The Comprehensive
Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
T a ble o f Co ntent s
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
What Is Photo Chemical Machining?!
Ten Simple Steps Of Photo Chemical
Why Choose Photo Chemical Machining?!
Industrial Applications For Photo Etched Metal Parts!
About Conard Corporation!
Understanding Photo Etching Costs!
A Comparison Of Metal Fabricating
Planning Checklist For Photo Chemical
Machining !
Engineering Design Guidelines For Photo
Chemical Machining!
What Is Photo Chemical Machining?
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Whether it be called photo chemical machining, photo chemical etching, chemical
milling, chemical etching, photo etching, even the abbreviation “PCM,” all of these
names describe the same process.
The photo chemical machining process is a means of fabricating thin gauge metal
parts. The metal thickness rages from .001” to .080” depending on the type of metal.
In the photo chemical machining process a mylar stencil, called a “photo tool,” is
used to expose multiple images of the parts to be made on both sides of a sheet of
raw material that has been coated with a light sensitive and acid resistant material,
called “resist.”
After the images of the parts have been developed, and the uncured “resist” is
washed away, the metal around the part is dissolved using an etching chemistry.
Why Choose Photo Chemical Machining?
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Photo etched metal parts have no burrs or deformations of the raw material that can occur
with other processes, such as stamping, punching, waterjet or laser cutting.
Inexpensive & Effective Tools
Photo chemical machining provides a fast, flexible and relatively inexpensive way to produce
a wide variety of precision metal parts. Phototools replace conventional steel tools and dies.
These tools can be generated in a matter of hours rapidly and inexpensively, and
regenerated to accommodate revisions to parts. Phototools can be generated in 24 hours.
The phototool, which operates like a stencil, is the foundation of accuracy with light being its
only working exposure, ensuring that there is no “tool wear” that needs to be monitored.
Phototools are produced on a 7 mil and dimensionally stable mylar using an 8000-dpi
photoplotter. The locational tolerances for part features typically meet the nominal
dimensions of the specification.
Photo chemical machining is effective for many kinds of metal:
Why Choose Photo Chemical Machining?
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Fast & Easy to Produce
The photo chemical process can create quantities from handfuls to 100,000s.
From initial tooling to finished parts, the entire photo chemical machining cycle can be
completed in 3 to 5 days. Given a normal backlog, typical lead times for new parts are 3-4
weeks. Often, repeat orders can be processed more quickly, especially if the raw material is
in stock. Prototype orders may be done in 2 weeks. Additional time is required to
accommodate secondary operations such as plating, forming, heat-treating, silk screening,
assembly, or the addition of surface components.
Photo chemical machining has similarities to a printing process in that the part designs can
be immensely intricate without having an impact on the tooling or production process. Photo
chemical machining can produce complex parts that would be either impossible or
impractical to produce by stamping or laser cutting. The etching process produces parts that
are free of burrs and mechanical stress.
Etching As An Alternative To Other Processes
Etching is often a better alternative than stamping, laser
cutting, punching or wire EDM.
Photo chemical machining imparts no mechanical stresses
on metal substrates. Where stamping, punching and die
cutting impart shearing deformation and laser and EDM
cutting can leave ablative deformation, photo chemical
machining simply dissolves the unneeded metal, leaving a
flat and burr-free part.
Photo chemical machining is frequently the process of choice
because the tooling is inexpensive and can be produced very
quickly, the parts are very precise and consistent, and the
process is particularly effective when the shape of the part is
complex and/or the part contains many holes or internal cut-
Understanding Photo Etching Costs
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Major Cost Elements
Like any other manufacturing process, chemical etching costs are
the sum of a number of elements. The direct cost elements in
photo etching are: metal and photoresist, labor, and machine time.
The indirect costs consist of etching chemistries including
developer, etchant and stripper.
Power, water and waste treatment are figured into the overhead
cost rate.
Considering alloy and thickness, metal costs vary widely. Common
alloys and gauges of copper, steel, or aluminum might run between
$5 and $10 per pound. Thinner materials cost more per pound: .
001” thick stainless is about $50 per pound. However, .0005”
stainless costs more than $100 per pound. Beryllium copper is
around $35 per pound. Molybdenum is more than $150 per pound.
The cost of photoresist is a constant value per square inch.
