Apple App Store
Publishing Checklist
Video link: Apple App Store Publishing Checklist
Following is whats included in the Apple App Store Publishing Checklist:
Prepare Your iOS App
Prepare Your App in App Store Connect
Prepare an App Store Version for Submission
Submit a Publish Request
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Version 1.0 | Page 01
In this tutorial, we will show how you can prepare your iOS app for publishing in the
Apple App Store. You can follow the steps below to ensure that your app complies
with the Apple app store review guidelines before submission.
Apple App Store Publishing Checklist
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Prepare Your iOS App
Setup In-App Purchases
1. Go to your WordPress dashboard then navigate to
BuddyBoss App > Component and enable “In-App Purchases”.
Note: If you plan to take payments for in-app content directly in your
app, Apple requires you use In-App Purchases.
If you decide to limit purchasing of your in-app content to your
website’s payment system, you must not display these order pages
within your app. Your app may be approved as a “Reader” app,
although this is not guaranteed.
Related Tutorials: In-App Purchases
Generate a Release App Build
3. Request a build by navigating to BuddyBoss App > Build and
“Request Build” and selecting “iOS” to request an iOS build.
Moderation for User-Generated Content
2. If your app has social networking or any user-generated content,
then your app must have the ability to block other users as well as
report content.
Note: In case you are a BuddyBoss Platform user, you can use the
moderation component for this purpose by navigating to
BuddyBoss > Component > Moderation.
Related Tutorials: Moderation
Apple App Store Publishing Checklist
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Prepare Your App in App Store Connect
4. Log in to App Store Connect and open your app.
5. On the sidebar, click on “App Information” under General.
6. Enter a name to display in the Apple App Store.
7. Enter the app subtitle to go under your app’s name in the App Store.
8. Select Primary and Secondary language for your app.
9. Select the End User License Agreement that your app users will
agree to when downloading your app.
It is recommended that you select the “Apply a custom EULA” option
in this section. You can generate EULA online. Please ensure that it is
relevant to your app.
10. Navigate to the sidebar again and select “Pricing and Availability”
under General.
11. Select a price schedule for your app. (If your app is free choose $0.
If you have a paid app, you must sign the paid application agreement).
12. Click “Save”.
13. Navigate to the sidebar and click “App Privacy”.
14. Enter a Privacy Policy URL.
(It is mandatory for all apps to have a privacy policy URL).
15. Click “Save”.
18. Scroll down to Version information and enter a promotional text.
This appears above app description for users running iOS 11 or later.
19. Enter a description of your app including your core app features and
20. Add Keywords for your app to improve your app ranking in search results
in the Apple App Store. Separate the keywords by adding commas at the
end of each keyword.
21. Enter a URL for support information for your app.
22. Enter a URL for marketing information for your app.
16. Create a new version of your app for the BuddyBoss App Publishing
team to upload the build to and review.
(If this is your first app, Apple would have already created the 1.0
version which would be displayed in the sidebar under iOS App and
would have prepared for submission status.)
Note: If you have a version of the app already in review, you would
have to wait till that review is done or cancel the submission before
submitting another one.
17. Click on the app version to review before submitting.
The app build must include:
At least one screenshot of the iOS app in the iPhone 6.5” display.
Usually for iPhones without a button.
The images must be in either JPG or PNG in the RBG color
scheme and have a resolution of 1042 x 2682 pixels per
portrait or 2682 x 1042 pixels per landscape.
At least one screenshot of the iOS app in the iPhone 5.5” display.
Typically for iPhones with a button.
The images must be in JPG or PNG format and in the RBG
color scheme. They should also have a resolution of 1025 x 2436
pixels per portrait or 2436 x 1025 pixels per landscape screenshot.
Apple App Store Publishing Checklist
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Prepare an App Store Version for Submission
23. Scroll down to add your app’s general information under “General
App Information”.
24. Enter the information of the person or entity who owns the exclusive
rights to your app preceded by the year the rights were obtained
under the Copyright field. Example: 2008 Acme Inc.
25. Define Age rating for your app based on your app age demographic.
(If you select the made for kids’ category, you will have to comply
with the kids’ category requirements in addition to the general
requirements. Once selected, you cannot remove your app from
the kids’ category after it is published.)
26. Scroll down to enter “App Review Information” which is information
that would be reviewed by the Apple review team.
27. Check the “Sign-in required” box and provide a username and
password for reviewers to use.
(The credentials must be valid until the review is done.)
28. Add any additional notes as well as attachments to assist reviewers
when reviewing your app.
29. Scroll down to Version Release to select how your app must be
released after your app is approved by Apple.
(If you select Manually Approve, then you will have to release the
app in the Apple App Store. You can also select the options to
automatically release as well as automatically release no earlier
than a specific date.)
30. Click “Save”.
Submit a Publish Request
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Apple App Store Publishing Checklist
31. You can then upload this version of your app to the Publishing section
of the BuddyBoss App and the BuddyBoss Publishing Team will submit
your app for review.