NCH Software
Debut Video Capture Software
This user guide has been created for use with
Debut Video Capture Software Version 10.xx
©NCH Software
Technical Support
If you have difficulties using Debut Video Capture Software please read the applicable topic
before requesting support. If your problem is not covered in this user guide please view the
up-to-date Debut Video Capture Software Online Technical Support at
If that does not solve your problem, you can contact us using the technical support contacts
listed on that page.
Software Suggestions
If you have any suggestions for improvements to Debut Video Capture Software, or
suggestions for other related software that you might need, please post it on our Suggestions
page at
Many of our software projects have been undertaken after suggestions from users like you.
You get a free upgrade if we follow your suggestion.
Debut Video Capture Software
About Debut Video Capture Software
Main Window Reference
Command Line Options
Find and Play Recordings
Share Video with YouTube
Share Video with Flickr
Share Video with Vimeo
Share Video with DropBox
Share Video with GoogleDrive
System-Wide Hot-Keys: Overview
System-Wide Hot-Keys: Add New Hot-Key / Change Hot-Key Command
Text Caption Settings
Color and Video Effects
Background Removal Effect
Selection Tool
Follow Mouse and Zoom Options
Camera Device Settings
Fast Capture
Game Capture Mode
Trim Your Recording
Export a recording into an audio file
NCH Software Suite
Google Authorization Process on Windows XP and Vista
Software License Terms
Screen References
Camera Overlay
Flickr Authorization
User Account Control
Preview Video
Color Picker Dialog
GIF Encoding Settings
Scheduled Recording
Video Options: Device Output
Video Options: Network Output
Video Options: Screen Output
Options ~ Video
Options ~ Audio
Options ~ Output
Options ~ Record
Options ~ Advanced
Options ~ Cursor
Options ~ Snapshots
Options ~ Schedule
Options ~ Other
Options ~ Hot Keys
Other Links
Video TutorialRecommended hardware list
Edit Video Output Format
Encoder Options for .3gp Files
Encoder Options for .asf and .wmv Files
Encoder Options for .avi Files
Encoder Options for .dv Files
Encoder Options for .flv Files
Encoder Options for .mkv Files
Encoder Options for .mov Files
Encoder Options for .mp4 Files, including iPod, PSP and iPhone
Encoder Options for .mpg Files
Encoder Options for .ogv Files
Encoder Options for .webm Files
About Debut Video Capture Software
This is an overview of Debut's functionality.
In addition to this help document, there is also a
Debut video tutorial
Debut is an advanced video capturing application. Using the Debut Video Capture Software
you can:
Record video clips from your video capture devices, network cameras or desktop. Prepare
webinars, make your own tutorials, compose video messages, capture video from
streaming devices and more.
Adjust image settings (brightness, contrast, gamma, negative, black and white or sepia
effects) and output video parameters (encoders, resolution and frame rate).
Automatically use a preselected file length and name.
Place a text, watermark and/or a timestamp on the video.
Export files in avi, asf, wmv, mpg, 3gp, mp4, mov, flv, mkv, ogv, webm and dv format.
Record using preset formats compatible with popular devices including the iPod, iPhone,
PSP, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.
Record files in the background while running other programs.
Save snapshots to jpg and png files.
Schedule recording tasks.
Record using time-lapse effect (try recording flowers opening or clouds moving).
Record a computer game using the Game Capture Mode.
System Requirements
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10/ 11
Windows Media Player 9 (or higher) for recordings using WMV or ASF format.
Video Capture Device (optional)
Game Capture Mode system requirements
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
The recommended configuration for screen recording is:
Windows 8 / 10
Display drivers which support WDDM 1.2 or later
Set Up and Run Software
Installing Debut from a Downloaded File
If you have downloaded Debut from the Internet or have received it by email, run the file
DEBUTSETUP.EXE. To do this click Start on the task bar, select Run and then click
Browse to locate the file DEBUTSETUP.EXE. The file should be located in your download
or attachments directory.
Installing Debut from CD-ROM
Insert the CD-ROM into the drive. If you have an autostart enabled CD-ROM, the setup
program will run. If nothing starts after about 10 seconds, run the file DEBUTSETUP.EXE
on the CD-ROM. To do this, click Start on the task bar, select Run and then click Browse to
locate the file DEBUTSETUP.EXE. The file should be located in D: if D: is the designator of
your CD-ROM.
After installation
After the setup program has run, you will be able to use Debut immediately. You can select
your record device using
You can run Debut at any time by simply clicking on the shortcut on your desktop. To close
Debut, click on the Exit button.
Main Window Reference
Below are the main function buttons in Debut.
Main Toolbar
Menu (Alt)
Click this to view a popup menu showing Debut's features. The menu is an alternative way
of accessing all the features of Debut and includes the features listed in this page as well.
Capture Method
The first four buttons in the main toolbar are where you select the capture method:
Webcam, Device (e.g. USB capture device, DV camera), Network or Screen. The selected
capture method controls what is seen in the recording preview window.
Recordings (Ctrl + L)
Click the Recordings button in the main toolbar to view, play and manage all the recordings
in the output folder. For more details, please refer to the
Find and Play Recordings
of this help manual.
Options (Ctrl + O)
Click this to open the
Options window
, where you can configure some of the application
Help (F1)
Click this to view the Help documentation with a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox,
Recording Controls
The recording controls are located at the bottom of the main Debut window. If Debut is
minimized or in the background, you can use a
system-wide hotkey
if one is assigned for a
function. They can be configured in the Hot-Keys tab of the Options dialog.
Record (F5)
This button has a red circle inside. Click this button to start a new recording, or to continue a
paused recording. The default
system-wide hotkey
is Ctrl + F9.
Pause (F6)
Click this when you want to pause a recording and continue it later. To continue recording
after pausing the file, click the record button again.
Stop (F7)
Click this to finish and save your current recording in the recordings list. Once recording is
finished, you can click a bubble tip above the Debut tray icon to start watching the
recording. The default
system-wide hotkey
is Ctrl + F10.
Output Sound Toggle (F4)
During recording, the audio output can be muted or unmuted using the Output Sound
Toggle button to the left of the dB meter.
Full Screen (Alt + Enter)
Toggle the full screen preview on and off.
Note: Full screen option is not available for screen capture when monitor is only one. It is
only available in video capture: Webcam, Device (e.g. USB capture device, DV camera) or
Snapshot (F8)
Click the camera icon to take a snapshot from the currently selected capture image. The
system-wide hotkey
is Ctrl + F12.
Selection Window
In screen record mode, there is a rectangle to the right of the snapshot button. The box
gives a preview of the screen selection. If the selection is set to record the entire screen, the
words "Full screen" will appear in this box.
If the selection is set to a specific area, the area will appear as a dotted rectangle within this
box, and can be dragged around to change the selection's orientation within the full screen.
Right clicking on the Selection Window will open a context menu with the following menus:
Capture Primary Monitor Changes the recording rectangle, selecting the primary
monitor, without opening the Selection Tool dialog.
Capture Secondary Monitor Changes the recording rectangle, selecting the secondary
Monitor, without opening the Selection Tool dialog.
Capture Whole Desktop Changes the recording rectangle, selecting the whole
desktop, without opening the Selection Tool dialog.
Record As
Select the format you would like the recording to be saved as. This format can be converted
later using Prism conversion software (see the Convert section of the
Find & Play
section of
this manual for more about Prism). For more information about the video options, see
Encoder Options
The compression and format settings for the selected recording format can be viewed by
clicking the Encoder Options button. For more information about each format's encoder
options, click the Help button on the format's encoder settings dialog.
