Identity Guidelines
For Channel A∑liates and
Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
The Apple identity is a seal of approval and a promise of
excellence. When you are authorized or certified in your
area of business or expertise, you also represent Apple. By
following these guidelines, you reap the benefits of the
Apple identity and contribute to its strength.
Apple requirements
The Apple channel signatures and graphics described in these guidelines are for use
only by current Apple channel aliates who have signed the Apple Authorized Reseller
Agreement and by individuals with a current Apple certication. Apple channel aliates
and Apple-certied individuals must follow these guidelines when publicizing their
relationship with Apple in communications.
Apple reserves the right to withdraw permission to use an Apple channel signature at
any time if the use of the signature is inconsistent with these guidelines or is otherwise
deemed inappropriate by Apple. Apple channel signatures cannot be used in connection
with any communications that do not meet the criteria outlined in the Apple Authorized
Reseller Agreement or Apple Certication Agreement.
Apple channel aliates and Apple-certied individuals must comply with these
guidelines, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the “Guidelines for Using
Apple Trademarks and Copyrights” at
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Apple Sales Web
5 Apple Sales Web
Using Apple Channel Signatures
7 Apple Channel Signatures
8 Choosing a Conguration
9 Signature Color
10 Minimum Clear Space and
Minimum Size
11 Typography
12 Avoid Signature Mistakes
13 Displaying Multiple Apple
14 Avoid Mistakes When Displaying
Multiple Apple Authorizations
15 Using the Apple Channel Signature
on Headers
16 Avoid Header Mistakes
17 Reseller Websites
18 Email Signatures
19 Social Media
20 Advertising
21 Vehicles
22 Merchandise Items
23 Shirts
24 Stationery
Apple-Certied Individuals
26 Apple-Certied Individuals
Using Apple Assets
28 Using Apple Assets
29 Refresh Apple Assets
30 Avoid Mistakes When Using Apple
Product Photos
Reseller Store Identity
32 Reseller Store Identity
33 Naming and Identity Practices
34 Store Exterior, Apple Channel Signature
35 Store Exterior, Higher Facade
36 Store Exterior, Signature Selection
and Placement
37 Store Exterior, Avoid Facade Mistakes
38 Store Exterior, Lower Facade
39 Store Exterior, Window Cling
40 Store Exterior, Sign Illumination
41 Store Exterior, Nonconforming Signs
42 Store Exterior, Window Displays
43 Store Interior, Fixture Design and
44 Store Interior, Avoid Fixture Mistakes
45 Store Interior, Avoid Fixture Mistakes
46 Store Interior, Communications
47 Store Interior, Multi-brand Concessions
48 Store Interior, Multi-brand Concessions
49 Store Interior, Signs
50 Store Interior, Avoid Sign Mistakes
51 Store Interior, Banners
Apple Trademarks and Credit Lines
53 Using Apple Trademarks
54 Trademark Symbols and Credit Lines
For More Information
56 For More Information
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Using Apple Assets
Sales Web
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Apple Sales Web
Apple Sales Web (ASW) provides advertising materials, data sheets, FAQs, product part
numbers, pricing information, presentations, product videos, product photography, and
more. Your Apple representative can provide more information about ASW.
To register for access, visit and click “Sign Up”.
Once you have created an account, you can log in to ASW by visiting
If you need help with access, visit the General Help page.
Use Search in ASW to nd specic items. For example, searching for signature or
corporate identity will take you to information on using the Apple identity for
resellers, including channel signature artwork les for download.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Using Apple
Channel Signatures
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
A signature is the combination of the Apple logo with a logotype—a name like
Authorized Reseller set in specially designed type. Apple channel signatures
communicate your relationship to Apple. Always use the correct signature based
on your contractual relationship with Apple.
Channel a∑liates and certied individuals should never allow the Apple logo to
stand alone in their communications.
The appropriate channel signature can be applied to advertisements, websites, store
signs, stationery, and other communications as long as the relationship to Apple is not
obscured or distorted. The Apple channel signature must always be smaller than your
business or store identity and placed in a layout position that is secondary to that
identity. Never use an Apple channel signature in place of your business or store identity.
It is preferred that you use only one Apple signature on each page or surface of a com-
munication. If you have multiple authorizations from Apple, select the signature that is
most clearly related to the communication’s content. For example, an Apple Authorized
Reseller may also be an Apple Authorized Education Reseller and an Apple Authorized
Training Center. If the communication is targeted to the education market, use only the
Authorized Education Reseller signature. If the communication features training capabili-
ties, use only the Authorized Training Center signature. If you are listing multiple Apple
authorizations on a web page describing your company’s capabilities, follow the guide-
lines in Displaying Multiple Apple Authorizations on page 13.
Apple channel signature congurations
The basic Apple signature congurations are shown below. Always use one of these
approved congurations on your communications. Signature artwork is provided on ASW.
Do not alter the artwork.
One-line signature
Two-line signature
Certification signature with descriptor
Apple certications are awarded to qualifying individuals,
not businesses. See Apple-Certied Individuals on page 26.
Some certications include a descriptor in smaller type.
Use only the artwork provided by Apple.
Apple Channel Signatures
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Two-line signature
Some layouts oer very limited space. The two-
line signature is a compact conguration that
ts in small spaces.
The choice of signature conguration will depend on your layout. The one-line signature
is used in promotions when there is ample horizontal layout space. The two-line signature
is more compact. It can be used when both vertical space and horizontal space are
limited. Use only the two-line signature on store signage; see Reseller Store Identity on
pages 32–51.
