Federal Communications Commission
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DA 24-482
Released: June 3, 2024
CC Docket No. 02-6
WC Docket No. 21-93
WC Docket No. 02-60
Pursuant to our procedure for resolving requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for
reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company
(USAC) that are consistent with precedent (collectively, Requests), the Wireline Competition Bureau
(Bureau) grants, dismisses, or denies the following Requests.
The deadline for filing petitions for
reconsideration or applications for review concerning the disposition of any of these Requests is 30 days
from the release date of this Public Notice.
Schools and Libraries (E-Rate)
CC Docket No. 02-6
Dismissed on Reconsideration
Independence School District, WI, Application No. 241039947, Petition for Reconsideration, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
See Streamlined Process for Resolving Requests for Review of Decisions by the Universal Service Administrative
Company, CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 02-6, WC Docket Nos. 02-60, 06-122, 08-71, 10-90, 11-42, and 14-58, Public
Notice, 29 FCC Rcd 11094 (WCB 2014). Sections 54.719(b) and 54.1718(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules provide
that any person aggrieved by an action taken by a division of USAC, after first seeking review at USAC, may seek
review from the Commission. Sections 54.719(c) and 54.1718(a)(3) of the Commission’s rules provide that parties
seeking waivers of the Commission’s rules shall seek review directly from the Commission. 47 CFR §§ 54.719(b)-
(c); 54.1718(a)(1)-(2). In this Public Notice, we have reclassified as Requests for Waiver any appeals seeking
review of a USAC decision that appropriately should have requested a waiver of the Commission’s rules. Similarly,
we have reclassified as Requests for Review any appeals seeking a waiver of the Commission’s rules but that are, in
fact, seeking review of a USAC decision.
See 47 CFR §§ 1.106(f), 1.115(d); see also 47 CFR § 1.4(b)(2) (setting forth the method for computing the amount
of time within which persons or entities must act in response to deadlines established by the Commission).
See, e.g., Requests for Waiver and Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Allan Shivers
Library et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order and Order
on Reconsideration, 29 FCC Rcd 10356, 10357, para. 2 (WCB 2014) (Allan Shivers Library Order) (dismissing
petitions for reconsideration that fail to identify any material error, omission, or reason warranting reconsideration,
and rely on arguments that have been fully considered and rejected by the Bureau within the same proceeding).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Dismissed to Allow Appeal to be Filed with USAC
Baystate Academy Charter Public School, MA, Application No. 161022422, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Dec. 8, 2019)
St. Leo the Great Catholic School, TX, Application No. 161044622, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Dec. 24, 2019)
FCC Form 471 Applications Filed Timely
Exalt Academy of Southwest Little Rock, AR, Application No. 241035085, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Eligible Entities
Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners, MD, Application Nos. 161003174, 171000385,
181014684, 181016980, 181018926, 201024172, 201024174, 211029432, 211029797,
211011944, 221037492, 221016014, Request for Review and/or Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Feb. 17, 2023)
See Petitions for Reconsideration by Little Falls Township School District et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal
Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order on Reconsideration, DA 23-110, para. 10 (WCB 2023)
(Little Falls Township Order) (dismissing without prejudice appeals that are filed with the Commission before being
reviewed at USAC and waiving the 60-day appeal filing deadline to allow the party to refile its appeal at USAC and
have it considered on the merits).
Parties seeking review of USAC decisions must first file an appeal with USAC. See 47 CFR § 54.719(a). Because
the petitioners filed their appeals with the Commission first, we now provide Baystate Academy Charter Public
School and St. Leo the Great Catholic School 60 days from the release date of this Public Notice to refile their
appeals at USAC. Pursuant to the Little Falls Township Order, we also waive the 60-day appeal filing deadline, 47
CFR § 54.720(a), to allow the appeals to be considered on the merits by USAC without being considered late. See
Little Falls Township Order at para. 10. Appeals for funding year 2016 and forward should be filed in the E-Rate
Productivity Center portal, found here: EPC. Appeals from funding year 2015 and prior funding years should be
filed by email to [email protected].
We remand these applications to USAC and direct USAC to complete its review of the applications and issue a
funding decision based on a complete review and analysis, no later than 90 calendar days from the release date of
this Public Notice. In remanding these applications to USAC, we make no finding as to the ultimate eligibility of
the equipment/services or the petitioners’ applications. We also waive sections 54.507(d) and 54.514(a) of the
Commission’s rules and direct USAC to waive any procedural deadline that might be necessary to effectuate our
ruling. See 47 CFR § 54.507(d) (requiring non-recurring services to be implemented by September 30 following the
close of the funding year); 47 CFR § 54.514(a) (codifying the invoice filing deadline rule).
See, e.g., Requests for Waiver and Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Academy of
Math and Science et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order,
25 FCC Rcd 9256, 9259, para. 7 (2010) (Academy of Math and Science Order) (finding that petitioners timely filed
their FCC Forms 471 within the relevant FCC Form 471 application filing window).
See Requests for Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Bootheel Consortium et al.,
Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 22 FCC Rcd 8747, 8750-
51, paras. 7-8 (2007) (Bootheel Consortium Order) (finding that applicants had provided sufficient documentation to
show that they might be eligible for E-Rate support, justifying further review by USAC to reach a definitive
determination). Consistent with precedent, we remand these applications to USAC for consideration of the
eligibility of entities listed on the applications given the additional documentation submitted by the petitioner. Id.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Brain Box Literacy Academy, IL, Application No. 231032182, Request for Review and/or
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Granting Additional Time to Respond to USAC Inquiry
Branson School District R 4, MO, Application No. 171014586, Request for Review, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 29, 2018)
Cheder Menachem Elementary School, PA, Application No. 181037682, Request for Review, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Jan, 11, 2020)
Gestalt Community Schools, TN, Application No. 171035547, Request for Review, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Nov. 9, 2018)
KIPP Chicago Schools, IL, Application No. 171034452, Request for Review, CC Docket No. 02-
6 (filed June 14, 2018)
Manalapan-Englishtown School District, NJ, Application No. 171015199, Request for Review,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 29, 2018)
Mendon Upton Regional School District, MA, Application No. 161014406, Request for Review,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Jan. 2, 2020)
Inadvertent Cancellation of FCC Form 471
Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241000487, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
See, e.g., Requests for Review of the Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Alpaugh Unified School
District et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 22 FCC
Rcd 6035 (2007) (Alpaugh Unified School District Order); Requests for Review of Decisions of the Universal
Service Administrator by Ben Gamla Palm Beach et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support
Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 29 FCC Rcd 1876 (WCB 2014) (Ben Gamla Palm Beach Order) (granting
petitioners’ requests for review that were denied funding because they failed to respond to USAC’s request for
information within the USAC-specified time frame).
