2018/19 SEASON
201819 SEASON 3
5 Artistically Speaking
7 From the Executive Producer
8 An Open Letter from Sholem Asch
11 Title Page
13 Setting / Cast / Music Acknowledgements
15 For this Production
16 Bios
18 Bios
Creative Team
23 Arena Stage Leadership
24 Board of Trustees / Theatre Forward
25 Full Circle Society
26 Thank You
The Annual Fund
29 Thank You
Institutional Donors
30 Theater Staff
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Indecent Program Book
Published November 23, 2018
Cover Illustration by Raul Colon
  
Renée M. Littleton,
Senior Director of Marketing
and Communications
Kate Thompson,
Publications Coordinator
Shawn Helm,
Senior Graphic Designer
Arena Stage is built on the land of the Piscataway people
of the Algonquin-speaking tribes, as well as the lands of the
Native American people of the greater Anacostia, Potomac
and Tidewater regions.
Photo of Corbin Bleu in Anything Goes by Maria Baranova.
Gold Standard Musical
Timeless Masterpiece
Fearless Political Journey
Portrait of Courage
World-Premiere Power Play
MARCH 1 APRIL 14, 2019
Wall Street Drama
APRIL 5 MAY 5, 2019
Inspirational A Cappella Tribute
APRIL 26 JUNE 2, 2019
201819 SEASON 5
Indecent is inspired by true events around a controversial play,
The God of Vengeance, which debuted on Broadway in 1923.
Some people saw the play as an example of traitorous libel and
sexuality that should not be seen and should not be mentioned.
Many moments in Indecent are eerily timely and important for
this moment, plucked out of history. At the height of its success
in Europe, Sholem Asch’s The God of Vengeance faced objections
even from Jews themselves, feeling that it made Jews look bad
at a time when anti-Semitism was rampant in Europe and the
United States. There were fears that depicting Jews as prostitutes and pimps would
only encourage the hateful actions and feelings toward Jewish people.
Obscenity was as unclear then as it is now; issues of identity, sexuality, immigration,
anti-Semitism and artistic freedom are still contemporary concerns. As we face
tragedies and battles for civil rights and equality, this play reminds us of how
far we have come, but also how much work there still is ahead. The continued
rise of intolerance and hate crimes in recent U.S. history makes Indecent even
more disturbing.
Now is the most important time to be telling this story. On the day of the heartbreaking
attack at The Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh the talented actors you are about to
see assembled to rehearse and the mood took a strong shift when they received the
news. Everyone was shaken. Moments in the play took on added resonance and new
meaning for each person. No one in the room will ever forget that day.
Paula Vogel’s brilliant play is unabashedly political and speaks to the effects
xenophobia has on culture. In the weeks after the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in
recent U.S. history, it is more important now than ever to tell these stories. There is
no other place other than Washington, D.C. where plays like Indecent can have such
an impact.
This play is more than a history play; it is more than a play within a play. It is a
reminder and a warning that culture is lost when we do not protect it. Putting
works like these on our stages will always be vital, otherwise we erase the memory
of victims, their lives, and what happened to them when fear and hate took over.
This play is about a world in which the genocide of European Jews was still
unimaginable. The outcomes of modern-day hate are as inconceivable to us now
as the Holocaust was for these characters and for the six million Jews who were
massacred during World War II.
If we allow ourselves to forget the lessons of history, we are destined to repeat it.
Works of art like Paula’s Indecent send a clarion call.
Many thanks,
Molly Smith
Artistic Director
Real Estate Brokerage DC | MD | VA
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Featuring MITCHELL BERT as God,
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Voices from a Changing
Middle East Festival
201819 SEASON 7
The controversy around Sholem Asch’s Yiddish drama The God
of Vengeance is one from Americas collective theater history
that emphasizes the importance, risk and value of the art we
present. Through Indecent, a story brilliantly told by Paula
Vogel, Arena Stage strengthens an existing relationship with the
Jewish community.
Arena Stage has been pleased to host Theater J in our Kogod
Cradle this season with their production of Actually while they
continue to produce plays during the renovation of their home
at the Edlavitch DCJCC. We were also happy to have Theater J produce The Chosen
on our Fichandler Stage in 2010. Theater J continues to be a leader in providing
excellent theater with a mission to explore experiences, complexities and nuances
of Jewish identity. However, as with all art, they produce a variety of work and
welcome all audiences. It is not a comfort to think of a time when having a mission
that speaks directly to a Jewish audience would have been scorned; unfortunately,
world history demonstrates that has happened. As a theater community and a
neighborhood community, we all can build empathy with our fellow citizens when we
share our stories together.
Sometimes this takes the form of productions which directly address Jewish
themes, of which Arena Stage has produced many, including Clifford OdetsAwake
and Sing!, Elie Wiesel’s Zalmen, or the Madness of God and of course the classic
musical Fiddler on the Roof. Other times it is through supporting the voices of
playwrights of Jewish heritage like George Kaufman, Jerome Lawrence and Arthur
Miller, or the songs of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller. Sometimes their plays have
nothing in common, and sometimes they are peas from a pod. The breadth of work
is as diverse as our community.
On a more personal level, Arena Stage has enjoyed a strong Jewish heritage
through our theater’s artists, administrators and leadership. Theater is a great
connector and Arena Stage enjoys being able to connect to communities of all
heritages. Sharing the stories of the many different people and practices that
form the squares of America’s elaborate quilt is an important part of Arena Stage’s
mission. It is not hard to hope that people who espouse hateful rhetoric would take
a chance to see a story they do not know and open their minds to learning followed
by acceptance and growth.
A favorite quote of mine is from Hillel, when asked to summarize Judaism and the
lessons from the Torah: “What is hateful unto you dont do unto your neighbor. The
rest is commentary now go study.”
Hope you all enjoy your holidays!
Edgar Dobie
Executive Producer
President of the Corporation
Paula Vogel’s Indecent is “the true story of
a little Jewish play” The God of Vengeance
by Sholem Asch. Aschs original play was an
international sensation when it was written
at the beginning of the twentieth century,
and its controversial 1923 run on Broadway
sparked a national conversation about free
speech with consequences that lasted
decades. Here’s what you need to know:
Sholem Asch was born in
Kutno, Poland in 1880. As a
young man, he moved to
Warsaw and married
Mathilde Shapiro, whose
wealthy family enabled
him to focus on his writing.
He initially wrote in Hebrew but was
convinced by the growing Yiddishist
movement to switch to Yiddish. Throughout
his career, his writing explored the ways
that Judaism was both a unique culture and
connected to the rest of the world through
universal themes. He and his family left
Europe during World War I and he became
an American citizen in 1920. While the most
successful — and most controversial — years
of his career were spent in the U.S., he was
also a frequent world traveler and spent the
last few years of his life in Israel, outside Tel
Aviv. He died in London in 1957.
The God of Vengeance was the first Yiddish
play to be translated and professionally
staged throughout Europe. The play
blossomed, flourished and survived
because of the hard work, artistry and
passion of many people, some of whom
you will see on stage this evening. Although
Paula Vogel took some liberties —changing
some names, amalgamating others and
stretching details the characters in
Indecent represent real human beings who
lived, and in some cases died, in service of
the stories of the Jewish people. Similarly,
Indecent is not a documentary, but the
story it tells is essentially true, in both the
broad strokes and many of the details.
8 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 9
An Open Letter from Sholem Asch,
Author of The God of Vengeance
With the permission of the family of Sholem Asch, we reprint the letter he wrote in 1923 as
originally published, defending his play against accusations of indecency and anti-Semitism.
His words are as relevant and powerful today as when he wrote them.
Because of the wrong interpretation
of my play, “The God of Vengeance,
now running at the Apollo Theatre,”
I wish to make the following
I wrote this play when I was twenty-
one years of age. I was not concerned
whether I wrote a moral or immoral
play. What I wanted to write was an
artistic play and a true one. In the
seventeen years it has been before
the public, this is the rst time I
have had to defend it.
When the play was rst produced,
the critics in Germany, Russia, and
other countries, said that it was too
artistically moral. They said that
for a man like “Yekel Shepshovitch,”
keeper of a brothel, to idealize his
daughter, to accept no compromise
with her respectability, and for
girls like Basha and Raizel, lles
de joie, to dream about their dead
mother, their home, and to revel
in the spring rain, was unnatural.
About two years ago I was approached
by New York producers for permission
to present the play in English. I
refused, since I did not believe
the American public was either
suciently interested or adequately
instructed to accept “The God of
I don’t know whether I can explain
the real feeling I wanted to put
into this play. It is dicult for an
author to comment on his own work.
As to the scenes between Manka and
Rifkele, on every European stage,
especially the Russian, they were the
most poetic of all, and the critics
of those countries appreciated this
poetic view. This love between the
two girls is not only an erotic
one. It is the unconscious mother
love of which they are deprived.
The action portrays the love of the
woman-mother, who is Manka, for the
woman-child, who is Rifkele, rather
than the sensuous, inverted love
of one woman for another. In this
particular scene, I also wanted to
bring out the innocent, longing for
sin, and the sinful, dreaming of
purity. Manka, overweighed with sin,
loves the clean soul of Rifkele, and
Rifkele, the innocent young girl,
longs to stay near the door of such
a woman as Manka, and listen within.
As to the comment that the play is a
reection on the Jewish race, I want
to say that I resent the statement
that “The God of Vengeance“ is a
play against the Jews. No Jew until
now has considered it harmful to
the Jew. It is included in the
repertoire of every Jewish stage in
the world and has been presented more
frequently than any other play. “The
God of Vengeance” is not a typical
“Jewish play.” A “Jewish play” is
a play where Jews are specially
characterized for the benet of the
Gentiles. I am not such a “Jewish”
writer. I write, and incidentally my
types are Jewish for of all peoples
they are the ones I know best. “The
God of Vengeance” is not a milieu
play it is a play with an idea.
Call “Yekel” John, and instead of
the Holy Scroll place in his hand
the crucix, and the play will be
then as much Christian, as it is now
Jewish. The fact that it has been
played in countries where there are
few Jews, Italy for instance, and
that there the Gentiles understood
it for what it is, proves that it
is not local in character, but
universal. The most marked Jewish
reaction in the play is the longing
of “Yekel Shepshovitch” for a
cleaner and purer life. This is
characteristically Jewish. I don’t
believe a man of any other race
placed in “Yekel’s” position would
have acted as he did in the tragedy
that has befallen his daughter.
Jews do not need to clear themselves
before any one. They are as good
and as bad as any race. I see no
reason why a Jewish writer should
not bring out the bad or good
traits. I think that the apologetic
writer, who tries to place Jews in
a false, even though white light,
does them more harm than good in the
eyes of the Gentiles. I have written
so many Jewish characters who are
good and noble, that I can not now,
when writing of a “bad” one, make
an exception and say that he is a
Sholem Asch
201819 SEASON 11
Arena Stage
Molly Smith, Artistic Director | Edgar Dobie, Executive Producer
A co-production with Kansas City Repertory Theatre
and Baltimore Center Stage
Anonymous support for Indecent has been provided by a
life-long Washingtonian and friend of Arena Stage
Original Broadway Production produced by Daryl Roth, Elizabeth I. McCann, and Cody Lassen
INDECENT was produced by the Vineyard Theatre (Douglas Aibel, Artistic Director; Sarah Stern, Co-Artistic Director;
Jennifer Garvey-Blackwell, Executive Director) New York City, Spring, 2016
Originally produced by Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, Connecticut
(James Bundy, Artistic Director; Victoria Nolan, Managing Director) and La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, California
(Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director; Michael S. Rosenberg, Managing Director)
INDECENT under the then title of “The Vengeance Project” was developed, in part,
at the 2013 Sundance Institute Theatre Lab at the Sundance Resort
Inspired by The People vs. The God of Vengeance, Conceived by Rebecca Rugg and Rebecca Taichman
INDECENT is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.
