Version 1: Updated February 2020
Arizona Department of Public Safety
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Administration
Arizona System for Administering Grants Effectively (SAGE)
SAGE User Guide:
Application Process
Basic Information, Account Setup, & System Navigation .............................................................................. 3
System Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................3
Gaining Access as a New Organization .........................................................................................................................................4
Granting Access to a User Within Your Organization ...................................................................................................................4
SAGE User Types ..........................................................................................................................................................................5
System Navigation ........................................................................................................................................................................6
My Home ......................................................................................................................................................................................7
Keeping Contact Information Current ..........................................................................................................................................8
Deactivating a User ......................................................................................................................................................................8
Overview of Application Process and Workflow ........................................................................................... 9
Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Complete Your Organization Profile.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Initiate Your Application ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Returning to Your Application ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Application: Basic Navigation & Functionality ............................................................................................ 12
Navigation Tool Bar ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Standard Application Functionality ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Application: Form Overviews ..................................................................................................................... 16
Applicant Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Applicant Summary ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Services and Victim Population (50 points) ............................................................................................................................... 16
Agency Information (150 points) .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Project Information (300 points) ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Performance Measures (250 points) ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Budget (200 points) ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Source of Funding (50 points) ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Application: Submitting or Cancelling ........................................................................................................ 18
Submitting an Application ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Cancelling an Application .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Basic Information, Account Setup, & System Navigation
System Requirements
SAGE was designed so that most computer users will be able to use the system with little or no changes to their computer
environment. The four requirements that are mentioned below are common computer elements that should be already
present on most computers / systems.
Operating System
SAGE was designed for the two most common computer operating systems: Windows and Macintosh. It has not been tested
nor is it supported on other operating systems, such as Linux or Unix. Users accessing the system from a Macintosh
environment are required to have MacOS 7.5 or higher, running on a PowerPC processor. Windows users are required to have
an operating system that is Windows 95 or higher.
World Wide Web Connection
SAGE is an Internet application. It is accessed via the Internet and was specifically designed for Internet usage. When accessing
SAGE, the standard Internet connection is via a modem connection. Internet connections that are faster than a modem
connection, such as cable and DSL, will improve the speed at which the system operates, but are not necessary in order to use
the system.
For those using a dial-up connection over a modem, it is highly recommended that you have a modem connection speed of at
least 33.6 kbps (kilobits per second).
Web Browser
This system was designed to be compatible with common up-to-date web browsers including Internet Explorer, Google
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. Google Chrome is the preferred web browser.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader is used to view PDF (Portable Document Format) documents. The system will automatically generate
grant documents in PDF format using information that has been saved into the various narrative and budget pages. Using
Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may choose to view, print, or save these documents. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader,
you can go to and download it free.
Gaining Access as a New Organization
If your organization does not have a SAGE account, you must request access from DPS-VOCA.
The initial registration for your organization must be completed by an authorized individual such as the Program Director,
Executive Director, Finance Director, etc.
To request access, complete these steps:
1. From the SAGE Homepage, click on the NEW USER? hyperlink
2. You will be automatically redirected to a Registration form
3. Complete all fields marked with a red asterisk *
4. Click the SAVE button at the top right corner of the page.
5. If the Registration Page was completed correctly, a green light will display at the top of the page.
6. You will be notified via email once DPS-VOCA has granted you access to SAGE. You will not be able to login until you
have been granted access. Please do NOT submit multiple requests.
Granting Access to a User Within Your Organization
If your organization has an existing SAGE account, an approved user within the organization may grant access to additional
employees. Each organization is responsible for adding users to its account.
Users with the role of Project Director, Financial Contact, or Project Contact can grant access to additional employees within
their organization by following these steps:
1. Log in to your SAGE account.
2. Click on the MY ORGANIZATION(S) hyperlink located in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
3. Click on the ORGANIZATION MEMBERS hyperlink. All users that are associated with the organization will be
4. To add a new member, click ADD MEMBERS.
5. Then, click NEW MEMBER.
6. Complete the required fields (including name, email, username, password, and system role) for the new user. Refer to
the SAGE User Types matrix below to determine the appropriate system role for the new user.
8. NOTE: SAGE will not send the new user their login credentials. You must provide the new user with the username and
password you created. Once the new user successfully logs in, the username and password can be updated.
SAGE User Types
There are six security roles defined for SAGE users. The role assigned determines the user’s level of access within SAGE.
