Decentralized Drug
Distribution Mobile
Application: Overview
and Technical
Architecture Guide
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 2
This guide was drafted by Moses Bateganya, James Batuka, Oyibo Igagwu Idris, and Lirica
Nishimoto. It was edited by Stevie Daniels with page layout by Jill Vitick and cover template
design by FHI 360 Design Lab. This document was made possible by the generous support
of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID) and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The contents
are the responsibility of the LINKAGES and EpiC projects and do not necessarily reflect the
views of USAID, PEPFAR, or the United States Government.
Suggested Citation: EpiC. Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview
and Technical Architecture Guide. FHI 360; Durham (NC): 2021.
EpiC is a global cooperative agreement dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control. It is led by FHI 360
with core partners Right to Care, Palladium International, Population Services International (PSI), and Gobee Group.
For more information about EpiC, including the areas in which we offer technical assistance, click here.
Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................... 2
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Part 1: Overview of the DDD App ............................................................................................... 5
DDD App setup ...................................................................................................................... 6
Uses and navigation ............................................................................................................... 7
Program management and data analysis ............................................................................... 9
Data security and client confidentiality ...................................................................................10
Maintenance and sustainability ..............................................................................................11
Country adaptation ................................................................................................................11
Part 2: Adapting the DDD App ..................................................................................................13
Technical requirements .........................................................................................................13
Architecture ...........................................................................................................................13
SMS and email service ..........................................................................................................16
Framework stack ...................................................................................................................16
Annexes ....................................................................................................................................17
Annex 1. Summary of DDD App Functions for Hub Facilities and DDD Outlets .....................17
Annex 2. Presentation Layer Architecture of Android and iOS ...............................................18
Annex 3. Implementing Angular 8.0 JavaScript Framework for DDD App Adaptation
for Desktop ............................................................................................................................19
This guide facilitates the adaptation of EpiC’s generic Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile
Application (DDD App) to the local context. Programs use the app to support implementation of
decentralized drug distribution (DDD) and improve the exchange of data between public health
facilities and community antiretroviral (ARV) medication pickup points. The guide provides an
overview of use, key functions, and adaptability.
Part 1, intended for program staff, outlines the purpose and functions of the app, provides a
detailed explanation of how it can be used by service delivery point staff, and illustrates how it
has been adapted for various contexts (see case studies) and models.
Part 2, intended for IT system developers, health information system (HIS) staff, and
programmers, details the app architecture to be used when making adaptations for specific
contexts and needs.
The fight against HIV globally requires collective effort from the government, private sector, and
donor community. With a growing number of countries on the cusp of epidemic control, any
effort toward improvement in client access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) refills to allow for
flexible and cost-effective delivery is a step in the right direction, especially in the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Many countries have adopted several differentiated service delivery (DSD) models with clients
established on treatment increasingly being enrolled in multi-month dispensing (MMD) with 3- or
6-month refills. The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the adoption of additional out-of-
facility individual DSD models such as through private pharmacies and unmanned and
contactless smart lockers which decongest health facilities and reduce the risk of COVID-19
infection for both clients and health care workers (HCWs). Twelve countries in sub-Saharan
Africa have adopted the private pharmacy model, eight with EpiC support and four with other
bilateral U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) partners’ support. In this
model, public health facilities (hubs) partner with more than one private pharmacy to serve as
ARV refill points, or DDD outlets, for clients established on ART.
Sharing of client data between health facilities and ARV refill points, including private
pharmacies, private clinics, and other community points, is important for seamless
implementation of these DDD models and to ensure refill completion and track missed
appointments in real time. However, the lack of electronic medical records (EMRs) for safe,
seamless, and real-time sharing of client data between public health facilities (hubs) and refill
points (outlets) limits the wide scale-up of these models.
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 5
The DDD App is an online and off-line platform using
a smartphone, tablet, or laptop to enable real-time
data exchange between the public health facility
(with or without an EMR) and community refill points.
