DCS 02-45
Criminal Records Requests
March 7, 2024
Business Operations
The Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS, Department) is responsible for
ensuring that personnel are compliant with all applicable laws, rules, regulations,
policies, and procedures governing access to criminal justice information system
(CJIS) networks. This policy is designed to ensure the completeness, integrity,
accuracy, and security of data that is transmitted between the Department and CJIS
This policy applies to all Department personnel.
A.A.C. Title 13, Chapter1, Article 2 ACJIS Network
A.R.S. § 8-451 Department; purpose
A.R.S. § 8-514.02 Placement of a child
A.R.S. § 8-514.03 Kinship foster care; requirements; investigation
Arizona Department of Child Safety
DCS 02-45 Criminal Records Requests
A.R.S. § 8-807 DCS information; public record; use;
confidentiality; violation; classification;
A.R.S. § 41-1750 Central state repository; department of public
safety; duties; funds; accounts
CFR Title 28 Part 20 Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS)
CJIS Security Policy US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of
Arizona Criminal Justice Information System (ACJIS): A network maintained by the
Arizona Department of Public Safety that is available to authorized local, state, and
federal criminal justice agencies and serves as a conduit to the National Criminal
Information Center (NCIC).
Authorized users: Department employees permitted to receive information directly via
the ACJIS network who handle/view information received but do not require terminal
operator certification.
Criminal justice agency: a government agency or any subunit thereof which performs the
administration of criminal justice pursuant to a statue or executive order, and which
allocates a substantial part of its annual budget to the administration of criminal justice.
Criminal justice information (CJI): The information that is collected by criminal justice
agencies and that is needed for the performance of their legally authorized and required
functions, such as criminal history record information, citation information, stolen
property information, traffic accident reports, wanted persons information, and system
network log searches.
Criminal justice information system (CJIS): An information system that collects,
processes, preserves, disseminates, and exchanges criminal justice information
(including criminal history, motor vehicle division records, booking data, and missing
and wanted persons, etc.) and includes the electronic equipment, facilities,
procedures, and agreements necessary to exchange this information. Records from the
DCS 02-45 Criminal Records Requests
State of Arizona are housed in the Arizona Criminal Justice Information System
Department or DCS: The Arizona Department of Child Safety.
Justice Web Interface (JWI): A law enforcement and criminal justice portal developed
and owned by Maricopa County. Interconnected with ACJIS, JWI provides access to
legacy and integrated data sources.
National Crime Information Center (NCIC): The computerized information system,
which includes telecommunications lines and any message switching facilities that
are authorized by law, regulation, or policy approved by the Attorney General of the
United States to link local, state, tribal, federal, foreign, and international criminal
justice agencies for the purpose of exchanging NCIC related information.
System Security Officer (SSO): The Department employee designated to serve as the
liaison between DCS and a CJIS whose duties are enumerated in section V. Various
units within the department (e.g., Human Resources, Learning and Development) will
collaborate and liaise with the SSO regarding security requirements.
Unauthorized Access: Gaining logical or physical access without permission to a
network, system, application, data, or other resource, or any access that violates a stated
security policy.
A. Information Access
1. Use of A/CJIS information systems must be for a valid purpose only.
Within the Departments investigative scope, the only valid purpose pertains
to open reports of child abuse/neglect.
2. Every incident of misuse, deliberate or unintentional, of the A/CJIS
system shall be evaluated and addressed independently based on the
situation and circumstances.
B. System Security Officer
DCS 02-45 Criminal Records Requests
1. The System Security Officer (SSO) shall follow the guidelines and
policies set forth by both the ACJIS and SSO manual.
2. SSO duties include:
a. quality control matters, including internal auditing of the system;
b. security matters;
c. agency personnel authorization/training/certification;
d. maintaining authorized user lists;
e. maintaining training records;
f. maintaining fingerprint card records;
g. notifying the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Arizona
Department of Public Safety (DPS) of any cyber-attack incidents
and coordinating/communicating, as necessary.
C. Department Personnel Background Checks
1. All Department personnel who have contact with children shall undergo
pre-employment Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card fingerprinting. A
user’s Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card must be current/valid prior to
accessing A/CJIS and having contact with children.