On remand, to the extent possible, USAC should work with the applicants and authorize modifications to the
Category Two funding requests to bring Branson School District R 4, Gestalt Community Schools, Manalapan-
Englishtown School District and Mendon Upton Regional School District within their allowable Category Two
On remand, USAC should also give KIPP Chicago Schools the opportunity to update its student count information
and adjust its Category Two budget accordingly.
Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District seeks a waiver of Application No. 241040069, which was filed after
the close of the application filing window because the school district inadvertently cancelled the initial FCC Form
471. On remand, USAC should reinstate the cancelled FCC Form 471. See, e.g., Requests for Waiver and Review
of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Joseph Jingoli & Son, Inc., et al.; Schools and Libraries
Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 22 FCC Rcd 19227, 19228-29, paras. 3-4
(WCB 2007) (granting petitioners’ requests to restore mistakenly cancelled funding requests)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Late-Filed FCC Form 471 Applications – Filed Within 14 Days of the Close of the Window
A+ Arts Academy, Aventura City of Excellence School, Charter Schools USA, Episcopal
Children’s Services, Inc., Franklin Academy – Boynton Beach Campus, Franklin Academy –
Cooper City Campus, Franklin Academy – Palm Beach Gardens Campus, Franklin Academy –
Pembroke Pines (6-12) Campus, Franklin Academy – Pembroke Pines (K-8) Campus, Franklin
Academy – Sunrise Campus, Application Nos. 241039740, 241032073, 241032047, 241039871,
241039739, 241039495, 241039500, 241039506, 241039509, 241039513, 241039514, Request
for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Abundant Life Christian Academy, Academy Prep Center of St. Petersburg, Academy Prep
Center of Tampa, Academy Prep of Lakeland, Athenian School, Beth Haven Christian School,
Calvert Hall College, Cathedral Catholic High School, Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg,
Circle Unified School District 375, Clovis Christian Schools, Cornerstone Preparatory Academy,
Crossroads Academy, Dekalb PATH Academy, Dunedin Academy and Day School, Inc.,
Einstein Montessori Academy, Esthers Schools, Firestone Charter Academy, Foundation
Academy, Francis W. Parker School, Gainesville Christian Community School, Glendale
Adventist Academy, Goodwill Excel Center Colorado, Goodwill Excel Center Colorado, Granby
Public Schools, Holy Cross High School, Hope Academy/ Flying H Youth Ranch, Hope
Christian School, Hope Community Public Charter School, Inc., Horizon Charter School of
Tampa, Imagine Foundation Public Charter School, Laurence School, Madison Academy, Miami
Valley Christian Academy, North Cross School, Pensacola Catholic High School, Regents School
of Austin, Roanoke Catholic School, San Gabriel SDA Academy, St. Athanasius School, St.
Gregory School, St. Luke’s Lutheran School, St. Margaret Mary School, St. Michael, St. Stephen
Martyr School, The Linfield School, Trinity Christian Academy, University Heights Academy,
Walsingham Academy, Westminster Christian Academy, Worshipers’ House of Prayer
Academy, Application Nos. 241039526, 241039471, 241039472, 241039473, 241039418,
241039543, 241039470, 241039518, 241039282, 241039520, 241039469, 241039284,
241039551, 241039529, 241039355, 241039285, 241039373, 241039369, 241019233,
241039358, 241039416, 241039223, 241039914, 241039912, 241039468, 241039467,
241039283, 241039419, 241039533, 241039547, 241039530, 241039522, 241039922,
241039576, 241039527, 241039415, 241039356, 241039420, 241039550, 241039546,
241039542, 241039516, 241019232, 241039519, 241039545, 241039215, 241039417,
241039359, 241039357, 241039531, 241039523, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed
May 11, 2024)
Allendale-Hampton-Jasper Regional Library, SC, Application No. 241039746, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Alta Public Schools, Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center, Cesar Chavez Community School,
Edward B. Cole Charter School, Empower College Prep, Evergreen Virtual Academy, Excalibur
Charter, Garden of the Sahaba Academy, Great Hearts Academies, Great Hearts Christos,
Laurens Institute for Education Inc., Lyons Township High School District 204, Maryvale Prep,
Meridian Public Charter School District, Mineral Springs School District, Nevada Prep Charter
School, New Mexico School for the Arts, Ocali Charter High School, Pan American Charter
See, e.g., Academy of Math and Science Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 9259, para. 8 (finding special circumstances
existed to justify granting waiver requests for petitioners who filed their FCC Form 471 applications within 14 days
of the filing window deadline).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
School, Solare Collegiate Charter School, The Maritime Academy of Toledo, Turquoise Trail
Charter School, Waldorf School Assn. of Boulder Inc., Watts Learning Center Charter School -
District Office, Youthbuild Charter School of California, Application Nos. 241039521,
241039179, 241039688, 241039440, 241039196, 241039272, 241039339, 241039342,
241039817, 241038799, 241039147, 241039320, 241039216, 241038896, 241039607,
241039789, 241039716, 241039826, 241039525, 241039524, 241039398, 241039217,
241039406, 241039496, 241039190, 241039192, 241039505, 241039286, 241039712,
241039595, 241039508, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Alternatives in Action High School, CA, Application No. 241039681, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Alton School District, NH, Application No. 241039582, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-
6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Amherst Exempted Village Schools, OH, Application No. 241039731, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 2, 2024)
Annapolis Christian Academy, TX, Application No. 241037992, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 28, 2024)
Arlington Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039687, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Azle Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039865, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Bais Chaya Inc., Bais Reuvan Kaminetz of Lakewood, Bais Yaakov of Waterbury, Brandeis
School, Chabad Lubavitch of Southside, Cheder Beer Yeshaya, Congregation Yeshiva Beis
Chaya Mushka Inc., Foxman Torah Institute, Greek American Institute of New York Inc., Hanna
Sacks Girls High School, Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, Hebrew Academy of Nassau County,
Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway, Ivy Hawn Charter School of the Arts,
