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Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction: Perceptual Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction: Perceptual
Differences between Patients and Providers Differences between Patients and Providers
Kerri M. Camp
University of Texas at Tyler
Kevin James
University of Texas at Tyler
Krist Swimberghe
University of Texas at Tyler
Barry J. Babin
Louisiana Tech University
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Camp, Kerri M.; James, Kevin; Swimberghe, Krist; and Babin, Barry J., "Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and
Patient Satisfaction: Perceptual Differences between Patients and Providers" (2017).
Marketing Faculty
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Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 1
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction: Perceptual Differences between
Patients and Providers
Healthcare is continually evolving to meet changing governmental regulations and a new
emphasis on patient perceptions of quality care. Governmental mandates create a shift in focus
from volume-based to value-based reimbursement for providers. The purpose of this article is to
identify satisfaction drivers with particular emphasis on similarities and differences between the
perceptions of hospital patients and providers. A combination of quality based healthcare,
stakeholder theory, and services literature point to key service outcomes including expectations,
quality, value, and satisfaction. Multiple group structural equations modeling provides a vehicle
for examining differences in relationships among these constructs between these two key
stakeholders, patients and providers. Results suggest that utilitarian value is central to successful
healthcare service experiences. But, the results also suggest differences between patients and
providers in the way they believe utilitarian value affects outcomes; the results suggest that
healthcare providers may underestimate utilitarian value’s role relative to patient perceptions.
Keywords - Healthcare, Value drivers, Satisfaction, Perceptions, Hospitals
Introduction and contribution
Healthcare is arguably the single most important service experience because it impacts
one’s quality of life and physical well-being. Healthcare services today also are continually
evolving to meet changing governmental regulations. When the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was
signed into law in 2010 (Department of Health & Human Services, 2015), healthcare in the U.S.
significantly changed. The increasing role of quality measures that influence reimbursement
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 2
payment models continues to evolve and impact physician practices and hospitals. The ACA
now establishes a value-based payment modifier, which provides for differential payments based
upon the quality of care furnished. Additionally, providers must “report quality measure of
process, structure, outcome, patients’ perspective on care, efficiency, and costs of care that relate
to services furnished” (U.S. Congress 2010, p. 286) for each patient experience. Hospital
performance is publicly reported and includes both outcomes and patients’ perceptions of care
received. In light of healthcare reform, researchers have called for further study of patient quality
perceptions (Scammon et al., 2011).
Although the primary role of healthcare providers is to deliver quality care to patients,
there is growing interest by providers to possess an understanding of patients’ expectations and
perceptions of quality, value, and satisfaction as evidenced by the standardized Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey now used to
assess patient hospital experiences (Elliot, et al., 2015; Vogus & McClelland, 2016). The
HCAHPS includes questions on nurse and doctor communication, responsiveness of hospital
staff, cleanliness and quietness of the hospital environment, overall hospital rating, and the
patient’s willingness to recommend the hospital (Department of Health & Human Services,
The purpose of this article is to identify and assess perceptual differences between
patients and providers with respect to expectations, quality, value, and satisfaction in a hospital
setting by testing relationships between various outcome variables across a group of patients and
providers. To assess whether or not healthcare providers (nurses, physician assistants,
physicians, etc.) have an accurate perception of patient satisfaction drivers, we surveyed
providers who currently work in hospitals as frontline service providers as to their opinions
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 3
regarding their patients’ satisfaction with their hospital experiences. We operationalize value by
using utilitarian value (efficiently completing the task) and hedonic value (emotions and positive
feelings from the task). This research not only sheds further light on antecedents to patient
satisfaction, but also explores the level of congruence between patients and providers. We
conclude with managerial implications for better understanding patient satisfaction, especially
considering the current emphasis of value-based reimbursements and the importance of patient
satisfaction scores. The importance of research in the healthcare sector is stated, “No other
service sector affects the quality of life more than healthcare” (Berry & Bendapudi, 2007, p.
Theoretical framework
Stakeholder theory posits that a broader view of and understanding of participants’
perspectives is necessary to fully understand and deliver value via exchange relationships. A
stakeholder could be a customer (patient) or supplier (employee) (Hult, et al. 2011). Previous
research suggests providers and patients are disconnected and suggests quantitative work is
necessary comparing multiple groups including patients and providers (Gill, White, and
Cameron, 2011). Yet despite this call, the vast majority of papers examine each stakeholder’s
perspective in isolation focusing only on patients. For this reason, the present research examines
healthcare providers and patients in tandem. A patient is a respondent who has recently received
hospital care, while a provider in this context interacts directly with the patient to provide the
operant resources germane to the hospital service experience (Vargo & Lusch, 2004).