Video Options
To resize a video or change the frame rate, click the
Video Options
button. More
information about resizing and the frame rate can be found at
Audio Options
To change the microphone and/or speaker source, enable mouse clicks sound or enable dB
levels only when recording, click the
Audio Options
Color and Video Effects
The video effects buttons are located just under the recording preview screen, along the
right side.
Click the
button to bring up the Caption panel where you can add text to your
video, or apply a time stamp. The caption can be set prior to recording, or during recording,
but cannot be added after recording.
Image Effects
Click the
Image Effects
button to bring up the Image Effects panel. From here, you can
adjust the color settings or apply a filter to the video. These settings can be set prior to, or
during recording, but cannot be added to a pre-recorded video.
Click the
button to apply a watermark to the output video, or to configure the
positioning of a watermark.
Green Screen Effect
The green screen effect button is located just under the recording preview screen, placed at
the rightmost side.
Mouse Cursor Settings
Click the
Mouse Cursor Settings
button to change the mouse cursor visibility or add a
highlight effect on the cursor in the output video.
Screen Recording Options
When Screen is selected a panel will appear beneath the preview. In this panel you can
find the
Screen Selection Tools
Command Line Options
You can easily control Debut from command line or using
with the API Key "debut".
The usage of command line is as below:
debut [command] [command_options] ...
Start recording. The output file will be put in the output folder as set in the current settings. If
"Prompt for file name" is enabled, you will be prompted for a file name before recording begins;
otherwise, a filename will be automatically generated based on the current settings.
Alternatively, you can specify the output file name in the "-file" option. The effect is similar to
pressing "Record" button on the main screen.
Stop recording. The effect is similar to pressing "Stop" button on the main screen.
Pause recording. The effect is similar to pressing "Pause" button on the main screen.
Resume recording after it has been paused. The effect is similar to pressing "Record" button
on the main screen, while the recording is in pause.
Restart recording. The effect is similar to pressing "Stop" and then "Record" buttons on the
main screen.
Make a snapshot. The effect is similar to pressing "Snapshot" button on the main screen.
Playback last recording (must first execute the -stop command). Alternatively, you can specify
the name of the file to play in the "-file" option.
Exit Debut.
Show Debut when it is running. This is the default setting.
Hide Debut when it is running.
-sound <mode>
Turns sound recording on/off. The effect is similar to pressing "Toggle Sound" button on the
main screen. Possible modes are:
on: turn sound recording on
off: turn sound recording off
-format <type>
Set the output format for recording. The change affects all consequent recordings including
those made from the main Debut window. Possible types are:
3gp: record in 3gp format
asf: record in asf format
avi: record in avi format
dv: record in dv format
flv: record in flv format
mkv: record in mkv format
mov: record in mov format
mp4: record in mp4 format
mpg: record in mpg format
ogv: record in ogv format
wmv: record in wmv format
webm: record in webm format
Fast Capture: record in avi format, adapted for capturing games (#)
iPod: record in mp4 format, adapted for iPod (320x240)
PSP: record in mp4 format, adapted for PlayStation Portable (320x240)
iPhone: record in mp4 format, adapted for iPhone (480x320)
Xbox 360: record in mp4 format, adapted for Xbox 360 (#)
PlayStation 3: record in mp4 format, adapted for PlayStation 3 (#)
(*) Windows Media Player 9 or later is required to record in these formats.
(#) Formats with spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks. e.g., -format "Xbox 360"
-source <type>
Set the capturing source. The change affects the main Debut window. Possible types are:
webcam: switch Debut to "Webcam" capturing mode. The effect is similar to pressing
"Webcam" button on the main screen.
device: switch Debut to "Device" capturing mode. The effect is similar to pressing "Device"
button on the main screen.
network: switch Debut to "Network" capturing mode. The effect is similar to pressing
"Network" button on the main screen.
screen: switch Debut to "Screen" capturing mode. The effect is similar to pressing "Screen"
button on the main screen.
-file <filename>
If used with "-record" command, defines a name of the file (not including the extension) to
record. If used with "-play" command, defines a name of the file (including the extension) to
-ms <milliseconds>
Delays the execution of the current command for the specified number of milliseconds.
Commands, which can be delayed are: "-record", "-stop", "-pause", "-resume", "-restart",
"-snapshot", "-sound", "-play" and "-exit".
-videodir <dirpath>
Set the output folder to which Debut exports recorded video files.
-snapshotdir <dirpath>
Set the output folder to which Debut exports snapshots.
-text <text>
Set the caption text to be put on top of the captured images. See "Text Caption" menu.
Find and Play Recordings
Here you can view, play, delete and save recordings in your output folder. Find and Play dialog
details are as follows:
Name: File name of the video/photo
Format: Video/Photo type
Date Created: Creation date
Size: File size in kB, MB or GB
Video Source: If video is created using Debut, value would be one of these: Webcam,
Device (e.g. USB capture device, DV camera), Network or Screen. Otherwise, this field
would be empty
Duration: If video is created using Debut, value would be equal to file length. Otherwise,
this field would be empty
Click the "Recordings" button on the toolbar to open the Find and Play Recordings window. To
perform a function, select a recording in the list and click the operation you want to perform on
the recording:
Play (F9)
Click on the "Play" button to play the recording. To stop, press the Esc key.
You can use the following video player shortcut keys:
Spacebar: Play/Pause
Home: Go to start
End: Go to end
Left Arrow: Step backward
Right Arrow: Step forward
Save (Ctrl + S)
To save a recording in another folder, click on the "Save As" button.
Rename (F2)
To rename a recording, right click on the file and select Rename. Enter in the dialog the new
filename (without file extension).
Delete (Delete)
To delete a recording, click on the "Delete" button.
Videos (Ctrl + O)
Use this button to open your current recordings folder in the system file browser.
Snapshots (Shift + O)
Use this button to open your current snapshots folder in the system file browser.
Burn (Ctrl + B)
To copy the recording(s) to CD, click on the "Burn" button. You must have Express Burn CD
Burner installed on your computer to use this option. Debut will automatically download
Express Burn if it cannot find it on your
PC. Alternatively, you may want to download Express
Burn (which is available as a free download) manually from
Convert (Ctrl + C)
To convert the recording(s) video files to different formats, click on the "Convert" button. You
must have Prism video converter installed on your computer to use this option. Debut will
automatically download Prism if it cannot find it on your
PC. Alternatively, you may want to
download Prism (which is available as a free download) manually from
To convert the recording(s) image files to different formats, click on the "Convert" button. You
must have Pixillion Image Converter installed on your computer to use this option. Debut will
automatically download Pixillion if it cannot find it on your
PC. Alternatively, you may want to
download Pixillion (which is available as a free download) manually from
Edit (Ctrl + E)
To edit the recorded video files and apply images to them, click on the "Edit" button. You must
have VideoPad Video Editor installed on your computer to use this option. Debut will
automatically download VideoPad if it cannot find it installed. Alternatively, you may want to
download VideoPad (which is available as a free download) manually from
To edit the snapshots files click on the "Edit" button. You must have PhotoPad Photo Editor on
your computer to use this option. Debut will automatically download PhotoPad if it cannot find it
installed. Alternatively, you may want to download PhotoPad (which is available as a free
download) manually from
Share (Ctrl + U)
Clicking on the "Share" button will open a menu where you can choose how to share the
selected media. You can choose between:
Share Video with YouTube
Share Video with Flickr
Share Video with Dropbox
Share Video with Google Drive
Share Video with Vimeo
Selecting YouTube, Flickr, Dropbox, Vimeo or Google Drive will open the Upload dialog where
you can enter your login information to upload the video to your online account. For more
information about uploading to each site, see the help article at
. You can also use the shortcut key Ctrl + U to open the
Upload dialog.
