes (Tomasello et al., 2007), rely more on the eye than the head
direction when following the human gaze (Brooks & Meltzoff,
2002). In this study, however, our ape models in the videos did
not produce these cues explicitly. Critically, our ape models did not
provide a clear signal of eye direction, unlike our human model,
owing to the nature of their eye morphology (i.e. they have a dark
sclera; Kobayashi & Kohshima, 1997).
Importantly, in this experiment, we made some minor changes
in our video stimuli. In our pilot test using the stimuli without any
changes from experiment 1, we found that human infants did not
view the target/distractor object and instead kept looking at the
face of the human and ape models (whereas human adults followed
the gaze). This is probably because infants generally move their
gaze less frequently (i.e. they have sticky xations) than great apes
or human adults. Thus, based on previous knowledge (Moore,
2008), in this experiment we made two minor changes to the
stimuli used in experiment 1 so that infants could release attention
from the models face and follow at least the gaze of the human
model (for details, see Methods and Appendix) as in many previous
studies with the eye-tracking method (von Hofsten et al., 2005;
Senju & Csibra, 2008).
Twenty-two 12-month-old infants (within 2 weeks on either
side; 11 males, 11 females) participated. Their parents were
recruited by telephone from a database of parents who had vol-
unteered to participate in developmental studies. All parents
agreed the informed consent upon coming to the institute. They
were tested in a room located at the Max-Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA), Leipzig, Germany. Two
additional infants were tested but excluded from the analysis
because of fussiness (N ¼ 1) and a software malfunction (N ¼ 1).
We also asked one of the parents of each infant to participate in this
study, and so 22 adults (7 males, 15 females, 20e40 years old)
completed the same trials as the infants.
The human participants were tested using the same eye-tracker,
monitor and software. Infants were seated on a parents lap during
the recording. Calibration was conducted using ve reference
points for infants and adults by presenting a small video at each
reference point.
Stimuli and procedure
Compared to the stimuli used in experiment 1, we (1) increased
the object saliency by replacing them with colourful balls and (2)
decreased the face saliency by reducing the number of head turns
of the model (only two times; see Supplementary Video S2). Each
infant and adult viewed the videos of (1) the human model and (2)
the ape species model. Half of the human participants (11 infants
and 11 adults) viewed the human and chimpanzee models and the
other half viewed the human and orang-utan models. Each video
was played three times (total six trials). Each infant and adult
viewed all videos in a single session. The whole session lasted
approximately 10 min. The presentation order for model type
(conspecic or human) and direction of the models gaze (left or
right) were counterbalanced across individuals. At the beginning of
each video, we presented small animations and boing sounds to
make sure that infants looked at the monitor. Human adults were
told to watch the videos as they normally would. They were told
neither the contents of videos nor the purpose of experiments (i.e.
gaze following) before participating in this experiment except that
they would see apes and humans in the videos.
Data analysis
All analyses were conducted in the same way as in experiment 1.
Our initial analysis did not reveal any signicant difference be-
tween the two groups who saw the chimpanzee or orang-utan
model, and thus we combined the two groups in the following
Proportion of First Look
Figure 3 presents the results for rst look. A repeated-measures
three-way ANOVA revealed a signicant main effect of Object
¼ 53.92, P < 0.001,
¼ 0.56), indicating that subjects fol-
lowed the gaze of models. There was a signicant main effect of Age
¼ 7.0, P ¼ 0.011,
¼ 0.14), but also a signicant interaction
between Age and Object (F
¼ 13.48, P ¼ 0.001,
¼ 0.24). Thus,
adults followed the gaze more frequently than infants. We also
found a marginal three-way interaction between Model, Object and
Age (F
¼ 3.45, P ¼ 0.070,
¼ 0.076), suggesting that adults and
infants followed the gaze of human and ape models differently.
We then examined the pattern of rst look in each age group
using two-way ANOVAs. In adults, we found a signicant main
effect of Object (F
¼ 53.76, P < 0.001,
¼ 0.71), but not a sig-
nicant interaction between Model and Object (F
¼ 0.068,
P ¼ 0.79,
¼ 0.003). Thus, adults followed the gaze of both human
and ape models. In infants, we found a signicant main effect of
Object (F
¼ 7.73, P ¼ 0.011,
¼ 0.26) but also a signicant
interaction between Model and Object (F
¼ 11.29, P ¼ 0.003,
¼ 0.35). Follow-up paired t tests for infants showed that they
followed the human gaze (t
¼ 3.83, P ¼ 0.001) but not the ape
gaze (t
¼ 0.86, P ¼ 0.39).