Service quality
Several research studies examine patients’ perceptions of service quality (Abuosi, 2015;
Clemes, Ozanne, & Laurensen, 2001; Marciarille, 2012; Murti, Deshpande, & Srivastava, 2013).
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 4
In the New Zealand study, (Clemes, Ozanne, & Laurensen, 2001, p. 17) the authors suggest that
healthcare patients perceive “the core product in healthcare delivery (outcome, reliability and
assurance) as more important than the service quality dimensions relating to the peripheral
product in healthcare delivery (food, access and tangibles)”. Marciarille (2012) measures patient-
generated online reviews of physicians and posits patients assess physician quality by valuing
environmental and humanistic elements rather than solely physicians’ clinical skills. Murti,
Deshpande, and Srivastave (2013) propose a direct relationship between service quality and
behavioral intentions and an indirect relationship mediated by patient satisfaction. However,
Ladhari and Rigaux-Bricmont (2013) make a compelling argument that quality affects
satisfaction through both positive and negative emotions, thus making a strong argument that
quality does not have a direct effect on satisfaction.
As value-based reimbursement models continue to expand and include patients’
perceptions of quality healthcare, it is important for providers to understand how their patients
determine value in healthcare service experiences. Using the current single item measure of
recommendation ignores valid measurement theory (Hair et al. 2010). Gaur et al. (2011) confirm
the importance of the doctor-patient relationship is positively influenced by the behavior of
providers, but the research is constrained to healthcare in India. Limited research exists
evaluating providers’ perceptions of the patient experience. In the study by Kirby, et al. (2014),
Australian providers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were interviewed
to ascertain how patients manage their disease. Differences between provider and patient
perceptions existed, but the small sample size of six providers limits the generalizability. Abuosi
(2015) posited differences between provider and patient perceptions of quality of care, however
the research was limited to hospitals in Ghana. Thus, the research question of whether or not
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 5
healthcare providers maintain accurate perceptions of their patients’ perceptions remains in need
of further study. Both researchers and practitioners need to better understand the drivers which
affect whether or not patients are satisfied with their hospital experience. If perceptual gaps
continue along with measurement shortcomings, hospitals simply will continue creating
ineffective policies with respect to patient satisfaction.
Value, expectations, and quality in business literature
These studies range from purely conceptual in nature to studies including empirical
results. Value as an outcome variable resulting from service consumption experiences is a well-
developed notion (Babin & James, 2010; Babin et al., 1994; Holbrook & Hirshman, 1982;
Zeithmal, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1993). Holbrook and Hirshman (1982) present the experiential
perspective in conjunction with the utility viewpoint and include entertainment as relevant
beyond the goods versus services dichotomy. Babin, Darden, and Griffin (1994) take value
derived from shopping experiences and break it into two components: utilitarian and hedonic
value. Utilitarian value represents the ability to complete efficiently the service task while
hedonic value represents the emotions and positive feelings generated from the experience itself.
Consistent with the notion of hedonic value as relevant to healthcare services, Essen and
Wikstrom (2008) suggest that for patients in long-term residential care, the only service
dimensions that influenced patients’ perceptions of service quality were those that influenced
Evidence suggests that hedonic and utilitarian value exhibit a modest, positive correlation
with each other across a wide range of services contexts (Babin & James, 2010). Net value then
results as one weighs benefits received from service against the resources needed to receive the
service. In this get versus give tradeoff, the greater the customer involvement, the greater the
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 6
chances the customer will derive more from the get component, all things being equal, and the
more one is willing to give. Further, if the experience can be enhanced to somehow counteract
with the anxiety that surrounds high risk service encounters, the consumer value equation
enhances through hedonic value.
From a hypothesis development point of view, Gallarza et al. (2011) offer a causal model
to explain the relationship between quality, value, and satisfaction and examine hundreds of
papers testing and validating the model from a service provider perspective. In the paper, the
authors explain the difficulty in measurement, consistency, and often high redefinition of the
same term or terms over time. Some items became clear however. From a theoretical viewpoint,
quality is related to value and value is related to satisfaction. Also, expectations often enter the
model and can be defined as the attributes desired and the performance desired (Fornell,
Johnson, Anderson, Cha, & Bryant, 1996). Expectations are positioned as exogenous to any
particular service encounter and are linked strongly both theoretically and empirically to service
quality (Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman 1993). The expectations-quality relationship can be
viewed from multiple theoretical perspectives. One perspective, consistent with disconfirmation
bias theories such as SERVQUAL, suggests that once high expectations are established, the
perceived performance will become unlikely to live up to those high expectations. Likewise, low
expectations are easy to surpass. Thus, the contrast perspective suggests a negative expectations-
quality perspective. However, the possibility exists, particularly in either low or extreme levels
of consumer involvement, that a confirmation bias may occur consistent with an assimilation
effect (Ofir & Simonson, 2007). Under an assimilation perspective, once high expectations are
set, perceived quality is set through that lens such that a positive expectation-quality relationship
emerges. Given the relatively high level of involvement expected, the latter perspective seems
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 7
more likely (Hamer, 2006). However, if the providers believe patient expectations are inaccurate,
a different relationship may emerge more consistent with a contrast effect. The providers may
well believe the inaccuracies are such that patients have unrealistically high standards for the
service they will receive. Thus we will offer the basic premise that:
H1: Expectations will be positively related to quality.