The upload dialog may also be opened with the "Upload" command in the context menu
opened when right clicking on the selected video.
Email (Ctrl + L)
To create and send an email with an attachment of the selected video or snapshot. Click on
the "Email" button.
The Email dialog has the familiar, To, Subject, and Message fields available to allow you to
compose your message. The Email Settings button allows you to choose the settings that
Debut will use to send your email. There are 3 options:
MAPI: Send email with email software (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)
SMTP: Send email directly to the mail server. With this option, choosing Gmail needs
turning on of
Less secure app access option in gmail account settings. Likewise, with
choosing Yahoo Mail, a password different from the mail password needs to be set for the
app to access Yahoo mail in
Account Security>>Manage App Passwords.
Work as own SMTP server: Send email directly to other side
After composing your message and verifying that the email settings are correct, use the Send
button to send the email.
Refresh (F5)
Used to refresh the list of recordings found in the folder.
Select All (Ctrl + A)
Used to select all the recordings in the list.
Drag and Drop Outside of Debut
Drag videos and/or photos from Find and Play dialog and drop to explorer or other programs.
Use this to do the following
Move files from Debut folder (usually in C:\Users\xxx\Videos\Debut or
C:\Users\xxx\Pictures\Debut) to other folders via File Explorer/Desktop
Play videos to other Video players like VideoPad etc.
Open photos to other photo viewer like Prism
Share Video with YouTube
Click the YouTube button on the Upload page for the YouTube upload setup. Enter a
description for your video and any identifying keywords, select a category, select a privacy
mode, who the movie should be visible to, and if you want to hide your movie from public
search results on internet web browsers.
To complete the upload process, you will need to authorize Debut to connect to your YouTube
account. Click the Authorize button to be connected to your YouTube account online to
complete this process. When an account is authorized, Debut will post the video to your
account with the details you have specified.
Share Video with Flickr
Click the Flickr button on the Upload page for the Flickr upload setup. Enter a description for
your video and any identifying tags, select a safety level, who the movie should be visible to,
and if you want to hide your movie from public search results on internet web browsers.
To complete the upload process, you will need to authorize Debut to connect to your Flickr
account. Click the Authorize button to be connected to your Flickr account online to complete
this process. When an account is authorized, Debut will post the video to your account with the
details you have specified.
Share Video with Vimeo
Click the Vimeo button on the Upload page for the Vimeo upload setup. Enter the format and
framerate setting, and a description for your video, select a privacy mode, who the movie
should be visible to, and if you want to hide your movie from public search results on internet
web browsers.
To complete the upload process, you will need to authorize Debut to connect to your Vimeo
account. Click the Authorize button to be connected to your Vimeo account online to complete
this process. When an account is authorized, Debut will post the video to your account with the
details you have specified.
Share Video with DropBox
Click the DropBox button on the Upload page for the DropBox upload setup. You need to link
your DropBox account to be able to upload your video
Share Video with GoogleDrive
Click the GoogleDrive button on the Upload page for the GoogleDrive upload setup. You need
to link your GoogleDrive account to be able to upload your video
Open the Options Dialog Box by using the menu Tools -> Options or by clicking the "Options"
button on the toolbar. There are eight options tabs:
System-Wide Hot-Keys: Overview
To open System-Wide Hot-Keys options use the menu Tools -> Options -> Hot-Keys.
When you are working with Debut open in the foreground, you can control recording using the
Standard Keys
You can also assign hot-keys that can be used to control recording while you are working in
other applications, with Debut in the background. To add a new hot-key, click "Add" on the
Hot-Keys tab of Options, which will take you to the
Add New Hot-Key
Note: Hot-key assignments override the standard key assignments.
See also:
Standard Keys
System-Wide Hot-Keys: Add New Hot-Key /
Change Hot-Key Command
You add or change a hot-key from the
System-Wide Hot-Keys
Options tab.
Once the "Add New Hot-Key" or "Change Hot-Key Command" dialog is open, click "Change..."
to choose the hot-key, then press the key that you want to use (including Alt or Ctrl if required),
then from the drop-down list select the command to run when the hot-key is pressed.
Text Caption Settings
You can add text to create a title or caption for your video. You can also adjust the alignment of
your text using the buttons described below. The captions may be changed and formatted
while recording is taking place (to the live picture). To add captions to a completed recording,
we recommend using
VideoPad video editing software
Alignment The alignment can be adjusted to left, center, right, vertical top, vertical center and
vertical bottom.
Caption Insert total time, current year, month, day, hour, minute, second or keyboard clicks by
typing the following:
%YYYY% = Current Year
%MM% = Current Month
%DD% = Current Day
%HH% = Current Hour
%MIN% = Current Minute
%SS% = Current Second
%time% = Time Spent Recording
%timenoms% = Time Spent Recording (no milliseconds)
%KK% = Keyboard clicks
Include Timestamp When checking this checkbox it will add a new line to the text caption
containing the timestamp with the format:
%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD% %HH%:%MIN%:%SS%.
Word Wrap When checking this checkbox, text caption can be split into several lines. As
much as possible, lines will be split from the last space of the word that will reach the end of
the writing space.
Display Keyboard Clicks When checking this checkbox, keyboard presses will be displayed
on the topmost of text caption for 1.5 seconds.
Size Adjust the size of the caption.
Margin Padding Adjust the margin padding of the caption.
Font Adjust the font name, font style, height percent, effects, and font color.
Font Color Click within the color box to adjust the font color (the color of the letters) of the
Background Color Click within the color box to adjust the background color of the caption if
this check box is selected.
Outline Color Click within the color box to adjust the outline color of the caption if this check
box is selected.
Default The Default button will erase the caption and reset the settings to their default values.
When using Text Captions, "%" delimits a variable. This means that if you type "%%", you will
only see "%".
Color and Video Effects
You can adjust the color settings of your video by dragging the sliders left or right. The settings
may be changed and formatted while recording is taking place (to the live picture). You can
also apply filters to your video.
Brightness, Contrast, Gamma You can use the slide bar to adjust the brightness, contrast
and gamma of the video.
Apply Filter Select this checkbox if you want to apply the filter. You can select the "Black and
White", "Negative" or "Sepia" filter and apply it to the video.
Flip horizontally Select this checkbox if you want to flip the video image against the central
vertical axis.
Flip vertically Select this checkbox if you want to flip the video image against the central
horizontal axis.
Default The Default button will reset the color and effect settings to their default values.
Background Removal Effect
You can replace your background with either a solid color, an image or a video (custom or
preset pattern)
Enable Select this checkbox if you want to apply the effect
Green Screen
Your background doesn't necessarily need to be colored green to have this effect working.
This button lets you select the color of your background. You may use the button to select
the color from the gradient box or the eye dropper button to specifically click on the monitor
what pixel color to replace.
AI Super Green Screen
This option only requires a non-moving background, and does not need it to be a single
solid color. It uses machine learning to identitfy the static background and replaces it with
the desired option.
When enabled, this effect may darken and/or brighten the video feed temporarily. This is
normal, it is testing various exposure settings before locking the camera's exposure
Background Replacement Options
This slider lets you have the flexibility to extend the range of the color you are replacing. For
AI Super Green Screen, this controls how much the background is allowed to fluxuate frame
to frame.