We also examined whether the age difference in rst look was
related to the face viewing time (how long subjects spent viewing
the face before the models rst head turn). Adults viewed the
models face signicantly longer than infants (t
¼ 5.38,
P < 0.001). In addition, there was a signicant correlation between
rst look at the target and face viewing time (Pearson correlation:
¼ 0.39, P ¼ 0.007). However, when we analysed each age group
separately, we did not nd any signicant correlation in either
group (Ps > 0.5). Therefore, although adults followed the gaze more
frequently and viewed the face for longer than infants, the indi-
vidual difference in face viewing time does not necessarily explain
the individual difference in the rst look.
Finally, we examined whether infants differential responses to
the human versus ape gaze may be because of their differential
viewing of the human versus ape face. We indeed found that in-
fants viewed the human face for longer than the ape face (Table 1;
¼ 3.41, P ¼ 0.003). Moreover, they viewed the face AOI for
longer on those trials in which they looked at the target (followed
the gaze) than on those trials in which they looked at the dis-
tractor (Table 2; t
¼ 3.45, P ¼ 0.003). Thus, infants preferential
following of the human gaze may be mediated by their
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150142
preferential viewing of the human face. We did not conduct the
same analysis for adults because they viewed both conspecic and
allospecic faces over 90% of the total time and rarely xated on
the distractor.
Response time
As in experiment 1, we restricted the analysis for response time
to the presentation of human models because infants did not follow
the gaze of ape models. The response times were 2518 276 and
1516 231 ms (mean SE), respectively, for infants and adults.
Adults followed the gaze signicantly faster than infants
¼ 2.78, P ¼ 0.008).
Both human infants and adults followed at least the human
model in this eye-tracking paradigm, consistent with many previ-
ous studies. Human adults followed the gaze more sensitively
(more frequently and faster) than infants. Unlike adults, infants
followed the conspecic (human) but not ape gaze. This preferen-
tial following of the conspecic gaze by infants seems to be related
to their preferential viewing of the human face.
It is not surprising to nd that human adults follow both human
and allospecic ape gaze more sensitively than infants, given their
sensitivity to both human and allospecic ape eyes (Kano &
Tomonaga, 2010) and a strong contagious tendency towards the
others behaviours (Driver et al., 1999; Gallup et al., 2012). Also,
human adults are usually given numerous opportunities to view
humans and nonhumans in the media and to interact with them in
real life. On the other hand, it is somewhat surprising to nd that
human infants showed marked differences in their responses to
conspecic versus allospecic faces given that human infants
attribute goal directedness of nonhuman agents in many contexts
(Gergely & Csibra, 2003). Infants preferential gaze following was
analogous to chimpanzees. We discuss the possible mechanism
underlying this apparent similarity between human infants and
chimpanzees in the General Discussion.
This experiment further investigated whether great apes fol-
lowed the allospecic gaze; this time, however, we used other ape
species as models. The purpose of this experiment was to com-
plement the crossed design with two factors, subject species and
model species. In particular, in experiment 1, we found (1) chim-
panzees conspecic preference and (2) bonobos gaze sensitivity
over chimpanzees. However, since humans are very familiar allo-
specics to ape participants (e.g. caregivers), it is not entirely clear
whether experiment 1s ndings derive from their special response
to the human model or from a general response to the allospecic
model. If the latter were the case, the same pattern of results of
experiment 1 would emerge also in this experiment.
We tested the same ape participants using the same stimuli as in
experiment 1, but presenting the chimpanzee and bonobo models
to the bonobo and chimpanzee participants, respectively. We also
presented the bonobo model to the orang-utan participants
(because the orang-utan participants at the WKPRC had better vi-
sual access to the bonobo model than the chimpanzee model used
in this study). The presentation order of direction of the models
gaze (left or right) was counterbalanced across individuals. The
apparatus and other procedures were the same as in experiment 1.
