Compendium of Residential Care and Assisted Living Regulations and Policy: 2015 Edition
Licensure Terms
Assisted Living Facilities, Level I and Level II, Residential Long-Term Care Facilities
(referred to as residential care facilities)
General Approach
The Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Medical
Services, Office of Long Term Care (Office), licenses and regulates assisted living
facilities (ALFs) as either a Level I or Level II facility. Both levels provide services in a
home-like setting for elderly and disabled persons. The philosophical tenets of
individuality, privacy, dignity and independence, and the promotion of resident self-
direction and personal decision-making while protecting resident health and safety are
emphasized. All living units in ALFs must be independent apartments, including a
kitchen that is a visually and functionally distinct area within the apartment or unit.
Separate licenses are required for ALFs maintained on separate premises, even if they
are operated under the same management.
The Department also licenses residential care facilities (RCFs) to provide services
24 hours a day to individuals age 18 years or older who are not capable of independent
living and who require assistance and supervision. Separate licenses are required for
RCFs maintained on separate premises, even if they are operated under the same
Alzheimer’s special care units (ASCUs) are specialized units of long-term care
facilities--including both nursing homes and ALFs--that offer services specifically for
individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Regulations for ASCUs are
part of the regulations for each type of facility that can house an ASCU.
Arkansas covers personal care services through the Medicaid State Plan, which
may be provided in a person’s home “or other setting” such as a residential long-term
care facility. The state also covers services in Level II ALFs under a single service
Medicaid 1915(c) Waiver program--the Living Choices Assisted Living Waiver program--
and covers services in adult family homes through the State’s Medicaid 1915(c) Elder
Choices Waiver program.
Facilities owned and operated by the Veteran’s Administration, or regulated or licensed by the Department of
Human Services’ Division of Developmental Disabilities Services or Division of Mental Health Services, or
regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention of the Arkansas Department of Health are excluded
from licensure.
Adult Foster Care. Adult family homes are certified by the DHS Division of Aging
and Adult Services (DAAS). An adult family home provides a family living environment
for no more than three persons who are not related to the principal care provider and
who, owing to the severity of their functional impairments, are considered to be at
imminent risk of death or serious bodily harm and, as a consequence, are not capable
of fully independent living.
Regulatory provisions for these settings are not included in
this profile, but a link to various information can found at the end.
This profile includes summaries of selected regulatory provisions for ALFs and
RCFs. The complete regulations are online at the links provided at the end.
Residential care facility means a building or structure that provides on a 24-hour
basis a place of residence and board for three or more individuals whose functional
capabilities may have been impaired, but who do not require hospital or nursing home
care on a daily basis but could require other assistance with activities of daily living
Assisted living facility means a building or part of a building that undertakes,
through its ownership or management, responsibility to provide assisted living services
for a period exceeding 24 hours to four or more adult residents of the facility. Assisted
living services may be provided either directly or through contractual arrangement. An
ALF provides, at a minimum, services to assist residents in performing all ADLs on a
24-hour basis.
Alzheimer's special care unit means a separate and distinct unit within an
assisted living or other long-term care facility that segregates and provides a special
program for residents with a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s disease or another
dementia, and that advertises, markets, or otherwise promotes the facility as providing
specialized Alzheimer’s or dementia care services.
Resident Agreements
Residential Care Facilities. Residents must receive a copy of the resident
agreement at or prior to moving in that covers: (1) services, materials and equipment,
and food included in the basic charge; (2) additional services to be provided and their
charges; (3) residency rules; (4) conditions and rules for termination; (5) provisions for
changes in charges; and (6) refund policies.
Only four adult family homes were operating in 2013 and all four reported no clients. More information is
available from a DHS-commissioned report: Gap Analysis of the Capacity of Long-Term Care Providers of HCBS in
Arkansas, available online at the link provided at the end of this profile.
Assisted Living Facilities. Prior to or on the day of admission, the ALF and the
resident, or his or her responsible party, must enter into an occupancy admission
agreement. The agreement must provide information about core services (listed below
under Services). Other required information includes: (1) optional services; (2) health
care services available through home health agencies; (3) medication policies; (4) fees,
charges, and payment and refund policies; (5) facility rules; (6) provisions for
emergency transfers; and (7) discharge criteria.