1101 4th St, SW WaShington, DC 20024 202.488.0987
for more DetailS, pleaSe viSit WWW.Station4DC.Com
Start your evening with an appetizer & entrée, walk over to see
the show, then come back to enjoy dessert.
Not valid with any other specials, offers or promotions.
201819 SEASON 13
Warsaw, Poland, 1906, to Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1950s, and everywhere in between.
CAST (in alphabetical order)
The Stage Manager: Lemml ........................................................................................... BEN CHERRY
The Middle: Halina / Ensemble ................................................................................SUSAN LYNSKEY
Moriz Godowsky / Musician / Ensemble ................................................................ JOHN MILOSICH
The Elder: Otto / Ensemble ...................................................................... VICTOR RAIDERWEXLER
The Elder: Vera / Ensemble .............................................................................................SUSAN ROME
The Ingénue: Chana / Ensemble / Dance Captain ................................. EMILY SHACKELFORD
Nelly Friedman / Musician / Ensemble ........................................................................ MARYN SHAW
Mayer Balsam / Musician / Ensemble ..................................................ALEXANDER SOVRONSKY
The Middle: Mendel / Ensemble ..................................................................... ETHAN WATERMEIER
The Ingénue: Avram / Ensemble ...........................................................................MAX WOLKOWITZ
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
This selection is used by special arrangement
with Rodgers & Hammerstein:
an Imagem Company,
All Rights Reserved.
by Ilse Weber
All rights administered by Imagem Music Inc.,
All Rights Reserved.
Bei Mir Bist Du Schon
by Sholom Secunda, Jacob Jacobs,
Saul Chaplin and Sammy Cahn
All rights on behalf of Cahn Music Company
administered by Imagem Music Inc.,
All Rights Reserved.
Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Berlin
(Theme from “I Am a Camera”)
German Text by Aldo Von Pinelli,
Music by Erich M. Siegel
TRO©Copyright 1955 (renewed)
Hampshire House Publishing Corp.,
New York, NY
All Rights Reserved, Including Public
Performance For Profit
Used By Permission
A special thank you to Adi Mahalel and Karoline Troger,
who assisted with Yiddish and German pronunciations.
Indecent runs approximately one hour and 45 minutes
with no intermission.
The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever
is strictly prohibited. Please turn off all electronic devices.
201819 SEASON 15
What are the Arena
Civil Dialogues?
Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American
Theater hosts community conversations as a
part of the Arena Civil Dialogues series. The
conversations seek to provide an opportunity for
members of the Washington, D.C. community to
engage in civil discourse about social and political
issues, and aim to demonstrate that people of
diverse viewpoints can have fruitful dialogues with
one another. Each Arena Civil Dialogue features
prominent Dialogue Starters, and is moderated
by Amitai Etzioni, a university professor at The
George Washington University and author.
is the official sponsor of the
2018-19 Civil Dialogues Series at Arena Stage.
For more information
or to register, please visit
Arena Stage at the Mead Center
for American Theater
Must We Be Tribal?
The role of community in our personal
and collective future.
Molly Smith Study | 5:30 7:00 PM
There will be a reception before each
discussion, starting at 5:00 pm.
Technical Director .............................................................................................................NATALIE BELL
Properties Director .......................................................................................................... JENN SHEETZ
Costume Director ........................................................................................ JOSEPH P. SALASOVICH
Master Electrician ................................................................................... CHRISTOPHER V. LEWTON
Sound and Video Supervisor ............................................................................... BRIAN BURCHETT
Production Assistant ........................................................................................... EMILY ANN MELLON
Directing Assistant ..................................................................MANNASYMONE MIDDLEBROOKS
Deck Carpenters............................................................... MICH COUGHLAN, RACHAEL ALBERT
Props..................................................................................................................................KYLE HANDZIAK
Lighting Programmer ..............................................................................................PAUL VILLALOVOZ
Light Board Operator ............................................................................................KELSEY SWANSON
Follow Spot Operator ............................................................................................... ELIZABETH ROTH
Audio Engineer ...................................................................................................... ADAM W. JOHNSON
Second Audio ........................................................................................................................ XIAO ZHENG
Wardrobe Supervisor .....................................................................................................ALINA GERALL
Wardrobe .......................................................................................................................... EMILY MCCORT
Hair & Makeup ...................................................................................................................DAPHNE EPPS
Costume Design Assistant ................................................................................... KITT CRESCENZO
Tailoring .......................................................................................................................DAWSON TAILORS,
Overhire Stitchers ................................................................................ ANDREW LANDON CUTLER,
16 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 17
CAST (in alphabetical order)
Manager: Lemml) appeared
on Broadway in Indecent and
Fiddler on the Roof, Off-
Broadway in Goldstein and in
the National Tour of Mary
Poppins. Most recently, Ben played in the
regional premieres of Oslo at the Pioneer
Theatre Company and Indecent at the
Guthrie. Other regional highlights include
Mothers and Sons at Cincinnati Playhouse in
the Park and Henry V, The Secret Garden,
The Tempest and Merry Wives of Windsor, all
during his four seasons at the Utah
Shakespeare Festival. He originated roles in
Milwaukee Repertory Theatres Route 66,
Life Could Be a Dream and The Andrews
Brothers and in Delaware Theatre
Company’s 10 Months. Ben has been seen
on TV in The Following, Smash and I Love
You .. .But I Lied. Ben trained at The University
of Michigan and North Carolina School of
the Arts.
Halina / Ensemble) Arena
audiences know Susan well
from Roe (Helen Hayes
nomination; also at Oregon
Shakespeare Festival and
Berkeley Rep), Noises Off (opposite Robert
Prosky), Proof, Well, Anne Bogart’s
Intimations for Saxophone, Book of Days and
The Importance of Being Earnest. Earlier this
year, she starred as young Margaret
Thatcher in the U.S. premiere of the U.K.’s
Handbagged (Round House Theatre), a role
she will take Off-Broadway (59E59) in June
2019. Other recent work includes Sweat
(ACT), Imaginary Comforts (Berkeley Rep),
The Sisters Rosensweig (Theatre J), Richard
II (OSF), and directing Barbara Hammond’s
Enter the Roar at The Kennedy Center.
Susan is the co-artistic director of
Washington Women in Theatre and a usual
suspect at the Kennedy Center, NPNN,
Mosaic and Metro Stage. On the left coast
at OSF’s Black Swan Lab; Z Space; Magic
Theatre’s Virgin Play Festival (in English and
ASL); and as a Berkeley Rep Ground Floor
returning artist working with playwrights
Lemony Snicket, Ryan Haddad, and Sarah
Ruhl on her newest play Lock Her Up!
(Becky Nurse). Susan has been named by
The Washington Post as one of the “top ten
actors to watch” and featured in American
Theatre Magazine, Washington Theatre
Review, and Broadway World. She is the
recipient of numerous Helen Hayes
nominations, the DCTS’s Audience Choice
Award and high honors from the D.C. Arts
Commission. Susan holds degrees from the
University of Iowa (MFA), McGill University
(BA Honours) and The National Theatre
School of Canada. She deeply thanks her
parents, Walker, Susie, Metsy, Mr. Ralston,
Victor Vasquez, and (always) The Egg.
Godowsky / Musician /
Ensemble) is grateful for the
opportunity to debut at Arena
Stage. D.C. credits include
Kafka’s Metamorphosis,
Master and Margarita, Frankenstein, Salomé,
Crackpots, Hamlet, as well as Host and
Guest (Synetic Theater). He served as
composer and music director for Courage
(dog & pony dc), co-director for Annabel Lee
and The Fiddler Ghost (Old Lore Theater
Cap Fringe), and solo writer / composer /
performer for The Race (Arts Alive /
Montgomery College). John played the role
of Songman in the U.S. national tour of War
Horse, and recently released the album One
Precious Life with his PA-based theatrical
rock band Featherburn.
Elder: Ot to / Ensemble) returns
to Washington after a 53-year
absence, last seen here in
Merry Wives of Windsor. On
Broadway he has appeared
in Best Friend, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom and
Gypsy. Off-Broadway credits include The
Passion of Dracula, The Boys Next Door and
Give the Bishop My Faint Regards. National
tours include Grand Hotel and Six Degrees
of Separation. His recurring roles on
television include Seinfeld, The King of
Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond.
Movie appearances include Dr. Doolittle 2,
Minority Report and The Pursuit of
Happyness. Regional appearances include
Milwaukee Rep, Denver Center Theatre,
Pittsburgh Public, KC Rep, Syracuse Stage
and Springfield Rep. He won the best actor
award at the Brussels International Film
Festival. Most recently in A Moon for the
Misbegotten. His cartoon series Boss Baby
and Troll Hunters are currently on Netflix.
SUSAN ROME (The Elder:
Vera / Ensemble) returns to
Arena Stage after appearing
in The Great Society and All
the Way. D.C.-area credits
include If I Forget and Hand
to God (HH nomination, Ensemble) at Studio
Theatre; The Diary of Anne Frank (Olney
Theatre Center); After the Revolution, Vanya
and Sonia…, An Enemy of the People and
Mud Blue Sky (Baltimore Center Stage); Roz
and Ray, The Last Night of Ballyhoo, Brighton
Beach Memoirs (Helen Hayes Award), The
Sisters Rosensweig, The Tale of the Allergist’s
Wife, The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide...,
The Argument and After the Revolution (HH
nomination) at Theater J, where she is an
associate artist-in-residence; The Whale, Las
Meninas and A Shayna Maidel (Rep Stage);
and Richard III, Macbeth and All’s Well That
Ends Well (Baltimore Shakespeare Festival).
Regional credits include The Substance of
Fire (Mark Taper Forum) and The Legacy
(Seattle’s Centerstage). TV credits include
House of Cards, NYPD Blue and four
seasons as DA Ilene Nathan on The Wire.
Film credits include A Dirty Shame and My
One and Only.
Ingénue: Chana / Ensemble /
Dance Captain) is making her
Arena Stage debut. She
appeared Off-Broadway in
Lucky Duck at The New
Victory Theatre. Regional theatre credits
with The Kansas City Repertory Theatre
include Johanna in Sweeney Todd: The
Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Luisa in The
Fantasticks, The Mistress in Evita, and
several world premieres such as Between
The Lines, Last Days of Summer, Man In Love,
Hair: Retrospection and Stillwater. Instagram:
Friedman / Musician /
Ensemble) is thrilled to return
to D.C. after last being seen
in The Wolves (Studio
Theatre). Her Off-Broadway
credits include The Skin of Our Teeth
(Theater for a New Audience). Regionally,
her credits include Twelfth Night, The Book
of Will, Kate Hamill’s Pride and Prejudice
(Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival), Love’s
Labour’s Lost (The Acting Company / HVSF),
and Clybourne Park and Pinkalicious: The
Musical (The Hangar Theatre). Maryn can be
seen in the upcoming season of Netflix’s
Friends from College. Maryn is a classically
trained violinist and opera singer, and is a
graduate of the Fordham University Theatre
Program and Interlochen Arts Academy. @marynstagrams
(Mayer Balsam / Musician /
Ensemble) Arena Stage
debut. As a composer /
performer, NYC credits
include Broadway: Cyrano de
Bergerac (starring Kevin Kline). Off-
Broadway: Mother of the Maid, Romeo &
Juliet (The Public); Othello (TFANA); Bottom
of the World (Atlantic Theater Co); Volpone,
Women Beware Women (Red Bull); King Lear,
Marat / Sade, Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, Three
Sisters (Classical Theater of Harlem); The
Little Prince (Hang A Tale). Regional:
Hartford Stage, Walnut Street Theater,
Shakespeare & Co, Shakespeare Theatre
Company, Ford's Theatre, Barrington Stage
Co, Berkshire Theater Group, Arizona
Theatre Co, American Shakespeare Center,
Connecticut Rep, Pennsylvania Shakespeare
Festival, Wharton Salon, WAM Theater,
Actors Shakespeare Project. International:
title role in Hamlet (Milan & NYC). Instagram:
@AlexanderSovronsky For a good time,
check out
18 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 19
ERIKA CHONG SHUCH (Choreographer) is a
performance maker, choreographer and
director whose topic-driven ruminations
coalesce into imagistic assemblages of music,
movement, text, and design. Interested in
expanding ideas around how performance is
created and shared, her recent work For You
(a Creative Capital Project, commissioned by
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts) is a series
of intimate performances for audiences of
12. Recent projects also include Iron Shoes,
a new neo-feminist folk opera created with
Kitka Women’s Vocal Ensemble (supported by
Creative Work Fund, NEA) and TheaterTheater,
a participatory morality play exploring the
hidden forces underlying everyday ethical
choices. Her original work has also been
commissioned and supported by Gerbode
Foundation, Daejeon Metropolitan Dance
Theater (Korea) and Berkeley Repertory
Theater’s Groundfloor Program. Erika
choreographs for theater companies such
as Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Folger
Theater, Hudson Valley Shakespeare, Kennedy
Center, American Conservatory Theater,
Pittsburgh Public, Playmakers Rep, California
Shakespeare Festival, and Magic Theatre.
