Pierre Langlois, Eng., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Learning Computer Architecture through the ASIP Paradigm:
A Research-oriented Approach
Synopsys ASIP University Day
sauf pour les images et le matériel dont la source est identifiée
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
About me
ASIP related research in Polytechnique Montréal
ASIPs are the ideal abstraction to learn computer
INF8505: an ASIP design course
A course project with Synopsys’ ASIP Designer
Flipped-classroom meets ASIP research
Lessons learned
About the lightboard
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Professor in Polytechnique Montréal since 2005
Chair of Computer and Software Engineering
Department since 2016
Research interests :
Computer architecture and custom processors
Network processors, languages and compilation
Implementation of artificial intelligence, deep learning and
image processing algorithms
Many industrial collaborations, past and current
Co-author or author of ~110 refereed papers
~1400 citations | h-index 19
Principal or co-advisor of ~40 research and ~45 non-
research graduate students since 2002
Teaching of various computer architecture courses,
FPGAs, DSP, etc.
Pierre Langlois, Eng., Ph.D.
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
H. Mahvash Mohammadi, Y. Savaria and J.M.P. Langlois, “A
Hybrid Deinterlacing Algorithm Exploiting Reverse Motion
Estimation,IET Image Processing, May 2011, pp. 611-618.
H. Mahvash Mohammadi, Y. Savaria and J.M.P. Langlois,
“Enhanced Motion Compensated Deinterlacing Algorithm”,
IET Image Processing, vol. 6, issue 8, November 2012, pp.
P. Aubertin, J.M.P. Langlois and Yvon Savaria, “Real-Time
Computation of Local Neighbourhood Functions in
Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors,IEEE
Transactions on VLSI, November 2012, pp. 2031-2043.
+ ICECE2006, NEWCAS 2006, IEEE TCE 2007, NEWCAS 2009
ASIP related research in Polytechnique
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
S. Vakili, J.M.P. Langlois and G. Bois, “Enhanced
precision analysis for accuracy-aware bit-width
optimization using affine arithmetic,IEEE Transactions
on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and
Systems, December 2013.
S. Vakili, J.M.P. Langlois and G. Bois, “Accuracy-aware
processor customization for fixed-point applications”,
IET Computers & Digital Techniques, January 2016.
ASIP related research in Polytechnique
ISA Description
Architecture Description
Simulation Model
HDL Simulator
HDL Synthesizer
- System-Level
- Low-level
- Performance
- Area and timing
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
H. Bendaoudi, F. Cheriet, H. Ben Tahar and J.M.P. Langlois, “A
Scalable Hardware Architecture for Retinal Blood Vessel
Detection in High Resolution Fundus Images,Proceedings of
Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image
Processing, Oct. 2014.
Bendaoudi, Q. Gan, F. Cheriet, H. Ben Tahar and J.M.P.
Langlois, “A Run-Length Encoding Co-Processor for Retinal
Image Texture Analysis,IEEE International Conference on
ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, Dec. 2015.
H. Bendaoudi, F. Cheriet, A. Manraj, H. Ben Tahar and J.M.P.
Langlois, “Flexible architectures for retinal blood vessel
segmentation in high resolution fundus images,Journal of
Real Time Image Processing, June 2018.
ASIP related research in Polytechnique
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Functional units
Memory hierarchy
Performance metrics
Pipelining and parallel processing
Instruction set architecture
A few traditional computer architecture topics
ASIPs are the ideal abstraction
to learn computer architecture
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
ASIPs are the ideal abstraction
to learn computer architecture
Throughput and efficiency (#computations/W)
General Purpose
Processor (CPU)
Digital Signal
Processor (DSP)
Processing Unit
Application-Specific Instruction-
set Processor (ASIP)
Processor on
Processor on
e.g. Nurvitadhi et al. “Can FPGAs Beat GPUs in Accelerating Next-Generation
Deep Neural Networks?” ISFPGA, 2017.
