Video Podcast & Webinar Citation Examples for APA 7th Ed.
All entries on a References page should be double-spaced. To save room, our examples have not been double-spaced.
Video podcast series
Boilen, B. (Host). (2008-present). Tiny desk
[Video podcast]. NPR.
Host‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Host). (Year–Year). Title of podcast series
[Video podcast].
Production Company. URL
(Include the names of all hosts if a podcast has more than one host. If the series is still airing, replace the second
year with the word “present.” As of the creation of this document, Tiny Desk
is still airing.)
Video podcast episode, no episode number, viewed on a website
Boilen, B. (Host). (2020, June 15). Alicia Keys: Tiny desk concert [Video podcast episode]. In
Tiny desk
. NPR.
Host‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Host). (Date podcast episode aired). Title of podcast episode (No. #,
if available) [Video podcast episode]. In Title of podcast series
. Production Company. URL
(If the podcast has an episode number, enter the number in Citation Maker, and “No.”– which is an abbreviation for
number – will automatically precede the number in the citation.)
Video podcast episode, two hosts, with episode number, viewed on YouTube
Tyson, N. d., & Mecurio, P. (Hosts). (2019, November 7). Cosmic queries: Planets and stuff (No.
46) [Video podcast episode]. In StarTalk.
StarTalk Radio.
Host1‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Host2‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Hosts). (Date
podcast episode aired). Title of podcast episode (No. #, if available) [Video podcast episode]. In Title of
podcast series
. Production Company. URL
(APA instructs you to write the author / host’s name exactly as it is written in the source. Therefore, for Neil
deGrasse Tyson, the “d” for the middle initial is lowercase.)
NOTE: This is a YouTube video, but it is also a video podcast. Should this video be cited using Citation Maker’s
Video Podcast option or Other Online Video (YouTube) option? APA is not clear what to do in this situation. We
APA Citation Examples (
recommend using the Video Podcast option for several reasons. See the explanation under the citation for “Webinar,
recorded, viewed on YouTube” below.
For comparison, this is what the citation would look like if you used the Other Online Video (YouTube) option on
the Video Recording template on Citation Maker:
StarTalk. (2019, November 7). Cosmic queries: Planets and stuff
[Video]. YouTube.
Webinar, recorded, one instructor, viewed on a website
May, E. (2020, April). An inside look: Native plants & pollinators
[Webinar]. Audubon New
Instructor‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date posted). Title of webinar
[Webinar]. Production Company.
(Use this option to cite a recorded webinar that is posted online. If you watched a live webinar that was not recorded,
do not cite it in your reference list because others cannot retrieve the information, but do mention it in your paper.
Enter the specific date from the source: the year, the month and year, or a full date.)
Webinar, recorded, three instructors, viewed on YouTube
Feliciano, S., Warnes, R., & McMaster, J. (2020, August 20). Everything you ever wanted to
know about adopting a pet
[Webinar]. Animal Care Centers of NYC.
Instructor1‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., Instructor2‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., &
Instructor3‘s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date posted). Title of webinar
[Webinar]. Production
Company. URL
NOTE: This is a YouTube video, but it is also a recorded webinar. Should this video be cited using Citation Maker’s
Webinar option or Other Online Video (YouTube) option? APA is not clear what to do in this situation. We
recommend using the Webinar option for three reasons:
1. The YouTube video is clearly labeled as a webinar. By using the Webinar option, the more specific
description [Webinar] will appear in the citation, unlike the YouTube option, for which the description
would be [Video].
2. The Animal Care Centers of NYC produced the webinar. By using the Webinar option, you will credit that
group, unlike the YouTube option, which credits the streaming service – YouTube.
3. The webinar instructors / presenters are responsible for the content. By using the Webinar option, you can
credit them, unlike the YouTube option, which credits the person or group who uploaded the video. In this
case, that would be the vague ACC NYC.
For comparison, this is what the citation would look like if you used the Other Online Video (YouTube) option on
the Video Recording template on Citation Maker:
ACC NYC. (2020, August 20). Everything you ever wanted to know about adopting a pet.
[Video]. YouTube.
APA Citation Examples (