Other Online Video Citation Examples for APA 7th Ed.
All entries on a References page should be double-spaced. To save room, our examples have not been double-spaced.
Video, viewed on YouTube (or other streaming service), group name as author, with username
Olin Library [olinlibrary]. (2008, February 28). Research minutes: How to identify scholarly
journal articles
[Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/uDGJ2CYfY9A
Uploader’s Group name [Username]. (Date of post). Title of video
[Video]. Streaming Video Site Name. URL
(APA says to credit the person or group who uploaded the video, even if they did not create the content. Provide the
real name and the username, if known. For usernames, retain any nonstandard spelling and capitalization. Often on
the streaming service site, you can click on the uploader’s name or channel name to find out the real name of the
person, group, or organization.)
Video, viewed on YouTube (or other streaming service), organization as author, with username
Oregon School Library Information System [OSLIS Secondary Videos]. (2017, October 2).
Advanced searching: Using limiters & subject searching
[Video]. YouTube.
Uploader’s Organization name [Username]. (Date of post). Title of video
[Video]. Streaming Video Site Name. URL
Video, viewed on YouTube (or other streaming service), username as author
Geology Guy. (2020, October 5). Igneous rock identification
[Video]. YouTube.
Uploader’s Username. (Date of post). Title of video
[Video]. Streaming Video Site Name. URL
(When the uploader goes by a username, and the real name cannot be determined, the username should not appear in square
brackets. Citation Maker will automatically not include the brackets in the citation when only the Username field is filled out.)
Video, viewed on Vimeo (or other streaming service), individual as author, no username used
Cutts, S. (2017, November 24). Happiness
[Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/244405542
Uploader’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date of post). Title of video
[Video]. Streaming Video Site
Name. URL
APA Citation Examples (www.oslis.org)
TED Talk video, viewed on YouTube (or other streaming service)
TED. (2008, April 4). Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe
[Video]. YouTube.
TED. (Date of post). Title of video
[Video]. YouTube. URL
(Because this TED Talk video is on YouTube, credit the person or group that uploaded the video. In this case, the
uploader is the organization called TED.)
TED Talk video, viewed on TED website, not on a streaming video service
Giertz, S. (2018, April). Why you should make useless things
[Video]. TED Conferences.
Presenter’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date of post). Title of video
[Video]. TED Conferences. URL
(Because this TED Talk video is on the TED website, credit the presenter. In this case, the presenter is Simone
Video, not on a streaming video service
Fussell, M. (2020, July 30). Raven with charcoal
[Video]. The Virtual Instructor.
Presenter or Narrator’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date of post). Title of video
[Video]. Production
Company. URL
(For the author, enter the names of the individuals who delivered the content of the video. Usually that is the presenter or narrator.
Otherwise, name those who created the video. If a production company cannot be determined, use the title of the website instead.)
APA Citation Examples (www.oslis.org)