Jewels Inclusive Preschool and Pediatric Therapy Clinic, Maimonides Hebrew Day School, New
Horizon Community School, Ohr Chadash Academy, Orlando Torah Academy, Philips Academy
Charter School of Paterson, Rambam High School, S A R Academy, Shulamith School for Girls,
Solomon Schechter School of Queens, St. Francis De Sales Deaf School, St. Peters Child Care
Center, Inc., St. Raymond Academy for Girls, Talmud Torah Toras Yisroel d/b/a Tiferes Yechiel,
The Williamsburg Charter School, Toras Emes Academy Of Miami, Tree of Knowledge Learning
Academy -New Jersey, Tree of Knowledge Learning Academy Ohio / FL, Valley Torah High
School, Yeshiva Bais Chaya Esther, Yeshiva Gedolah of Waterbury, Yeshiva of Central Queens,
Yeshiva of Greater Washington, Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn Academy, Yeshivat Ateret Torah School,
Application Nos. 241039429, 241039856, 241039683, 241039556, 241039653, 241039554,
241039555, 241039676, 241039881, 241039536, 241039890, 241039827, 241039268,
241039114, 241039360, 241039750, 241039116, 241039427, 241039431, 241039457,
241039124, 241039866, 241039864, 241039184, 241039291, 241039367, 241039843,
241039421, 241039422 , 241039860, 241039128 , 241039130, 241039233, 241039232,
241039454, 241039565, 241039172, 241039146, 241039152, 241039163, 241039927,
241039627, 241039928, 241039234, 241039544, 241039851, 241039887, 241039237,
241039238, 241039541, 241039315, 241039460, 241039782, 241039888, 241039549,
241039714, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 14, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Bais Chaya Mushka School of Los Angeles, Cheder Menachem Mendel, Kinneret Day School,
Mesivta Kesser Torah of Baltimore, St. Mark’s Day School, Westchester School for Special
Children, Rabbinical Yeshiva of Cincinnati, Yeshiva Gedolah of Bayonne, Yeshiva Ketana of
Los Angeles, Yeshiva Rabbi S. R. Hirsch School, Yeshiva School of Far Rockaway, Application
Nos. 241039846, 241039586, 241039637, 241039254, 241039288, 241039134 , 241039137,
241039574 , 241039578, 241039924 , 241039933, 241039622 , 241039897, 241039241,
241039833 , 241039862, 241039620, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 14,
Bell County Public Library District, KY, Application No. 241039785, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Bishop Louis Reicher Elementary School, TX, Application No. 241039097, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 20, 2024)
Brazosport Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039650, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Broome-Tioga BOCES, Jefferson Township School District, Jefferson-Lewis-Hamilton-
Herkimer-Oneida BOCES, Lebanon Township School District, Lodi School District, Lyme
Central School District, Ocean County Vocational Technical School District, Runnemede
Borough School District, Walton Central School District, Washington Borough School District,
Application Nos. 241039859, 241039857, 241039861, 241039841, 241039882, 241039730,
241039835, 241039725, 241039918, 241039728, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed
Apr. 16, 2024)
Butte Falls School, OR, Application No. 241039403, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 30, 2024)
Carol Academy (Renee Sutton), TN, Application No. 241039138, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Mar. 28, 2024)
Carrollton-Farmers Branch School District, TX, Application No. 241039734, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Cass City Public Schools, MI, Application No. 241033306, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Castle Rock Union Elementary School District, CA, Application No. 241033951, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Competitive Edge Charter Academy (CECA), CA, Application No. 241039361, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
We note that Bishop Louis Reicher Elementary School filed a waiver request April 2, 2024 for the same
application number. That filing was resolved in a previous Public Notice. See Streamlined Process for Resolving
Requests for Review of Decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company, CC Docket No. 02-6, WC
Docket Nos. 02-60, 08-71, 10-90 and 18-143, Public Notice, DA 24-362 (WCB May 1, 2024) (May 2024 USF
Streamlined Resolution PN).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Chabad of Southern Nevada d/b/a Dessert Torah Academy, Maimonides Hebrew Day School,
Stanford Eisenberg Knoxville Jewish Day School, Torat Hayim Hebrew Academy d/b/a Tashbar
Sephardic Yeshiva Katana, Yeshiva Primary, Application Nos. 241039113, 241039754,
241039189, 241039762, 241039878, 241039874, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed
May 14, 2024)
Circulo De La Hispanidad, Evergreen Charter School, Saugerties Public Library, St. Demetrios
Greek American School, The Newgrange School of Princeton Inc., Yeshiva Har Torah, Yeshiva
Ktana of Waterbury, Application Nos. 241039558, 241039557, 241039830, 241039362,
241039892, 241039450, 241039452, 241039278, 241039117, 241039239, 241039240,
241039243, 241039244, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 14, 2024)
CMCH Elementary Inc., GA, Application Nos. 241039560, 241039561, 241039741, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 14, 2024)
Columbia Falls School District 6, MT, Application No. 241039911, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Columbia Falls School District 6, MT, Application Nos. 241039911, 241039920, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 27, 2024)
Columbus County Public Library, NC, Application No. 241039423, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Commerce Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039717, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High School, CA, Application No. 241039855, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
Deer Park Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039677, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Deming Cesar Chavez Charter High School, NM, Application No. 241039801, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
District of Columbia Public Schools, DC, Application No. 241039795, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Dream Dine' Charter School, NM, Application No. 241039300, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Dublin City School District, OH, Application No. 241039405, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Earlimart Elementary School District, CA, Application No. 241039722, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
East Fort Worth Montessori Academy, TX, Application No. 241039812, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Education Service Center Region 10 d/b/a Fiber Network Consortium, TX, Application Nos.
