CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
National Association for State
Community Services Programs
CSBG Annual Report
Instruction Manual
1: State Administration
or State and local CSBG Eligible Entity Use in Completing
the CSBG Annual Report
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
March 2017
REMINDER! Module 1 will be completed in the On-Line Data Collection (OLDC)
system and has received a one-time extension that is due no later than April 7,
2017. Reporting for Module 1 will use Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016 data.
Table of Contents
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
History ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Reporting in OLDC ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Reporting Timeframe .................................................................................................................................... 7
Section A: CSBG Lead Agency, CSBG Authorized Official, CSBG Point of Contact ........................................ 9
Section B: Statewide Goals and Accomplishments ..................................................................................... 12
Section C: CSBG Eligible Entity Update ....................................................................................................... 15
Section D: Organizational Standards for CSBG Eligible Entities .................................................................. 18
Section E: State Use of Funds ..................................................................................................................... 23
Section F: State Training and Technical Assistance .................................................................................... 31
Section G: State Linkages and Communication .......................................................................................... 33
Section H: Monitoring, Corrective Action and Fiscal Controls .................................................................... 37
Section I: Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) System ......................................... 41
Resources & Technical Support .................................................................................................................. 44
Error Message Listing .................................................................................................................................. 47
Overview and History
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
In collaboration with the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Network, the Office of
Community Services (OCS) developed State Accountability Measures to track organizational
performance by State CSBG Lead Agencies and OCS. These measures are part of an enhanced
framework for accountability and performance management across the CSBG Network. The
CSBG State Plan proposes state specific information on the State Accountability Measures and
Module 1 of the new CSBG Annual Report provides a progress report on these measures. For
more information on the State Accountability Measures see Information Memorandum (IM)
Module 1 is the State Administration module of the new CSBG Annual Report and is completed
by State CSBG Lead Agencies. This module includes information on State administration of
CSBG funding, including information on distribution of funds to Eligible Entities, use of State
administrative funds and discretionary funds for training and technical assistance (T&TA) as
well as information on Eligible Entity progress in meeting the Organizational Standards and
implementing ROMA. Finally, this module provides tracking of the State’s progress in meeting
accountability measures related to State monitoring, T&TA and other critical areas.
Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report will be entered into the Office of Community Services
(OCS) Online Data Collection System (OLDC). OLDC is the central, web-based reporting tool that
OCS has used for other programs and now uses for CSBG data collection. OLDC will allow OCS to
auto-populate information from the CSBG State Plans directly to Module 1 of the CSBG Annual
Report. There are options to edit auto-populated data from the CSBG State Plan for the
reporting year covered by the CSBG Annual Report.
The CSBG Annual Report is organized in four modules.
Module 1: State Administration (completed by State CSBG Administrators) as described
above. (States will submit in OLDC by April 7, 2017 for FY16 and March 31, 2018 for FY17.)
Module 2: Agency Expenditures, Capacity, and Resources (completed by Eligible Entities;
reviewed, evaluated, and analyzed by State CSBG Lead Agencies) includes information on
funds spent by Eligible Entities on the direct delivery of local services and strategies and
capacity development as well as information on funding devoted to administrative costs
by the Eligible Entities. (States will submit in OLDC by March 31, 2019.)
Module 3: Community Level (completed by Eligible Entities; reviewed, evaluated, and
analyzed by State CSBG Lead Agencies) includes information on the implementation of
Overview and History
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
strategies and results achieved for communities of low-income. (States will submit in
OLDC by March 31, 2019.)
Module 4: Individual and Family Level (completed by Eligible Entities; reviewed,
evaluated, analyzed by State CSBG Lead Agencies) includes information on services
provided to individuals and families, demographic characteristics of people served by
Eligible Entities, and the results achieved for individuals and families of low-income.
(States will submit in OLDC by March 31, 2019.)
This manual will only provide instructions on submission of Module 1 for FY 2016 and FY 2017.
All Module 1 forms should be read thoroughly by the State prior to submission.
Modules 2 4 data and information will be collected beginning in FY 2018. Until then, all
agency-level (Sections E-G and the National Performance Indicators (NPIs)) forms will continue
to be distributed to States by e-mail from the National Association of State Community Services
Programs (NASCSP), and will be submitted through the CSBG Information System (IS) Access
database. These documents are also available for downloading from the NASCSP website.
These forms are designed to be distributed by States to local agencies. States will continue the
submission of agency level data through the Access database until FY 2018 when States will
enter agency level data in OLDC for Modules 2-4.
The first comprehensive survey of State uses of Federal CSBG funds was conducted in 1983, by
a cooperative venture between NASCSP and the National Governors’ Association with outside
assistance from the Center for Community Futures. This led to the development of the National
Voluntary Reporting System, or NVRS. The surveys of FY 1984, 1985, and 1986 activity were
conducted by the Center for Community Futures with guidance from the Data Collection
Committee of NASCSP. Since FY 1987 surveys have been conducted by NASCSP.
In FY 2001, reporting by States using the IS Survey became a Federal requirement. These surveys
and the reports they generated were periodically amended to focus on information
of special
interest to State and Federal policymakers, such as the relationship of CSBG to other funding
sources and the development of innovative programs. Each fiscal year the survey incorporates
the lessons learned from earlier data collection practices and the analysis of this information.
Changes are discussed and agreed upon by the Information
System Task Force (ISTF), which
includes people from across the CSBG Network as well as other stakeholders and partners.
Overview and History
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
In 2012, OCS awarded a cooperative agreement to NASCSP to assist OCS in developing the new
CSBG Annual Report. Through frequent and multiple communications with the CSBG Network,
including listening sessions, presentations and webinars, the Network informed the
development of the CSBG Annual Report.
In 2016, OCS, in partnership with NASCSP, invited the CSBG Network to provide feedback on
content for the CSBG Annual Report forms through a formal Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) clearance process. In response, over half of the CSBG Network provided thoughtful
comments and letters. In addition, OCS worked with NASCSP and a work group of States to
obtain specific input on Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report. OCS and NASCSP analyzed all the
responses and used the feedback to prepare the forms that were then submitted for the first
Federal Register 60-Day Notice review in June 2016.
In response to the 60-day notice, OCS considered comments from organizations across the
CSBG Network, including national organizations, State CSBG Lead Agencies, State Community
Action Associations, and local Eligible Entities and further revised the CSBG Annual Report
based on this input. The revised report was released to the Network as an official Federal
Register Notice for a final 30-day comment period. Following this review period, the CSBG
Annual Report was submitted to OMB for the third and final comment period. OMB granted
approval for the CSBG Annual Report on January 12, 2017.
Reporting in OLDC
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Reporting in OLDC
Reporting Module 1 in OLDC is Phase 1 of the CSBG Annual Report implementation. The
implementation process and timeline is outlined by OCS in IM
152. The expected submission
date for Phase 1 is April 7, 2017 for FY16 and March 31, 2018 for FY17. All Module 1
information will be entered into OLDC. States will be notified when Module 1 is available for
data entry through an email from OCS.
To request access for State staff that will be entering data into OLDC, fill out the a
request form here and submit it to Niki Frazier.
For specific questions and instruction on using OLDC visit OCS’s resource page.
Use the validate function to check each page for errors and to populate imbedded auto-
Click save frequently and before moving between pages to ensure data is not lost (validate
will also save progress).
Errors or Warnings populate if an Item is not answered. Review the associated Item to
ensure questions are answered. Then click validate to clear the error or warning. The
Annual Report can be submitted with warnings, but not with errors.
Some Items only need to be answered depending on the answer to the previous
question(s). In these cases, Skip Logic has been applied, and the Items will only appear as
Not all States will have all information auto-populated. A State’s CSBG Model State Plan
periods will depend on the amount of data available to each state for auto-population.
When entering dates in OLDC use the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Reporting Timeframe
The reporting timeframes for all information in Module 1 is based on the Federal Fiscal Year
(FFY), which runs from October 1 of a given calendar year until September 30 of the following
calendar year. When completing the CSBG Annual Report, respondents will first indicate the
FFY for which the State is submitting data. OLDC system will then auto-populate the
administrative module with information from the appropriate year (year 1 or year 2) from the
Reporting in OLDC
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
accepted CSBG State Plan. States will be able to update information in these sections, as
Section A
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section A: CSBG Lead Agency, CSBG Authorized
Official, CSBG Point of Contact
This section identifies key contact information for each State office. It will be completed by
State staff in OLDC. Most of this section will auto-populate from the CSBG State Plan (CSP) with
an option to update where applicable.
A.1. Confirm and update important information in relation to the State lead agency
designated to administer CSBG in the State, as required by Section 676(a) of the CSBG
OLDC TIP! A.1. A.1l auto-populates from the CSBG State Plan Items 1.1 1.1l.
The State should review all items and may update information to note any changes that
have taken place during the reporting year. Any updates or changes will be noted in
quality assurance reviews and may require brief explanation prior to OCS’s acceptance
of the CSBG Annual Report.
A.1a. Lead agency
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1a.
The Lead Agency is the agency designated by the State (governor or legislature)
to administer CSBG and identified in the Application for Federal Assistance, SF-
424M used to apply for CSBG. Review and update if necessary.
OLDC TIP! To update within a text box, type directly into the text box.
A.1b. Cabinet or administrative department of this lead agency
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1b.
Identify in which cabinet or administrative department the lead agency is located
in the State. Review and update if necessary. If Other is chosen, a description will
need to be provided.
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to this -item, so a narrative text box will only appear if
other is selected.
A.1c. Division, bureau, or office of the CSBG authorized official
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1c.