Select this radio button to apply an image as background (It can be a custom image from
your PC or a preset image)
Solid Color
Select this radio button to apply a solid color as background
Select this radio button to apply a video as background. The video background is composed
of 60 frames equally spaced throughout the duration of the video (e.g. Video Background is
60sec. This means every video background frame is 1 sec apart)
Selection Tool
Using the Selection Tool, you may easily select a desired area on the desktop, capture the
image from a specific window or browse through your most recent recording window
selections. The Selection Tool will be displayed beneath the preview when Debut is in screen
capture mode.
Note: On Windows 8 or 10 the Selection Tools will not be displayed when in Tablet mode,
because of how Windows manages the windows on tablet mode.
There are four ways you can make a screen selection:
Draw a selection area Click the Draw selection area button, which is the first button to the left
in the panel, to draw a new screen selection using the mouse. While holding down the left
mouse button, move the mouse and draw a rectangle to capture on the desktop. Click the
"Select" button to lock in your selection and return to the main interface to start capturing.
Select a window Click the Select a window button, which is the second button to the left in
this panel, to add a window to be recorded. Select the desired window by hovering the mouse
over the area until the window has focus, click left mouse button to return to the main interface.
Debut will capture the image from this window and will keep focus on it even if it is moved or
resized during recording.
When the selected window is closed Debut will automatically stop the recording.
Select the entire desktop Click the Select entire desktop button, which is the third button to
the left in this panel, to select the entire desktop for recording.
Select the previous selections Debut stores your previous 10 selections so you can use
previous selection areas for multiple recordings. Click the dropdown list to select one of the
previous selections , to select all monitors (identical to "Select the entire desktop" button) or to
select each of the monitors.
Disable Aero The Aero feature of Windows adds animation and transparency effects to
windows, at the cost of using more CPU. Checking this box will disable Aero effects, freeing up
some CPU and potentially giving faster, smoother capturing.
(Windows Vista and 7 only.)
Show selection rectangle while recording Tick this checkbox if you want to be able to see
the selection while recording. If
Center Recording on Cursor is enabled, the selection will
scroll as you move the cursor around. This can be useful if you want to be sure that all your
activity is recorded properly.
Keyboard Shortcuts
These shortcuts will be available when drawing the selection area (see Draw a selection area)
. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to make the selection procedure easier and
more precise:
Arrow Keys
Move the selected rectangle by 1 pixel.
Shift + Arrow Keys
Move the selected rectangle by 10 pixel.
Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Increase the size of the selected rectangle by 1 pixel.
Shift + Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Increase the size of the selected rectangle by 10 pixel.
Alt + Arrow Keys
Decrease the size of the selected rectangle by 1 pixel.
Shift + Alt + Arrow Keys
Decrease the size of the selected rectangle by 10 pixel.
Follow Mouse and Zoom Options
Debut allows the user to maximize the use of their capture selection with the Center
Recording on Cursor
and zoom options. These options can be accessed when Screen is the
selected output mode, by clicking the
Screen Capture menu.
The Center Recording on Cursor option enables the selection rectangle to follow the cursor
when recording from screen. It can be useful if you want to record only a part of the screen, but
occasionally need to capture something that is happening outside the original selection. This
option is only available when a custom selection area has been selected using the
Selection Tool
, but not when either the entire desktop or a specific window have been selected
for recording.
The Zoom options allow you to focus in or away from the selected recording area. To change
the zoom during recording, select a new zoom percentage from the Screen Capture -> Zoom
submenu, or use the corresponding system-wide hot-keys, which can be configured in
Options -> Hot-Keys
. The default zoom level is Fit to Output, which scales the contents of the
selected area to match the dimensions of the output recording. Using custom zoom levels
allows control over how much scaling is applied, but if the output dimensions don't match the
selection dimension, then the contents of the selected area may be cropped or the recording
may show areas outside the selected area:
At less than 100% zoom, text and images will appear smaller in the recording than they
do on the screen.
At 100% zoom, text and images will appear the same size in the recording as they do
on the screen.
At greater than 100% zoom, text and images will appear larger in the recording than
they do on the screen.
Camera Device Settings
Debut allows the user to edit the input frame whenever the camera inherently allows it. For
example, to zoom the camera (if the camera supports it), simply go to Options >> Video Tab
>> Device Settings... (either for Webcam or Capture Device) >> Camera Control Tab and
move the Zoom slider.
Video Proc Amp
These properties whenever supported control the quality of the input frame
White Balance
Backlight Comp
PowerLine Frequency(Anti Flicker)
Camera Control
These properties are related to the control of video cameras
Zoom: Controls a camera's zoom setting
Focus: Controls a camera's focus setting
Exposure: Controls a camera's digital exposure time
Aperture(Iris): Controls a camera's aperture setting
Pan: Controls a camera's pan setting
Tilt: Controls a camera's tilt setting
Roll: Controls a camera's rotation setting
Low Light Compensation
Note: If there is no sound detected on your external device. Please check your system sound
to confirm your device is properly connected to Windows or you can open the Volume Mixer
from the speaker icon to check if your device is on the list.
Another workaround is to do the following:
Open Sound Settings/Related Settings/Sound Control Panel/Recording
tab/Line/Properties/Listen tab/Check "Listen to this device"
If above still does not work, you need an RCA to 3mm adapter. Attach the white/red
connector to your camera then connect it through your computer. If you are using a mono
source, the white connector is the audio.
Fast Capture
Fast Capture can be used to capture a resource-demanding application, like a modern game.
If you are playing a game which is using a lot of your computer’s resources and you want to
improve the quality of the recorded video, try
Fast Capture.
Fast Capture is located in the Record Screen dropdown list, located below the screen
Please note, CPU overhead will be minimal, but the file size of the video will be large.
Game Capture Mode
Debut will automatically detect if a game is running in fullscreen and start the Game Capture
. Note that if the recording started before the game is started a new recording will be
Trim Your Recording
If you want to trim and remove parts of a recording, simply open the recording by clicking on
the File menu and choosing "Manage Recordings" from the dropdown. Alternatively, you can
also access this using the Ctrl+L shortcut key.
Once you’ve opened the pop-up window of the recording manager, simply select the file you
wish to trim among the lists. Then, right-click and select the "Trim..." option. It should open a
mini player that shows your recorded video.
You will see two markers in correspondence with the trimming function. With the red marker
representing the Trim Start, and the blue marker representing the Trim End.
You may drag these markers manually along the timeline of your recorded video.
There will also be timestamp displays at the bottom of the pop-up window which shows where
your cursor currently is, where the Trim Start marker is, and where the Trim End marker is. You
may use these to further refine the accuracy of trimming your recorded clip.
After you’ve finished with trimming your clip, simply click the save button.
Export a recording into an audio file
To export a recording as an audio file, open the Recordings list. Select “Manage Recordings”
from the File menu or use the shortcut Ctrl+L.
Right click on the recording that you want as an audio file. From the right-click menu, select
“Extract Audio As”, then select from .FLAC, .MP3 or .WAV. In the Save Audio As dialog that
opens, enter the file name for the audio file and select the location to save the file. Click Save
to complete the process.
NCH Software Suite
This is a useful way to browse all the software available from NCH Software
You can see a set of products by type like Audio, Video and so on and view the product. From
there you can try out the product and it will download and install it for you to trial. If you already
have the product installed then you can click "Run It Now" and the program will be launched for
There is also a list of features for products in the category. Click on a feature, such as "Edit a
Video File", to install a product with that ability.
Search our website for products matching any keywords you type.
See more of our software
Browse our website for more software.
Subscribe to our newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter for announcements of new releases and discounts. You
can unsubscribe at any time.
See the latest discounts for purchase
See the latest discounts we are offering for purchasing our products.
