4 5
CONTENTS ...................................................................4
SAFETY NOTES ...............................................................6
GENERAL INFORMATION .....................................................8
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................9
2. BOX CONTENT ............................................................10
3. MOUNTING AND CONNECTION ............................................11
3.1 Mounting the MICROBEAST unit ................................................ 11
3.2 Servo connections and auxiliary channels ...................................... 12
3.3 Connection of a standard receiver .............................................. 14
3.4 Use of single line receivers ..................................................... 15
3.5 Preparing a transmitter for ybarless .............................................. 19
3.6 Usage as stand-alone tail gyro .................................................. 20
4. RECEIVER TYPE SETUP ....................................................21
4.1 Receiver type choice (receiver menu point A) ........................................ 21
4.2 Inputchannel assignments (receiver menu points B - H) ............................. 23
4.3 Teaching of customized channel order ......................................... 25
4.4 Programming the Failsafe (receiver menu point N) ............................. 28
5. SETUP PROCEDURE OVERVIEW ............................................29
5.1 Setup menu ................................................................... 31
5.2 Parameter menu ............................................................... 31
5.3 Example: Selection within the menus ........................................... 32
5.4 Switching to the next menu point .............................................. 32
6. SETUP MENU .............................................................33
A Mounting orientation of the MICROBEAST ....................................... 34
B Swashplate servo frequency .................................................... 35
C Tail servo center position pulse length .......................................... 37
D Tail servo frequency ............................................................ 38
E Setting the Tail rotor endpoint .................................................. 40
F Setting the Tail sensor direction ................................................. 42
G Adjusting the swashplate servo centering ....................................... 44
H Swashplate mixer ............................................................... 46
I Setting the swashplate servo directions ........................................ 47
J Teaching the cyclic pitch geometry ............................................. 48
K Adjusting the collective pitch range ............................................ 50
L Adjusting the cyclic swashplate limit ............................................ 51
M Setting the swashplate sensor directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52
N Setting the pirouette optimization direction ..................................... 55
7. DIALS AND TAIL GYRO GAIN ..............................................57
7.1 Swashplate: cyclic gain (Dial 1) ................................................. 57
7.2 Swashplate: direct cyclic feed forward (Dial 2) ................................... 58
7.3 Tail dynamic (Dial 3) ............................................................ 58
7.4 Tail gyro gain (adjusted by the transmitter) ..................................... 59
8. PARAMETER MENU .......................................................60
A Swashplate cyclic center adjustment ............................................ 61
B Control behavior ............................................................... 62
C Swashplate – pitching up compensation ........................................ 64
D Tail HeadingLock gain .......................................................... 65
E Stick deadband ................................................................. 67
F Tail – torque precompensation (RevoMIX) ....................................... 68
9. THE FIRST FLIGHT .........................................................69
10. VERSION DISPLAY .......................................................71
11. TROUBLE SHOOTING .....................................................72
LEGAL TERMS ...............................................................76
DISCLAIMER ................................................................76
COPYRIGHTS ................................................................76
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY .............................................76
MICROBEAST OVERVIEW ....................................................77
MY SERVO SETUP ...........................................................78
6 7
Radio controlled (R/C) models consist of several electrical components. It is therefore necessary to
protect the model from moisture and other foreign subtances. If the model is exposed to moisture this
may lead to a malfunction which may cause damage to the model or a crash. Never y in the rain or
extremely high humidity.
Do not expose the MICROBEAST-System to extreme variations in temperature. Before powering up
the system, wait some time so that the electronics can acclimatize and any accumulated condensation
is able to evaporate.
MICROBEAST consists of highly sensitive electrical components with limited capability to operate
with excessive vibrations or electrostatic discharges. If you nd such disturbances in your model, the
use of MICROBEAST should be postponed until the problems have been xed..
When operating the helicopter with a MICROBEAST ensure a suciently large and stable receiver
power supply. Because of the direct coupling of the rotor blades to the servos, without the use of a
ybar mixer, the servos are exposed to increased actuating forces. In addition, because of the interme-
diary electronic gyro system, the servos are driven more often than with traditional use.
These factors can make the power consumption increase a lot compared to a ybar helicopter.
Particularly when operating electric helicopters with single-line receivers, make sure that the elec-
tric motor cannot start inadvertently during the setup procedure, if the ESC is connected directly to the
MICROBE AST. We recommend disconnecting the electric motor from the ESC during the setup proce-
dure. Prior the rst usage please slide the motor/pinion away from the main gear, then check that the
motor does not start inadvertently when the receiver is switched on.
Radio controlled (R/C) helicopters are not toys! The rotor blades rotate at high speed and pose
potential risk. They may cause severe injury due to improper usage. It is necessary to observe common
safety rules for R/C models and the local law. You can gather information from your local R/C model
club or from your national modelers association.