Section A
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Identify the division, bureau or office associated with the CSBG authorized
official. Review and update if necessary.
A.1d. Authorized official of the lead agency
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1d.
The authorized official is the person indicated as the authorized representative
on the SF-424M. The authorized official could be the director, secretary,
commissioner etc. as assigned in the designation letter (attached under CSP Item
1.3). Review and update if necessary.
A.1e. Street address
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1e.
Street address of the State lead agency. Review and update if necessary.
A.1f. City
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1f.
City of the State lead agency. Review and update if necessary.
A.1g. State
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1g.
State of the State lead agency. Review and update if necessary.
A.1h. Zip code
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1h.
Zip code of the State lead agency. Review and update if necessary.
A.1i. Telephone number and extension
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1i.
Relates to the telephone number and extension (if applicable) of the State lead
agency. Review and update if necessary.
A.1j. Fax number
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1j.
Section A
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Relates to the fax number of the State lead agency. Review and update if
A.1k. Email address
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1k.
Relates to the email address of the State lead agency. Review and update if
A.1l. Lead agency website
Auto-populates from CSP Item 1.1l.
Relates to the website of the State lead agency. Review and update if necessary.
A.2. A list of programs that are likely to be administered by the same individual who
administers CSBG will be visible. Please check any additional programs administered by
the State CSBG Lead Agency during the reporting year (FFY). If Agriculture, HUD and/or
other is chosen, a text box will appear; please specify the exact program.
OLDC TIP! Checkboxes allow all options that apply to be selected.
Section B
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section B: Statewide Goals and Accomplishments
Section B collects information on the progress of goals stated in the CSBG State Plan, outcomes
and targets from the most recent American Customer Survey Index (ACSI) survey and narratives
of State and Eligible Entity management accomplishments as well as innovative programs.
Goals and strategies stated in the CSBG State Plan (CSP) may include use of CSBG’s 90 percent
funds and discretionary funds, a T&TA plan, a communication plan, use of organizational
standards, and partnership strategies as detailed throughout the CSP. This section will be
available to State staff for completion in OLDC. Where appropriate this section will auto-
populate from the CSBG State Plan with an option to update.
B.1. Progress on State Plan Goals
Auto-populates from CSP Item 3.2 and is read-only.
Describe the progress in meeting the State’s CSBG-specific goals for State administration
of CSBG as described in CSP Item 3.2. Select whether All Goals [were] Accomplished,
Partially Accomplished, or Not Accomplished.
Choose All Goals Accomplished when 100% of goals were met. When some, but not all
goals were met, States should choose Goals Partially Accomplished. When none of the
goals were met, states should choose Not Accomplished. For each selection, provide a
narrative explanation on progress. If a state would like to update their goals, please do
so in the next CSBG State Plan.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 1Sa(i)
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State goals.
OLDC TIP! Radio buttons only allow one option to be selected.
B.2. CSBG Eligible Entity Overall Satisfaction Targets
Some columns auto-populate from CSP Item 3.5.
Section B
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Report the most recent target for CSBG Eligible Entity Overall Satisfaction during the
performance period (FFY). In the first reporting period (FY 2016), Prior Target Year
should be left blank. The second column, Most Recent American Customer Satisfaction
Index Survey Result should include the most recent result (score) of the ACSI survey. In
the third column Future Target, the State should provide the target as a best estimate
for the bi-annual ACSI score. Scores will range from 0-99 in these fields.
Please see OCS’ IM 150 for guidance on establishing ACSI targets. This table will not
auto-populate in the first year of this report, as it is not required for year one, however
will be auto-populated in year two.
Given that the CSBG State Plan may cover two fiscal years, annual updates related to
CSBG Eligible Entity satisfaction should be provided in the CSBG Annual Report. The
State’s target score will indicate improvement or maintenance of the States’ Overall
Satisfaction score from the most recent ACSI survey of the State’s CSBG Eligible Entities.
States that did not receive ACSI scores (i.e. States with only a single CSBG Eligible Entity)
should not complete this question, but should provide narrative descriptions of other
sources of customer feedback and the State’s response to that feedback under Item B.3.
OLDC TIP! This table will need to be added to over time. The Add Row functionality exists to
accommodate future Annual Report Submissions.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 8S
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State
B.3. CSBG Eligible Entity Feedback and Involvement
Enter a narrative on CSBG Eligible Entity Feedback. Include information on how the
State considered feedback from CSBG Eligible Entities, OCS, public hearings, and other
sources, and/or customer satisfaction surveys such as the ACSI. Include any actions that
have been taken as a result of the feedback.
Note: While this Item is closely related to CSP Item 3.4a, it will not auto-populate from
the CSP. The CSP requests that the States describes the steps that they plan to take in
order to receive feedback from Eligible Entities. Within the Annual Report the State
should speak to how they implemented the feedback from Eligible Entities.
Section B
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
B.4. State Management Accomplishment
Enter a narrative describing what the State considers to be the top management
accomplishment achieved by the State CSBG office during the reporting year (FFY).
Provide examples of how administrative or leadership actions led to improvements in
efficiency, accountability, or quality of services and strategies. Narratives provide a
human face and framework for understanding the facts and figures reported elsewhere.
B.5. CSBG Eligible Entity Management Accomplishments
Enter a narrative describing three notable management accomplishments achieved by
CSBG Eligible Entities during the reporting year (FFY). Describe specifically how
responsible, informed leadership and effective, efficient processes led to high-quality,
accessible, and well-managed services and strategies.
B.6. Innovative Solutions Highlights
Enter a narrative describing at least three examples of ways in which CSBG Eligible
Entities addressed a cause or condition of poverty in their community using an
innovative or creative approach. Please provide the agency name, local partners
involved, outcomes, and specific information on how CSBG funds were used to support
Section C
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section C: CSBG Eligible Entity Update
Section C provides critical updates and information on each Eligible Entity. Most of this section
will auto-populate from the CSBG State Plan (CSP) with an option to update where applicable.
Each portion of this section will be explained further in detail.
C.1. CSBG Eligible Entities
Columns 1 5 auto-populate from CSP Table 5.1.
The table provided in this section will auto-populate with a list of CSBG Eligible Entities
in the State as described in CSP Table 5.1 for this reporting year (FFY). Review and note
any changes or updates to this information. This table should include every CSBG Eligible
Entity to which the State allocated 90 percent of CSBG funds during the reporting period
(FFY). The table should not include entities that only receive remainder/discretionary
funds from the State and/or tribes/tribal organizations that receive direct funding from
OCS under Section 677 of the CSBG Act.
Note: 90 percent funds are the funds a State provides to CSBG Eligible Entities to carry out the
purposes of the CSBG Act, as described under Section 675C of the CSBG Act. A State must
provide “no less than 90 percent” of their CSBG allocation, under Section 675B, to the Eligible
Column 1: CSBG Eligible Entity will auto-populate with the name of the CSBG Eligible
Entity entered into the CSBG State Plan. Review and update where needed. If the
name needs to be updated, simply update directly in the text field. If any changes
are made, mark Column 6 (C.2a) as yes and please explain in Column 7 (C.2b).
Column 2: Public or Private will auto-populate whether the CSBG Eligible Entity is
Public or Private. Eligible Entities are designated as such by Section 673(1)(A) of the
CSBG Act. A Private Entity is typically a non-profit organization holding a 501(c)3 and
a Public Entity is typically part of a local branch of government and housed within
Section C
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
City or County offices. If any changes are made, mark Column 6 (C.2a) as yes and
please explain in Column 7 (C.2b).
Column 3: Type of Entity will auto-populate the type of entity from the CSBG State
Plan. If any changes are made, mark Column 6 (C.2a) as yes and please explain in
Column 7 (C.2b).
OLDC TIP! To make multiple selections. hold down the CTRL key and click multiple options.
Community Action Agency is any organization officially designated for fiscal year 1981 as
a community action agency or a community action program under the provisions of
section 210 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 as amended. Private, nonprofit
CAAs must have tri-partite boards of directors, consisting of one-third public officials, at
least one-third representatives of the poor, and the remainder from the private sector
pursuant to Sec. 676B of the CSBG Act.
Limited Purpose Agency refers to a CSBG Eligible Entity that was designated as a limited
purpose agency under Title II of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 for the fiscal year
1981, that served the general purposes of a community action agency under Title II of
the Economic Opportunity Act; did not lose its designation as a limited purpose agency
under Title II of the Economic Opportunity Act as a result of failure to comply with that
Act; and has not lost its designation as a CSBG Eligible Entity under the CSBG Act.
Local Government Agency is a public CSBG Eligible Entity where CSBG funds are
allocated to and spent by a branch of local government. The Local Government Agency
must follow all the same rules and requirements of the CSBG Act including administering
CSBG through a tri-partite board.
Migrant or Seasonal Farmworker Organization can be designated a CSBG Eligible Entity
under the CSBG Act. Migrant or Seasonal Farmworker Organizations primarily meet the
needs of farmworkers with low-incomes.
Tribe or Tribal Organizations are Federal or State recognized Indian Tribal Governments
or Organizations within the Tribe that are eligible under the CSBG Act to be designated
as Eligible Entities.
Other: If Other is selected in column 3, please provide further detail in the space
allotted (describe in column 5) for a narrative response. Rows may be added by
choosing “Add Row”. Add rows to identify a new entity and to note any name changes.
Section C
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Column 4: Geographical Area will auto-populate with the counties that the identified
Eligible Entity serves. Review and update this column as necessary. If any changes
are made, mark Column 6 (C.2a) as yes and please explain in Column 7 (C.2b).