Project Director and Financial Contact: Highest Level of Access
Add additional users to the organization’s SAGE account
Initiate, complete, submit, and/or cancel an application
Initiate, complete, submit, and/or cancel reports (e.g., financial reports, program reports, annual reports)
Initiate, complete, submit, and/or cancel application budget amendments
Project Contact: Mid-Level Access
Add additional users to the organization’s SAGE account
View and edit an application (does not have authority to initiate, submit, or cancel)
View and edit reports (does not have authority to initiate, submit, or cancel)
View and edit application budget amendments (does not have authority to initiate, submit, or cancel)
Authorizing Official and Read-Only User: Lowest Level of Access
View all organization applications, reports, and related documents
Grant Writer:
View and edit an application (does not have authority to initiate, submit, or cancel)
SAGE User Types Matrix
Below is a summarized table of the details listed above.
Grant Security Role
Read Only
Add Users
Initiate Application
View Application
Edit Application
Initiate Reports
View Reports
Edit Reports
System Navigation
My Home:
This tab will return the user to the My Home page from anywhere in the system.
My Applications:
This tab will direct the user to the My Applications search page and can be accessed from anywhere in SAGE.
The search page can be utilized to view the organization’s applications (current, past, and in progress).
My Financial Reports:
This tab will direct the user to the My Financial Reports search page and can be accessed from anywhere in SAGE.
Once an application is awarded, this tab is utilized to view the organization’s financial reports.
My Program Reports:
This tab will direct the user to the My Program Reports search page and can be accessed from anywhere in SAGE.
Once an application is awarded, this tab is utilized to view the organization’s program reports.
My Annual Reports:
This tab will direct the user to the My Annual Reports search page and can be accessed from anywhere in SAGE.
Once an application is awarded, this tab is utilized to view the organization’s annual reports.
My Reports
This navigation hyperlink will direct the user to the My Reports page.
Any system reports available to the user will display.
My Training Materials:
Click this hyperlink to display a list of various resources and instructional
documents regarding SAGE and DPS-VOCA grant requirements.
My Organization(s):
This navigation hyperlink will direct the user to the Organization page
and can be accessed from anywhere in SAGE.
The Organization page can be utilized to update organization
information, add / remove / deactivate organization members, and to
view / return to organization documents.
Organization documents will display a list of initiated applications,
initiated program reports, and initiated financial reports for the
My Profile:
This navigation hyperlink will direct the user to their user profile.
This page can be utilized to update the user’s profile information, username, and password.
Click this link to log out of SAGE.
Clicking on this button will expand the Page Help panel that offers additional information.
SHOW HELP instructions are specific to the user’s current place within the system. For example, clicking the SHOW
HELP button on the Personnel form will display instructions specifically for completing the Personnel form.
My Home
View Available Proposals
View Available Proposals displays grant applications/open solicitations available to your organization.
Click VIEW OPPORTUNITIES for further information about each opportunity and to initiate an application.
The following information will be displayed for each grant opportunity available:
1. Offered By: The Organization or Agency offering the opportunity/application.
2. Application Availability Dates: The date range of when this opportunity/application will be available to initiate.
3. Grant Period: The period for which the application will be active.
4. Application Due Date: The date by which the application must be submitted.
5. Apply Now Button: Click to initiate an application.
6. Not Interested Button: Click to remove the opportunity from the available opportunities page. If an opportunity is
removed in error, simply click RESET MY OPPORTUNITIES.
My Inbox
My Inbox displays the user’s system notifications.
Click OPEN MY INBOX to view system messages as well as compose new messages.
For further system message functionality, click VIEW ALL MY SYSTEM MESSAGES.
My Tasks
My Tasks displays all tasks/actions that require the user’s attention, such as an application that is in progress and has
not yet been submitted.
Click OPEN MY TASKS to view all actionable items.
To continue working on a task, such as an application, click on the hyperlink under the Name column.
Keeping Contact Information Current
It is important that contact information always be current. Users should verify their contact information and update when
contact information changes.
Updating User Contact Information
Follow these steps to update your personal user contact information:
Click on the My Profile hyperlink located in the navigation bar.
The My Profile page will display. Contact information can be updated, and the username and password can be
Click SAVE when finished updating.
Updating Organization Contact Information
Follow these steps to update the organization’s contact information:
Click on the My Organization(s) hyperlink located in the navigation bar.
This will direct the user to the Organization page.
All required fields must be completed.
NOTE: If the Organization Profile is not complete, the organization will not be able to initiate an application.
Contact DPS to update the Organization Name, Short Name, and AZ Vendor Number.