241039726, 241039807, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Elmendaro Township Library, KS, Application No. 241039424, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
El Paso Leadership Academy Inc., TX, Application No. 241039659, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Eman Schools, IN, Application No. 241039820, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed
Apr. 17, 2024)
Ennis Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039784, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Episcopal Children’s Services, Inc., FL, Application No. 241039738, 241039739, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 20, 2024)
Education Service Center Region 11 Consortium, TX, Application Nos. 241039845, 241039646,
Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Education Service Center Region 20 Fiber Consortium, TX, Application No. 241039884, Request
for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Ewing Marion Kauffman School, MO, Application No. 241039867, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
Excelsior Village Academy, GA, Application No. 241039635, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Explore Academy ABQ, NM, Application No. 241039808, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Explore Academy – Peoria, AZ, Application No. 241039368, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Falmouth Academy, MA, Application No. 241039811, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 28, 2024)
Farmersville School District, TX, Application No. 241039759, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Fowler Public Schools, MI, Application No. 241039673, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-
6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Girls Global Academy Public Charter School, DC, Application No. 241034471, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Golden Rule Charter School, TX, Application No. 241039715, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Greenwood County Library System, SC, Application No. 241039634, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Harborfields Central School District, NY, Application No. 241033869, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039707, Request
for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Hornbrook Elementary School District, CA, Application No. 241039630, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Igo-Ono-Platina Elementary School District, CA, Application No. 241033963, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Incarnation School, NY, Application No. 241039690, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Ingenuity Prep Public Charter School, DC, Application No. 241039494, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Inspire Development Centers, WA, Application No. 241033945, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Jarrell Independent School District, TX, Application Nos. 241039792, 241039154, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Kingston Library, NY, Application No. 241039374, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Kingston Library, NY, Application No. 241039377, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 18, 2024)
LaPoynor Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039815, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Laurel County Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039633, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
Lewisville Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039788, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Lincoln County Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039756, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Louisville Free Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039644, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 10, 2024)
Louisville Free Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039877, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
Lyford Consolidated Independent School District, TX, Application Nos. 241039776, 241039799,
Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 9, 2024)
Lyndon Unified School District 421, KS, Application No. 241039847, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Lyndon Unified School District 421, KS, Application No. 241039848, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Madonna High School, WV, Application No. 241039366, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Marion County Library System, SC, Application No. 241039783, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
McCloud Union Elementary School District, CA, Application No. 241033939, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Menifee County Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039780, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
Morehouse Parish Library, LA, Application No. 241017276, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 5, 2024)
Mount Baker School District 507, WA, Application No. 241039872, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Muhlenberg County Libraries, KY, Application Nos. 241039770, 241039767, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Newtown-Harris School District R 3, MO, Application Nos. 241039583, 241034841, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Nicholas County Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039821, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
The application number for Louisville Free Public Library was incorrect in a previous Public Notice. See May
2024 USF Streamlined Resolution PN. We are now including the correct FCC Form 471 application number in this
Public Notice.
Newtown-Harris School District R 3 inadvertently listed an incorrect application number in its waiver request.
We are including the correct FCC Form 471 application number in this Public Notice.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
North Brookfield School District, MA, Application No. 241039375, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
Northport Public Library, NY, Application No. 241039832, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 30, 2024)
North Side School d/b/a Circle Academy, NY, Application No. 241039119, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 9, 2024)
North Valley Academy, NM, Application No. 241039654, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Northwest Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039910, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 9, 2024)
Northwood Local School District, OH, Application No. 241039153, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES, NY, Application Nos. 241039341, 241039325,
241039337, 241039333, 241039344, 241039292, 241039329, 241039334, 241039343,
241039299, 241039346, 241039338, 241039335, 241039308, 241039328, 241039296,
241039290, 241039893, 241039844, 241039909, 241039894, 241039915, 241039902,
241039904, 241039919, 241039908, 241039917, 241039898, 241039925, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024, duplicate filing Apr. 23, 2024)
ORION E-Rate Consortium, TX, Application No. 241039459, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 9, 2024)
Orleans Parish School Board, LA, Application Nos. 241029757, 241029751, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
Our Lady of Good Counsel School, NJ, Application No. 241039141, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 28, 2024)
Owsley County Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039791, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Plano Independent School District, TX, Application Nos.241039719, 241039822 Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 9, 2024)
Preston High School, NY, Application No. 241039625, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Prospect Mountain High School, NH, Application No. 241039584, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
We note that a separate representative from North Brookfield School District filed a waiver request April 3, 2024
for the same application number. That filing was resolved in a previous Public Notice. See May 2024 USF
Streamlined Resolution PN.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Redding Schools Consortium, CA, Application No. 241039390, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Reed City Area District Library, MI, Application No. 241027832, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Regional School District 20, CT, Application No. 241039632, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
Regional School District 20, CT, Application No. 241039823, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
Reicher Catholic High School, TX, Application No. 241039098, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 20, 2024)
Renick School District R 5, MO, Application No. 241039489, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 5, 2024)
Responsive Education Solution, TX, Application No. 241039818, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 9, 2024)
Rowan County Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039775, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
San Felipe-Del Rio CISD, TX, Application Nos. 241039778, 241039819, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 10, 2024)
Scott County Public Library, KY, Application No. 241039592, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Sesser-Valier School District 196, IL, Application No. 241039247, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
Shepherd Christian School, OH, Application No. 241039539, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Sivells Bend Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241039710, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 10, 2024)
Southfield Public School, MI, Application No. 241039490, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Special Education Services, Inc., IL, Application No. 241039745, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
We note that Reicher Catholic High School filed a waiver request April 2, 2024 for the same application number.
That filing was resolved in a previous Public Notice. See May 2024 USF Streamlined Resolution PN.
We note that Sesser-Valier School District 196 filed a waiver request April 1, 2024 for the same application
number. That filing was resolved in a previous Public Notice. See May 2024 USF Streamlined Resolution PN.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
St. Bartholomew Catholic Academy, NY, Application No. 241039744, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
St. Bartholomew Catholic Academy, NY, Application No. 241039816, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
St. Francis De Sales School, NY, Application No. 241039434, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy Brooklyn, NY, Application No. 241039364, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
St. Gabriel School, OH, Application No. 241039564, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 22, 2024)
St. Joseph High School, PA, Application No. 241010988, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 28, 2024)
St. Kateri, NY, Application No. 241039645, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr.