Column 5: Brief Description of Other only needs to be completed if Other” was
chosen in Column 3. In completing this column, provide as much information as
possible on the type of entity receiving CSBG. If any changes are made, mark Column
6 (C.2a) as yes and please explain in Column 7 (C.2b).
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to Column 5, so a text box will only appear if other in
Column 3 is selected.
Column 6: C.2a Yes/No reports whether there were changes to any one of the
Eligible Entities reported. Select yes or no. If yes is selected, provide a description of
changes in Column 7 (C.2b).
Column 7: C.2b Briefly Describe Modifications allows States to describe any changes
to the selected Eligible Entity.
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to Column 7, so a text box will only appear if yes in
Column 3 is selected.
Column 8: Mark as Delete should be checked when an Eligible Entity needs to be
deleted from the list. A deletion could occur due, but not limited to, de-designation
or a merger. If you choose Mark as Delete for any entity, please explain in Column 7
C.3. Total number of CSBG Eligible Entities: __##__
This will automatically update based on chart in C.1.
OLDC TIP! Save or Validate must be clicked in order for columns to automatically update.
Section D
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section D: Organizational Standards for CSBG
Eligible Entities
In an effort to increase accountability throughout the CSBG Network and enhance the results
achieved for people and communities with low-incomes, OCS launched several initiatives in
2012. One of these focused on establishing Organizational Standards for Eligible Entities. CSBG
Network leaders developed and recommended a set of Organizational Standards to strengthen
the capacity of the more than 1,000 Eligible Entities providing services across the country.
The Organizational Standards ensure that all Eligible Entities have appropriate organizational
capacity. To fulfill the promise of the standards, States must provide consistent and high-quality
oversight and technical assistance related to Organizational Standards. In addition, based on
information about organizational capacity, States must work with the Eligible Entities to make
informed programmatic decisions about how the agencies can best meet the local needs of
families and communities of low-income.
This section collects information on how the State implements the Organizational Standards
and reports on performance and progress of CSBG Eligible Entities in implementing them.
Where appropriate this section will auto-populate from the CSBG State Plan with an option to
update. For guidance on Organizational Standards, please reference IM 138.
D.1. Assessment of Organizational Standards
Auto-populates from CSBG State Plan (CSP) Item 6.1.
In IM 138, States were given discretion on the set of standards to implement. Under CSP
Item 6.1, the State indicates whether they’re implementing the Organizational
Standards or an alternative set of standards.
OLDC TIP! Radio buttons allow for only one option to be selected.
D.1a. Assessment of Organizational Standards
Auto-populates from CSP Item 6.4.
The State lead agency is responsible for annually assessing the status of the
Organizational Standards among all of the Eligible Entities and for reporting
progress to OCS. The response will be auto-populated from Item 6.4 of the CSBG
State Plan with the option for the State to update information based on its actual
assessment process. If other is chosen, please provide a narrative description.
Section D
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
OLDC TIP! Checkboxes allow all options that apply to be selected.
D.1b. Assessment of Organizational Standards Narrative
Provide a narrative describing the Organizational Standards assessment process
as selected in D.1a. Please note that with the exception of regular on-site CSBG
monitoring, all assessment options above may include either on-site or desk
review (or a combination).
D.2. Organizational Standards Performance
Column 2 auto-populates from CSP Item 6.6.
Note: CSP Item 6.6 was not collected in FY 2016 and therefore will not populate into the Annual
Report this year. Column 2 in the table below does not require a response this year.
It is expected that all CSBG Eligible Entities meet 100% of the Organizational Standards.
However, it is understood that meeting the Organizational Standards is a process. This
table allows the State to report on the number of CSBG Eligible Entities that met all
State-adopted Organizational Standards in the reporting period (FFY).
OLDC TIP! This table will need to be added to over time. The Add Row functionality exists to
accommodate future Annual Report Submissions.
Column 1: Fiscal Year: this column will auto-populate with the fiscal year being
Column 2: State CSBG Plan Target:
Auto-populates from CSP Item 6.6.
If FY16 was the first year that the state used OLDC to submit the CSBG Model State
Plan this field will not populate. In these cases, do not enter data into the target field
and only fill out the form for any entities assessed during the period.
Section D
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Column 3: Number of Entities Assessed: This number will auto-populate based on
the total number of entities reported in Section C. Please update if there is an
instance where not all entities were assessed.
Column 4: Number that Met All (100%) of State Standards: The State will enter the
number of entities that were assessed who met 100% of the Organizational
Column 5: Actual Percentage Meeting All (100%) of State Standards: This column will
auto-populate with a percentage based on the calculation of the Number that Met
All (100%) of State Standards/the Number of Entities Assessed.
The next portion of the chart indicates the progress made by Eligible Entities that did
not meet 100% of the Organizational Standards. While targets are not set in the CSBG
Model State Plan for entities meeting less than 100% of the Organizational Standards,
describing progress for these Eligible Entities is a useful indicator of when all entities
might meet 100% of the Organizational Standards.
The first column, Number of Entities Assessed, will carry over from the Column 3 of the
first portion of this table. For each milestone (90%, 80%, and 70%), the State should
enter the number of entities who met the milestone in the second column. The third
column will auto-populate with the percentage of those meeting the milestone.
OLDC TIP! In order for the Number of Entities Assessed to populate and for the third column to
auto-calculate, the report must be saved or validated after completing the tables.
Note: While the system will verify that the number of entities assessed is not more than
the number of entities within the State, there is no verification that the number of
entities that met each target is equal to or greater than the total entities wihtin the
Section D
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Associated State Accountability Measure: 6Sa
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State goals.
D.2a. Organizational Standards Performance
Understanding that barriers may exist in meeting all 58 Organizational
Standards, this section provides a place for States to enter a narrative identifying
any challenges or factors contributing to the difference between the target and
actual results provided in the first portion of Table D.2 (above).
D.2b. Percentage Meeting Organizational Standards by Category
This section offers the ability for States to report on each category of the
Organizational Standards and the number of entities meeting the standards in
that category. This may be a useful tool in identifying exemplary practices or
targeting T&TA.
In the first column, the Number of Entities Assessed for each category listed will
auto-populate from the first portion of Table D.2. In the second column, enter
the number of Eligible Entities that met each category of the Organizational
Standards. The third column will auto-calculate the percentage that met all
standards in each category.
OLDC TIP! In order for the Number of Entities Assessed to populate and for the third column to
auto-calculate, save or validate the report after completing the tables.
Section D
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
D.3. Technical Assistance Plans and Quality Improvement Plans
During the assessment process, the State may find Eligible Entities that do not meet any
or a number of the standards. In these cases, States have discretion based on their
assessment of the nature of the problems and the time frame expected for a solution in
how they work with the Eligible Entity. States may offer a Technical Assistance Plan
(TAP) to the Eligible Entity or a State may initiate action through a Quality Improvement
Plan (QIP) in accordance with Section 678C of the CSBG Act (42 U.S.C. § 9915). The QIP
includes clear timelines and benchmarks for progress.
In the table provided enter the number of CSBG Eligible Entities that have either a TAP
or QIP in place due to unmet Organizational Standards. Entities that do not have a
formal plan in place, but who may have unmet standards do not need to be reported
here. They will be reported below in D.3.a with an explanation.
D.3a. Technical Assistance Plans and Quality Improvement Plans
If the State identified CSBG Eligible Entities with unmet Organizational Standards
for which it was determined that TAPs or QIPs would not be appropriate, please
provide a narrative explanation below.
EXAMPLE: An instance where a standard was not met, but no plan is needed - if
the Eligible Entity did not have a strategic plan in place at the time of the State
assessment, but had just completed a strategic planning session and is expected
to have the plan in place prior to the next assessment.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 6Sb
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State goals.
QIPs are described in Section 678C(a)(4) of the CSBG Act. For additional information on
corrective action and the circumstances under which a State may establish TAPs and QIPs, see
IM 138, specifically pages 5 6.
Section E
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section E: State Use of Funds
Describing how States used CSBG funds is critical in order to enable understanding of how CSBG
is implemented in each State. This section is to be filled out by the State. It reports on how the
State used their CSBG allocation for regular, discretionary and administrative funding. This
section also reports on distribution formulas, timeframes and staff at the State office. The
reporting time frame for all questions in Section E is the FFY. Where appropriate this section
will auto-populate from the CSBG State Plan with an option to update.
In developing a response to Section E, the State CSBG program staff may need to consult with
various departments.
E.1. State Distribution Formula
This is a yes or no question asking if the State made any changes in the distribution
formula for the CSBG Eligible Entities during the FFY. If changes were made they should
be described in E.1a.
There are five sub-state allocation methods generally used. If these do not apply, select
other and provide an explanation in the text box.
Historic method means continuing to allocate to each Eligible Entity the share it
received under federal funding prior to the creation of CSBG in 1981.
Base + formula method is usually adopted when the formula-alone method would fail
to provide the smaller Eligible Entities with enough funding to open their doors for
operation. In this case, some minimum funding level, or base, is provided each Eligible
Entity off the top of the State allocations to be supplemented with whatever amount
its formula share might be of the remainder of the State allocation for local agencies.
Formula alone allocation method, whereby the allocation to any one Eligible Entity is
calculated solely by determining the share its service area has relative to the total in
the State of some factor(s) (such as population below the poverty income level, TANF
households, unemployment rate, square miles, etc.).
Formula with variables method is used by States that utilize a formula for the in-state
allocation of most CSBG funds, but also award a fraction of their monies on a
subjective basis, such as the quality of proposals received. “Variable” means elements
other than formula factors are considered in distributing funds.
