Massachusetts Warrant Officer
Application Guide
UPDATED: May 2022
CW4 Robyn Corbin
Warrant Officer Strength Manager
Office: (339)-202-9101
Cell: (508)-326-0976
The information contained in this sample application changes frequently. For the most up-to-date information please
visit the web-site at:
Massachusetts Warrant Officer Application Guide
Warrant Officer Eligibility Requirements and Pre-Determination Packet
1. The first step in the process, whether Enlisted or a Commissioned Officer, is to work with a
Warrant Officer Strength Manager (WOSM) to determine if you meet the requirements. The
WOSM for Massachusetts is CW4
Robyn Corbin. She can be reached
[email protected] or (Office) 339-202-9101 (Cell) 508-326-0976.
Each applicant must meet the minimum administrative requirements:
Mental Aptitude - An AFCT or ASVAB minimu
m GT score of 110 or higher is required. This
cannot be waived. Applicants can retake the Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) to
improve their GT Scores. No further action should take place until this requirement is met.
Applicants for WO Aviator must pass a Selection Instrument Flight Tests (SIFT) to qualify. The
SIFT and the retake of the AFCT are administered through the Education Branch Offices
located at Hanscom AFB or Joint Base Cape Cod. Education Services located at Joint Base
Cape Cod: Christopher Rush E-Mail: [email protected] or Phone: (339) 202-
Education Office at Hanscom AFB with Mrs. Manhardt, E-Mail:
[email protected] or Phone: (339) 202-3154
Age- Minimum age of 18 years and a maximum age of 46 on the date of initial
appointment for technical WO MOSs. An age waiver is required over age 46. Applicants for WO
Aviator positions must be between the ages of 18 and 32 prior to their packet being boarded.
Citizenship - Must be a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization.
Leadership - Must possess outstanding leadership traits.
Pay Grade - The minimum pay grade requirements vary by DA MOS proponent with
SGT (E5) being the most common. Aviation and Signal Corps have exceptions. Commissioned
officers must also complete the predetermination process for approval into a WO MOS.
Four to five years of experience -in an enlisted feeder MOS is required by most DA MOS
proponents. Reference the attached listing. Note, the WO Aviator MOS does not have an MOS
or experience requirement.
Security Clearance – FINAL Secret or Top-Secret Security Clearance - Interimclearances
All Applicants must have 12 months remaining on their enlistment contract to apply.
2. Once it is determined that the applicant meets the minimum administrative
requirements to become a Warrant Officer, the next step is to work with the WOSM to
schedule an interview with the State Command Chief Warrant Officer (CCWO).
The CCWO is responsible for state level approval, final review of Warrant Officer PDP
packets, and CCWO Letter of Recommendation.
3. Once completed, PDP packets are forward by the MAARNG WOSM thru NGB for
review and submission to the DA MOS proponent. The DA MOS proponent will send the
WOSM a memo with the results of their review and the CCWO will notify the WO
applicant of the results.
4. If DA MOS approval is secured but an age, moral or medical waiver is required, the
applicant will work with the WOSM to prepare a waiver request for submission.
5. If no waiver is required or a waiver was granted, applicants work with their WOSMs to
complete a WO appointment packet and take a Chapter 2 Commissioning Physical prior
to appearance before a Federal Recognition Board (FRB).
6. The FRB convenes once a month at JFHQ-MA. The FRBs mission is to determine
that the candidate meets all the requirements for appointment as an Officer. If
approved, the FRB signs the approval documents for appointment to Warrant Officer
Candidate (WOC) - Officer Personnel Management (OPM) issues an order appointing
the applicant as a WOC and places them into the WO assignment with a primary MOS
of 09W.
7. WOCs will have two years to complete WO Candidate School (WOCS).
8. Prior to attending WOCS applicants must attend PREWOCS. This course is a
MUTA 5 drill at Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC) RTI Massachusetts. The program is
designed to ensure you are adequately prepared to be an Army Warrant Officer and
help you to realize what you can achieve under physically and mentally demanding
conditions. If you are interested in becoming a Warrant Officer have your unit input you
into ATRRS School Code: 995 Course: PWOCC which is offered at the Regional
Training Institute on Joint Base Cape Cod, MA.
9. Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS), two options exist for completion of
Soldiers may have the option to attend the Resident Active Component WOCS
(Five weeks) at Fort Rucker, AL
Reserve Component WOCS (RCWOCS) Phase one is conducted at the Massachusetts
State Regional Training Institute (RTI) on Joint Base Cape Cod and Phase two is
conducted at Camp Attebury, IN.