It is designed to be used at both the hub health
facility and the outlet refill points enabling interactive
bidirectional communication between both service
delivery points. In the long run, the DDD App can be
adapted to include a client-facing portal, which would
facilitate tripartite communication and client-centered
care. DDD outlets can use the app to transmit data
for timely updates to health facility records. Hub
health facilities are notified in real time regarding refill
completion and missed appointments of clients to
pick up their refills.
Facilities without an EMR system can use the DDD
App to create a client profile and enter and record
details. If an EMR system is in place, the DDD App
can be linked to it and automatically pull information to develop client profiles within the app.
The DDD App is not another EMR system but a platform that helps to create a seamless,
secure, and interactive exchange of client information between hub facilities that use EMR
systems and the outlets. The DDD App cannot replace existing partner or national EMR
systems. Client profiles in the DDD App include:
Client unique ID
Client clinic number
Date of birth
Phone number for notification
Height (once for adults) updated at
every visit for children
Weight (updated at each visit)
Date of next refill and expected return
date to hub facility
Date of next viral load test
Assigned DDD outlet
(To switch outlets, client will go back to
the health facility to be assigned to a
new outlet.)
(The DDD outlet can terminate or refer
a client back to the hub facility.)
DDD App: Key Features
Seamless, synchronized,
interactive communication
between hub facilities and DDD
outlets (refill points)
Flexible and efficient data
capturing to document services
provided by DDD outlets
Simple and easy-to-use interface
Real-time data sharing between
hub facilities and DDD outlets
Deployable using smartphones,
tablets, and computers
Capacity for automated reminders
Capacity for commodity tracking
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 6
Figure 1. Visuals of the DDD App interface
Home Screen
DDD Outlet
Service Selection
DDD App setup
Upon downloading the DDD App on a supported device, each
hub facility will establish a password-protected account with
multiple logins for staff responsible for DDD. The hub facility
staff will then register the DDD outlet within the DDD App by
entering the DDD outlet details including:
DDD outlet name
Outlet type: Pharmacy, clinic, home delivery, etc.
Phone number for SMS notification
Email address for email notification
Physical address
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) codes will be
selected automatically
Once the DDD outlet is registered, the hub facility staff can send
an email or SMS with the activation link to the outlet through the
app. Before clicking on the activation link, the outlet staff members
should have downloaded the DDD App on their device. When
DDD outlet staff click on the activation link, the app will
automatically launch and prompt the DDD outlet staff members to
Figure 2. Facility account
registration page
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 7
set up a password-protected account. They can then log in to their account from multiple
devices. Once the account is set up, the hub facility will be able to devolve clients to the outlets,
allowing the outlet to access and update the client profile.
Online trainings on how to set up and use the app can be conducted for the various cadres of
providers. DDD App training is included in the DDD training materials. A YouTube video of the
introduction to the DDD App is also available for self-training and orientation.
Uses and navigation
Once a client enrolls in DDD and chooses their preferred outlet, the hub facility can assign their
profile to that specified outlet within the DDD App. At this point, the specified outlet will have
access to the assigned client profile. The outlets only have access to client profiles that are
assigned to them. The DDD App supports the following services:
ARV dispensation
Upon dispensing ARVs, the DDD outlet will enter the relevant information into the client
profile in the app. This entry will provide confirmation to hub facilities that the refill has been
completed or is incomplete, allowing real-time tracking of both clients and commodities.
Supporting provision of other services at DDD outlets
Documentation of clients’ vitals (weight, blood pressure, etc.)
TB screening tool
Adverse drug reaction screening tool
COVID-19 symptoms screening tool
Documentation of drug refills
Figure 3. Images of DDD App functions to support service provision
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 8
Communication with clients
The DDD App automatically sends SMS reminders to clients before scheduled
appointments. If appointments are missed, automatic SMS messages are sent
to reschedule.
DDD outlet staff can view upcoming refill appointments and contact clients
through the mobile number saved in the DDD App to remind them about refill or
viral load appointments.