Disclosure Provisions
Residential Care Facilities. No provisions identified.
Assisted living facilities must provide each prospective resident, or the
prospective resident’s representative, with a comprehensive disclosure statement
describing the form of care offered, treatment, staffing, the emergency preparedness
plan, special services and related costs provided by the facility, and other information as
required by law before the prospective resident signs an admission agreement. The
facility disclosure statement is reviewed annually.
Facilities that have an ASCU must provide a facility-prepared statement to
individuals or their families or responsible parties prior to admission that describes how
care, services, and activities are provided; the pre-admission screening and the
assessment processes; implementation of the individual support plan; admission,
discharge and transfer criteria and procedures; training topics, policies, and procedures;
and the minimum number of direct care staff assigned to the ASCU each shift. They
must also provide a written copy of the residents’ rights.
Admission and Retention Policy
Residential Care Facilities. Facilities may not admit or retain individuals who are
not independently mobile (physically and mentally capable of vacating the facility within
3 minutes), able to self-administer medications, or capable of understanding and
responding to reminders and guidance from staff.
Additionally, individuals cannot have specific medical conditions or needs,
including the following:
A feeding or intravenous tube.
Total incontinence of bowel and bladder.
A communicable disease that poses a threat to the health or safety of others.
Nursing services exceeding a level that can be provided by a certified home
health agency on a temporary or infrequent basis.
A level of mental illness, intellectual disability, dementia, or addiction to drugs or
alcohol that requires a higher level of medical, nursing, or psychiatric care or
active treatment than the facility can safely provide.
Religious, cultural, or dietary regimens that cannot be met without undue burden.
A need for physical restraints.
Current violent behavior.
A resident may be discharged only when the resident’s medical needs cannot be
met by the facility or a certified home health agency on a temporary or infrequent basis;
or the resident presents a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of himself or others.
Waivers of the admission/retention policy are not available. Residents who require
frequent skilled nursing services from a home health agency must be assessed by the
Office to determine if a nursing home placement is needed.
Assisted Living Facilities. A facility must not admit or retain residents whose
needs are greater than the facility is licensed to provide.
Level I ALFs cannot serve nursing home-eligible residents or residents who:
(1) need 24-hour nursing services, except as certified by a licensed home health agency
for a period of 60 days with one 30-day extension; (2) are bedridden; (3) have transfer
assistance needs that the facility cannot meet with current staffing, including assistance
to evacuate the building in case of an emergency; (4) present a danger to self or others;
and (5) require medication administration performed by the facility.
Level II facilities are allowed to serve nursing home-eligible residents but cannot
serve residents who are bedridden or have certain conditions or needs, including a
need for 24-hour nursing services; a temporary (more than 14 consecutive days) or
terminal condition (unless a physician or advance practice nurse certifies that the facility
can meet the resident’s needs); need transfer assistance, including but not limited to
assistance to evacuate the facility in case of emergency, that the facility cannot meet
with current staffing; or who present a danger to self or others.
Residential Care Facilities. Facilities may provide personal care; supportive
services (occasional or intermittent guidance, direction, or monitoring for ADLs);
activities and socialization; assistance securing professional services; meals;
housekeeping; and laundry.
Residents have a choice of providers for receiving personal care services. RCFs
may not provide medical or nursing services. Home health services may be provided by
a certified home health agency when ordered by a physician.
Assisted Living Facilities. Level I facilities provide 24-hour supervision by awake
staff; assistance in obtaining emergency care 24 hours a day (this provision may be met
by an agreement with an ambulance service or hospital or emergency services through
911); assistance with social, recreational, and other activities; assistance with ADLs;
assistance with obtaining transportation; linen service; and medication assistance.
Level II facilities provide 24-hour available staff to respond to residents’ needs
identified in the direct care services and health care services plan portions of residents’
occupancy admission agreements.
Direct care services help residents with certain routines and ADLs, such as
assistance with mobility and transfers; hands-on assistance with feeding, grooming,
shaving, trimming or shaping fingernails and toenails, bathing, dressing, personal
hygiene, bladder and bowel requirements, including incontinence; and assistance with
medication only to the extent permitted by the State Nurse Practice Act. A registered
nurse (RN) must complete the assessment for residents with health needs.