Pay attention to your own safety and the safety of other people and property in your vicinity when
using our product. Always y in areas away from other people. Never use R/C models in close proximi-
ty to housing areas or crowds of people. R/C models may malfunction or crash due to several reasons
like piloting mistakes or radio interference, and cause severe accidents. Pilots are fully responsible for
their actions, and for damage or injuries caused by the usage of their models.
The MICROBEAST-System is not a ying aid for beginners! It replaces the conventional mechanical
ybar on most R/C helicopters. It is absolutely necessary that you have ying experience and that you
are experienced in the operation of R/C helicopters. Otherwise we suggest you to seek the support of
an experienced helicopter pilot before you undertake the rst ight of your model. Additionally, ight
training with a R/C simulator can help make ying easier and more enjoyable. Ask your local dealer if
you need technical support or if you observe problems during to the usage of our system.
Please read the following instructions thoroughly before the rst use of your MICROBEAST and
setup the system carefully according to this manual. Allow sucient time for the setup procedure and
check each step carefully. Watch for a mechanically clean and proper build of your helicopter. A wrong
system setup can lead to a serious accident and damage to the model.
8 9
Please note that these instructions are
only valid for the MICROBEAST rmware Version 2.x.x !
During the initialization phase you can read, directly on the MICROBEAST, what rmware version your
MICROBEAST is running. The MICROBEAST rst carries out a brief LED test by lighting up all menu LEDs
simultaneously, and cycling the Status-LED color. Then for about 3 seconds, the Status-LED lights red
while the menu LEDs A - G display the rst digit of the rmware version, and the LEDs H - N the se-
cond digit of the rmware version.
Only the rst digit of the rmware version is of importance
If the display on initialization is not as described, but only a running light of all menu LEDs A - N, then
the MICROBEAST is running an older version. In this case we recommend updating to the latest rm-
ware version. If you like to continue to use the older rmware version, so you must also use the appro-
priate instructions and not this manual!
You will get more information about the version display in section 10 of this manual.
Firmware version 2.y.z
On the rst column only the LED B must light corresponding to digit 2.
LEDs H - N are indicating the digit Y but are irrelevant for the purposes
of this instruction manual.
Dear customer, thank you for choosing the MICROBEAST!
MICROBEAST is an easy to use three axis gyro system which makes it possible to y R/C helicopters
without a mechanical ybar. This brings a boost in power as well as longer ight times and makes it
possible to adapt the agility and ying behavior of your helicopter to your individual preference.
The MICROBEAST has a built in high end tail gyro based on the latest MEMS Technology which gives
your helicopter‘s tail perfect stopping behavior and constant rotation rate during any maneuvers.
The MICROBEAST can be used in nearly any size of helicopter, using either electric motors or nitro en-
gines for propulsion. It provides ight stability for beginners and maximum agility and precision for
intermediate and professional pilots.
Nevertheless, the MICROBEAST is not a ying aid for beginners! If you are inexperienced with model
helicopters, please consult an experienced pilot for help with setup and your rst ights.
The following manual will lead you step by step through the setup procedure from the correct moun-
ting of the unit up to the rst ight. Please read the following instruction manual thoroughly. You will
see that during the development of the MICROBEAST, that our focus is to user friendliness and soon
you will be able to operate the system intuitively.
The included overview map of the setup menu can be taken out to the ying eld as a quick reference
to the various menu options.
Check our website WWW.BEASTX.COM where we will inform you about the latest updates and down-
Now have fun and a good time using MICROBEAST!
Sincerely, the BEASTX-Team
10 11
Optional accessories (sold separately)
Receiver wiring leads 15 cm
Adjustment tool
Instruction manual
Cable for stand-alone tail gyro use
Receiver wiring leads 8 cm
Spektrum Adaptor
3.1 Mounting the MICROBEAST unit
Attach the MICROBEAST unit by using one of the provided gyropads at a prefe-
rably low vibrating position on your helicopter such as the gyro platform or recei-
ver platform. You may also need to choose another type of mounting pad depen-
ding on the vibration pattern of your helicopter. Ask you MICROBEAST dealer.
The MICROBEAST unit can be attached at or upright, and even upside down
under the helicopter. However, the servo connector pins must always point
toward the front (or rear) of the helicopter.
Pay attention that the edges of the MICROBEAST unit are all parallel with the
corresponding axes of the helicopter! And be sure that the mounting platform
is perpendicular to the main shaft!
Connectors parallel
to the longitudinal axis
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
12 13
3.2 Servo connections and auxiliary channels
3.2.1 Servo connections
Connect the three swashplate servos into the MICROBEAST as follows:
In slot CH1 is the elevator servo. With electronic swashplate mixing the two roll servos have to be con-
nected to CH2 and CH3, with a mechanical mixed head (H1) the roll servo connects to CH2 and pitch
servo to CH3. The tail servo is always connected on CH4.
