For Violations of the National
Do Not Call Registry:
File a complaint with the Federal
Communications Commission
(FCC) online at WWW.FCC.GOV
or by phone at 1-888-225-5322.
For Threatening Telemarketing
File a complaint with the Nevada
Attorney General’s Office at
WWW.AG.NV.GOV under the
complaint tab, or at any one of our
office locations.
Nevada Attorney Generals Office
E d u c a t i o n i s y o u r f i r s t l i n e o f d e f e n s e
Tired of getting those annoying robocalls and unwanted telemarking
calls? We’re here to provide you with some tips to help. You can cut
down on the number of unsolicited calls and texts you receive by
learning where to go to
Just Say No
The Law:
Nevada law provides guidelines for telephone solitication calls. A
complaint may be filed against a solicitation call if the salesperson:
Uses threatening, intimidating, profane, or obscene
Repeatedly or continuously conducts the solicitation or
presentation in a manner that a reasonable person
would consider to be annoying, abusive, or harassing;
Solicits a person by telephone at his or her residence
between 8 p.m. and 9 a.m.;
Blocks or otherwise intentionally circumvents any
service used to identity the caller when placing an
unsolicited telephone call; or
Places an unsolicited telephone call that doesn't allow a
service to identity the caller by the telephone number or
name of the business (unless such identification isn't
technically feasible).
100 N. Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701 Tel 775.684.1100
J u s t s a y NO.
A robocall is a call with
a recorded message
instead of a live person.
Call Blocking Mobile Apps
These mobile applications allow
you to create lists of numbers to
block from calling your cell
Many of these apps also
create their own lists
from numbers that have
received significant
consumer complaints.
Some apps let you
choose which types of
calls you want to block,
for example, all calls
except contacts.
Contact your phone
provider for more
information on these
Cloud-Based Services
Cloud-based services can block
unwanted calls for mobile phone
lines or phone lines that operate
over the Internet.
Cloud-based services
reside on large, shared
computer systems that can
collect data from many
users and use it to build
crowd-sourced blacklists.
Contact your phone
provider for imformation
about these services.
Carrier Services
Consider using services provided
by your phone provider.
Many carriers allow you to
block between 10-30
numbers, but you are
responsible for identifying
these numbers.
R e s o u r c e s A v a i l a b l e t o Y o u
Tips for Handling Unwanted Calls:
Technology has made it easier for people to place scam or illegal
calls. Internet-based phone calls make it easy for callers to spoof a
number, which helps them hide from law enforcement.
Hang up the phone;
Don’t press 1 to speak to a live operator, or any other number
to get your number off the list;
If you respond by pressing any number, it will probably lead to
more robocalls;
If you receive the call on your cellphone, you can manually block
the call. You may also contact your phone provider to ask them
to block the number; and
Telemarketers frequently change Caller ID information, so it
might not be worth paying a fee to block a number that will
Do Not Call Registry:
This registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarking calls.
You can register your home or mobile phone for free at
After you register, other types of organizations may still call you,
such as charities, political groups, debt collectors, and surveys.
This registry only stops sales calls from real companies. The registry
is a list that tells telemarketers what numebrs not to call, and cannot
stop calls from scammers who ignore the registry.
Your registration on this list will never expire. Your number will only
be removed if it’s disconnected, reassigned, or if you ask to remove
100 N. Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701 Tel 775.684.1100
The Federal Communications Commission is advising
consumers of the “one ring” scam, where the victim will
receive a call from an unknown number that only rings once
and hangs up before they can answer. The scammer is
hopeful that the victim will call back, allowing the scammer
to collect on an expensive international phone call.