Tracking commodities
The DDD App can also be used to track commodities. Once a client’s three-month supply of
ARVs is provided to a specified outlet, hub facilities can record the batch number, the unique
code (e.g., GS1 barcode) of each ARV bottle, and the number of packs allocated to the specific
outlet. The quantity of ARV bottles to be supplied to an outlet can be calculated based on the
number of clients scheduled for pickup and their number of months of dispensation, which is
also automatically calculated by the DDD App. Upon dispensing the ARVs to clients, outlet
staff will record the necessary information from that visit in the app, including the quantity and
the specific number of ARV packs dispensed to each client by scanning the bar code or
documenting the unique code of each ARV bottle. The DDD App will then automatically subtract
the number dispensed from the total number allocated to the outlet to keep a real-time record of
the number of bottles of ARVs remaining at the outlet. If all clients scheduled for pickup during a
month successfully pick up the correct number of months of ARVs, by the end of the month, the
outlet’s supply should be exhausted.
Figure 4. How the DDD App can be used to track ARVs
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 9
Hub facilities data updates
Updates made on the outlet staff DDD App account are automatically visible on the hub facility
staff DDD App as soon as internet connection is available, and data is synchronized. The
DDD App can also link with EMR systems allowing updates to occur. The DDD App works
both online and off-line. When working off-line, users should regularly log in and connect to
the internet to synchronize data. At health facilities without EMR systems, updates are
available to the hub facility DDD App account, and paper records can be updated using
real-time data from the app.
Program management and data analysis
Country-specific access: Program managers and administrators have access to their
country´s data and will not have access to view data from projects in other countries. The
administrator login and additional access will be restricted to implementing partner staff for
purposes of viewing reports.
Data visualization: Field staff and backstops can view live dashboards such as number of
refills over a specific period.
Data capture: For sites with EMR systems, data for assigned clients will automatically be
sent from the hub site to the assigned DDD outlet.
The DDD App autogenerates the following reports.
Monthly summary by hub facility and DDD outlet
List of registered DDD outlets
Number of clients enrolled in DDD by hub facility
Number of clients served, newly enrolled by DDD outlet
Number of clients who missed appointments
Additional functions are available in the DDD App, and different functions are made available to
hub facilities and outlets based on the needs in each context. Annex 1 outlines the functions of
the DDD App and the service delivery point that would have access to each function.
Adaptations can be made. For example, if needed, all functions above can be made available
to all users, hub facility and outlet.
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 10
Figure 5. Data visualizations available on the DDD App
Outlet Records
DDD Monthly Summary
Appointments Missed
Data security and client confidentiality
Data recorded in the DDD App are stored on a server in each country, and the information
generated is under the custody of respective countries either on a cloud-based or local server.
The country manages their data, and the necessary security requirements should be installed
on the server. The features below ensure data security and client confidentiality, and are
reinforced by privacy procedures set up by different countries:
Secure web hosting by recognized high-capacity cloud hosting vendors that ensure
infrastructure is maintained with the newest versions of security patches.
Secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption secures communication between the server and
DDD providers and clients to prevent bots, hackers, or malware from intercepting data in
App maintenance and software elements updated to newest versions and patches to help
secure any emerging vulnerabilities.
Limited identifying information recoded on the app, including client ID and basic
demographics. However, clients mobile numbers are required to provide follow-up
services and notification (consent to use the mobile numbers is obtained at enrollment).
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 11
Secure login portal securing client data with hidden phone numbers that are only accessed
temporarily by case managers, and a data export sheet that replaces phone numbers with a
unique identifier code thereby removing all personally identifying information in data exports.
Informed consent obtained from clients before they are devolved explaining in clear terms
what data are collected, why they are collected, and how the limited data may be shared
securely with clinic staff and program staff.
Staff user guides that outline user roles and staff trained in the crucial elements of
protecting privacy and handling exported data responsibly.
Maintenance and sustainability
Local implementing partners and governments can roll out and scale up the DDD App to
support other community DSD models. Since investment and maintenance costs are low, they
should be able to support the app without additional funds. The DDD App:
Has low maintenance costs, mainly for regular updates and patches
Is open source with no requirement for annual license fees
Is hosted by the Google Play and Apple App stores, which allows for centralized updates
and easy maintenance managed by EpiC
Is installed on smartphones, tablets, or laptop computers owned by the DDD outlet, which
makes installation affordable and quick
Does not require an additional server in countries with EMR systems
Requires a cloud-based server or a local physical server in countries without EMR
systems; a cloud-based server will require the country to pay for hosting of the data
Country adaptation
The DDD App has been developed in a generic form so that it can be easily adapted for each
country. The relevant branding, including the national emblem, will appear on the app. Specific
national, provincial, district, or local maps are incorporated to be used in relevant reports and
dashboards. The DDD App can also be customized to offer multiple options for display
languages, including local ones.