Section E
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Hold-harmless + formula allocation is usually adopted as a transition method in
moving from an historic to a formula allocation, but moving in steps in order that
Eligible Entities not be reduced or increased precipitously in any one funding period.
E.1a State Distribution Formula
Only respond to E.1a if the answer to E.1 was yes. In the explanation, please
include how the State changed their distribution formula and continued to
comply with assurances provided in Section 14 of the CSBG State Plan as
required under Section C76(b)(8) of the State CBSG Act.
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to this Item, so it will only appear if yes is selected in E.1.
E.2. Planned vs. Actual Allocation
Enter the actual allocation of 90 percent of CSBG funds to CSBG Eligible Entities, as
described under Section 675C(a) of the CSBG Act. This section only includes 90 percent
funds and does not include any discretionary/remainder, state administration or any
other funding. While the CSBG State Plan allows for either percentages or dollar
amounts, the table in this report must be based on actual dollars allocated to each CSBG
Eligible Entity during the FFY. For each CSBG Eligible Entity receiving CSBG funds,
provide the Funding Amount allocated to the CSBG Eligible Entity during the FFY.
Column 1: CSBG Eligible Entity:
Auto-populates from item C.1 and is read-only
Columns 2 and 3: Planned Funding Amount ($ or %):
Auto-populates from CSP Table 7.2. Column 2 (dollar amount) or 3 (percentage)
based on what you provided, and is read-only.
Columns 4: Allocations (Based on State Formula):
Section E
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Enter the dollar amount each CSBG Eligible Entity should receive during the Federal Fiscal Year
2016 based on the State formula. This amount may include carryover from previous Federal
Fiscal Years.
Column 5: Obligations: Please enter the actual dollar amount of funds that were
committed to each CSBG Eligible Entity through contracts, grants or sub-awards
during the Federal Fiscal Year 2016. This amount may include carry over from
previous Federal Fiscal Years.
Totals will be calculated at the bottom of the chart.
OLDC TIP! In order for the Totals to auto-calculate, the report must be saved or validated after
completing the tables.
The contracting period in a state is July 1, 2015 June 30, 2016 while reporting period
for Module 1 is October 1, 2015 September 30, 2016. The state allocated funds from
Federal Fiscal Year 2015 to a CSBG Eligible Entity in July 2015, however since the entity
usually spends funds from a previous fiscal year the 2015 funds weren’t obligated to the
entity until Federal Fiscal Year 2016. This same entity was allocated Federal Fiscal Year
2016 funds, but they were not committed in contract until after the end of Federal
Fiscal Year 2016 and won’t be reported on this report.
There are cases where the amount allocated and obligated will be the same number.
Note that obligated is not the same as expended. States do not report on the amount a
CSBG Eligible Entity expended. States are only asked to report in this section on the
amount they put into contracts with CSBG Eligible Entities. The amount expended will be
reported by CSBG Eligible Entities in Section E of the existing IS Report until it is phased
out and then that number will be reported in Module 2 of the new CSBG Annual Report.
E.3. Actual Distribution Timeframe
The State Accountability Measures identify that States have no more than 30 calendar
days to make funds available to CSBG Eligible Entities after OCS distributed the Federal
award. States will report yes if they met this standard and no if they did not.
E.3a. Actual Distribution Timeframe
If the State did not meet the standard, please identify if any new procedures
were implemented to ensure funds were made available to CSBG Eligible Entities
consistently and without interruption.
Section E
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to this Item so it will only appear if no in E.3 is selected.
E.3b. Actual Distribution Timeframe
If the State was not able to make CSBG funds available within 30 calendar days
after OCS distributed the Federal award and was not able to ensure that funds
were made available consistently and without interruption, please provide an
explanation here of the circumstances along with a description of planned
corrective actions.
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to this Item so it will only appear if no in both E.3 and
E.3a are selected.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 2Sa
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State goals.
E.4. Administrative Funds [Section 675C(b)(2) of the CSBG Act]
Column 1 auto-populates from CSP Item 7.6 and is read-only
This section reports on the amount of State CSBG funds obligated for administrative
activities during the FFY. Administrative funds are equivalent to typical indirect costs or
overhead, including monitoring activities. The amount must be based on actual dollars
allocated during the FFY. No State may spend more than $55,000 or 5 percent of their
CSBG grant for administrative expenses.
The amount that was provided in CSP Item 7.6, will be visible in the field (Column 1) on
the left. If a percentage was provided in CSP Item 7.6, please convert the percentage to
dollars in the field immediately to the right (Column 2).
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to Column 2, so a text box will only appear if you
provided a percentage in the CSP.
Note that obligated funds are those that were committed through contract, grant or
sub-award during the reporting period from the total allocated amount.
Section E
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
E.5. Administration
Column 1 auto-populates from CSP Item 7.7 and is read-only.
Report the number of State staff positions funded in whole or in part with CSBG funds in
the reporting period (FFY). This can be reported as a decimal.
E.6. Administration
Columns 1 auto-populates from CSP Item 7.8 and is read-only
Of the State staff positions funded with CSBG, report State Full Time Equivalents (FTEs)
that were funded with CSBG funds in the reporting period (FFY). This can be reported as
a decimal.
E.7. Remainder/Discretionary Funds [Section 675C(b) of the CSBG Act]
Columns 2 and 3 auto-populates from CSP Table 7.9 and is read-only
Section E
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Remainder/Discretionary funds are the amount remaining after deductions of the
entitlement for Eligible Entities (at least 90 percent) and State level administrative
expenses (not more than five percent). For additional information, see Section 675C(b)
of the CSBG Act. Remainder/Discretionary funding may fund a wide-range of projects
from T&TA to technology projects at the State or local level. Information from the CSBG
State Plan will auto-populate for what was planned and States will update the actual
amount obligated.
While the CSBG State Plan allows for either percentages or dollar amounts, Table E.7
within Module 1 must be based on actual dollars obligated to each budget category
during the FFY. States that do not have remainder/discretionary funds will not complete
this item.
If a funded activity fits under more than one category in the table, allocate the funds
among the categories. For example, if the State provides funds under a contract with
the State Community Action Association to provide T&TA to CSBG Eligible Entities and to
create a statewide data system, the funds for that contract should be allocated
appropriately between Rows 1 – 3. If an allocation is not possible, the State may allocate
the funds to the main category with which the activity is associated.
Uses of Remainder/Discretionary Dollars:
Row 1: a. Training/technical assistance to CSBG Eligible Entities: Report any
training or technical assistance that remainder or discretionary dollars supported.
Examples may include: ROMA training, Statewide conferences, grants or contracts
to train or provide technical assistance to local CSBG agencies, whether made to
individual consultants, firms, state CAA associations or state training bureaus; data
collection projects.
Row 2: b. Coordination of State-operated programs and/or local programs: Grants
to support participation in planning and/or coordinating services for low-income
groups should be included under b. Also included in this section are statewide
Brokerage/Advocacy Projects, statewide study grants or funding for statewide
forums, conferences, or coalitions.
Row 3: c. Statewide coordination and communication among CSBG Eligible Entities:
Include projects that allowed for increased communication such as coordinated
outreach initiatives or the purchase of technology to allow for increased training.
Section E
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Row 4: d. Analysis of distribution of CSBG funds to determine if targeting greatest
need: Include any grants or contracts made to support analysis of funds,
Community Needs Assessment or other planning and targeting projects.
Row 5: e. Asset-building programs: Please include any Individual Development
Accounts, home buying programs, other savings programs that CSBG
remainder/discretionary supported.
Row 6: f. Innovative programs/activities by CSBG Eligible Entities or other
neighborhood groups: Include any innovative programs that the State supported
through remainder/discretionary funds at the State or local level.
Row 7: g. State charity tax credits: Enter the amount of CBSG
remainder/discretionary funds used to support State Charity Tax Credits.
Row 8: h. Other activities, specify_________: If the State spends any additional
remainder/discretionary funds that cannot be included in Rows 1 7, they should
be included here.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 3Sa
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State goals.
E.8. Remainder/Discretionary Funds
This Item includes checkboxes for States to identify the types of organizations, if any,
who received remainder/discretionary (by grant or contract) to carry out some or all of
the activities in Table E.7 (above). Provide a narrative if other is selected.
OLDC TIP! Checkboxes allow all options that apply to be selected.
E.9. Total Obligations
Section E
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Review and confirm the fiscal year obligations and enter any carryover funding.
Obligations to CSBG Eligible Entities (from State CSBG 90% Formula Funds):
auto-populates from Table E.2 (total actual obligations in contracts and sub-
State Administrative Costs:
auto-populates from Table E.4 (total actual obligations of administrative funds).
Remainder/Discretionary Funds:
auto-populates from Table E.7 (total actual obligations of State
remainder/discretionary funds).
Total Obligations in FY: will auto-calculate based on the three rows above.
The dollar amounts in this chart will auto-populate from Section E.2, E.4, and E.7 above.
E.9a. Prior Year Carryover
Of the total amount reported in the row above (Total Obligations in FY), the
amount that represents carryover funding from the prior fiscal year. For FY 2016,
the State will report the carryover funding from FFY 2015.
E.9b. Carryover for this Fiscal Year
Of the total CSBG amount to the State for this FY, the amount that was
unobligated and carry forward to the next fiscal year. For FY 2016, the State will
report the carryover funding from FFY 2016.