Don’t plug the servos into the MICROBEAST yet! The correct servo type and appropriate driving
frequency has not yet been selected in the Setup menu. We recommend not installing the servo
horns yet as the servos could bind and get damaged on rst power up.
When you route the wire leads in your model make sure that there is no tension passed to the
Make sure that the MICROBEAST is able to move freely, so no vibrations get passed onto the
unit. It is not recommended to bundle or tie down the leads close to the MICROBEAST.
At this point we would like to point out the correct dimensioning of receiver power supply is very
important (BEC and battery current rating, number of supply cables, cable diameter, cable length ...).
For ybarless helicopters, the load on the servos and the resulting power consumption is signicant-
ly higher than for helicopters with a ybar!
Fig. 3
Flight direction
mechanical mixer electronic mixer
3.2.2 Auxiliary channels
a) Standard-receiver
When using a standard receiver, other wires such as throttle servo, ESC or power supplies are connec-
ted as usual to the remote control receiver.
b) Single line-receiver
When operating with single-line receivers (Spektrum® satellite receiver, PPM composite signal receiver
(e.g. Futaba® SP-series or the satellite receiver from Jeti®), receivers using Futaba® S-BUS, as well as SRXL
data compatible receivers), the throttle servo / motor controller is connected to [CH5] on the MICRO-
BEAST. When using a motor controller for electric models with a BEC this slot is also powering the MI-
CROBEAST, the servos and the receiver.
We recommend, if possible, (on all receivers that have normal servo connectors together with single
line output), to connect the throttle servo / motor controller directly to the receiver to benet from the
native Failsafe / Hold functions.
On slot [DI2 | CH7 | CH6] another auxiliary channel is available on the top pin [CH6], for example to
hook up a governor for nitro engines. Please note that this slot is only issuing a control signal and has
no power. For this reason, a servo cannot be plugged here directly. The two lower pins DI2 and CH7 are
reserved for other applications.
Never connect a power source here: this could damage the MICROBEAST!
In the case of an electric model, if the ESC has a second BEC output, this wire can be connected to the
[SYS] terminal, or if possible, plugged directly into the receiver.
On models with a separate power supply, this can only be connected to the MICROBEAST on slot [SYS].
Therefore please ensure adequate sizing of the supply lines, especially with large models. A second
power connection can be derived to the receiver or, by using a Y cable, you can inject a parallel power
supply to one of the servo outputs.
14 15
3.3 Connection of a standard receiver
Now plug the receiver cables for aileron, elevator, pitch, rudder and tail gain between the MICROBEAST
and the receiver. To nd out the channel assignments of your remote control receiver, please refer to
the user manual of your transmitter or contact its manufacturer.
To connect elevator and aileron, use the plain 3-wire cables that transmit the control signal in additi-
on to the power supply from the receiver to the MICROBEAST.
Pitch (red), tail (orange) and gain (brown) have only one lead for the control signal on the receiver side, and
are connected to the MICROBEAST on the combined connector. Please ensure these plugs are connected
correctly to the receiver. Although the cable color is dierent, all three wires are signal lines, which go to the
usual orange, yellow or white side! + and - remain open on theses channels.
Please respect the polarities for the plugs going to the MICROBEAST. The orange line on the MICROBE-
AST must always be on the top and the brown on the bottom. Also be sure when inserting the connec-
tors to not accidentally plug them into the space next to the pins or vertically oset by one pin.
Elevator servo
Aileron servo 1
Aileron servo 2 / Pitch
Tail servo
Rudder (orange)
Pitch (red)
Tail Gain
receiver outputs
Fig. 4
3.4 Use of single line receivers
The MICROBEAST enables the use of conventional receivers with individual channel outputs or the use of
special receivers which output the channel signals as a merged single-line signal. These include Spek trum®
satellite receivers, PPM composite signal receiver (e.g. Futaba® SP Series receiver or the satellite receiver from
Jeti ®), receivers with Futaba® S-BUS, as well as receivers with SRXL compatible data output (e.g. SRXL-Multi-
3.4.1 Connection of a Spektrum® Satellite receiver
To connect a Spektrum® satellite receiver on the MICROBEAST a special optional adapter is required.
This adapter is connected to the [DI1] input of the MICROBEAST. Please observe correct polarity, the
orange signal line must be next to the cover. The cable for the Spektrum® satellite receiver is then
plugged into this adapter.
Fig. 5
CH5 throttle servo/ESC and power supply
Elevator servo
Aileron servo
Aileron / pitch servo
Tail servo
Power supply
CH6 additional channel
Satellite receiver
16 17
Binding of a Spektrum® satellite receiver:
To bind a satellite receiver, it must be connected via the adapter to the MICROBEAST. Insert a
Spektrum® „Bind plug“ in the [SYS] slot and turn on the power. The receiver is now (ashing LED on
the receiver) in bind mode and can be bound to the transmitter.
In cases where power is supplied exclusively by the [SYS] Connection, to bind a Spektrum® satellite re-
ceiver, the power supply must be provided temporarily through any of the servo port (CH1 - CH5).