Click SAVE when finished updating.
Deactivating a User
Follow these steps to deactivate a user from the organization:
Click My Organization(s), then click the Organization Members hyperlink.
The organization’s current members will be displayed. Find the user that needs to be deactivated.
Enter an end date for the user. After this date, the user will no longer have access to the organization’s SAGE account.
Click the SAVE button.
Overview of Application Process and Workflow
The application
cannot be
initiated until the
Profile is
complete. Click
My Organization
to complete.
Start application
by navigating to
View Available
Proposals. Only
Project Directors
and Financial
Contacts can
initiate an
During this time,
the application
may be edited by
Project Directors,
Contacts, Project
Contacts, and
Grant Writers.
Project Directors
and/or Financial
Contacts must
submit the
application prior
to the due date.
Applications are
under evaluation
actions are
required by
applicants during
this time.
Applicants are
notified of
approval and/or
denial via
automatic system
notification and
Getting Started
Complete Your Organization Profile
The View Available Proposals section will not be available if the Organization Profile has not been updated. The Organization
Profile must be completed prior to initiating an application.
Follow these steps to update the Organization Profile:
Click on the My Organization(s) hyperlink located in the navigation bar.
This will direct the user to the Organization page.
All required fields must be completed. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. *
Only DPS-VOCA has access to change the Organization Name and Short Name fields.
Click SAVE when finished updating.
Initiate Your Application
The Project Director and Financial Contact are permitted to initiate applications, and may do so by following these steps:
From the My Home page, in the View Available Proposals section, click VIEW OPPORTUNITIES.
Below the desired opportunity, click APPLY NOW to initiate an application.
You will be redirected to the application.
Repeat these steps to initiate multiple applications if desired.
Returning to Your Application
Once an application has been initiated, there are two ways you can navigate back to your application:
1. The application can be found in the My Tasks section of your Home Page. Click OPEN MY TASKS. Your application will
appear in the list. Click on the hyperlink under the Name column to return to your application.
2. The application can also be found via the My Applications tab. Various search filters will display. If you click SEARCH
without entering any search criteria, all your organization’s applications will appear (past and current). Click on the
hyperlink under the Name column to return to your application.
HINT: If you’d like to search for an application from a specific year, select the year from the Application Types
drop down list. Then, click SEARCH.
HINT: If you know the three ending digits of your Application ID (e.g., “031” in the example below), enter the
three digits in the Application Name field. Then, click SEARCH.
Application: Basic Navigation & Functionality
Navigation Tool Bar
The navigation links below are displayed at the top of every page within the application.
Click the Menu hyperlink to return to the main cover page of the application.
Forms Menu
Click or hover over the Forms Menu hyperlink to display a list of all forms within the application. The Forms Menu is used for
quick navigation from one form to another.
Status IconColumn: An icon will display indicating the status of each form.
The form has not been completed.
The form has been successfully completed.
The form contains errors.
Page Name Column: This is a hyperlink that will display the name of the
form / hyperlink / PDF Download. Click on the hyperlink to navigate to the
Note Column: This will display an icon indicating if a user has left a note on
the form.
Created By Column: This will display the user that created this form, along
with the date and time that this action occurred.
Last Modified By Column: This will display the last user that has modified
this form, along with the date and time that this action occurred.
Status Changes
Click or hover over the Status Changes hyperlink to view status change options.
Available status change options
will differ based on the user’s system
role/level of access.
For example, only Project
Directors and Financial Contacts will
have the ability to change the
application status to submitted or
Click the blue button below the
desired status option to change the
status of the application.
Management Tools
Click or hover over the Management Tools hyperlink. The following options will appear:
Create Full Print Version: This
tool generates a PDF version of
the entire application as it is
Create Full Blank Print Version:
This tool generates an empty PDF
version of the entire application.
Check for Errors: This tool will
direct the user to the Global
Errors page, which will display all
current errors in the application.
Attachment Repository: This
tool displays all attachments
within the application.
Related Documents and Messages
Click or hover to display all documents related to the application. This tool is not utilized during the application process.
Standard Application Functionality
SAVE and save often!
SAGE does not automatically save data. You must save each form throughout the application.
SAGE will automatically log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity. A countdown will display 10 minutes prior, alerting
you that you will be logged out. SAGE should automatically save any data before logging you out, but do not rely on
this alone. Protect your data and hard work by saving often.
Multiple Windows/Tabs Open in SAGE
Users are strongly cautioned not to have SAGE open in multiple browser windows and/or tabs.
