2 | Strategic Technology Plan Template
January 2022
About this Resource
The first half of this resource depicts a sample strategic technology plan
created by a fictional nonprofit organization to provide a model for how to
complete such a plan. In the second half, you'll find a blank template you can
use to create your own strategic technology plan. This template is meant to be
a starting point; add as many relevant sections as needed to incorporate your
own plan.
About this Project
As societies work to rebuild, we see a rise in infrastructure investment.
However, one type of infrastructure investment is often left behind: digital
According to a recent TechSoup study, just 52 percent of nonprofits have
the resources they need to act on their digital strategy. Contrast this with 83
percent of grantmakers who report having the resources they need, and it's
easy to see that nonprofits are being left behind.
In the social sector, this investment is a critical part of service delivery in the
digital era—and yet, it's often overlooked in favor of program investment.
When technology does receive funding, it's often innovative mobile apps
rather than core system stabilization, maturation, and integration. This lack
of basic digital infrastructure investment widens the gap between large well-
funded nonprofits and small organizations often devoted to underserved
Changing this dynamic requires effort both from funders and from nonprofits.
Tech Impact and the Technology Association of Grantmakers have created
a series of resources—including these case studies—to guide you in this work.
Investing in digital infrastructure means a commitment to building digital skills,
capacity, and new platforms to unlock the knowledge, passion, and collective
strength of civil society over time as the relationship between technology and
society continues to evolve. As society pauses to rally public sector investment
in infrastructure after the pandemic, we invite the social sector to do the same.
Learn more or download all of the free resources at
3 | Strategic Technology Plan Template
January 2022
Strategic Technology Plan Example
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................5
Organization Mission .........................................................................................................5
Organization Description ................................................................................................5
Technology Planning Team .............................................................................................5
Organization Analysis .............................................................................................................6
Measures of Technology Plan Success ............................................................................9
Strategic Technology Plan Template
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 12
Organization Mission ....................................................................................................... 12
Organization Description .............................................................................................. 12
Technology Planning Team ........................................................................................... 12
Organization Analysis ........................................................................................................... 13
Measures of Technology Plan Success .......................................................................... 15
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................. 16
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January 2022
The Narrow River Conservation Group was established in 2005 to engage people to protect,
restore, and enhance Rhode Island's Narrow River. It has grown from a volunteer-staffed
organization led by a part-time executive director to five staff members with an annual budget of
In 2022 we are hiring a full-time Data Manager to replace an entry-level Data Coordinator position,
an additional Communications Associate, an Advocacy Communications specialist, and an
education and outreach assistant.
Since 2019, our web presence has grown from 500 visitors to 5,000 visitors monthly. We are
turning our attention to increasing our social media presence, capturing more leads, and better
use of our CRM engage more volunteers and donors.
These improvements would help us expand our base of river restoration volunteers and cultivate
more individual donors, shoring up our ability to protect and restore the Narrow River and its
recreational and natural presence in Rhode Island.
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Organization Mission
The Narrow River Conservation Group mobilizes and engages community resources and volunteers
to act as stewards for the river and its watershed by protecting, preserving, and maintaining public
Organization Description
Our vision requires addressing the three-fold goals of land conservation, watershed protection,
and river corridor stewardship. Our programs are structured around these interrelated goals. The
Narrow River Conservation Group currently employs five people and has an annual budget of
$550,000. This year, we engaged more than 4,000 people in on our volunteer and educational
events, river bank cleanups, and nature walks, spending more than 6,000 hours restoring 500
acres of river habitat for wildlife in the Narragansett and South Kingstown areas.
Technology Planning Team
Name Title Phone Email Role on Team
Greg Houde Volunteer
(555)555-5555 Recruits and oversees
volunteers for riverside
events. Manages volunteer
management database,
coordinates messaging
with social media
Susan Estabrook Executive Director (555)555-1212 Oversees staff and
budgets, approves
technology purchases.
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January 2022
Organization Analysis
Current Business Processes
Our program areas directly reflect our strategic approach to protecting and enhancing the Narrow
River and its watershed in the towns of Narragansett and South Kingstown. Our vision requires
addressing the three-fold goals of land conservation, watershed protection, and recreational
access, and our programs are structured around these interrelated goals.
Land Conservation
The Narrow River is a local ecological resource of significance, providing habitat for fish and
aquatic wildlife and waterfowl, recreational opportunities for fishing and boating, and scenic
beauty. Development and climate change threaten the watershed's banks, water quality, and
shorelands. Our restoration and conservation initiatives reflect the urgency of protecting the
river's ecological functions. The Narrow River Conservation Group works with public and private
landowners, local governments, and concerned citizens to protect and restore critical lands
by providing technical assistance, planning, land management and hands-on natural resources
restoration services.
Watershed Protection
Water quality continues to be a pressing concern and is linked to land use policies and practices
within the region. NRCG works with citizens to clean and protect the watershed, shape the
priorities of local governments and influence public policy related to local water quality and
recreational access.
Recreational Access
The Narrow River is a critical habitat for migratory waterfowl, anadromous fish, and shellfish.
Thousands of Rhode Islanders join others who travel from out-of-state to enjoy this river's fishing,
shellfishing, and boating opportunities. As communities move to embrace the river and capitalize
on its exceptional value, we risk degrading or even destroying the qualities we seek to enjoy.