18, 2024)
St. Laurence School, PA, Application No. 241039905, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 17, 2024)
St. Leo Catholic Academy, NY, Application No. 241039764, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
St. Margaret School, NY, Application No. 241039852, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 18, 2024)
St. Mark Elementary School, NC, Application No. 241039461, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
St. Nicholas Of Tolentine Catholic Academy, NY, Application No. 241039755, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy Of Queens, NY, Application No. 241039697, Request
for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Stevens County Rural Library District, WA, Application No. 241039212, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Stockton Unified School District, CA, Application No. 241039853, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
The New Life Child Development Center, NY, Application No. 241039563, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 14, 2024)
We note that Stevens County Rural Library District filed a waiver request April 1, 2024 for the same application
number. That filing was resolved in a previous Public Notice. See May 2024 USF Streamlined Resolution PN.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
The Social Justice Public Charter School, DC, Application Nos. 241039699, 241039701, Request
for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Trinity Academy, NC, Application No. 241039824, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Trinity Lutheran School, MI, Application No. 241039642, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Triumph Public High School- Lubbock District, TX, Application No. 241039604, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 10, 2024)
Upper West Shore School District 33, MT, Application No. 241039648, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Wapakoneta City School District, OH, Application No. 241032121, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Wayne County Public Library, KY, Application Nos. 241039813, 241039810, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
West Salem School District, WI, Application No. 241038165, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Westwood Regional School District, NJ, Application No. 241034373, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Wildflower Open Classroom, CA, Application No. 241039752, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
William B. Harlan Memorial Library, KY, Application Nos. 241039836, 241039721, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Williamstown Independent School District, KY, Application No. 241032239, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
Yeshiva Darchei Torah, NY, Application Nos. 241039198, 241039105, 241039185, 241039201,
Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Zion Evangelical Lutheran School, WI, Application No. 241039540, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
Zion Lutheran Church School, CA, Application No. 241033678, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Late-Filed FCC Form 471 Applications – Filed Less than 30 Days Late Due to Unexpected Illness
Paulsboro Public Schools, NJ, Application No. 241039941, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 30, 2024)
Late-Filed FCC Form 471 Applications – Filed More than 30 Days Late Due to Serious Illness
Little Falls School District 482, MN, Application No. 241040060, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
Robin Hill Elementary School, OK, Application No. 241040118, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Late-Filed FCC Form 471 Applications – Filed Within Reasonable Period Despite School
New Village Academy, MD, Application No. 241040052, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
New Village Academy, MD, Application No. 241040070, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
Ministerial and/or Clerical Errors
City of Somerville, MA, Application No. 201032766, Request for Waiver and/or Review, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 26, 2023, supplemented Nov. 16, 2023)
Eastern Connecticut Regional Service Center, CT, Application No. 231031838, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 2, 2024)
Trinity Lutheran Grade School, WI, Application No. 221037462, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
Ministerial and/or Clerical Errors — FRN Omitted from FCC Form 471 Application
See, e.g., Academy of Math and Science Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 9259, para. 8 (finding special circumstances
existed to justify granting waiver requests of the FCC Form 471 application deadline where, for example, petitioners
were delayed by an unexpected illness and still filed less than 30 days late).
See, e.g., Requests for Waiver and Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Archdiocese of
San Antonio et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, Establishing Emergency
Connectivity Fund to Close the Homework Gap, CC Docket No. 02-6, WC Docket No. 21-93, Order, 37 FCC Rcd.
4879, 4882-83, para. 7-8 (2022) (Archdiocese of San Antonio Order) (granting waiver requests for applications filed
more than 30 days after the close of the filing window due to serious medical conditions).
See, e.g., Academy of Math and Science Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 9259, para. 8 (finding special circumstances
existed to justify granting waiver requests for petitioners who filed their FCC Form 471 applications within 14 days
of the filing window deadline).
See, e.g., Requests for Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Ann Arbor Public Schools,
CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 17319, 17319-20, para. 2, nn. 7, 9, 12, 17, 20 (WCB 2010) (Ann Arbor
Public Schools Order) (granting waivers where the applicant or USAC entered the date or FCC Form 470 number,
category of service or mischaracterized a month-to-month service as by contract, or omitted service from source
documents onto its FCC Form 471).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Freetown Lakeville Regional School District, MA, Application No. 241040085, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Gateway Community Action Partnership, NJ, Application No. 241040113, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Permitting Category Two Funding Change
Branford Public Schools, CT, Application No. 181005582, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Dec. 18, 2018)
Fairfield School District 21 a/k/a Fairfield Public Schools, MT, Application No. 191027928,
Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Jan. 6, 2020)
Sacramento City Unified School District, CA, Application No. 171015016, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Nov. 9, 2018)
Tillery Charter, NC, Application No. 191030379, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed
Mar. 1, 2020)
USAC Funding Denial Vague
Appling County School District, GA, Application No. 685537, Request for Review and/or
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Aug. 4, 2014)
Appling County School District, GA, Application No. 633627, Request for Review and/or
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Aug. 4, 2014)
(Continued from previous page)
See, e.g., Requests for Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Archer Public Library et
al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 23 FCC Rcd 15518,
15521, n.19 (WCB 2008) (Archer Public Library Order) (permitting applicant to add a request omitted from its FCC
Form 471, but included on its source list). These entities did not realize their funding requests were omitted until the
FY 2024 application filing window had closed and it was too late to submit a Receipt Acknowledgment Letter
(RAL) correction. We direct USAC to add these funding requests to the petitioners’ timely-filed FY 2024 FCC
Form 471 applications.
Consistent with our obligation to conduct a de novo review of appeals of decisions made by USAC, we find merit
in these appeals and remand them back to USAC for further review. See 47 CFR § 54.723. To the extent possible,
and based on the facts and circumstances of these cases, USAC should work with these school districts to make
modifications to their category two funding requests to bring the school districts within their allowable category two
We remand these appeals to USAC to check its cost-effectiveness calculations and to provide adequate
explanation of the basis of the funding denial. See Petition for Reconsideration by Franklin County School District,
Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket 02-6, Order, 26 FCC Rcd 14251, 14252,
para. 2, n.13 (WCB 2011) (Franklin County School District Order) (remanding to USAC where vague language did
not provide adequate explanation of denial).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Waiver of Appeal Filing Deadline
Fort Scott Unified School District 234, KS, Application No. 191021525, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Dec. 30, 2019)
Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal M.I., PR, Application No. 161039095, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed June 19, 2017)
Jackson Township SD, NJ, Application No. 1012363, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Mar. 8, 2021)
Granted in Part
Late-Filed FCC Form 471 Applications
St. Michael Indian School, AZ, Application Nos. 241039507, 241040135, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Ineligible Services
Yonkers Public Schools, NY, Application Nos. 528953, 536082, 535576, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 21, 2011)
See, e.g., Requests for Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by ABC Unified School
District, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 26 FCC Rcd 11019, para. 2 (WCB 2011) (ABC Unified School District Order)
(granting waivers of appeal filing deadline when the petitioners submitted their appeals or waiver requests only a
few days late or within a reasonable period of time after receiving actual notice of USAC’s adverse decision). We
make no finding on the underlying issues in these appeals and remand these applications to USAC to make a
determination on the merits. See supra note 5.
We grant St. Michael Indian School’s request pertaining to FCC Form 471 Application No. 241039507. See, e.g.,
Academy of Math and Science Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 9259, para. 8 (finding special circumstances existed to justify
granting waiver requests where, for example, petitioners filed their FCC Forms 471 within 14 days of the filing
window deadline). However, we deny St. Michael Indian School’s request pertaining to FCC Form 471 Application
No. 241040135. See, e.g., Academy of Math and Science Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 9261-62, para. 13 (denying waivers
of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline where petitioners failed to present special circumstances
justifying a waiver of the Commission’s rules).
