International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Application Specific Hardware Design Simulation for
High Performance Embedded System
Ravi Khatwal
Research scholar
Department Of Computer science,
Mohan LaL Sukhadia University,
Udaipur, India.
Manoj Kumar Jain, Ph.D
Associate Professor,
Department Of Computer science,
Mohan LaL Sukhadia University,
Udaipur, India.
Application specific simulation is challenging task in various
real time high performance embedded devices. In this study
specific application is implemented with the help of Xilinx.
Xilinx provides SDK and XPS tools, XPS tools used for
develop complete hardware platform and SDK provides
software platform for application creation and verification.
Xilinx XUP-5 board have been used and implemented various
specific Applications with hardware platform. In this study
the base instruction set with customized instructions,
supported with specific hardware resources are analyzed.
Xilinx, virtex-5 FPGA board, simulation, hardware and
software design, Xilinx Platform Studio.
In co-design methodology, the hardware and software
components for an embedded system are designed jointly.
Each of the hardware and software components designed
using appropriate tools (hardware synthesis, code generation
and hardware-software co-simulation tools). In ASIP design
technology hardware can be design according for specific
application. Xilinx SDK provides software environment used
for various specific application verification and creation.
Kucukcakar, K. [1] proposed a unique architecture and
methodology to design ASIPs in the embedded controller
domain by customizing an existing processor instruction set
and architecture. Jain, M.K., Balakrishnan, M., Kumar, A. [2]
proposed survey in ASIP area and identifies some issues
which need to be addressed. Hartmann, M., Raghavan, P.,
Agrawal,P., Dehaene, W. [3] proposed a design method for
memristor-based (ReRAM) memory architectures for
embedded processors to address the effects caused by longer
write latencies. Sharma, A., Sutar, S., Sharma, V.K.,
Mahapatra, K.K. [4] designed an ASIP using language for
instruction-set architecture (LISA) and designed processor has
optimized instructions for the image enhancement application
in spatial domain. Fathy, A.,Isshiki, T.,Li, D., Kunieda, H. [5]
presented a complete framework for searching for Application
specific special instruction patterns based on tree scan
algorithm while tweaking it to fit real applications. J. Qiu, X.
Gao, Y. Jiang, X. Xiao [7] proposed a hybrid simulation
framework which improves the previous simulation methods
by aggressively utilizing the host machine resources. H. M.
Hassan, K. Mohammed and A. F. Shalash [8] presented an
ASIP design for a discrete Fourier transform (DFT)/discrete
cosine transform (DCT)/finite impulse response filters (FIR)
Xilinx [6] provides Embedded Development Kit (EDK) (see
figure 1) tools to design a complete embedded processor
system for implementation in a Xilinx FPGA device. Xilinx
Platform Studio (XPS) is the development environment used
for designing the hardware platform and Software
Development Kit (SDK) is an integrated development
environment used for C/C++ embedded software application
creation and verification. Embedded Development Kit also
provides ISE Plan ahead is used to design custom Memory
and processor configuration according to specific application.
Xilinx EDK provides XPS, SDK and ISE tools for simulation
2.1 XPS
XPS provides hardware system development environments
and provides Specification of the microprocessor, peripherals,
and the interconnected components, along with their
respective detailed configuration.
2.2 SDK
SDK provides software development environments and also
used for developing standalone application.
2.3 ISE Design
ISE design used for verifies the correct functionality of
Hardware Description Language (HDL), RTL and schematic
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Hdl or
Project/ bsp
Add embedded
BSB design
Other resources
Core generation
Download to
bit stream
export design to
XPS launches
Fig 1: EDK Design flow analysis
Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) provides an interactive
development environment that allows specifying all aspects of
our hardware platform and XPS also maintains the hardware
platform description in a high-level form, known as the
Microprocessor Hardware Specification (MHS) file. XPS
used to synthesizes the MHS source file into netlists used for
the FPGA place and route process. The MHS file [6] is
integral to our design process and contains all peripheral
instantiations along with their parameters. The MHS file also
defines the configuration of the embedded processor system
and includes information on the bus architecture; peripherals,
processor, connectivity, and address space etc. One of the
supported embedded processor development boards available
from Xilinx [6] has been selected for target architecture.
Fig 2: xup-5 fpga board selection
In XPS platform have configured selected XUP-5 FPGA
platform (see figure2) for simulation and XUP-5-LX110T
board utilizes Xilinx virtex5 XC5VLX110T-FF1136 device.
