27 Sep 22
From: Commanding Officer
To: All Hands
Ref: (a) Commandant’s Planning Guidance
(b) Headquarters Battalion Commander’s Training Guidance
(c) MCO 1500.63 w/Ch1 Marine Corps Mandatory Individual Training and
Education Requirements
(d) MARADMIN 241/21 Change one to Marine Corps Order 1500.63, Mandatory
Individual Training and Education Requirements
(e) MARADMIN 474/21 Updated Enlisted PME Requirements by Grade
(f) MARADMIN 278/21 Annual Operations Security Training Requirements
(g) Inspection of Individual Readiness Standards
(h) MCO 1553.3B Unit Training Management (UTM) Program
(i) MCO 6100.13A w/Ch4 Marine Corps Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness
Tests (PFT/CFT)
(j) MCO 6100.14 Marine Corps Physical Fitness Program (MCPFP)
(k) MCO 6110.3A w/Ch3 Marine Corps Body Composition and Military
Appearance Program
(l) MCO 3574.2M Marine Corps Combat Marksmanship Programs
(m) MCO 1500.59A Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP)
(n) MCO 1500.52D Marine Corps Water Survival Training Requirements
(o) MCO 5100.29C Marine Corps Safety Program
(p) MCO 1752.5C Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
(q) MCO 5354.1F Marine Corps Prohibited Activities and
Conduct (PAC) Prevention and Response
(r) MARADMIN 044/20 Implementation of Unit Marine Awareness and
Prevention Integrated Training 3.0
(s) ALMAR 023/20 Revision of the Commandant’s Professional Reading
Encl: (1) Headquarters Battalion Event List
(2) Headquarters Battalion Event Calendar
(3) Headquarters Battalion Quarterly Battle Rhythm
(4) Commander’s Top Five Training Schedule
(5) Annual Marksmanship Training Schedule
(6) Combat Fitness Test and Physical Fitness Test Schedule
(7) Command Sponsored Course PME Schedule
(8) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Training Schedule
(9) Tactical Combat Casualty Care Training Schedule
(10) Prioritized Medical Readiness Schedule
(11) Risk Assessment Worksheet Template
(12) After Action Report Template
1. Situation. Marines aboard Quantico are at the Crossroads where “how” the
Corps will fight in the future is being determined. Marine Corps 2030 will be
leaner and more agile, and it will require even more from its Marines. The
opportunity to serve in the Corps will become even more competitive as it
downsizes and retools to adapt to the requirements of modern warfare. Now more
than ever, the holistic individual readiness of our people will form the
foundation of the Corps’ future success. Our particular challenge is to ensure
individual readiness while meeting the demands associated with planning and
guiding the transformation of the larger Marine Corps. This training plan
provides guidance and identifies the necessary opportunities and resources for
our Marines to maintain readiness and resilience, develop professionally, and
to be ready to tackle bigger operational and leadership challenges when they
return to the Fleet Marine Force.
2. Mission. Throughout Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23), Headquarters Battalion (HQ
BN) provides or facilitates the necessary training, education and readiness
events for assigned Marines in order to ensure individual readiness and enable
supported organizations to concentrate on their respective missions. To
accomplish this, quarterly training milestone have been established.
a. First Quarter (Oct Dec)
(1) Cyber Awareness and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
b. Second Quarter (Jan Mar)
(1) Semi-Annual Height and Weight
(2) Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
c. Third Quarter (April June)
(1) Annual Rifle Qualification (ARQ)
(2) Combat Pistol Program (CPP)
(3) Risk Management (RM)
(4) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
(5) Supervisor Substance Misuse Prevention (SNCO and Officer)
(6) Supervisor Safety Training (SNCO and Officer)
d. Fourth Quarter (Jul Sep)
(1) Semi-Annual Height and Weight
(2) Combat Fitness Test (CFT)
(3) Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC)
(4) Unit Marine Awareness and Prevention Integrated Training (UMAPIT)
(5) Antiterrorism Level 1 (ATLV1)
(6) Operations Security (OPSEC)
3. Execution
a. Commander’s Intent
(1) Purpose. Train, educate and make-ready the 2,100 Marines of “The
Beast,” in compliance with all annual training requirements contained in the
(2) Method
(a) Promote a Climate of Compliance. Leaders at all levels will
promote a climate of compliance. This is a shared responsibility between the
supported organizations and the battalion. The battalion is tasked with
managing training and readiness, and it assumes responsibility for these
inspectable functional areas on behalf of the supported commands. To meet this
requirement, the battalion will use the inspection of individual readiness
standards, to monitor compliance, and make adjustments as necessary.
