Forest Research Laboratory
Oregon State University
Terminology of ground-Based
echanized logging in The
acific norThwesT
Loren D. Kellogg
Pete Bettinger
Don Studier
College of
Research Contribution 1
February 1993
Shear Felling Head
(SAE. 1991)
The Forest Research Laboratory of Oregon State University was established by
the Oregon Legislature to conduct research leading to expanded forest yields,
increased use of forest products, and accelerated economic development of
the State. Its scientists conduct this research in laboratories and forests admin-
istered by the University and cooperating agencies and industries throughout
Oregon. Research results are made available to potential users through the
University’s educational programs and through Laboratory publications such
as this, which are directed as appropriate to forest landowners and manag-
ers, manufacturers and users of forest products, leaders of government and
industry, the scientific community, and the general public.
The Authors
Loren Kellogg is associate professor and Pete Bettinger is faculty research assis-
tant in the Forest Engineering Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
Oregon. Don Studier is program manager in the USDA Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon.
This guide to terminology was developed in response to participants’ requests
at a workshop entitled Mechanized Harvesting: The Future is Here (December
17-19, 1991), held by the Department of Forest Engineering, Oregon State
University. The diagram of the cone felling head is adapted from a figure used
with permission from EXCO Industries, Ltd., 100 Mile House, B.C., Canada.
The diagram of bogie wheels is adapted from a figure used with permission
from the Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada, Vancouver, B.C.,
Canada. Diagrams illustrating the auger felling head, chain-and-bar felling
head, continuous circular-saw (disk-saw) felling head, and shear felling head
are adapted from figures used with permission from SAE J1272
, 1985, pub-
lished by Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Adaptations are by G. Bracher.
L. Haygarth created most of the other illustrations in this report.
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Terminology of ground-Based
mechanized logging in The
Pacific norThwesT
Loren D. Kellogg
Pete Bettinger
Don Studier
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................1
Machinery and Operations ..................................................1
Logging Systems .................................................................7
Literature Cited .........................................................................8
Index (by Process) .............................................................10
Auger Felling Head
(SAE. 1991)
Auger Felling Head
Bogie Wheels
Bogie Axles�
(Makkonen 1989)�
The history of mechanized logging in the Pacific Northwest is relatively
short, but the interest in mechanized logging operations is increasing due
to escalating labor rates and a shift from old-growth harvesting to second-
growth logging (Kellogg et al. 1992). In the Pacific Northwest, mechanized
harvesting of small trees on terrain with slopes of 30 percent or less is
typically performed by feller-bunchers, which fell and bunch trees, and
grapple skidders, which skid the bunches of whole trees to landings for
processing into logs or chips by mechanical processors. There are varia-
tions to the whole-tree method in terms of machines and methods of
operation. There are also other mechanized logging systems used in the
Pacific Northwest which differ distinctly from thewhole-tree method. The
cut-to-length method and the tree-length method are examples.
The purpose of this publication is to compile a standardized set of
terminology for mechanized logging machinery and logging methods for
the Pacific Northwest. While other organizations have produced similar
works with either a wider or narrower focus (Dean and Evans 1978, Mif-
flin and Lysons 1979, Ford-Robertson 1983, Granvik et al. 1983, American
Society of Agricultural Engineers 1991, Society of Automotive Engineers,
Inc. 1991), this publication is limited to mechanized logging equipment
and logging methods. Terminology from Scandinavian and Canadian
organizations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Na-
tions, and various U.S. organizations was compiled and synthesized into
the terminology that follows. The publication is divided into sections on
machinery and operations and on logging systems.
Machinery and Operations
Articulated Steering: With reference to a vehicle, hinged at the center
for turning, as with a wheeled skidder (Stokes et al. 1989).
Auger Felling Head: A non-shear felling head with which felling is achieved
by the action of a rotating horizontal cylindrical auger; this auger has
fluted cutters on the circumference that cut toward an anvil (Society
of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 1992). The auger passes entirely through
the tree, at which time it retracts to a position within the felling head
(McMorland 1980).