Choosing a Configuration
One-line signature
In the one-line signature, both the type
and the Apple logo are clearly legible
at a small size. It is ideal for horizontal
layout space.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Signature Color
Apple channel signatures can be displayed only in all-black or all-white. When placing
a signature on black or color backgrounds, use an all-white signature reversed out
of the background color. Never place an Apple channel signature on a visually cluttered
or patterned background.
All-black signature
All-white signature
Avoid mistakes
Resellers can display their Apple-provided
authorization only in all-black or all-white.
An Apple logo in gray is reserved for use
by Apple and may appear on some channel
assets provided by Apple. Never display your
channel signature in gray.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Minimum clear space
The minimum clear space around the signature is equal to one-half the height of the
Apple logo, measured from the top of the leaf to the lower edge. To create the greatest
impact, allow even more space around your signature. Do not allow photos, typography,
or other graphic elements to enter the minimum clear space area.
Minimum size
The minimum signature size should be used only when layout space is extremely limited.
Use the signature at a larger size whenever possible. Make sure the Apple channel
signature is smaller than your store or company identity.
Minimum Clear Space and Minimum Size
For all Apple channel signatures, the minimum
size is 8 mm in print and 35 pixels onscreen,
measuring the height of the Apple logo. Allow
minimum clear space as shown.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
The Apple corporate font
Apple uses a modied version of the Myriad font called Myriad Set in Apple marketing
materials. Myriad Set should be used only in marketing materials and presentations
provided to you by Apple. It cannot be used in your own or a third partys marketing
materials or presentations. Do not imitate Apple typography by using any version of
Myriad in your communications.
Use your company’s fonts in Apple-related
communications and in-store displays.
Emphasizing your company’s identity creates
a stronger customer experience and helps
avoid confusion.
Do not imitate the typographic style of
Apple communications.
MacBook Pro
Reseller Headline
MacBook Pro
Reseller Headline
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Do not use the Apple logo alone in channel
aliate communications, including web pages.
Do not alter the typographic proportions. Do
not place a registered trademark symbol next
to the Apple logo.
Never use an Apple channel signature as
a decorative border or pattern.
Do not change the signature color.
Avoid Signature Mistakes
Do not alter Apple channel signature artwork in any way. Always use the complete
electronic artwork provided by Apple.
Avoid these common mistakes:
Never use the Apple logo alone in your communications.
Do not remove the Apple logo from the signature artwork or alter the relationship
of the elements in any way.
Do not change the font or alter the spacing between letters.
Do not incorporate the Apple channel signature into your company identity.
Never create a new signature that combines the Apple logo with your business name.
Do not reproduce the signature using any color other than black or white.
Do not use logo artwork that has been rendered to look three-dimensional.
Do not rotate or animate an Apple channel signature or make any of its elements
Do not add special eects to the signature such as shadows, reections, or glows.
Do not link an Apple channel signature to your
company’s identity by placing it in a shape or
background eld that is part of your identity.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Displaying Multiple Apple Authorizations
If your company has multiple authorizations from Apple, you can display them on your
company’s web page that describes your business capabilities. For example, an About Us
or Overview page on your website may provide information on all the services oered at
your store location. Multiple Apple authorizations can be displayed on this page. Do not
display multiple authorizations on product promotions.
Do not display multiple Apple logos on the same page. Instead, display multiple autho-
rizations using the logotype from the channel signatures, following the layouts below.
Always use the artwork provided by Apple. Only when multiple authorizations are
displayed as shown below can the logotype in a signature be separated from the Apple
logo and used to display additional authorizations.
In advertising and promotions, do not display multiple authorizations. Display the single
authorization that is most clearly related to a communications content. For instance, an
Apple Authorized Reseller may also be an Apple Authorized Education Reseller and an
Apple Authorized Training Center. If the communication is targeted to the education
market, use only the Apple Authorized Education Reseller signature. If the communication
features training capabilities, use only the Apple Authorized Training Center signature.
Displaying multiple authorizations with the two-line signature.
Optional: two-line signature with horizontal alignment.
Displaying multiple authorizations with the one-line signature.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Avoid Mistakes When Displaying Multiple
Apple Authorizations
Avoid these common mistakes when displaying multiple Apple authorizations. Do not
stack multiple channel signatures or place them side by side. The Apple logo cannot be
repeated in multiple signatures. Always combine matching signature congurations.
Make sure you distinguish between authorizations given to businesses and certications
awarded to individuals; see Apple-Certied Individuals on page 26. Do not combine a
certication with an authorization.
Do not combine a business authorization
with a personal certication. Certications
are awarded to individuals, not businesses.
Do not stack multiple signatures and do not
place them side by side.
Do not combine a one-line signature logotype
with a two-line logotype. Combine matching
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Using the Apple Channel Signature
on Headers
Use a two-line Apple channel signature at the recommended size of 35 pixels high on
website or email headers. The minimum space between the reseller identity and the
Apple channel signature is 35 pixels as shown below. Use only one signature on a page
or header layout.
Plenty of clear space allows the Apple channel signature to stand out.
Use the two-line signature at a height of 35 pixels.
A signature can be placed in the content area.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Avoid Header Mistakes
Do not use other congurations. Use the two-line signature artwork provided
by Apple.
Do not place the Apple channel signature rst. The signature must follow the
reseller identity.
Never use the Apple logo alone. Always use the full Apple channel signature.