(b) Tailored Training for Supported Organizations. Our training
will be tailored to accommodate our supported organizations battle rhythms and
operational tempo, in terms of accessibility, locations, schedule, and
(3) End-State. The end-state is that our Marines are in compliance
with annual training and readiness requirements, capable of and focused on the
important task at hand, professionally developed, sustained in their
transformation, and ready to eventually transfer to the fleet and deploy.
b. Concept of Operations
(1) Lines of Effort (LOE). Training will occur along three mutually
supporting LOEs.
(a) LOE 1: CMC Annual Training Requirements. This LOE focuses on
completion of all required annual training as directed per all applicable
orders and directives. Leaders should be prepared to complete any additional
requirements as required.
(b) LOE 2: Personal Readiness and Resiliency
1. Physical Fitness. Physical fitness is foundational to
generating readiness and resilience. Leaders will include physical conditioning
as part of their basic daily routines, with focus on putting their Marines on a
program to train as warrior-athletes. This includes leveraging Force Fitness
Instructors, and nutritionists. HQ BN will supplement the supported
organizations (SUPORG) physical conditioning programs with Force Fitness
Instructor guidance and additional support resources, as requested. The
battalion will also sponsor seminars on physical conditioning, sleep and
nutrition. Marines are required to complete the Periodic Health Assessment
(PHA) and dental exams annually to maintain readiness. A current PHA is
required for the execution of physical/combat fitness tests (PFTs/CFTs).
2. Mental and Spiritual Fitness. Both are equally
foundational to readiness and resilience. Chaplains, clinicians, and counselors
will play a proactive role in generating the mental and spiritual fitness of
the formation. Building on other warrior athlete programs (e.g., U.S. South
Command’s Preservation of the Force and Families), HQ BN will develop a plan to
make mental and spiritual fitness “coaches” available to the formation to help
optimize performance.
3. Administrative Readiness. At all times, Marines must
ensure personal administrative requirements are up to date. These include, but
are not limited to, Service Record Book audits, annual Servicemembers Group
Life Insurance updates, family care plans, wills and powers of attorney, and
financial planning.
(c) LOE 3: Education. Continuing our professional development
through professional military education (PME) ensures that we have the
knowledge base from which to innovate, adapt, and out-think our adversaries.
1. Professional Military Education. Officers in Charge (OIC)
and Staff Non-Commissioned Officers in Charge (SNCOIC) must ensure their
Marines complete grade specific non-resident and resident PME requirements
immediately after being promoted or as soon as possible thereafter.
(1). Non-Resident PME. Non-resident PME, known as the
distance education program (DEP) is required for all ranks. The DEP is
completed via MarineNet and must be completed prior to enrolling in the
resident PME. Marines can self-enroll in the required DEP or the unit can
enroll them. The DEP provides a general baseline and foundational knowledge
that will be needed to successfully prepare them for their resident PME and
increase their proficiency as Marine leaders.
(2). Resident PME. Corporals and below will complete
the resident PME requirement at the unit level. Units are responsible for
planning and conducting all command sponsored PME courses for the Marines in
their command. Marines in the rank of Sergeant through Gunnery Sergeant can
complete the resident PME portion either in person at a Regional Staff
Noncommissioned Officer Academy (SNCOA) or semi-asynchronously via MarineNet as
part of the College of Distance Education and Training (CDET) seminar program.
Marines in the rank of Lieutenant through Major must be selected in order to
attend their resident PME.
2. Commandant’s Professional Reading Program (CPRP). Marines
are required to read a minimum of five books from the CPRP. How a Marine
demonstrates completion of the annual requirement is at the discretion of the
commander. The CPRP and related information can be found at https://grc-
(2) Individual Training and Education Requirements
(a) Fiscal Year (FY) Requirements. The following training and
readiness events are required to be completed by all ranks during each FY. The
FY begins 1 October and ends on 30 September. The battalion will host these
training events on a recurring schedule to provide multiple opportunities for
our Marines to receive the training.
1. Annual Rifle Qualification (ARQ). Weapons Training
Battalion has scheduled eight annual rifle qualification ranges during FY23.
