Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Hewlett Packard Enterprise to Acquire Juniper Conference
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Jeff Kvaal - Head of Investor Relations
Antonio Neri - President and CEO
Jeremy Cox - SVP and Interim CFO
Rami Rahim - Juniper CEO
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Good morning, and welcome to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise to Acquire Juniper conference
call. All participants will be in listen-only mode. Should you need assistance, please signal a
conference specialist by pressing the “*” key followed by “0. After today's presentation, there will
be an opportunity to ask questions. To ask a question, you may press “*” the “1” on your telephone
keypad. To withdraw your question, please press “*” then 2.” Please note today's event is being
recorded. I'd now like to turn the conference over to Jeff Kvaal with Investor Relations. Please go
Jeff Kvaal
Good morning, everyone. I'd like to thank you for joining us to discuss the press release we issued
yesterday, which announced HPE’s intent to acquire Juniper Networks. Today, I'm joined by
Antonio Neri, HPE’s President and Chief Executive Officer; Jeremy Cox, HPE’s SVP and interim
Chief Financial Officer; and Rami Rahim, Junipers CEO.
Our press release with information on yesterday's announcement can be found on the websites
at both companies, at www.hpe.com and www.Juniper.net. A replay of this conference call along
with the presentation will be made available on the investor relations sections of our respective
What both companies will be discussing today include forward looking statements and, as such,
are subject to risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include those risk factors
discussed in the most recent reports on forms 10-Q and 10K filed by each company, as well as
those discussed in the press release announcing this acquisition. These and other risks and
uncertainties could cause actual results to differ from those contained in our forward looking
statements. Today's call will pertain strictly to HPE’s agreements to acquire Juniper. None of the
comments in this call should be viewed as an update on either HPE’s current quarter or Junipers
current quarter. With that, let me turn it over to Antonio to discuss the transaction.
Antonio Neri
Thank you, Jeff. And good morning, everyone. We appreciate you joining today. Yesterday, we
announced our intent to acquire Juniper Networks, the industry leader in AI native networking in
HPE’s--which is HPE’s largest acquisition yet. This transaction is transformational for HPE and
the industry more broadly as it changes the dynamics of the networking market and accelerates
the rise of our hybrid cloud and AI strategy.
Once the transaction is completed, HPE’s portfolio will be even more diversified and more heavily
weighted towards higher growth, higher margin businesses. To set the stage for why we are
excited for this transaction; without question, the explosion of AI and cloud driven business is
accelerated demand for secure, unified technology solutions that connect, protect, and analyze
companies data from edge to cloud. These trends in AI specifically will continue to be the most
disruptive workload for companies.
HPE has been aligning our portfolio to support customers and tap fully into these substantial IT
trends with networking as a critical connectivity component. This transaction uniquely and
dramatically supercharges our edge to cloud strategy, creating additional opportunities in the near
term and in the future that benefit our customers, partners, and our shareholders.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Before I share more about why this is such a transformational combination, I want to underline
what makes Juniper so compelling to us. Juniper is an iconic, deeply respected player in the
technology landscape and a recognized leader in AI native networks with tremendous innovation
momentum. Through its suite of cloud delivered networking solutions, software, and services
including the Mist AI and Cloud Platform, Juniper helps organizations securely and efficiently
access the mission critical cloud infrastructure that serves as the foundation of digital and AI
Combining the complementary portfolios of HPE and Juniper will allow us to provide customers
of all sizes a truly comprehensive, secure AI native and cloud native portfolio that enables the
critical networking architecture necessary to manage and simplify customers expanding and
increasingly complex connectivity needs. In short, this transaction enhances secure, unified cloud
and AI native networking to drive innovation across edge to cloud.
At the micro level, this strategic transaction will transform HPE. Together, HPE and Juniper will
be the catalyst to ignite far more investment, innovation, and advancement in this incredibly
important set of capabilities.
For HPE, this is an exciting--this is exciting for a number of reasons.
It is a major leap forward in our AI and hybrid cloud strategy accelerating technological innovation.
It creates a new networking leader with a comprehensive portfolio from edge to cloud and is
expected to double the size of our networking business. It substantially increases our networking
scope and expands our total addressable market, and it is financially compelling. We will be able
to offer better AI driven customer solutions and next generation digital experiences, ultimately
supercharging our ability to lead in an AI native environment based on a foundational cloud native
architecture, while bringing increased competition to the networking space.
Combining with Juniper also dramatically transforms our reach. We will be able to expand our
total addressable market by increasing the scope of our networking business. It enables us to
reach adjacent large markets, including data center networking, firewalls and routers with
additional AI driven solutions. For Juniper, it grows their footprint in data centers and cloud
We also project the opportunity for significant expansion in existing segments in Enterprise
Service Providers solutions and provides access to newer segments in edge to cloud, including
distributed compute, end to end networking, lifecycle management, and automation and AI. These
new opportunities will result in our edge and networking total addressable market expanding by
an estimated 30%, to $118 billion dollars.