We recommend combining this operation simultaneously with the setting of the receiver type as
described in Section 4.1.
Do not forget to remove the „Bind plug“ after the bind operation. It makes no dierence if you pull
o the „Bind plug“ during the binding process or leave it connected. The failsafe adjustment is
made through a separate receiver menu point and not as for some Spektrum® receivers during the
binding process.
The use of a MICROBEAST with a Spektrum® satellite receiver is allowed only on micro or
mini helicopters because to the limited range due to the lack of antenna diversity!
3.4.2 Connection of PPM composite signal receivers
For the connection of PPM composite signal receivers there is usually no special adapter required. In
most cases (e.g. Futaba ®-receivers of the SP-series) the receiver can be connected to the MICROBEAST
with one of the supplied regular 3-wire cables. For some receivers, the connecting cable is also already
xed to the receiver (e.g. Jeti ® satellite receiver).
If not xed to the receiver, plug the cable into the output of the digital composite signal of your receiver,
usually labeled with „SIG“ or the like. Again pay attention to correct polarity. Be careful, since the sup-
plied cable is designed to be used universally, and the usual Futaba® polarity protection tab is missing.
Plug the other end of the cable into the MICROBEAST input [DI1]. Make sure the polarity is correct; the
orange signal line must be next to the MICROBEAST top cover.
Fig. 6
CH5 throttle servo/ESC and power supply
Elevator servo
Aileron servo
Aileron/pitch servo
Tail servo
Power supply
CH6 additional channel
PPM composite
signal Receiver
18 19
3.4.3 Connection of other single line receiver with additinal servos connectors
Connect the receiver to the MICROBEAST with one of the supplied regular 3-wire cables. Plug the cable into
the MICROBEAST input [DI1] and the other to the receiver to the output [S. BUS] or [B | D] ® for Multiplex.
Please make sure that the connectors are plugged in with the correct polarity. Be careful, since the supplied
cable is designed to be used universally, and the Futaba® polarity protection tab missing. On the MICROBEAST,
the orange signal wire must be close to the top cover.
This description also applies to other single line receiver with additinal servos connectors.
Fig. 7
Elevator servo
Aileron servo
Aileron/pitch servo
Power supply
e.g. Futaba® S-BUS
Additional channel
Throttle servo/ESC
and power supply)
3.5 Preparing a transmitter for ybarless
(This step is unnecessary when using the MICROBEAST with the optional cable for stand-alone tail gyro use.
Please see 3.6)
First create a new model in your radio‘s model memory. When using the MICROBEAST you have to disable
any mixing functions for the swashplate or tail. Each function should be assigned to just one receiver chan-
nel. As you see our requirement for the transmitter is very low.
Be shure that all trims and sub trims are disabled and that all servo travel are 100% (increasing or decreasing
the servo travel for aileron, elevator and rudder can later adjust the maximum control rates, see chapter 8-B ).
Never enable your radio‘s eCCPM mixing function: this will be done by the MICROBEAST. Always set your
radio‘s swash mixer to mCCPM (mechanical mixing) which is often called ‚H1‘ or ‚1 servo‘ mixing.
Do not adjust the pitch curve at the moment. For the setup procedures, it has to be set as a straight line from
-100% to +100% (or 0 to 100% depending on radio brand).
Again make sure that there are no mixing functions active (for example revo-mixing).
Other functions such as throttle curves, ESC switches or auxiliary functions can be adjusted as usual.
20 21
3.6 Usage as stand-alone tail gyro
The MICROBEAST can also be used as high-end stand-alone tail gyro. This requires the use of a special patch
cable which can be purchased separately. This ensures that the MICROBEAST is provided with power and
that the signals for rudder and tail gain are available from the receiver.
The signal lead with the orange and yellow wires must be connected to the slot [ Aux | Pit | Rud ]. The orange wire
must be closest to the topside of the MICROBEAST.
The power lead must be plugged into the slot [ ELE | DI1 ]. The brown wire (negative or ground) is on the
bottom, the red wire (positive or power) should be in the middle position. Connect the tail servo to [ CH4 ].
If using the MICROBEAST as stand-alone tail gyro only the menu points A, C, D, E, and F need be
adjusted in setup menu. All other menu points can be skipped.
To avoid damage to the tail servo, rst setup menu points C and D which are tail servo pulse and frequency,
prior to connecting the servo.
Tail servo
Tail gyro gain
Receiver ouputs
Fig. 8
Beside using conventional receivers, the MICROBEAST supports the use of dierent types of sin gle-line
receivers. Cause of the dierent signal protocols, the receiver type must be selected in the receiver
menu before the rst use, and where required, further steps such as allocation of individual channels
or the failsafe setting are needed. You can see from the yellow LED next to the letters A - N, at which
receiver menu point you are currently in. By briey pressing the button you can go to the next receiver
menu point which also saves the current settings.