Health care services are available that assist in achieving and maintaining
functional status and well-being (e.g., psychological, social, physical, and spiritual).
They may include nursing assessments and the monitoring and delegation of nursing
tasks by RNs pursuant to the Nurse Practice Act, care management, and the
coordination of basic health care and social services.
Service Planning
Residential Care Facilities. The facility must interview prospective residents prior
to admission to determine if the facility can meet their needs.
Assisted Living Facilities. An initial needs assessment must be completed for
each resident to identify all needed services, and a reassessment must be completed at
least annually and more often as changes occur. Facilities must develop compliance
agreements that address any situation or condition that is or should be known to the
facility that involves risk, the probable consequences of taking risks, the resident or his
or her responsible party’s preference concerning how risks will be handled and the
possible consequences of action on that preference, what the facility will and will not do
to meet the resident’s needs and comply with the resident’s preference to the identified
course of action, alternatives offered to deal with the risk, and the agreed-upon course
of action.
Third-Party Providers
Residential Care Facilities. If a service required under the licensing regulations
is not provided directly by the facility, the facility must have a written agreement/contract
with an outside program, resource, or service to furnish the necessary service.
An RCF that admits or retains persons with a diagnosis of mental illness/disorder
in need of active treatment must make arrangements with a mental health service
provider for the development and provision of an active treatment plan. This provision
applies to all facilities regardless of size.
Assisted Living Facilities. In Level I facilities, home health services may be
provided by a certified home health agency on a short-term basis. In both Level I and
Level II facilities, other individuals or agencies may furnish care directly or under
arrangements with the ALF. Such care must be supplemental to the services provided
by the ALF and not supplant, nor be substituted for, the requirements of service
provisions by the facility.
Medication Provisions
Residential Care Facilities. Residents must be familiar with their medications
and the instructions for taking them. Aides may remind residents to take medications,
read label instructions, and remove the cap or packaging, but the resident must remove
the medication from the package or container. RCF personnel may not administer or
attempt to administer medications.
Assisted Living Facilities. Staff of Level I facilities may assist a resident in the
self-administration of oral medication by taking the medication in its container from the
area where it is stored and handing the container with the medication in it to the
resident. In the presence of the resident, facility staff may remove the container cap or
loosen the packaging. If the resident is physically impaired but cognitively able (has
awareness with perception, reasoning, intuition, and memory), facility staff, upon
request by or with the consent of the resident, may assist the resident in removing oral
medication from the container and in taking the medication. If the resident is physically
unable to place a dose of oral medication in his or her mouth without spilling or dropping
it, facility staff may place the dose of medication in another container and place that
container to the mouth of the resident. Facility staff cannot administer medications.
In Level II facilities, licensed nursing personnel may administer medications to
residents who are assessed as being unable to self-administer medication. Facilities
must employ a consulting pharmacist.
Food Service and Dietary Provisions
Residential care facilities and must provide three balanced meals and between
meal snacks. Fluids must be available at all times and meals must be served at
approximately the same time each day. There must be no more than 5 hours between
breakfast and lunch and between lunch and the evening meal, and no more than 14
hours between the evening meal and breakfast.
Assisted Living Facilities. Three balanced meals, snacks, and fluids are
Staffing Requirements
Residential Care Facility
Type of Staff. Each facility must have a full-time (minimum 40 hours per week)
certified (State-approved certification program) administrator on the premises during
normal business hours who has responsibility for the facility’s daily operation. The
administrator must not leave the RCF premises during the day without first delegating
authority to a qualified individual who will manage the facility temporarily during the
administrator’s absence. Each facility must hire direct care staff to provide assistance
with certain ADLs. RCFs located in a multi-building facility must provide at least one
direct care staff person on duty and awake during all hours.
Staff Ratios. Ratios for the number of direct care staff vary by the time of day and
the number of residents (see table below). Sufficient staff must be present at all times to
meet residents’ needs. Staffing requirements are based on current census rather than
licensed capacity.