If you are working on SAGE simultaneously in two windows and/or tabs, it is possible to create system errors that can
only be corrected by the software developer (Agate Software).
Users with different SAGE accounts may simultaneously work on an application; however, users should not be
simultaneously working on the same form within the same application.
Advancing Through the Application
Users may advance through the application in the following ways:
Always be sure to SAVE a form before navigating to another form!
Click or hover on the Forms Menu hyperlink and select the form you would like to navigate to. This is the preferred
method of navigation within the application.
Clicking NEXT on any form will navigate the user to the next sequential form (in the order as they appear on the
Forms Menu).
Clicking SAVE/NEXT on any form will save the current form and navigate to the next sequential form (in the order as
they appear on the Forms Menu). This is not the preferred method for navigating, as the form advances even when
errors are present.
Successfully Completing a Form
Successfully complete a form by entering all required data on the form and
clicking SAVE.
A green light will display indicating that the form has been saved and all data
requirements were met.
Form Error Checking
If a form is partially completed and/or not all data
requirements have been met, a stop sign will display
with an explanation of the errors that must be
If a form contains errors, the form can still be saved
without data being lost. However, all errors must be
satisfied prior to application submission.
Continue entering data and saving the page until you
receive a green light indicating that the form has been
saved and all data requirements were met.
Repeatable Rows
On some forms, rows will continue to repeat, allowing for additional information to be entered as needed.
First, complete the available row(s) and click SAVE. Additional rows will become available.
This process can be repeated as many times as necessary.
Situational Business Rules
A field may or may not be required based on other information in the application.
For example, there may be a yes or no question. If yes is selected, the form may require that you provide information
explaining the answer.
Be sure to follow the instructions provided in the Page Error messages.
Uploads & Attachments
Upload fields can be utilized to upload / attach files to forms, where available.
To upload a document, click BROWSE, select the desired file, and then click OPEN.
Click the SAVE button to attach the document.
The following documents are supported: doc, eps, pdf, jpg, gif, bmp, txt, avi, wmv, ppt, xls, mov, dpi, png, and mp3.
Copy & Paste Disclosure
Users are cautioned when utilizing the copy and paste function of most word processing programs to transfer text
into narrative boxes within SAGE, as it may not recognize certain formatting (including tables, graphs, photographs,
bullets, and certain tabs).
Users must also be aware of the character limits of each text box, as attempting to copy and paste text that is larger
than the allotted amount of space will yield an error. The character limit may be found at the bottom left of each text
box. It is recommended to first copy and paste text into any standard notepad (or equivalent) program, which will
have similar formatting to the text boxes in SAGE.
Adding and Editing Notes
To encourage communication within the system, users will have the
ability to add Notes to a form:
Click ADD NOTE (located at the top right corner of the form). The
Notes Panel will display.
Click ADD A NEW NOTE, enter your message, assign individuals to
the note, then click SAVE.
Print Versions
Most forms offer a PDF version of the data entered.
To download a PDF version of the form, click the PRINT VERSION button that is located at the top right corner of the
Users are encouraged to review the PDF versions for accuracy prior to submitting the application.
To generate a full (or blank) print version of the application, see the Management Tools section within this manual.
Automatic Calculations
Throughout the application, some fields will automatically calculate based on the information entered.
A grey background indicates the field contains an automatic calculation.
To update an automatic calculation, complete the editable fields on the form and click SAVE.
Automatic calculations will only update upon SAVE.
Application: Form Overviews
Applicant Eligibility
The organization must ensure eligibility prior to accessing the full application.
The eligibility form contains 13 questions and a declaration. All questions require a response. Complete the eligibility form and
click SAVE. If the applicant meets the eligibility criteria, a green light will appear at the top of the page. The remainder of the
application will become available for completion.
If the agency has any concerns regarding the requirements, indicates "no" to any of the questions, or answers "disagree" to
the declaration, the applicant must contact DPS-VOCA Program Administrator, Kate Lyon, at 602-223-2661 to discuss
Applicant Summary
This form captures basic information including the Project Title and contact information of key individuals who will be
responsible for the application/project.
Services and Victim Population (50 points)
This form captures the primary use and purpose of the project, tribal status, types of victims to be served, and services to be
provided through this project.
The project match requirement is dependent on the Tribal Projects section of this form. If ‘yes’ is selected, there will not be a
match requirement for the project. If ‘no’ is selected, the standard match requirement of 20% will apply.
