Dedicated to protecting and improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246 303-692-
Jared Polis, Governor |
Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, Executive Director
Luke Bond
Denali Water Solutions
13760 County Road 22
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
TO: Luke Bond
FROM: Tim Larson, Biosolids Coordinator, CDPH&E
DATE: 4/25/2024
RE: Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids
CDPH&E BMP# 2466; Denali Water Solutions site ARATIN04-EN & ES
Portions of: E2E2 Section 4T5S - R61W
Acres permitted = 120 acres total (dryland)
Arapahoe County
Enclosed please find a Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids for the above-
referenced site. The Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids contains references to
a number of monitoring and reporting requirements that are contained in the Colorado Biosolids Regulation,
(5 CCR 1002-64). Denali Water Solutions is responsible for the identification of and compliance with any
applicable criteria contained in the regulations. Additional requirements may be specified in the Special
Conditions section of the Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids. Please review the
document carefully.
Be sure to note requirements of 5 CCR 1002-64, Section 64.15.G.(1). Parameters required for soils
monitoring requirements as well as methods for collection of soil samples are specified in Section 64.16.B of
the Biosolids Regulation.
The generation of nuisance odors as a result of sludge application is subject to the provisions of Regulation
Two of the Air Pollution Control Commission (5 CCR 1003-4, 1973). Violations of applicable air quality
standards are subject to enforcement as provided pursuant to Section 25-7-115 the Air Pollution Control Act,
Fee payment per dry ton of biosolids applied to the site is required per The Beneficial Use of Biosolids (5 CCR
Please contact me at (303) 691-4091 or email me at [email protected]
with questions, concerns or
comments you may have.
ecc: Lynn Robbio Wagner, Arapahoe County Health
Steve Chevalier, Arapahoe County Health
Arapahoe County Commissioners
NRCS Byers Service Center
Jackie Walker, Denali Water Solutions
BMP file # 2466
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246 303-692-
Jared Polis, Governor |
Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, Executive Director
FOR Page 1 of 5
to the provisions of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act, Section 25-8-509 C.R.S., and the Colorado Biosolids
Regulation (5 CCR 1002-64), this Notice of Authorization For The Use and Distribution of Biosolids, authorizes
Denali Water Solutions to land apply biosolids for beneficial purposes to the property described below:
CDPH&E BMP# 2466; Denali Water Solutions site ARATIN04-EN & ES
Portions of: E2E2 Section 4T5S - R61W
Acres permitted = 120 acres total (dryland)
Arapahoe County, as shown on pages 4, 5 & 6 of this document.
shall be performed in accordance with applicable criteria of the Biosolids Regulation, unless a variance has been
issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division in
compliance with the requirements of 5 CCR 1002-64, Section 64.6. The permittee is responsible for the
identification of and compliance with any applicable criteria contained in the Biosolids Regulation. For Table 1
quality biosolids, application of biosolids shall not exceed the cumulative application limits for any parameter
identified in the Biosolids Regulation, Section 64.12, Table 2.
of biosolids may be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Biosolids Regulation, Section
64.13.B.(6). Storage of dewatered biosolids for a period of greater than fourteen days must be approved by the
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division.
shall be performed for the parameters identified and at the frequencies specified per the Biosolids Regulation,
Sections 64.16.A and B. Additional monitoring requirements may be specified in Part II, Special Conditions, of
this Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids.
shall be made to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment per the requirements of the Biosolids
Regulation, Section 64.17.B.