2. If a criminal record of any kind exists, access to CJI shall not be granted
until the SSO or designee reviews the matter to determine if access is
a. If a felony conviction of any kind exists, the Department shall deny
access to CJI. However, the SSO may consider extenuating
circumstances where the severity of the offense and the time that
has passed would support a possible variance.
b. Applicants with a record of misdemeanor offense(s) may be
granted access if the SSO, or designee, determines the nature or
severity of the misdemeanor offense(s) do not warrant
DCS 02-45 Criminal Records Requests
disqualification. This same procedure applies if the person is found
to be a fugitive or has an arrest history without conviction.
c. If a record of any kind is found on a contractor, the Department
shall delay access to CJI pending review of the criminal history
record information. The Department shall notify the contractor’s
security officer.
d. If a person already has access to CJI and is subsequently arrested
and or convicted, continued access to CJI shall be determined by
the SSO (refer to Duty to Advise of Arrests, Prosecutions, and
Convictions (DCS 04-50) policy for further information). For
offenses other than felonies, the SSO has the latitude to delegate
continued access determinations to their designee.
e. The SSO shall maintain a list of personnel who have been
authorized unescorted access to unencrypted CJI and shall, upon
request, provide a current copy of the access list to the DPS Access
Integrity Unit.
D. Department Authorized User Training
1. All Department personnel shall obtain a Level One Fingerprint Clearance
Card from DPS and complete the following training:
a. DPS CJIS Security computer-based training (CBT) within 6 weeks
of hire and biannually thereafter;
b. DPS Criminal Background Checks classroom training during DCS
Specialist Core;
c. Information Security Awareness and Privacy CBT within 30 days
of hire and annually thereafter;
d. Kevin Mitnick Security CBT within 30 days of hiring and annually
2. After initial certification, all certified DCS personnel shall recertify
DCS 02-45 Criminal Records Requests
A. Information Access and Dissemination
1. A/CJIS shall only be accessed via the DCS JWI Portal for:
a. an open DCS Assessment or Case;
b. the purpose of evaluating the fitness of custodians or prospective
custodians of juveniles, including parents, relatives and
prospective guardians (A.R.S. § 41-1750 (G) (13);
c. the purpose of investigating or responding to reports of child
abuse, neglect or exploitation (A.R.S. § 41-1750 (G) (22).
2. All queries shall be documented in the corresponding Guardian
Assessment or Case via a case note.
3. The case note shall document:
a. the date and time of the query;
b. what query was run (see VI.A.1, above);
c. what person(s) were run, and why;
d. how the person(s) are involved in the Assessment or Case.
4. A/CJIS information may not be:
a. disseminated outside of DCS;
b. given, shown, or communicated to the person of record or any
other persons who are not authorized to view CJI;
c. sent via a device not issued by the Department;
d. sent via a method other than AZDCS domain email or monitored
DCS 02-45 Criminal Records Requests
e. scanned into a case file or maintained as hard copy;
f. used for curiosity or other personal purposes;
5. Authorized users shall restrict their monitor view while conducting
criminal background checks.
6. Any individual who wishes to review and challenge the results of a DPS
criminal records check shall be referred to the DPS Criminal History
Records Section at 602-223-2222. The individual may request a Record
Review Packet for an arrest, conviction, or indictment by a law
enforcement jurisdiction in Arizona. If the criminal record concerns an
arrest, conviction, or indictment outside Arizona, the individual must
contact the applicable law enforcement jurisdiction in that state.
B. Noncompliance
1. If a Department employee becomes aware of or suspects misuse, deliberate
or unintentional, of the A/CJIS system, they shall notify the System
Security Officer as soon as possible. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1756, it is
considered a Class 6 felony to misuse the ACJIS.
2. Notification may be verbal or in writing and shall include:
a. involved personnel;
b. date(s) and time(s) of misuse; and
c. nature of misuse.
3. The SSO shall:
a. document the incident as reported;
b. contact the involved employee’s manager or direct supervisor;
c. notify the Department of Public Safety Access Integrity Unit as
DCS 02-45 Criminal Records Requests
4. Individual users and/or the agency may be sanctioned for noncompliance
including but not limited to:
a. discipline up to and including termination;
b. civil and/or criminal prosecution;
c. discontinuance of system access for the user; and/or
d. discontinuance of system access for the Department.
C. Information Destruction
1. Printed A/CJIS information shall be immediately placed in a designated,
secured shred bin when it is no longer required for investigative or
placement purposes.
2. Printed A/CJIS information shall not be retained indefinitely in a case
folder, hard file, or any other form of storage.
3. Digitally stored A/CJIS information shall be immediately erased from any
forms of storage, including email, when it is no longer required for
investigative or placement purposes.