Reserve Component WOCS at the Massachusetts RTIs is the default program for
Soldiers in the Massachusetts Army National Guard.
10. Graduation from WOCS will earn appointment as a WO1. WO Basic Course
(WOBC) completion is required within two years of appointment as a WO1. WO1s are
not qualified in their MOS until the WOBC is completed. The duration of each WOBC
varies by MOS.
Frequently Asked Questions – & Resources
Q. What is a Warrant Officer?
A. New DA
PAM 600-3 Definition:
is a technical expert, combat leader, trainer, and
advisor. Through progressive levels of expertise in assignments, training, and
education, the warrant officer administers, manages, maintains, operates, and
integrates Army systems and equipment across unified land operations. Warrant
officers are innovative integrators of emerging technologies, dynamic teachers,
confident warfighters, and developers of specialized teams of Soldiers. They support a
wide range of Army missions throughout their career. Warrant officers in the Army are
accessed with specific levels of technical ability.
They refine their technical expertise and develop their leadership and management
skills through tiered progressive assignment and education.
Q. How can I find out what the DA MOS proponent requirements are for each WO MOS?
A. Contact your WOSM or reference the USAREC web link below for the WO Proponent MOS.
Q. Do I have to be a Sergeant before I start WOCS?
A. With the exception of Aviation and Signal Corps Candidates, the minimum rank required for
most specialties is SGT (E5) or higher as established by the DA MOS proponents. Former
Commissioned and Warrant Officers are eligible for appointment without attending WOCS but
must complete the predetermination process for approval for entry into a WO career field.
Q. Can I be promoted as an Enlisted Soldier prior to WOCS?
A. You are promotable during the predetermination process; however, once you obtain your
Federal Recognition and your rank becomes WOC you will no longer be promotable as an
Enlisted Soldier.
Q. How do I prepare for WOCS?
A. All Warrant Officer Candidates must meet the prerequisites and all administrative
requirements. Commands should assign WOCs a mentor to guide them through the WOCs
preparation process. WOCS is a mentally and physically demanding school. Prepare yourself
physically for the course.
US Army Warrant Officer Career College web site: Provides information on the WO Candidate
School and other WO courses.
Officer website: Contains WO information and videos.
Provides a listing of all WO MOSs in the US Army with enlisted feeder MOSs requirements and
an overview of duties and responsibilities and eligibility requirements for each Warrant Officer
MOS. There is also an MOS Conversion list for Air Force, Navy and USMC.
Provides information on Becoming a Warrant Officer in the Massachusetts National Guard and
access to informational slide show.
Contacts for scheduling AFCT, SIFT, TABE
Education Office Joint Base Cape Cod:
Christopher Rush E-Mail: [email protected] or Phone: (339) 202-9419
available to schedule AFCT, SIFT, TABE
Education Office at Hanscom AFB with Mrs. Manhardt, E-Mail:
[email protected] or Phone: (339) 202-3154 available to schedule AFCT and
Social Media Links Officer Strength Manager
1. WO MOS list
2. Technical Warrant Officer Predetermination Checklist
3. Letter of recommendation guidelines
4. Warrant Officer resume sample and guidelines
WO MOS TITLE WITH ENLISTED FEEDER MOSs and positions available in the
MAARNG* Bold type – Bold type indicates current WO vacancy
As of April 2022
WOMOS Warrant Officer Title Enlisted Feeder MOS
120A Construction Engineering
12H, K, N, P, Q, R, T, W
131A Field Artillery Technician 13B, 13J, 13F, 13M, 13R, 11C, 11B or 19D, 19K
Air and Missile Defense (AMD)
Systems Integrator
14E, 14G, 14H, 14P, 14S, 14T, 15P (ADAM Cell Exp.), 15Q
(ADAM Cell Exp.), 25B, 25U and 29E; USAF: (AFSC:
1C3XX, 1C3XX); USN (Rating: IT, YN and CTM); USMC
(Job code: 06XX)
150A Air Traffic Control Technician
15Q, USAF 1C1xx, USMC 7257, or USN A400 (AC) (MOS
Prerequisite Waive
Required fo
LL siste
viation Maintenance Technician 15B, D, F, G, H, K, N, R, T, U, Y
153A Rotary Wing Aviator All MOSs
170A Cyber Warfare Technician
Preferred CMF 17, 25 and 35 MOS (All other enlisted
MOSs - including Sister Service - applicants may apply with
strong related technical background.)
