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A model for measuring quality care
Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign Tools: A model for measuring quality care
What is it?
Donabedian’s (2005) three components approach for evaluating the quality of care
underpins measurement for improvement. The three components are structure, process
and outcomes. Measurement for improvement has an additional component – balancing
Donabedian believed that structure measures have an effect on process measures, which
in turn affect outcome measures. Together these form the basis of what is required for an
effective suite of measures. The reality is that cause and effect are more complex,
particularly within the NHS with so much variability in individual patients. The selection of
relevant measures can be developed using
driver diagrams.
When to use it
It is really important for improvement projects to have outcome, process, structure and
balancing measures. It is not an either/or decision. Each of the different types of measures
has a different purpose in determining whether the improvement project has had the
desired impact.
Outcome measures: these reflect the impact on the patient and demonstrate the end
result of your improvement work and whether it has ultimately achieved the aim(s) set.
Examples of outcome measures are reduced mortality, reduced length of stay, reduced
hospital acquired infections, adverse incidents or harm, reduced emergency admissions
and improved patient experience.
Process measures: these reflect the way your systems and processes work to deliver the
desired outcome. For example, the length of time a patient waits for a senior clinical
review, if a patient receives certain standards of care or not, if staff wash their hands,
recording of incidents and acting on the findings and whether patients are kept informed
of the delays when waiting for an appointment.
Structure measures: these reflect the attributes of the service/provider such as staff to
patient ratios and operating times of the service. These are otherwise known as input
Balancing measures: these reflect unintended and/or wider consequences of the change
that can be positive or negative. It is about recognising these and attempting to measure
them and/or reduce their impact if necessary. An example of a balancing measure would
be monitoring emergency re-admission rates following initiatives to reduce length of stay.
According to Donabedian, outcome measures remain the ‘ultimate validators’ of the
effectiveness and quality of healthcare but can sometimes be difficult to define and have
time lags.
Process measures are important in quality improvement as they describe whether or not
clinical care has been ‘properly applied’ or if we are ‘doing the things we say we should
do’. From an improvement perspective, they make the important connection between
behavioural changes and outcomes.
It is important to have both process and outcome measures as they connect the theory of
change to your expected outcomes.
If you measure just outcomes, you cannot be sure the changes actually occurred in
practice and therefore cannot link the improvements to outcomes.
If you measure just process, you cannot be sure if the outcomes have changed and the
aim(s) achieved and therefore there is the risk that the process improved but the
outcomes did not.
Alongside these, improvement projects should identify unintended consequences of
change known as balancing measures – these can often be identified by listening to the
sceptics and their concerns.
How to use it
Figure 1: The Donabedian model for quality of care
What next?
Measurement for quality improvement does not have to be complicated or result in many
measures. Collecting a few measures over time and presenting the information well with
run charts or statistical process control charts is fundamental to developing changes
that not only have an impact but can be sustained and spread. This is a key component of
seven steps to measurement for improvement.
Physical and
where healthcare
Focus on the care
delivered to
patients e.g.
services, diagnostics
or treatments
Effect of healthcare
on the status of
patients and
Measurement can show us a number of important pieces of information:
How well our current process is performing
Whether we have achieved our aim(s)
How much variation there is in our data and hence processes
Whether a small test of change is having the desired impact
Whether the changes made have resulted in an improvement
Whether a change has been sustained.
Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign Tools: A model for measuring quality care
Written by the ACT Academy for their Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign suite of programmes.
Additional resources
Donabedian, A (2005) Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care, The Milbank Quarterly,
Raleigh, VS and Foot, C (2010) Getting the Measure of Quality: Opportunities and
Challenges, London: King’s Fund