Labor Cost Accumulation
The unit of labor in photo etching is the sheet. There are seven manufacturing operations during
which labor is accumulated: cutting, cleaning, laminating, printing, developing, photo etching and
stripping. Each of these steps requires that the sheet be handled into and out of the operation. The
amount of labor required is fairly consistent per sheet, regardless of the size of the sheet. Indirect
labor is applied in inspection and packaging.
In most cases, smaller sheets accumulate labor at essentially the same rate as the
larger sheets. The application of labor is relatively indifferent to the sheet size. So the sheet size is an
important factor in photo etching costs.
Machine time costs accumulate in cleaning, developing, photo etching and stripping. During machine
time, multiple sheets are transported by conveyors at speeds determined by the processing
requirements. The etching process itself is the slowest, usually running at a few minutes per inch of
We measure capacity at each step in “sheets per hour,” which takes into account both the labor and
the machine time. Each work step has a through-rate based on sheet size. The through-rate in the
etching process is based on sheet size, alloy and metal thickness. Metal alloys etch at known rates
per mil (.001”) of thickness so the required duration of the exposure to the etching chemistry is
Understanding Photo Etching Costs
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Design Factor Costs
Dimensional tolerances also affect the sheet size for
photo etching as the tolerance variance from the center
of the sheet to the edges increases with the distance.
So, even a simple part with tight tolerances might have
to be produced on a very small sheet. Tight tolerances
also affect etching costs because the production yield of
parts within tolerance decreases.
At the most generous end of the tolerance spectrum is
what we refer to as “decorative.” This applies to jewelry,
giftware and hobby- type projects where the absolute
dimensions are not critical. We etch to a gauge pin
dimension and inspect to appearance. This is the most
economical sheet we produce. Typically, the decorative
sheet is 18 x 24 x
.020. In photo etched brass or aluminum, in quantities of
10 or more, these sheets are under $70 each. Parts are
shipped tabbed in the sheet.
Tooling Cost
Phototools are another element of photo etching
costs. Most tools cost less than $300 for sheets up to 24” x 30”. Composite tools containing
images of different parts have a one-time set up charge for the additional parts. The phototool
is the film master used to transfer the images of the parts onto the resist- coated metal.
Phototools are produced from customers’ CAD data. They are inexpensive, long-lived and
easily regenerated. Tooling charges are one-time, unless the customer changes physical
dimensions of the part. If a phototool becomes damaged while in our use or care, we will
replace it at no charge to the customer.
Understanding Photo Etching Costs
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Cost Variables
The two biggest variables affecting the cost of photo etching are metal thickness and sheet
size. Metal thickness bears directly on the length of time it takes to etch through a given
metal thickness measured in minutes per mil (.001”) of thickness. Sheet size drives the
amount of labor that accumulates.
The photo etching process has seven essential steps: cutting, cleaning, laminating,
printing, developing, etching and stripping. For each of these steps, a sheet of material
must be handled. Each time a sheet is handled into and out of a step in the photo etching
process, labor is applied. The effect of sheet size on the cost of photo etching is illustrated
in the table below:
The “test part” is a 1” x 1” x.010” thick part. It doesn’t make any difference whether the part
is a simple disk (cheese pizza), a washer (pepperoni pizza), a spring form (pepperoni,
sausage and mushrooms), or a screen (the “works”). The photo etching process doesn’t
Prices shown do not include any material cost.
Understanding Photo Etching Costs
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Cost Effects of Dimensional Tolerances
The minimum tolerances shown apply to .010 thick material at the sheet sizes indicated. So,
the evidence is clear. The larger sheet sizes are definitely more cost effective in photo etching.
Over the course of 50000 pieces, the accumulated labor for the 12 x 12 sheets will be more
than double compared to the 18 x 24 sheets.
Remember, too, that allowance must be made for the dimensional tolerances the larger sheets
Dimensional tolerances are often the determining factor in planning the sheet size for chemical
etching. Most engineering drawings have a standard tolerance of +/-.005” for three-place
decimals. If you are designing for photo etching, that dimensional tolerance band is adequate
for materials up to .030” thick. The location tolerance in photo etching is
+/-.001” to drawing nominal. Locations are established in your CAD file which is exactly the
data from which the photo tool is made. If your data is right, the phototool will be right.
Designing for Economy
Metal thickness and dimensional tolerances play a major role in planning the sheet size for
etching. Our experience suggests that it is often the case that a designer will be overly
generous with the material thickness and stingy with tolerances. And, when you have an
actual conversation about the part and its application, you discover that neither needs to be
that way.