Bogie Wheels: Tandem axles driven by a single differential, used to
provide lower ground pressure than single axles because more tire
surface is in contact with the ground, creating a better distribution of
the wheel load (Makkonen 1989). Half-tracks are sometimes stretched
around bogie wheels to provide better traction and weight distribu-
tion (J. Starnes, USDA Forest Service, Lakewood, Colorado, personal
communication, 1992).
Buck: Crosscutting a felled tree into log segments (Stokes et al. 1989, S.
Pilkerton, OSU Forest Engineering Department, Personal communica-
tion, 1992).
Chain-and-Bar Felling Head: A non-shear felling head with which felling
is achieved by a saw-bar-and-chain that travels from one side of the
head to the other. Once cutting is complete, the saw-bar-and-chain
retracts to a position within the base of the felling head (McMorland
Chain-Flail Delimber: A machine that delimbs trees through impact
and by scraping with a
rotating drum with rows
of short chains attached.
Usually mounted on the
front end of a rubber-
tired vehicle that is driven
over piles of trees on the
ground (Kellogg et al.
Chain-Flail Delimber/Debarker: A machine that delimbs and
debarks trees through impact and by scraping with two or three
rotating drums with rows of short chains attached (Kellogg et
al. 1992).
Chipper: A machine equipped with rotating disk-mounted or
drum-mounted knives that mechanically reduce logs or whole trees
to small pieces or chips
of more-or-less uniform
dimension (Kellogg et al.
1992), normally 3/16 to
1-1/8 inches (4.8 to 28.6
mm) long (Blackstock 1964).
Often there is a grapple for
self-loading material into
the chipper.
Choker (Line or Cable) Skidder: A four-wheel-drive rubber-tired
tractor with articulated steering and a range of horse-power classes
(Ford-Robertson 1983, Stenzel et al. 1985, pp. 339-351). Equipped
with single or double winches that contain wire rope and wire rope
chokers to assemble and hold the load (Society of Automotive Engi-
neers, Inc. 1991).
Chunker: A portable machine equipped with a spiral-head chipper (spiral-
cutter blade mounted on a rotating shaft) or an involuted single-disk
chipper (chipper blades mounted on the face of a thick steel disk)
(Arola et al. 1988). Designed to chunk trees or parts of trees (American
Society of Agricultural Engineers 1991) into wood fragments longer
and wider than conventional chips (USDA Forest Service 1991) and
generally 2 to 4-1/2 inches (50.8 to 114.3 mm) long in the
fiber direction (Arola et al. 1983).
Clam-Bunk Skidder: An articulated rubber-tired or tracked
vehicle for transporting whole trees by supporting the butt
end clear of the ground in a top-opening log bunk (inverted
grapple). Clam-bunk skidders are equipped with a grapple
loader for self-loading (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Chain & Bar Felling Head (SAE 1991)
Chain-and-Bar Felling
Chain-Flail Delimber
Choker Skidder
Chain-Flail Delimber/
Clam-Bunk Skidder
Cone Felling Head: A non-shear felling head with which felling is achieved
by the action of a slowly rotating cone. The felling head is placed on
a tree, the tree is firmly grabbed, and the cone is activated, cutting
its way through the tree because of the increasing taper of the cone.
The cone is limited to one revolution but does not necessarily have to
perform a full revolution. After cutting, the cone retracts to a resting
position (Folkema 1984).
Continuous Circular-Saw (Disk-Saw) Fell-
ing Head: A non-shear felling head with
which felling is achieved by a horizontal
disk. The cutting teeth on some disks are
cone-shaped and easily replaced. The head
relies on the inertial energy and large mass
of the disk to propel the disk through the
tree, and the tree is grabbed by the head
after felling is completed (Greene and
McNeel 1989).