Before I pass it over to Rami, which is here with me today, I would like to quickly stress that is
also make a strategic sense as it aligns two complementary businesses with similar cultures. It is
a natural fit. HPE and Juniper have a similar commitment to innovation and relentless focus on
our customers. And Juniper has got an incredible strong team. And we're looking forward to
bringing our two companies together.
Jeremy Cox will talk more about the financial benefits later in the presentation. But for now, I will
give the floor to Rami Rahim, CEO of Juniper. Rami, thank you for joining us today. I'm looking
forward to partnering, innovating, and winning with you and the rest of the Juniper team.
Rami Rahim
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Thank you, Antonio. I'm very excited to be here today with Antonio and his team announcing this
combination. As Antonio has highlighted, our companies are a terrific fit. And together, we will be
optimally positioned to address the most complex demands in our industry. The network has
become not a nice to have, but an absolute must have for any company that's going through any
form of digital transformation. And more than that, it must be a network that provides an assured
and a secured experience to users.
To meet this demand, at Juniper, we have been on a journey to transform the future of networking
to experience first networking. Practically speaking, that means providing superior end user and
operator experiences, leveraging technology that is cloud delivered, AI powered with security
across campus and branch, data center, and wide area set of use cases.
And Juniper has changed the game with artificial intelligence. We are defeating complexity,
simplifying the lives of network operators, and making it so that those that are using the network
to live, work, and play are actually trusting the network for their most important applications,
irrespective of where they are. The results of this vision have enabled us to deliver healthy
revenue growth over the last three years.
This is particularly true within the enterprise vertical where our Mistified business, which consists
of cloud connected solutions powered by Mist AI has seen exceptional growth, with our
annualized order run rate surpassing $1 billion during the Q3 2023 timeframe, less than four years
after passing the $100 million run rate for the first time. The Juniper Mist platform has also driven
strong ARR growth due to the ratable recognition of the platform's cloud based software model.
And not to be overlooked, we have also established exceptional franchises with many of the
world's largest cloud and service provider customers based on the power of our Junos operating
system, and the differentiation embedded within our custom silicon.
We believe these capabilities will not only position us to maintain our existing footprints with our
cloud and service provider customers, but also to capitalize on the rapidly emerging AI cluster
switching opportunities and the incremental traffic growth that will emerge from the adoption of
new AI applications. This agreement with HPE is a true validation of our success, in achieving our
vision and will allow both companies to continue delivering truly value enhancing solutions for our
customers and partners.
We expect to have expanded edge, data center, and wide area networking products and
resources to drive even more innovation across all customer segments, including enterprise,
cloud, and service providers. This will be an important catalyst to drive innovation across the
entire networking stack, including campus, branch, data center, and wide area networking. We
will also deliver an industry leading combination of comprehensive and compelling end to end
solutions built on the foundation of cloud, high performance, and experience first.
From a shareholders perspective, we believe this transaction is a tremendous outcome as we
are maximizing the value of their shares. Juniper shareholders will receive significant and certain
value in the form of a 32% premium to the uninfected closing price of Junipers common stock on
January 8, 2024, the last full trading day prior to media reports regarding a possible transaction.
This is great recognition of what we have built at Juniper.
And before I pass it back to Antonio, I want to thank the entire Juniper team for their continued
innovation leadership. Since joining Juniper when it was just a start up in 1997, what has been
clear is that our people are our greatest asset. The reason we can even reach this milestone
today is because of our employees’ collective talent and tireless efforts to stay ahead of trends in
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
technology and build products that instill confidence and drive loyalty. I'm excited to lead the
combined HPE networking business and I'm confident that we will make our combined
organization a premier destination for secure AI native networking from edge to cloud.
I look forward to working with HPE to ensure success as a leader in our industry. It's a process
that we've each undertaken successfully in the past, and we believe it will be seamless. With that,
I'll turn the call back over to Antonio.
Antonio Neri
Thanks, Rami. Building on what we already shared, this transaction accelerates innovation across
our entire networking stack. Networking will become the new core business for Hewlett Packard
Enterprise and the architectural foundation for our hybrid cloud and AI solutions delivered through
our HPE Greenlake hybrid cloud platform.
Together, we will offer secure AI native end to end solutions that are built on the foundation of
cloud, high performance, and experience first. We will also have the ability to collect, analyze,
and act on aggregated telemetry across a broader install base. All of this will drive even better
end user experiences and streamline network operations for enterprise customers. And with that,
I will ask Jeremy Cox to discuss our pro forma financials and the transaction structure. So over to
Jeremy Cox
Thanks, Antonio. In terms of what the combined company will look like, we're projecting an
extremely attractive pro forma financial profile. The transaction is expected to be accretive to non
GAAP EPS in free cash flow in year one post close. And we see attractive top and bottom line
growth opportunities immediately and in the long term. This enhanced financial profile will enable
us to further fund investments in R&D spend in high growth areas, such as AI and cloud, creating
a flywheel effect that will fuel future innovation.