Aggregate data can be made available to country leadership through regular reports and
dashboards. DDD summary reports can be added to national HIV websites or dashboards. The
information is summarized at district, regional, provincial, national, and partner levels. Partners
can view the reports and dashboards on a read-only basis. All information generated is under
the custody of the country leadership. The DDD App has been and is planned to be adapted to
many country contexts. In Cote d’Ivoire, it has been adapted and configured for use in French to
support their pharmacy model; in Zimbabwe, plans are underway to adapt the app to support
their pharmacy model commodity tracking using the GS1 code; and in Cameroon, the DDD app
is included in the pharmacy model pilot plan approved by the Ministry of Health (MOH). The
following are other examples and testimonials from Liberia and Nigeria on adapting and using
the app.
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 12
Liberia experience
Liberia initiated a DDD pilot with one health facility in Monrovia,12 private pharmacies, and two
CBO offices as DDD outlets. The DDD App was adapted for the Liberian context in consultation
with health informatics representatives from the MOH by including the Liberia National AIDS
Control Program logo and modifying data entry fields to match national reporting tools. The app
is hosted on a local server. Health facility, pharmacy, and other relevant staff were introduced to
and trained on the app to support real-time exchange of data, reporting, and monitoring of ARV
dispensation between the health facilities and the DDD outlets. Internet-ready and toll-free
tablets pre-installed with the DDD app were provided to the health facility and DDD outlets. The
pilot was rolled out in May 2021 and, as of August, 55 patients had been devolved to pick up
ARVs at pharmacies using the app.
Nigeria experience
In Nigeria, the DDD App has been deployed for various DDD models, including the community
pharmacy ART refill program (CPARP), decentralized ART refill facilities (DARF), and
community adherence refill groups (CARGs). Cumulatively, 7,683 clients on ART in Cross
River, 34,101 clients in Akwa Ibom, 3,867 in Lagos, 1,904 in Edo, and 362 in Bayelsa have
been devolved using the app. In comparing the app to previously used ones, all community
pharmacies stated that the app was simpler and easier to use.
Bez Pharmacy, Cross River State, stated the app is “… simpler and sleek.”
Siban Pharmacy, Akwa Ibom State, reiterated the app is “… easy to use; it’s an easy way to
capture my clients’ refills.”
El-Charis Pharmacy, Akwa Ibom State, stated, “I have all my clients’ details safe and well
arranged in one application on my device.
Wessa Pharmacy, Cross River State, stated the app “…has a great interface and easy to
navigate unlike [the previous app].”
Jomel Pharmacy, Akwa Ibom State, said the app is “…very user-friendly; I am able to monitor
and update refills for the patients.
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 13
Technical requirements
The DDD App is intended to be installed and used on a variety of platforms including Android
and iOS. The app can also be used on laptops and desktop computers through an adaptation
using Angular 8.0. Hence, the system is designed to meet industry standards for database
management systems and application servers. When adapting the app, some attributes should
not be changed in order to allow third-party and peripheral development efforts. The following
attributes should be maintained for optimal use:
Ability to run on any major database management system
Ability to run on any mobile architecture component
Extensibility to address local functional requirements
Ability to be used both off-line and online
The DDD App is written in Java and has a three-layer architecture: the presentation layer, the
persistence layer, and the business layer. The application programming interface (API) allows
the presentation layer to communicate with the other two layers: persistence and the
business. The information below outlines the technical architecture of each layer and the API
for the DDD App software. The DDD App is made up of JAVA classes and packages with
several XML resources.