Crane Processor: See Grapple Proces-
Crosscut (Buck): To cut wood across the
grain (Stokes et al. 1989).
Debarker: A machine used to remove bark
from logs prior to processing them into
lumber or plywood (Dean and Evans 1978).
Debarkers are typically used at the mill site.
Delimber: A self-propelled or por-
table machine designed to remove limbs from trees (American Society
of Agricultural Engineers 1991). This function is commonly combined
with other in-woods functions such as topping, crosscutting (bucking),
and decking.
Double-Grip Harvester: A machine with which felling is performed by
a boom-mounted unit that works in combination with a processing
unit for delimbing and bucking.
Mounted on the base carrier
(Kellogg et al. 1992).
Feller-Buncher: A machine for
the mechanical felling of trees
with a shear or saw device.
Some feller-bunchers accumulate
several small trees before the
bunch is placed in a selected
Cone Felling Head�
(EXCO industries Ltd. 1992)�
Cone Felling Head
Ring Debarker
Rosserhead Debarker Flail Debarker
Double-Grip Harvester
Continuous Circular�
Saw Felling Head�
(SAE. 1991)�
Continuous Circular-
Saw Felling Head
position. Configurations include rubber-tired and tracked drive-to-tree
machines, tracked swing-boom machines, and tracked leveling swing-
boom machines for steep terrain (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Feller-Chipper: A machine designed to fell and chip whole trees (So-
ciety of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 1991). The felling and chipping
components are mounted on a mobile vehicle, where felled trees and
residues are fed into a chipping drum as the machine moves forward
and the chips are blown into a mobile chip forwarder (Vasievich and
Croll 1981).
Feller-Director: A machine for the mechanical felling of trees. Equipped
with a shear or saw and a hydraulic device for controlling the direction
of fall of the tree. Feller-directors usually handle one tree at a time,
and can fell larger trees than a feller-buncher of equivalent size (Kel-
logg et al. 1992). However, they do not have the capability to hold a
felled tree in a vertical position (J. Starnes, personal communication,
Feller-Forwarder: A machine for felling and for
transporting whole trees clear of the ground
in a load cradle on the rear chassis. Equipped
with a boom-mounted shear or saw felling de-
vice (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations 1977, Kellogg et al. 1992).
Feller Head: A head that attaches to the
feller-buncher and consists either of a shear,
continuous circular saw, intermittent circular
saw, cone, auger, or chain and bar (see separate definition for each
feller head).
Feller-Skidder: A machineessentially a Clam-Bunk Skidderon which
the loading grapple has been replaced by a felling head (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1977).
Fifth Wheel: A weight-bearing swivel mounted over the driving axles of
a truck tractor. Used to attach a trailer (Stokes et al. 1989).
Forwarder: A rubber-tired, articulated vehicle used for transport-
ing shortwood or cut-to-length logs clear of the ground. The
forwarder is equipped with a grapple loader for loading and
unloading (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Front-End Log Loader: A
wheeled or track machine
capable of using hydraulic
forks on the front end for
lifting a log or load of logs clear
of the ground. Used to load the
material on trucks at the landing
or to off-load logs at the mill site
(Kellogg et al. 1992).
Grapple Processor: A machine that
delimbs, tops, and bucks whole
trees at the landing or in the woods. This machine supports the tree
in a boom-mounted processor, which pulls the tree through stationary
Front-End Log Loader
delimbing knives by a roller or chain-feed mechanism. Grapple
processors are typically equipped with length- and diameter-
measuring devices (Kellogg et al. 1992) and are sometimes
referred to as crane processors.
Grapple Skidder: A four-
wheel-drive rubber-tired trac-
tor with articulated steering
for transporting a load by
lifting the log ends clear of
the ground in a grapple (Kel-
logg et al. 1992).
Grinder: A portable machine designed
to grind wood into fine particles
(American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1991).