Do not add color to any portion of the Apple channel signature. The signature
must appear in all-black or all-white.
Do not use a one-line signature conguration on a header. Use a two-line signature.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Your website should have its own look and feel and should not copy the Apple website
at Approved product information and marketing tools for resellers
are provided on ASW.
Do not use images or other graphic elements obtained from Proprietary
images and graphics used on Apple’s website include but are not limited to Cascading
Style Sheets, “buy now buttons, background images, lifestyle photography, product icons
and images, and navigational elements, particularly those with design eects that are
strongly associated with Apples online presence and constitute Apple’s intellectual
property. Do not transfer or imitate images or eects on Do not use
Apples proprietary font, Myriad Set, on your website; see Typography on page 11.
Placing the Apple channel signature on your website
The Apple channel signature can be placed on web headers. The signature must never
overpower the reseller identity in size or placement; see Using the Apple Channel
Signature on Headers on page 15. Separate the signature from the reseller identity. The
signature must conform to the color, size, clear space, and other graphic standards in
these guidelines.
Here are points to watch for when using your Apple channel signature on the web:
Do not place the signature on a visually cluttered or patterned background.
Do not make the signature transparent.
Do not rotate or animate the signature.
Maintain appropriate clear space around the signature; see Minimum Clear Space and
Minimum Size on page 10.
Do not use an Apple logo alone. Always use a channel signature.
Reseller Websites
The Apple channel signature can be placed in the header or below the reseller
identity at the top of the page; see Using the Apple Channel Signature on
Headers on page 15.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Email Signatures
Do not include an Apple channel signature at the end of your email. Instead, refer
to your Apple authorization in text. Your Apple channel signature can appear on
headers for email promotions along with your reseller identity; see Using the Apple
Channel Signature on Headers on page 15.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Social Media
Social media is any form of communication that is built on group participation, comment-
ing, and interaction. Social media communications must represent your company or store,
not Apple. Do not use an Apple channel signature in social media promotions, and do not
include a signature as part of other graphics. Instead, refer to your Apple channel authori-
zation in text. An Apple channel signature can be visible as part of storefront signage if it
appears in a photo of your store exterior.
Social media can be used as a resource only to announce Apple product availability.
You must have Apples permission to engage in social media communications related to
Apple and Apple products.
Do not post Apple product assets or Apple product photos to social media sites, and
do not attach them to tweets. Do not run social media campaigns that feature Apple
products. Refer to the product asset kits available on ASW for more information.
Store photo
An Apple channel signature can appear on
storefront signage when a photo of the
reseller store is shown. Do not add signature
artwork to the store photo; it must be part
of the existing store signage.
Do not include an Apple channel signature
in your store’s main identity. Do not use a
signature as part of your social media graphics.
Do not post Apple product photos to social
media sites. Refer to Apple products only in text.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
When producing advertisements, follow the instructions provided in the product asset
kits on ASW. Use the templates, assets, product messages, and other resources provided
on ASW.
Whenever an Apple channel signature appears in advertising, it must conform to the
color, size, clear space, and other standards shown in these guidelines. When multiple
Apple products are shown, do not accompany each product with an Apple channel sig-
nature. Instead, show your Apple aliation by displaying an Apple channel signature near
the list or grouping of Apple products. Never use the Apple logo alone to indicate that
products are from Apple.
If you are an iOS or Mac app developer, follow the instructions provided to developers by
Apple and promote your app separately from Apple product advertising. Do not combine
your app promotions with Apple product advertising.
Advertisements must comply with Apple trademark and credit line requirements; see
Apple Trademarks and Credit Lines on pages 53–54.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Only the Apple Authorized Service Provider signature or its equivalent for your region can
be displayed on a vehicle that is used to service equipment. Use only one signature on
each side of the vehicle. Your company identity must also be displayed on each side of
the vehicle. Do not place the Apple Authorized Service Provider signature on the front or
back of the vehicle unless it is the only place your company identity is displayed.
Do not place the signature on a nonservice vehicle or a company vehicle used for
general transportation. Keep in mind that the Apple logo can signal that the vehicle
contains computer equipment, making the vehicle more susceptible to burglary.
Do not place the signature on bicycles, mobile kiosks, or other mobile sales or delivery
mechanisms. Do not place the Apple logo alone on a vehicle. Only the Authorized Service
Provider signature or regional equivalent can be placed on a service vehicle, along with
your company identity.
40 mm min
80 mm max
On vehicles, use the Authorized Service
Provider signature or your regional equivalent
at a minimum size of 40 mm and maximum
size of 80 mm in height. Use only the signature
artwork provided by Apple.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Merchandise Items
The Apple channel signature must be accompanied by the reseller identity on any mer-
chandise item. Submit merchandise proposals to your Apple representative for approval
before production begins. Follow these guidelines when planning merchandise selections:
Never place an Apple logo alone on any merchandise item. Always use your Apple
channel signature along with your company or store identity.
The Apple channel signature and reseller identity must be used in such a way that
there is no implied endorsement by Apple of the manufactured item.
An Apple channel signature can be included with the reseller identity on high-quality
keychains, mugs, pens, notebooks, and portfolios.
Apple never approves branded merchandise that can be associated with gambling,
such as playing cards, dice, or betting tokens.
Apple never approves branded sports equipment such as golf clubs, sport balls,
gloves, team jerseys, or racquets.
Sports-related merchandise, such as water bottles and baseball caps, can be produced
in limited quantities.