Google Authorization Process on Windows XP
and Vista
Extra steps are required to give Debut authorization to upload to Google Drive and/or YouTube
when running on Windows XP or Windows Vista:
1. Click Authorize... in the Authorization dialog.
2. In the web page that opens, sign in to your Google account, if required.
3. Confirm that you authorize Debut to access the requested features.
4. Copy the Authorization Code provided by Google and paste it in the Authorization
dialog in Debut.
5. Click Ready to confirm that authorization is complete.
Software License Terms
Our goal is for every user to have a successful experience with our software. We offer it to you
on the basis that you accept our End User License Agreement (EULA).
This EULA limits our liability and is governed by an arbitration agreement and venue
agreement. Please read below as these terms affect your rights.
1. The copyrights in this software and any visual or audio work distributed with the software
belong to NCH Software and others listed in the about box. All rights are reserved. Installation
of this software and any software bundled with or installed-on-demand from this software,
including shortcuts and start menu folders, is licensed only in accordance with these terms.
These copyrights do not apply to any creative work made by you, the user.
2. By installing, using or distributing the software you, on your own behalf and on behalf of your
employer or principal, agree to these terms. If you do not agree to any of these terms, you may
not use, copy, transmit, distribute, nor install this software - return it to the place of purchase
within 14 days to receive a full refund.
3. This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "as is" and with
no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied except as required by law. If you intend
to rely on this software for critical purposes you must test it fully prior to using it, install
redundant systems and assume any risk.
4. We will not be liable for any loss arising out of the use of this software including, but not
limited to, any special, incidental or consequential loss. Your entire remedy against us for all
claims is limited to receiving a full refund for the amount you paid for the software.
5. You may not use this software in any circumstances where there is any risk that failure of
this software might result in a physical injury or loss of life. You may not use this software if you
do not regularly backup your computer, or do not have antivirus and firewall software installed
on the computer, or keep sensitive data unencrypted on your computer. You agree to
indemnify us from any claims relating to such use.
6. You may copy or distribute the installation file of this software in its complete unaltered form
but you may not, under any circumstances, distribute any software registration code for any of
our programs without written permission. In the event that you do distribute a software
registration code, you will be liable to pay the full purchase price for each location where the
unauthorized use occurs.
7. If you use any YouTube upload feature of this software you are agreeing to the YouTube
Terms of Service (
8. Use of data collected by the software is subject to the NCH Software Privacy Statement
which allows automatic anonymized collection of usage statistics in limited circumstances.
9. Choice of Law. If you reside in the United States, your relationship is with NCH Software,
Inc, a United States company, and this agreement is governed by the laws and courts of
Colorado. If you reside anywhere in the world outside of the United States, your relationship is
with NCH Software Pty Ltd, an Australian company, and this agreement is governed by the
laws and courts of the Australian Capital Territory. Such courts have continuing and exclusive
jurisdiction over any dispute between you and us, regardless of the nature of the dispute.
10. U.S. Customers Only: Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver: PLEASE READ
If you reside in the United States, NCH Software and you agree to arbitrate all disputes and
claims between us. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be broadly interpreted.
References to "NCH" "you," and "us" include our respective subsidiaries, affiliates, agents,
employees, predecessors in interest, successors, and assigns. This arbitration agreement
does not preclude you from bringing issues to the attention of U.S. federal, state, or local
agencies. Such agencies can, if the law allows, seek relief against us on your behalf. This
Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration
Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision. This arbitration provision shall
survive termination of this Agreement.
A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a written
Notice of Dispute ("Notice"). The Notice to NCH should be addressed to:
Legal Department
NCH Software, Inc.
6120 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Ste 120
Greenwood Village CO, 80111
("Notice Address"). The Notice must (a) describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute;
and (b) set forth the specific relief sought ("Demand"). If NCH and you do not reach an
agreement to resolve the claim within 30 days after the Notice is received, you or NCH may
commence an arbitration proceeding. The amount of any settlement offer made by NCH or you
shall not be disclosed to the arbitrator.
A. The arbitration will be governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary
Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively, "AAA Rules") of the American
Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by this Agreement, and will be administered by the
AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at, by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879, or
by writing to the Notice Address. The arbitrator is bound by the terms of this Agreement. All
issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope and enforceability
of the arbitration provision. Unless NCH and you agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will
take place in Greenwood Village Colorado. If your claim is for $10,000 or less, we agree that
you may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents
submitted to the arbitrator, through a telephonic hearing, or by an in-person hearing as
established by the AAA Rules. If your claim exceeds $10,000, the right to a hearing will be
determined by the AAA Rules. Regardless of the manner in which the arbitration is conducted,
the arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision. NCH will pay all AAA filing,
administration, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with the notice
requirements above. If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or
the relief sought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose then the
payment of all such fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. In such case, you agree to
reimburse NCH for all monies previously disbursed by it that are otherwise your obligation to
pay under the AAA Rules. In addition, if you initiate an arbitration in which you seek more than
$75,000 in damages, the payment of these fees will be governed by the AAA rules.
B. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party
seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's
Further, unless both you and NCH agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more
than one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or
class proceeding. If this specific provision is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this
arbitration provision shall be null and void.
C. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, we agree that if NCH
makes any future change to this arbitration provision (other than a change to the Notice
Address) you may reject any such change by sending us written notice within 30 days of the
change to the Arbitration Notice Address provided above. By rejecting any future change, you
are agreeing that you will arbitrate any dispute between us in accordance with the language of
this provision.
D. To opt out of this Arbitration Agreement and class action waiver send an Opt Out notice to
the Notice Address stating "I am electing to opt out of the Arbitration Agreement and class
action waiver contained in the Legal Terms applicable to my purchase of an NCH product."
Your Opt Out Notice must include the date and proof of purchase. The Opt Out Notice must be
postmarked no later than thirty (30) days after the date of purchase. A separate Opt Out Notice
must be sent for each product purchased.
Screen References - Camera Overlay
This feature lets you add a camera overlay on top of your output video.
Apply the Camera Overlay to videos
To apply the overlay on top of the current video, click on Tools -> Camera Overlay, a side
panel will be displayed on the right of the preview. Tick the
Enable checbox.
In this panel you'll be able to change the following settings:
Camera: In this pull down list you can select the webcam to use as video source for the
Format: Pull down list containing all the resolutions, frames per second and pixel formats
that your camera supports.
Camera Settings: Click to open a dialog of camera-specific settings, provided by the
camera manufacturer.
Microphone Settings: Click to open the Options -> Audio dialog, where you can select
the audio source to record from.
Alignment: Use these radio buttons to specify where the overlay is placed on the output
Size: Specify the size of the overlay as a percentage of the output frame size.
Margin: Specify the size of the margin between the overlay and the edge of the output
frame as a percentage of the output frame size.
Screen References - Flickr Authorization
You must complete Flickr authorization before any videos can be uploaded to your Flickr
Click Authorize... .
In the web page that opens, sign in to Flickr.
Confirm that you allow Debut to upload videos to your Flickr account.
Close the web page and return to Debut.
Click Ready to confirm that authorization is complete.
Screen References - User Account Control
In order to capture UAC prompt without getting a black screen, you must change your UAC
settings to disable the secure desktop.
Screen References - Preview Video
The preview dialog has five buttons:
Return To Start (Home): Clicking here will return you to the start of the video. It is like an
instant rewind to the start of your video.
Step Back (Left): Clicking this button will move you a little bit further back in the video. It is
like hitting "Rewind" on your video player, then pressing "Pause" straight away.