To design for economy in photo etching, watch for these money-wasting flaws: too much
metal, too tight tolerance, feature sizes that are too small for the thickness, inaccurate
specifications and unavailable material selections.
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Industrial Applications For Photo Etched Metal Parts
Photo etching is used to manufacture an extensive variety of mechanical and electrical/
electronic parts serving many industries.
Aerospace and Defense:
Etched metal components can be found in fuel systems, avionics packages, helicopter drive
shafts, heat exchangers; RF, microwave and radar systems, space-rated batteries, fusing
systems, fire detection and suppression systems, anti-EMP arrays and many more.
Electronic and Electrical:!
Microelectronic packaging includes a multitude of leadframe configurations. Lead frames
are the conductive devices that connect the semiconductor chips to the circuit board. Some
types of electronic circuits are packaged in full metal enclosures known as “cans,” which are
then sealed with fitted lids. Photo etching is a popular method for producing both “step” and
flat lids.
Despite its cost, direct bond copper (DBC) on ceramic is gaining popularity as devices
become smaller and more powerful. Photo etching is the only practical solution for creating
circuit patterns in the bonded copper foil. DBC finds many applications in wireless
communications from the hand-held—and now worn devices to the towers and to the
cloud beyond. It also has numerous uses in industrial, medical and scientific instruments
and controls.
RF and microwave technologies rely extensively on photo etched components. Beryllium
copper and phosphor bronze are popular alloys for making springy electrical contacts. The
ability of these alloys to be formed into resilient detents assures positive connections.
Sensors, in general, are both electrical and mechanical
devices. They detect a physical force and translate that
to an electrical signal. Sensors are used in an ever-
growing host of industrial, scientific and medical
systems. From smoke detectors to mass spectrometers
to seismometers and strain gauges, to name but a few,
the need for sensors will continue to expand as the
“Internet of Things” reaches 40 billion connected
devices in the next ten years.
Precision metal parts made by photo etching include gaskets, seals, shims, spacers,
shields, retainers, flexures, flat springs, pressure membranes, diaphragms, clips, masks,
apertures, encoders and more.
Parts such as these are used in lasers, relays, turbines, MRI machines, PVD and CVD
systems, bearings, printers, photonics, dispensers, and measuring devices, to name a few.
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Industrial Applications For Photo Etched Metal Parts
Filtration/Perforated Products:
One of the things that photochemical etching excels at is making holes. Unlike any other
process, there is no incremental cost for additional holes, either in tooling or cycle time.
One hole, a million holes—it’s all the same.
The etching process can make some very small holes, down to 100 microns (.004” or .
1mm). And, the holes don’t have to be round. They can be polygons of nearly any
shape, keeping in mind that all “corners” will be radiused.
Photo etched screens are used to filter light, gases, liquids and solids in many different
applications: photonic transmission filters, atmospheric testing equipment, from orange
juice to hydraulic oil, from particle sizing to gravel grading. Military aircraft windows
are embedded with etched copper meshes to protect against electromagnetic pulses.
Etched metal screens are far superior to woven wire for pressure drop applications in
Customers Using Photo Etched Parts: A Sampling
Hamilton Sundstrand Pratt & Whitney Goodrich
Parker Timken IBM
General Dynamics 3M Northrop Grumman
Teledyne GE Honeywell
Tyco ITW Kaman
Pall Raytheon Tenneco
A Comparison Of Metal Fabricating Technologies
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Stamping utilizes hardened steel dies in the exact shape of the part and creates the part in a single
strike of the die. The die costs can run from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars and may take
months to build.
CNC Punching utilizes standard die sets in a variety of configurations under computer control to create
various features of a part. It may take a number of automated tool changes and a multiple of strikes to
produce the part. Individual dies are generally less than a thousand dollars, but many may be needed.
Generally, dies are available in a matter of days to weeks.
Photo Etching utilizes a film based phototool to transfer the images of the parts on to metal. All of the
features of the part are created simultaneously in a single pass through the etching machine. It takes
exactly the same amount of time to produce a simple part like a washer as it does to produce a complex
part like a screen. Phototools are typically less than $500 and can be created in a day.
Laser and Plasma Cutting utilize guided beams of high-power energy to burn through the metal. The
beams trace each feature of a part, just as you would with a pencil. Depending on the material and
thickness, typically these devices will cut 200-300 linear inches per minute. The time to produce a part
is determined by the complexity of the design. There is no tooling required but the parts must be
Water jet cutting is very similar to laser or plasma, however the rate is slower and the cutting agent is a
high-pressure slurry of water and abrasive.