Thank you to Bruce Bierman for sharing his
Jewish Dance expertise.
ALEXANDER SOVRONSKY (Music Direction and
Original Music) See bio on page 17.
JACK MAGAW (Set Designer) makes his Arena
Stage debut with this production of Indecent.
Recent Chicago and regional design credits
include the world premiere of Support
Group For Men (Goodman Theatre), the
world premieres of The Agitators and Other
Than Honorable (Geva Theatre), the world
premiere of Sheltered (Alliance Theatre), A
Flea In Her Ear (American Players Theatre),
The Flick (Steppenwolf Theatre), Buried Child
and East Texas Hot Links (Writers’ Theatre),
The Bridges of Madison County and Miss
Holmes (Peninsula Players Theatre), Radio
Golf and Long Day’s Journey Into Night
(Court Theatre), Man of La Mancha and The
Mousetrap (Milwaukee Repertory Theatre),
Of Mice and Men and Sweeney Todd (Kansas
City Rep). Eleven Joseph Jefferson Award
nominations include designs for East Texas
Hot Links (Writers’ Theatre) and Long Day’s
Journey Into Night (Court Theatre). Upcoming
projects include the world premiere of
Approval Junkie (Alliance Theatre) and The
Scarlet Ibis (Chicago Opera Theatre). Jack
lives in Chicago and teaches design at
The Theatre School at DePaul University.
LINDA ROETHKE (Costume Designer) Off-
Broadway: Richard III (The Public Theater).
Regional: Oklahoma!, Richard II, Into the
Woods, King Lear, As You Like It, Julius
Caesar, All’s Well That Ends Well (Oregon
Shakespeare Festival); Hand to God,
The Geller Girls, Managing Maxine, The
Underpants, Shadowlands (Alliance Theatre);
The Game's Afoot (Cleveland Playhouse);
The Good Book, Water by the Spoonful, The
Dead, Orlando (Court Theatre); Stage Kiss,
The Clean House (Goodman Theatre); Visiting
Edna, Mary Page Marlowe, Motherf**ker with
the Hat, Dead Man’s Cell Phone, Intimate
Apparel (Steppenwolf Theatre Company);
Sweeney Todd, Sunday in the Park with
George (Kansas City Rep); Miss Saigon (The
Paramount Theatre). Cincinnati Playhouse,
Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Actors Theatre
of Louisville, Chicago Shakespeare Theater,
Utah Shakespeare Festival, Connecticut
Repertory Theatre, Arden Theatre Company,
Center Stage, Maltz Jupiter Theatre,
American Players Theatre and Northlight
productions of How I Learned to Drive and
Away. Other credits: co-director of the MFA
Design Program at Northwestern University,
where she teaches costume design.
Awards: Jeff Award (An Ideal Husband, Court
Theatre); Suzi Bass nominations (The Geller
Girls and The Underpants, Alliance Theatre);
Connecticut Circle nomination (A Little
Night Music, Connecticut Repertory Theatre.
Education: MFA, University of Iowa.
JOSH EPSTEIN (Lighting Designer) has
designed lighting at many of the top theaters
in the country, including the Guthrie, Mark
Taper Forum, Goodman, Geffen Playhouse,
Baltimore Center Stage, Kirk Douglas
Theatre, Pasadena Playhouse, Trinity
Repertory, Long Wharf, Alliance, South Coast
Repertory, Geva Theatre, Actors Theatre of
Louisville, PlayMakers Repertory, Cincinnati
Playhouse and Paper Mill Playhouse. He
Middle: Mendel / Ensemble)
has performed a broad range
of leading roles in musical
theater, theater and opera
throughout the United States.
Performance highlights include: Broadway
National Tour of Les Misérables (Javert and
Factory Foreman / Combeferre),
Shakespeare Theatre Company, Folger
Theatre, Houston Grand Opera, Santa Fe
Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Aspen Music
Festival and Olney Theatre Center. A keen
advocate for new works, Ethan has
premiered compositions by Ricky Ian
Gordon, Jake Heggie, Martin Hennessy,
John Musto and Rachel Portman. He was
educated at Northwestern University (BM),
The Manhattan School of Music (MM), and
the University of Maryland (Doctoral
Studies), and is a Designated Linklater
Teacher trainee. Ethan is a winner of the
Lotte Lenya International Competition and
currently serves on the faculty at American
University. He is a proud member of the
National Association of Teachers of Singing,
VASTA, Musical Theatre Educators' Alliance
and the artist roster of Sing For Hope.
Ingénue: Avram / Ensemble) is
thrilled to be making his
Arena Stage debut. He has
appeared regionally in The
Chosen (Long Wharf),
Assisted Loving (Capital Rep), My Name is
Asher Lev (Penguin Rep), Ivanov (Trinity
Rep), and the first TheatreWorks tour of The
Velveteen Rabbit. He received a BA from
Bennington College and an MFA in Acting
from Brown / Trinity where some highlights
were playing Dr. Givings in In the Next Room
(WISE Foundation Emerging Artist of the
Year Award), Crow in Tooth of Crime and Sir
Andrew in Twelfth Night. Max is a proud
member of The Actor’s Center.
PAULA VOGEL (Playwright)’s play, How I
Learned to Drive, received the Pulitzer Prize,
Lucille Lortel, Drama Desk, Outer Critics
Circle and New York Drama Critics Awards for
Best Play, as well as her second Obie Award.
Other plays include The Long Christmas
Ride Home, The Mineola Twins, The Baltimore
Waltz, Hot N Throbbing, Desdemona, And
Baby Makes Seven, The Oldest Profession,
A Civil War Christmas and Don Juan Comes
Home from Iraq. Her play Indecent opened
at The Cort Theatre in New York in April
2017. It is available on Broadway HD. TCG
has published four books of her work. She
teaches playwriting workshops throughout
the United States and abroad.
ERIC ROSEN (Director) recently concluded his
decade long tenure as artistic director of
Kansas City Repertory Theatre and previously
was co-founder and artistic director of
Chicagos About Face Theatre for thirteen
seasons. World premieres under his direction
include Venice (named “Best Musical of
2010” by TIME), Clay, Roof of the World, A
Christmas Story: The Musical, M. Proust and
Theater District. Directing credits include
the Public Theater, Lincoln Center Theatre,
Goodman, Hartford Stage, Baltimore Center
Stage, Chicago Shakespeare, Melbourne
Theatre Company, the O’Neill and Sundance.
Rosen helped develop and produced the
original production of the Pulitzer and Tony
Award-winning play I Am My Own Wife. As
a playwright, his work includes Lot’s Wife,
Dream Boy, Winesburg, Ohio and Venice.
Rosen served on the Board of Theatre
Communications Group, was inducted into
Chicagos Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame and
his work has been recognized with numerous
Joseph Jefferson and Barrymore Awards. He
holds a doctorate in performance studies
from Northwestern University and a B.A. in
performance studies from UNC.
20 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 21
Conservatory faculty. Education: MFA Virginia
Commonwealth University, BFA Texas State
is pleased to continue his association with
Arena Stage. Broadway and Off-Broadway
productions include The Velocity of Autumn
starring Estelle Parsons; Southern Comfort;
Yank!; Enter Laughing; Pretty Filthy; John and
Jen, Himself and Nora; and Altar Boyz. He
has also cast productions for Actors Theatre
of Louisville, Arizona Theatre Company, Bay
Street Theatre, Brooklyn Academy of Music,
The Civilians, Cleveland Play House, Bucks
County Playhouse, Cape Playhouse, Denver
Center, Marriott Theatre, North Shore Music
Theatre, Old Globe, Oregon Shakespeare
Festival, The Public Theatre, and the York
Theatre Company. For more information:
KURT HALL (Stage Manager)’s Arena Stage
credits include The Great Society, The
Pajama Game, Smart People, Watch on the
Rhine, Carousel, The Year of Magical Thinking
starring Kathleen Turner, Born for This, All the
Way, Sweat, Destiny of Desire, The Blood Quilt,
Our War, The Shoplifters, Smokey Joe’s Café,
Mother Courage and Her Children starring
Kathleen Turner, Maurice Hines is Tappin
Thru Life, Good People, Red Hot Patriot: The
Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins starring Kathleen
Turner, The Normal Heart, Red, Ruined, every
tongue confess starring Phylicia Rashad,
Duke Ellington’s Sophisticated Ladies, Looped
starring Valerie Harper, Next to Normal
starring Alice Ripley, Awake and Sing!
and The Goat, or Who is Sylvia. Additional
regional credits at the Kennedy Center,
Roundabout Theatre Company, McCarter
Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre Company and
Signature Theatre. Thanks to his family for all
their support.
MARNE ANDERSON (Assistant Stage Manager)
is thrilled to begin her 10th season with
Arena Stage after starting as an Allen Lee
Hughes Fellow in 2009. Some highlights
include Dave, Two Trains Running, The Great
Society, Nina Simone: Four Women, A Raisin
in the Sun, Moby Dick, All the Way, Erma
Bombeck: At Wit’s End, King Hedley II, Five
Guys Named Moe, Mother Courage and Her
Children, The Mountaintop, Metamorphoses,
Long Day’s Journey into Night, Arabian Nights,
Duke Ellington’s Sophisticated Ladies. She is a
graduate of the University of North Carolina
School of the Arts and a proud member of
Actors’ Equity Association.
in 1964 by Dr. Patricia McIlrath, Kansas
City Repertory Theatre, the professional
theatre in residence at UMKC, is led by
interim artistic director, Jason Chanos and
executive director, Angela Lee Gieras. KCRep
is nationally known as an incubator of new
plays and producer of innovative musicals
and reimagined classics. Together with an
active board of directors, a year-round, part-
time, and seasonal staff of 210, and over
300 volunteers, KCRep serves patrons from
more than 40 states on their two stages,
the Spencer Theatre and Copaken Stage
in downtown Kansas City. More than 12,000
school students and educators see live
theatre productions at KCRep annually, many
of whom are experiencing the genre for the
first time. The company dedicates itself
to producing works which are compelling,
passionate, and entertaining.
Theater of Maryland, Baltimore Center
Stage is committed to artistic excellence.