Play/Pause (Space): This button is similar to the Play and Pause buttons on your video
player. Clicking Play will start the video playing, then clicking it again will Pause the video.
Step Forward (Right): Clicking this button will move you a little bit forwards in the video. It
is like hitting "Fast-Forward" on your video player, then pressing "Pause" straight away.
Go To End (End): Clicking here will take you to the end of your video. It is like an instant
fast-forward to the end of your video.
Below the video there is a timeline. You can click any position on the timeline to instantly go to
that time of your video. It is like instantly rewinding or fast-forwarding until you reach that
position in your movie. You can also drag the red cursor line on the timeline to watch as the
video rewinds or fast-forwards if you would like.
There are 3 preview modes available:
Fit to window: This mode is the default. The video is resized to fit the preview area. After
selecting this mode and if the window is shorter than the default height, the window height
is increased to the default value. The mode also automatically switches to this once the
window is resized (e.g. by dragging a window edge).
Fit to screen: The window is stretched to fill the available area in the screen and the video
is resized to fit the preview area.
Actual size: The window is resized such that the preview area matches the actual size of
the video. If the video size is larger than the available area (e.g. 1080p video in a 720p
screen) then the mode is automatically switched to
Fit to screen.
Also you can press Alt + Enter to toggle full screen mode.
Screen References - Color Picker Dialog
Color Picker Dialog
The color picker is divided into multiple parts, with several ways available to choose a color:
Visually Adjusting Color
The top half of the dialog consists of 2 colored boxes, one that lets you pick any point in a
256 x 256 square and the other that works as a long slider. Which colors are displayed in
these two boxes depends on which radio button is selected (see below), but in all cases the
position of the slider will change the colors available in the square box. Which ever point is
selected in that square box is the selected color.
Adjusting by RGB or HSV
Underneath the square colored box, there is a series of 6 options (1 each for hue,
saturation, value, red, green, and blue) that each contains a radio button, a slider, and an
up-down number control. If one of the 3 HSV radio buttons is selected, that value will be
represented by the visual slider (see above) while the other two values will be the axes of
the square color box. The controls work the same way if one of the RGB radio buttons is
selected. You can also adjust these values with the sliders provided next to the labels, as
well as the up/down controls next to the sliders. Any adjustment of these values will update
the visual controls, and any adjustment of those visual controls will update these values.
Selected Color
The selected color is displayed to the right of the RGB and HSV controls. The box is split
diagonally, with the upper left section labeled New (the color you are creating), and the
bottom right section labeled Current (the color that already exists, and will continue to be
selected if you Cancel the dialog). Beneath that is the Hex Value of the selected color (you
can also enter any valid hex value there to update the selected color). There is an
eyedropper button to the right of the selected color that will allow you to set the selected
color by sampling anywhere on the desktop.
User-defined Color Palette
At the bottom of the dialog you will find a series of 12 colored rectangles alongside a button
titled Set to Swatch. These comprise the user-defined color palette, and allow you create
and save (these will persist even when Debut is closed) your own custom colors. To set a
swatch's color, first select that swatch by clicking it. Then choose your desired color, and
finally click the Set to Swatch button. You can then load any of the saved colors by simply
clicking on that swatch.
Screen References - Watermark
This feature lets you to create watermark on your live video output.
Apply watermark to videos Select if you would like to apply watermark on the videos.
Image File Specify the path to the file you want to use as the watermark and customize how
the watermark will look on the video.
Opacity Choose the opacity level of the watermark. Range from 0 - absolutely transparent to
100 - completely overlap the background picture.
Keep aspect ratio Keep the initial ratio between height and width of the watermark picture.
Size and position in percentage of screen size Choose to customize how the watermark
will look on the video.
Horizontal Alignment: Allows the watermark to appear at the left, right or in the center of
the video.
Vertical Alignment: Allows the watermark to appear at the top, bottom or in the center of
the video.
Resize: Specify how large is the watermark in term of percentage(%) (compared to the
video screen size).
Watermark margin percentage: Specify how large is the margin for watermark in term of
percentage(%) (compared to the video screen size).
Size and position in pixels Choose to finely tune how the watermark will look on the video.
You may specify the exact dimensions and place of the watermark on the video screen.
Width: Define the width of the watermark in pixels.
Height: Define the height of the watermark in pixels.
Horizontal position: Define the X coordinate of the top left corner of the watermark image.
Vertical position: Define the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the watermark image.
Screen References - GIF Encoding Settings
Select this to get your GIF repeat itself endlessly.
Screen References - Scheduler
The scheduler lets you set Debut to start video capture at a set date and time. Open the
scheduler by clicking the Schedule button on the main interface toolbar. From the Scheduler,
you can add new recording schedules or manage previously created recording schedules.
To add a new recording schedule, click the Add button. The Scheduled Recording window will
then appear. Here, you will need to give your schedule a name (e.g., Local News), select the
capture device you would like to capture from (webcam, device, network or screen), and set
Debut to record on a set date, on a specific day of week or every day at a particular time.
When the scheduled recording is set to active, Debut will automatically start capturing at the
set date and time.
Recording can even be started if Debut is not running at the scheduled time.
In this case, Debut will be automatically started by system. You do not have to worry about
running Debut at scheduled time, just add a scheduled task and keep computer power on.
(Please make sure system is logged in with the same account used to setup schedule
Click the Add button to create a new recording schedule.
Click the Edit button to edit the settings of the selected recording schedule from the scheduled
recordings list.
Click the Delete button to delete the selected recording schedule from the scheduled
recordings list.
Screen References - Scheduled Recording
The Scheduled Recording window is where you create a new scheduled recording or edit an
existing recording. To find this window, click the Schedule icon on the toolbar, then click the
Add button to create a new schedule, or select an existing schedule and click the Edit button to
change the settings of the schedule. From the Scheduled Recording dialog, you can specify
the name and type of recording, the input audio device, the schedule, and whether the
schedule is active or inactive.
Note that some Windows power saving modes may interfere with
scheduled recordings. While Debut will wake a computer out of sleep to start a scheduled
recording, it cannot bypass any passwords that must be entered on wake up.
To change this setting follow the beneath procedures depending on your operating system:
Windows XP: Open the Control Panel and select Power Options. In the Advanced tab
unselect the
"Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby".
Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1: Open the Control Panel and select Power Options. Click
Require a password on wakeup from the left column and select "Don't require a
Windows 10: Click on the Windows flag in the bottom left corner and click on the gear icon
to open the
Settings for Windows dialog, click on Accounts. On the left column select Si
gn-in options
, in the Require sign-in section select "Never" from the pull-down list.
The recording will only be scheduled if this check-box is checked.
Select the start and end times of the recording, and if the recording is scheduled to happen
once, every day, or on certain days of the week.
Select which video device you would like to capture from.
Select which audio device you would like to capture from.
Screen References - Video Options: Device Output
You can change the output settings of the captured video.
Resize Video
You can resize the output video to a custom size or select one of the predefined presets. To
use a custom size, just enter the desired Width and Height then click OK.
You can either crop or shrink/enlarge the video to the chosen size.
The aspect ratio of the original source can also be preserved, in which case the Width or
Height is automatically adjusted.
Change Frame Rate
You can limit the frame rate of the output video. This may help to reduce the CPU demands
required to encode the video.
Note that the MPG, DV and PSP formats have fixed frame rate settings:
.mpg = 23.98 fps
.dv (NTSC) = 29.97 fps
.dv (PAL) = 25 fps
PSP = 29.97 fps
Enable Time-lapse
You can set Debut to record a long time-lapse video. An example of this would be watching
clouds racing in the sky.