Apple-approved channel-branded merchandise can be given away at strategic events,
such as store openings and major trade shows, to promote your aliation with Apple.
Merchandise that contains an Apple channel signature must not be sold by your
store or business, and it must not be resold to or by a third party. Apple channel
a∑liates and their employees cannot sell or trade channel-branded merchandise.
The Apple channel signature must be
accompanied by the reseller identity on any
merchandise, no matter how small the item.
Follow the minimum size requirements on
page 10. If both the reseller identity and the
Apple channel signature cannot t on an item,
do not use the signature.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
One Apple channel signature may be placed on a shirt, along with your company or
store identity. The signature can be placed on the front, back, or sleeve. Use only one
Submit your proposed shirt layout to your Apple representative for approval before
production begins.
Shirts that include the Apple channel signature cannot be used as giveaway items.
Shirts must be reserved for use only by reseller employees. Branded shirts can be worn
by reseller employees while they are working in the store, conducting Apple training, or
representing the reseller at a trade show or other professional event.
The Apple channel signature can be screen-printed on shirts in all-black or all-white.
Avoid embroidery because the logo can easily be distorted if not done correctly. Make
sure you check a production sample to ensure quality and legibility. Follow the graphic
standards in Using Apple Channel Signatures on pages 7–24.
Apple channel signature on front, reseller identity on sleeve
Reseller identity on front, Apple channel signature on back
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Your Apple channel signature can appear on stationery items, including letterhead,
business cards, notepads, and folders. An Apple channel signature cannot be printed
on envelopes. The signature must be accompanied by your store or business identity
and cannot take the place of that identity. Follow the graphic standards in Using Apple
Channel Signatures on pages 7–24.
The signature must be smaller than your company or store identity. A rule of thumb
is that the Apple channel signature can be no more than one-half the height of your
store identity and no less than the minimum size shown on page 10. The signature must
be placed in a secondary position on the stationery layouts, such as the lower edge of
the item.
Do not imitate Apple typography on your stationery by using a Myriad font. Use your
company’s own font and layout style.
Never place an Apple logo alone on a stationery item. Always use your Apple channel
signature along with your company or store identity.
Business card
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Certications are granted to individuals, not companies or businesses. Use of the Apple
certication signature indicates that an individual’s capabilities have been certied by
Apple. Certication signatures can be used only on personal communications such as
business cards, name badges, or an individual’s professional biography.
If certied individuals are employed by a company, their Apple certication signature
cannot appear on general company communications including advertisements, brochures,
or online promotions. Instead, the company can refer to its employees’ capabilities in
text, using a statement such as We employ technicians certied in the service and repair
of Apple products.” Correctly identify the certied individuals’ capabilities.
Sometimes a company creates web pages, newsletters, or other information with the
biographies of individual employees that feature their capabilities. An Apple certication
signature can accompany the related content on these communications.
Business card
Certication signatures are granted to
individuals and must be used only in
communications directly representing that
individual, such as the business card shown
here. Do not use certication signatures to
represent a company. Use the correct
signature to represent your Apple certication.
To display multiple certications, see
Displaying Multiple Apple Authorizations
on page 13.
Apple-Certified Individuals
At the end of an email, refer to your Apple
certications in text only.
Do not include an Apple certication signature
at the end of your email.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Using Apple Assets
Using Apple
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Using Apple Assets
For complete information on using Apple product assets, refer to the product asset kits
available on ASW.
Apple product photography
Every aspect of Apple product photography, from framing and composition to lighting
and camera angle, is carefully controlled by Apple. Use only current product photos
designated for use by Apple resellers and available on ASW. Do not use Apples lifestyle
or other promotional images. Never download or copy an image from Apple’s website at, and do not use Apple PR photos from
Resellers cannot produce their own photos of Apple products for use in their customer
communications, including advertising and PR. Use only the photos provided by Apple in
the product asset kits.
Using Apple product photos
Follow these guidelines when using Apple product photos:
Use only the product photos provided on ASW.
Do not alter Apple product photos or add type, violators, or other graphics.
Do not animate or enhance Apple product photos.
Use only the screenshots provided by Apple; do not alter them or create your
own screens.
Do not place an Apple product image on a busy or textured background.
Image size and resolution
The resolution of Apple-provided assets is not sucient for use in large-format graphics
such as large-scale posters, window displays, or wall graphics (which generally display
photos over 20 inches in height). Apple assets are designed to be used at the size
provided, and can usually be reduced or enlarged no more than 10 percent to maintain
high image resolution. Always check your Apple images carefully to make sure they
render clearly and at high resolution in your communication medium. Contact your
Apple representative if you require high-resolution images for use at large sizes.
Marketing messages
You can use Apple marketing messages that are provided as part of the product asset
kits on ASW. If Apple-provided copy is included as part of an Apple asset, do not alter it
in any way.
You can develop your own marketing messages that are specic to your business. Use the
tone and style of your companys communications; do not imitate Apple.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Refresh Apple Assets
Do not display outdated graphics. You are required by Apple to comply with the most
up-to-date graphic standards and use current Apple-provided assets available on ASW.
In addition, using older graphics may suggest to customers that you oer outdated
products. It is a well-known retail phenomenon that refreshing a store’s graphics
increases sales.
Do not alter or distort Apple product photos in any way. Do not omit portions or use a
cropped photograph of Apple products unless it is provided by Apple.