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
ASIPs are the ideal abstraction
to learn computer architecture
More flexible
General Purpose
Processor (CPU)
Digital Signal
Processor (DSP)
Processing Unit
Application-Specific Instruction-
set Processor (ASIP)
Custom Processor
Higher throughput and/or higher efficiency (#computations / watt)
Software processor
Computing architecture
Implementation technology
Transistors, cells
Look-Up Tables, flip-flops,
computation slices, memory,
Datapath units, processing
elements, registers, etc.
Programmable in
Programmable in
Instruction set
array (CGRA)
aka overlay
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Keep one CPU for overall control
Exploit explicit parallelism with multiple hardware
accelerators and coprocessors
Special needs for custom processor : vector instructions,
advanced pipelines, special register files and scratchpad
memories, etc.
Wide data accesses
A CPU can be overkill
A custom processor can be painful to design
=> Use multiple ASIPs as custom processors
Heterogeneous embedded multiprocessor
ASIPs are the ideal abstraction
to learn computer architecture
M. Willems, Multicore Design Using ASIPs : Blending Performance and Efficiency with Programmability, Synopsys.
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
INF8505 : Embedded Configurable Processors
An advanced computer architecture course
Senior undergraduate (European M2) / graduate course
Computer and Electrical Engineering students
20-30 students per year
Taught mostly in French, but English-friendly
Taught by me or my grad students
3-credit course = 135 hours of student work:
33 hours of class discussions
25 hours reading research papers and preparing reports
18 in-lab + 9 out-of-lab hours for laboratory exercises
40 hours for course project : design your ASIP
10 hours personal study and final exam
About the courseINF8505 : an ASIP design course
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Microprocessor design
ASIPs and configurable processors
Microprocessor performance metrics
High performance processors, superscalar, VLIW, etc.
Architecture (Processor) Description Languages :
ASIP applications : cryptography, image processing,
general DSP, neural networks
Loop analysis : how much can you really accelerate your
application ?
The compilation problem and retargetable processors
Automated ASIP configuration
General course outlineINF8505 : an ASIP design course
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
2008 2018 : Tensilica/Cadence tools
model based on a fixed processor core (Xtensa)
can configure the processor
can add custom instructions
‘heavy’ processor generation
could not have RTL model = can’t get clock frequency
Since Jan. 2019 : Synopsys’ ASIP Designer
many models available to start from
significant flexibility
can get all performance metrics
Tools for the labs and course projectINF8505 : an ASIP design course
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Objectives :
Design and implement an ASIP for an application of the
students choice, obtain performance results and measure
Learn to use high-end tools (Synopsys’ ASIP Designer, etc.)
Document and communicate the work in a 4-6 page research
paper and make a 20-minute oral presentation
Completed in teams of 2 or 3 students, in 40 hours over 13
Students are encouraged to chose a topic related to their
research, including:
Deep learning
Network processors
High performance computation (genomics, string matching,
simulation, etc.)
Computer arithmetic (sparse matrices, transcendatal
DSP and image processing
Deliverables every three weeks
Students are encouraged to submit their paper to an
international conference such as ICCD or DASIP :
half a dozen accepted papers since 2008
The course project with Synopsys’ ASIP DesignerINF8505 : an ASIP design course
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
S. Chidambaram, A. Riviello, J.M.P. Langlois and J.-P.
David, “Accelerating the Inference Phase in Ternary
Convolutional Neural Networks using Configurable
Processors,DASIP, 2018.
The course project with Synopsys’ ASIP DesignerINF8505 : an ASIP design course
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Flipped-classroom meets ASIP research
Ming-Zher Poh; Swenson, N.C.; Picard, R.W., "A Wearable Sensor for Unobtrusive, Long-Term
Assessment of Electrodermal Activity," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, May 2010
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Flipped-classroom meets ASIP research The traditional lecture hall
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Students must read one (or portions of one) paper and
hand-in a one-page report every week
The paper is then discussed in class and serves as a basis
to cover that week’s subject matter
Counts for 20% of final mark
Sample papers :
S. Radhakrishnan et al. "Customization of application specific
heterogeneous multi-pipeline processors," DATE 2006.
Q. Jinguo et al. "Fine-grained analysis and design of ASIP
instruction set for application of encryption," ICNC 2012.