This feature will work together with the frame rate. You can compute the length of the output
video using these formula:
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_seconds / seconds_per_1frame_captured /
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_minutes / minutes_per_1frame_captured /
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_hours / hours_per_1frame_captured /
where recording_time_in_yyy is the length of the actual recording,
yyy_per_1frame_captured is the "Capture One Frame Every" setting, frame_rate is the
"Frame Rate" setting, and / is the division operator
For example, if the frame rate is 30 and time-lapse setting is 1 second per frame, then the
output video is 2 seconds per minute of recording (i.e. 60 / 1 / 30 = 2). But if the frame rate is
15 and time-lapse is 4 seconds per frame, then the output will be 1 second per minute of
recording (i.e. 60 / 4 / 15 = 1).
Screen References - Video Options: Network
You can change the output settings of the captured video.
Resize Video:
You can resize the output video to a custom size or select one of the predefined presets. To
use a custom size, just enter the desired Width and Height then click OK.
You can either crop or shrink/enlarge the video to the chosen size.
The aspect ratio of the original source can also be preserved, in which case the Width or
Height is automatically adjusted.
Change Frame Rate:
You can limit the frame rate of the output video. This may help to reduce the CPU demands
required to encode the video. However, limiting frame rate to lower values may result to some
pixelated frames and/or blank frames.
Note that the MPG, DV and PSP formats have fixed frame rate settings:
.mpg = 23.98 fps
.dv (NTSC) = 29.97 fps
.dv (PAL) = 25 fps
PSP = 29.97 fps
Enable Time-lapse:
You can set Debut to record a long time-lapse video. An example of this would be watching
clouds racing in the sky.
This feature will work together with the frame rate. You can compute the length of the output
video using these formula:
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_seconds / seconds_per_1frame_captured /
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_minutes / minutes_per_1frame_captured /
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_hours / hours_per_1frame_captured /
where recording_time_in_yyy is the length of the actual recording,
yyy_per_1frame_captured is the "Capture One Frame Every" setting, frame_rate is the
"Frame Rate" setting, and / is the division operator
For example, if the frame rate is 30 and time-lapse setting is 1 second per frame, then the
output video is 2 seconds per minute of recording (i.e. 60 / 1 / 30 = 2). But if the frame rate is
15 and time-lapse is 4 seconds per frame, then the output will be 1 second per minute of
recording (i.e. 60 / 4 / 15 = 1).
Screen References - Video Options: Screen Output
You can change the output settings of the captured video.
Resize Video:
You can resize the output video to a custom size or select one of the predefined presets. To
use a custom size, just enter the desired Width and Height then click OK.
The aspect ratio of the original source can also be preserved, in which case the Width or
Height is automatically adjusted.
Limit Frame Rate:
You can limit the frame rate of the output video. This may help to reduce the CPU demands
required to encode the video. However, limiting frame rate to lower values may result to some
pixelated frames and/or blank frames.
Note that the MPG, DV and PSP formats have fixed frame rate settings:
.mpg = 23.98 fps
.dv (NTSC) = 29.97 fps
.dv (PAL) = 25 fps
PSP = 29.97 fps
Enable Time-lapse:
You can set Debut to record a long time-lapse video. An example of this would be watching
clouds racing in the sky.
This feature will work together with the frame rate. You can compute the length of the output
video using these formula:
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_seconds / seconds_per_1frame_captured /
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_minutes / minutes_per_1frame_captured /
output_length_in_seconds = recording_time_in_hours / hours_per_1frame_captured /
where recording_time_in_yyy is the length of the actual recording,
yyy_per_1frame_captured is the "Capture One Frame Every" setting, frame_rate is the
"Limit Frame Rate" setting, and / is the division operator
For example, if the frame rate is 30 and time-lapse setting is 1 second per frame, then the
output video is 2 seconds per minute of recording (i.e. 60 / 1 / 30 = 2). But if the frame rate is
15 and time-lapse is 4 seconds per frame, then the output will be 1 second per minute of
recording (i.e. 60 / 4 / 15 = 1).
Screen References - Options ~ Video
Webcam / Capture Device
If you have more than one webcam or capture device installed, you can select the device you
want to use for recording. You can also select the desired output format and input device.
Select the "Stretch video to widescreen" option to force 16x9 mode.
Select the "Deinterlace video" option to deinterlace the frames.
If audio and video are out of sync in recordings made by Debut, try deselecting "Use original
frame timestamps".
You can change the inherent image and camera settings on a video capture device using
Device Settings...
Note: DV camcorders are not supported by Debut. Please use
Golden Videos
capture video from camcorders.
Network camera You can select the network camera with the URL, the user name and the
password. You can include the port in the URL. The recent 10 URLs will be kept in the combo
box. You can delete the URL from the box by selecting it, erasing it from the box and pressing
the OK button.
Screen capture
Select this option to record video from your desktop. You can select a part of it or the whole
desktop using
Selection Tool
dialog .
If you have multiple monitors, you can move the Debut window into the monitor that isn't the
record monitor. For example, you can select the primary monitor as the record monitor and
move the Debut window into the second monitor, the preview video will be enabled.
Select the "Load last selection" option to load the last selection rectangle when Debut is
starting. Unselect to load the whole desktop.
Use the "Limit Frame Rate" slider bar to select a lower frame rate (FPS) if your computer is
running slow. However, limiting frame rate to lower values may result to some pixelated frames
and/or blank frames.
Select the "Apply gamma ramp" option to use device gamma ramp when recording full screen
applications. This option is turned off by default because it requires extra processing power.
Note: Running Debut with administrator privileges might cause graphical issues when screen
recording some third party software.
Screen References - Options ~ Audio
Select this option to capture sound from a microphone device.
If this check box is ticked, you will be able to select the method that Debut will use to capture
the system audio:
Filter Driver Selecting this option Debut will install a component that will record the
audio that the system produces.
In order to record audio from another application, Debut must be launched before
the other applications. e.g., To record audio from a media player application, first
launch Debut, then launch the media player application.
On Windows XP, Debut must be installed and run as an administrator to enable this
MMDevice (Not available on Windows XP)
Selecting this option Debut will use Windows interfaces to capture audio produced by
other applications.
If you need to record an application that has administrator privileges Debut will not
be able to record audio from it unless also Debut is started with administrator
Mouse Clicks
Use this option to record a sound when mouse is clicked in the output video. The sound is
recorded even if no audio device is found in the system. This option is available only if screen
is selected for capture.
Only show dB levels during recording
Use this option to show sound indicator only when recording. This option is on by default
Automatic background noise reduction
Use this option to enhance the overall audio quality of recorded videos. Enabling this option
eliminates unwanted background noises, such as microphone static, ambient sounds, or
electrical interference.
With these options you can choose to have a tone play when Debut starts or stops recording.
In some environments you are required to play a tone while recording. To do this, tick the box
"Sound record tone every (secs)" and enter the number of seconds between tones in the edit
Sound record tone when recording starts
Enable this option if you want a short beep sound once recording starts.
Sound stopped tone when recording stops
Enable this option if you want a short beep sound once recording stops.
Sound record tone every (seconds)
Enable this option if you want a short beep sound every specified number of seconds.
Screen References - Options ~ Output
Warn when hard drive space is low
This option allows you to specify a warning level for the minimum quantity of free space
available on the computer's hard drive. When the amount of free space falls to or below this
level, Debut displays a warning message. The default level of free space is 300 MB.
Destination Folder
This option lets you select the folder to which Debut exports files. To use this option, either
type in the folder where you want to save Debut files, or use the browse button on the right to
locate the folder.
