Worldwide Texting Statistics
1. The number of monthly texts sent increased more than 7,700% over the last decade.
(Statistic Brain) (Tweet this!)
2. Over 560 billion texts are sent every month worldwide. (Statistic Brain) (Tweet this!)
3. 18.7 billion texts are sent worldwide every day, not including app-to-app messaging. (Statistic
Brain) (Tweet this!)
4. (2017 Update) 15,220,700 texts are sent every minute of every day worldwide, not including
app-to-app messaging. (Domo) (Tweet this!)
5. (2017 Update) 913,242,000 texts are sent every hour of every day worldwide, not including
app-to-app messaging. (Domo) (Tweet this!)
6. (2017 Update) 22 billion texts are sent every day worldwide, not including app-to-app
messaging. (Domo) (Tweet this!)
7. (2017 Update) 8 trillion texts are sent worldwide every year, not including app-to-app
messaging. (Domo) (Tweet this!)
8. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger combine for more than 60 billion messages sent every
day. (The Verge) (Tweet this!)
9. 4.2 billion+ people text worldwide. (MBA Online) (Tweet this!)
10. Text messaging is the most used data service in the world. (Nielsen) (Tweet this!)
U.S. Texting Statistics
11. 81% of Americans text regularly. (Pew Research Center) (Tweet this!)
12. Over 6 billion texts are sent every day. (CTIA) (Tweet this!)
13. Over 180 billion texts are sent every month. (CTIA) (Tweet this!)
14. 2.27 trillion texts are sent every year. (CTIA) (Tweet this!)
15. 97% of American adults text weekly. (Pew Research Center) (Tweet this!)
16. America is responsible for approximately 45% of the world's text volume. (CTIA & Statistic
Brain) (Tweet this!)
17. Americans text twice as much as they call, on average. (Nielsen) (Tweet this!)
18. In 2010, almost 200,00 texts were sent every second of the year. (MBA Online) (Tweet this!)
Related: 101 Reasons You Might Text Someone Today
Texting Statistics by Age
19. 91% of teens with cell phones actively text. (Pew Research Center) (Tweet this!)
20. About 50% of adults 18-24 say text conversations as just as meaningful as a phone call.
(Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet this!)
21. Adults under 45 send and receive 85+ texts every day, on average. (Experian Marketing
Services) (Tweet this!)
22. (2017 Update) The average consumer sends 3 messages per hour (including app-to-app
messaging). (Twilio) (Tweet this!)
23. (2017 Update) The average consumer sends 72 messages per day (including app-to-app
messaging). (Twilio) (Tweet this!)
24. 77% of students want relevant information from colleges via text. (Cappex) (Tweet this!)
25. 59% of students say a college can text them first. (Cappex) (Tweet this!)
26. Adults 18-24 y.o. send and receive over 128 texts every day. (Experian Marketing
Services) (Tweet this!)
27. Adults 18-24 y.o. send and receive 3,853 texts a month. (Experian Marketing
Services) (Tweet this!)
28. Adults 25-34 send and receive over 75 texts a day. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet
29. Adults 25-34 send and receive 2,240 texts a month. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet
30. Adults 35-44 send and receive about 52 texts a day. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet
31. Adults 35-44 send and receive 1,557 texts a month. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet
32. Adults 45-54 send and receive 33 texts a day. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet this!)
33. Adults 45-54 send and receive 998 texts a month. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet
34. Adults 55+ send and receive 16 texts a day. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet this!)
35. Adults 55+ send and receive 491 texts a month. (Experian Marketing Services) (Tweet this!)
Related: How Many Emails Do People Get Every Day?
Texting Statistics by Time and Rates
36. Texting is 10X quicker than phone calls. (Text Request) (Tweet this!)
37. Texts have a 99% open rate. (SinglePoint) (Tweet this!)
38. 95% of texts will be read within 3 minutes of being sent. (Forbes) (Tweet this!)