Although value research is well established in business literature and is emerging as
paramount in importance, because healthcare organizations experience unique challenges due to
the complexity of service encounters, co-production, and the intangibility of the service offering
(Vogus and McClelland, 2016), it is important to gain a better understanding of how patients
determine satisfaction. We will now discuss the interplay between quality and value.
Quality and value
The understanding of value as it relates to patients and healthcare providers can be
characterized as in flux. A review of the literature suggests that researchers assess and define
value with a variety of models. For instance, Austuti and Nagase (2014) examine relationship
marketing as a value element within the satisfaction to loyalty relationship structure. Chahal and
Kumari (2011) propose customer perceived value (CPV) as a combination of touch points
including acquisition value, transaction value, efficiency value, aesthetic value, social interaction
value, and self-gratification value. While the work has merit and rigor, a six factor solution lacks
parsimony and some of the items fit better with satisfaction or service quality rather than value.
The work highlights the importance of understanding how value, satisfaction, quality, and
expectations fit together in a theoretical viewpoint from the patients’ and providers’ perspective.
Chalamon, Chouk, and Heibrunn (2013) study value from a segmentation standpoint via
different patient typologies. The four quadrant approach includes functional, hedonistic, trustfuls,
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 8
and consumerists. The typology treats personal values as motivational individual difference traits
that are exogenous to service outcomes (Rokeach, 1972). In contrast, value remains a key
outcome of the consumption process that drives performance (Babin & James, 2010; Chahal &
Kumari, 2011; Hult, et al., 2011). A hedonic component exists in practically all consumption
experiences and that includes healthcare settings. Indeed, hospital architecture takes the
immediate response to the environment as a primary concern in shaping the healthcare
atmosphere (Harris et al., 2002). Lim and Ding (2012) acknowledge the role of value in patient
satisfaction as an antecedent and call for more survey research in examining the relationship of
value and satisfaction from both a patient and provider point of view. From this brief review, we
surmise that value research in healthcare is developing. The fact that little research on value in
healthcare exists is troubling due to the importance placed on the value-based modifier which is
now used in calculating reimbursements to hospital providers and systems (Elliot, et al., 2015;
Vogus & McClelland, 2016).
The final hypotheses build from SERVQAL, the satisfaction paradigm, and Gallarza et.
al (2011). The focus is the relationship between quality and value. Quality can be formally
defined as the consumers judgement about a products overall excellence or superiority
(Zeithaml, 1988). Quality is a cognitive concept whereas value and satisfaction are both
cognitive and affective. Also, from the get versus give definition of value, quality is often one of
the strongest predictors of value (Zeithmal 1988; Babin & James, 2010). Based on the strong
precedent, we offer the following hypotheses:
H2: Quality will be positively related to utilitarian value.
H3: Quality will be positively related to hedonic value.
The satisfaction paradigm and value
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 9
The satisfaction paradigm has received ample attention over the years (Dixon, Freeman,
& Toman, 2010; Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1993). More recently, Vogus and McClelland
(2016) provide an overview of healthcare research on patient satisfaction and service quality and
call for further research on factors which improve the patient experience. The Consumer
Satisfaction Index is one of the more prominent and known indexes in use to determine industry
and company health (Fornell, 1992; Fornell, et al., 1996). The index measures satisfaction by
asking respondents three questions regarding expectations, satisfaction with service delivery, and
the company’s performance relative to competitors (Anderson, Fornell, & Lehmann, 1994). The
Consumer Satisfaction Index captures antecedents to satisfaction including value, quality, and
expectations while using a proprietary weighting technique to derive their final benchmarks
including satisfaction and loyalty (see in many industries including healthcare.
Recent government actions linking hospital reimbursement to customer satisfaction scores
highlight the importance of the topic and the measurement struggle.