See Requests for Waiver and Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by AllWays, Inc. (Prairie
Hills School District 144); Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6,
Order, 27 FCC Rcd 1968, 1968-69, para. 1 (WCB 2012) (AllWays, Inc. Order) (upholding denials of funding
requests for services that are not eligible for E-Rate support).
One of the application numbers for Yonkers Public Schools was incorrect in a previous Public Notice. See May
2024 USF Streamlined Resolution PN. We are now including the correct FCC Form 471 application number in this
Public Notice.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Late-Filed FCC Form 471 Applications
Baker County School District, FL, Application Nos. 241039958, 241039962, 241039959,
Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Bath County School District, VA, Application No. 241039992, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 22, 2024)
Bicentennial Union High School District #76, AZ, Application Nos. 241039971, 241039972,
Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Birmingham Public Library, AL, Application No. 241040093, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Bloomfield School District R 14, MO, Application No. 241040124, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Briarwood Academy, GA, Application No. 241040142, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed May 10, 2024)
Burlington Public Library, CT, Application No. 241039982, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Catholic School Region of Northwest & South Bronx, NY, Application No. 241033121, Request
for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
C. E. Brehm Memorial Library, IL, Application No. 241039995, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Chicago Ridge Public Library, IL, Application No. 241040112, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Clinton Public School District, MS, Application No. 241040051, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Cole County R-V School District, MO, Application No. 241040030, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Colfax Mingo Community School District, IA, Application No. 241040045, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2026)
Collegiate Charter School of Lowell, MA, Application No. 241024183, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
County of Pope, AR, Application No. 241039984, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 22, 2024)
See, e.g., Academy of Math and Science Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 9261-62, para. 13 (denying waivers of the FCC
Form 471 application filing window deadline where petitioners failed to present special circumstances justifying a
waiver of the Commission’s rules).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Del Norte Public Library, CO, Application No. 241031294, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 25, 2024)
Derby Neck Library, CT, Application No. 241040036, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 22, 2024)
Earlimart Elementary School District, CA, Application No. 241039968, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Eldorado School District 4, IL, Application No. 241039987, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Elk Valley Unified School District 283, KS, Application No. 241008305, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Fayette County School District, KY, Application No. 241040130, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
Fremont County School District #14, WY, Application No. 241040053, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
Gesu Catholic Elementary School, MI, Application No. 241039946, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
Grain Valley School Dist R 5, MO, Application No. 241039988, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 18, 2024)
Heritage Christian Schools, WI, Application No. 241039936, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Holy Angels Academy Inc., KY, Application No. 241040029, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Kennett Public Schools, MO, Application No. 241039977, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Kenosha Public Library, WI, Application No. 241040048, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
La Feria Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241040021, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 2, 2024)
Mannheim School District 83, IL, Application No. 241040002, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Mannheim School District 83, IL, Application No. 241040028, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Maple Heights City School District, OH, Application No. 241040116, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 10, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Metro Deaf School, MN, Application No. 241040022, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 22, 2024)
Metropolitan Arts Institute, AZ, Application No. 241040122, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Mount Ayr Community School District, IA, Application No. 241008888, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 9, 2024)
Mountain School, AZ, Application No. 241040003, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 19, 2024)
New Auburn School District, WI, Application No. 241040075, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 30, 2024)
New Hope Academy, MD, Application No. 241039996, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-
6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024, duplicate filing Apr. 24, 2024)
New York Mills Independent School District #553, MN, Application No. 241040125, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 8, 2024)
NLC Christian Academy, IL, Application Nos. 241040035, 241040034, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
North Brookfield School District, MA, Application No. 241040104, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
North Brookfield School District, MA, Application No. 241040105, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 6, 2024)
Northern Ozaukee School District, WI, Application No. 241040062, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
Northern Ozaukee School District, WI, Application No. 241040066, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
North Lakes Academy Upper School, MN, Application No. 241040067, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 1, 2024)
NYSARC, Inc., NYC Chapter (AHRC), NY, Application No. 241040025, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 23, 2024)
Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES, NY, Application Nos. 241040019, 241040016,
241040020, 241040014, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 22, 2024)
Pekin Community High School District 303, IL, Application No. 241037617, Request for
Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 29, 2024)
Putnam School District, CT, Application Nos. 241040000, 241040004, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Ranch Academy District, TX, Application No. 241039983, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Resurrection Christian School, CO, Application No. 241039980, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Rodeph Sholom Day School, NY, Application No. 241008625, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Sacred Heart Catholic School, MN, Application No. 241040154, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 14, 2024)
Salem School District, CT, Application No. 241039999, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-
6 (filed Apr. 19, 2024)
School Association for Special Education in DuPage County, IL, Application No. 241040041,
Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 2, 2024)
Schuyler-Industry Community Unit School District 5, IL, Application No. 241008836, Request
for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 30, 2024)
Shining Star Christian Schools Capitol, WI, Application No. 241040098, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Shining Star Christian Schools – Fairview, WI, Application No. 241040099, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Shining Star Christian Schools – St. James, WI, Application No. 241040094, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Shining Star Christian Schools – St. James, WI, Application No. 241040096, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Smithton School District R 6, MO, Application No. 241039120, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School, KS, Application No. 241039976, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
St. Francis Prep School, NY, Application No. 241040017, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 24, 2024)
St. Helen Elementary School, CA, Application No. 241039975, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 16, 2024)
St. Mary’s School, MN, Application No. 241039985, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Sunnyside School District 201, WA, Application No. 241039989, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 30, 2024)
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Texline Independent School District, TX, Application No. 241034181, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 22, 2024)
The UCAP School, RI, Application No. 241039950, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Apr. 22, 2024)
Troy School District #287, ID, Application No. 241039998, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No.