We engage, enrich, and broaden the
perspectives of diverse audiences through
entertaining and thought-provoking work and
educational programs. Under the leadership
of Artistic Director Stephanie Ybarra and
Executive Director Michael Ross, Baltimore
Center Stage is committed to creating
and presenting a diverse array of world
premieres and exhilarating interpretations
of established works. In addition to
Mainstage productions, the theater ignites
conversations across Baltimore and beyond
through the Mobile Unit, which brings high-
quality theater to economically, culturally,
and geographically diverse communities. The
theater also nurtures the next generation
of artists through the Young Playwrights
Festival, Student Matinee Series, and many
other educational programs for students,
families, and educators.
is also an adjunct professor at the UCLA
School of Theater, Film and Television. Josh
is an LA Ovation Award Winner, a Knight of
Illumination Nominee and a recipient of the
NEA / TCG Career Development Program
for Designers. In addition he serves on
the O'Neill Playwrights Conference Artistic
Council. Josh received his MFA from NYU’s
Tisch School of the Arts and currently lives
in Los Angeles with his wife and three
ANDRE PLUESS (Sound Designer) Arena Stage
credits include Smart People, Equivocation,
The Passion Play Trilogy, Legacy of Light,
33 Variations, Metamorphoses and Arabian
Nights. Broadway: Metamorphoses, I Am My
Own Wife and 33 Variations, as well as the
world premiere of The Clean House at Yale
Repertory and Lincoln Center. Based in
Chicago, his work has appeared on most
of the city's stages including the Goodman,
Steppenwolf, Chicago Shakespeare and
Lookingglass Theatre, where he is an
associate artist. Regional credits include
multiple productions with Oregon and
California Shakespeare Festivals, The
Guthrie Theatre, McCarter Theater, Berkeley
Repertory Theater, American Conservatory
Theater, Seattle Repertory, La Jolla
Playhouse and Center Theater Group.
JEFFREY CADY (Projection Designer) is a
freelance lighting and projection designer
living in Kansas City, Missouri. Credits
include: KC Rep: Side by Side, A Christmas
Carol (2010 – 2016), The Invisible Hand, The
Roof of The World, When I Come to Die, The
Glass Menagerie, Circle Mirror Transformation
(Lighting and Projections); Stillwater, Hair,
Harriet Jacobs, Palomino, Back Home Again:
A John Denver Holiday Concert, Under
Midwestern Stars, Love, Janis, Give ’Em
Hell, Harry. Other credits: The Great Divorce
(Pearl Theatre NYC); Rebecca (LG Theatre
Seoul, South Korea); Mary Wilson Holliday
Spectacular (Harris Theatre, Chicago); Seeing
America (Ensemble Galilei, Washington,
D.C.); It Ain’t Nothin’ But the Blues (Portland
Center Stage); The Gay Bride of Frankenstein,
Rooms (Seacoast Repertory Theatre, New
Hampshire); The Wiz, Always, Patsy Cline
(Main State Musical Theatre); Lombardi
(Cleveland Playhouse); Sherlock Holmes
and the Adventure of the Suicide Club, [title
of show], Woody Guthrie’s American Song
(Arizona Theatre Company); Love, Janis
(Lighting and Projections, Columbia Artists
Theatricals’ tours). Mr. Cady served as the
Head Projections Programmer for Green
Day’s American Idiot (Broadway production),
Jennifer Lopez’s AKA tour, Jason Aldean’s
Burn it Down Tour, Imagine Dragons, Pitbull
and Wintuk (Cirque du Soleil).
ANNE NESMITH (Wig Designer) is pleased
to return to Arena Stage following last
seasons The Pajama Game, Nina Simone:
Four Women and The Price. Her designs have
been seen locally at Kennedy Center, Ford’s
Theatre, Signature Theatre, Wolftrap Opera,
Shakespeare Theatre, Folger Theatre and
Washington Ballet. Regional work includes
designs with Opera Philadelphia, Opera
Boston, Annapolis Opera and Castleton
Music Festival and internationally at Saito
Kinen Festival and Hyogo Performing Arts
Center in Japan. Anne was the resident
wig / makeup designer for the Baltimore
Opera and has constructed wigs for Scooby
Doo! Live and 42nd Street (Asian tour). You
can see her work in Smithsonian National
Portrait Gallery programs, Ice Cold Killers for
Investigation Discovery, the Military Channel’s
Great Planes, MD Public Television and the
U.S. Army’s tour Spirit of America.
ZACH CAMPION (Voice and Dialect Coach) is
a freelance voice, speech and dialect coach
and once worked in the Arena Stage sales
office. D.C. credits include voice / dialect
coach for Sovereignty, The Price and Smart
People (Arena Stage); Hand to God (Helen
Hayes Award-winning), Vietgone, and The
Remains (Studio Theatre); the world premiere
of The Gulf, and Heisenberg (Signature
Theatre); Labour of Love, The Invisible Hand,
and My Fair Lady (Olney Theatre Center);
The Legend of Georgia McBride and Angels
in America Part 1 and 2 (Round House);
and When the Rain Stops Falling (Helen
Hayes Award-winning, 1st Stage). Upcoming
projects include Kleptocracy at Arena and
Kings at Studio Theatre. Zach is a certified
teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework
and is
a member of the Studio Theatre Acting
201819 SEASON 23
MOLLY SMITH (Artistic Director) has served
as Artistic Director since 1998. Her more
than 30 directing credits at Arena Stage
include Anything Goes, Sovereignty, Carousel,
The Originalist, Fiddler on the Roof, Camp
David, Mother Courage and Her Children,
Oklahoma!, A Moon for the Misbegotten, My
Fair Lady, The Great White Hope, The Music
Man, Legacy of Light, The Women of Brewster
Place, Cabaret, South Pacific, All My Sons and
How I Learned to Drive. Her directorial work
has also been seen Off-Broadway at 59E59 in
New York, Canada’s Shaw Festival, The Court
Theatre, The Old Globe, Asolo Repertory,
Berkeley Repertory, Trinity Repertory,
Torontos Tarragon Theatre, Montreal’s
Centaur Theatre and Perseverance Theater
in Juneau, Alaska, which she founded and
ran from 1979 1998. Molly has been a leader
in new play development for over 40 years.
She is a great believer in first, second
and third productions of new work and
has championed projects including How I
Learned to Drive; Passion Play, a cycle; Next to
Normal; and Dear Evan Hansen. She led the
re-invention of Arena Stage, focusing on the
architecture and creation of the Mead Center
for American Theater and positioning Arena
Stage as a national center for American
artists. During her time with the company,
Arena Stage has workshopped more
than 100 productions, produced 39 world
premieres, staged numerous second and
third productions and been an important part
of nurturing nine projects that went on to
have a life on Broadway. In 2014, Molly made
her Broadway debut directing The Velocity of
Autumn, following its critically acclaimed run
at Arena Stage. She was awarded honorary
doctorates from American University and
Towson University. In 2018, she was honored
as Person of the Year by the National
Theatre Conference and inducted into the
Washington D.C. Hall of Fame.
EDGAR DOBIE (Executive Producer) Born in
Vernon, British Columbia, a village next to
the Rocky Mountains (three years after Arena
had its first performance in 1950), I am one
of five brothers raised by my Dad Edgar,
a mechanic and small businessman and
Mom Connie, a telephone operator and
union organizer. I am the only Dobie to make
a career in theater. Luckily for me, drama
was an arts elective I was offered at the
tender age of 12, so I hung up my hockey
skates and joined the drama class, led by
teacher Paddy Malcolm and her fledgling
Powerhouse Community Theater after
school. By the time I graduated from high
school, we volunteers had built ourselves
a 200-seat fully-equipped theater on its
own piece of land in the center of town and
found a sell-out audience for the full season
of plays we had to offer. That experience
taught me so many lessons about the power
of theater to foster collaboration and share
meaningful stories, as well as the public
values that attach themselves to building a
safe place where everyone is welcome. All
those lessons served me well as a managing
leader and producer both sides of the
border, and both sides of the commercial
and non-profit theater divide. Arriving here at
Arena in 2009 makes me feel like I am well-
equipped for the best job in the world.
This theater operates under an agreement
between the League of Resident Theatres and
Actors’ Equity Association.
The actors and stage managers are
members of Actors’ Equity
Association, the Union of Professional
Actors and Stage Managers in the
United States.
The scenic, costume, lighting and
sound designers in LORT theaters are
represented by United Scenic Artists,
Local USA829 of the IATSE.
The Director and Choreographer are
members of the STAGE DIRECTORS
national theatrical labor union.
Arena Stage is a constituent of the Theatre
Communications Group (TCG), the national
organization for the American theater.
*Restrictions apply. Amtrak is a registered servicemark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.
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24 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 25
Theatre Forward advances the American theatre
and its communities by providing funding and other
resources to the country’s leading nonprofit theatres.
Theatre Forward and our theatres are most grateful
to the following Education through Theatre funders:
The Hearst Foundations
The Schloss Family Foundation
BENEFACTORS $25,000  49,999
The Augustine Foundation
Wells Fargo
PACESETTERS $15,000  24,999
The Music Man Foundation
Lisa Orberg
Southwest Airlines
TD Bank
DONORS $10,000  14,999
EverGreene Architectural Arts
Dewitt Stern
Alan & Jenni Freedman
Daryl and Steven Roth Foundation
Westlake Reed Leskosky
Includes In-kind support
Judith N. Batty
Decker Anstrom
Sander Bieber
Eric Braverman
Edgar Dobie,
Richard Feinstein
Vicki J. Hicks
Daniel Korengold
Richard A. Newman
Lucia Riddle
Hubert M. Schlosberg
Beth Newburger Schwartz
Raymond Sczudlo
David E. Shiffrin
Shawna Watley
Andrew R. Ammerman
Linda A. Baumann
David Becker
Lavern Chatman
Joseph P. Digangi
John Edelmann
Jeri Epstein
Elliot Feldman
Maggie Fitzpatrick
Rick Froehlich
Nicholas Goad
Catherine Guttman-McCabe
Ann Hamilton
Ellen K. Harrison
Sue Henry
Margot Kelly
John Lynham
B. Thomas Mansbach
David BH Martin
Joyce Moorehead
Ronald A. Paul M.d.
Ilene Rosenthal
Gene Samburg
David Bruce Smith
Molly Smith
Sheila Stampfli
Robert Stout
Nneka Ukpai
Jim Abdo
Kent Amos
Ashok Bajaj
 
Michele G. Berman
Steven R. Bralove
Susan Haas Bralove
John Derrick
Nancy M. Folger
Larry Franks
Natwar Gandhi
Fruzsina Harsanyi
Patti Herman
Kay Kapoor
Judy Lansing Kovler
Mark Levine
David O. Maxwell
Joan P. Maxwell
Terry R. Peel
Beverly Perry
Judy Lynn Prince
Richard W Snowdon
Grace Terpstra
Margaret Tomlinson
Norman Bernstein
Lee G. Rubenstein
Arlene and Robert Kogod
Edgar Dobie
Joe Beradelli
Alison Irvin
The Arena Stage Young Patrons Board seeks to
strengthen and support the future of American
theater at Arena Stage. The Young Patrons Board
supports the artistic mission of Arena Stage by being
active ambassadors to the community and arranging
opportunities for people under 40 years old to engage
with the theater.