Results and Discussion
Figure 4 presents the results for rst look. A repeated-measures
two-way ANOVA revealed a signicant main effect of Object
¼ 24.31, P ¼ 0.012,
¼ 0.28) but also a signicant interaction
between Object and Subject species (F
¼ 5.29, P < 0.001,
¼ 0.48). Specically, bonobos followed the gaze of the chim-
panzee model (t
¼ 3.45, P ¼ 0.011) and orang-utans followed the
gaze of the bonobo model (t
¼ 6.0, P ¼ 0.001). In contrast, chim-
panzees did not follow the gaze of the bonobo model (t
¼ 0.51,
P ¼ 0.61). We omitted the correlation analysis with the rst look
Proportion of first look
Human infant (N = 22) Human adult (N = 22)
HumanApe Ape
Figure 3. Proportion of rst look in human infants and adults when they were viewing human and ape models. Error bars denote the SEM. ***P < 0.001.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150 143
and face viewing time in this experiment, as there were too few
trials. The response times for the rst look at the target were
2165 463 s and 3469 715 s (mean SE), respectively, for
bonobos and orang-utans (not signicantly different, P > 0.1).
Thus, taken together with the results from experiment 1,
chimpanzees seemed to differ from the other two species in their
responses to the allospecic gaze. That is, while bonobos and
orang-utans followed the gaze of allospecic models, chimpanzees
did not follow the gaze of either the human or the allospeci c ape
(bonobo) model.
Finally, although this study (and the previous study, Hattori
et al., 2010) showed that chimpanzees followed the conspecic
gaze, further studies are necessary to pin down what type of
conspecic models they prefer to follow. That is, this study (and the
previous study) used a familiar chimpanzee as a model, and thus it
is possible that their preferential gaze following may reect their
preference for familiar individuals (or in-group individuals) rather
than their preference for conspecic individuals in general. This
issue is further discussed in the General Discussion.
In this study, we found that all species similarly followed the
gaze of the conspecic model. However, whereas bonobos, orang-
utans and human adults followed the gaze of both conspecic
and allospecic models, chimpanzees and human infants followed
the gaze of only conspecic models. Importantly, all stimulus
models elicited the gaze-following responses in at least two spe-
cies, and overall patterns for the presence/absence of gaze
following were unrelated to the low-level stimulus differences (e.g.
colour, brightness and contrast of objects/models; but note some
changes in the stimuli in experiment 2). Rather, the absence of
following the allospecic gaze by chimpanzees and human infants
was related to their inattentiveness to the allospecic face. This
seems to indicate that motivational differences of participants, not
the competence differences of participants nor the low-level dif-
ferences of stimuli, are responsible for the observed patterns of
gaze following in these species.
Preferential following of the conspecic gaze by chimpanzees
and infants suggests that they may preferentially learn from or
acquire information from conspecics, the most relevant others.
That is, rather than reexively following any individuals gaze, they
may rst selectively view the relevant others and then follow the
gaze. This behavioural strategy, select-then-follow,maybe
particularly important for those species such as chimpanzees and
young humans who need to learn ef
ciently from particular in-
dividuals. Thus, at least in this sense, this study is consistent with
the previous studies reporting selective social referencing or se-
lective behavioural copying of particular others, such as majorities
and dominants, by chimpanzees, capuchin monkeys, vervet mon-
keys, Chlorocebus pygerythrus, and human children (Dindo, Whiten,
& de Waal, 2009; Haun, Rekers, & Tomasello, 2012; van de Waal,
Renevey, Favre, & Bshary, 2010).
However, our ndings about conspecic preference by chim-
panzees and human infants are limited in scope because it is un-
clear whether they followed the gaze of conspecics in general or
only that of particular individuals (e.g. familiar/unfamiliar in-
dividuals). Since previous studies have shown that the familiarity of
the model modulates gaze following in monkeys and human in-
fants and adults (Deaner, Shepherd, & Platt, 2007; Gredebäck, Fikke,
& Melinder, 2010; Micheletta & Waller, 2012), it is possible that our
human and ape participants have some specic preference for
particular individuals. This is an issue that deserves further inves-
tigation especially given that several studies have shown that
communicative signals of strangers may function differently for
human infants and nonhuman animals (Topál, Gergely, Erd
Csibra, & Miklósi, 2009).