02-6 (filed Apr. 22, 2024)
Virtus Academy of South Carolina, SC, Application No. 241040026, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 3, 2024)
Warren City School District, OH, Application Nos. 241027407, 241026282, Request for Waiver,
CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 17, 2024)
Warsaw R-IX School District, MO, Application No. 241040120, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed May 7, 2024)
Wilkes County School District, GA, Application No. 241039963, Request for Waiver, CC Docket
No. 02-6 (filed Apr. 15, 2024)
Untimely Filed Appeals or Waiver Requests
Clintonville Public School District, LA, Application No. 161003773, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed May 21, 2019)
Howard School, LA, Application No. 161032976, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6
(filed Nov. 8, 2019)
Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Poor/Father Yermo Schools, TX, Application
No. 161047763, Request for Waiver, CC Docket No. 02-6 (filed July 8, 2022)
Union Chapel Christian Academy, AL, Application No. 161053380, Request for Waiver, CC
Docket No. 02-6 (filed Mar. 17, 2022)
See, e.g., Requests for Review of the Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Agra Public Schools I-
134; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 25 FCC Rcd 5684, 5688,
para. 6 (WCB 2010) (Agra Public Schools Order); Requests for Waiver or Review of Decisions of the Universal
Service Administrator by Bound Brook School District; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Mechanism, CC
Docket No. 02-6, Order, 29 FCC Rcd 5823, 5823, para. 1 (WCB 2014) (Bound Brook School District Order)
(denying requests for review and/or waiver on the grounds that the petitioners failed to: (1) submit their appeals
either to the Commission or to USAC within 60 days or failed to submit their waiver requests to the Commission
within 60 days as required by the Commission’s rules; and (2) did not demonstrate special circumstances required
for the Commission to waive the rule).
Each of these filings involve a denial and recission of the entire funding request because the applicants requested
more category two funds than were available in their five-year category two budgets. See 47 CFR § 54.502(b)(1)
(“Each eligible school or library shall be eligible for a budgeted amount of support for category two services over a
five-year funding cycle beginning the first funding year support is received.”). While we deny these filings on
procedural grounds, we direct USAC to recalculate the recovery based on the amount of funding that exceeded the
applicant’s category two budget and not reclaim the entire funding request amount. See, e.g., Request for Review of
a Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Harrisburg City School District, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order,
31 FCC Rcd 13549, 13553, para. 14 (2016) (remanding to USAC to recalculate the correct recovery amount).).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Emergency Connectivity Fund Program
WC Docket No. 21-93
Dismissed as Moot – USAC Took Action Requested
DuBois Integrity Academy, GA, Application No. ECF202100867, Request for Waiver, WC
Docket No. 21-93 (filed Oct. 31, 2023)
Early Delivery
John W. Rex Charter School, OK, Application No. ECF202209789, Request for Waiver, WC
Docket No. 21-93 (filed Apr. 9, 2024)
Sheridan School District 2, CO, Application No. ECF202204401, Request for Waiver, WC
Docket No. 21-93 (filed Apr. 1, 2024)
St. Louis City School District, MO, Application No. ECF202200964, Request for Waiver, WC
Docket No. 21-93 (filed May 8, 2024)
Village Tech School, TX, Application No. ECF202109546, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No.
21-93 (filed Mar. 21, 2024)
See, e.g., Requests for Review and/or Requests for Waiver of the Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator
by Al Noor High School et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6,
Order, 27 FCC Rcd 8223, 8224, para. 2 (WCB 2012) (Al Noor High School Order) (dismissing as moot requests for
review where USAC had taken the action the petitioner requested).
See supra note 5. We also waive section 54.1711(d) of the Commission’s rules and direct USAC to waive any
procedural deadline that might be necessary to effectuate our ruling. See 47 CFR § 54.1711(d) (codifying the invoice
filing deadline).
See Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company, CC
Docket No. 02-6, WC Docket Nos. 21-93, 06-122, Public Notice, 37 FCC Rcd 7445, 7459 n.25 (WCB 2022)
(granting requests for waivers for eligible equipment delivered before the start of the approved funding period).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Waiver of ECF Special Construction Service Delivery Date
A+ Partners in Education, WV, Application No. ECF222116734, Request for Waiver, WC
Docket No. 21-93 (filed May 30, 2024)
Rural Health Care Program
WC Docket No. 02-60
Appeal Filing Deadline
Munising Memorial Hospital, MI, Request for Review and/or Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60,
Funding Request No. 20220010086 (filed May 24, 2023)
See, e.g., Requests for Waiver of the Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Grants/Cibola County
School District and Jemez Pueblo Tribal Consortium, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 33 FCC Rcd 10048, 10051, para.
8 (WCB 2018) (waiving the special construction service delivery deadline because the applicant was unable to
complete implementation for reasons beyond the service provider’s control and the petitioner made good faith
efforts to comply with Commission rules and procedures). Consistent with the Commission’s decision to adopt the
similar appeal and waiver rules that govern all of the Universal Service Fund programs, including the E-Rate
program, and to leverage existing E-Rate processes and forms in the Emergency Connectivity Fund program, we
rely on E-Rate program precedent to resolve this petition for waiver of the Emergency Connectivity Fund program
rules. We waive the network construction service delivery deadline and direct USAC to set a new service delivery
deadline of June 30, 2025, and adjust any associated administrative or procedural deadlines, including the invoice
deadline, that might be necessary to effectuate our ruling. We also waive any associated administrative or
procedural deadlines that might be necessary to effectuate our ruling. While the COVID-19 emergency has ended
and we are approaching the June 30, 2024 sunset date of the ECF program, we recognize the substantial amount of
work that has already gone into completing this project in a timely manner, but was hindered by delays that could
not have been anticipated. We further recognize that denying funding may lead to further delays in connecting these
students, school staff, and library patrons. Therefore, we find this waiver is warranted by the special circumstances
and is in the public interest to allow A+ Partners to complete construction and connect their students, school staff,
and library patrons with ongoing unmet remote learning needs.
Because the ECF program is sunsetting on June 30, 2024, participants are statutorily required to “purchase” eligible
equipment and/or services by no later than that date in order to be eligible for reimbursement through the ECF
program. See H.R. 1319, tit. VII, § 7402(a) and (d)(5)(B). The Commission cannot waive or extend this date to
provide applicants with additional time to purchase eligible equipment and/or services beyond June 30, 2024. Here,
the applicant indicates that purchase has been made because it has entered into a mutually binding agreement with
its service provider to perform and provide the services and the service provider may complete construction, file
reimbursement requests, and receive ECF disbursements after June 30, 2024 subject to the new service delivery
deadline. We further note that the applicant will need to provide recurring services to its students, school staff,
and/or library patrons with unmet needs prior to June 30, 2025.
See, e.g., Request for Review of a Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Sundale Elementary School
District; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 29 FCC Rcd
4124 (WCB 2014) (Sundale Elementary School District Order) (finding that an appeal filed to USAC was timely
and remanding that appeal to USAC that was timely filed). We remand this appeal to USAC and make no finding
as to the substantive matters addressed in the appeal.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Late-Filed FCC Form 462 or 466 Applications – Filed Within 14 Days of the Close of the Window
Boone Health Consortium, MO, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60, FCC Form 461 Nos.