Michael Baylis
Paul Bolaji
Marivi Bryant
Victoria Clark
Sarah Cohn
Caitlin Dutkiewicz
Reshad Favors
Brandon Gay
Whitney Hubbard
Sakisha Jackson
Lucrecia Johnson
Jason Kelley
Danielle M. Lancaster
Ashley Lawrence
Ashley M. Lewis
Marisa Maleck
Brittany McCants
Shannon McNeal
Anna Katherine (AK) Moody
Mary Kathryn Nagle
Chibundu Nnake
Josh Rubin
Margaret Rubin
Brandon Slade
Mignon Smith
Hillary Stemple
Adrienne Thompson
Tony Woods
Conrad Woody
Yvesner Zamar
Arena Stage gratefully acknowledges these individuals who ensure the future of Arena Stage by making
a planned gift. These gifts assure that Arena Stage will continue to challenge, educate and entertain
audiences, and maintain its excellence in theater nationally, and internationally for generations to come.
Arena can help you accomplish your personal, family and philanthropic goals while benefiting the
theater. Supporters who make planned gifts to Arena are invited to join the Full Circle Society and
enjoy special benefits. For more information about planned giving, please contact Holly Oliver at
2026004029 or holiv[email protected].
Anonymous (8)
Esthy and Jim Adler
Dr. Bill Santford Ashley
Curtis Bell
Steven Bralove
Dr. Robert and Mary Jo Brenner
Bonnie and Jere Broh-Kahn
Louise Budelis
Dorothy Bunevich
John P. Cahill
Ellen MacNeille Charles
Donald J. and Anita P. Cowan
Captain Joan Darrah and
Ms. Lynne Kennedy
John Edelmann and Jeff Love
Jeri and Gary Epstein
Donald H. Flanders
Nancy M. Folger
Catherine F. and James F.* Fort, Sr.
Arlene Friedlander
George and Duffy Ftikas
Bob Gronenberg
Dr. JC Hayward
Vicki J. Hicks
Lauren and Glen Howard
David Insinga and Robert McDonald
Thomas Jesulaitis
Margot Kelly
Drs. Susan and Perry Klein
Dr. Seth A. Koch and
Barbara Bellman Koch
Herb and Dianne Lerner
John and Patricia Long
John and Lenora Lynham
Judy Lynn Prince
Richard Schwartz* and
Beth Newburger Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Shugoll
Molly Smith and
Suzanne Blue Star Boy
Dick and Katie Snowdon
Helga Tarver
Helene Toiv
Margaret L. Tomlinson
Frankie and Jerry* Williamson
Estate of Dr. and
Mrs. Clement C. Alpert
Estate of H. Max and
Josephine F. Ammerman
Estate of Audrey J. Barnett
Estate of Harry J. Boissevain
Estate of Henrietta T. Braunstein
Estate of Patricia Carroll
Estate of Albert Chaiken
Estate of Helen G. Codding
Estate of Marcus Cohn
Estate of Israel and Augusta Convisser
Estate of Robert D. Davis Jr. and
Henry J. Schalizki
Estate of Zelda Fichandler
In Memory of Martin "Marty" Davis
In Memory of Helen W. and
Felix E. Geiger
Estate of Ann Gibbons
Estate of Ezra Glaser
Estate of George Grizzard
Estate of Giselle Hill
Estate of Joan E. Kain
In Memory of Jean Russ Kern
and Jeannette G. Kern
Estate of Herbert A. Lindow
Estate of LaRue R. Lutkins
Estate of Suzy Platt
Estate of Gruine Robinson
Barbara R. Walton Endowment
Fund for New Playwrights
Estate of Eric Weinmann
* Deceased
You don’t have to be wealthy to make a significant gift.
Bequests and other planned gifts allow you the opportunity
to make a significant contribution that will ensure the
future of Arena Stage. The Full Circle Society allows us
the opportunity to recognize you for that gift during your
lifetime. For more information about making a planned gift
or to inform us of your existing planned gift, please contact
Holly Oliver at 2026004029 or
We feel the long-term viability of theater really has to
come from two sources annual fundraising efforts
and long-term donations [in the form of a planned gift]
from the people who love the theater and are willing to
commit to it in perpetuity.”
Beth Newburger Schwartz and the late Richard Schwartz
26 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 27
Marina and David Ottaway
David Pawlik
Mike Payne and
Barbara Johnson
Howard and Dorothy Pedolsky
Allen Purvis and Jan Johnson
Henry and Anne Reich
Family Foundation
Marvin and Joan Rosenberg
Trina and Lee Rubenstein
Josh, Tynan and Biagio Rubin
Margaret York Rubin
Jeff and Sarah Sandel
Linda and Arthur Schwartz
James Johnson and
Matthew Shepard
Brandon and Janine Slade
Steve and Nancy Silcox
James Skiles and
Lynne Church
Linda Smith
Lisa and Chris Smith
Larry and Arlene Spinelli
Steve and Danelle Springer
Le Anne and Bert Steinberg
Hillary M. Stemple
Mr. Sid Stolz
Linda Griggs and Bill Swedish
Dr. Harvey A. Sweetbaum and
Mrs. Selma Sweetbaum
Mr. David Talbird and
Dr. Darlene Jean-Pierre
Eileen and Michael Tanner
Peter and Ann Tanous
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thackrey
Dr. Adrienne Thompson
Linda and Steuart Thomsen
Ralph Timmons and Janet Hill
Allen Unsworth
Rear Adm and Mrs.
Sidney Wallace
Anne Paine and Fowler West
Richard and Susan Westin
Mark and Ria Weston
Sarah Whitesell and Wan Kim
Patricia Page Williams
Richie and Jim Wright
Jane Yanulis
Robert and Anne Yerman
Anonymous (6)
Merry Anderson
Lynn J. and Lynne A. Barden
Nancy and John Barnum
Nan Beckley
Peter and Ellen Berty
David and Judy Bonior
Philip and Faith Bobrow
Jan Boyce
Ms. Carolyn Broussard
Candice C. Bryant
Estate of Albert Chaiken
N. Chesser and J.M. Rowe
John and Sheila Compton
Ray and Mary Converse
Camille Cook
Beth Cunningham
Lorraine Day
Anita Difanis and
Richard Krajeck
Diane and Lowell Dodge
Thelma Duggin
Sue Duncan and Leo Fisher
Mrs. Elizabeth Edgeworth
Sarah G. Epstein and
Donald A. Collins
Bob and Sue Faron
James and Patricia Flanigan
The Henry J. Fox Trust
The Samuel Freedman Trust
Deborah Freund and
Doug White
Amy C. Gilbert
Hon. Joseph and
Alma Gildenhorn
Mark* and Sara Goldberg
Sherry and Neil Green
Grace R. Gregg
Alfred and Lynne Groff
Judy and Sheldon Grosberg
Catherine and Warren Gorrell
Ellie and John Hagner
James B. Hamlin
Joan B. Harvey
S. Ross and
Susan L. Hechinger
Shawn C. Helm and
J. Thomas Marchitto
Lucia Hill
Judy Honig
William Logan Hopkins
Lauren and Glen Howard
Drs. Jeanne-Marie and
Nathan Miller
Annelle Johnson
The S. Kann Sons Co.
Elizabeth Keeley
Gary Kemp
Mary Kimble
Kenneth and
Carol Doran Klein
Mary Tuke Klemmt
Patricia and John Koskinen
Simeon M. Kriesberg and
Martha L. Kahn
Ms. Jane Mary Kwass
William and Grace LaChance
Andrew Lebby and
Wendy Schwartz
John and Trish Long
Virginia MacLaury
Paul and Patricia Maenner
John and Mary Lee Malcolm
Lory Manning
Russell Matthias
Emmy McArver
Eddie and Lynne McCormick
J. Douglas and
Martie McDowall
Josh Miller and Jerry Noble
Nancy and Herbert Milstein
Mitchell-Richards Family Fund
David Montgomery
Judie and Fred Mopsik
Michael and Kathleen Opincar
Catherine O'Reilley
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Oskin
Gregg Ottinger
Craig Palmer
Sonja M. Palomaki
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Pappert
Laura Peebles and
Ellen Fingerman
Dr. Nathaniel Pitts
Margaret J. Pollack
Lutz Alexander Prager
Whayne and Ursula Quin
Jane Ellen Ramsey and
Joseph Inbar
J. Paul and Diane Reason
Joe and Ginny Redish
Nancy Regan
Deborah Remmers
Alan and Terry Rettig
Massimo and Marilou Righini
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rothkopf
Jo Ella Samp
Dr.* and Mrs.
Harold H. Saunders
Ernest Schichler and
John Murray
Carol Schwartz
Dick and
Rosemary Schwartzbard
Dr. Sidney Shankman
Leslie Shapiro
Mike and Patti Sipple
Kathleen and Kerry Skeen
Carl Wayne Smith and
Michael Burke
Annelise and Robert H. Smith
Sharon Steele
Dr. Earl P. Steinberg and
Claire E. Reade
Patricia Stonesifer and
Michael Kinsley
Seema Sueko
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Surovell
Tamara Tatunchak
Barbara Toohill
Joanne Tornow and
Neil Lehrer
Judge and Mrs.
James T. Turner
Joan and Mark Weiss
Drs. Stephan and Ann Werner
Carolyn L. Wheeler
Annette and Colin Young
Jean Schiro-Zavela and
Vance Zavela
Anonymous (7)
Clara Adams-Ender
Diana Aviv and Sterling Speirn
Elinor R. Bacon
Cheryl Baird
Michael Baker
Paul and Jeanette Barkley
Dr. and Mrs. John Barnes
Michael Barrett and
Danielle Beauchamp
David and Janet Batlan
R Beck
Dava Berkman
Geoffrey Berlin
Ann Blackman and
Michael Putzel
Lucille A. Bland
Dennis and
Shirley Bloomquist
Karen J. Bopp
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Borsuk
Janet B. Bray
Philip and Constance Briley
Harold R. Bucholtz
Philomena Burke
Matt Butcher and Liz Pennisi
Joseph N Cannon
Carol Caparosa
Louis and Karen Carson
Barbara Carter
Mr. and Mrs. James Carty
Henry Chamberlain and
Lisa Burns
Gail Chambers and
Scott Baker
Wallace Chandler
Claudette Christian
Francis and Terry Coates
Nadine R. Cohodas
Barbara and Paul Couture
Susan M. Crawford
Valerie and John Cuddy
Anne Dammarell
Gil and Nancy Dannels
Deanna K. Dawson
Virginia B. Edwards and
Richard Colvin
Tina Eskridge
Carol Faulb
Geraldine Feaster and
Calvin Bethea*
Beth Feldman
Nancy and Cary Feldman
Lois Fields
Jack L. Finglass
Jim and Lorrie Fulton
Louise Gary
Linda Gehr
Richard Gervase and
Stuart Delery
Virginia Giroux-Rollow
Elliott Glass
Lynne and Bill Glikbarg
John M. Goodman
Sally Gresham
Karen T. Grisez
Sue and Bruce Guenther
Frank Guzzetta and
Paul Manville
Jack E. Hairston, Jr.