In this study, we observed particularly intriguing species dif-
ferences between bonobos and chimpanzees. First, unlike chim-
panzees, bonobos did not show a preference for following the
conspecic versus allospecic gaze. Thus, bonobos followed the
allospecic gaze more frequently than chimpanzees. Second,
although the two species did not differ signicantly from one
another in their frequency of following the conspecic gaze,
bonobos followed the conspecic gaze signicantly faster than
chimpanzees. These species differences in gaze following seem to
be unrelated to their attentiveness to the models face. Taken
together, bonobos seem to differ from chimpanzees in their
intrinsic sensitivity to the gaze. One proximate explanation for this
species difference is that bonobos may follow the gaze more
Proportion of first look
Bonobo (N = 8) Chimpanzee (N = 14) Orang-utan (N = 7)
Figure 4. Proportion of rst look in great apes when they were viewing allospecic ape models. Error bars denote the SEM. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150144
reexively and thus less selectively than chimpanzees. In support of
this view, a previous study based on a behavioural paradigm
showed that bonobos and chimpanzees followed the experi-
menters gaze but chimpanzees inferred the location of hidden
objects more exibly (thus perhaps less re exively) in various
experimental contexts than bonobos (MacLean & Hare, 2012). As
for the underlying mechanism, several previous studies with ma-
caques and humans have suggested that the relative strength of
reexive and voluntary components in gaze following may be
modulated by androgen-related mechanisms (Shepherd et al.,
2006). Previous studies have also shown that bonobos and chim-
panzees are different in their levels of or reactivity to androgens
(Wobber et al., 2010). Thus, the physiological differences between
species may contribute to how much reectively or selectively each
species follows gaze. To test this possibility, again future studies
should examine to what extent bonobos and chimpanzees are se-
lective in following the gaze of particular conspecic individuals.
The observed patterns of gaze following by orang-utans t
somewhat in between those of bonobos and chimpanzees in terms
of the frequency and selectiveness. Importantly, in this study,
orang-utans reliably followed the models gaze, and in no case were
they signicantly inferior to the other two species. One of the main
differences between this study and previous ones is that this study
measured their eye rather than head/body movements. Thus,
orang-utans in this study should have been free of physical con-
straints derived from their relatively slow head/body movements.
Also, this study used a straightforward experimental setting which
only required orang-utans to glance at the object existing in their
visual elds. Thus, at least at the basic level, it is reasonable to
conclude that orang-utans do not differ from the other great ape
species in their ability to follow a gaze.
Human infants preferentially followed human but not ape gaze
in this study. As discussed above, this pattern resembles that of
chimpanzees, and the function may be also similar between the
two species. The underlying mechanisms may also be similar be-
tween chimpanzees and infants. That is, human infants may have
tried to acquire information from the human models as relevant
others selectively, and thereby viewed the human face for longer
than the ape face, and followed the human gaze more frequently
than the ape gaze. However, based on previous studies with human
infants, alternative explanations are also possible. First, the models
communicative intent, which is shown by a signal such as eye
contact and contingent movements, is important to elicit gaze
following in infants (Farroni, Csibra, Simion, & Johnson, 2002; Senju
& Csibra, 2008). Thus, our infants may have failed to see the
communicative intent in the ape models because they had little
experience in seeing and interacting with great apes or similar
kinds of animals. Second, human infants, but not great apes, are
sensitive to the eye rather than head direction of human models
(Brooks & Meltzoff, 2002; Tomasello et al., 2007). Thus, our infants
may have failed to perceive the eye direction of ape models
because, unlike humans, the apes do not have a clear contrast be-
tween iris and sclera (Kobayashi & Kohshima, 1997). Neither of
these accounts could be applied to our chimpanzees preferential
gaze following of conspecic chimpanzee models. Thus, it is
possible that distinct mechanisms underlie the apparently similar
pattern of gaze following in chimpanzees and human infants.
Likewise, although bonobos and human adults sensitivity to the
allospecic gaze may reect a similar mechanism to some extent,
for example reexive following of any gaze, it is also possible that
distinct mechanisms underlie the apparent similarities, especially
given human adults extensive experience with allospecic faces.