RHC46100010958, RHC46100010959, RHC46100010960, RHC46100010961 (filed April 29,
Claiborne County Hospital, MS, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60, Funding Request
No. RHC20240016247 (filed May 9, 2024)
Family Health La Clinica De Los Campesinos, WI, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60,
No Funding Request Number (filed May 1, 2023)
Mental Health Services for Mariposa County, CA, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60,
Funding Request Nos. RHC20230025920, RHC20230025919, RHC20230018506,
RHC20230018505, RHC20230018504, RHC202300018503, RHC20220009016,
RHC20220009015, RHC20220009013, RHC20220009006 (filed May 2, 2023)
North Olympic Healthcare Network Consortium, WA, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-
60, Funding Request No. RHC20240016009 (filed May 9, 2024)
Roger Mills Memorial Hospital, OK, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60, Funding
Request No. RHC20240016248 (filed May 9, 2024)
Service Substitution
UAMS E-Link Network, AR, Request for Review, WC Docket No. 02-60, Funding Request No.
RHC20220011479 (filed Nov. 2, 2023)
See Requests for Waiver by Bartlett Regional Hospital et al., WC Docket No. 02-60, Order, DA 24-366, 2024 WL
1715367, at *3, para. 8 (WCB Apr. 18, 2024) (Bartlett Regional Hospital Order) (granting a waiver of the
application filing deadline when the application was filed within 14 days of the deadline and administration of the
RHC Program was minimally affected). We remand these applications to USAC and direct USAC to complete its
review of the applications and issue a funding decision based on a complete review and analysis. In remanding
these applications to USAC, we make no finding as to the ultimate eligibility of the services or the petitioners’
Boone Health Consortium (Boone) styled its request as a petition to waive the competitive bidding rules. Because
Boone in effect seeks waiver of the deadline to apply for funding year 2024 support, we instead treat its submission
as a request to waive the application filing deadline.
See Requests for Waiver of Sections 54.504(c), 54.504(f), 54.507(c), and 54.507(g) of the Commission's Rules,
State of Louisiana Department of Education et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism,
CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 25 FCC Rcd 1653, 1662, para. 17 (2010) (granting service substitution requests
meeting the regulatory requirements for service substitutions). See also 47 CFR § 54.623 (allowing service
substitutions in the RHC Program when (1) the substitution is provided for in the contract, within the change clause,
or constitutes a minor modification; (2) the site is an eligible health care provider and the service is an eligible
service under the Telecommunications Program or the Healthcare Connect Fund Program; (3) the substitution does
not violate any contract provision or state, Tribal, or local procurement laws; and (4) the requested change is within
the scope of the controlling Request for Services, including any applicable RFP used in the competitive bidding
process); Request for Waiver by GCI Communication Corp. and Southcentral Foundation, WC Docket No. 02-60,
35 FCC Rcd 5872, 5874, paras. 6-7 (granting a waiver to allow a service substitution in the RHC Program and
noting that the service substitution would have met the requirements for a service substitution under section 54.624
of the Commission’s rules had that provision been effective during the relevant time period). We grant the
petitioner’s substitution of its 10 Gbps service for the 20 Gbps service at issue in its appeal.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
Waiver of the 60-Day Appeal Deadline
Hot Spot Broadband, Inc., NV, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60, Funding Request
Nos. 17250061, 17250081, 17250091, 17250111, 17250151, 17250171, 17250191, 17250211,
17250241, 17250271, 17250281, 17250321 (filed June 29, 2023)
Waiver of the Invoice Filing Deadline
Arkwest Communications, Inc., AR, (Chambers Memorial – Plainview Clinic and Chambers
Memorial Hospital d/b/a Havana Clinic), Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60, Funding
Request Nos. 2073197, 2072637 (filed April 5, 2022)
Northwest Hospital Alliance, ID, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No. 02-60, Funding Request
No. 21169021 (filed May 9, 2024)
Zones LLC (Memorial Health Center and Carondelet Health Center), NY, Request for Waiver,
WC Docket No. 02-60, Funding Request No. RHC20220011141 (filed April 22, 2024)
Application Filing Deadline
Shenandoah Community Health – Behavioral Health, WV, Request for Waiver, WC Docket No.
02-60, Application Nos. RHC46100005659, RHC46100005665 (filed June 5, 2023;
See, e.g., Requests for Review and/or Waiver of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by ABC Unified
School District et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 26
FCC Rcd 11019, 11019, para. 2 (WCB 2011) (granting waivers of filing deadline for appeals because the petitioners
submitted their appeals or waiver requests only a few days late or within a reasonable period of time after receiving
actual notice of USAC’s adverse decision, or the reasons were “the result of clerical, ministerial, or procedural
errors, or were due to circumstances beyond their control”).
See Requests for Waiver or Review of Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Indiana Telehealth
Network, WC Docket No. 02-60, Order, 33 FCC Rcd 12341, 12342, para. 4 (WCB 2018) (granting a waiver of the
invoice filing deadline when the petitioner missed the deadline due to technical issues outside of its control)
(Indiana Telehealth Network Order). We waive the petitioners’ invoice filing deadlines and allow them 120 days
from the release of this Public Notice to file invoices.
Requests for Waiver and Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Abbotsford School
District Abbotsford, Wisconsin, et al., CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, 27 FCC Rcd 15299, 15300, para. 2 (WCB 2012)
(waiver of invoice filing deadline due to delays beyond the control of the entities requesting a waiver). We waive
the petitioners’ invoice filing deadlines and allow them 120 days from the release of this Public Notice to file
See Indiana Telehealth Network Order, 33 FCC Rcd 12341. We waive the petitioners’ invoice filing deadlines
and allow them 120 days from the release of this Public Notice to file invoices.
See Bartlett Regional Hospital Order, 2024 WL 1715367, at *3; Request for Review of the Decision of the
Universal Service Administrator by Academy of Math and Science, et al., Schools and Libraries Universal Service
Support Mechanism, CC Docket No. 02-6, 25 FCC Rcd 9256, 9261-62 (denying requests to waive application filing
deadline filed more than 14 days after the filing deadline and absent special circumstances warranting a waiver of
the deadline). Shenandoah Community Health – Behavioral Health (Shenandoah) requested a waiver of the funding
year 2023 application filing deadline 35 days after the filing deadline and offered no special circumstances
supporting its waiver request. We therefore deny Shenandoah’s untimely request to waive the application filing
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-482
supplemented on June 27, 2023)
For additional information concerning this Public Notice, please contact James Bachtell in the
Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, at [email protected]
or (202) 418-2694.
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