Half-Track: A vehicle moved by a pair of short, endless articulated belts,
called tracks, driven by tractor tires. Steering is by a pair of ordinary
wheels in front. The whole vehicle is termed a half-track (Stokes et
al. 1989).
Harvester: A machine that fells, delimbs, tops, and crosscuts (bucks) the
tree at the stump area. Configurations include single-grip and double-
grip machines. Multi-function harvesters are equipped with a boom-
mounted felling device, and sometimes have the ability to transport
the material to the landing (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Harvester-Forwarder: A self-propelled machine designed to fell, delimb,
crosscut, and carry tree parts to a landing (Society of Automotive En-
gineers, Inc. 1991).
Hogger: Portable machine designed to produce coarse chips, typically for
use as fuel (American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1991) and for the
manufacture of wood pulp and chipboard (Ford-Robertson 1983).
Hydraulic Grapple Loader: A loading device capable of lifting a log or
tree clear of the ground. Consists of a boom and a hydraulic grapple
mounted on a mobile carrier (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Intermittent Circular-Saw (Disk-Saw) Felling Head: A non-shear
felling head with which felling is achieved by a horizontal disk. The
head relies on high torque to sever the tree, and the disk is activated
only when the felling machine is at the tree to be cut (Greene and
McNeel 1989).
Landing: Any place where timber is assembled for further transport, com-
monly associated with a change of transport method (Ford-Robertson
1983) from primary to secondary. Landings are either centralized or
continuous locations along the road, referred to as roadside landings
(J. Starnes, personal communication, 1992).
Loader-Mounted Self-Aligning Delimber: A machine with a pivotally
mounted, self-aligning delimbing head that lines up with the tree stem
as it is pulled through the head by a hydraulic log loader (Starnes
Log Bunk: A cross beam on a log trailer or truck on which the logs rest
(Stokes et al. 1989).
Grapple Skidder
Grapple Processor
Primary Transportation: Movement of a felled tree, or tree parts, from
the stump to a landing (Stokes et al. 1989).
Processor: A self-propelled or portable machine used at the landing or in
the stump area; it performs one or more processing functions, such as
delimbing, topping, and crosscutting, but does not fell trees (Granvik
et al. 1983). See Grapple Processor or Stroke-Boom Delimber
for specific types of processors.
Secondary Transportation: Movement of wood from the landing to
another point (centralized woodyard, mill, etc.) by truck, rail, or water
(Stokes et al. 1989).
Shear Felling Head: A felling head that forces one or more shear blades
through the tree by hydraulic pressure (Starnes 1991).
Shredder: A drum-type chipper for processing limbs, bark, small trees,
and other woody biomass into hogged fuel (Lambert and Howard 1990,
pp. 35-37). The machine may also be equipped with
free-swinging flails that shred slash into very fine
material (McKenzie and Makel 1991).
Single-Grip Harvester: A machine that both fells
and processes (delimbs and crosscuts) with a single
boom-mounted unit (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Slasher (Bucker): A machine used at the landing
or mill yard to buck trees or tree parts (singly or in
multiples) to predetermined lengths (Granvile et al.
Splitter: A portable machine designed to divide
trees or parts
of trees longitudinally (American
Society of Agricultural Engineers
Stroke-Boom Delimber: A machine
that delimbs, tops, and bucks
whole trees at the landing or in
the woods. Stroke-boom delimbers
process a tree by holding it in stationary arms while
pushing a knife-edged sliding grapple along the stem.
Configurations include one-piece and telescopic
booms. All are equipped with length-measuring
devices, and some also have diameter-measuring
devices (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Stroke-Deck Delimber: A machine that delimbs,
tops, and bucks trees at the landing or roadside.
Stroke-deck delimbers support the tree on a deck
while a delimbing grapple is pulled along the stem.
These machines are equipped with length- and di-
ameter-measuring devices (Kellogg et al. 1992).