An annual letter of instruction will be published to cover the FY. Fragmentary
Orders will be published for each individual range detail specifying specific
2. Combat Pistol Program (CPP). There are eight annual
pistol qualification ranges scheduled throughout the year. An annual Letter of
Instruction will be published to cover the FY. Fragmentary Orders will be
published for each individual range detail specifying specific tasks.
3. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR). SAPR
annual training consists of four classes specific to rank. SAPR training will
be conducted by Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARC) or SAPR Victim
Advocates (VA). The HQ BN SARC will coordinate all battalion SAPR training.
4. Cyber Awareness and Personally Identifiable Information.
Cyber Awareness and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) training is
required for all Marines, regardless of rank. This training can be completed
remotely on MarineNet. The course code is CYBERM0000.
5. Records Management. Records Management training is
required for all Marines during the FY. This can be done through leader-led
training; which is preferred, or can be done remotely on MarineNet; Marine
Corps Records Management Course: Every Marine's Responsibility, M01RMT0700.
(b) Calendar Year (CY) Requirements. The following training and
readiness events are required to be completed by all ranks during each CY. The
CY begins 1 January and ends on 31 December. The battalion will host these
training events on a recurring schedule to provide multiple opportunities for
our Marines to receive the training.
1. Physical Fitness Test (PFT). HQ BN will monitor PFTs on
a recurring basis during the first half of the CY (Jan June). Companies will
provide additional opportunities for Marines to complete the PFT as required.
Only battalion appointed Command Physical Training Representatives (CPTR) are
authorized to monitor these events. Specific dates and instructions are in
enclosure (6).
2. Combat Fitness Test (CFT). HQ BN will monitor CFTs on a
recurring basis during the second half of the CY (July Dec). Companies will
provide additional opportunities for Marines to complete the CFT as required.
Only battalion appointed CPTRs are authorized to monitor these events. Specific
dates and instructions are in enclosure (6).
3. Height and Weight (HT/WT). HT/WT measurements may be
conducted by the company office or Battalion S-3 to meet the semi-annual
requirements as well as for other requirements such as screening for schools.
New join Marines checking in and/or Marines requiring body composition
evaluations (i.e., taping) must report directly to the Battalion S-3.
4. Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC). This training
reduces the amount of PAC violations that undermine morale, reduce combat
readiness, and prevent maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps’
most vital asset: its people. This training is required annually for all
Marines. It is conducted by leader-led sessions, using the HQMC provided
materials. Although not required, it is recommended that this training be led
by the unit’s Equal Opportunity Representative.
5. Unit Marine Awareness and Prevention Integrated Training.
UMAPIT discusses stress management, substance misuse, suicide prevention,
domestic violence prevention, and child abuse and neglect prevention. Only
certified UMAPIT Trainers are authorized to conduct this training. It is
required to be a minimum of 90 minutes long.
6. Risk Management. Risk Management Training is required
for all Marines every two years. This training can be conducted by leader-led
training or remotely on MarineNet. Each rank is required to complete the
training specific to that rank. The specific MarineNet course codes are listed
(1). Risk Management for Private Lance Corporal.
SDRMGTE130. This training is for Marines in the grades of E1-E3.
(2). Risk Management for Small Unit Leaders. SDRMGTSUL0
This training is for Marines in the grades of E4-E6, WO1-WO2, O1-O3.
(3). Risk Management for Senior Leaders. SDRMGTSEN0
This training is for Marines in the grades of E7-E9, WO3-WO5, O4-O6.
7. Antiterrorism Level 1 Awareness Training (ATLV1). The
ATLV1 training can be conducted by leader-led training or remotely on Joint
Knowledge Online (JKO). The JKO course code is JKO JS-US007.
8. Operations Security (OPSEC). This training shall
include, at a minimum, the unit’s Critical Information and Indicators List
(CIIL); OPSEC measures (actions that must be taken to protect CIIL
information); social media awareness and vulnerabilities; local threats; how to
protect, transmit, and destroy controlled unclassified information; risks and
guidance pertaining to geolocation-capable devices, applications, and services;
and OPSEC review procedures for public release. It must be completed by a
leader-led training session and will be in accordance with the unit’s
operational security program. The MarineNet OPSEC training does not fulfill the
annual OPSEC training requirement.