With Juniper, our portfolio will be weighted toward higher growth higher margin solutions with
large free cash flow potential. Not only does it launch HPE into adjacent markets, but it increases
the competitiveness of HPE Greenlake, too.
On a pro forma basis, the combined networking segment will increase from approximately 18%
of total HPE pro forma revenue to approximately 31% and 56% of operating income on a pro
forma FY 2023 basis. It'll also increase our pro forma cash flow generation. All of this will position
us to enhance value for our shareholders. And as Antonio said, it ultimately supercharges our
ability to lead in an AI native environment based on a foundational cloud native architecture.
In terms of the structure of the transaction, as noted in our press release, we intend to acquire
Juniper for $40 per share in cash, representing an equity value of $13.6 billion. We expect to fund
the transaction through cash on our balance sheet with fully committed financing broken down as
follows; an $11 billion 364 day senior unsecured delayed draw term loan facility, and a $3 billion
3 year senior unsecured delayed draw term loan facility from a consortium of banks. The 364 day
facility is expected to be taken out with a combination of new senior notes, balance sheet cash,
and mandatory convertible preferred securities before the transaction closes.
The combination is expected--this combination is expected to achieve operating efficiencies. We
have clear line of sight into operating efficiencies and run rate annual cost synergies of $450
million within 36 months post close. The important thing here is this is a growth story. But of
course, we see areas where we can be more efficient together than we can be as separate
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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entities. We anticipate to improve growth and operating margins even pre-synergies, as well as
an acceleration of long term revenue growth. We remain committed to maintaining an investment
grade credit rating and strong growth in free cash flow.
Along with maintenance of capital allocation policies, we expect we will have sufficient room to
reduce leverage to approximately 2x in two years post close. Following the close of the
transaction, we'll continue our innovation and go to market investments in our networking
business, one of our major growth engines. I'd also like to stress that we intend to maintain our
current share buyback program and dividend policy. We currently expect to close in late calendar
year 2024, or early calendar year 2025, subject to the receipt of regulatory approvals and other
customary closing conditions, including approval by Juniper shareholders. And with that, let me
ask the operator open up Q&A.
Thank you. If you would like to ask a question, please press “*” then “1” on your telephone keypad.
If you're using the speakerphone, we asked you please pick up your handset before pressing the
keys. To withdraw your question, please press “*” then “2.” Today's first question comes from
Wamsi Mohan with Bank of America. Please go ahead.
Wamsi Mohan
Yes, thank you so much. I was wondering, maybe Antonio, if you could address how much
revenue overlap would you say there was between the companies? And how are you thinking
about handling the portfolio overlap where there is? Would you consider selling any of the assets?
And on the revenue synergy front, it doesn't seem like you really--I mean, you address the
incremental TAM, but could you be maybe a little bit more specific around what the potential for
revenue synergies might be over the next few years? Thank you.
Antonio Neri
Thanks, Wamsi. I also will ask Rami to comment. The reality is that we both participate in the
campus and branch, but we address different verticals of the market with different solutions. And
the rest of the networking market, we have pretty much no overlap at all because HPE has not
been in the cloud large infrastructure networking or, obviously, neither in the service provider
So, we believe this combination will allows us to capture more market share, even in the markets
we already participate because the capabilities are highly complementary. As we discussed
earlier, obviously, HPE through the work my team and I have done with Aruba Networking, we
have drove significant scale. But we participate in unique verticals.
And with the AI driven approach that Rami has been driving for the last few years, we address all
their needs in different verticals of the market. And that's the beauty about this because customers
have the choice and the flexibility. And over time, with Rami now leading the combined business,
we will drive meaningful and thoughtful integration of technologies, which will allow us to
differentiate even further from some of the other players in the market.
So, we believe this combination is incredibly powerful, even in the segment where we are in kind
of playing together. Now, on the rest of the segment, there is even more synergies because,
remember, when I think about the next generation of data center infrastructure and driven by the
AI explosion we see today, the combination of Juniper and HPE, both Aruba Networking, and our
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
AI native networking stack, which you're familiar with HPE’s (inaudible) is an amazing
combination. No one has that combination to drive it through our cloud native and AI native
connectivity, and then deep in both cloud native, and in both AI native. And that, to me is a massive
Now this deal, again, is accretive post year one, just on the cost side. And then, from a revenue
perspective, because we are increasing the TAM by 30%, we just wanted to be just thoughtful
just to explain to the street that that will be coming on top of it, on just the cost synergies. And that
TAM expansion is approximately $35 billion. And the beauty about that one is that we now will
participate in every segment of the networking market.
So very, very excited. And for HPE shareholders, this doubles the contribution of the networking
business. And as a pro forma of the company, as Jeremy just described, now the size of the
networking business is equal, and it will be greater going forward than the compute business. But
from our profit profile, this is going to be 56% on day one when we close the transaction. It’s
coming all from the networking business, which I call it the new core of the Hewlett Packard
Enterprise company.
