International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IRJIET)
ISSN (online): 2581-3048
Volume 3, Issue 11, pp 37-39, November - 2019
© 2019 IRJIET All Rights Reserved Impact Factor: 2.2 37
Chemical Machining Process - An Overview
Anurag Raj,
Anirudh V,
Dr T S Nanjundeswaraswamy
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore-560060, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore-560060, India
Abstract - Chemical machining (CHM) is the material
removal process for the production of desired shapes
through selective or overall of material by controlled
chemical attack with acids or alkalis. This is one of the
oldest nontraditional machining processes and also has
some drawbacks .The main issues face by chemical
machining process is the reduced material removal rate
when compared to other nontraditional machining
techniques. Accuracy of machine should also paid
attention. Apart of this, since we are using chemical
etchant for the process, it also has some environmental
issues. The machining quality of chemical machining is
comparatively less. So it is necessary to think of an idea to
improve the quality. So in this paper we discussed below
about working principle, need, procedure, application of
chemical machining process.
Keywords: Chemical Machining, Types, Needs, Maskant,
Etchant, Process Parameters, Non Traditional Machining.
Chemical machining is well known as nontraditional
machining process and is controlled by chemical dissolution
of the machines work piece material by contact with a strong
chemicals reagent. It is also known as a chemical etching
.mostly all the material from metal to ceramics can be
chemically machined. Chemical machining process is
employed where metal removal is difficult. Chemical
machining is a controlled dissolution of the work material by
means of contact with a strong acidic or alkaline chemical
reagent. The major characteristics of chemical machining are
material removal rate, accuracy and surface finish.
The main challenges for this process are the same as is
characteristics. Material removal rate is dependent on the
selected etchant. Accuracy of the process may be affected by
the under cutting behavior in simple contouring.
The working principle of chemical machining is based on
chemical etching .the part of the work piece metal where
material is to be removed is brought into contact with a strong
corrosive chemical called etchant. The etchant react with the
workpiece in the material to be cut and causes the solid
material to be removed. Thus the metal is removed by the
chemical attack of the etchant.
The portion of the work material where material is not to
be removed is protected from chemical attack by means
special coating called as maskants. So by this chemical
machining process from all metal to ceramic substance can be
machined with chemical machining process. This process of
chemical reaction between the material of the work piece and
some chemical reagent use to produce a reaction between then
so that it can be removed easily .thus the surface of the
workpiece is etched away, exposing the lower layers, and the
process is continued until the desired amount of material is
Figure 1(a): Brief illustration of the chemical machining process, Figure 1(b): Stages of producing a profiled cavity by the help of
machine called agitator
International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IRJIET)
ISSN (online): 2581-3048
Volume 3, Issue 11, pp 37-39, November - 2019
© 2019 IRJIET All Rights Reserved Impact Factor: 2.2 38
Need For Chemical Machining
Hard and difficult to shape metals cannot be easily
machined by conventional machining methods .further, thin
work parts with complex configuration or delicate parts fail to
withstand the forces of cutting tool. Although some
nontraditional process can be used in such conditions, they are
not economical due to high capital and tooling costs involved.
These disadvantages are overcome with the use of chemical
machining process.
Types of Chemical Machining Process
There are two type of chemical machining:
Chemical blanking method
Chemical milling or contour machining method
Workpiece pre cleaning process: The surface of workpiece
metal is cleaned thoroughly, degreased and pickled by acid or
alkalis. Pre cleaning is the most important method to remove
oil, grease, dirt, rust, or any foreign substance from the work
surface to produce a good adhesion of masking material.
Masking and scribing mask: Masking involves covering the
portion of the workpiece metal where material is not to be
removed by the chemical action .masking with adhesive types
or paints is a common practice although rubber (elastomers)
and plastics are also used. Since it is difficult to apply maskant
on small surface, the maskant is initially applied on a large
Etching: The unmasked surface of the workpiece is machined
chemically with selected etchant. Etching is carried out by
immersing the work material in a tank of agitated etchant. The
process is carried out at high temperature depending on the
etched material. Temperature control and agitation during
chemical machining. Erosion of the work material takes place
from the exposed surface. The work piece is converted into
metallic salt, which is then dissolved and carried away in the
etchant solution.
Damasking: When etching is completed the mask is removed
either through mechanical or chemical means. any etchant on
the work material is also removed by cold water to clean. A
deoxidizing bath may also be required in order to remove the
oxide coating or films left on the surface of the work material.
Process Characteristics of Chemical Machining
Metal removal rate
Surface finish
Masking material is known as Maskant which is used to
protect workpiece surface from chemical etchant. In another
words maskants protect the portion of workpiece metal where
material is not to be removed by chemical action of the
etchant. Polymer or rubber based materials are generally used
as a maskant material. Various maskant application methods
can be used such as dip, brush, spray, roller, and electro
coating as well as adhesive tapes.
The type of maskant to be selected for machining is based
on the following factors
Be inert to the chemical reagent used
Chemical resistance required
Be tough enough to withstand handling
Adhere well to the work piece
Allow itself to be scribed easily
Be removed easily after etching
Be inexpensive after etching
Be able to withstand the heat generation by etching
Availability and low cost
Masking material for various work material
Work material
Aluminium & Alloys
Polymer, butyl rubber &
Copper & alloys
Iron based alloys
Polymer, poly vinyl chloride,
polyetilien butyl rubber
Etchants are acid or alkaline solutions maintained within a
controlled range of chemical composition and temperature.
The workpiece material to be removed is sprayed or immersed
in a suitable etchant .various etchant are available for
machining different material as listed in table 2. The type of
etchant to be selected for machining is based on following
International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IRJIET)
ISSN (online): 2581-3048
Volume 3, Issue 11, pp 37-39, November - 2019
© 2019 IRJIET All Rights Reserved Impact Factor: 2.2 39
Type of workpiece metal that is being etched
Rate of metal removal
Surface finish required
Type of maskant used
Depth of etch required
Ability to regenerate the etchant solutions
Un harmful Or non toxic to human operator
Availability at low cost
Etchant characteristics
Etchant temperature
Aluminum &
Copper &
Nitric acid
Material removal rate, accuracy, surface finish and
environmental issues are the major challenges what chemical
machining face. Rate of removal of material is depended on
the type of etchant we are using for machining process.
Etchant which remove metal in a faster manner will have
many side effects including surface finish, higher heating etc.
So the etchant should be selected in such a way that it should
balance among all these problems. Undercutting is the issue
which reduces the accuracy of machining. Hydrogen
embrittlement also causes alterations. The surface produced by
CHM process is otherwise stress free and show no thermal
effects. Chemical machining greatly affects the environment
since it make use of chemical etchants. To improve the
material removal rate of chemical machining is to combine
both laser machining and chemical machining.
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Citation of this Article:
Anurag Raj, Anirudh V, Dr T S Nanjundeswaraswamy, “Chemical Machining Process - An Overview” Published in
International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IRJIET), Volume 3, Issue 11, pp 37-39,
November 2019.