9. Supervisor Safety Training. Supervisors' Safety Training
Annual Refresher and Update. Command safety managers shall ensure supervisors
receive annual training that is a refresher and update to their initial
supervisors' safety training. The safety manager shall determine subject matter
and duration of the training based on needs of the supervisors receiving the
training. Training will be directed at supervisors' job tasks with the goal of
progressively enhancing supervisors' skills in providing a safe and healthful
work center for those supervised. Staff Noncommissioned Officers (SNCO) and
Officers are required to complete supervisor safety training each CY. This
training can be completed by leader-led training conducted by the Battalion
Safety Officer or remotely via the websites below:
10. Supervisor Substance Misuse Prevention. All SNCO’s and
Officers are required to receive substance misuse prevention training annually.
This training is conducted during check-in with the Battalion Substance Abuse
Control Officer, during scheduled training events, or upon request.
11. Counter-Intelligence Awareness and Reporting (CIAR).
The CIAR brief is conducted by the Marine Corps Base Quantico Security Office
on a quarterly basis. Specific dates can be found on the HQ BN calendar and
(c) Additional Training Requirements.
1. Back in the Saddle (BITS). 15 November 2022.
2. 101 Days of Summer. 25 May 2023.
3. Marine Corps Water Survival Training Program (MCWSTP).
MCWST swim qualification requirements are based on the MCWST level. Basic and
Intermediate swim qualifications are provided by the Ramer Hall pool staff
every Monday from 0800-1000. Due to the availability of the Quantico Mainside
outdoor pool during the summer months, basic and intermediate swim
qualifications will be held every Wednesday from 0600-0800 while the pool is
4. Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP). Marines are
required to earn the belt specific to their rank and military occupational
specialty. Periodic MCMAP course and MAI courses are conducted throughout the
battalion. Letters of Instruction and coordinating instructions will be sent
via separate correspondence when these courses are conducted.
5. Request Mast. Marines must receive request mast training.
This training is conducted via leader led sessions and is overseen by the
Battalion Sergeants Major.
6. Casualty Assistance Calls Officer. Conducted as required
to ensure the battalion is able to support the requirement. Coordination for
submitting nominations is done through the Battalion Legal Office or can be
completed remotely on MarineNet.
(d) Battalion Training and Events. The battalion will conduct
battalion-level all-hands training and readiness events throughout the year.
1. Commander’s Top Five Annual Training Priorities. HQ BN’s
Top Five annual training consists of UMAPIT, ATLV1, OPSEC, and PAC Training.
All details and coordinating instructions for the scheduled Top Five Training
is located in enclosure (4).
2. Corporals Course. HQ BN will conduct command sponsored
Corporals Courses for Corporals. This is resident PME requirement. Specific
guidance and details is located in enclosure (7).
3. Lance Corporal Leadership and Ethics Seminar. HQ BN will
conduct command sponsored Lance Corporal Leadership and Ethics Seminar for
Lance Corporals. This is resident PME requirement. Specific guidance and
details is located in enclosure (7).
4. Prioritized Medical Readiness Days (“Medical Rodeos”).
Naval Health Clinic Quantico will provide priority to HQ BN Marines on schedule
days. See enclosure (10) for more details and scheduling.
5. Physical Training (PT)
(1). All companies will conduct company PT on a monthly
(2). The Battalion Command Post (CP) will conduct CP PT
prior to all holiday weekends. Specific dates are located on the battalion
calendar and TEEP. Specific guidance and instructions will be provided prior to
each event.
c. Tasks
(1) Company Commanders
(a) Incorporate this bulletin into your training program and
effectively communicate to and collaborate with your respective supported
organization’s senior enlisted leaders, chiefs of staff, and operations and
training chiefs via all means available.
(b) Provide your supported organizations with training updates,
completion statistics, and other measures of performance and effectiveness
tailored to their organization in order to accomplish the desired end-state.
(c) Ensure that After Action Reports (AAR), enclosure (12), are
submitted to the S-3 for all training events, no later than seven working days
after completing the event, or as directed.
(d) Ensure that the trainers in your companies are conducting
training in accordance with all applicable references, orders, and directives.
Delegate as much responsibility for planning and executing training to the most
junior responsible rank as possible; however, ensure supervision and
evaluations are completed properly.
(e) Ensure risk assessment worksheets are completed and followed
for all training evolutions. Supervise training leads in ensuring identified
hazards, assessed risks, and established controls are understood and adhered to
by all participants.