And the vision, very simple, is that networking is the core of what we do because you need the
connectivity in order to connect the data to drive the AI solutions that you need to take advantage
of this disruption. So that's, in many ways, is a new company. That's how I want you to think about
it. So Rami, anything on the product side and the overlap and how we think about that
engagement going forward?
Rami Rahim
I think, Antonio, you covered it very well. I'll just underscore a couple of things. I'm not concerned
about product overlap. I believe that, together, we will have a comprehensive set of architectural
approaches that will satisfy any and all of our customers networking requirements. In time, we
can think about a thoughtful gradual integration of the capabilities that we both bring to the table.
And the opportunities for cross sell, and upsell, in each of our accounts, across industries,
geographically is absolutely tremendous. And the thing that I am most excited about, with our true
north being AI, native networking. That's what's going to drive the innovation. That's what's going
to drive this strategy going forward.
Antonio Neri
And Wamsi, one more comment, because obviously, you have been following this this segment
for quite a while. Now, HPE with Juniper combined has every aspect of the stack, meaning the
entire IP stack. We have ASICs, we have software, we have a massive platform with HPE
Greenlake, we have services, we have pretty much everything we need to be a force of nature in
a modern approach driven by this AI inflection point. Next question.
Thank you. And our next question comes from Michael Ng, with Goldman Sachs. Please go
Michael Ng
Hey, good morning. Thank you very much for the question. And congratulations on the deal. Just
to follow up on Wamsi’s question, I was just wondering if you could talk a little bit more about the
considerations of managing those two wireless LAN portfolios in Aruba and Mist. You know, what
does that difference in customer segmentation look like? Is it more mid-market versus high end?
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
And then, you know, are there any thoughts in terms of convergence of the teams or perhaps
even on the technology side, ASICs?
And then, secondly, I just wanted to ask about the AI networking comment. You know, could you
maybe just expand a little bit about some of the synergies and in combining a compute and
storage portfolio with a data center switching portfolio, as you think about AI clusters? Thank you.
Antonio Neri
I will start on and then I will let, obviously, Rami comment on this. On the latter point, this is an
exciting combination, because now you look like an enterprise. The new company, as you call it,
as I call it early on, will have the entire stack from compute to storage to the networking fabric to
deliver the best private cloud solution, whether it's cloud native or AI native going forward. And all
will be connected and delivered to the same platform called HPE Greenlake, which obviously, we
have been driving for a number of years.
So that's an exciting moment, because no one has that level of depth in terms of IP and
capabilities. On the Juniper Mist and Aruba kind of wireless, remember that you have an access
layer, which HPE has been working for a number of years. And there, we have the entire stack
from silicon to software operating system, and obviously, the ability to deliver this in a climate
And then you have the wireless piece, obviously, which is radio access network. But ultimately,
Aruba brings an enormous scale in a more workflow oriented approach to deliver this experience
for unique verticals. Think about hospitality, think about, you know, traditional enterprise, those
are the things we have been addressing and our market coverage is more mid-market--above the
mid-market all the way to the very, very large enterprise.
And Juniper comes from a different perspective with an AI driven approach, an experienced
human approach in different verticals. Now, this combination can be incredibly powerful because
we can address all verticals, with a combination of these amazing capabilities. Maybe, over to
you, Rami.
Rami Rahim
I'd be happy to add, you know, again, I'm not worried about this overlap, because the architectural
approaches that both Aruba and Juniper bring to our customers are different today. And we will
be more able to comprehensively cover all our customers use cases as a single company. But
beyond that, I know it's a little too early to go into specifics of how the how the portfolios might
come together, but to me, AI operations, Mist driven AI operations across a broader worldwide
platform where you're learning from more data, more customer use cases, and translating that
knowledge into value enhancing capabilities for our customers is what this is all about. It's
incredibly powerful. Super exciting to me. And honestly, just incredibly compelling as the sort of
the, the value proposition of this combination.
And on the data center side, it's just a no brainer. I mean, the combination of compute, storage,
networking, the innovation that we can drive in a bigger silicon team, a bigger software team,
more automation capabilities, the Greenlake capabilities, is going to be incredibly compelling for
our customers. And the time is now because this is when everybody is building AI clusters, AI
data centers. The timing couldn't be better.
Antonio Neri
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Yeah. And I will also add that, with this combination, the gross margin profile of both companies
gets enhanced. So, let's be clear about that, because we bring more software and an AI driven
approach from the Juniper Mist kind of work they have been doing. And we bring also combined
a much larger ASICs team. We basically will own pretty much all the ASICs you need from campus
and branch to data center to one and the like. So, this is a true end to end combination of the
stack from ASIC all the way to the software layers.
Thank you. And our next question today comes from Amit Daryanani with Evercore. Please go
Amit Daryanani
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for taking my question. You know, I guess I was hoping,
Antonio, you could talk a little bit about either Juniper has a very sizable presence in the telco
service provider market. How do you think about that business within HPE overall and some of
the strategic fit of that asset? Love just trying to understand that.