Finally, as a methodological lesson, the species variation in
sensitivity to the allospecic gaze suggests the importance of using
conspecic models in comparative studies of gaze following and
perhaps any social behaviours relying on gaze following (also see
Hare et al., 2000; Tomasello et al., 1998). However, although
chimpanzees in this study did not follow the human gaze,
numerous previous studies have documented their robust re-
sponses to the human experimenters gaze. Parsimoniously, this
disparity can be explained by the methodological differences; in
this study chimpanzees spontaneously paid less attention to the
human face than the conspecic face, but in previous studies, the
human experimenter typically established eye contact with the
chimpanzees before giving a gaze cue (by presenting food in front
of the face or calling the chimpanzees name). Also, the relevance of
stimuli (i.e. video versus live) may also contribute to the chim-
panzees motivation to attend to the human face.
Using a crossed design with two factors, subject species and
model species, we showed that (1) all species followed the
conspecic gaze, (2) unlike bonobos, orang-utans and human
adults, chimpanzees and human infants preferentially followed the
conspecic but not allospecic gaze, and (3) bonobos followed both
conspecic and allospecic gaze more sensitively than chimpan-
zees. Thus, we conclude that gaze following is modulated by both
subject species and model species in great apes and humans, pre-
sumably a reection of the subjects intrinsic sensitivity to gaze and
also their selective interest in particular models.
This study was in part funded by the Japan Society for Promotion
of Science for study abroad. We thank S. Mauritz, L. Haux, S. Taubert
and the keepers of the Wolfgang Köhler Primate Research Centre
for the help in data collection.
Supplementary Material
Supplementary material associated with this article is available,
in the online version, at
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Total Number of Fixations
Overall, we obtained similar results with this measure as with
the proportion of rst look.
Experiment 1
Figure A2 presents the results for total number of xations. A
repeated-measures three-way ANOVA (Object, Subject species,
Model species) revealed a signicant main effect of Object
¼ 6.77, P < 0.001,
¼ 0.41) and Subject species (F
¼ 9.82,
P ¼ 0.001,
¼ 0.43) and a signicant interaction between Subject
species and Object (F
¼ 6.97, P ¼ 0.004,
¼ 0.34). Bonobos and
chimpanzees differed from one another in their total number of
xations on the target versus the distractor (F
¼ 11.77, P ¼ 0.003,
¼ 0.37). Orang-utans did not differ from the other two species
(P > 0.1). Within-species analysis revealed a signicant main effect
of Object for bonobos (F
¼ 8.58, P ¼ 0.022,
¼ 0.55) and for
orang-utans (F
¼ 8.09, P ¼ 0.029,
¼ 0.57), but not for chim-
panzees (F
¼ 0.21, P ¼ 0.65,
¼ 0.01). There was a signicant
interactionbetween Object and Model for chimpanzees (F
¼ 5.41,
P ¼ 0.037,
¼ 0.29) but not for the other two species (Ps > 0.5).
Experiment 2
Figure A3 presents the results for total number of xations. A
repeated-measures three-way ANOVA (Object, Age, Model species)
revealed a signicant main effect of Object (F
¼ 147.88,
P < 0.001,
¼ 0.59) and Age (F
¼ 4.33, P ¼ 0.044,
¼ 0.09)
and a signicant interaction between Object and Age (F
¼ 19.62,
P < 0.001,
¼ 0.31). When we analysed each group separately, in
adults, we found a signicant main effect of Object (F
¼ 40.88,
P < 0.001,
¼ 0.66) but not a signicant interaction between
Model and Object (F
¼ 1.91, P ¼ 0.18,
¼ 0.08). In infants, we
found a signicant main effect of Object (F
¼ 40.88, P < 0.001,
¼ 0.66) but also a signicant interaction between Model and
Object (F
¼ 10.69, P ¼ 0.004,
¼ 0.33).
Experiment 3
Figure A4 presents the results for total number of xations. A
repeated-measures two-way ANOVA revealed a signicant main
effect of Object (F
¼ 15.84, P < 0.001,
¼ 0.37). We did not nd
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150146
a signicant interaction between Object and Subject species
¼ 2.28, P ¼ 0.12,
¼ 0.14). When we analysed each species
separately, we found a signicant effect of Object for orang-utans
¼ 4.76, P ¼ 0.003), a trend for bonobos (t
¼ 2.29, P ¼ 0.056)
and no signicant effect for chimpanzees (t
¼ 0.88, P ¼ 0.39).