Robert and Carol Hall
Maurice Hamilton
Susan and Allen Hanenbaum
Chris Harris
Marianne Harwit
Bert Helfinstein and
Margaret Rodenberg
Richard and Pamela Hinds
Janice Holiday
Clarence G. Hoop
John and Debra Howard
Drew Huffman
Geraldine Inge
Ann Ingram
Robin Jenkins
Ted and Debbie Kalriess
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Kaplin
Jane C. Karpick
Paul and Masako Kaufman
Jackie Williams Kaye
John Keator and
Virginia Sullivan
Dr. Sandra D. Key
Mr. Albert Kramer
John Kramer
Thomas Kuchenberg
Elizabeth C Lee
Thelma K. Leenhouts
Steven Leinwand and
Ann Lawrence
Mary Ann Levant*
Roberta Levant*
Dr. and Mrs. Randall J. Lewis
Albert L. and
Doris M. Lindquist
Shirley Loo
Joan Lunney
Phyllis and Philip Margolius
Ken Marks and Edith Arias
Linda Marks
Louis Mayo
Fred and Jeanne McCarroll
Bernice K. McIntyre
Michael McLeod
Patricia McMahon
David and Sarah McMeans
Charles and Marilyn McMillion
Stephen Meyer and
Erica Summers
Lisa Miller
MaryAnn Miller
John and Paula Millian
Bryan Myers
Donald and Lynne Myers
Carole and John Nannes
Jeffrey Neal and
Kevin Loeffler
Brad Neilley
Sherry and Lou Nevins
Nancy Newman
Matthew and Lillian Nolan
Ann Norwood in memoriam
of Jan Moncier
Jeri and Bill Oakerson
Joe Oppenheimer and
Edith Fraser
Doris Parker and
Michael Spatz
Ruth Parr
Beth and Terry Pattillo
Antoinette Pavone
David Pawlik
Alan and Andrea Pendleton
Randolph Perry and
Nancy Lee
Mr. Gary Peterson
William Phillips
Margaret Plank and
Dave Souders
Gail Povar and Larry Bachorik
John and Wendy Reaves
Thomas and Jane Reckford
David and Susan Reichart
Betty Revelle
Margaret Rice and Bill Sette
Ann Richards
Sheila Riley and Ned Kraft
Clyde Robbins
Dr. Tommie L. Robinson, Jr.
June and Marvin Rogul
Gareth Rosenau
Steven M. Rosenberg and
Stewart C. Low III
Rodney Ross
Nuhad D Ruggiero
Jean Sammon
Ms. Gail Sattler
Linda B. Schakel
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and
Celia Schuchman
Joan H. Searby
Diane Seeger and
Tom Christein
Richard and
Jacqueline Sellers
Harold Settler and Jean Allen
James and Lisa Shannon
M. Pat and Bob Shapiro
Larry Shaw and
Richard Freitag
Kim L. Sheridan
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Simaitis
Ida Fernanders Smith
Lynette R.F. Smith
Margo Smith and Gerry Levine
Lois Stansbury
TAA Services, Ltd
Drs. Steven and Sheila Taube
Elizabeth and Jerry Teles
Dennis and Rosalind Thomas
Darrell Totman
Roberta K. Van Haeften
Nancy J. Wartow
Jonathan Weiss
John and Val Wheeler
Jack and Sue Whitelaw
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Whitten
Susan Wiener
Jon and Sandra Willen
John Wingard
C. Lawrence Wiser
Douglas and Annette Wolf
Ken and Dorothy Woodcock
Jeffrey and Johanna Zinn
Anonymous (20)
D. M. Abruzzo
Judith Agard
Susan Agger and
Richard Budson
Anthony Aldwell
Amb. and Mrs.
Frank Almaguer
Marilena Amoni and Don Ryan
Britt Anderson
Jean W. Arnold
Katia Ascher
Raymond D. Audet
Peter and Marjory Bankson
Ann and Mal Barasch
Dayle Bartholow and
Jeff Pickard
Loretta C. Beaumont
Carolyn and John Beck
Martin Bell
Susan and Don Bennett
John and Sylvia Benoit
Mary Ellen Bergeron
Robert C. and
Elissa B. Bernius
Mathilde and Martin Bienstock
Thomas J. Billy
Edward and Elena Bloomstein
Sandy and Stanley Bobb
Richard and Eleanor Bochner
Vincent and Veronica Boles
Mickey and Sally Bolmer
Randall A. Bowman
Anne Boyden
Mr. William Brackett
Steven Brady
Mr. and Mrs.
A. Stanley Brager, Jr.
Nancy Brandon
Randi and David Braverman
Ann Breen
Karen Broadnax
Perry Brown
Mr. Terrence J. Brown and
Ms. Linda D. Whitlock-Brown
Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald K. Browning
Marian Bruno
Susan and Mike Burk
Patricia Burke
Avery Burns
Robert J. Bushrod
Donna Butts and William Libro
Sandra and Paul Byrne
James Cafritz
John Cahill
Leslie Calman and
Jane Gruenebaum
George and Marilyn Candler
Arena Stage gratefully acknowledges the many individuals, families, foundations and corporations
who support the theater’s work by contributing to the Annual Fund. These gifts make it possible
for the theater to continue presenting high-quality productions and innovative education
programs that strengthen the community in which we live.
For more information on the benefits of becoming an Annual Fund contributor, call the
Development Department at 2026004177. The following are contributors as of November 15, 2018.
Arlene and Robert Kogod
Alan and Marsha Paller
Lola C. Reinsch
Beth Newburger Schwartz
and Richard Schwartz*
Andrew R. Ammerman
The Family of H. Max* and
Josephine* F. Ammerman
Decker Anstrom and
Sherry Hiemstra
Diane and Norman Bernstein
Maggie FitzPatrick
David C. Frederick and
Sophia Lynn
Dr. Donald Wallace Jones,
Dr. Betty Jean Tolbert Jones
and Tracey Tolbert Jones
Joan and David Maxwell
David Bruce Smith
Anonymous (4)
Joanne Barker
Estate of Audrey J. Barnett
Judith N. Batty
Susan and Steven Bralove
Barbara and Arthur Bushkin
Ellen MacNeille Charles
Drs. Elliot J. Feldman and
Lily Gardner Feldman
George and Duffy Ftikas
Ellen K. Harrison
Sue Henry and Carter Phillips
Kay Kapoor
Margot Kelly
Toni and Ronald Paul
R. Lucia Riddle
Steven and Ilene Rosenthal
Gene Samburg
The Estate of
Henry J. Schalizki
Hubert (Hank) and
Charlotte* Schlosberg
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard W. Snowdon
Sheila Stampfli
Kent and Carmen Amos
Linda A. Baumann
David Becker and
Leslie Seeman
Sander M. Bieber and
Linda E. Rosenzweig
Eric Braverman and
Neil Brown
Community Foundation
for Northern Virginia/
James I. Chatman Fund
John and Linda Derrick
Joseph P. DiGangi
John Edelmann and Jeff Love
Jeri and Gary Epstein
Pam and Richard Feinstein
Mr. and Mrs. David Fisher
Nancy M. Folger
Larry Franks and
Ellen Berelson
Rick and Carol Froehlich
Henock Gebreamlak and
Nicholas Goad
Chris and Catherine
Ann O. Hamilton
Patti and Mitchell Herman
Vicki J. Hicks
Sheldon and Audrey Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Korengold
John and Lenora Lynham
B. Thomas Mansbach
David and Martha Martin
Thomas and
Joyce Moorehead
Richard and Janice Newman
Craig Pascal and
Victor Shargai
Ann and Terry R. Peel
Raymond S. Sczudlo and
Deborah Sams Sczudlo
Peggy and David Shiffrin
Robert and Jan Stout
Nneka Ukpai
Shawna Watley
Curtis Bell
Patrick Chauvin
Amitai Etzioni
Virginia McGehee Friend
Seth and Caroline Hurwitz
Irene and Edward Kaplan
Judy and Peter Kovler/
The Kovler Fund
Bill Lands and
Norberta Schoene
Herb and Dianne Lerner
Mark T. Lewellyn
Robert Liberatore and
Debra Kraft
The Robert and Natalie
Mandel Family Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Esthy and Jim Adler
Celia and Keith Arnaud
Alan Asay and Mary Sturtevant
Nancy and John Benson
Dr. Sharon A. Bennett
Michele and Allan Berman
The Honorable Ann W. Brown
and Donald Brown
Richard and Evelyn Bynum
Wes Callender and Mary Davis
Gloria Davidson
Louis Delair, Jr.
Edgar and Tracy Dobie
Kathy and Jody Dreyfuss
Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer
The Lois and
Richard England Family
The Louis and Helen
Fanaroff Foundation
Robert and Carole Fontenrose
Faith Gay and
Francesca Zambello
Marilyn and
Michael Glosserman
Amnon and Sue Golan
Lucia and Woolf Gross
Fruzsina M. Harsanyi and
Raymond Garcia
Meg and John Hauge
Liz Hilder and Randy Smith
Lady Bountiful Fund
Mark Levine and
Sara Imershein
Laura L. McAuliffe
Charles McBride and
Peg DeBell
Mills Family Foundation
Alfred Moses and Fern Schad
Beverly Perry
Sydney M. Polakoff and
Carolyn Goldman
Powell Family Charitable Trust
Franklin D. Raines and
Denise Grant
Nan and Robert Ratner
David and Susan Rockefeller
Margaret Ann Ross
Dr. and Mrs. William Rule
Susan Scanlan
George L. Shields Foundation
Thalia Sinnamon in memory
of Lyn Sinnamon
Molly Smith and
Suzanne Blue Star Boy
Judi and Richard Sugarman
Gladyce T. Sumida
Terri L. Tedford
Tim and Grace Terpstra
Suzanne Thouvenelle and
Dennis Deloria
Anne Marie Tighe
Peggy and Alec* Tomlinson
Annie Totah
Bill and Terry Witowsky
Ellen and Bernard Young
Judy and Leo Zickler
Anonymous (5)
Carolyn Alper
Priscilla Aycock
Elfreda Baptist
Dr. and Mrs. C. Wrandle Barth
Kyle and Alan Bell
Jim Bellas and Kip Fenton
Gene Bialek and Arlene Brown
Deborah Bowles
J. Alton and Cynthia Boyer
Joe and Sue Bredekamp
Bonnie and Jere Broh-Kahn
Julie Burton and Roger Hickey
Blain and Peg Butner
Lee Calligaro
Clotilda Bowie Cassidy
Judith Claire
Richard H. Cleva
Ellen and Michael Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Davis, III
In Memory of
Martin "Marty" Davis
The Charles Delmar
Barbara and David Ehrlich
Skip and Laurette Farmer
Lorraine Fleming and
Harry Parrish
Sallie Forman and
Jonah Gitlitz
Christopher and
Carol Fromboluti
The Honorable William and
Linda Garvelink
Susan B. Haight
Paul Henderson
Muriel Howard
Edward and Paula Hughes
Thomas Jesulaitis and
Barrie Seidman
Deena and Jerry Kaplan
Dr. and Mrs. James Karesh
Kay Kendall and Jack Davies
Cal and Barbara Klausner
Lauren S. Kogod
Leslie S. Kogod
Jean and John Lange
Caroline Lewis
Nancy and Dan Longo
Abby Mandel
Steve Mayer and
Vera Oye' Yaa-Anna
Alan and Ruth Melvin
Dr. Robin Mockenhaupt and
Dr. Ralph Popp
Ann K. Morales
Dr. Alfred Munzer and
Mr. Joel Wind
Timothy and Diane Naughton
Melanie and Larry Nussdorf
Wesley Pickard and
Jeanette Studley
Michael and Penelope Pollard
Benjamin and Judith Pratt
Janis Reed and Jack Requa
Bill and Donna Roberts
Talmadge and
Mary E. Roberts
Bruce and Lori Laitman
Helen Ross
Beverly Schacht
Steven and Marie Schram
Shugoll Research
McAdo Shuler, Jr.
The Souders Family
Laura L. Tosi
Virginia D. Weber
Jim and Elizabeth Williams
Joan Wills
Richard and
Leslie Wojciechowicz
Irene and Alan Wurtzel
Deborah and David Yaffe
Margot Lurie Zimmerman
in memory of Paul
Anonymous (4)
Dr.* and Mrs.*
Clement C. Alpert
Dean Amel and Terry Savela
Leon and Robyn Andris
Michael W. and
Stacie H. Arpey
Roy Barnes and Mary Flanigan
Roger and Nancy Brown
Ted Bean and Kathy Brown
James and Karen Beardsley
Judy and George Bowns,
in memory of their sons,
Mark and Scott
Jerry Bridges and Sally Turner
Sharie A. Brown
Marivi Bryant
Buffy and William Cafritz
Family Foundation
William Caldwell and
Michele Toth
Dr. Myla Carpenter
John Chester
Richard Christensen
Beth and Ron Cogswell
Geri and David Cohen
Sarah H. Cohn
Annemargaret Connolly
Woody Cunningham and
Jessie Harris
Jim and Dotty Dake
Deirdre Donahue and
Jamie Dahlberg
Patricia D'Orazio
Carolyn and William Doying
Caitlin M. Dutkiewicz
Reshad Favors, Esq.