And then Rami, you know, for you, you touched on Mist a little bit when you were talking. Could
you just reflect back and talk about what were the bottlenecks that you had with Mist, despite the
growth you were seeing? And does HPE solve or alleviate any of those bottlenecks for you?
Thank you.
Antonio Neri
Thank you for the question. Actually, I'm super excited about the telco opportunity. I think, when
you look at the customer segmentation, you may need to look at different lenses, right? The
iteration we have, you know, what are called the global 2000, then you go to larger enterprise,
commercial, mid-market, and SMB. But when you look at it from a more vertical perspective, the
CME or the communication media and entertainment, which includes telco, is actually one of the
top two segments Hewlett Packard Enterprise today participates.
Our two largest segments where HPE generates a lot of revenue is the telco segment, and the
FSI, the Financial Services. And there, obviously, we have been very computer centric with
obviously storage. And now more and more, obviously, with Aruba, because we bring the edge
to the campus and branch to wireless. And in the future, as I said many times, we're going to also
add the private 5G capabilities, and so forth.
Now, obviously, Juniper has a long history in the service provider segment, and in the telco
segment, in particular. And HPE has been working over the last few years on disrupting
technologies in terms of the Open RAN, the virtualization of the network. And I'm excited to see
what we can do together with Rami because now the two portfolios coming together, and HPE
also brings additional software into the segment of the market. So, in many ways, there's an
opportunity to slightly of reverse integration into Rami’s business by bringing the rest of the
portfolio that today he didn't have, except that the large infrastructure across core edge and Metro.
So go ahead, Rami.
Rami Rahim
Yeah. Thanks, Antonio. And thanks for the question, Amit. On the telco side, I'm glad you asked
because honestly, I think a lot of people will see this as a clear bet and a compelling bet on the
enterprise, but it's not just the enterprise. I think this is going to drive greater relevance, more
solution capabilities, more portfolio pieces for service providers, and cloud providers. Look, I
mean, everybody's building data centers, not just enterprises.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Cloud providers are building data centers, service providers are building data centers. And if we
have more of the capabilities to enable these modern next generation data centers with every
component soup to nuts, that's great news for all of our customers.
And then the second question you asked, Amit, about Mist, the bottlenecks really came down to
having the complete portfolio that includes security, for example. The combination addresses that
gap overnight. The platform velocity, our ability to develop the silicon and software capabilities
with speed to satisfy every single use case, this combination addresses that. And last but not
least is go to market scale, the ability to get our product into more customers worldwide. This is
going to overnight drive vastly more go to market scale, marketing capabilities, brand awareness,
et cetera. So, across the board, I think this is going to supercharge the Mist AI driven success
that we've seen.
Antonio Neri
I mean, the other thing I think from the go to market perspective is that, remember, that the
competition of our revenue in HPE is approximately more than 60% comes from outside the North
America market. And that's a massive opportunity for Rami and team because I wouldn't say it's
the opposite, but clearly, they are much weighted strongly in the North American market than
Europe or Asia. And now we get access to that massive install base. And honestly, 200,000
partners, thousands and thousands of sellers.
We're going to have a very, very specialized Salesforce in networking, every aspect of what you
need. So, I'm super excited about this, because they have amazing IP with our scale, and then
also driving it through a consumption model. It will drive scale for both companies.
Thank you. And our next question today comes from Toni Sacconaghi with Bernstein. Please go
Toni Sacconaghi
Yes, thank you. This is obviously a really significant deal for HPE, Antonio, almost like a bet the
ranch in terms of magnitude. And I'm just wondering if the board considered as an alternative
doing a levered recap with a similar amount of debt take on and repurchasing shares and whether
that was formally voted on.
My sense is that this deal was kind of a surprise for most HPE shareholders, and they would have
preferred more capital return rather than an ambitious acquisition. So, could you first address
what alternatives to this deal were formally reviewed by the board?
And then secondly, regarding the deal? Could you maybe give us some sense of where you think
growth rates might be? You talked about this really being a growth oriented deal. I think consensus
for Juniper plus HPE’s networking business for the coming fiscal year is about zero. What do you
think the growth rate for the combined entity over the next three to five years is? And then, finally,
will the deal require (inaudible) Juniper and HPE’s revenues above China threshold? Thank you.
Antonio Neri
Thank you, Toni. Listen, the board and I fiduciary duty is to look at all strategic options. We have
had an intense process that we have been driving for a number of years. And I have to say, we
have looked at every aspect of what is the best return for our shareholders. That's our fiduciary
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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duty. And we believe the use of the cash as we do it through these transaction is a better return
on a long term for our shareholders.
As you know, and we covered this at the security analyst meeting in October, we have returned
approximately $11 billion over the last five years to shareholders. And we have expanded our
gross margin on earnings per share. And the reality is we have not gotten the credit that we
deserve for that work.