4.1 Receiver type choice (receiver menu point A)
To get into the receiver menu press the button on the MICROBEAST and hold it down while you turn on
the receiver power supply. The yellow menu LED A should now be ashing and you can release the
If you use a motor controller with BEC, disconnect the motor for security reasons to avoid the
possibility of unintentional motor start up!
At menu point A where menu LED A is ashing, the color and state of the Status-LED gives you infor-
mation about which type of receiver is currently selected (refer to the table below).
In order to change the type of receiver, press and hold the button for about 2 seconds. The Status-LED
will light in the next color or eventually ash. Repeat this as many times as required until the Status-LED
match your receiver type:
Status-LED Receiver type
o Standard receiver
purple Spektrum® Satellite
red ashing Futaba® S-BUS
red SRXL
blue ashing PPM - composite signal
Push button for
about 2 seconds
22 23
Then press the button, but only shortly, to save the setup and switch to receiver menu point B (or nish the
initialization if a standard receiver was selected). If you have already shortly pressed the button by mistake,
switch the power o, and repeat the above procedure.
Programming example: operation with a Futaba® S-Bus receiver
Hold the button down
Release button
Release button
Release button
Turn Power
supply ON
Keep button
a long time
Keep button
a long time
push button
LED A: ashing
Status-LED: OFF =
Standard receiver
LED A: ashing
Status-LED: ashing red =
Futaba® S-Bus receiver
LED A: ashing
Status-LED: purple =
Spektrum® receiver
LED B: ashing
Status-LED: blue
as soon as signal is valid
Menu Point A
Menu Point B
Fig. 9
convention: LED lights: LED is ashing:
4.2 Inputchannel assignments (receiver menu points B - H)
The MICROBEAST has pre-programmed channel assignments that already t the selected receiver type
in menu point A. Please refer to the tables below and check if your radio transmits the channels in the
correct order. If this is not the case, you have to assign the channel order step by step through the re-
ceiver menu points B - H (for this see section 4.3).
To know the channel assignment of your transmitter you can check in the user manual of the
transmitter or look at the servo monitor of the transmitter, if it has this feature. If in doubt ask
the manufacturer of your transmitter.
transmitter channel
Channel 1 (THRO) Motor (CH5)
Channel 2 (AILE) Aileron
Channel 3 (ELEV) Elevator
Channel 4 (RUDD) Rudder
Channel 5 (GEAR) gyro gain
Channel 6 (AUX 1) Pitch
Channel 7 (AUX2) additional (CH6)
transmitter channel
Channel 1 Aileron
Channel 2 Elevator
Channel 3 Rudder
Channel 4 Pitch
Channel 5 Motor (CH5)
Channel 6 gyro gain
Channel 7 additional (CH6)
Futaba® S-BUS
transmitter channel
Channel 1 Aileron
Channel 2 Elevator
Channel 3 Motor (CH5)
Channel 4 Rudder
Channel 5 gyro gain
Channel 6 Pitch
Channel 7 additional (CH6)
PPM - Composite signal
transmitter channel
Channel 1 Pitch
Channel 2 Aileron
Channel 3 Elevator
Channel 4 Rudder
Channel 5 additional (CH6)
Channel 6 Motor (CH5)
Channel 7 gyro gain
24 25
If the Status-LED stays red, it means that there is no valid remote control signal available. A
channel assignmentm in this case is impossible! If the Status-LED doesn’t turn blue after a few seconds,
check if the receiver is properly bound to the transmitter (bind already done successfully?) and
that a receiver of the correct type is selected in receiver menu point A. If a wrong receiver type has
been selected, switch o the power and re start the receiver type procedure.
If you are on receiver menu point B, please wait until the Status-LED lights blue.
To load the selected standard channel assignment (see the Tables, section 4.2), hold the button down
for several seconds. The menu LED will immediately jump to receiver menu point N. In addition, you
can also load the default settings by pushing the button for several seconds in any of the points from
C to H. This will erase all previously made individual channel assignments.
Release button
Hold button
a long time
LED B lights
Status-LED: blue
LED N lights
Status-LED is ashing
red / blue
Menu point B Menu point N
(Failsafe setting)
Loading of
standard channel
Fig. 10
4.3 Teaching of customized channel order
If you need a customized channel order, please rst prepare (if not already done) your transmitter as descri-
bed in section 3.5 above.
Additionally, make sure (for example, using the servo monitor of your transmitter) that each control
function of your transmitter activates one and only one channel. This can be tricky especially for thrott-
le/pitch functions which are usually coupled by a mixer in the transmitter. In this case set the throttle chan-
nel quiet by using for example the throttle hold switch or provide a at throttle curve so that the pitch stick
actually controls only the channel for the pitch servo, but for the later, keep the possibility to control also the
throttle channel by ipping a switch for example.