Output File Name
Select the "Prompt for file name before recording starts" option if you want to select a different
name for each file recorded.
Select the "Use this file name format" when you want to define the file name before you start
The following fields can be used in the Output File Name format.
%autonumber% - auto increase number
%YYYY% - current year
%MM% - current month
%DD% - current date
%HH% - current hour
%MIN% - current min
%SS% - current second
The "Reset" button will reset the format to the default one if you have changed it.
The "Reset Auto Number" button resets the next auto increase number to be used by
%autonumber% to 1.
Mirror all recordings to this folder
If you have a backup drive or want to backup all recordings over the network, you can use this
option. Note that recordings are only transferred after recording and compression is complete.
Run command-line application
This is an advanced option to allow IT professionals to send recordings to other applications.
For example to use a proprietary codec or to insert the recording to a database.
If this option is ticked, after Debut has completed recording the file, it will run the specified
application. The application should be a command-line program. The name of the file can be
sent as an argument using %file% which Debut replaces with the full path to the file.
Remember to include the full path to your application (enclose it in "") and to enclose the
%file% in "" too.
An example might be "C:\Program Files\MyProgram\myexe" -myoptions "%file%".
Screen References - Options ~ Record
Limit maximum recording time (h:mm:ss) to:
You can specify the maximum recording duration here in hours:minutes:seconds format.
When the maximum recording time is reached:
You can also specify if the recording should be completely stopped ("Stop recording") or the
new recording should be started ("Create new recording and continue"). If you select the latter,
the file name in the "Use this file name format" in the Output Options will be used.
Disable preview when recording in screen capture
You can disable preview video to avoid the mirror effect for screen capture mode. If you have
multiple monitors, you can move the Debut window into the monitor that isn't the recording
Minimize Debut window when recording if it is covering the recording selection
If Minimize to tray is checked, this option will hide the Debut window completely when screen
capture starts and the screen recording selection is covered by the Debut window.
If Minimize to tray is not checked, this option will minimize Debut to the task bar when screen
capture starts and the screen recording selection is covered by the Debut window.
Quick stop from tray
From the tray menu, you can start, pause or stop the recording. If this mode is selected, left
click in the tray will stop the recording.
Show recording countdown timer
If this is checked, Debut will display countdown timer from 3 seconds down to 1 second before
Disable "Play Video" notification after recording
If this is checked, Debut won't notify about playing the video every after recording is stopped
Screen References - Options ~ Advanced
Floating Dialog Controls
Suppose the Show the floating controls during recording is checked. In that case, Debut will
minimize its Window to a small size and show the floating controls during recording. Debut also
has an option to Automatically position the floating controls outside of recording selection.
Motion Detection
Enable motion detection when recording in webcam, capture device or network camera
If this is checked, Debut will automatically start the recording after a motion has been detected
depending on the sensitivity. Note: This is only applicable when recording in a webcam,
capture device or network camera.
Sensitivity: determines the level of motion detected to start the recording. Note: The higher
the value, the more sensitive the motion detection.
When to stop recording after last detected motion:
There are two options on when to stop the recording. You can set a timer in seconds or
immediately stop the recording.
Screen References - Options ~ Cursor
Mouse Cursor Settings
Check "Show Mouse Cursor" if you want to show the cursor during recording.
Check "Highlight Mouse Cursor" if you want to highlight the cursor during recording. When this
option is selected you will be able to edit the following options:
Mouse Highlight Type: You can specify the highlight type for the mouse cursor.
Highlight circle: Highlight the cursor with a fading circle
Solid circle: Draw a circle around the cursor
Mouse move radius and color: You can specify the highlight radius and color of mouse
Mouse click radius, colors and delay: You can specify the highlight radius, colors and delay
of mouse clicks (left, right and middle wheel clicks).
Circle opacity and smoothness: You can specify the percentage opacity and smoothness
of the solid circle to be drawn
Screen References - Options ~ Snapshots
Destination Folder
This option lets you select the folder to which Debut exports snapshots. To use this option,
either type in the folder where you want to save Debut snapshots, or use the browse button on
the right to locate the folder.
Output File Name
Select the "Prompt for file name" option if you want to select a different name for each
Select the "Use this file name format" when you want to define the file name before take
The following fields can be used in the Output File Name format.
%autonumber% - auto increase number
%YYYY% - current year
%MM% - current month
%DD% - current date
%HH% - current hour
%MIN% - current min
%SS% - current second
The "Reset" button will reset the format to the default one if you have changed it.
The "Reset Auto Number" button resets the next auto increase number to be used by
%autonumber% to 1.
Snapshot Type
Select what format you would like your snapshot to be saved in.
Select the picture quality. Selecting a higher quality will result in a larger file size.
Show flash when taking a snapshot
Show a flash in the preview window when taking a snapshot.
Play shutter sound when capturing a snapshot
Play a shutter sound when taking a snapshot.
Warn when overwriting an existing snapshot
Display a warning if an existing snapshot file is going to be overwritten.
Screen References - Options ~ Schedule
The scheduler lets you set Debut to start video capture at a set date and time. Open the
scheduler by clicking Options and selecting the Schedule tab. From the tab you can add new
recording schedules or manage previously created recording schedules.
To add a new recording schedule, click the Add button. The Scheduled Recording window will
then appear. Here, you will need to give your schedule a name (e.g., Local News), select the
capture device you would like to capture from (webcam, device, network or screen), and set
Debut to record on a set date, on a specific day of week or every day at a particular time.
When the scheduled recording is set to active, Debut will automatically start capturing at the
set date and time.
Recording can even be started if Debut is not running at the scheduled time.
In this case, Debut will be automatically started by system. You do not have to worry about
running Debut at scheduled time, just add a scheduled task and keep computer power on.
(Please make sure system is logged in with the same account used to setup schedule
Click the Add button to create a new recording schedule.
Click the Edit button to edit the settings of the selected recording schedule from the scheduled
recordings list.
Click the Delete button to delete the selected recording schedule from the scheduled
recordings list.
Screen References - Options ~ Other
Startup and Exit
Run Debut when computer starts
Click this box to have Debut automatically start whenever the computer starts up.
Start recording automatically when Debut runs
Place a check in this box to have Debut automatically start recording whenever it runs.
Disable Aero when Debut runs
The Aero feature of Windows adds animation and transparency effects to windows, at the cost
of using more CPU. Checking this box will disable Aero effects, freeing up some CPU and
potentially giving faster, smoother capturing.
(Windows Vista and 7 only.)
Enable the Include Timestamp checkbox when Debut runs
Place a check in this box to display the timestamp overlay when Debut runs.
Display notification when starting screen capture if Debut will be hidden
If "Minimize Debut window before starting screen capture" is checked on
Options ~ Record
check this box to show a warning before recording a screen capture.
Display notification when starting screen capture to switch to fast capture mode
Enable this option if you want to be warned to switch to fast capture mode when recording from
Display notification when recording in high resolution MPG
Display notification when recording in Webcam or Device mode in high resolution formats
Enable either of these options if you want to be warned for recording in high resolution values
that may result in very low quality video.
Display No Audio from 'Enable Time-lapse' in Video Options dialog
When this option is enabled and the "Enable Time-lapse" box is checked in the
Video Options
dialog, a reminder will appear that audio is not recorded.
Show recordings dialog when recording stops
Enable this option if you want the Recordings dialog popup after each record session.
Display notification when recording with IP cam in low frame rate
Enable this option if you want to be warned for recording in IP camera with low frame rate
Stop recording screen capture when audio source is unplugged
Enable this option if you want to stop every screen recording whenever audio source becomes
unavailable or unplugged