The Presentation Layer
The presentation layer is the user interface (UI), which dictates the user experience and is
developed using extensible markup language (XML). It is based on an Android mobile
application, and the iOS follows the Android Architecture Room Database Component pattern.
The architecture of the presentation layer of Android and iOS are in Annex 2.
Visual Design
The visual design of the DDD App is simple and easy-to-use with a common appearance that is
achieved by using the XML page fragments in the requested pages. This design allows the DDD
App to display the desired content, including the data entry fields, and to make navigation easy
from one page to the next.
The main menu contains links to the various modules and functions including Registration of
DDD outlets, Reports, Inventory, Synchronization, First Visit, Re Visit, and Language
Configuration. The language configuration module allows the user to choose the language they
prefer for the app. The options for the languages can be adapted. The options of the modules in
the main menu are adaptable to the local context.
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 14
Figure 6. Images of DDD App main menu
Desktop User Interface Architecture
The DDD App can be adapted to use on a desktop or laptop computer. The website for using
the DDD App on a computer is produced using the Angular 8.0 JavaScript framework (Annex 3),
which conducts the following processes:
Event Binding: a function that listens for and responds to the demands, actions, or inputs
made by the user actions such as clicking save, entering data, moving to the next page, etc.
Property Binding: is used to transmit data from the component class to HTML and allows
you to interpolate values computed from your application data.
Services and Dependency Injection: Angular 8.0 developers construct a service class
for data or functionality that is not tied to a single view that they wish to share across
Application Programming Interface (API)
The DDD API is part of the Persistence Layer. This receives information from the UI and
translates the information to the server. The API consists of the following:
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) setup on the DDD server: the security measure that
prevents the API from being vulnerable to hacking or infringement of data.
Liquibase and Flyway for database management: allows for easy updates to the
variables and indicators that the DDD App collects.
JPA Persistence Layer Repository: where Structured Query Language (SQL) coding
is implemented.
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 15
Elastic Search for efficient client search: library in the API that can pull entered data to
provide a quick calculation of aggregate data (e.g., age using date of birth, total number of
female clients, total number of clients devolved, etc.) for client email reminders: allows the DDD App to send emails (e.g.,
when sending the activation code to a DDD outlet, etc.)
SMS gateway: allows the DDD App to send SMS (e.g., for auto-reminders to clients who
miss appointments, etc.)
The Persistence Layer
The persistence layer is built on Room Database. This enables the DDD App to run on any
relational database management system (RDBMS). Most important objects have their
corresponding data type and data access object (DAO) store procedure implementation. A store
implementation provides create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and queries for
DAO (e.g., client DAO, devolved DAO, etc.), which offers methods such as saving client data,
deleting client ID, updating client data, and saving ARV regimen, etc.
The Business Layer
The services found in the business layer provide methods that delegate to a corresponding
method in the persistence layer or contain simple and self-explanatory logic. Some services are
more complex and use DAO connections and SQL queries to improve performance. These are
elaborated in the following sections.
Data Synchronization Service
Data synchronization in the DDD App is based on REST (representational state transfer).
Objects are transferred from the business layer in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
and converters convert the Java objects for the persistence layer. Using Retrofit 2 Library, the
business layer receives information from the presentation layer through the API and saves it in
the Room Database.
In the second phase, the requesting computer receives data from the server and saves it in its
database. Both phases alternate until the databases are synchronized. A computer receives
data originating from only its facility, possibly from other stand-alone installations. This has the
effect of equalizing the installations.
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 16
Reporting Services
The reporting services heavily utilize DAO connections and SQL
statements for enhanced performance. The reporting is complex, and
processing is delegated to specialized classes that collaborate. Each
major reporting theme has an associated processor.
The reports are sent to JasperReports, which sets their form and format.
The formats currently available are portable document format (PDF) and
comma- separated values (CSV) through MS Excel but more can be
configured. The Apache POI library is explicitly used to generate MS
Excel (.csv) and PDF (.pdf) reports.
The charts and graphs are rendered with a JavaScript library called
Highcharts. Java object collections are converted to JSON objects and
passed to Highcharts.
SMS and email service
SMS and emails in the DDD App are implemented with the SMSLib
library and the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) library through an
internet gateway that can be used in place of a modem in a resource-
constrained area.