In the following 7 menu points B - H, you can assign dierent functions by simply actuating the appropri-
ate channel function on your transmitter. A blue ash of the Status-LED indicates that a channel has been
detected. It does not matter how far or in what direction you move the stick or in what position the stick/
switch was. Note the channel value itself is not important, but the change of this value is. It is therefore im-
portant that only the requested function is activated and not by accident several simultaneously. Otherwise,
the MICROBEAST may not recognize the allocated channel correctly.
Receiver menu point Function
Gyro Gain
Trottle (CH5)
Auxiliary (CH6)
26 27
If you have moved the wrong stick/switch, you can reactive the correct function again. The MICROBEAST
remembers only the last function that was operated and conrms it with blue ashing of the Status-LED.
Press the button after learning each function to save the assignment and to go to the next function. The
button remains locked until you operate a new control function. You have to assign every function with
the exception of the last auxiliary channel CH6 (this channel can be skipped by pressing the button without
learning the function).
Once a channel is assigned, it is no longer available and is ignored by the MICROBEAST for the remaining
process. Thus, after learning of the pitch function (menu point B) you can enable the throttle function (re-
move throttle hold and switch to a linear or V shape curve) and teach the throttle channel by re-operating
the collective stick (menu point G). The pitch channel is now no longer considered, as this channel has al-
ready been assigned previously!
If the Status-LED stays red, it means that there is no valid remote control signal available. In this
case, a channel assignment is impossible! If the Status-LED doesn’t turn blue after a few seconds,
check if the receiver is properly bound to the transmitter (bind already done successfully?) and
that a receiver of the correct type is selected in receiver menu point A. If a wrong receiver type has
been selected, switch o the power and re start the receiver type procedure.
By pressing the button at receiver menu point H the menu LED jumps directly to receiver menu
point N.
Move pitch stick
Move aileron stick
Push button
Push button
(Learning of subsequent
channels according to table
in section 4.3)
LED B ashing
Status-LED: blue
LED C ashing
Status-LED: blue
Status-LED: ashing blue
Status-LED: ashing blue
Learning of
pitch channel
Learning of
Aileron channel
Fig. 11
28 29
This completes the basic receiver setup and the MICROBEAST will continue with the usual initialization.
Set throttle
channel to
failsafe position
Push button
LED N: ashing
Status-LED: ashing red / blue
Fig. 12
4.4 Programming the Failsafe (receiver menu point N)
At receiver menu point N you have to program the fail-safe position for the throttle channel. If during ope-
ration, the received signal is interrupted, the throttle servo / motor controller (connected to the output CH5)
is automatically reset to this fail safe position. To avoid accidents you should program electric motors to „o
and reduce throttle on nitro helicopters to idle.
Set the throttle channel on your remote control to the desired position and press the button shortly.
For the other channels there is no fail-safe programming. In case of interruption of the recei-
ved signal, these channels just hold the position corresponding to the last valid signal
(Failsafe programming)
After power on, or on exit of the receiver type setup, the MICROBEAST will initialize. During this phase, do not move
the MICROBEAST unit or the helicopter. First the MICROBEAST runs a short LED test and then the rmware version
is displayed for 3 seconds. After that, the running LEDs A to G show the calibration of the sensors and the LEDs H to N
the initialization of the receiver inputs.
When the system is ready it does a short move of the swashplate servos and the Status-LED turns blue if the tail gyro
is in HeadingLock mode or purple in Normal-Rate mode. For about 10 seconds you can see one of the LEDs A - N
light according to the current amount of tail gain.
The programming of the MICROBEAST works in the following way:
There are two menu levels. From ready mode (ight mode) you always can only get into the one or the other
menu level. A change between the menu levels is not possible; you always have to rst get out of the current
level to enter in the other menu level. Each level includes several setup points. The yellow LEDs next to the let-
ters shows at which setup point you are currently. Note that the two menu levels have a dierent number of
setup points.
• ToaccesstheSetupmenuyoukeepthebuttonpressed(severalseconds)untilLEDA stops ashing and lights up
continuously. In this menu all the basic settings are made to adjust the MICROBEAST to your helicopter.
• ToaccesstheParametermenu,pressandholdthebuttonbrieyuntiltheLEDA starts to ash quickly and
release immediately the button. This menu is used to ne tune the ight characteristics and is mostly needed
at the aireld.
• Whileinoneofthemenusyounormallyselectthedierentoptionsbygivinganinputwiththetailstickto
the left or right. The momentary selected option is indicated by the color of the Status-LED. Possible colors
are: o, purple, ashing red, red, ashing blue and blue. On some of the menus you might have to adjust
settings with other stick functions.
• Whileinoneofthemenus,ashortpushonthebuttonwillswitchtothenextmenupoint.Itisalsopossibleto
skip a menu point. Therefore do not move any stick while being in the menu point you want to skip, and just
press the button once again.