(f) Inspect for individual compliance with annual training and
readiness requirements, as established in the references, when screening all
personal administrative requests routed through your office.
(2) Sergeant Major
(a) Disseminate the information enclosed to the respective senior
enlisted advisors within each supported organization.
(b) Ensure our enlisted Marines have awareness, knowledge and a
thorough understanding of the provisions of this training plan.
(3) Administrative Section
(a) Ensure LOIs are posted on the Battalion’s SharePoint page.
(b) Coordinate with the S-3 for Marines that are deficient in
training that affects pay and promotion.
(4) Operations Section
(a) Exercise responsibility over all training and training-related
(b) Ensure that RM is practiced during all training evolutions;
ensure identified hazards, assessed risks, and established controls are well
understood by all participants.
(c) Maintain and organize all AARs, confirmation briefs, orders,
and LOIs.
(d) Assess HQ BN’s training readiness through the use of measures
of performance and effectiveness as well as formal and informal evaluations.
(e) Assist subordinate units in the execution of training plans,
and resolve conflicts which would hinder or divert training efforts.
(f) Publish Warning Orders, LOIs and Fragmentary Orders for
battalion events.
(g) Track, generate, and disseminate training and readiness
statistics as directed by the commanding officer, and as required by the
company commanders. Identify, track and report trends in training execution
and completion.
(5) Logistics Section
(a) Coordinate with the S-3 and companies for logistical needs
for training events.
(b) Coordinate with the S-3 for medical needs for training
(c) Notify the S-3 or companies of any logistical shortfalls or
medical support that will impact training events.
(6) Force Fitness Instructors
(a) Ensure the unit’s physical fitness program is well-balanced,
and include dynamic warm-ups, injury prevention, and recovery periods.
(b) Synchronize efforts of the unit’s training personnel such as
Martial Arts Instructors/Trainers, Marine Corps Instructors of Water Survival,
and certified athletic trainers.
(c) Leverage available resources such as Semper Fit, health
educators, strength coaches, and High Intensity Tactical Training Instructor
Trainers to support the commander’s physical fitness training objectives.
(7) Marine Corps Instructor of Water Survival (MCIWS). Plan,
coordinate, and execute the MCWST program for the battalion.
(8) Information Management Team. Coordinate with the S-3 to
disseminate upcoming events via all applicable means.
d. Coordinating Instructions. Marines will complete required annual
training to meet annual readiness requirements in accordance with the
4. Administration and Logistics
a. Administration
(1) Letters of Instruction (LOI). It is the responsibility of the
Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) to draft the LOI needed for the specific
event. Once completed, it will be routed to the S-3 for review and concurrence.
LOI’s must be submitted to the S-3 no later than 30 days prior to the event.
(2) After Action Reports (AAR). Upon completion of a training event,
the training lead or company will complete an AAR. This AAR will be routed
through the company and then to the S-3 for review, and dissemination.
(3) Risk Assessment Worksheets. Risk Assessment worksheets are
required for all major training events. The company or training lead is
responsible for completing the risk assessment worksheet and submitting it to
the S-3 for approval and signature routing, no less than 30 days prior to the
event. This will be done electronically with the Joint Risk Assessment Tool
(JRAT). JRAT is to be utilized for creating all risk assessment worksheets.
This is located at: https://jrat.safety.army.mil/login.aspx
(4) Training Reporting. All battalion level training events will be
submitted by the S-3 into the Marine Corps Training Information Management
System (MCTIMS). All section and company level training events will be
submitted in MCTIMS for certification by the company. All training submissions
will be done in accordance with the established training submission procedures.
b. Logistics
(1) Logistical Requirement Requests. All requests for gear and
materials that are required for an event will be requested through the
battalion logistics section. Requests must be submitted no less than 30 days
prior to an event.
(2) Venue Reservations. Requests for classrooms, fields, and other
training areas must be done through the S-3. Companies conducting company or
section level training can request non-battalion controlled spaces on their
own. Requests must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the event.
Requests to utilize venues outside of the battalion controlled areas may
require additional lead time, and should be submitted as early as possible.
5. Command and Signal
a. Command. The point of contact for this bulletin is the Battalion
Operations Officer at (703) 784-6589.
b. Signal. This bulletin is effective the date signed.