Section F
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section F: State Training and Technical Assistance
Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA) is a critical part of creating and maintaining a strong
CSBG Network. Training is a continuous process that takes time and resources. CSBG funds may
be used to ensure Eligible Entities training needs are met to improve programs, create strong
Boards, improve financial management practices, and ensure responsiveness to local needs
among a host of other topics.
Section F reports on how the State delivered CSBG-funded T&TA to CSBG Eligible Entities. This
section asks the State to describe the type of T&TA provided, topics, actual dates of training
and a brief description. Where appropriate this section will auto-populate from the CSBG State
Plan with an option to update.
F.1. Training and Technical Assistance
Columns 1, 2, & 5 auto-populates from CSP Table 8.1
Describe how the State delivered CSBG-funded training and technical assistance to CSBG
Eligible Entities. CSBG funding used for this activity is referenced under Item E.7
(Planned vs. Actual Use of Remainder/Discretionary Funds).
This table will auto-populate with planned T&TA activities as reported in CSP Table 8.1
and should be reviewed and updated based on the actual activities. Trainings that
should be reported are those that happen during FFY 2016. If the training and or
technical assistance was planned, but did not occur, check the Not Conducted check box
at the end of each row and provide an explanation under Brief Description. Add a row to
report T&TA that occurred, but was not included in the CSBG State Plan.
OLDC TIP! When entering a date, use the date picker or the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Column 1: Training, Technical Assistance, Both: Select from one of the three
dropdown options.
Section F
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Auto-populates from the CSP.
Column 2: Topic: Choose from a list of 13 dropdowns to best describe the topic of
the training and/or technical assistance.
Auto-populates from the CSP.
Column 3: Actual Start Date: Select the date which the training and/or technical
assistance started.
Column 4: Actual End Date: Select the date which the training and/or technical
assistance ended. If the training and/or technical assistance was one day, select the
same date as the start date.
Column 5: Brief Description: Provide a brief description of the training and/or
technical assistance.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 3Sc
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State goals.
F.2. Training and Technical Assistance
Indicate the types of organizations by which the State provided training and/or technical
assistance as described in Item F.1, and briefly describe their involvement. Section 678A
of the CSBG Act allows CSBG funds be granted or contracted to a variety of
organizations with demonstrated expertise in providing training directly related to the
work of CSBG. If CSBG Eligible Entities and/or Other are selected, a description must be
OLDC TIP! Checkboxes allow all options that apply to be selected.
Section G
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section G: State Linkages and Communication
Section 676(b)(1) requires States to assure that with Eligible Entities, coordination and linkages
with other social service programs will occur to ensure the effective delivery of services to
individuals with low-incomes. CSBG is unique among Federal programs in part because
“linkages” is not only an administrative item, but also a programmatic activity. Similarly, when
CSBG provides administrative funding for programs of other community organizations because
there is a partnership with the CSBG Eligible Entities own programs, these expenses may well
be classified as either linkages projects or as direct program costs.
This section reports on the activities supported with state level administration and/or
discretionary/remainder funds up to 10% that is available to states. This section includes
linkages and coordination made by the State to reduce gaps in service and increase
communication and coordination made with Associations, and any Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (WIOA) Employment and Training Combined Plan Activities. Where
appropriate this section will auto-populate from the CSBG State Plan with an option to update.
G.1. State Linkages and Coordination at the State Level
Auto-populates from CSP Item 9.1
Review and confirm the identified State offices the State reported planning to have
linkages and coordination with in the CSP. Update as appropriate by adding or removing
OLDC TIP! Checkboxes allow all options that apply to be selected.
G.1a. State Linkages and Coordination at the State Level
Describe the linkages and coordination at the State level that the State created
or maintained to ensure increased access to CSBG services by communities and
people with low-incomes that avoid duplication of services (as required by the
assurance under Section 676(b)(5)) and identified in the CSP. Provide a narrative
describing activities, including an explanation of any changes from the original
CSP. Attach any additional information as needed.
Section G
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Examples of State linkages and coordination at the State level:
The State CSBG office participates in boards, task forces, cross-department
meetings to coordinate and promote the work of CSBG.
The State CSBG office works closely with LIHEAP and Weatherization to
streamline eligibility where possible.
The State CSBG office participates in working groups that offer coordination
between state and local service providers and CSBG Eligible Entities including
homelessness, housing and asset development.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 7Sa
State Accountability Measures will be used in assessing overall progress in meeting State goals.
G.2. State Linkages and Coordination at the Local Level
Auto-populates from CSP Item 9.2
Please review and update the narrative describing actual activities, including an
explanation of any changes from the original CSBG State Plan. Describe the linkages and
coordination at the local level that the State created or maintained with governmental
and other social services, especially antipoverty programs, to assure the effective
delivery of and coordination of CSBG services to people with low-incomes and
communities, and avoid duplication of services (as required by assurances under
Sections 676(b)(5) and (b)(6)).
Examples of State linkages and coordination at the local level:
The State CSBG office is represented on a state interagency workgroup to share
information, reduce service duplication, promote programs and ensure that local
funds are maximized.
The State office working with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
manager (SNAP) on a coordinated SNAP outreach plan.
G.3. CSBG Eligible Entity Linkages and Coordination
G.3a State Assurance of CSBG Eligible Entity Linkages and Coordination
Auto-populates from CSP Item 9.3a
Review and update the narrative describing actual activities, including an
explanation of any changes from the original CSBG State Plan. Describe how the
State assured that the CSBG Eligible Entities coordinated and established
Section G
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
linkages to ensure the effective delivery of and coordination of CSBG services to
people with low-incomes and communities, and avoid duplication of services (as
required by the assurance under Section 676(b)(5)). Include how the State might
require Eligible Entities to submit as part of their Community Action Plan (CAP) a
description of linkages or how the State reviews linkages through monitoring
G.3b State Assurance of CSBG Eligible Entity Linkages to Fill Service Gaps
Auto-populates from CSP Table 9.3b
Review and update the narrative describing actual activities, including an
explanation of any changes from the original CSBG State Plan. Describe how the
CSBG Eligible Entities developed linkages to fill identified gaps in the services,
through the provision of information, referrals, case management, and follow-up
consultations, according to the assurance under Section 676(b)(3)(B) of the CSBG
Act. Include information on how CSBG Eligible Entities may have identified gaps
through Community Needs Assessments or other activities and what strategies
the entity may have developed.
G.4. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Employment and Training
Combined Plan Activities (if applicable)
This narrative will only be completed by States in which CSBG employment and training
activities are included as part of a WIOA Combined State Plan. Under the 2014 Act,
states are encouraged to work together to create a combined plan that reshapes the
workforce system that serves people with low-incomes. CSBG, among other programs,
was identified as a required partner to WIOA. CSBG is incorporated into WIOA in two
ways 1) through One-Stop Career Centers that work to align workforce, education and
economic development investments to jobs and 2) through CSBG employment and
training activities, at the option of the State, through a Combined State Plan.
Because the WIOA Combined State Plan is in a separate system not administered by
ACF, information cannot be auto-populated and must be entered manually. The purpose
of this section will be to provide an administrative update on State-level WIOA Plan
coordination for States with combined plans, rather than a report on employment and
training outcomes at the CSBG Eligible Entity level. If the State included CSBG
employment and training activities as part of a WIOA Combined State Plan, as allowed
under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, provide a brief narrative
Section G
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
describing the status of WIOA coordination activities, including web links, if available, to
any publicly accessible combined plans and reports.
G.5. Coordination among CSBG Eligible Entities and the State Community Action
Auto-populates from CSP Item 9.8
The State will review and update the narrative describing actual activities, including an
explanation of any changes from the original CSBG State Plan. Describe State activities
that took place to support coordination among the CSBG Eligible Entities and the State
Community Action Association. Include meetings, organized trainings, conferences, and
other types of interactions. Consider any workgroups where the association and Eligible
Entities work together.
G.6. Feedback to CSBG Eligible Entities and State Community Action Association
Auto-populates from CSP Item 9.10
The State will review and update the narrative describing actual activities, including an
explanation of any changes from the original CSBG State Plan. Describe how the State
provided feedback to local entities and the State Community Action Association
regarding its performance on State Accountability Measures. Include communication
methods such as conference calls, mailings, blogs, or newsletters. Provide information
on the process and the outcomes.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 5S(iii)
The measure indicates feedback should be provided within 60 calendar days of the State
receiving feedback from OCS.
Section H
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section H: Monitoring, Corrective Action and Fiscal
Section 678B(a)(1) of the CSBG Act, requires that the State conduct a full onsite review of each
Eligible Entity at least once every three years and an onsite review of each newly designated
entity immediately after the completion of the first year in which the entity receives CSBG.
Please report on completed monitoring visits and reports, monitoring policies, Eligible Entities
with Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and any Single Audit issues. Where appropriate this
section will auto-populate from the CSBG State Plan with an option to update.
H.1. Monitoring of CSBG Eligible Entities
Columns 1, 2, 3 & 6 auto-populates from CSP Table 10.1
This table allows States to describe the actual monitoring visits conducted during the
reporting year including: full on-site reviews; on-site reviews of newly designated
entities; follow-up reviews including return visits to entities that failed to meet State
goals, standards, and requirements; and other reviews as appropriate. If a monitoring
visit was planned during the year but not implemented, check the Not Conducted check
box (located at the end of each row) and provide an explanation under Brief Description.
Add a row to report monitoring visits that occurred, but was not included in the CSP.
OLDC TIP! When entering a date, use the date picker or the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Column 1: CSBG Eligible Entity:
auto-populates with projected monitoring visits identified in the Table 10.1 of the CSP
and is read-only.