Many hospital satisfaction surveys do not include the much used satisfaction scale or
traditional dependent (i.e. satisfaction and value) variables necessary for valid measurement
(Hair et al., 2010) and rely solely on a single-item recommendation question. The actual value
delivery encompasses hedonic and utilitarian value components which occur prior to the ultimate
judgement of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This research uses utilitarian and hedonic value to
measure value in a hospital delivery setting. Hedonic value can be defined as the net positive
outcome from the consumption experience in terms of the extent to which it is gratifying because
some goal is accomplished and because of the gratifying nature of the experience itself (Babin et
al., 1994). While the original scale is 14 items, an examination of the items reveal that some are
inappropriate for the hospital setting. Thus, after reviewing the items, four items seem
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 10
particularly appropriate for the healthcare setting. The hedonic elements chosen capture any
sense of emotion or positive experience involved in the service delivery by asking questions like
this visit was better than otherwise, this visit helped me get past my problems, this visit has some
sense of excitement, and this visit felt like an escape from reality. Prior research asserts that
healthcare is predominantly a utilitarian value dominant industry (Cronin et al., 2000).
Goetzinger, Park, Lee, and Widdows (2007) use utilitarian value in an e-health online search
component and find utilitarian value as a key driver of satisfaction. In a hospital service delivery
setting, hedonic value may fail to be realized as valuable, and patients may seek only an
expedient process where a task can be accomplished. However, Osei-Frimpong, Wilson, and
Owusu-Frimpong (2015) find through qualitative research based in Guana that accomplishing
the task of healthcare was not the sole outcome that patients consider. As such, experiential
elements could have a place in the satisfaction equation. Further, prior research investigating
emotion uses terms such as happy, pleasant, joyful, delighted, and surprised to represent positive
emotions within a public hospital setting (Ladhari & Rigaux-Bricmont, 2013). If such emotional
experiences exist within a hospital setting, it is logical further to conclude hedonic outcomes are
possible and expected. However, the extent to which utilitarian or hedonic value actually drives
satisfaction remains unexplored. Given the recent emphasis on satisfaction drivers within
healthcare, this gap can no longer afford to go unanswered. Utilitarian value to patients is being
able to accomplish a task. As such, the questions chosen to capture utilitarian value from both
customer perception and provider involve task oriented questions. Therefore, we offer the
following hypothesis:
H4: Utilitarian value is positively related to satisfaction.
H5: Hedonic value is positively related to satisfaction.
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 11
Research framework
Research model
Based on the above review, we next test the model using a sample of hospital providers
and hospital patients. To do so, patients provide their perception of the outcome measures
including expectations, utilitarian and hedonic value, satisfaction, and quality that they believe
emerge from interactions with healthcare professionals within a hospital context. Providers also
respond based on what they believe patients receive from their service experience. The model
displaying the constructs for testing is available in Figure 1.
Given the lack of agreement on basic definitions for healthcare value (Chahal & Kumari,
2011; Lim & Ding, 2012), and the conceptual infancy of research within healthcare regarding a
stakeholder perspective in which multiple stakeholders are studied simultaneously (Hult, Mena,
Ferrell, & Ferrell, 2011; Wicks, St. Clair, & Kinney, 2007), we expect differences to exist
between patients and providers. To the extent that differences do not emerge, one can infer that
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 12
they understand their customers (patients), which is a sign of quality service delivery (Zeithaml
et al. 1993).
The patient data set includes responses from participants recruited by a marketing
research firm through the use of U.S. consumer panels who had received treatment at a hospital
within the last year. The data representing hospital providers include responses from students
enrolled in a university healthcare graduate program. For the purposes of this study, hospital
providers are those individuals who are frontline hospital service providers with direct patient
care responsibilities and the majority of the sample includes nurses, physician assistants, and
physicians although a small percentage included other job titles. The graduate students either
respond themselves based on their own healthcare experiences as a hospital provider or suggest
someone else from their organization who does interact with patients in that capacity. Each
respondent indicated the nature of their current job as prompted during the survey. Any non-
qualifying respondents are screened out with this question. Thus, the resulting provider sample
consists entirely of frontline hospital providers from all parts of the U.S.
The researchers understand a dyadic relationship between a patient and their provider is
ideal, however, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the
privacy of individually identifiable health information, making true dyadic data difficult to
obtain. Further, patients often choose hospitals based on proximity to accident, which very often
is away from home or preferred hospital. Hospital care, like many healthcare services, serves all
demographics (Bearder, Carter, & Harve, 2013), thus a specific dyadic relationship of patient
and provider could be misleading towards serving future patients. The sample is comprised of
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 13
people who have been an in-patient hospital patient within the previous twelve months. A
screening question asks the patient to confirm that the respondent received treatment within the
last twelve months. A second screening question confirmed that the patient had received
treatment at a hospital. Finally, a question asks respondents to answer all questions keeping the
most recent hospital visit in mind. Data quality measures include multiple integrity filters.
Respondents who do not respond appropriately to those items are branched out of the survey.