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246 303-692-
Jared Polis, Governor |
Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, Executive Director
Page 2 of 5
CDPH&E BMP# 2466
are attached, as deemed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control
Division to be necessary to assure compliance with applicable criteria of the Biosolids Regulation.
to the application site by an authorized representative of the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment, Water Quality Control Division, is authorized by the Colorado Water Quality Control Act, Section
25-8-306, C.R.S. for performance of whatever site inspection, monitoring and sample collection is deemed to be
necessary to assure compliance with the criteria contained in the Biosolids Regulation.
with the conditions of this Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids may result an initiation
of enforcement action by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control
Division pursuant to Part 6 of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act, Section 25-8-601-612, C.R.S (1989 and
1993 Supp). Action may include revocation of this Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of
Biosolids, and imposition of administrative penalties.
contained in this Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids are subject to revision, addition
or deletion based on any change in operation, biosolids quality or criteria contained in the Biosolids Regulation.
by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division does not relieve
Denali Water Solutions of compliance with applicable regulations of any other state, federal or local agency
having jurisdiction.
This authorization was approved by:
Tim Larson, Biosolids Coordinator
Clean Water Compliance and Enforcement Section
Water Quality Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246 303-692-
Jared Polis, Governor |
Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, Executive Director
Page 3 of 5
CDPH&E BMP# 2466
II.A Biosolids Monitoring
Biosolids monitoring requirements are specified in Section 64.16.A of the Biosolids Regulation and shall be
performed for the parameters identified and at the frequency specified per the Biosolids Regulation, Section
64.16.A for any facility's biosolids which are applied to the site. Compliance with class B fecal coliform criteria,
if that option is chosen, shall be determined based upon the geometric mean of seven individual samples
collected within each quarter.
II.B Biosolids Sources
All biosolids, which are applied to this site by Denali Water Solutions pursuant to this Notice of Authorization
for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids, shall conform with applicable quality criteria specified in the Colorado
Biosolids Regulation. Specifically, the biosolids shall comply with the maximum allowable constituent
concentration limits for Table 1 biosolids as set forth at Section 64.12.A of the Regulation, and with the
appropriate pathogen destruction requirements for Class B biosolids as set forth at Section 64.12.B of the
Regulation. All biosolids must either comply with appropriate vector attraction reduction criteria as set forth at
Sections 64.12.C(3) through (10) of the Regulation or biosolids application shall be accomplished as specified at
either Section 64.12.C(11) or (12) of the Regulation. Submittal to the Division of a complete and acceptable
Annual Report, as described at Section 64.17.B of the Regulation must be submitted, and written
acknowledgment of the acceptability of such documentation provided by the Division, prior to the application of
biosolids from sources for which no Annual Report has been submitted for the previous year.
II.C Soils Monitoring
Pursuant to Sections 64.16.B of the Biosolids Regulation, (5 CCR 1002-19, 64), site soil fertility analyses are
required on a per application basis. For fields smaller than 320 acres, the number of core holes shall be one per
20 acres, with no single site having fewer than six core holes. Parameters required for soils monitoring
requirements as well as methods for collection of soil samples are specified in Section 64.16.B of the Biosolids
Regulation (5 CCR 1002-19, 64).
II.D Endangered Species
Pursuant to Section 64.15.A(3) of the Regulation, no person shall land apply biosolids for any beneficial use if
such application is likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species listed under section 64.4 of
the Endangered Species Act, or the designated critical habitat of any species so listed.
II.E Variances
This Notice does not incorporate or authorize any variance from applicable requirements of the Regulation.
II.F Spill Reporting
Biosolids spills shall be reported to the 24-hour Colorado Environmental Release and Incident Reporting Line at
1-877-518-5608, which is a Toll-free reporting line.
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246 303-692-
Jared Polis, Governor |
Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, Executive Director
Page 4 of 5
CDPH&E BMP# 2466
Application Site - Topo
Approved site outlined by red line. Localized areas within the site, which may be unacceptable due to
slopes or other site specific conditions, are not shown. Avoidance of any such area is required.
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246 303-692-
Jared Polis, Governor |
Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, Executive Director
Page 5 of 5
CDPH&E BMP# 2466
Application Site - Aerial
Approved site area outlined by yellow line. Localized areas within the site, which may be unacceptable due
to slopes or other site specific conditions, are not shown. Avoidance of any such area is required.