Apples image as a forward-thinking company depends on keeping products and
communications current. For example, Apple no longer uses a glass” logo or the
Garamond font, and the rainbow-striped Apple logo has been obsolete for over 15 years.
Do not display historic graphics in your store. Do not donate or sell older graphics.
Resellers cannot transfer, donate, or sell Apple assets to any individual, party, or
If you have questions, contact your Apple representative.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Image size and resolution
Use images at a size that displays clearly and
with high resolution. The image shown above
demonstrates the blurriness that occurs when
an image is displayed at a size that is too large
for the digital resolution of the photo.
Never place a violator on an Apple product
image. Violators and other graphics can be
placed beside a product image or in the text
that describes the product.
Multiple photos
When multiple photos accompany product
lists, select a consistent solid white or solid black
background to make it easier for customers to
clearly see the products.
Avoid Mistakes When Using Apple
Product Photos
Do not place type or graphics on an Apple
product photo.
Do not place Apple product photos on a busy,
multicolored, or cluttered background.
Screen images
Never replace the screen images provided as
part of Apple assets. Use Apple product photos
with the screen images provided. If you are also
an application developer enrolled in the iOS or
Mac Developer Program, do not display your
app in an Apple product promotion. Follow the
instructions provided to developers by Apple
and promote your app separately from Apple
product promotions.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Reseller Store
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Reseller Store Identity
Apple trademarks and trade dress include the terms and xtures developed by Apple
for use in the Apple Retail Store and Apple-branded programs. This intellectual property,
owned by Apple, contributes to the proprietary look and feel of the Apple retail identity.
As an Apple channel aliate, you are responsible for delivering your own high-quality
retail experience that complements the Apple products you sell. Building your own
identity that cannot be confused with Apple will strengthen your business by helping
your customers associate their in-store experience with your unique business oer.
Do not imitate the proprietary look and feel of an Apple Retail Store or Apple-branded
programs. It must be clear to customers that your store is an independent channel
Follow the guidelines in this section to learn how to develop store exteriors and interiors,
along with naming practices, that cannot be confused with Apple’s proprietary retail
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Naming and Identity Practices
Apple trademarks and trade dress cannot be used in channel aliate store or company
names, web or social media site names, service names, or signage. Examples include the
Channel aliate store names and company names cannot contain the names Apple,
Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Pod, or any other Apple trademarks (unless expressly authorized
under separate license).
Channel aliate locations may not use Apple-branded icons, terms associated with
Apple-branded icons, or trade names developed for use exclusively by Apple Retail
Store locations, including the following:
Apple in conjunction with Camp (Apple Camp)
Apple in conjunction with Genius (Apple Genius)
– Genius Bar
Mac in conjunction with Genius (Mac Genius)
– One to One
– Personal Shopping
Channel-aliated store or marketing program logos cannot incorporate the Apple
logo or any design containing an apple or detached leaf element.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
High facade: 200 mm
Low facade: 100 mm
High facade: 200 mm
Low facade: 100 mm
High facade: 200 mm
Low facade: 100 mm
Store Exterior,
Apple Channel Signature
White two-line signature
On store exteriors, use only the two-line version of the Apple channel signature. The
signature can appear in all-black or all-white. The two-line signature can be used in one of
two sizes: 200 mm high or 100 mm high. Size the signature at 200 mm in height when it
is placed high on a facade, and 100 mm in height if it is placed lower on the facade, near
eye level. Do not use any other signature congurations or sizes on store exteriors.
Use these xed sizes for the Apple channel signature regardless of the size of your facade
or reseller identity. The signature size requirements provide optimum visibility for a wide
variety of facades.
If your store exterior does not conform to these signature size requirements, plan to bring
it into compliance whenever a facade refresh is implemented.
Black two-line signature
On store facades, use the signature at one of
these sizes: 200 mm when placed high on the
facade or 100 mm when placed lower (eye
level) on the facade. Do not use the Apple
channel signature in any other size on the
exterior of your store.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Your store facade is the rst experience customers will have with your store identity. If
materials selection is an option, choose colors and materials that align with your store’s
identity. Do not imitate an Apple Store facade. Avoid the use of stainless steel on your
facade. Stainless steel is part of the proprietary look and feel of an Apple Store facade.
Always display your reseller or store logo above the primary entrance. If your store has
multiple entrances, follow the instructions provided here for each facade.
Apple channel signature
Follow these requirements for displaying an Apple channel signature on your store facade:
Use only the two-line conguration of your Apple channel signature.
Place one signature on the right side of your fascia or facade. Do not use multiple
signatures on a single facade. Do not place the signature higher than your store logo.
• Display the signature in only all-black or all-white. Do not use color or color materials.
Follow the clear space requirements for the signature on page 10.
Regardless of the size of your building or the size of your reseller logo, use the Apple
channel signature in only one size —with the Apple logo at 200 mm in height.
Never use the Apple logo alone on your store exterior.
Store Exterior,
Higher Facade
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Exterior,
Signature Selection and Placement
Signature selection
Display your primary authorization from Apple. Display only one signature. For example,
if Apple Authorized Service Provider is your only authorization from Apple, it can be
displayed on your exterior facade.
Minimum space
For standard facades, the minimum space between the reseller identity
and the Apple channel signature is 2 meters.
Short fascia
For short fascias, the minimum space between
the reseller identity and the Apple channel
signature is 200 mm.
Vertical fascia
Use the Apple channel signature at
200 mm in height whether the fascia
is vertical or horizontal.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Exterior,
Avoid Facade Mistakes
Avoid mistakes
Place the reseller identity above the main entrance. Do not use a one-line
Apple channel signature. Only the two-line conguration is approved for use
on store exteriors.