A complete embedded processor system implemented within
a Xilinx FPGA device. Hardware platform contains one or
more processors, along with a variety of peripherals and
memory blocks. The behavior of each processor or peripheral
core can be easily customized (see figure 3,4&5). Hardware
platform is ultimately implemented in the FPGA and
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Instruction and Data cache sized change according to desire
application (see figure 6&7).
Fig 3: Processor configuration
Fig 4: Micro blaze processor configuration
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Fig 5: Peripheral design
Fig 6: I- Cache configuration
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Fig 7: D-Cache configuration
XPS (see figure 8) used the Base System Builder, and it
generated a bit stream for the FPGA. Hardware platform is
exported to the Software Development Kit (SDK) platform.
The hardware platform contains the XML-based hardware
description file, the bit stream file, and the BMM file. XPS
System Assembly View allows for view and configures the
system block elements. XPS under implement flow; it
generated net list implements, the design using the Xilinx
backend, synthesis and route to create the final Netlist. The
architectural design of selected processor and memory (see
figure 9 & 11) and their VHDL configuration used for specific
application (see figure 10 & 12).
Fig 8: XPS system assembly view analysis
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Fig 9: Memory VHDL configuration files
Fig 10: Graphical Design of Memory
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Fig 11: Processor configuration VHDL file
Fig 12: Microblaze processor design
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
XPS design is exported to the Software Development Kit
(SDK) platform. Various Software applications must link
against or run on top of a given software platform, using the
specific provided Application Program Interfaces (APIs).
Software Part (sdk) contains one or more source files, along
with the necessary header files, used for compilation and
generation of a binary output (.elf) file (see figure15).
Fig 13: Memory testing application analysis on SDK platform
Fig 14: Xup-5 FPGA Board
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Fig 15: ISA Simulation result of specific application
Fig 16: Application specific simulation analysis
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Fig 17: Peripheral test application
Fig 18: Peripheral appplication Simulation results
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
Fig 19: Peripheral application simulation analysis with xup-5 FPGA BOARD
Memory testing application (see figure 13) used on specific
target hardware (see figure 14). SDK examined the hardware
specification file and tested the memory application with xup-
5 FPGA board. It generates the .elf file and elf contains the
ISA behavior for specific application. After the simulation
process (see figure 16) we get efficient ISA result (see figure
15). Peripherals testing another application (see figure 17) is
used for simulation. It generates the simulation results (see
figure 18). The simulation process is to analyze on xup-5 fpga
device with custom hardware environment (see figure19).
Our main focus in this paper is application specific simulation
analysis with specific hardware environment. Hardware
resources like processor; memories etc. easily implemented
and analyzed custom instruction set behavior for specific
application. Various standard applications analyzed on xup-5
FPGA board with specific hardware environments. The ISA
behaviour is also analyzed. After this simulation process
application specific results are used for high performance
embedded system.
[1] Kucukcakar, K. An ASIP design methodology for
embedded systems. In proc of: Hardware/Software Co-
design, 1999.
[2] Jain, M.K., Balakrishnan, M., Kumar, A., "ASIP Design
Methodologies: Survey and Issues”, VLSI, 14th
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 96 No.10, June 2014
International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID '01),
[3] Hartmann, M., Raghavan, P., Perre, V. D., L., Agrawal,
P., Memristor-Based (ReRAM) Data Memory
Architecture in ASIP Design, IEEE, Digital System
Design (DSD), 2013,Euromicro Conference. pp.795
[4] Sharma, A., Sutar, S., Sharma, V.K., Mahapatra K.K. An
ASIP for image enhancement applications in spatial
domain using LISA,2011, pp.175-179.
[5] Fathy A., Isshiki T.,Li D., Kunieda H. Custom
Instruction Synthesis Framework for Application
Specific Instruction-Set Processor with HW, IC-ICTES
in Ayutthaya, 2014.
[6] Xilinx tool Available from http//
[7] Qiu, J., Gao, X., Jiang, Y., Xiao, X. An ultra-fast hybrid
simulation framework for ASIP, Electronics, Circuits and
Systems (ICECS), 2011 18th IEEE International
Conference. pp.711 714.
[8] Hassan, H. M., Mohammed, K. and Shalash, A. F.
Implementation of a reconfigurable ASIP for high
throughput low power DFT/DCT/FIR engine, engine
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2012.