Susan D. and Howard Feibus
Lorry M. Fenner, PhD
Marc L. and
Phyllis S. Fleischaker
Martin and JoEllen Frost
Edward Gaddy
Mr. and Mrs.
Davis R. Gamble Jr.
Mr. Brandon K. Gay
B.J. Gilchrist
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Estate of Ezra Glaser
Gregg H. S. Golden
Michael Greenbaum and
Sherry Liebes
David and Anne Grizzle
Carol and Bill Gross
Norene and Timothy Guilford
Loren and Phyllis Haag
Honorable Robert and
Susan Hale
The Hansan Family
Laura Hart
Patricia Harvey
John and Shelly Hazel
Henshel Foundation
Sonia Herson
Steven and Tanya Hilton
Linda Lurie Hirsch
Theo W. Hodge Jr., MD and
Frederick Eugene Taylor, Jr.
Erich Hosbach and
Franklin Moore
Whitney Hubbard
David Insinga and
Robert McDonald
Sakisha Jackson
Joseph and Anne Jarboe
Ricki and Joel Kanter
Anne B. Keiser and
Doug Lapp
Jason Kelley
Judge Gladys Kessler
Caroline S. Klemp
Danielle M. Lancaster,
Creative Visionary
Ashley J. Lawrence
Leon Fund of the Community
Serving Richmond and
Central VA
Ashley M. Lewis
David Lloyd, Realtor
William and Ruth Lubic
Susan and Dan Mareck
Dan and Karen Mayers
Mark and Marsha Mazz
Brittany A. McCants
Gerard and Mary McGann
Nancy McGuire
Nancy Miron
Dee Morris
Dale Mott
Joan and Dan Mulcahy
Ms. Anna Katherine Moody
Alan and Roberta Munro
Mary Kathryn Nagle
Meenakshi Nandedkar
Martha Newman
Chibundu Nnake
Susan Nolan
Frank and Linda Nutter
Rita O'Brien, Esq. and
John Imparato
Ray Olson
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos
28 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 29
Fredric and Jane Cantor
Larry and Caroline Carbaugh
William and Kathleen Carey
Connie Carter and
Gordon Dale
Ms. Patricia Carter
Carla Cartwright
Michael Carty and
Linda Brothers
Ruth Carver
Malcolm R. Chaires
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chappelle
Joy and Jerry Choppin
Tracey Chunn
Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Churchman
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clark
Kenneth T. Cline
Edward Cohen and
Charlene Barshefsky
Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph
Coleman Jr.
Kenneth Coleman
Mary Beth Collins
Drs. Houston and Mary Conley
John and Isabella Cummings
Phil and Joan Currie
Terrence Currier
Linda Daniel
John Davies and Marty Moon
Donald and Susan Davis
Stephen A. Dean
Lisa and Tony Delity
Ted Deming and Roz Ridgway
Steven Desjardins
Cheryl Dichter
Althea Dixon
Kimberly Dixon
Walter B. Doggett III and
Joanne Doggett
Edward Donahue, III
James Donaldson
Molly Donovan and
Barry Wepman
Don Douglas and
Carolyne Weil
Douglas Dowling
Mr. John Downey
Erin Duffy
Becky and Charlie Dukes
Joan Duncan
David Dunn
Dr. Fran DuRocher
Michael and Mary Durr
Sandra Dusing
Alma Edgerly
Barry and Joyce Eisenstein
Ann Elliott
James Ellzy
Brian and Sonja Elmer
Marjorie and Anthony Elson
Evelyn and Barry Epstein
Ralph and Gwendolyn Everett
Juliet Ewing
Peggy Ewoniuk
Dr. Coralie Farlee
Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Feldmayer
Yvonne Felton
Mr. and Mrs. Greig Fields
Eric Fingerhut and
Karen Bailey
Dr. J.D. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flyer
J Cathy Fogel
Heather Foley
Lynne Folts and Elliot Gersh
Harry Foxwell
Karen L. French
Allan Friedman
Ann and Tom Friedman
Pamela Friedman
Else H. Froberg
Bob Fugate
Jean C. Fulton
Sally Gadsden
Howard and Barbara Galper
Paul Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. James Gentle
Laura Gifford
Mike and Carrie Gillotte
Eileen M Gleimer
Jane Glickman and
Charles Sacks
Maggie Godbold and
Steve Bershader
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Gold
Daniel T. Goggin
Judy and Joel Goldberg
Paula S. Goldman
Mr. Joel C. Goldstein
Susan and Richard Goldstein
Jannie Goldston
Dr. Donna M. Gollnick
Barbara and Tom Gottschalk
A. Steven and Janet Hall Gra
Charles and Karen Graybeal
Madi Green, in memory of
Duff Green III
Maxine Green
Marilyn Greene
Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Greenstein
Jennifer Greer
C. O. Gregory
Charles Gritton and
Lillian Brown
Robert Gronenberg
Alan and Jackie Gropman
Gail Gulliksen
Mr. Charles Gustafson
Susan Gutchess and
Helen Ingalls
Don and Sue Haller
Mr. Jay Hammer
Freddi and
Dick Hammerschlag
Martt Harding
Betsy Ann Harris
Cindy Hausch-Booth
Toba and Tony Hausner
Doris Hausser
A. H. Hatry
Jerry Hawke
Cynthia Heckmann
Carolyn Henrich and
Joel Packer
Paul Herman and
Karen Goldman
Ruth Herman
Donald E. Hesse and
Jerrilyn Andrews
Richard and Mary-Ellen Hibey
Timothy Higgins
Donald and Diana Hirsch
William and Marie Hoffman
Sallie L. Holder
Gerald and Harriet Hopkins
Barbara and Donald Hoskins
Katheryn A. Hovde
John Hughes and
Estelle DeMaio
Michael Hughes
Michael Hunter
Sidney and Carol Hurlburt
Glen and Leanna Hutton
Mike and Carol Ireland
Patricia Jackman and
Stephen L John
Kay Jacks
Barbara and John R. Jackson
Caroline Jackson
Mrs. Harolyn B. Jackson
Smyrna N. Jackson
Lorna S. Jaffe
Paul Jaikaran
Nina Janopaul
Edward and Victoria Jaycox
William and Judith Jeffress
Karin Johnson
Lucrecia P. Johnson, Esq.
Kenneth Johnston
Kimberly and Tad Johnston
Barbara Jones
Ed Jones and Peggy Marshall
Elizabeth Blair Jones
William A. and Virgie H. Jones
Joyce Jordan
Susan Kaiden
Jody Katz and Jeffrey Gibbs
Joan Kelsch
Andrea and Joseph Kerr
Judd Kessler
Carol King
Janet King
Mrs. William Kingsbury
Pris and Bill Kirby
Steve and Karen Klemp
John Knapp
Richard and Teresa Kramer
Eugene and Adeline Krizek
MK Lanzillotta and Lee Becker
Mr. Robert Larke
Steven D Laughton
Peggy Laves and
Doug Trainum
Brock Lending
John and Jane Lewis
Marjorie and John Lewis
Martin G. Lichtenstein and
Sharon Rosendhal
Marianne Liebermann
Carol Ann and Kenneth Linder
Ace and Linda Lipson
Edward T. Lis, Jr
Amy Liu and Craig Witmer
R.G. and J.N. Livingston
Margo W. London
Ronald Long
Kenneth Lowenberg
Mary and Hal Lucius
Spencer Lucker
Ronald and Marilyn Lundquist
Bonnie Lutz
Sandra L. Mabry
Dale MacIver
Robert and Valerie Mallett
Gerald and
Madeline Malovany
Barbara Mander
Hon. John E. Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Margolis
Dr. Alvin Martin
Doris Anne Martin
Michelle Mason
Stanley Matchett
Marlene Mayo
Hans and Marianne Mayr
Lou Mazawey
Susan Hall McCannell
Elizabeth Ann McGrath
Ms. Jane McGrew
Mr. and Mrs. William McKaig
John and Marie McKeon
Henry McPherson
Martha McQuade
Cheryl McQueen
Sally and Bill Meadows
Tom and Terry Melo
Edward and Loretta Merrow
Leigh Method
Bernard Meyers
Lisa Mezzetti
David Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller
Dr. Florence K. Miller
Oral Miller
Barbara Mintz
John E. Mitchell
Patricia Mitchell
Robin Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore
James Morris
Kent and Dale Morrison
Helaine G. Morss
Marilyn L Muench
Terence Murphy and
Patricia Sherman Murphy
Jim and Ellen Myerberg
Cathy Nace and David Levy
Hedy Nash and
John Wetterau
Ralph and Gwen Nash
Valerie Neal
Elizabeth Neblett
Jacqueline P. Nelson
William and Louisa Newlin
Shelia Newman
John and Carol Noble
Jeremy Novak and
Elaine Mattaire
Norman and Susan Oblon
Nancy O’Brien
R. Frances O’Brien
Judy Olmer
C and J Orza
Colonel Tommy T. Osborne
Elsie Page
Charles Parker
James T. Parson, Jr.
Jane Passman
Wanda D. Patrick
Renate G Pawlik
Norval Peabody
Kevin and Sherry Pearson
Nthakoana Peko and
Don Spicer
Anne E. Peret
Nancy Pergolizzi
Jeanne and Burnie Peters
Mary Irene Pett
Karen and Hugh Pettigrew
Margaret and Carl Pfeiffer
D. Piekarski and I. Way
Geraldine Fogel Pilzer
Dr. Gwendolyn W. Pla
Barbara and Larry Poe
Lance and Sheila Pohl
Beth Polakoff
Liz Purdy Porter
Anna Powell
Marjorie Powell
Ane Powers
Jim and Sue Price
Wendell and Kathy Primus
Vincent and Nancy Radosta
Edward Ramos
Janice Rasgus
Linda J Ravdin and
Donald C Shapero
Sandra Reed-Bryant
Anna Marie Reeder
Peter S. Reichertz
Catherine Remijan
Maria Farese Rendine
Lynn and David Rickard
Jo Ricks and Jeffrey Clark
Nancy Ricks
Markley Roberts
Marietta Robinson
Catherine Roca
Dr. Sheila Rogovin and
Dr. Stewart Aledort
Charles Rohe
Robin Anne Rojas
John and Taryn Roman
Bob Rose and Lauren Swartz
Norma Roseman
Rosalind Rosenberg
Alfred Ross
Dr. Bernard and
Louise Rostker
Dr. Ted and
Judge Barbara Rothstein
Robert and JoAnn Royer
Nancy and George Rubenson
Richard and Jane Rutherford
Jane and Bruce Ryan
Al Russell
Mehdi and Lori Sabet
Barbara Sable
Mr. and Mrs. John Sacchetti
Alan and Florence Salisbury
Art and Nancy Saltford
Beverly Sapp
Lee Saunders
Anita Sauterne
Susan Schaffer and
Michael Rogen
Alexis Scheffter
Carol Seary Schneider
Pauline A, Schneider
Jane Scholz
Eugene and Alice Schreiber
Frederick and Peri Schuyler
Richard and Rochelle Schwab
Elaine Schwartz
J. Kenneth Schwartz,
James F. and Ola S. Scott
Karren E. Scott
Sandra and David Sellers
Phillip and Ruth Shapiro
The Hon Mattie R. Sharpless
John and Roma Sherman
Martha Sherman
Laura Shiffrin
Bobbi and Larry Shulman
Barbara Shutt
Hugh and Ruth Sickel
Dr. and Mrs. Rubin Siegel
Les Silverman and
Patty Abramson
Patricia Silverman
Ms. Sally Simms
Ken Simonson and
Jan Solomon
Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas G. Sinderson
Virginia Sloss
Margaret Smith
Pamela Brown Smith
Jerry and Shannon Sollinger
Ronna Spacone
Cecile Srodes
The Honorable and Mrs.