Avoid mistakes
Size the Apple channel signature at 200 mm in height, regardless of the size of the
building or the reseller identity. Do not display the Apple channel signature at a size
larger than 200 mm in height.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
The Apple channel signature can be placed lower on the facade, at approximately
eye level. Do not place a signature below eye level. When placing the Apple channel
signature lower on your facade, size the signature so that the Apple logo is 100 mm
in height.
Apple channel signature
Follow these requirements for displaying your Apple channel signature lower on your
store facade:
Use only the two-line conguration of your Apple channel signature on store exteriors.
Do not place the signature lower than eye level.
Display the signature in only all-black or all-white. Do not use color or color materials.
Regardless of the size of your building or the size of your reseller logo, an Apple chan-
nel signature placed lower on a facade (near eye level) can be displayed in only one
size —with the Apple logo at 100 mm in height.
If other brands are also displayed, place the Apple channel signature near the other
brand identities.
Never use the Apple logo alone on your store exterior.
Store Exterior,
Lower Facade
When your Apple channel signature is placed lower on a facade, near eye level, use the
two-line signature with the Apple logo sized at 100 mm in height. Place the Apple channel
signature near other brands that are also displayed. Regardless of the size of other brand
logos, display the Apple channel signature only at 100 mm in height.
Follow the artwork and specications provided on ASW to create a window cling
using your Apple channel signature. The Apple logo is 100 mm in height.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Exterior,
Window Cling
The Apple channel signature can be used as a window or door cling to clearly identify
your relationship with Apple to customers entering your store. Use only one cling for
each doorway or entrance. Place the cling on the interior of a plain glass panel or on a
glass door. Do not use an Apple window cling on glass that is textured, tinted, or ltered.
Avoid clutter. Do not obscure the Apple window cling with other graphics, clings, or
objects. Window clings provide maximum visibility with the white signature placed on
a plain black background and displayed at eye level, as shown below. Follow the
specications on ASW to create your window cling, or use the window cling artwork
provided by Apple in some regions.
Window cling
The window cling is produced at a size with the Apple logo at 100 mm in height.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Exterior,
Sign Illumination
The Apple channel signature can be internally illuminated if it is part of a facade that
includes internal illumination of the reseller identity. Always illuminate the full signature
with neutral white light. The signature can be externally illuminated if the reseller identity
is also externally illuminated. Do not use colored lights or lters to create a lighting eect
on the signature.
The signature can be illuminated only if the
reseller identity is also illuminated. Always
illuminate the full signature. Do not illuminate
the Apple logo without also illuminating the
Authorized Reseller logotype or other channel
Note: The sign shown here is for demonstration
purposes only. The lighting principles illustrated
above apply to all facade types and colors.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Sometimes exterior signage requires a variance from local building codes or does
not conform to standard sign practices. Here are some examples that may require
a nonconforming sign solution:
Building codes may restrict signage to protect historic buildings.
Historic shopping districts may prohibit certain types of signs.
Design guidelines in local retail zones may require all stores to comply with a
particular sign style, color, or material.
Multi-tenant buildings may require compliance with the building’s sign style.
The building shape may be unusual.
The area available for primary signage may be an unusual shape or size.
Sign visibility may be obstructed.
Primary ow of pedestrian or street trac may make the sign dicult to see.
If you have questions when planning a nonconforming sign, contact your Apple
representative for assistance. Include a description of the sign location and list any
requirements that must be met. Provide a complete overview including drawings
and photos of the proposed site.
Make sure you have received permission from local building authorities before
proceeding with a nonconforming sign solution.
Store Exterior,
Nonconforming Signs
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Exterior,
Window Displays
Follow the instructions provided in the product asset kits on ASW when planning your
window displays or window posters. Do not produce large-scale Apple product mock-ups
or other graphics made from Apple product forms. Do not dress LED plasma displays to
look like Apple products. Use only Apple assets provided on ASW and designated for store
window display.
Do not produce window displays in the form
of Apple products. Do not dress LED plasma
displays to look like Apple products. Follow the
instructions in the Apple product asset kits
on ASW.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Interior,
Fixture Design and Materials
When planning and developing a xture system for displays, select forms, materials, and
colors that align with your store identity. Fixtures must be customized to each reseller.
Do not create xtures that infringe on Apples proprietary retail identity.
Fixture design
Create xtures that are easy for your customer to approach. Make sure there is ample
surface space to display products in an uncluttered manner. Incorporate a plan for
electrical cord management. It is distracting for customers to see a tangle of cords around
product displays. Take into account the ow and direction of customer movement within
your store. Allow ample space for several customers to linger at the xture while not
blocking the movement of other customers. Do not add unnecessary decorative details.
In addition to the materials listed below, channel aliates cannot use:
Backlit horizontal translucent graphic panels
Staircases in glass or transparent material
Select materials that are durable and easy to maintain. Apple products display well on
smooth, solid surfaces. Do not replicate the materials used on Apple xtures.
Avoid these materials:
Maple hardwood Acrylic solid surface
matching DuPont
Corian Glacier White
Stainless steel
Acrylic solid surface
matching DuPont
Corian Glacier White
Acrylic solid surface
matching RAL 7045
Tele Gray
The color of your xtures should align with and complement the look and feel of your
store identity and your unique retail environment. Do not use colors on the display
surface that overwhelm the Apple products on display. Do not use colors that create
strong contrast with the Apple products.