After the last menu point, a short press on the button will exit the menu. Then the MICROBEAST is ready to y
again. If there is no stick or button input for 4 minutes while being in one of the menus, the MICROBEAST will
exit the menus automatically. (This is not true in the setup points D, G, I and J to give you enough time to
adjust the mechanical setup of your helicopter).
30 31
Never y while the MICROBEAST is in one of the setup or parameter menu!
In this condition the gyro control and the stick controls are disabled.
Tail gyro mode:
o, ashing blue or blue
= HeadingLock mode
purple = Normal-Rate mode
Menu LEDs: Amount of tail gain A=0% to N=100%
(only after powering up or when adjusting the gain)
Menu LEDs: steady on = setup menu
ashing = parameter menu
- to enter setup menu push down several
seconds until LED A is steady on
- to enter Parameters menu push shortly
until LED A is ashing
Dial 1: cyclic gain
Dial 2: direct cyclic feed forward
Dial 3: tail dynamic
Operation Mode
Menu selection
red ashing
blue ashing
press shortly for next menu point
Selection by tail stick input or aileron / elevator / pitch stick within menus as needed.
Fig. 13
5.1 Setup menu
5.2 Parameter menu
No Menu LED is on
Push button for about 3 seconds
Operation mode
Setup menu – menu point A
Menu LED A steady on
no Menu LED is on
Press button shortly
Menu LED A is ashing quickly
Operation mode
Parameter menu – menu point A
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
32 33
5.3 Example: Selection within the menus
5.4 Switching to the next menu point
Push button shortly
Menu point A Menu point B
By moving the tail stick to the
left or right, you can select the
dierent options within a menu
The number of possibilities
depends on the menu point.
ashing blue
ashing red
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Before the rst ight the MICROBEAST has to be adjusted to your helicopter and the used components.
When the MICROBEAST shows that the system is ready, press and hold the button down, the menu LED next
to menu point A will begin to ash and then after a while will be steady on. Now and only now you can re-
lease the button. You just entered the setup menu in menu point A.
To leave the setup menu you have to skip through all menu points by pressing the button several times.
After pushing the button at menu point N you will exit the setup menu and the system is ready for operati-
on again. None of the LEDs A - N are glowing anymore (see chapter 5).
If there is no stick or button input for 4 minutes, while being in the setup menu, the MICROBEAST
will exit the menu automatically. (This will not happen during setup points D, G, I and J to give you
enough time to adjust the mechanical setup of your helicopter).
Factory Reset:
To reset the MICROBEAST to factory settings, you can, at any setup menu point, push down the button for at
least 10 seconds until the LEDs A - N and J quickly blink one after the other to conrm the reset.
Please note that any previously conguration is deleted now. Do not attempt to y the helicopter wit-
hout doing the complete setup procedure again otherwise you will crash your helicopter. Please note also
that all servo settings are lost, therefore you should unplug the servos and remove the servo horns before re-
setting the MICROBEAST.
The receiver type settings (see Section 4) are not aected by the reset!
Conversely, if you change any settings in receiver type, the setup menu or parameter menu are not aected.
However, you have to redo the receiver-specic settings (channel assignment and fail-safe, see sections 4.2 to
34 35
A Mounting orientation of the MICROBEAST
The MICROBEAST unit can be mounted in nearly all possible orientations. The only restriction is that
the plug connectors have to point in or against ying direction (see chapter 3).
At setup menu point A, you have to choose whether the MICROBEAST is mounted horizontally (prin-
ted surface 90 degrees to the main shaft) or vertically (printed surface in parallel with the main shaft).
The color of the Status-LED shows the currently selected orientation:
Status-LED Mounting orientation
red vertical (on the side)
blue horizontal (flat)*
* Factory Setting
As already described (Fig. 16) you can switch between the two options by moving the rudder stick to
one or other direction. For checking purposes the Status-LED will change color.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point B.
Fig. 18
Status-LED: blue
Status-LED: red
If you do not know what maximum pulse rate tolerated by your servos, please select not more than
50Hz driving frequency. A higher driving frequency can lead to failure of the servos!
Analog Servos usually tolerate only 50Hz, some types up to 65Hz. Digital servos allow usually higher fre-
quencies, but this has to be veried in the servo datasheet. You may need to check with the manufacturer
of the servos.
On WWW.BEASTX.COM you can nd a list of parameters for the most common servos.
To optimize the performance of the MICROBEAST, the rule is the higher the better! Nevertheless if you
experience an unusually high power consumption of the receiver power supply or if the servos get hot,
you should reduce this frequency.
With high frequencies, some servos run in a jerky manner, especially the fast ones like coreless or
brushless servos. This is due to the high update rate that the servo receives. This is not critical and will
not impact ight performance.
The color and state of the
Status-LED shows the
currently selected frequency:
Status-LED Swashplate servo frequency
purple 50 Hz *
red ashing 65 Hz
red 120 Hz
blue ashing 165 hz
blue 200 Hz
o User dened
B Swashplate servo frequency
If you are using the MICROBEAST as stand-alone tail gyro with the optional patch cable (see chapter 3.6) it is
not necessary to make any adjustments at this setup menu point.