Section H
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Column 2: Review type:
auto-populates with projected monitoring visits identified in the Table 10.1 of
the CSBG State Plan.
This is a drop-down box and can be updated when completing Module 1.
Column 3: Planned Site Visit Date:
auto-populates with projected monitoring visits identified in the Table 10.1 of
the CSBG State Plan and is read-only.
Column 4: Actual Site Visit Start Date: Select the actual start date of the site visit.
Column 5: Actual Site Visit End Date: Select the actual end date of the site visit. If
the monitoring was one day, select the same date as the start date.
Column 6: Brief Description of Purpose: If a monitoring visit was a part of the
original state monitoring plan, note it as a scheduled monitoring visit. If the
monitoring visit was part of the plan but did not occur provide a description
here. If the visit was not a part of the original monitoring plan, provide a brief
explanation for the purpose of the visit (e.g. a follow-up regarding a special
issue). This section should not be used to outline findings, but should simply note
the purpose of the monitoring (e.g. follow-up regarding corrective actions).
OLDC TIP! Add row: States may add rows to provide information on monitoring visits that were
not planned, but occurred during the reporting period.
CSBG Act Citation: Section 678B(a) of the CSBG Act
Associated State Accountability Measure: 4Sa(i)
H.2. Monitoring Policies
Section 10.2 of the CSBG Model State Plan requests a copy of the States monitoring
policies. This section of the CSBG Annual Report requests if any modifications were
made to the State’s monitoring policies and procedures during the reporting period and
if they were to provide an updated draft of the policies.
H.3. Initial Monitoring Reports
State Accountability Measure requires States to disseminate monitoring reports within
60 calendar days from a monitoring visit. This section reports on whether or not the
Section H
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
State met the requirement and that the reports were conducted in a manner consistent
with State monitoring policies and procedures.
If “no” is selected, provide the actual number of days for initial distribution of all
monitoring reports and provide an explanation for the circumstances that resulted in
delayed reports.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 4Sa(ii)
CSBG Act Citation: Section 678C of the CSBG Act
H.4. Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs)
If the State finds deficiencies of Eligible Entities through monitoring and determines that
training and technical assistance will not correct the issue, 678C of the CSBG Act (42
U.S.C. § 9915) allows States to implement a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to resolve
the identified deficiencies within a schedule agreed upon by the State and Eligible
Entity. If “no,” provide an explanation for the circumstances. If there were no QIPs
during the reporting period, select “no” and then explain in the text field provided.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 4Sc
H.5. Reporting QIPs
Please identify if the State reported all CSBG Eligible Entities with serious deficiencies
from a monitoring review to OCS within 30 calendar days of the State approving a QIP. If
no, provide an explanation for the circumstances. Additionally, a plan to assure timely
notification to OCS must be included in the next CSP.
Associated State Accountability Measure: 4Sa(iii)
Fiscal Controls and Audits
H.6. Single Audit Review
Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirement for Federal Awards (2 CFR § 200.521) requires that
entities that are required to undergo a Single Audit must submit a reporting package to
the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) within 30 calendar days after the receipt of the
auditors note, or nine months after the end of the audit period. (More information can
be found here on page 178.)
Section H
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
In the table provided, insert the dates of any CSBG Eligible Entity Single Audits in the
Federal Audit Clearinghouse that were received and reviewed during the Federal Fiscal
Year as required by the CSBG regulations applicable to 45 CFR § 75.521. If the audit
contained findings requiring a management decision by the State, provide the date the
decision was issued. Rows may be added if necessary.
H.7. Single Audit Management Decisions
A management decision is issued to Eligible Entities by the State when an audit finding
exists in the Single Audit that has not been corrected. The management decision should
clearly state whether or not the audit finding is sustained, reason for the decision,
expected auditee action, and description of an appeal process. (More information can
be found here on page 189.)
Briefly describe any management decisions issued according to State procedures of the
CSBG Eligible Entity single audit. Provide the audit finding reference number from the
Federal Audit Clearinghouse and describe any required actions and timelines for
Associated State Accountability Measure: 4Sd
Section I
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Section I: Results Oriented Management and
Accountability (ROMA) System
Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) is a performance-based system
designed to preserve the anti-poverty focus of CSBG Eligible Entities and to promote greater
effectiveness among State and local agencies receiving CSBG funds. ROMA was created in 1994
by the Monitoring and Assessment Task Force (MATF). Based upon performance management
principles contained in the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, ROMA provides a
framework for continuous growth and improvement among more than 1000 local community
action agencies and a basis for State leadership and assistance toward those ends. States are
granted discretion through the CSBG Act to utilize ROMA or another comparable performance
measurement system.
This section allows States to report on their ROMA implementation, support of Eligible Entities
with ROMA activities, State review of data, and report on continuous improvement. Where
appropriate this section will auto-populate from the CSBG State Plan with an option to update.
I.1. ROMA Participation
Auto-populates from CSP Item 13.1
In this section the State will identify which performance measurement system the State
and CSBG Eligible Entities use. This section will auto-populate from Section 13.1 of the
CSBG State Plan. The State will have the option of updating this information.
CSBG Act Citation: Section 678E(a) and the assurance under Section 676(b)(12)
OLDC TIP! Radio buttons will only allow for you to select one option.
I.1a. ROMA Participation Narrative
If ROMA was selected in Item I.1, provide a narrative update on any changes in
procedures or to data collection systems that were initiated or completed in the
reporting period. Additionally, include information on data collection systems at
the State and local level, how the State considers CAP plans, Community Needs
Assessments and other elements of the ROMA cycle.
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to this item, so it will only appear if you select ROMA
(option 1) in Item I.1.
Section I
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
I.1b. ROMA Participation Other System Narrative
If ROMA was not selected in Item I.1, describe the system the State used for
performance measurement. Provide an update on any changes in procedures or
to data collection systems that were initiated or completed in the reporting
period. Include information on the elements of the performance management
system, such as those that identify community needs, create the CAP plan,
implement services, and observe results.
OLDC TIP! Skip logic has been applied to this item, so it will only appear if you select another
performance management system (option 2) or alternative system (option 3) in Item I.1.
I.2. State ROMA Support
Please provide a narrative on how the State supported the CSBG Eligible Entities in using
the ROMA system or alternative performance measurement system in promoting
continuous improvement. For example, describe any data system improvements;
support for community needs assessment, strategic planning, data analysis, how
discretionary funding grants were used; support to certified ROMA trainers or support
to meet Organizational Standards that requires the services of a ROMA trainer, etc.
I.3. State Review of CSBG Eligible Entity Data
Please describe the procedures and activities the State used to review the ROMA data
(i.e. data from all elements of the ROMA cycle) from CSBG Eligible Entities for
completion and accuracy (e.g. methodology used for validating the data submitted
annually by the local agencies).
I.4 State Feedback on Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting
State Accountability Measure 5S(ii) requires States to submit written feedback to each
CSBG Eligible Entity regarding the entity’s performance in meeting ROMA goals, as
measured through National Performance Indicator (NPI) data, within 60 calendar days
of submitting the State’s CSBG Annual Report.
The State is asked to select yes or no to report if they provided each CSBG Eligible Entity
written, timely (at a minimum within 60 days of the submission) feedback regarding the
entity’s performance in meeting ROMA goals as measured through national
performance data. Please answer this question based on the feedback provided to CSBG
Eligible Entities following submission of the previous year’s CSBG Annual Report (e.g.
When completing the FY 2016 CSBG Annual Report, answer this question based on
Section I
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
submitting timely feedback to each CSBG Eligible Entity within 60 calendar days of
submitting the State’s FY 2015 CSBG Annual Report).
If no, describe the plan to assure timely notification of the CSBG Eligible Entities within
60 calendar days of submitting the State’s CSBG Annual Report. If yes was selected,
please describe the process implemented to provide written feedback.
Questions to consider when providing feedback:
Did the Eligible Entity meet or exceed their goals in their Community Action Plan?
How accurate is targeting in the NPIs?
Does outcome data have large fluctuations from year to year?
Is the expenditure amount in particular service categories reflected by outcomes
reported in the NPIs?
Associated State Accountability Measure: 5S(ii)
I.5. State and CSBG Eligible Entity Continuous Improvement
Provide 2-3 examples of changes made by CSBG Eligible Entities to improve service
delivery and enhance impact for individuals, families, and communities with low-
incomes based on their in-depth analysis of performance data.
Resources and Technical Support
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Resources & Technical Support
Several reference documents can assist you in collecting and reporting data for the CSBG/IS
survey, so that more standardized data can be combined with that of other States. These
reference documents will be updated and enhanced to support the 2018 submission of the
CSBG Annual Report. These and other resources can be found at www.nascsp.org or via the
following links:
CSBG IS Survey Information
The Theory of Change is intended to provide a graphic overview of the core principles,
performance management framework, and services and strategies implemented and led by the
network to achieve the goals of Community Action across the nation.
The Guide to Community Needs Assessments is a toolkit to assist CSBG Eligible Entities in completing a
comprehensive community needs assessment.
In addition to common terms and definitions, the Lexicon includes a detailed list of terms used
to describe programs for each section of the CSBG IS Survey.
This guide defines race and ethnicity as per the U.S Census Bureau definitions.
This supplement outlines key sections of the CSBG/IS Survey Instructions.
This guide is intended to help State and local community action agencies better organize and
report ROMA outcomes that constitute the 12 national indicators of community action
This manual enables CSBG Eligible Entities to accurately predict and identify their results
through detailed examples, tested strategies, case studies, and best practices.
This guide outlines key teaching points and methodologies useful for trainers using the
Targeting Field Manual.