A. Gupta et al. "Accelerating SVM on Ultra Low Power ASIP for
High Throughput Streaming Applications," in IEEE VLSI 2015.
Y. Xin et al. "An Application Specific Instruction Set Processor
(ASIP) for Adaptive Filters in Neural Prosthetics," in IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
I. Latifis et al., "Matlab to C compilation targeting Application
Specific Instruction Set Processors,DATE 2016.
S. Chidambaram et al. : "Accelerating the Inference Phase in
Ternary Convolutional Neural Networks Using Configurable
Processors," DASIP 2018.
J. Hu et al., "An application specific instruction set processor
(ASIP) for the niederreiter cryptosystem," ISDFS 2018.
Read, comment and discuss one paper each week
Flipped-classroom meets ASIP research
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Flipped-classroom meets ASIP research
Read, comment and discuss one paper each week
Authors and
and category
: Algorithms : Architecture : Implementation :
: Methodology: Others :
One Two
Your opinion here
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Remember Amdahl’s law
The chosen algorithm should not be too complex should
be clearly representable with a half-page datapath
The application must benefit from acceleration :
High throughput more than low latency
There should be a balance between computation effort
and data access needs
Avoid algorithms requiring lots of divisions and
transcendental functions (unless that is the goal of the
Avoid floating point computation (unless that is the goal of
the project)
Students are very satisfied with their learning outcomes
Enjoy reading, commenting and discussing research papers
Enjoy performing the project, although it is a lot of work
Enjoy practicing the regular research steps
Literature : what is the problem
Objectives : what we want to about the problem
Proposals : what are our ideas
Results : what we achieved
Compare : how did we do
Lessons learned
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Remember Amdahl’s law
The chosen algorithm should not be too complex should
be clearly representable with a half-page datapath
The application must benefit from acceleration :
High throughput more than low latency
There should be a balance between computation effort
and data access needs
Avoid algorithms requiring lots of divisions and
transcendental functions (unless that is the goal of the
Avoid floating point computation (unless that is the goal of
the project)
Students are very satisfied with their learning outcomes
Enjoy reading, commenting and discussing research papers
Enjoy performing the project, although it is a lot of work
Enjoy practicing the regular research steps
Literature : what is the problem
Objectives : what we want to about the problem
Proposals : what are our ideas
Results : what we achieved
Compare : how did we do
Lessons learnedINF8505 : an ASIP design course
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
About the lightboard
La qualité du son est incomparable
© lightboard.info
prof. Michael Peshkin, NWU, Illinois USA
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
About the lightboard
La qualité du son est incomparable
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
About me
ASIP related research in Polytechnique Montréal
ASIPs are the ideal abstraction to learn computer
INF8505: an ASIP design course
A course project with Synopsys’ ASIP Designer
Flipped-classroom meets ASIP research
Lessons learned
About the lightboard
Pierre Langlois, Eng., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Learning Computer Architecture through the ASIP Paradigm:
A Research-oriented Approach
Synopsys ASIP University Day
sauf pour les images et le matériel dont la source est identifiée
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
Synopsys ASIP University Day 2021-11-17
The course INF8505 Embedded Configurable Processors
is a three-credit, 135-hour graduate computer
architecture course that has been running in
Polytechnique Montréal since 2008. It is also available as
an elective to senior Electrical and Computer Engineering
undergraduates. The course focuses on Application
Specific Instruction set Processor (ASIP) design, and its
main topics are custom datapath and custom memory
hierarchy design, processor description languages,
retargetable compilers, and processor performance
metrics. It exploits high throughput applications such as
deep learning, image processing and cryptography to
demonstrate the ASIP's potential. From its beginning, the
course has been taught in a flipped-classroom style where
students are assigned one research paper every week for
which they must produce a one-page report. The paper is
then discussed in class and the instructor weaves the
course topics with the paper's main contributions. A major
52-hour course project is anchored in laboratory exercises.
Two-student teams use Synopsys' ASIP Designer to design
and simulate an ASIP tailored to an application of their
choice, then submit a project report as a 4- or 6-page
research paper. To date, there are almost 250 course
alumni and half a dozen project report papers have been
presented in international conferences.
Presentation abstract