Overall, 228 respondents attempted at least one screener question resulting in 150 qualified
respondents who had experience with a hospital in the past year. Of the 150 qualified
respondents, 10% were eliminated for completing the survey too quickly (under 3 minutes) and
8% were eliminated for incorrectly answering the control questions. After eliminating these
respondents, the usable sample size was 123 (n=123) with a 53.9% response rate.
In the hospital provider survey, frontline providers answer questions based on how they
believe the typical patients in their facility would respond. The survey questions make use of
Likert scales, multiple choice selection, and slider scales to capture respondent feedback. The
survey introduction question asks “in your current position, are you directly involved in the
treatment of patients?’ An answer of no results in dismissal. Finally, providers are prompted to
Please answer the following questions thinking about the typical care a patient would receive at
the hospital where you have the most recent work experience.” Each provider completed a
survey with items matching those of the healthcare services for patients with logical adaptations
so providers could understand that the researchers are interested in the provider’s interpretation
of the patients’ perspective of their hospital experience.
Just as with the patient sample, data quality measures include check questions that
instruct the respondent to choose strongly disagree to an item. Any respondent who fails the
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 14
integrity filter is dismissed from the survey. Overall, 199 respondents attempted at least one
screener question resulting in 136 providers who are frontline providers. Of the 136 providers,
5% were eliminated for completing the survey too quickly (under 3 minutes) and 7.5% were
eliminated for incorrectly answering the control questions resulting in a usable sample of 119
(n=119) with a 59.7% response rate. The potential for common method bias is addressed by
using different scale types within the survey. In addition, a posthoc test uses a conservative
assessment of eigenvalues. The primary eigenvalue accounts for approximately 40 percent of the
variance in the total data and given the reliabilities and effects sizes, meets the criteria for a lack
of concern about potential common method bias (Fuller et al., 2016). Thus, common methods
variance is not expected to bias results.
Patient descriptive statistics are 57% female and health insurance coverage includes
commercial insurance (43%), Medicare (27%), and Medicaid (17%). The largest percentage of
respondents 23%, are between 30-39 years of age, while 30% are between 50-69 years of age.
Nearly 50% have a household annual income under $50,000, while 10% have a household
annual income greater than $100,000. Fifty-five percent indicated the hospital trip was
emergency and 45% routine. Forty-four percent of respondents hold undergraduate degrees, 21%
hold masters degrees, and 30% hold high school degrees. Occupational data show a wide range
of primary job titles ranging from retired, managers, IT consultants, engineers, and homemakers.
The sample is diverse with respect to respondent job titles and is representative of hospital
patients including disabled, retired, and students.
The provider sample is 75% female. Providers were asked to report the type of insurance
patients use when seeking treatment and reported Medicare (25%), commercial insurance (25%),
Medicaid (25%), Veterans Administration (15%), and uninsured (10%). Sixty-five percent of the
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 15
providers surveyed were between 22-39 years of age, with the remainder between 40-59 years of
age. Providers reported the typical patient interaction as emergency (54%) and routine (46%).
The most prevalent job title includes registered nurse, physician assistant, and physician. An
examination of the job titles finds that 95% of respondents hold a job title that involves direct
patient care. The remaining 5% include titles such as ultrasound technologist, supervisor, and
chief information officers. All respondents answered in the affirmative when asked if their job
includes direct patient treatment.
Analyses and results
Model fit
Prior to the multiple group analysis, a preliminary model examines the feasibility of the
measurement theory and explores for potential problems with model instability that could cause
subsequent problems. More specifically, we initially developed a CFA depicting the proposed
measurement theory and fit that model onto the overall covariance matrix (including both
employees and patients). The model fits the data well and is provided in Table 2 (χ
= 123.8.7
with 80 df, CFI = 0.985, RMSEA = 0.048). Results likewise suggest adequate convergent (all
construct reliability estimates (CR) are at or above .7) and discriminant validity (AVEs exceed
squared correlation estimates between constructs). While the solution suggests measurement
validity overall, the solution suggests measurement validity (Hair et al., 2010).
Having established evidence of a stable solution across groups, we investigated
differences in relationships between healthcare patients and providers. Prior to focusing on the
structural relationships, we examine the measurement theory fit in a CFA fit on the covariance
matrices for the provider and patients, simultaneously. Once again, the model produces good fit
given its relative complexity and the nature of the sample (Hair et al., 2010). The overall χ
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 16
174.6 with 84 df, the CFI is 0.962, and the RMSEA is 0.067. Given that we are not examining
groups disparate with respect to culture or language, a test of metric invariance is not necessary
(Babin, Borges, & James, 2015). Thus, evidence of fit validity exists across both groups.
Table 1. Means by Respondent Group
Utilitarian Value
Hedonic Value
Table 2. CFA, Variance Extracted, Construct Reliability, and Φ matrix
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 17
Perceptual differences
Differences in the perceptions of expectations, quality, value, and satisfaction are
explored by comparing the construct means by group. Table 1 summarizes these comparisons.