Agency Information (150 points)
This form consists of four subsections: mission statement (20 points), agency summary (80 points), volunteer detail (30
points), and jurisdiction (20 points).
Project Information (300 points)
This form consists of four subsections: problem statement (100 points), project summary (80 points), victim services
coordination and collaboration efforts (50 points), and project assessment (70 points).
Performance Measures (250 points)
This form captures the performance measures for the project. The applicant identifies the focus and goal(s) of the project. A
separate form will be generated for each goal. On each goal form, the applicant will develop relevant outputs, outcome
measures, and quality measures for the project and make data projections for each year of the grant period. Click on each
focus to view required outcome and quality measures.
Budget (200 points)
The budget section of the application consists of the following forms: personnel, volunteers, contractual services, application
uploads, mileage & training, capital equipment, other expenses, and match.
This form captures personnel expenses (salary and fringe) requested for the project. Applicants are asked to provide the
position title, total annual salary, requested VOCA salary/fringe amount, requested Match salary/fringe amount, and indicate
the pay type (hourly or salary) for each position requested. There is a budget table available for each year of the grant period.
This form captures in-kind volunteer match information. Applicants are asked to provide the volunteer classification, hourly
rate, and total in-kind match amount for each type of volunteer classification to be utilized as match. There is a budget table
available for each year of the grant period.
Contractual Services
This form captures contractual expenses requested for the project. Applicants are asked to provide the service type, rate of
pay, total hours, and VOCA/Match amounts requested for the project. There is a budget table available for each year of the
grant period.
Application Uploads
This form allows applicants to upload required documents pertinent to the project. There are four subsections: organizational
chart, personnel position descriptions, volunteer position descriptions, and contractor position descriptions.
All applicants must upload an organizational chart. An organizational chart template is available for download. A position
description is required for each position requested on the personnel form, volunteer classification identified on the volunteer
form, and contractor/service type requested on the contractual services form. Position description templates are available in
each subsection.
Mileage & Training
This form captures mileage and training expenses requested for the project. There is a budget table available for each year of
the grant period. Justification is required for each section.
Capital Equipment
This form captures capital equipment expenses requested for the project. Applicants are asked to provide a description,
quantity, price per unit, and the VOCA/Match amount for each item requested. There is a budget table available for each year
of the grant period. Justification is required for each capital equipment item requested.
Other Expenses
This form consists of four subsections: non-capital equipment and furniture, operating costs, client assistance, and indirect
costs. Applicants are asked to provide a description and the VOCA/Match amount for each item requested. There is a budget
table available for each year of the grant period. Justification is required for each item requested.
This form will not be available to applicants who indicated yes to the Tribal Projects question on the Services and Victim
Population form, as there is no match requirement for tribal projects.
This form captures the match type (in-kind or cash) and the funding source for each match item identified in the budget.
Budget line items with match amounts identified will automatically populate on the Match form. For example, Match salary
and fringe expenses were entered for Victim Advocate #1 on the personnel form (see picture 1). Therefore, these amounts
will display on the Match form (see picture 2). There is a budget table available for each year of the grant period.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Detailed Budget Summary Form
This form provides a screenshot of the entire request for funding (VOCA and Match). This form consists entirely of automatic
calculations. Be sure to click SAVE to update all calculations.
This form is extremely useful, as it identifies the match requirement for each year of the grant period. If matching funds
identified in the budget exceed or fail to meet the match requirement identified, an error message will display alerting the
applicant to modify the budget forms to ensure the match requirement is met.
Source of Funding (50 points)
This form captures funding information for the applicants entire victim services program. Applicants are asked to identify
each federal, state, local, or other non-federal source of funding received, along with funding amounts for the two fiscal years
Application: Submitting or Cancelling
Project Directors and Financial Contacts are the only roles authorized to submit or cancel an application.
Submitting an Application
To submit an application, click the "Status Changes hyperlink located within the application. Click the SUBMIT button located
directly beneath the “Application Submitted” status.
If the application contains errors, the system will display the Global Errors page which identifies errors that must be corrected
before submission can occur.
Once all errors within the application have been satisfied, return to the Status Changes hyperlink and select the desired
status. Once the application is submitted, an email and system notification will be received indicating successful submission of
the application.
NOTE: Once an application is submitted it will become a read-only document and cannot be modified!
Cancelling an Application
To cancel an application, click the Status Changes hyperlink located within the application. Click the CANCEL button located
directly beneath the “Application Cancelled” status. If an application is cancelled in error, contact DPS to restore the