Framework stack
The following frameworks are used in the Mobile Application Software Development Kit for both
Android and iOS platforms. Application frameworks or dependencies can be used. The following
are a few sample codes with UI:
Hibernate (
Apache Commons (
Highcharts (
Apache Ant (
Figure 7.
Example of the
Annex 1. Summary of DDD App Functions for Hub Facilities and DDD Outlets
For hub
Register participating DDD outlets
Assign clients to specific DDD outlets
Access the list of clients devolved from a hub facility to the
assigned outlet (i.e., hub facilities can see the list of clients
devolved; outlets can see the list of clients devolved to them)
Track clients’ appointments, including previous and next refill,
and viral load appointment dates
Keep a record of clients who discontinue services at the DDD
outlet, including the reason for discontinuation
Screen for TB
Assess client ART adherence
Assess client ART adverse drug reactions
Compile a monthly list of dugs (ARV regimens and other
medications) and the quantities needed by each DDD outlet
based on the clients devolved to each outlet and the requests
for drugs from DDD outlets
Request for drugs from the hub facility
Track refill history for each client
Visualize real-time outlet service delivery data, including the
number of clients served and the appointment-keeping rates
Send pre-appointment reminders
Track clients who miss appointments and send SMS reminders
Monitor drug inventory, including the number of drugs
requested, received, dispensed, and remaining
Generate monthly program reports with customizable key
indicators, including the number of clients devolved to outlet(s)
during the month, total number of clients who picked up a refill
at each outlet, number of clients who defaulted, and number of
clients who were referred back to the facility
Generate a customizable national or PEPFAR monthly
summary report, including relevant key indicators
Synchronize data with the server
Tracking stock across different service delivery points
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 18
Annex 2. Presentation Layer Architecture of Android and iOS
Android Mobile User Interface Architecture
1. Activities
2. Fragment
3. API provider (rest API)
4. Cache provider
Presentation Layers of the Android Mobile APP
iOS Mobile User Interface Architecture
The standard iOS mobile app architecture can be divided into four blocks:
1. Kernel level (Core OS) works with the file system,
controls the validity of various certificates belonging
to the applications; responsible for security of the
entire system; contains low-level access to elements
of the device.
2. Core services (Core Service) provides access to
databases and file controls.
3. Media level (Media) contains tools that allow for
processing most media data formats.
4. Interface level (Cocoa Touch) has many elements
for creating mobile interfaces and provides the
remaining layers with information coming from the user.
Presentation Layer of iOS Mobile App
Decentralized Drug Distribution Mobile Application: Overview and Technical Architecture Guide 19
Annex 3. Implementing Angular 8.0 JavaScript Framework for DDD App
Adaptation for Desktop
Router is an NgModule in Angular 8 providing a service that allows developers to design a
navigation path among the various application states and view hierarchies in their projects.
It functions in the same way as a browser's navigation:
Enter a URL in the address bar, the browser takes user to that page.
Click a link on a page, the browser takes user to a new page.
Use a browser's back or forward buttons, the browser moves backward or ahead based on
pages user has visited in the past.
Component Directives: Component directives are used in the main class. They describe how
the component should be processed, created, and used during runtime.
Structural Directives: Structural directives begin with the symbol *. These directives are
used to alter and change the DOM element structure. For instance, the *ngIf, *ngSwitch, and
*ngFor directives.
*ngIf Directive: allows user to Add/Remove DOM Element.
*ngSwitch Directive: allows user to Add/Remove DOM Element. It is similar to the switch
statement of C#.
*ngFor Directive: used to repeat a portion of the HTML template once per each item from
an iterable list (Collection).
Attribute Directives: Attribute directives are used to change the look and behavior of the DOM
elements. For example, ngClass directive, and ngStyle directive, etc.
ngClass Directive: The ngClass directive is used to add or remove CSS classes to an
HTML element.
ngStyle Directive: The ngStyle directive allows users to modify the style of an HTML
element using the expression. The ngStyle directive can also be used to dynamically
change the style of an HTML element.