NRCG works to provide the leadership, technical assistance, and expertise in grassroots advocacy
required to ensure that the essential values of public access and environmental quality continue in
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January 2022
Existing Technology Infrastructure
NRCG's files exist on a on-premise server backed up via Barracuda Backup. The file server was
purchased in 2016 and adequately supports office functions. Each employee has a laptop and cell
phone, with access to the server.
For databases, NRCG uses Salesforce as our core system, maintained by an external IT consultant.
For communication platforms and events we use MailChimp and Eventbrite. All constituent data,
event attendance, interests, advocacy actions and donations are entered into Salesforce and
contact info is reconciled weekly in a partially automated process with staff oversight.
The bookkeeper uses Quickbooks.
Additional communications software includes the full Adobe Creative Cloud Suite for design and
video, Canva for light design, WordPress for the website, and TweetDeck for social media. We also
use Zoom for video conferencing and Outlook for email, calendars and collaboration.
Employees have internet use while at the office but connect through a VPN when working remotely.
Our website is the latest version of WordPress using a purchased theme.
Process Improvements and Technology Acquisitions
NRCG has a number of goals related to increasing its information tools and technology, including:
Increasing participation in riverbank cleanup events, advocacy events, and fundraisers
Boosting communications capacity
Expand diversity and inclusion
Increasing income through members and donors
Improving staff efficiency
Stewardship and Education
Goal: NRCG annually engages 4,000 people in river cleanup and recreational events and outings to
learn about the river and meaningfully contribute to protecting and enhancing river resources.
Technology-Related Strategy: Provide background information on each site/project before, during
and after events via our website and social media.
Technology Task 1: Disseminate information via email, website and social media to recruit
volunteers and conduct effective communication; increase use of lead capture forms.
Cost: Staff time working with additional consultants and volunteers.
Goal: Cultivate the next, more diverse generation of environmental leaders.
Technology-related strategies: Expand and enhance communications capacity to attract and
engage more volunteers and donors while also creating content to inspire more involvement.
8 | Strategic Technology Plan Template
January 2022
Communications and Outreach
Goal: NRCG strategically communicates with key audiences about the rivers importance and the
organization’s work, inspiring the actions needed to protect it.
Technology-Related Strategy: Enhance synergy across NRCG programs and communications to
raise the profile of individual programs and NRCG as a whole
Technology Task 2: Purchase new laptops for staff and tablets for event volunteers.
Cost: $10,,000+
Goal: Facilitate on-site volunteer recruitment and management; accept donations.
Technology-Related Strategies:
Expand and enhance the NRCG constituent database in order to maximize relationships
with event participants, volunteers, and partners.
Goal: Donations grow by $15,000 annually.
Technology-Related Strategy: Improve tools and systems to facilitate efficiency and accurate data
Technology Task 3: Improve data hygiene in Salesforce and communications tools.
Cost: Staff and consultant time; $10,000.
Goal: NRCG doubles its membership in three years, growing its base of reliable, annual
Technology-Related Strategies:
Test strategies to incentivize membership and renewals (i.e. premiums, segmented
messaging, A/B testing in acquisition and renewal letters, recognition opportunities, etc.)
Improve tools and systems to ensure efficiency and accurate data management
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January 2022
Measures of Technology Plan Success
The Narrow River Conversation Group will measure the success of its technology-supported
process improvements using the following parameters.
Our number of volunteers increases.
Constituent activity increase.
More volunteers engage with the organization, and more volunteers become donors.
People who participate in river cleanup events also participate in recreational and fundraising
Our mailing list and number of social media followers increase.
The number of partners and partner organizations led by people of color increases.
Donations grow by $10,000 annually.
All NRCG staff have the necessary technology needed to do their work.
Strategic Technology Plan Template
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Organization Mission
Organization Description
Technology Planning Team
Name Title Phone Email Role on Team
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Organization Analysis
Current Business Processes
Existing Technology Infrastructure
Process Improvements and Technology Acquisitions
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Focus Area One
Technology-Related Strategy:
Technology Task 1:
Technology-Related Strategies:
Focus Area Two
Technology-Related Strategy:
Technology Task 1:
Technology-Related Strategies:
Focus Area Three
Technology-Related Strategy:
Technology Task 1:
Technology-Related Strategies:
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Measures of Technology Plan Success
This organization will measure the success of its technology-supported process improvements
using the following parameters.
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We're grateful to Friends of the Mississippi River for sharing their knowledge
and expertise. This resource would not be possible without their generosity.
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January 2022
About the Technology Association of
The Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) is
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization that
promotes the strategic, innovative, and equitable
use of technology in philanthropy to solve problems
and improve lives. With over 1,900 members in 300
foundations throughout North America and beyond,
TAG provides technology professionals and "accidental
techies" in philanthropy with knowledge, networks,
mentoring, and educational opportunities. Learn more
About Tech Impact
Tech Impact is a nonprofit on a mission to empower
communities and nonprofits to use technology to
better serve the world. The organization is a leading
provider of technology education and solutions
for nonprofits and operates award-winning IT and
customer experience training programs designed to
help young adults launch their careers. Tech Impact
offers a comprehensive suite of technology services
that includes managed IT support, data and strategy
services, telecommunications, and cloud computing
integration and support.
In 2018, it expanded its education and outreach
capabilities by merging with Idealware, an authoritative
source for independent, thoroughly researched
technology resources for the social sector.
Tech Impact’s ITWorks and CXWorks training programs
have graduated hundreds of young adults with the
knowledge, skills and confidence they need to start their
careers in the technology and customer experience
industries. The organization also operates Punchcode, a
coding bootcamp based in Las Vegas, NV. Learn more