Truck Train: A truck with two or more log trail-
ers. A configuration used in Cut-to-Length logging
is called a B-train. The B-train is a combination of
two trailers, with the fifth wheel of the first trailer
Single-Grip Harvester
Stroke-Deck Delimber
Stroke-Boom Delimber
Shear Felling Head
(SAE. 1991)
Shear Felling Head
mounted behind the rear axles to reduce
off-tracking (in which the rear wheels do
not follow the tracks made by the front
wheels when rounding a curve). The first
trailer normally holds one or two log bunks,
while the second trailer normally holds
one bunk (J. Starnes, personal
communication, 1992).
Wire Rope Crane-Type Loader:
A loading device mounted on a
mobile carrier. Commonly called
a heelboom loader. It is similar
to the grapple loader, except
that the grapple mechanism is
cable-controlled (Kellogg et al.
Logging Systems
The mechanized equipment previously defined can be combined in
various logging systems. These logging systems encompass a combination
of equipment and people. Their names describe a specific condition and
length of the logged timber transported to the landing or the mill site. The
major logging systems covered are
whole-tree, tree-length, and cut-to-
length. Other terms for systems are
described as subcategories within
one of the three major systems.
Figure 1 illustrates the various
processes of these systems at the
stump, for primary transportation,
and in landing operations.
Whole-Tree: Harvesting systems
that deliver trees to the landing
with limbs and tops attached
to the stem.
Total-Tree: All tree parts
including the roots are
transported to the landing
(American Society of Agri-
cultural Engineers 1991).
Tree-Section: The whole
tree is cut into sections, and
the unlimbed raw material
At the�
Fell trees�
Skid or yard�
whole trees�
Process into logs�
or chips at the�
Fell, delimb, and�
top trees�
Skid or yard�
tree lengths�
Crosscut trees at�
the landing, or�
haul tree lengths�
Fell, delimb, and�
crosscut trees�
Skid, forward or�
yard log lengths�
to the landing�
Figure 1. Processes of mechanized logging systems at the stump, for
primary transportation, and in landing operations.
Truck Train
Truck train
Wire Rope Crane-Type Loader
is hauled to the pulp mill by truck instead of being chipped at the
landing site (Hakkila 1989).
Tree-Length: Harvesting systems that deliver delimbed and topped tree
stems to the landing (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations 1977).
Cut-to-Length: Harvesting systems in which trees are delimbed and
bucked into sorted piles at the stump prior to subsequent transport
to the landing by skidding or forwarding (Hakkila 1989).
Leave-Top-Attached: The tree top is left attached to the top
log and transported to the roadside rather than being left at the
Log-Length: The log lengths are variable and generally greater
than 20 feet (6.1 m).
Shortwood: Logs are forwarded to landings and off-loaded
to the ground or directly onto trailers. Depending on specific
forwarder capabilities, maximum log lengths are usually limited
to 5-20 feet (1.5-6.1 m). The term shortwood method is com-
monly used for pulpwood operations in which piece sizes are 8
feet (2.4 m) or less.
Literature Cited
for forest operations and equipment. Proposed ASAE Standards, Fifth
Draft. ASAE, St. Joseph, Missouri. 11 p. (Unpublished.)
AROLA, R.A., B.J. STOKES, and R.C. RADCLIFFE. 1988. U.S. chunkwood
machines. In Proceedings of IEA/BE Conference, Task III/Activity 6 and
7, Uppsala, Sweden. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Department of Operational Efficiency, Garpenberg, Sweden.
Chunkwood production: a new concept. Forest Products Journal
BLACKSTOCK, J.R. 1964. Standards of pulp chip measurement in British
Columbia. Shultz Timber Bulletin, September.
DEAN, W., and D.S. EVANS, editors. 1978. Terms of the Trade. Random
Lengths Publications, Inc., Eugene, Oregon. 130 p.