39. Average response time for a text is 90 seconds. (CTIA) (Tweet this!)
40. Texts have a 45% average response rate. (Velocify) (Tweet this!)
41. College students spend 94 minutes a day texting, on average. (Journal of Behavioral
Addictions) (Tweet this!)
42. Texting takes up 33% of Millennials' mobile usage. (RealityMine) (Tweet this!)
43. Text messages are read in under 5 seconds, on average. (SlickText) (Tweet this!)
44. 96% of smartphone owners text. (Pew Research Center) (Tweet this!)
45. The average adult spends 23 hours a week texting. (USA Today) (Tweet this!)
Related: Why Has Live Texting Become So Popular?
Texting Statistics by Preference
46. 33% of American adults prefer texts to all other forms of communication. (Pew Research
Center) (Tweet this!)
47. Text is the most used form of communication for American adults under 50. (Gallup) (Tweet
48. 91% of people who text prefer it over voicemail. (RingCentral) (Tweet this!)
49. Texting is the most common cell phone activity. (Pew Research Center) (Tweet this!)
50. A third of Americans prefer text to phone calls. (Pew Research Center) (Tweet this!)
Business Texting Statistics
51. Only 48% of businesses are currently equipped to handle any form of messaging. (Twilio)
(Tweet this!)
52. 78% of people wish they could have a text conversation with a business.
(RingCentral) (Tweet this!)
53. (2017 Update) 89% of consumers want to use messaging to communicate with businesses.
(Twilio) (Tweet this!)
54. Messaging is the #1 preferred customer support channel in the U.S. (Twilio) (Tweet this!)
55. 79% of bosses are supportive of texting for business purposes. (RingCentral) (Tweet this!)
Related: 8 Benefits of Texting for Business That You Desperately Need
56. 61% of businesses wish they could send and receive texts from a business number.
(RingCentral) (Tweet this!)
57. 61% of contact centers have or plan to offer SMS support by the end of 2016. (Dimension
Data) (Tweet this!)
58. 80% of professionals currently use text for business purposes. (RingCentral) (Tweet this!)
59. People prefer text most for scheduling or changing appointments, and making or confirming
reservations. (Harris) (Tweet this!)
60. Over half of customers would rather text a customer support agent instead of using other
available options. (eWeek) (Tweet this!)
61. Texting is highest rated contact method for customer satisfaction compared to all other
communication channels (Text - 90; Phone - 77; Facebook - 66). (eWeek) (Tweet this!)
62. Over 1/3 of professionals say they can't go 10 minutes without responding to a
text. (eWeek) (Tweet this!)
63. Calls cost customer service centers several dollars per conversation. Texts cost pennies per
conversation. (Forrester & ContactBabel) (Tweet this!)
64. 44% of consumers prefer to press a button and initiate a text conversation, rather than wait
on hold with an agent. (Harris) (Tweet this!)
65. 75% of people like offers sent via text (but no more than 2/mo). (Digital Marketing
Magazine) (Tweet this!)
66. Texting in the sales process with a qualified lead can increase conversions over
100%. (Velocify) (Tweet this!)
67. 72% of business professionals prefer texting to messaging apps. (eWeek) (Tweet this!)
68. Nearly 70% of employees think text should be used for interoffice communication. (Vitiello
Communications Group) (Tweet this!)
69. 64% of consumers are likely to have a positive perception of companies that offer
communication via text. (Harris) (Tweet this!)
70. 90% of leads prefer to be texted, compared to called. (FranchiseHelp) (Tweet this!)
Related: 7 Simple Steps to Quickly Convert More Online Leads
71. Response rates from text are 209% higher than those from phone
calls. (FranchiseHelp) (Tweet this!)
72. Verification rates (positive or "yes" responses) are 295% higher through text, compared to
phone calls. (FranchiseHelp) (Tweet this!)
73. Text verification rates are consistently around 200% higher than email verification. (Nexmo)
(Tweet this!)
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