Resources and Technical Support
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
This guide uses a five-step strategic approach to assist States and agencies in telling their
Community Action stories effectively.
Telephone assistance is available to State CSBG administrators and their staff for completing
the CSBG Annual Report. Please visit the NASCSP site for staff contact information.
The CSBG Act
Legislation authorizing CSBG.
IM 37 Definition and Allowability of Direct and Administrative Cost Block Appropriation and
Discusses allowable administrative uses of CSBG and the difference between
administrative funds and program funds.
IM 49 Program Challenges, Responsibilities and Strategies, FY 2001-2003
Discusses ROMA implementation.
IM 97 Guidance on the CSBG Requirement to Monitor Eligible Entities
Discusses the requirement to monitor CSBG Eligible Entities as outlined in the CSBG Act.
IM 138 State Establishment of Organizational Standards for CSBG Eligible Entities
Discusses the implementation of Organizational Standards for CSBG Eligible Entities.
IM 141 Application for FY 2016 Funds for States and Territories
Discusses the CSBG application requirements for FY 2016.
IM 144 State and Federal Accountability Measures and Data Collection Modernization
Discusses performance management for the CSBG network and the State and Federal
Accountability measures.
IM 147 Application for FY 2017 Funds for States and Territories
Discusses the CSBG application requirements for FY 2017.
Resources and Technical Support
CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
IM 150 Use of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) to Improve Network
Discusses the implementation and use of the ACSI.
IM 151 Training and Technical Assistance Strategy
Discusses a three-year Training and Technical Assistance strategy to guide both the
development and delivery of training and technical assistance for the CSBG network.
IM 152 CSBG Annual Report
Discusses the implementation and timelines for online submission of the CSBG Annual
Action Transmittal 2017-01
Discusses the Submission of Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report for Fiscal Year (FY)
CSBG Dear Colleague Letter Information About the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Discusses the new Workforce Investment Act as it relates to CSBG.
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Error Message Listing
Location of Error
How to correct the error:
Item A.2. Additional Programs Administered
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Programs
Under Item A.2. you must provide a
narrative describing additional U.S. DEPT OF
your agency
19410 Item A.2. Additional Programs Administered
Under Item A.2. you must select which
additional programs the lead state agency
administered during the FFY being reported
Item A.2. Additional Programs Administered
- U.S. Dept. of HUD Programs
Under Item A.2. you must provide a
narrative describing additional U.S. DEPT OF
HUD PROGRAMS administered by your
Item A.2. Additional Programs Administered
- Other
Under Item A.2. you must provide a
narrative describing OTHER additional
programs administered by your agency
19414 Item B.1. Progress on State Plan Goals
Under Item B.1. select one option defining
the state’s current status of state plan goals
and provide a narrative explanation
Item B.1. All Goals Accomplished -
Under Item B.1. All goals Accomplished
Description is required
19416 Item B.2. ACSI Survey Result
Under Item B.2. Column 2, state must enter
their ACSI Survey Result
19417 Item B.2. ACSI Future Target
Under Item B.2. Column 3, state must enter
their future target. See IM 105 for guidance
Item B.3. Eligible Entity Feedback and
Under Item B.3., you must describe how
the State considered feedback from outside
sources, including eligible entities, OCS,
surveys and public hearings
Item B.4. State Management
Under Item B.4. you must describe the
state’s top management accomplishment
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
19420 Item B.5. Eligible Entity Management
Under Item B.5. you must describe the
eligible entities notable management
accomplishments and how the state helped
the entities achieve these accomplishments
19421 Item B.6. Innovative Solutions Highlights
Under Item B.6. you must describe the
efforts of eligible entities to address
conditions of poverty eligible entities
through innovative efforts
Item B.1. Goals Partially Accomplished -
Under Item B.1. Goals Partially
Accomplished Description is required
19424 Item B.1. Not Accomplished - Explanation
Under Item B.1. Goals Not Accomplished
Description is required
19425 Item C.3.Changes to Eligible Entities
Under Item C.3., you must select whether
there have been any changes of the eligible
entities during the reporting period
Item C.3.Changes to Eligible Entities
Under Item C.3., you must provide an
explanation of the changes in your eligible
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2., column 3, row 3 you must
provide the number of entities that were
expected to meet 100% of the standards
that were assessed during the reporting
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities that Met
All Standards
Under Item D.2., column 4 you must
provide the number of entities that met
100% of state standards
Item D.1b. State Implemented Assessment
Under Item D.1b., you must describe the
assessment process as implemented by the
Item D.1a. State Assessment of Eligible
Entities Org Standards
Under Item D.1a., you must describe
showing how you assessed eligible entities
against organizational standards
Item D.1a. State Assessment of Eligible
Entities Org Standards - Other Option
Under Item D.1a., you must explain the
Other option showing how you assessed
eligible entities against organizational
Item D.2a. Target vs Actual Results
Under item D.2a, you must describe
challenges that affected difference
between target and actual results
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
19431 Item D.3. TAPs
Under Item D.3., you must provide the
number of entities under a TAP including if
there are zero entities
19432 Item D.3. QIPs
Under Item D.3., you must provide the
number of entities under a QIP including if
there are zero entities
19433 Item D.3a. Entities with Unmet Standards
Under Item D.3a. you must select what
information was analyzed during the
development of the Annual Report
Item D.3a. Entities with Unmet Standards
Under Item D.3a. you must explain why
entities with unmet standards were not
placed on a QIP or TAP
Item F.1. Training or Technical Assistance -
Date Range
Under Item F.1., Column 3, you must select
the date or date range of when you
provided each T/TA listed
Item F.1. Training or Technical Assistance -
Brief Description
Under Item F.1., Column 4, you must
provide a brief description for each T/A
Item F.2. Training and Technical Assistance
Organization Type
Under Item F.2., you must select the types
of organizations through which the State
provided training and/or technical
Item F.2. Training and Technical Assistance
Organization Type
Under Item F.2., CSBG eligible entities (if
checked, provide the expected number of
CSBG eligible entities to receive funds)
Item F.2. Training and Technical Assistance
Organization Type
Under Item F.2., Other (if checked, please
Item G.1. State-Level Linkages and
Under Item G.1., you must describe the
areas in which the state coordinated
linkages and coordination activities
Item G.1. State-Level Linkages and
Under Item G.1., If Other is selected
Item G.1a. State-Level Linkages and
Coordination - Description
Under Item G.1a, you must describe the
State CSBG Lead Agency notable linkages
and coordination efforts at the state level
and explain any changes from the CSBG
State Plan
Item G.2. Local-Level Linkages and
Under Item G.2., you must describe the
State CSBG Lead Agency notable linkages
and coordination efforts at the local level
and explain any changes from the CSBG
State Plan
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Item G.3a. State Assurance of Eligible Entity
Linkages and Coordination
Under Item G.3a., you must describe how
the State assured eligible entities
coordinated and established linkages and
coordination, and explain any changes from
the CSBG State Plan
Item G.3b. Eligible Entity Linkages to Fill
Service Gaps
Under Item G.3b., you must describe how
eligible entities to fill identified gaps in the
services provided, and explain any changes
from the CSBG State Plan
Item G.4. WIOA Employment and Trainin
ombined Plan Activities
Under Item G.4., if you completed a WIOA
Combined State Plan, you must describe
the status of your WIOA activities
Item G.5. Coordination among Eligible
Entities and State Community Action
Under Item G.5., describe the support that
the State CSBG Lead Agency gave to eligible
entities and the State Community Action
Association and explain any changes from
the CSBG State Plan
Item G.6. Feedback to Eligible Entities and
State Community Action Association
Under Item G.6., you must describe
feedback given to eligible entities and State
Community Action Association and explain
any changes from the CSBG State Plan
Item H.1. Monitoring of Eligible Entities -
Review Type
Under Item H.1., Column 2, please
designate the monitoring review type for
each eligible entity during the reporting
Item H.1. Monitoring of Eligible Entities -
Under Item H.1., column 3, you must note
the actual site visit dates for each eligible
entity. Any entities that did not receive a
review can be marked as N/A
Item H.1. Monitoring of Eligible Entities -
Under Item H.1., Column 4, you must note
which site visits were part of the original
plan per your CSBG State Plan. For any
unplanned visits, provide a description and
reason for the site visit
19519 Item H.2. Monitoring Policies
Under Item H.2., you must indicate whether
you modified monitoring policies
19520 Item H.2. Monitoring Policies
Under Item H.2., if you selected yes, you
must provide a hyperlink of the modified
document or attach the full modified
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
19521 Item H.3. Initial Monitoring Reports
Under Item H.3., you must indicate whether
monitoring reports were conducted per
state monitoring policies and procedures
Item H.3. Initial Monitoring Reports - Delay
Under Item H.3., if you selected no, you
must provide the actual number of days for
distribution and the reason for the delay
19523 Item H.4. Fulfillment of QIPs
Under Item H.4., you must indicate whether
entities on QIPs resolved deficiencies
19524 Item H.4. Fulfillment of QIPs - Explanation
Under Item H.4., if you selected no, you
must provide an explanation as to why
19525 Item H.5. Reporting QIPs
Under Item H.4., you must indicate whether
entities on QIPs resolved deficiencies
19526 Item H.5. Reporting QIPs - Explanation
Under Item H.4., you must indicate whether
entities on QIPs resolved deficiencies
Item H.6. Single Audit Review - Employer ID
Under Item H.6., Column 1, you must
provide the EIN of the agency
Item H.6. Single Audit Review - Date of
Audit Acceptance
Under Item H.6., Column 2, you must
submit the date the agency's audit was
accepted by FAC
Item H.6. Single Audit Review - State
Management Decision
Under Item H.6., Column 3, you must
indicate whether a state management
decision was required
Item H.6. Single Audit Review - Timely
Under Item H.6., Column 4, you must
indicate whether the state issued a decision
within 6 months
Item H.6. Single Audit Review - Date of
Management Decision
Under Item H.6., Column 5, you must
indicate the date of the management
Item H.7. Single Audit Management
Under Item H.7, you must describe any
management decisions issued according to
State procedures of audit, as well as other
prompted details