170B Electronic Warfare Technician
Preferred 17E MOS (35S, 18E, 19D and 25 Series MOS
May Apply)
Special Forces Warrant Office
ll CMF 18 MOS
255A Information Systems Technician
All MOSs (Must have 4 years IT experience IAW
255N Network Systems Technician
All MOSs (Must have 4 years IT experience IAW
Information Protection
All MOSs (Must have 5 years IT experience IAW
All Source Intelligence
Human Intelligence Collection
Human Resources Technician 42
420C Bandmaste
ll CMF 02 MOS's (ALL CMF 42R and 42S)
Chemical, Biological,
Radiological and Nuclear
(CBRN) Technician
882A Mobility Officer
88N, 88M, 88H(Preferred) Open to ALL enlisted MOSs
(Must meet defined prerequisites)
890A Ammunition Warrant Officer 89A, 89B, 89D
Armament Systems Maintenance
Warrant Office
91A, F, M, P; Master Gunners w/ ASIs A8, K8, and J3
914A Allied Trades Warrant Officer 91E, X
Automotive Maintenance
Warrant Officer
91A, B, H, L, M, P, S, X,
Engineer Equipment
Maintenance Warrant Officer
91B, C, D, L, H, X, 91J
920A Property Accounting Technician 92Y
920B Supply Systems Technician 92A, 68J
922A Food Service Technician 92G, 68M
Petroleum Systems Technician 92F, 92L, and 92W
Electronic Systems
Maintenance Warrant Officer
94D, E, F, H, M, R, W, Y &Z (25S/with waiver only)
HRR Form 205, Oct 2020
The proponent for this form is ARNG-HRR.
Section I. Applicant Information
1a. Applicant Name (Last, First MI):
1b. Rank:
1c. Application Type:
1d. WO MOS:
1e. State:
Section II. Document Checklist
Instructions. All documents should be legible, single-sided, and in the following order.
X / NA
2. CCWO Letter of Recommendation (MUST include POC information, email address,
and phone number) USAREC Form 3.3
3. Senior Warrant Officer Letter of Recommendation (MUST include SR WO MOS, POC
information, email address, and phone number) USAREC Form 3.3
4. Company Commander Letter of Recommendation or applicable Company Grade UCMJ
authority (MUST include POC information, email address, and phone number) USAREC
Form 3.3 and the following required statement:
“I certify that (Name and Rank) successfully passed the APFT consisting of push-ups, sit-ups, and the two mile run with
a score of (score) on (date) or ACFT full standard six event test; the verified height is (feet and inches) and the verified weight
is (lbs). Applicant is within body composition standards (BF %) as outlined in AR 600-9.”
5. Battalion Commander Letter of Recommendation or applicable Field Grade UCMJ
authority (MUST include POC information, email, and phone number)USAREC Form 3.3
6. Resume (Summary, Signature, and date must be included) USAREC Form 3.2
7. SRB (WOSM must certify/validate within six months of packet submission, must include most recent NCOES/
OES level) NOTE: Remove Race/Gender and DA Photo from SRB. No Board Certified SRB)
8. Evaluations (include all NCOERs/OERs and all AERs [1059s] in order newest to oldest)
9. Security clearance memorandum (Minimum Interim Secret/Interim Top Secret based on
WO MOS) (Must be within six month of packet submission)
10. College Transcript(s) - if applicable (NOTE: Refer to proponent site for specific English/Math
requirements. CLEP results are authorized)
11. Copies of Professional Certificates (Licenses and Certificates refer to MOS Proponent
preferred requirements found on the USAREC site.)
12. GT score verification/REDD (Sister Service Applicants)
13. DA Form 7434-Application for US Army Marine Certification (880A, 881A)
Section III. Other/Supporting Documentation
14. Other MOS required documents (Technician Appraisals, Civilian Evaluations, Portfolios,
and DD Form 214s) (Copies of Award Documents are NOT Required)
15. TABE (Tests of Adult Basic Education) score sheet - if required
16. Request for Prerequisite Waiver from applicant - if required
(NOTE: Soldier must write a request and the CCWOs LOR must support the prerequisite waiver.)
Section IV. Certifying Official Information
18. Warrant Officer Strength Manager
I, the certifying official verify this packet is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Name (Last, First MI):
Rank and Title:
Projected Federal Recognition Board Date:
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(NAME &_RANK) ARMY 
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  
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 
 
Unit Commander
Senior Warrant Officer
Government/Military E-mail Prefered
Sample Resume
***List schools in chronological order from most recent; must include all Professional Military related
courses (both phases if applicable); Applicants may include class standing, final GPA, Physical Fitness scores
or any other outstanding measure of success you achieved in the course)
05/04 05/10