Number of Direct Care Staff to Residents Required Per Shift
Day Staff
Evening Staff
Night Staff
For small facilities (16 or fewer beds), each staff person on duty may be counted
as direct care staff even if they are currently involved in administrative, housekeeping,
or dietary activities; and the night staff person may be asleep in the facility.
Additional staff requirements for large facilities (over 16 beds) are as follows:
(1) the staffing table shown above applies to direct care staff only and does not include
administrative, housekeeping, or dietary staff; (2) the facility administrator must not be
scheduled as direct care staff for purposes of meeting minimum staffing requirements
during normal business hours; (3) staff involved in food and dietary services are not
permitted to perform non-food or non-dietary services during the same shift; and (4) in a
multi-building facility, at least one direct care staff person must be on-duty and awake
during all hours. A relief direct care staff person must be available in the facility to
relieve direct care staff for meals and breaks and to cover if a direct care staff person
must leave the facility in an emergency.
Assisted Living Facility
Type of Staff. Each facility must have a full-time (minimum 40 hours per week)
certified administrator. Administrators must be certified as an ALF, RCF, or nursing
home administrator through a State-approved certification program. The administrator is
responsible for the facility’s daily operation and must be on the premises during normal
business hours. If the administrator has to leave the facility during the day, he or she
must delegate authority to a qualified individual who will manage the facility temporarily
during the administrator’s absence. A second administrator must be employed either
part-time or full-time depending on the number of beds in the facility.
Level II facilities must designate a full-time (40 hour per week) administrator who
must be on the premises during normal business hours. Sharing of administrators
between ALFs and other types of long-term care facilities is permitted. The facility may
employ an individual to act both as administrator and as the facility’s registered nurse.
At no time may the duties of administrator take precedence over, interfere with, or
diminish the responsibilities and duties associated with the RN position.
Level II facilities must employ or contract with at least one RN and also employ or
contract with licensed practical nurses (LPNs) to provide nursing or direct care services
to residents. The facility must employ certified nursing assistants (CNAs) to provide
direct care services to residents. CNAs are permitted to perform the nurse aide duties
set forth in Part II, Unit VII of the Rules and Regulations governing Long-Term Care
Facility Nursing Assistant Training Curriculum. The facility may employ personal care
aides (PCAs) to provide direct care services.
The RN is responsible for the preparation, coordination, and implementation of the
direct care services plan portion of the resident’s occupancy admission agreement, and
must review and oversee all LPN, CNA, and PCA staff. (An RN employed by DAAS who
works with the Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program is responsible for Medicaid
waiver residents’ direct care services plan portions of the occupancy admission
The RN does not need to be physically present but must be available to the facility
by phone or pager. Level II facilities must employ a consulting pharmacist.
Staff Ratios. The facility must have as many personnel/staff/employees awake
and on-duty at all times as is needed to properly safeguard the health, safety, and
welfare of the residents. At least one administrator, on-site manager, or a responsible
staff person must be on the premises and awake 24 hours per day.
Level I facilities must meet the staffing ratios specified in regulation. The ratios are
based on number of residents and are designated for “day,” “evening,” and “night.” (See
table under RCF staff ratios above). Each staff person on-duty may be counted as direct
care staff even if they are currently involved in housekeeping, laundry, or dietary
activities as long as universal precautions are followed. For facilities with more than 16
residents, a relief staff person must be available to relieve staff and to cover if a staff
person must leave the facility in an emergency or for any other reason.
Level II facilities must have a minimum of one staff person per 15 residents from
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and one staff person per 25 residents from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00
a.m., but at all times, there must be no fewer than two staff persons on-duty, one of
whom must be a CNA. Staff persons who live on-site but are sleeping may not be
counted for minimum staffing requirements.
Training Requirements
Residential Care Facilities. Each employee must receive orientation to include
but not be limited to: job duties, resident rights, abuse/neglect reporting requirements,
and fire and tornado drills. Four hours of in-service training or continuing education
pertinent to the operation of an RCF must be provided on a quarterly basis for all
employees who have direct contact with residents. Training must include but not be
limited to: resident rights, evacuation of building, safe operation of fire extinguishers,
incident reporting, and medication supervision. In-service training on facility medication
policies and procedures must be provided at least annually for all facility employees
supervising medications.