Avoid these Corian colors on display surfaces and back walls behind displays:
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Interior,
Avoid Fixture Mistakes
Apples proprietary store identity is expressed in the Apple Retail Store, Apple Premium
Reseller stores, Apple Shop Program stores, and other Apple-branded channel programs.
Channel aliate stores cannot use xture forms developed exclusively for these Apple
programs. The elements of the Apple Premium Reseller proprietary xture systems shown
below cannot be replicated in a channel aliate store.
Avoid these Apple Premium Reseller elements:
Freestanding table in white Wall table in white
Round table in white Fine line oak ooring
Avoid narrow-plank ne line
oak ooring.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Parsons table in natural maple Inline table in black/maple Inline gondola in black/maple
Consultation bar in maple
with black stools
Product table in natural maple Stainless steel wall panel
Cantilever shelf in stainless
steel and maple
Brand wall in black
Store Interior,
Avoid Fixture Mistakes (continued)
The elements of the Apple Shop Program proprietary xture systems shown below
cannot be replicated in a channel aliate store.
Avoid these Apple Shop Program elements:
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Point-of-sale assets from Apple
Apple provides channel aliates with a variety of point-of-sale (POS) materials. These
items may include banners, posters, brochures, and promotional merchandise. Always
use the materials as provided; do not alter them in any way. Do not reuse design or
text elements from these materials in your communications. Do not copy the layout of
Apple communications when designing your own communications. Never use images
or marketing layouts from Apples website at
When a new product is released, it is the aliate’s responsibility to remove previous
products and outdated marketing materials from the retail area. Do not display outdated
graphics. See Refresh Apple Assets on page 29.
You can display an Apple logo alone only if it has been provided by Apple as part of an
Apple-produced POS display. Do not add a channel signature to a POS item that already
includes an Apple logo. There can be only one Apple logo in a communication.
Never place an Apple logo in your own communications. Instead, use your Apple channel
In some regions, Apple provides custom display xtures. These xtures are reserved
for the display of specic Apple products. Products from another company cannot be
displayed in Apple-provided custom xtures. The only exception is third-party accessories
that are directly related to the Apple product on display.
Store posters
Store posters designed by the channel aliate should focus on the reseller identity and
clarify its value proposition. Do not incorporate Apple assets such as product photogra-
phy or promotional copy in your store posters. You can complement your interior displays
with Apple-provided posters, but make sure the Apple-provided posters are not confused
with reseller graphics. Apple-provided posters can be placed beside reseller messages, but
they cannot be incorporated into the layout of those messages.
Product presentation
Product presentation and merchandising guidelines available on ASW provide informa-
tion on creating product-specic displays. To complement product merchandising,
resellers can create their own POS product feature and pricing signs using the asset kits
provided on ASW. Do not imitate the acrylic forms used in the Apple Retail Store and
Apple Premium Reseller stores. Develop your own pricing and features displays.
Store Interior,
Product features Product featuresPricing Pricing
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Some channel aliate interior retail spaces are organized with multi-brand concessions,
displaying all products from each brand in a dedicated space. Usually these spaces are
dened by brand signage in consecutive, equal-size displays. A specially designed channel
signature is available for use only in multi-brand concession displays; see Store Interior,
Multi-brand Concessions Signature on page 48.
Use only one multi-brand signature on a concession. Size the signature so that the Apple
logo within the signature is either 200 mm high on headers or 100 mm high on surfaces
at or below eye level. The signature should be made with materials that match the other
brands on display. The Apple identity should not stand out. For example, do not
illuminate the Apple signature unless the other brands are also illuminated.
Store Interior,
Multi-brand Concessions Signage
On headers, use the multi-brand concessions signature with the Apple logo in the
signature sized at 200 mm high.
Eye level and lower
When brand signage is placed at eye level or lower, use the multi-brand concessions
signature with the Apple logo in the signature sized at 100 mm high.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Interior,
Multi-brand Concessions Signature
A specially designed Apple channel signature is available for use only on multi-brand
concession displays. Never use this version of the Apple channel signature on
other reseller communications. It is designed to be used exclusively on multi-brand
concessions. Do not use this signature in a single-brand space or a space that is
organized by product category rather than brand.
Never use the Apple logo alone. Always include your reseller designation as part of the
signature artwork.
The signature can be shown only in all-black or all-white. Never place the signature on a
visually cluttered or patterned background.
If you have questions about multi-brand concessions, contact your Apple representative.
All-black signature
All-white signature
Size and minimum clear space
The minimum clear space around the signature
is equal to one-half the height of the Apple logo. To
create the greatest impact, allow even more space
around your signature. Do not allow other graphic
or architectural elements to enter the minimum
clear space area. Size the multi-brand concessions
signature with the Apple logo at 200 mm or 100 mm
in height; see Store Interior, Multi-brand Concessions
Signage on page 47. Do not display the signature at
any other size.
Avoid mistakes
Never use the signature designed for multi-
brand concessions on any other reseller
communications. It is for use exclusively on
multi-brand concessions signage.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Interior,
It is a well-known retail principle that clear, uncluttered spaces allow customers to access
product displays more easily. Use interior signage only if you have plenty of wall space
and can provide a plain white unobstructed wall for the signs.