For three of the five constructs, provider perceptions of patient ratings are significantly greater
than the actual patient ratings. The average expectation score from hospital providers is 19.0
compared to the average of 17.7 provided by patients (t = 3.19, p < .01). For perceived quality,
hospital provider ratings average 23.3 compared to the patient ratings score of 21.3 (t = 3.18, p <
.01). Hospital providers’ average summed score for perceived patient satisfaction is 249.1
compared to the actual patient satisfaction rating of 217.9 (t = 3.67, p < .001). In contrast, the
utilitarian value score from providers is slightly less (15.6) than that reported by patients (16.0),
but not significantly different. Hedonic value scores are virtually identical in the two groups
(17.0 versus 17.1). Thus, in three of five constructs, hospital providers appear to overstate the
actual level of services delivery provided relative to patient ratings.
Patient and provider moderation by group
We examined the possibility of moderation through results of estimating a multiple group
structural model consistent with the theory depicted in Figure 1 comparing providers and
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 18
patients. First, the totally free, or unconstrained, structural model, freely estimating all structural
parameters between groups, yields a model χ
of 248.4 with 168 df. Second, a model fixing all
structural coefficients to be equal between groups provides a specific examination of moderation.
That model, yields a model χ
of 315.1 with 178 df. Adding the invariance constraints worsens
fit as suggested the change in χ
is 61.8 with 6 df, which is statistically significant (p < 0.001).
Thus, this finding supports the case for moderation and suggests differences in reactions between
providers and patients.
Figure 2 provides more insight into the key sources of moderation. The table displays the
maximum likelihood estimate for each structural relationship by group as only unstandardized
relationships are appropriate in this type of multigroup comparison (Hair et al., 2010). Overall,
the model results suggest only a few key direct relationships. Among healthcare patients,
expectations significantly affect perceived quality (γ = 0.87, p < .001), quality significantly
affects perceived utilitarian value (β = 0.48, p < .001), and utilitarian value significantly affects
perceived satisfaction with the hospital (β = 25.8, p < .001). These relationships facilitate
significant and nontrivial indirect relationships from expectations to utilitarian value (through
quality) and onto satisfaction (through quality and utilitarian value).
Among providers, perceptions of patient expectations does not relate significantly to
perceptions of service quality. Quality perceptions, however, do positively relate to the
providers’ perceptions of utilitarian value, which in turn, significantly and positively influences
providers’ perceptions of hedonic value and satisfaction.
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 19
Moreover, several relationships appear responsible for the overall moderation of the
structural model. The expectation quality relationship, when constrained alone, yields a
significant chi-square difference of 7.6 (1 df, p < 0.01). Patient perceptions of expectations do
positively influence quality, consistent with an assimilation effect, whereas provider perceptions
of their patient expectations do not. When the perceived quality to utilitarian value relationship is
constrained similarly, the chi-square difference is 3.8 (1 df, p = 0.05). The difference in
coefficients suggests that quality perceptions do more to drive utilitarian value among patients
than among providers. Also, constraining the utilitarian value to satisfaction path produces a
significant chi-square difference of 5.7 (1 df, p < 0.05). Again, the relationship suggests that
utilitarian value is more strongly related to patients’ actual satisfaction perceptions than it is to
providers’ perceptions of their patients’ satisfaction.
Understanding patients’ perceptions of satisfaction and the underlying mechanism is
fundamental to evaluating service delivery effectiveness. Additionally, the complex nature of
healthcare services further exacerbates the possibility of knowledge gaps. Our research suggests
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 20
perceptual differences between patients and providers emerge with respect to the relationships
between expectations, quality, value, and satisfaction. Hypothesis 1 states that expectations will
be positively related to quality. Hypothesis 1 is partially supported based on the positive
significant relationship between expectations and quality for patients whereas an insignificant
relationship emerges in the provider sample. The first gap occurs with providers not
understanding the importance of consumer expectations prior to the service offering and its
resulting effect on their patients’ service quality assessment. This may be due to the complex and
nebulous nature of many healthcare procedures that may even entail credence benefits. The
provider perceptions suggest that they do not believe patient expectations correspond to service
quality. This poor understanding of patients’ expectations for service quality is consistent with
findings by O’Connor, Shewchuk, and Carney (1994). Other prior research supports the
relationship found in our study between consumers’ expectations and quality (Teas 1993).