EXCO INDUSTRIES, LTD. 1992. The EXCO-Lokomo cone saw felling head.
Box 790, 100 Mile House, B.C., Canada. 2 p.
FOLKEMA, M.P. 1984. Circular saw and cone saw felling heads: an up-
date. Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada, Vancouver, B.C.
Technical Report TR-56. 75 p.
1977. Planning Forest Roads and Harvesting Systems.Rome, Italy. FAO
Forestry Paper 2. 148 p.
FORD-ROBERTSON, F.C., editor. 1983. Terminology of Forest Science
Technology, Practice and Products. Society of American Foresters,
Washington, D.C. 370 p.
MUKAINEN. 1983. Definitions of some forest technology terms. Society
of Forestry in Finland, Terminology Group, Helsinki. 14 p.
GREENE, W.D., and MCNEEL, J.F. 1989. Sawhead performance in southern
conditions. Paper presented at the 1989 International Winter Meeting
of the ASAE, New Orleans, Louisiana. ASAE Paper 89-7583. 28 p.
HAKKILA, P. 1989. Logging in Finland. The Finnish Forest Research In-
stituteThe Society of Forestry in Finland, Helsinki. Acta Forestalia
Fennica 207. 39 p.
KELLOGG, L., P. BETTINGER, S. ROBE, and A. STEFFERT. 1992. Compen-
dium of Mechanized Harvesting Research. Forest Research Laboratory,
Oregon State University, Corvallis. 401 p.
LAMBERT, M.B., and J.O. HOWARD. 1990. Cost and productivity of new
technology for harvesting and in-woods processing small-diameter
trees. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland,
Oregon. Research Paper PNW-RP-430. 37 p.
MaKKONEN, I. 1989. Choosing a wheeled shortwood forwarder. Forest
Engineering Research Institute of Canada, Vancouver, B.C. Technical
Note TN-136. 12 p.
McKENZIE, D.W., and B. MAKEL. 1991. Update—field equipment for precom-
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and Development Center, San Dimas, California. 69 p.
McMORLAND, B. 1980. Non-shearing felling heads. Forest Engineering
Research Institute of Canada, Vancouver, B.C. Technical Note TN-34.
48 p.
MIFFLIN, R.W., and H.A. LYSONS. 1979. Glossary of forest engineering
terms. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experi-
ment Station, Portland, Oregon. 24 p.
SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS, INC. 1991. Identification terminology
of mobile forestry machines. P. 40.1440.17 in 1991 SAE Handbook.
Volume 4: On-Highway Vehicles and Off-Highway Machinery. 400 Com-
monwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15096-0001.
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and nomenclature. P. 40.7340.74 in 1992 SAE Handbook. Volume 4:
On-Highway Vehicles and Off-Highway Machinery. 400 Commonwealth
Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15096-0001.
STARNES, J. 1991. Mechanical harvesting methods. Paper presented at
the USDA Forest Service workshop on Managing the Small Timber
Resource. Wenatchee, Washington. 16 p. (Unpublished.)
STENZEL, G., T.A. WALBRIDGE, JR., and J.K. PEARCE. 1985. Logging and
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STOKES, B.J., C. ASHMORE, C.L. RAWLINS, and D.L. SIROIS. 1989. Glossary
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USDA FOREST SERVICE. 1991. Chunkwood roads status report. USDA For-
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4 p.
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in Symposium Proceedings: Utilization of Low-Grade Southern Hard-
woodsFeasibility Studies of 36 Enterprises, Nashville, Tennessee.