Do not display the Apple channel signature inside your store. Never display the Apple
logo alone in your store. Your store identity can be displayed alone, or it can be accompa-
nied by your channel authorization in text using the typographic style of your companys
communications. Follow the recommended layout shown below, with the authorization in
white reversed out of a horizontal black bar below the reseller identity.
Use standard sign materials such as acrylic, Perspex, or Plexiglas. Illumination, if used,
should be cast evenly across the entire sign surface using neutral white light. The Apple
authorization text can be internally illuminated only if the reseller identity is also
internally illuminated. Do not use colored lights or lters to create a lighting eect on
the Apple authorization.
Place only one interior sign in a store area on a plain white unobstructed wall, away from
displays or promotional graphics.
On interior signs, promote your authorization only with text. Always spell out the word Apple. When
designing a new sign, use the recommended conguration shown here —white text reversed out of
a black bar placed at the lower edge of the sign below your store identity. Match the typographic
style of your companys communications. Do not imitate Apple typography.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Interior,
Avoid Sign Mistakes
Do not place the Apple channel signature on
an interior sign. Show your authorization in
text only, or display only your store identity.
Do not place the Apple channel signature alone
on a wall. Your store identity can be accompa-
nied only by your Apple authorization in text.
Do not place the Apple channel signature on
furniture or displays.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Store Interior,
For temporary promotions such as product launches, banners can be used to display a
promotional message along with the store identity and the Apple channel signature.
The signature can be displayed on store banners only when the reseller identity is also
displayed. The signature must not be placed higher than the business or store identity and
must conform to the graphic standards shown in these guidelines. Do not use banners for
permanent signage. Banners should be used only for temporary promotions. Do not place
a large number of banners around the interior of the store. Both horizontal and vertical
banners must conform to these requirements.
Do not display the Apple channel signature alone on a banner.
Banners should display temporary promotional messages. They should not be used as
interior store signs.
A promotional message, along with the reseller identity and the channel signature, is displayed.
Do not display the channel signature without also using the reseller identity.
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Apple Trademarks
and Credit Lines
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Apple trademarks
A trademark can be a name, a logo, or even a slogan—any word, symbol, or device used
to identify a company’s products or services and distinguish them from those of other
companies. Because trademarks are essential in building strong brands, they are extremely
valuable assets. It is important that you use Apple trademarks carefully to prevent
customer confusion about ownership and responsibility and to protect the valuable
investment Apple has made in its trademarks.
Apple requirements
Apple channel signatures as described in these guidelines cannot be used in any manner
that falsely suggests an association with Apple or is likely to reduce, diminish, or damage
the goodwill, value, or reputation associated with the Apple Retail Store or Apple itself.
Using Apple trademarks
When using Apple trademarks in headlines or text, always spell and capitalize them as
shown on the Apple trademark list at
For example, when using the name iPhone, iPad, or iPod, always typeset iPhone, iPad, or iPod
with a lowercase i and an uppercase P followed by lowercase letters. For iPod touch, always
set touch with a lowercase t. The name iPhone, iPad, or iPod should start with a lowercase i
even when it is the rst word in a sentence, paragraph, or title. Never set Mac in all capital
letters. Use an uppercase M followed by lowercase letters.
Do not translate any Apple trademark in headlines, body copy, or spoken communications.
Do not translate portions of the trademark, such as pad within iPad. Always use Apple
trademarks in English, even when they appear within text or spoken communications in a
language other than English. Do not render a trademark phonetically; do not transliterate
a trademark, such as using katakana in Japanese.
Using the name Apple
Never translate the name Apple. Typeset Apple in English even when it appears in headlines,
text, or spoken communications in a language other than English. The legal company name,
Apple Inc., is reserved for legal documents; in customer communications, simply use the
name Apple.
Using Apple Trademarks
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
Trademark symbols and credit lines
In communications distributed only in the United States, the appropriate symbol
, or ®) must follow each Apple trademark or service mark the rst time it appears
in text—for example:
App Store
iPod touch®
iPad® iTunes®
iPhone® Mac®
Refer to the Apple Trademark List at
for the correct trademark symbol.
Do not add a trademark symbol to the channel signature artwork provided by Apple.
In all regions, include credit lines in all communications, listing only the Apple trademarks
that appear in your communication. Always list Apple and the Apple logo rst, for example:
Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro are trademarks of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Place the trademark credit lines with other legal notices in your communications. With
Apples approval, a translation of the legal notice and credit lines (but not the trademarks)
can be used in materials distributed outside the U.S. Never translate an Apple trademark.
For more information on trademarks and credit lines
For complete information, visit “Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights at
If you have questions after you have reviewed the information provided on the Apple
legal website at, contact the Apple Trademark Department via email
([email protected]). Allow up to one week to receive a reply.
Trademark Symbols and Credit Lines
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
For More
Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel A∑liates and Apple-Certified Individuals
March 2013
© 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, iPhone, iPod, iPod touch, iTunes, Logic, Mac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, OS X, and
Time Capsule are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. AppleCare, Apple Store, and Genius Bar are service marks of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein
may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Any statement made by an Apple representative that contradicts these guidelines is expressly unauthorized and disclaimed by Apple.
If you need more information or have questions about using these guidelines, contact
the Apple account representative or sales administrator in your region.
For signature artwork and information related to Apple Authorized Reseller communica-
tions, go to Apple Sales Web (ASW) at
For more information related to marketing specic Apple products, visit ASW and follow
the instructions included in the Apple product asset kits.
For more information about using Apple trademarks, visit “Guidelines for Using Apple
Trademarks and Copyrights” at
For More Information