The Pilot Test for Experiment 2 (Infants and Adults)
A pilot test was conducted for experiment 2 with a separate
group of infants and adults using the same stimuli as in
experiment 1.
Eleven infants (six males, seven females) and 11 adults (three
males, eight females) participated in this pilot test. They were
presented with the videos of chimpanzee and human models,
which were the same as those used in experiment 1. All the
other procedures were the same as those in the main test
(experiment 2).
As shown in Fig. A5, although control adults followed the gaze of
both models (Ps < 0.01), infants did not follow the gaze of either
(Ps > 0.2). In most of the trials, infants did not view the objects but
instead kept viewing the faces of models.
Such sticky xations of infants to the faces may derive from
their immaturity of attention (Hood et al., 1998). In particular, the
objects in our stimuli may be too simple in form (plain coloured
squares), and also the faces of models may be too attractive in the
motions (frequent head turns) to release their attention from the
faces. We therefore changed these parameters in experiment 2 and
improved their performance (see the main text).
One might expect that, when we applied the same changes,
great apes would also show improved gaze-following perfor-
mances. However, we doubt this possibility because apes xated
the face far more briey than any humans (in this experiment and
also in general; Kano et al., 2012).
Figure A1. (a) An ape on the apparatus and (b) the apparatuses in experiment 1 (great apes).
Table A1
Species, sex, age and rearing history of the ape subjects
Name Species Sex Age (years) Rearing history
Fimi Bonobo F 5 Mother
Luiza Bonobo F 8 Mother
Yasa Bonobo F 15 Mother
Ulindi Bonobo F 19 Mother
Loto Bonobo M 3 Mother
Kuno Bonobo M 16 Hand reared
Jasongo Bonobo M 23 Mother
Joey Bonobo M 30 Hand reared
Kara Chimpanzee F 8 Mother
Fi Chimpanzee F 20 Mother
Jahaga Chimpanzee F 20 Mother
Sandra Chimpanzee F 20 Mother
Getrudia Chimpanzee F 20 Mother
Riet Chimpanzee F 35 Hand reared
Ulla Chimpanzee F 36 Hand reared
Fraukje Chimpanzee F 37 Hand reared
Bangolo Chimpanzee M 4 Mother
Ko Chimpanzee M 8 Mother
Lobo Chimpanzee M 9 Mother
Alex Chimpanzee M 12 Hand reared
Lome Chimpanzee M 12 Mother
Robert Chimpanzee M 37 Hand reared
Raja Orang-utan F 9 Mother
Padana Orang-utan F 15 Mother
Dokana Orang-utan F 24 Mother
Pini Orang-utan F 25 Mother
Batak Orang-utan M 3 Mother
Suaq Orang-utan M 4 Mother
Tanah Orang-utan M 4 Mother
F: female; M: male.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150 147
Human infant (N = 22) Human adult (N = 22)
Ape Human Ape
Total number of fixations
Figure A3. Total number of xations in human infants and adults when they were viewing human and ape models. Error bars denote the SEM. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
Conspecific Conspecific ConspecificHuman Human Human
Bonobo (N = 8) Chim
anzee (N = 14) Oran
-utan (N = 7)
Total number of fixations
Figure A2. Total number of xations in great apes when they were viewing conspecic and human models. Error bars denote the SEM. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150148
Bonobo (N = 8)
Chimpanzee (N = 14) Orang-utan (N = 7)
Total number of fixations
Figure A4. Total number of xations in great apes when they were viewing allospecic ape models. Error bars denote the SEM. þ P < 0.07; **P < 0.01.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150 149
*** **
Human HumanApe Ape
Human infant (N = 22) Human adult (N = 22)
Proportion of first look
Human HumanApe Ape
Human infant (N = 22) Human adult (N = 22)
Total number of fixations
Figure A5. (a) Proportion of rst look and (b) total number of xations in human infants and adults when they were viewing human and ape models (pilot test for experiment 2).
Error bars denote the SEM. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
F. Kano, J. Call / Animal Behaviour 91 (2014) 137e150150