Forest Products Research Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
Index (by Process)
Double-Grip Harvester .................................................................. 3
Feller-Buncher .............................................................................. 3
Feller-Chipper .............................................................................. 4
Feller-Director .............................................................................. 4
Feller-Forwarder ........................................................................... 4
Feller Head ................................................................................... 4
Auger Felling Head ................................................................. 1
Chain-and-Bar Felling Head ..................................................... 2
Cone Felling Head .................................................................. 3
Continuous Circular-Saw (Disk-Saw) Felling Head ..................... 3
Intermittent Circular-Saw (Disk-Saw) Felling Head .................... 5
Shear Felling Head .................................................................. 6
Feller-Skidder ............................................................................... 4
Harvester ..................................................................................... 5
Harvester-Forwarder ..................................................................... 5
Machine Components
Articulated Steering ................................................................ 1
Bogie Wheels .......................................................................... 1
Half-Track ............................................................................... 5
Single-Grip Harvester .............................................................. 6
Primary Transportation
Choker (Line or Cable) Skidder ..................................................... 2
Clam-bunk Skidder ....................................................................... 2
Feller-Forwarder ........................................................................... 4
Feller-Skidder ................................................................................ 4
Forwarder ..................................................................................... 4
Grapple Skidder ............................................................................ 5
Harvester-Forwarder ...................................................................... 5
Machine Components
Articulated Steering ................................................................. 1
Bogie Wheels ........................................................................... 1
Half-Track ................................................................................ 5
Log Bunk ................................................................................. 5
Chain-Flail Delimber ...................................................................... 2
Chain-Flail Delimber/Debarker ........................................................ 2
Chipper ........................................................................................ 2
Chunker ........................................................................................ 2
Crane Processor ............................................................................. 3
Debarker ....................................................................................... 3
Delimber ....................................................................................... 3
Double-Grip Harvester ................................................................... 3
Feller-Chipper ............................................................................... 4
Grapple Processor .......................................................................... 4
Grinder ......................................................................................... 5
Harvester ...................................................................................... 5
Harvester-Forwarder ...................................................................... 5
Hogger ......................................................................................... 5
Loader-Mounted Self-Aligning Delimber ......................................... 5
Machine Components
Articulated Steering ................................................................. 1
Bogie Wheels ........................................................................... 1
Half-Track ................................................................................ 5
Processor ...................................................................................... 6
Shredder ....................................................................................... 6
Single-Grip Harvester ..................................................................... 6
Slasher (Bucker) ............................................................................ 6
Splitter.......................................................................................... 6
Stroke-Boom Delimber ................................................................... 6
Stroke-Deck Delimber .................................................................... 6
Feller-Chipper .............................................................................. 4
Feller-Forwarder ........................................................................... 4
Forwarder .................................................................................... 4
Front-End Log Loader ................................................................... 4
Harvester-Forwarder ..................................................................... 5
Hydraulic Grapple Loader ............................................................. 5
Loader-Mounted Self-Aligning Delimber ........................................ 5
Wire-Rope Crane-Type Loader ....................................................... 7
Secondary Transportation
Fifth Wheel .................................................................................. 4
Truck Train ................................................................................... 6
Logging System
Whole-Tree ................................................................................... 7
Total-Tree ............................................................................... 7
Tree-Section ............................................................................ 7
Tree-Length .................................................................................. 8
Cut-to-Length .............................................................................. 8
Leave-Top-Attached ................................................................. 8
Log-Length ............................................................................. 8
Shortwood .............................................................................. 8
Buck ............................................................................................ 1
Crosscut (Buck) ............................................................................ 3
Landing ....................................................................................... 5
Kellogg, L.D., P. Bettinger, and D. Studier. 1993. TERMINOLOGY OF GROUND-BASED
Oregon State University, Corvallis. Research Contribution 1. 12 p.
Terminology is defined for mechanized harvesting equipment and logging systems
applicable to the Pacific Northwest.
Kellogg, L.D., P. Bettinger, and D. Studier. 1993. TERMINOLOGY OF GROUND-BASED
Oregon State University, Corvallis. Research Contribution 1. 12 p.
Terminology is defined for mechanized harvesting equipment and logging systems
applicable to the Pacific Northwest.
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