CNC Wire EDM utilizes a copper wire electrode to burn through metal by arcing an electric current
between the electrode and the work object. Typically, multiple layers of metal are clamped together so
multiple parts can be cut. This is a relatively slow process, particularly compared to laser and water jet.
No tooling is required, but programming is.
Process Tooling Set.up Volume Process
Stamping $$$+$$$$$ Physical Thousands!to!
CNC!Punching $$+$$$ Physical!&!
Etching $ N/A Dozens!to!
N/A Programming Dozens!to!
N/A Programming Dozens!to!
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Engineering Design Guidelines For Photo Chemical Machining
RULES: When designing a working Phototool all of the following have to be
Cost impact of sheet size
1. Sheet Size has largest cost impact on piece price.
2. Thicker material (>.020) with tighter tolerance (+/-15% of metal thickness)
requires a smaller sheet with fewer pieces.
3. Thinner material (<.019) with broader tolerance (+/-15% of metal thickness) will
determine larger sheet with more pieces per sheet.
4. The larger the sheet and the more pieces per sheet the lower the piece price to
the customer.
Sheet size vs. metal thickness vs. required tolerance
1. Best tolerance available with etching is usually +/-15% of metal thickness.
2. Exception would be .001 to .004 thick metal, best tolerance would be +/-.0015”
3. Typical production tolerance would be +/-15% of required metal thickness by
4. As discussed above tighter tolerance will also require smaller sheet size and
wider tolerance will allow larger sheet size.
5. Location tolerance is routinely held to +/-.001” regardless of the metal thickness.
Location dimensions can be held to tighter tolerance at the customer’s request.
Compensating etch factors for tool design
1. When etching through the metal thickness, for every .001” etched down into the
metal there is a lateral etch of .00025” per hole side (a hole has 2 sides). The
compensating factor for designing the working phototool is thickness divided by
2. Example: .020 Brass requires .062 hole etched through the metal thickness. The
Phototool used for image transfer would have to be compensated for etch factor
of thickness over 4 or .005 per side of the hole. The actual hole size on the tool
would be 052. After etching from both top and bottom of the .020 brass sheet the
finished hole size would be .062.
3. Only land area or physical tolerance has to be compensated. Center to center
locations do not require compensation.
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Engineering Design Guidelines For Photo Chemical Machining
Metal thickness to slot/bar ratio
1. The etch process has limitations regarding slot to bar ratio or any dimensions that would be
less then the actual customer required metal thickness.
2. Bars can be 20% thinner than the actual metal thickness, slots need to be 120% wider than
the metal thickness. Example: for .010 Stainless steel, the required bar width can be .008
but the required slot would have to be .012 wide.
3. The same ratio is required for holes to bar width ratio.
Tab configuration, dropouts vs. standard tabbing vs. recess tabbing and tab
1. Most etched parts are made in sheet form
2. There are 3 techniques for processing parts in sheet form.
3. Dropouts: Parts are orientated in sheet form with a complete uninterrupted perimeter etch
line around the outside profile of a part. When the part is etched it simply drops out of the
sheet as a finished complete part. That advantage is no burr on the outside profile of the
part. A disadvantage can be the amount of process time it takes to handle individual parts
vs. parts that are tabbed into the sheet.
4. Standard Tabbing: Most parts are processed in sheet form with the parts tabbed into the
sheet. A round disc may require 2 to 3 connecting tabs holding the part into the sheet during
the etch process. Once the etch process is complete the part would stay attached to the
sheet by the 2 to 3 thin tabs connected to the OD of the part. The advantage is ease of
handling through the process and offers an easy way for customers to store parts at their
facility. A disadvantage is the parts will need to be clipped out of the sheet with a fine wire
cutter and there will be a slight burr protruding from the OD of the part. If the tab burr is not
desirable the parts can be clipped out and deburred at our Conard facility.
5. Recessed tabbing: This is a tab that is actually recessed below the profile of your part. After
the etch process is complete the part can be removed from the sheet with a simple twist and
the profile has no protruding tab burr. It does leave small open notches in the outside profile
that recess from the OD. Advantage is the ability to handle the parts in sheet form saving
cost. The customer can receive the parts in sheet for easy removal or the customer can
request removal of the parts by Conard.
Outside corner radius
1. There is a process restriction for square corners internally or externally. The standard rule
is .7x the actual metal thickness. Example: a .010 Copper part would have a corner radius
of .007”.