Our findings indicate that it is critical for hospitals to present appropriate information to
patients prior to treatment whenever possible. Because many hospital visits are planned service
encounters, detailed preoperative or in-patient instructions should be explained to patients to
facilitate realistic expectations of the forthcoming healthcare experience. Additionally, because
hospital environments could be initially intimidating to patients, admission procedures should
include a thorough patient orientation to the healthcare facility to help ease anxiety that could be
associated with high-risk service encounters. For those emergent, non-planned hospital visits,
frontline service providers should devote appropriate time to explain what treatment plans will
encompass throughout the hospital stay. Table 1 also provides supporting evidence that a gap
exists between patients and providers as seen by the overestimation of expectations and quality
in the provider group compared to the patient group.
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 21
One of the surprising findings of our study is the second knowledge gap between quality
and value. Hypotheses 2 and 3 state that quality is positively related to value. Figure 2 shows a
positive and significant relationship between quality and utilitarian value which is consistent
with other healthcare research. However, our findings suggest that the relationship between
quality and utilitarian value is stronger in the patient group than in the provider group. Providers,
while correctly understanding that a relationship exists between quality and utilitarian value,
underestimate the strength of the relationship between quality and utilitarian value. Table 1
suggests that patients and providers do not see differences in the hedonic and utilitarian value
actually being delivered as shown by the means by respondent group. Taken collectively, support
exists for Hypothesis 2 as seen through providers understanding of what is being delivered, but
providers misunderstand the strength of relationship between quality and utilitarian value.
Providers should not underestimate the importance of a patient’s need to feel their
medical problem was efficiently and effectively resolved. Communication both during and after
the service encounter should emphasize consumer satisfaction with the handling of their medical
issue. However, our results posit an insignificant relationship between quality and hedonic value
thus not supporting H3. Although hedonic characteristics of the healthcare experience may
contribute to the overall service quality experience, providers should focus instead on utilitarian
values which result in a direct effect on patient satisfaction.
Hypotheses 4 and 5 state that value and satisfaction are positively related. Although both
patients and providers agree that utilitarian value effects satisfaction, a stronger relationship
exists with patients. With the federal requirements to collect HCAHPS results, which include
patient perceptions of satisfaction, providers should not discount the importance patients place
on utilitarian value and its resulting impact on patient satisfaction. Providers could emphasize
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 22
utilitarian values by ensuring that a patient’s questions and medical problems are appropriately
addressed and resolved to enhance the patient’s sense of accomplishment in the healthcare
experience. Frontline healthcare providers could also establish consistent post-service encounter
communications to identify any service encounter shortcomings. The relationship between
hedonic value and satisfaction is not significant in either group, thus not supporting H5. On the
other hand, the model shows worse fit when the utilitarian value-satisfaction path is set to be
equal between groups. The relationship is stronger in the patient group suggesting that utilitarian
value does more to drive patient satisfaction than healthcare providers’ perceptions would
suggest. Thus, providers correctly understanding that a relationship exists between utilitarian
value and satisfaction, underestimate the role of utilitarian value to patient satisfaction. H4 is
supported given the positive relationship in both groups. Given the nature of hospital services,
the underestimation of utilitarian value is surprising, although with the relative newness of the
value definition and the call for survey research to clarify relationships among concepts (Lim &
Ding, 2012; Chahal & Kumari, 2011), a perceptual gap is expected.
Implications for theory and research
Understanding how patients determine value in complex service offerings is an important
research area. We offer further insight into understanding differences between how patients and
providers perceive quality, value, and satisfaction. Our research adds to the body of knowledge
of prior research that examines patient perceptions of quality (Murti, Deshpande, & Srivastave,
2013) and the study of value (McColl-Kennedy, et. al., 2012) in healthcare by identifying
specific knowledge gaps between patients and providers. The direct relationship between
utilitarian values and satisfaction and the lack of effect of hedonic values on satisfaction is
intriguing. With the current emphasis in healthcare on patient satisfaction, the identification of
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 23
utilitarian values as a primary driver in patient satisfaction is a unique contribution in the study
of factors that influence patient perceptions of quality and their ultimate determination of overall
Given the utilitarian nature of the hospital service setting, an examination of possible
causes of utilitarian value is appropriate. Utilitarian value can occur due to interactions with
nurses, administration procedures, doctors, the hospital experience, the room, visitors,
technicians, and post care experience. From a theoretical lens, future research should determine
the utilitarian antecedents taking each of the above patient/provider interactions into account
when developing a theoretical model. For example, nurses could better explain procedures in
order to equip patients to complete the process of recovery, admissions could continue to find
ways to create efficiencies with the pre-service process, and the hospital room could be kept
clean and sterile to facilitate the healing process. This research is the first to apply utilitarian
value to the healthcare environment as a theoretical outcome thus, actual drivers need to be
assessed particularly due to the strong relationship among quality, utilitarian value, and
satisfaction. Future research should examine these relationships with dyads of patients and their
providers to assess if these same differences occur.