Item I.1a. ROMA Participation - Dat
ollection Changes
Under Item I.1a, you must provide
attachments or a link showing modified
procedures or data collection systems
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Item I.1b. Performance Management - Data
Collection Changes
Under Item I.1b., you must respond with a
description of the States performance
measurement and any changes in
procedures or data collection systems
19535 Item I.2. State ROMA Support
Under Item I.2, you must respond with a
description of the State’s efforts to help
eligible entities use ROMA or alternative
performance measurement systems
19536 Item I.3. State Review of Eligible Entity Data
Under Item I.3., you must respond with a
description of the State’s efforts to help
eligible entities use ROMA or alternative
performance measurement systems
Item I.4. State Feedback on Data Collection,
Analysis, and Reporting
Under Item I.4, you must at least one
Item I.4. State Feedback on Data Collection,
Analysis, and Reporting
Under Item I.4, you must describe how the
State CSBG Lead Agency provided feedback
regarding performance management to
eligible entities with 60 days
Item E.1a. State Distribution Formula
Under Item E.1a, you must describe any
changes in the distribution formula during
the reporting period
19435 Item E.1. State Distribution Formula
Under Item E.1. you must select whether
the state change the distribution formula
during this reporting period
Item E.2. CSBG 90 Percent Funds
Under Item E.2. user must enter the actual
allocated amount of CSBG 90 Percent funds
based on the state formula
Item E.2. CSBG 90 Percent Funds
Under Item E.2. user must enter the actual
obligated amount of CSBG 90 Percent funds
19440 Item E.3. Actual Distribution Timeframe
Under Item E.3., you must indicate whether
the State made funds available to eligible
entities within 30 days of OCS distributing
the Federal award
19441 Item E.3a. Consistent Fund Availability
Under Item E.3a., you must indicate
whether the State made funds available to
eligible entities in a timely manner
19442 Item E.3. State Funding Timing
Under Item E.3, you must describe whether
the State made funds available to eligible
entities in a timely manner
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Item E.4. State Administrative Funds -
Targeted Dollar Amount
Under Item E.4, you must convert the
percentage from Column 1 into a dollar
Item E.4. State Administrative Funds -
Actual Amount Obligated
Under Item E.4, you must provide the
actual amount obligated during this
reporting period
19445 Item E.5. CSBG State Staff Positions Funded
Under Item E.5., you must state how many
state staff positions were funded by CSBG
19446 Item E.6. State FTEs
Under Item E.6., you must state how many
state FTEs were funded by CSBG this
reporting period.
E.7a. Actual Remainder/Discretionary Funds
- T/TA
Under Item E.7a, you must enter the actual
dollar amount used for T/TA
Item E.7a. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - T/TA Description
Under Item E.7a, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under T/TA
E.7b. Actual Remainder/Discretionar
Funds - State-operated and/or Local
Under Item E.7b, you must enter the actual
dollar amount used for State-operated
and/or Local Programs
Item E.7b. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - State-Operated and/or Local
Programs Des
Under Item E.7b, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under - state-operated and/or local
Item E.7c. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - Eligible Entities Coordination and
Under Item E.7c., you must enter the actual
dollar amount used for statewide
coordination and communication
Item E.7c. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - Eligible Entities Coordination and
Under Item E.7c, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under statewide coordination and
Item E.7d. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - Distribution of CSBG Funds
Under Item E.7d, you must enter the actual
dollar amount used for the analysis of
distribution of CSBG funds to determine if
targeting the greatest needs
Item E.7d. Actual Remainder/Discretionar
unds - Distribution of CSBG Funds
Under Item E.7d, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under distribution of CSBG funds
Item E.7e. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - Asset-building programs
Under Item E.7e., you must enter the actual
dollar amount used for asset-building
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Item E.7e. Actual Remainder/Discretionar
unds - Asset-building programs
Under Item E.7e, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under asset building programs
Item E.7f. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - Innovative Programs/Activities
Under Item E.7f., you must enter the actual
dollar amount used for innovative
programs/activities by eligible entities or
other neighborhood groups
Item E.7f. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - Innovative Program/Activities
Under Item E.7c, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under innovative programs/activities by
eligible entities or other neighborhood
Item E.7g. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - State Charity Tax Credits
Under Item E.7g, you must enter the actual
dollar amount used for state charity tax
Item E.7g. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - State Charity Tax Credits
Under Item E.7g, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under state charity tax credits
Item I.5. State and Eligible Entity
Continuous Improvement
Under Item I.5, you must provide a
description evidencing improvements made
by eligible entities. The description can be
provided through attachment
*Item E.8. Partner Organizations - No
Under Item E.8, you must not indicate what
types of organizations were partnered with
for activities funded by
remainder/discretionary funds as described
under Table E.7
19619 Item I.1. ROMA Participation
Under Item I.1., user must confirm which
system they used for measuring
performance and results
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2., column 3, row 8 you must
provide the number of entities that were
expected to meet 80-89% of the standards
that were assessed during the reporting
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2., column 3, row 10 you
must provide the number of entities that
were expected to meet 70-79% of the
standards that were assessed during the
reporting period
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities that Met
90% of Standards
Under Item D.2., column 4, row 6 you must
provide the number of entities that met 90-
99% of state standards
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities that Met
80% of Standards
Under Item D.2., column 4, row 8 you must
provide the number of entities that met 80-
89% of state standards
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities that Met
70% of Standards
Under Item D.2., column 4, row 10 you
must provide the number of entities that
met 70-79% of state standards
Item D.2b. Consumer Input & Involvement -
Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2b., Consumer Input &
Involvement you must enter the number of
entities assessed during the reporting
Item D.2b. Community Engagement -
Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2b., Community Engagement
you must enter the number of entities
assessed during the reporting period
Item D.2b. Community Assessment -
Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2b., Community Assessment
you must enter the number of entities
assessed during the reporting period
Item D.2b. Organizational Leadership -
Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2b., Organizational
Leadership you must enter the number of
entities assessed during the reporting
Item D.2b. Board Governance - Entities
Under Item D.2b., Board Governance you
must enter the number of entities assessed
during the reporting period
Item D.2b. Strategic Planning - Entities
Under Item D.2b., Strategic Planning you
must enter the number of entities assessed
during the reporting period
Item D.2b. Human Resource Management -
Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2b., Human Resource
Management you must enter the number
of entities assessed during the reporting
Item D.2. Organizational Standards
Performance - Number of Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2., column 3, row 6 you must
provide the number of entities that were
expected to meet 90-99% of the standards
that were assessed during the reporting
Item E.7h. Actual Remainder/Discretionary
Funds - Other activities
Under Item E.7h, you must enter the actual
dollar amount used other activities
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Item E.7h. Actual Remainder/Discretionar
unds - Other activities description
Under Item E.7c, you must briefly describe
the actual services and activities funded
under other activities
19463 Item E.8. Partner Organizations
Under Item E.8, you must indicate what
types of organizations were partnered with
for activities funded by
remainder/discretionary funds as described
under Table E.7
19464 Item E.8. Partner Organizations
Under Item E.8, CSBG eligible entities if
checked, include the expected number of
CSBG eligible entities to receive funds
19465 Item E.8. Partner Organizations
Under Item E.8, Other if checked, Other
Needs to be specified in the Text box
19466 Item E.9a. Prior Year Carryover
Under Item E.9a, you must provide the
amount of carryover funding from the prior
fiscal year
19467 E.9b. Current Fiscal Year Carryover
Under Item E.9b, you must provide the
amount of carryover funding from the
current FFY
Item D.2b. Financial Operations & Oversight
- Entities Assessed
Under Item D.2b., Financial Operations &
Oversight you must enter the number of
entities assessed during the reporting
Item D.2b. Data & Analysis - Entities
Under Item D.2b., Data & Analysis you must
enter the number of entities assessed
during the reporting period
Item D.2b. Consumer Input & Involvement -
Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Consumer Input &
Involvement category during the reporting
Item D.2b. Community Engagement -
Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Community Engagement
category during the reporting period
Item D.2b. Community Assessment -
Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Community Assessment
category during the reporting period
Error Message Listing
SBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 1
Item D.2b. Organizational Leadership -
Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Organizational Leadership
category during the reporting period
19584 Item D.2b. Board Governance - Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Board Governance
category during the reporting period
19585 Item D.2b. Strategic Planning - Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Strategic Planning category
during the reporting period
Item D.2b. Human Resource Management -
Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Human Resource
Management category during the reporting
Item D.2b. Financial Operations & Oversight
- Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Financial Operations &
Oversight category during the reporting
19588 Item D.2b. Data & Analysis - Entities Met
Under Item D.2b., you must enter the
number of entities assessed that met all
standards in the Data & Analysis category
during the reporting period
19592 Item C.2a.Changes to Eligible Entities
Under Item C.2b., provide an explanation
for any/all entities that were deleted from
Table C.1.
Item C.2b.Changes to Eligible Entities
Under Item C.2b., you must provide an
explanation of the changes in your eligible