But at the same time, we believe we have the right strategy with the right team to go execute a
transformative deal, which I agree with you, Toni, obviously this is a large transaction, to really
position as for the next generation of solutions that customers have demanded. And on a long
term, this is a very accretive deal for our shareholders. It changes the company completely. And
the fact of the matter is that post year one, this is going to be accretive just on the cost basis.
Remember, the premium we’re paying here is below the capitalized value of synergies. It's just
remarkable. If I look back at what we have been doing, we have been investing in networking. I
did the Aruba acquisition in 2015. Look at the progress we made there. We have established our
presence in the cloud market through HPE Greenlake. 29,000 customers.
We have a unique opportunity in AI because we are the supercomputer market leader with a
networking business that's a differentiator. And this combination for our shareholders will change
dramatically the composition of cashflow, earnings per share, and the growth is on top of it. So,
we have the question of growth, we're going to grow above market. No question about it. Because
these capabilities are unique, no one has the footprint that we will have. And so, from a
shareholder perspective, when you think about three, four, five years out, this is an amazing deal,
Now, we look at all the options with the board, Toni, always and the board unanimously voted for
this deal because, ultimately, we have to look out for our shareholders interest, number one, and
we believe this is the best return of cash for the for long term. Number two is our customers and
our relevance in the market. And with our portfolio, and the progress we've made, this was the
best choice, no question. And trust me, we have done all the math in the world, and we believe
this is the best outcome.
Thank you. And our next question comes from Simon Leopold with Raymond James. Please go
Simon Leopold
Great. Great. Thank you for taking the question. Appreciate you guys doing the call. So, a couple
things that I wanted to kind of unpack a little bit. It sounds like the plan is, at least for the beginning,
is to maintain both the Aruba and Mist portfolios. And I want to confirm that you'll maintain the
branding of both and not shift to one or the other. I think that's what you've implied, but want to
check on that.
And then in terms of the cost synergies, I'm imagining that these are more sales, marketing and
overhead, as opposed to R&D. But if you could give us some insight as to where you think you're
going to derive the roughly $450 million of cost synergies from. And then just one last one, in
terms of the regulatory hurdles, what do you consider the biggest hurdles? Is it a China approval?
Or is it anti-trust? If you could just help us understand the hurdles you've got to overcome? Thank
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Antonio Neri
Thank you, Simon. So, a lot there to cover. I will say on the synergy front, first of all, we are very
confident in our ability to deliver $450 million in OPEX synergy. The vast majority is not even go
to market or R&D. It’s the rest, what do you call SG&A. And that's why this transaction is accretive
post year one close. And so, we know how to do that. We have done it multiple times. And so, as
a team, we believe that totally doable.
And then, as Rami said, we're going to drive a thoughtful integration of the roadmap where all
capabilities will coexist. This is the interesting part. You shouldn't think, just take that and get rid
of the other one. If you take for example, the switching portfolio that we have in campus and
branch, we have the entire stack with HPE because we build the ASICs and the operating systems
and the like.
If you look at what Rami has done in data centers, you know, it's kind of a little bit of reverse, in
many ways. And from the brand perspective, the brands will coexist, because ultimately there is
a brand, the company is called Hewlett Packard Enterprise, okay. And then the brand of Aruba
networking and HPE will coexist for different types of solutions based on the portfolio of coverage
that we’ll have underneath.
And that's the beauty because both brands have a tremendous reputation. Both brands address
different needs in the market. And ultimately, that combination will make us unique and very
special. From a regulatory approval, we don't believe there will be an issue either with anti-trust
of the regulatory approval.
From a China standpoint, there is a chance, actually, we will not have to file for the approval. But
we'll see, depending of the thresholds. Remember, our presence in China is super small because
of the setup we have done with the JV, as you'll recall with H3C. So fundamentally, they are we
don't believe is a challenge. And from a Juniper perspective, it’s a smaller amount of business.
But we believe we, both companies believe, that the regulatory approval anti-trust will not be an
issue, and hence why we believe we can close this transaction at the end of calendar 24 or at
the beginning, early part, let's say of 2025. You want to make any comments, Rami, about
products, you know, branding and so forth?
Rami Rahim
Well, I think you've covered it well, Antonio. I would just add that this is not the first acquisition
that HPE or Juniper have done and done so successfully. What HPE has done with Aruba is
incredibly impressive. And I believe that we can take the experience that we have learned over
the years to thoughtfully and seamlessly integrate the portfolios in a way that drives compelling
value to our customers. It's absolutely doable. And that would be what we would set out to do.
Antonio Neri
Thank you.
Thank you. And our next question comes from Meta Marshall with Morgan Stanley. Please go
Meta Marshall
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Great, thanks. Since it sounds like roadmaps, at least for now, are kind of staying the same
between HPE and Juniper, I just wanted to get a sense of kind of what are the early investment
priorities. You know, is it kind of expanding sales and marketing for Juniper? Is it trying to bring
HPE into some of the service provider and cloud space? Like, just what are kind of the early
portfolios before you think about kind of combining, or at least, combining roadmaps at some
point? Thanks.