Use of serifs, limiting outside corner radius
1. One way to restrict corner radius is to add a small serif to the corner. The serif will restrict
the radius affect and limit the actual radius.
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Engineering Design Guidelines For Photo Chemical Machining
Half etch capabilities i.e. fold lines
1. One of the many advantages of the etch process is the ability to use half etch
lines. A line is placed strategically on one side of the phototool and omitted from
the other side, when etching the line is only half etched from one side. By
creating these half etch lines it makes it possible to create fold lines on one side
of a part. Example: RF shielding, the part can be designed flat with fold lines and
then simply folded into a 3 dimensional shape. This capability can save the
customer expensive forming tool costs.
2. The half etch technique can also allow part marking or orientation marking for
identification purposes
Ratio etch capabilities, 50/50, 60/40, 73/30, 80/20, & 90/10
1. Another advantage of the etch process is ratio etching. Most standard parts are
etched to a 50/50 or 60/40 ratios and all the standard process rules apply. (50/50
ratio is 50% of the metal thickness etched from both sides of the metal sheet)
2. If a customer is requesting a smaller hole in a thicker material. Example: .012
holes in .020 metal thicknesses. This is achieved by a ratio etch. The part is
etched 80% to 90% from
3. one side and etched 20% to 10% from the other side. By using this technique
you are able to hold the smaller hole dimension. The sidewall of the part profile
will have a sloped or trapezoidal affect rather then perpendicular.
Double process capabilities
1. The etch process allows for what we refer to as a double process. Example: a
customer is requesting an etched through part with half etch graphics on each
side, aligned top to bottom but they do not want it etched through.
2. Two phototools could be designed, the first tool would be printed and processed
as a partial etch. Then the part would be reprocessed, aligned to a second tool
and processed to its completion with the required etch through pattern and the
added feature of half etch graphics aligned top to bottom at a controlled depth
per side.
Composite tooling
1. Another great feature offered by our process is composite tooling. Example: a
customer is prototyping a part and has several design types they want to
evaluate. Conard can design the photo tooling to include several designs on one
tool and produce the various style parts in a single sheet format. This saves the
costing of several individual tools. Example #2, a customer has a small quantity
of several parts but does not want to spend the money for individual tooling for
each part type. Conard can create a composite phototool to include all the parts
and save the customer tooling cost.
2. The rule for composite tooling is all parts must share the same metal thickness.
Ten Simple Steps Of Photo Chemical Machining
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
1. 2D-CAD files are use to generate a Gerber file for plotting
(DXF or DWG format preferred).
2. The Gerber File is output to a high-resolution photo-plotter
and mylar phototools are developed and registered.
3. Metal is measured and sheared from coils.
4. Metal sheets are scrubbed, cleaned and rinsed.
5. Clean, dry metal is laminated with photopolymer film in a
safe-light clean room.
6. The phototool and the laminate metal are precisely
positioned in a vacuum frame UV exposure unit.
7. The exposed sheets are developed to remove the
unexposed photopolymer, leaving bare metal to be
8. The heated etching acid is sprayed at the metal from both
sides, dissolving the unneeded metal areas. The metal
sheets are rinsed four times.
9. The photopolymer is stripped using a heated solution of
caustic and water. The parts are rinsed multiple times and
dried in a turbo dryer. The clean, dry parts are delivered to
our Quality Inspection department.
10.The parts are thoroughly inspected in accordance with our
Quality Management System and to the customer’s
specifications. Conforming parts are packaged and
The Comprehensive Guide To Photo
Chemical Machining
Alloy Selection:
UNS Designation:
(Additional Specs Required: AMS ASTM
Other )
Thickness (T):
Grain Orientation: Y/N
Material Availability:
Design Parameters:
Minimum Hole/Slot Dimension not less than 110% of thickness
Minimum Land Feature not less than T
Minimum dimensional tolerance greater than 15% of T:
Production Layout:
Part may be tabbed: Y/N Tab Type:
Precision tab
Recessed Tab
Ship in sheets: Y/N
Other Operations:
Requires forming: Y/N Requires Heat
Treating: Y/N
HT Specification:
Requires Plating: Y/N
Plating Specifications:
Requires Other Services: Y/N
Color Fill
Quantity Required:
Estimated annual usage:
Planning Checklist For Photo Chemical Machining
101 Commerce Street
PO Box 676
Glastonbury, CT 0603
Phone: (860) 659-0591
Fax: (860) 659-8705