Assisted Living Facilities. All staff, including contracted personnel who provide
services to residents (excluding licensed home health agency staff), must receive
orientation and training on the following topics:
Within 7 calendar days of hire: building safety and emergency measures and
appropriate response to emergencies; abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation
and reporting requirements; incident reporting; sanitation and food safety;
resident health and related problems; general overview of the job’s specific
requirements; philosophy and principles of independent living in an ALF; and the
Residents’ Bill of Rights.
Within 30 calendar days of hire: medication assistance and monitoring,
communicable diseases, and dementia and cognitive impairment.
Within 180 calendar days of hire: communication skills, review of the aging
process, and disability sensitivity training.
All staff must receive 6 hours per year of ongoing education and training.
Provisions for Apartments and Private Units
Residential Care Facilities. The state does not require private rooms or private
bathrooms. Facilities may provide single-occupancy or double-occupancy rooms. A
minimum of one toilet/sink is required for every six residents and one tub/shower for
every ten residents.
Assisted Living Facilities. All units must be apartments of adequate size and
configuration to permit residents to carry out, with or without assistance, all the functions
necessary for independent living, including sleeping; sitting; dressing; personal hygiene;
storing, preparing, serving, and eating food; storing clothing and other personal
possessions; doing personal correspondence and paperwork; and entertaining visitors.
Each apartment or unit must be accessible to and useable by residents who use a
wheelchair or other mobility aids consistent with accessibility standards.
Each apartment must have a lockable door. Separate bathroom and kitchen areas
are required. Apartments may not be occupied by more than two persons. Each unit
must provide a small refrigerator as well as a microwave oven, except as may otherwise
be provided in the regulations, and must have a call system monitored 24-hours a day
by staff.
A Level II facility must maintain physically distinct parts or wings to house
individuals who receive, or are medically eligible for, a nursing home level of care
separate and apart from those individuals who do not receive, or are not medically
eligible for, a nursing home level of care.
An apartment or unit must be single-occupancy except in situations where
residents are husband and wife or are two consenting adults who have requested and
agreed in writing to share an apartment or unit. An apartment or unit may be occupied
by no more than two persons.
Provisions for Serving Persons with Dementia
Residential care facilities may not admit or retain individuals with dementia.
Each assisted living facility that advertises or otherwise holds itself out as having
one or more special care units for residents with a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s
disease or other dementia must provide an organized, continuous 24-hour-per-day
program of supervision, care, and services in a separate unit specifically designed to
accommodate residents’ complex and varied needs and comply with the following
Dementia Care Staff. An ASCU is subject to the same staffing requirements as
set forth in the rules and regulations for the licensure of Level I ALFs, but staffing must
be determined separately from the ALF based upon the census for the ASCU only. In
addition, a social worker or other professional staff (e.g., physician, RN, or psychologist)
must be utilized to perform several functions, including assisting in the development of
an individual service plan. Nursing, direct care, and personal care staff cannot perform
the duties of cooks, housekeepers, or laundry staff during their direct care shifts.
Dementia Staff Training. Staff must have 30 hours of training on: (1) policies (1
hour); (2) etiology, philosophy, and treatment of dementia (3 hours); (3) stages of
Alzheimer’s disease (2 hours); (4) behavior management (4 hours); (5) use of physical
restraints, wandering, and egress control (2 hours); (6) medication management (2
hours); (7) communication skills (4 hours); (8) prevention of staff burn-out (2 hours);
(9) activities (4 hours); (10) ADLs and individual-centered care (3 hours); and
(11) assessment and individual service plans (3 hours).
Staff must receive 2 hours of ongoing in-service training each quarter to include
such topics as positive therapeutic interventions and activities, developments and new
trends in the fields of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and treatments for
same, and environmental modifications to minimize the effects and problems associated
with these conditions.
The individual providing the training must have a minimum of 1 year uninterrupted
employment in the care of residents with dementia, or training in the care of individuals
with dementia, or is designated by the Alzheimer’s Association or its local chapter as
being qualified to provide training.
Dementia Facility Requirements. The regulations specify standards for the
physical design of ASCUs and for locking devices. Facilities must also have policies for
egress control.