Rami Rahim
I'm happy to start addressing that question. I think that the easiest thing to do that can be done
day one are cross sell and upsell opportunities where HPE will have strengths in certain verticals
and certain customer segments, certain geographies, and Juniper will have strengths and others.
So, the opportunity to cross sell and upsell, for example, an AI driven enterprise solution into HPE
security or going from campus and branch into the data center, there are plenty of opportunities
And over time, we can look on supercharging, the revenue synergies by essentially combining
the strength of the portfolios on both sides, end to end to end solutions, for example, for soup to
nuts, AI, data center clusters that include everything from storage, compute, networking, the
automation capabilities, or full stack client to clouds with security, cloud delivered through AI
driven AI native technologies. You know, that can happen gradually, thoughtfully, and seamlessly
for customers in time.
Antonio Neri
Yeah. And obviously, we have to go through the closing process. But just to give us an, you know,
the combined networking business, we have thousands, of sellers, thousands of pre-sales
engineers, and thousands of R&D engineers. To me, that's an immense capability that we can go
address in our priority fashion, where are the opportunities to capture more share at the higher
gross margin.
But the capabilities are all there, which is--Rami, we're going to pick what is priority one, two, and
three based on what we see in the market. And then the go to market approach across all and
upselling is priority number one from day one. Because as I said earlier, right, our exposure to
outside North America will be an immediate footprint for Juniper Networks, and then the extension
into compute and storage and Greenlake is another synergy opportunity that we'll see. So, we're
obviously going to continue to share the progress there as we close the transaction and,
obviously, we do an integration process.
Thank you. And our next question comes from Sydney Ho with Deutsche Bank. Please go ahead.
Sydney Ho
Hi, great. Thanks, and congrats on the deal. I'm not sure if you have a chance to talk to customers
yet after the announcement, but curious what are the initial feedback you're getting for--maybe
for both customers that overlap and don't overlap. And separately, can you talk about, maybe this
is for Antonio, can you talk about how Juniper will fit into your Greenlake portfolio? It looks like
Juniper has already had a pretty strong service business. Thanks.
Antonio Neri
Thank you. Well, it's very early. Obviously, we announced the deal last night. I don't remember
the time. I think it was like 6:00 Eastern time, or 5:55. But I had a couple of calls with a couple of
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
customers who actually were in the building. You know, one of them was face to face and the
other was on the phone.
They're super excited because they really see us as a visionary vendor that is extending and
supercharging that vision with these additional capabilities. And so now they see us as a complete
solution provider with a new core business, which is the networking business, and there, we bring
all the aspects of the IT solutions that they need. So obviously, they want to know more details
about it, but the first reaction was super, super positive.
One of them actually was not the customer was a partner, which was in the building and he
already sells today Juniper and HPE. And he says, boy, now you guys are going to make it much
easier for me to go sell integrated solutions. So, there's a lot of opportunities here. So that's what
I will say at this point in time is, it’s positive. And our goal with Rami in the next couple of days,
that's why I'm here in the Bay Area, is to reach out to customers and our employees, obviously,
we're going to start this afternoon. So Rami, want to add anything on the customer side?
Rami Rahim
Very similar feedback for me. I know it's still early days, but I did have the opportunity to talk to a
few of our key customers that I would say are very excited about the potential of the opportunity,
the potential of the combination. I believe customers are increasingly looking for a one stop shop,
a technology provider that can provide end to end solutions and to provide it with simplicity and
ease. And this is the power of this combination, our ability to really deliver soup to nuts solution
that solve our customers most compelling problems today is the possibility here. And so far, I'd
say that everybody's getting it.
Antonio Neri
Yeah, the second part of the question was about HPE Greenlake. I mean, we have built an
amazing platform. We already have 29,000 customers. We manage approximately 4 million
devices and systems. Through that platform, we also manage more than two exabytes of data.
So, when we think about the opportunity to integrate Juniper into HPE Greenlake, it's very
obvious, right? So obviously, the Mist AI driven solution with our Aruba Central, which is a core
class cloud platform that we manage our networking business, is step one. It’s very, very clear.
And that gives me access to a massive scale, massive scale, because today, Aruba
approximately runs between six and eight times more devices through the cloud than Juniper
does. So that scale, it would be immediate from day one.
And then there is the data center that's working, which obviously, Juniper has a platform there.
And we will overtime work with Rami to integrate as well into that cloud native control plane. And
then, think about the other piece of this where we're building in AI, which also will allow customers
to manage their cloud environment and AI environment through the same platform. That's
something that Rami, me and Fidelma Russo, our head of hybrid cloud and CTO will work together
as well.
But ultimately, to Rami’s point, they will get a secure, unified cloud native and AI native experience
through one platform called HPE Greenlake. And for Juniper, doing that in a subscription and
consumption model is a huge benefit because that's not easy to do. Absolutely not easy to do.
And HPE has done what I consider a remarkable job, building that capability, the ability to stand
up, you know, data centers, provision lifecycle manage every aspect of the infrastructure, right,
the automation and AI operations, and then working with our channel partners, which is the
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
transactional side. And those transactions are not easy to manage. So, Juniper now will get the
benefit of running the entire business through the platform, which we already built. Okay.
Rami Rahim
Why don't we make this the last question?
Absolutely. Today's final question comes from David Vogt with UBS. Please go ahead.
David Vogt
Great. Thanks, guys, for squeezing me in. So maybe one for Rami and one for Antonio. Rami,
maybe just on the SP integration within the broader Aruba portfolio, it's still a little bit unclear to
me, and I know you addressed a little bit of it earlier, why the portfolio actually can grow within
the broader Aruba portfolio when it's really struggled to grow within sort of Juniper the last couple
of years. And kind of longer term expectations is for that market to be kind of flat.
And then for Antonio, you know, when I kind of think about the kind of the combined company
and the growth trajectory of the business that you kind of alluded to, that you're going to take
share in networking, maybe correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm trying to do the math really quickly, to
kind of get the two terms of leverage two years post close would imply that the core business pro
forma grows, EBITDA or EBIT, however you want to look at it kind of 2, 3, maybe 4% a year for
the next couple of years. I mean, that's the kind of growth rate that you're thinking about the pro
forma business has, and that includes, you know, an assumption of synergy filtering into the
numbers. Thanks.
Antonio Neri
Maybe I’ll start with the back. I mean, listen, I think that should tell you there is a significant upside
with the deal, okay, and that should give comfort to shareholders. Because we're not putting on
the table something that's hard to achieve. In fact, it’s--in my mind, it’s a very clear line of sight to
go achieve those synergies and more. And fundamentally, the reason why we believe that is
because we will have the capabilities to go to market to do it.
And so, all the revenue gross margin expansion will come after the consolidation and, honestly,
on the cost basis that we're going to take out of this combination. And that's why this is for
shareholders is a no brainer. The better use of cash, which will come with much higher value over
a longer period of time. So that's why, yeah, maybe you do the math that way, but ultimately, it’s
not, you know, much more difficult than other transactions that you can do.
Rami Rahim
I'll just add that, you know that this combination obviously doesn't change the market dynamics
for service providers. Most of our growth over the last few years at Juniper has been in the
enterprise segment for a reason. This is the part of the market that's growing. This is where there
is an opportunity to take significant share.
That being said, for the service provider space, I do believe this combination gives us the ability
to achieve just greater relevance by selling more portfolio pieces. So, in addition to where we are
already very strong, core network, edge networks, Metro Ethernet network, we can now also have
relevance to hybrid cloud capabilities, distributed servers, and things of that nature that I think can
just drive more revenue streams for us in the SP segment.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
January 10, 2024, 8:30 AM ET
Antonio Neri
Well, thank you, Rami. And thank you all for joining early in the morning. Working in the Bay Area,
it is very early, but I appreciate you making the time to ask the questions. Others will continue to
engage with you over the next few days and months as we progress with closing of the
But just to wrap up, as you can see, we are very excited about the opportunities ahead. You can
see that Rami and I have the same vision, the same enthusiasm, and we see the opportunity to
change the networking market. Fundamentally, this combination changes the networking market.
And I will say HPE has been at the forefront of enterprise transition to solutions that are edge
centric, cloud enabled and data driven. And we called some of the trends in 2018. We made
investments, we have delivered great results at the edge, we are now growing the cloud aspects
of it. And the AI is a massive opportunity. It’s a massive inflection point that the networking
component of that will be the core.
And our acquisition of Juniper will create a new networking leader with a very comprehensive
portfolio that present customers and partners with a compelling new choice to drive business
value. Not only is financially compelling for shareholders, but also really accelerates HPE’s hybrid
cloud AI strategy and the portfolio mix over the higher margin and higher growth solutions. And
also, substantially increases our networking scale in the addressable market, basically the $180
million market slide, we can now address this completely.
And brings together what I believe two companies with shared cultures and innovation and
relentless focus on our customers. Rami and I see it the same way. We are very customer centric
in everything we do. So, I'm really confident that together we'll be well positioned to serve our
customers with our most challenging needs and deliver more innovative solutions and better
experience for them and for our shareholders, which is to create long term sustainable profitable
And that profitable growth will drive higher cash flow, and you will be able to do the analysis and
that cash flow means more over time the right return to capital to shareholders. That's the thesis
here. Makes us more relevant and more relevant not just for customers but shareholders so they
understand how this profile will allow them to continue to grow with us. So, with that, thank you
very much for your time today, and we look forward to continuing our engagement with you. Have
a good day.
Thank you, sir. This concludes todays conference call. We thank you all for attending today's
presentation. You may now disconnect your lines and have a wonderful day.