Jonathan Steinberg
Hilary Stephenson
Sheila Stinson
Donald R. and
Dorothy T. Stone
Barbara Strong and
Michael Kielbiewicz
Timothy Sullivan
Anne Summers and
Alan Weiss
David Svatos and
Christopher McMackin
Deborah K. Tatum
Chris Taylor
Evelyn Teel
Al Thomson
Patricia Thorne
Barbara Tobias
Juergen Tooren
Lyanne Trumbull
Sheila Truxon
Jose Alberto Ucles
Laura S. Vault
Dr. Carolyn Peoples Veiga
Susan and Jeff Vincent
James Vollman
Michael Waldman and
Linda Coe
Marnie Walfort and
Cliff Elgarten
Cynthia Wallace
Ed and Maria Ward
Roger and Diane Warin
Krystyna Wasserman
Dr. and Mrs. Harlan Watson
Cameron and
Susan Weiffenbach
Helene Weisz and
Richard Lieberman
Stevenson Weitz
Joseph and Rosemary Weller
Greg and Mary Whiteman
Mr. Gerry Widdicombe
Dan and Debbie Williams
Robert and
Gwendolyn Williams
Bernetta and Kevin Willams
Lawrence Williams
J. David Willson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wilshere
Robert Wilson
Mary Jane Wisniewski
Conrad Woody
Albertha W. Workman
John and Beth Wright
Elaine Wunderlich
Mara Yachnin
Jack and Susan Yanovski
Beverly and Daniel Yett
James Yenckel
Beth York and Art Rubin
Sharon Zackula
Mr. James J. Zogby
* Deceased
OUR INSTITUTIONAL DONORS (as of November 15, 2018)
National Capital Arts & Cultural Affairs Program/
U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Share Fund
Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation
The Theodore H. Barth Foundation, Inc.
APCO Worldwide
Arent Fox, LLP
BakerHostetler, LLP
The Bernstein Companies
The Boeing Company
Boies, Schiller & Flexner, LLP
The Boston Consulting Group
Central Parking System
Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts
Discovery Inc.
The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
The Edelmann Love Group Realtors
K&L Gates, LLP
Kiddar Capital
The Meredith Foundation
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Plenary Group
Alice Shaver Foundation
Theatre Forward
Venable Foundation
701 Restaurant & the Knightsbridge Restaurant Group
The Bay & Paul Foundations
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Clark-Winchcole Foundation
Comcast NBCUniversal
Dimick Foundation
Edington, Peel & Associates
Edison Electric Institute
Friends of Southwest DC
Graham Holdings Company
Hoffman Madison Waterfront
JBG Smith
Leftwich, LLC
Mars Foundation
Rockwell Collins
Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, LLP
Hattie M. Strong Foundation
Washington Nationals Dream Foundation
Weber Shandwick Company
Aronson, LLC
Bormel, Grice & Huyett, P.A.
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Foley & Lardner, LLP
The Kiplinger Foundation
Wawa Foundation
Weissberg Foundation
Cabot Creamery
Fisher Dachs Associates, Inc
We endeavor to provide a complete listing of all
donors in the above categories. However, if your
name is not listed, please contact the Development
Department at 2026004177. We are also grateful to
the thousands of other contributors to Arena Stage,
whose names space will not permit us to print.
Ovation Circle $100,000 and above;
Founder’s Circle $50,000 – 99,999;
Benefactor’s Circle $25,000 – 49,999;
Leadership Circle $15,000 – 24,999;
President’s Circle $10,000 – 14,999;
Producer’s Circle $5,000 – 9,999;
Director’s Circle $2,500 – 4,999;
Playwright’s Circle $1,500 – 2,499;
Star $1,000 – 1,499;
Lead $600 – 999;
Supporting Role $300 – 599.
30 201819 SEASON 201819 SEASON 31
Artistic Director .....................................................Molly Smith
Executive Producer ...........................................Edgar Dobie
Founding Director .....................................Zelda Fichandler
Founding Executive Director ..... Thomas C. Fichandler
Deputy Artistic Director ................................ Seema Sueko
Casting Director / Line Producer.............Victor Vazquez
Literary Manager ..........................................Naysan Mojgani
Senior Literary Fellow .............................. Anna'le Hornak*
Directing Fellow..............................................Dalia Ashurina*
Casting Fellow .....................................................Malek Mayo*
Dramaturg ......................................................... Jocelyn Clarke
Currently Commissioned Writers ...............Kia Corthron,
Nathan Alan Davis, Idris Goodwin,
David Henry Hwang, Rajiv Joseph,
Kenneth Lin, Craig Lucas,
Eduardo Machado, Octavio Solis,
Aaron Posner, Theresa Rebeck,
John Strand
Chief Financial Officer ...................................Joe Berardelli
Leadership Office Manager .............................. Alison Irvin
Management Fellow .................................... Brandi Lavigne*
General Counsel ...............Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
Jacobson; Robbins, Russell, Englert,
Orsek, Untereiner & Sauber, LLP
Controller ............................................................. John Monnett
Accounting and Payroll Manager ...........Joan A.S. Lada
Accounting Associates .....................................Larry Bright,
Christopher Murk
Auditors ................................... Bormel, Grice & Huyett, P.A.
Counsel ............................................................... Arent Fox, LLP
Director of Community Engagement/
Senior Artistic Advisor ...................... Anita Maynard-Losh
Director of Education ..................................Ashley Forman
School Programs Manager ..............Rebecca Campana
Master Teaching Artist ............................... Psalmayene 24
Training Programs Manager ..........Sean-Maurice Lynch
Community Programs
Coordinator ............................................Matthew Reckeweg
Community Engagement
Assistant ..............................................Alan Gonzalez Bisnes
Community Engagement Fellows .............Lauren Miller*
Director of Annual Fund ............................... Holly K. Oliver
Senior Director of
Individual Giving ............................................Kristen Mitchell
Director, Ovation Campaign .......................... Ryan Merkel
Director, Development Operations
and Events ..............................................................Maria Corso
Director of Board and
Donor Relations ..........................................Anne Paine West
Director, Corporate Fund ................. Char Manlove-Laws
Foundation Relations
Manager ...................................................................... Erin Jones
Campaign Manager ...................................Melanie Heredia
Membership Manager ........................................ Sam Abney
Donor Relations Manager .................................... Tiana Bias
Development Services Assistant ................Mary Patano
Development Research
Coordinator ....................................................Jennie Weyman
Development Assistant ....................................Abigail Cady
Director of Human Resources ........Jackie Rucker Bohi
Human Resources &
Finance Assistant ............................................ Kathryn Perry
Managing Director .........................................Khady Kamara
Senior Director of Sales
and Audience Services ............. Lindsey Wareing Pisani
Group Sales Manager ........................................ Isaac Evans
Group Sales Associates .............. Bria Hall, Jay Williams
Assistant Director of
Audience Services ...........................................Sabrina Clark
Managers of Sales Services ....................Ellison Roberts,
Rachel Vest
Assistant Manager of
Sales Services ............................................... James Swindell
Sales Associates ..........................................Sean Carpenter,
Trevor Comeau, Nicole Cusick,
Emily Lungmus, Asha Moses,
Colin O’Bryan, Rachel Waring
House Managers .........................................Jasmine Brooks,
Becca Spencer, Renata Wilson
Visitor Services Manager ............................. Jody Barasch
Events and Rentals
Senior Managers ............... Emma Latimer, Kaitlyn Sakry
Events and Rentals
Associate Manager .................. Chrystal Noelle Vaughan
Director of Information Systems ........Travis Armbuster
Systems Administrator ......................................Jarett Poole
Database Manager ........................................Rachel Schlaff
Help Desk Associate .................................Edward Wieland
Senior Director of Marketing
and Communications ...........................Renée M. Littleton
Digital Communications Manager ........Brieahn Demeo
Media Relations Consultant .......................... Deb Fiscella
Media Relations Associate ......................... Skye Lindberg
Media Relations Fellow ................ Samantha Schneider*
Senior Graphic Designer.................................Shawn Helm
Multimedia Designer .................................James Sweeney
Website and New Media Manager ..................Ben Nolan
Publications Coordinator .........................Kate Thompson
Marketing Fellow ......................................Caroline Dowden*
Artwork Creation ......................................... Nicky Lindeman
Illustrators ......................................Jon Berkley, Mads Berg,
Charles Chaisson, Raul Colon,
Richard Davies, Erik Drooker, Jon Foster,
Bruce Hutchinson, Tim O'Brien
Senior Director of Operations ...............Marissa LaRose
Operations Manager .............................................Alicia Sells
Operations Coordinator ..............................Jenna Murphy
Company Manager ............................................. Amber Gray
Assistant Company Manager ................... Maddie Newell
Company Management Fellow ............Cameron Appel*
Engineering Supervisor .................................... Keith Brown
Maintenance Technicians .......................... Vincent Gregg,
Henry Williams
Porter ..................................................................Lawrence Wise
Stage Door Attendants .............................Ra’Chelle Carey,
Kay Rogers
Director of Production ................................. Joel M. Krause
Production Manager ...............................Karen O. Mayhew
Technical Director .................................................Natalie Bell
Associate Technical Director ........Zachary Fullenkamp
Assistant Technical Director ......................Nola Werlinich
Senior Carpenter .................................................Norman Lee
Charge Scenic Artist .................................................. Li Qiang
Carpenters ....................................................... Mick Coughlan,
Craig Hower, Sean Malarkey,
Hannah Martin, Logan McDowell,
Frank Miller, Amanda Srok
Properties Director ..................................... Jennifer Sheetz
Associate Properties Director ..........Lance Pennington
Master Prop Carpenter ..................................Michael Ritoli
Props Artisan ............................................................Niell DuVal
Property Assistants .................... Marion Hampton Dubé,
..................................................................................Kyle Handziak
Master Electrician...........................Christopher V. Lewton
Assistant Master Electrician .......................Paul Villalovoz
Electricians ................................. Scott Folsom, Brian Flory,
Kelsey Swanson
Lighting Fellow .......................................
Venus Gulbranson*
Sound and Video Supervisor ....................Brian Burchett
Master Sound and
Video Technician .............................Timothy M. Thompson
Sound Technicians ................................. Adam W. Johnson,
Drew Moberley, Reid Moffatt
Costume Director ............................. Joseph P. Salasovich
Assistant to the Costume Director ..............Cierra Coan
Drapers ...............................Carol Ramsdell, Steven Simon
First Hands ............Michele Macadaeg, Mallory Muffley
Master Stitcher ....................................................Noel Borden
Craftsperson .....................................................Deborah Nash
Wardrobe Supervisors .......Alina Gerall, Alice Hawfield
Wigs, Hair and Makeup Supervisor ....LaShawn Melton
Costume and Wardrobe Assistant .......Adelle Gresock
Costume Fellow ...........................................Caton Hamrick*
Stage Managers .......................... Rachael Danielle Albert,
Marne Anderson, Kurt Hall,
Martha Knight, Trevor A. Riley,
Christi B. Spann, Susan R. White
* Allen Lee Hughes Fellow
“[Lin] is a voice to be reckoned with.
Atlanta’s Theatre Review