Implications for healthcare organizations
Russ-Eft (2014) posits sustainable organizations are those that can effectively adapt to
changes in both the global and organizational context. The recent governmental regulations
required in the ACA mandate dramatically changes how healthcare administrators should
address patient perceptions of quality care. Although patient feedback is important to improve
quality processes, payments from insurance providers were not previously directly tied to patient
satisfaction scores. Because physician reimbursement is now impacted by the value-based
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 24
payment modifier, understanding how patients perceive value in their healthcare experience is
Our study suggests that three knowledge gaps exist between the perceptions of patients
and providers when determining value drivers that impact patient satisfaction in hospital
experiences. The first gap occurs with providers not understanding the importance of patient
expectations prior to the service offering and its resulting effect on their patients’ service quality
assessment. Prior research supports the relationship found in our study between consumers’
expectations and quality (Teas, 1993). Our findings indicate that it is critical for hospitals to
present appropriate information to patients prior to treatment at the hospitals whenever possible.
Many hospital visits are planned service encounters, so detailed preoperative or in-patient
instructions should be explained to patients to facilitate realistic expectations of the forthcoming
healthcare experience. Additionally, hospital environments could be initially intimidating to
patients, so the admission procedures should include a thorough patient orientation to the
healthcare facility to help ease anxiety that could be associated with high-risk service encounters.
For those emergent, non-planned hospital visits, frontline service providers should devote
appropriate time to explain what treatment plans will encompass throughout the hospital stay.
One of the surprising findings of our study is the second knowledge gap between quality
and value. The positive and significant relationship between quality and utilitarian value is
consistent with other healthcare research. Providers should not underestimate the importance of a
patient’s need to feel their medical problem was efficiently and effectively resolved. However,
our results posit an insignificant relationship between quality and hedonic value. This may be
due to the stressful nature of hospital visits, thus patients may see no gratifying benefit of the
experience itself. These results contradict the previous findings by Essen and Wikstrom (2008)
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 25
which suggest the only service dimensions that influenced patients’ perceptions of service quality
in long-term residential care services were those that evoked emotional reactions.
The final knowledge gap that occurs with this research includes the perceptions of value
with satisfaction. With the federal requirements to collect HCAHPS results which involve
perceptions of patient satisfaction, providers should not discount the importance patients place
on utilitarian value and its resulting impact on patient satisfaction. Providers could emphasize
utilitarian values by ensuring that patients’ questions and medical problems are appropriately
addressed and resolved to enhance the patient’s sense of accomplishment in the healthcare
experience. Frontline healthcare providers could also establish consistent post-service encounter
communications to identify any service encounter shortcomings that can lead to feeling of
service inefficiency. Providers should include more information-based communications which
could assist with developing more accurate expectations prior to receiving medical care in a
hospital and increasing the utilitarian value of the service experience.
However, prior to emphasizing utilitarian value, clinicians should at the very minimum
measure utilitarian value. From a practical point of view, an examination of the HCAHPS survey
finds that no direct utilitarian value measure in included within the instrument. Given this
oversight within the HCAHPS to include such an instrument, further refinement of utilitarian
value drivers are precluded until providers begin including the items for further analysis and
refinement so that valid antecedents can be derived.
Several limitations emerge due to the nature of both survey research and healthcare
research. The first limitation beset on this research is that the dyad is not a matched sample of
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 26
patients and providers. However, the patient sample and the provider sample both consist of
samples spread across the U.S. and are not constrained to any specific geographic area.
A second limitation in this research is the data are self-report survey research in both
groups. Survey research is known to have many drawbacks including yea-saying, respondent
fatigue, and high correlations between constructs (Churchill & Iacobucci, 2009). While these
limitations are true to all survey research, every attempt was made to reduce these problems by
using different scale types such as slider scales, Likert scales with different scale values, and
semantic differential scales.
Future research
Future research should attempt to link the value drivers proposed by Chahal and Kumari
(2011) to utilitarian value and hedonic value to allow for further investigation of hedonic and
utilitarian value within the healthcare service context. Additionally, both hedonic and utilitarian
value should be studied as to their relationship with HCAHPS, which measures patients’
perceptions of their care.
Given the findings regarding utilitarian value and satisfaction, future research should
examine the distribution elements of urgent care centers. These facilities offer less services than
do traditional hospitals, but are created and marketed based on location convenience, timely
service delivery, and less customer congestion. From a managerial perspective, these urgent care
centers could prove to be a viable patient option. Lastly, hedonic elements in healthcare deserve
further attention. While this research showed little effect of hedonic value within a hospital
context, future research should examine other contexts such as planned doctor’s office visits,
pediatrics, or cosmetic procedures. Researchers should also develop a hedonic value scale that is
germane to healthcare to complement the utilitarian value scale.
Hedonic and Utilitarian Value and Patient Satisfaction 27
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