Background Checks
Residential Care Facilities. The administrator must be of good moral character
and of sound physical and mental health. “Character“ and “health“ may be determined
by an investigation conducted by the Office that may include such information as
criminal records, doctor statements, and any other information as requested by the
Office. The administrator must have no prior conviction pursuant to the Arkansas Code
or relating to the operation of a long-term care facility and must not have been convicted
of abusing, neglecting, or mistreating individuals. No person who has been convicted of
abusing, neglecting, or mistreating individuals may be employed in the facility.
Assisted Living Facilities. Administrators must successfully complete a criminal
background check; must have no conviction pursuant to the Arkansas Code or relating
to the operation of a long-term care facility; and must not have been convicted or have a
substantiated report of abusing, neglecting, or mistreating persons, or misappropriation
of resident property. The adult abuse register maintained by DHS/DAAS will be checked
prior to employment. The operator of the facility and all employees and other applicable
individuals utilized by the facility as staff must successfully complete a criminal check.
Verification is also required that an employee has not been convicted or does not
have a substantiated report of abusing or neglecting residents or misappropriating
resident property. The facility must, at a minimum, prior to employing any individual or
for any individuals working in the facility through contract with a third party, make inquiry
to the Employment Clearance Registry of the Office of Long Term Care and the Adult
Abuse Register maintained by DHS/DAAS, and must conduct re-checks of all
employees every 5 years.
Inspection and Monitoring
Residential Care Facilities. Annual renewal is required for all RCF licenses and,
on average, inspections are conducted annually. All areas of the licensed facility and all
records related to the care and protection of residents, including resident and employee
records, must be open for inspection by the Department for the purpose of enforcing the
licensing regulations.
Assisted Living Facilities. Annual renewal is required for all ALF licenses. The
Office of Long Term Care conducts a standard comprehensive survey of each facility on
average every 18 months. To receive and maintain a license, a facility must submit to
regular and unannounced inspection surveys and complaint investigations.
Public Financing
Arkansas covers personal care services through the Medicaid State Plan, which
may be provided in a person’s home “or other setting” such as a RCF.
The state covers services in ALFs under a single service 1915(c) Waiver program
--the Living Choices Assisted Living Waiver program. Waiver “assisted living services”
providers must be licensed as a Level II ALF or a licensed Class A Home Health
Agency that has a contract with a licensed Level II ALF to provide waiver services and
pharmacy consultant services. Waiver services include personal care and supportive
services (e.g., homemaker, chore, attendant care, companion, transportation, and
medication oversight).
Room and Board Policy
The state does not provide a supplement to the federal Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) payment, but limits the room and board payment for Medicaid-eligible
residents to the SSI payment less a personal needs allowance (PNA) that is retained by
the resident. In 2014, the SSI payment was $721 and the PNA was $65, leaving $656
per month to pay for room and board.
Family supplementation of room and board payments is not allowed, but families
can pay for other items that are not included in the room and board rate, such as phone
and cable TV service.
Location of Licensing, Certification, or Other Requirements
Rules and Regulations for Assisted Living Facilities Level I. Arkansas Department of Human
Services, Division of Medical Services, Office of Long Term Care. [August 1, 2011]
Rules and Regulations for Assisted Living Facilities Level II. Arkansas Department of Human
Services, Division of Medical Services, Office of Long Term Care. [August 1, 2011]
Rules and Regulations for Residential Long Term Care Facilities. Arkansas Department of
Human Services, Division of Medical Services, Office of Long Term Care. [August 1, 2007]
Arkansas Department of Human Services website: Links to various information about Adult
Family Care, including a report called Gap Analysis of the Capacity of Long-Term Care
Providers of HCBS in Arkansas. Division of Aging and Adult Services, Department of Human
Services. [May 2013]
Information Sources
Stephenie Blocker, RN-BC
Assistant Director of Home and Community-Based Services
Division of Aging and Adult Services
Sherri Proffer, RN
Nurse Manager, Office of Long Term Care
Division of Medical Services
Department of Human Services
Files Available for This Report
Executive Summary
[NOTE: These profiles are available in the full HTML and PDF versions, as well as each state
available as a separate PDF listed below.]
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia