American Research Journal of Electronics and Communication
Volume 2, Issue 1, 1-7
Review Arcle | Open Access
ISSN (Online)- 2643-3486
Time Machine for Past and Future Travel
Manu Mitra
Department of Electrical Engineering, Alumnus of University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, United States.
It is undened that if time travel to the past is physically
possible. But time travel in in future is the sense of perception
of time. It is broadly observed phenomenon and well
comprehended within the framework of special relativity
and general relativity. Nevertheless, movement of one body
advance or delay more than a few milliseconds compared
to another body is being researched with given challenge of
current technology.
As for backward time travel is possible to nd
solutions in general relativity that allow for it for instance
rotating black hole. However, moving a body in spacetime
to a random point has very limited information in theoretical
physics and typically connected with quantum mechanics or
other means such as worm hole. [1]
In the above Fig.1. illustrates the working principle of Time
Machine. In this picture a nonlinear crystal method is used
to create two entangled photons, for one of it is being sent
through the Einstein-Bose condensate which arrives later than
double slit.
As per the illustration it will lead to earlier arriving photon
(2) to not create an interference pattern in case it has been
collapsed in future. One can simply imagine to do this on
a hundred or more photons. If only one hundred photons
would appear on the screen where it should not appear, hence
there would be breaks normally because of the interference,
therefore we would know that 1 of 100 delayed photons at
least was detected.
Time Machine is the journey between from certain points of time analogous to journey between various points in space by an object or a person.
There has been signicant development in Time Machine, but few depicts exact phenomenon and its eect.
This paper discusses about design of and structure for a Time Machine; in this paper time machine software and special relativity of
Einstein is discussed that can lead past or future using coordinates. But one should know that that for any smallest change in past or future could
change entire present.
Index Terms : Time Machine, Design, Construction
Figure 1: Illustrates the wormhole in the space [2]
Time Machine for Past and Future Travel
One could build a second device and send the information
when it is received another time back, moving further back
in time, then a third and so on or one could just use the same
machine and do it again, looping the output into the input.
There would be only restricted to the point where one created
the device and wouldn’t be able to send information back any
It would mean that you cannot possibly act on the
information you receive like if you were a Zombie or one
would try; then universe would make sure that something
really atrocious happened to you, and the sender in the future
is actually someone else or other unbelievable, impossible
sounding explanations. [3]
Articial Intelligence (AI) can fabricate future pathways
hierarchically and reconstruct the future pathways, AI also
Figure 2: IIllustrates the communication in the 4th dimension to the entangled Photon (2) to either act like a wave or a
particle based on if observe the particles position and momentum in the future. This technology is based on m-theory [3]
Figure 3: Illustrates prediction of universal pathways based on a human beings actions [4]
Time Machine for Past and Future Travel
matches each future pathway to the pathways in the time
machine. Time Machine is used to give future pathways a
more accurate and realistic prediction. Since Time Machine
is collection of pathways from multiple robots and hence it’s
accurate and detailed. [4]
Figure 4 illustrates software is in the loop to nd the best
match for the coordinates assigned in the time machine.
Figure 4: Illustrates prediction paths for Time Travel [4]
Figure 5: Design Concept of a Time Machine
Time Machine for Past and Future Travel
Explanation of illustrations Figure 4 shows sample of
time machine with dome like structure and two tesla coils
powering the machine with high voltage. Second machine is
not assumed for the ease of understanding. Figure 5 shows
dome structure of time machine with two unpowered tesla
coils. Figure 6 shows powering of time machine with tesla
coils and people inside the machine are teleported to past or
future as per the coordinates assigned in the time machine (not
shown). Figure 7 shows Internal design for three seats for three
people including time machine engineer. Figure 8 shows time
machine when it is switched o and unpowered. It is shown
after the teleportation of users inside the time machine. Figure
9 shows when users coming back to present time.
Figure 6: Design Concept of a Time Machine Dome view
Figure 7: Time Machine Powered by Tesla Coils to give energy to travel
Figure 8: Internal design of Time Machine for three people
Time Machine for Past and Future Travel
Note: Time Machine may only be used to view, any
alteration in past or future aects present very drastically.
As per Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetics; speed of a
light wave is independent of reference frame, that is observed
in. It is plainly violation of Galilean transformation rules.
As per Galilean laws if an observer in frame (S’), moving
with velocity (v), sends out a light signal, with velocity (c),
in the direction of travel then the velocity of the light wave is
measured by a stationary observer in the frame S,
= ( )
= (
Where γ is dened as:
Einstein recognized physical signicance of this
transformation and thus formulated special theory. The
transformations now show that time is not the absolute
dimension we thought it was. Later discussion of time travel
opportunities are presented in this theory. However, it is
important to note that in the Lorentz transformation there
looks to be mixture of space and time coordinates. It was at
this point that people began to realize that space and time were
not the separate entities that they appear to be. They are bound
together in some or other way in a 4-dimensional spacetime
Before moving to time in General Relativity it will be
useful for me to digress into some mathematical formalism
that will be useful in our later discussions of spacetime warps.
In relativity it is useful to talk about metrics that describes
Figure 9: Time Machine when it is switched o
Figure 10: Time Machine when users comes back to present
Time Machine for Past and Future Travel
the geometry of spacetime. Often, we nd a metric that can
describe behavior of spacetime in a specic region. By metric,
it is an equation that is written by computing the distance
element of a spacetime in terms of the coordinate system.
For example, in a 2-dimensional at space with Cartesian
coordinates, x and y, the distance, Delta s, can be found by
forming a right triangle and applying the Pythagorean theorem
= ∆
+ ∆
We often write this in as an innitesimal distance element,
ds. In three-dimensional space we have
After a while, Einstein published his rst paper on special
relativity, Rudolph Minkowski identied that the Lorentz
transformation described a 4-dimensional spacetime with the
metric equation
In this measured cadent there are two dierent times. First
is the coordinate time, the time measured by two stationary
observers to the coordinate system. Second one is the proper
time, the time measured cadent by a lone observer whom
measures their own motion to be zero. The proper time is
found by dividing the distance in the spacetime by a velocity,
the speed of light.
The proper time and the coordinate time are related by the
metric equation.
This relation will help us travel in time [5]
Based on the illustration of Figure 9, if it takes one second
for cross sections to travel along each extrusion from one
place to next, then all rooms in the above picture to the future
of image o by the number of seconds shown in black in the
room Number 2 is the second ahead of room 0, room 9 is two
seconds ahead of room 0 and room 8 is 4 seconds ahead of
room 0 and so on.
To travel into the future, one may want to consider to move
diagonal of the compartment in the direction of increasing
blue, green and brown time (rightward, upward and inward)
that is, along the diagonal dashed violet line. [6]
1. Time Travel design example is shown and is powered by
Nikola Tesla’s Tesla Coils.
2. Time as physical dimension is illustrated based on
Einstein’s special relativity
3. Based on the Einstein’s Special relativity Time travel is
1. Wikipedia. (2001, August 9). Time travel. In Wikipedia, the free
2. Krauss, L. M. (2017, May 10). What Einstein and Bill Gates teach us about
time travel. NBC News.
3. Stack Exchange. (2015, April 23). Is this a working time machine? Physics
Stack Exchange.
4. Kwok, M. (2008, November 13). United States patent application:
0080281766. USPTO.
+ 
+ 
 =  =
Figure 11: This picture illustrates time as physical dimension and how it move in future with Einstein’s special relativity [6]
Time Machine for Past and Future Travel
5. Méndez, B. J. (2020, August 1). Time travel. Berkely. https://cse.ssl.
6. Zamandayolculuk. (2020, August 1). Interstellar- Voyage. Zamanda
Yolculuk - Giriş Sayfası.
Citation: Manu Mitra ”Time Machine for Past and Future Travel”. American Research Journal of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, vol 2, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-7.
Copyright ©2020 Manu Mitra. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.