Setup menu point B is for selecting the servo frequency of your swashplate servos.
* Factory Setting
36 37
The MICROBEAST can be used with nearly all available servo types. However, the selected servos should
be adequate for ybarless operation (high torque and also fast and precise).
The quality of the servos will have a direct inuence on the range of rotor blades that can be used. The
more the servos are suited for ybarless operation, the less important is the ybarless specicity of the
rotor blades.
The use of a bad servo-rotor blade combination will lead to several issues, ranging from oscillations du-
ring hover to unwanted reactions in fast forward ight.
To select the desired servo frequency, move the tail stick repeatedly in one direction until the Status-LED
lights in the correct color.
The option “user dened allows you to dene your own setting with the PC software.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point C.
There is a relationship between the setting of the tail servo center position pulse and the tail servo fre-
quency (menu point D). If a tail servo center position pulse is selected that does not allow a certain fre-
quency, this frequency is automatically reduced. The center position pulse-setting always has priority,
since a servo can run without problems at a too low frequency but can not be operated with an incorrect
center position pulse.
On WWW.BEASTX.COM you can nd a list of parameters for the most common servos.
The color of the Status-LED
shows the currently selected
servo center position pulse:
C Tail servo center position pulse length
At setup menu point C you can select the tail servo‘s center position pulse. Almost all commercially
available servos work with 1520 μs. But there are a few special tail servos on the market which use a
dierent center position pulse.
To select the desired servo center position pulse repeatedly move the tail stick in one direction until the
Status-LED glows in the correct color.
The option “user dened” allows you to dene your own setting with the PC software.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point D.
Status-LED Tail servo center position pulse length
purple 960 μs
red 760 μs
blue 1520 μs *
o User dened
* Factory Setting
38 39
Please note that depending on the tail servo center position puls chosen at setup point C, you may not be able
to choose a frequency higher than 333Hz. This also applies to the user dened“ setting which might be limi-
ted to 333Hz (see also page 37).
If you do not know what maximum frequency is tolerated by your servo, please select not more
then 50Hz. A higher frequency can lead to failure of the servos!
Analog Servos usually tolerate only 50Hz. Digital servos usually allow higher frequencies, but this has to
be veried in the datasheet of the servo. You may need to check with the manufacturer of the servos.
On WWW.BEASTX.COM you can nd a list of parameters for the most common servos.
D Tail servo frequency
As with the swashplate servos at setup menu point B you can select at setup menu point D the fre-
quency for the tail servo.
To optimize the performance of the MICROBEAST tail gyro, the rule is the higher the better!
A good rudder servo should be capable of running at least 270Hz.
By moving the tail stick
repeatedly in one direction you
can choose the desired tail servo
Status-LED Tail servo frequency
purple 50 Hz *
red ashing 165 Hz
red 270 Hz
blue ashing 333 Hz
blue 560 Hz
o User dened
* Factory Setting
Fig. 19
The option “user dened allows you to dene your own setting with the PC software.
Next attach a servo horn to the tail servo in such a way that the tail linkage rod forms a 90 degree
angle to the servo horn (or as close as possible) and then adjust the linkage rod as described in the
manual for your helicopter. For most helicopters the tail pitch slider should be centred and the tail rotor
blades will then have some positive pitch to compensate for the torque of the main rotor.
Note: This menu item will not be left automatically after 4 minutes, so you have plenty of time to adjust
the mechanical setup.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point E.
40 41
Pay attention that the steered direction of your tail stick corresponds to the direction your helicopter should
turn. If this is not the case, use your transmitter‘s servo reversing function for the tail stick. If you‘re not sure
in which direction the helicopter should rotate consult the manual for your helicopter.
E Setting the Tail rotor endpoint
At setup menu point E you adjust the best possible servo throw for your tail rotor. This best throw is
determined by the maximum possible control travel of the tail mechanism or based on the maximum
allowed angle of attack of the tail rotor blades, that will not lead to an aerodynamic stall of these bla-
des. Such stalls can cause very bad stopping behavior.
To adjust the limits, move the tail stick in one direction until the servo reaches the maximum end point
without any binding or stall and release the tail stick. The further you move the tail stick the quicker the
servo will steer into the given direction. If you move the servo too far you can steer the stick to the
opposite direction and move the pitch slider a short way back.
Once you adjusted the maximum endpoint don‘t move the tail stick anymore and wait for the Status-
LED to ash and then light steady red or blue, depending on the adjusted direction. Now you have
saved the servo limit for one direction.
Fig. 20
Red or blue
Then adjust the servo limit for the other direction. Drive the tail pitch slider by using the tail stick to the other
maximum endpoint and then release the tail stick. After a short moment, the color of the Status-LED should
start ashing followed by lightning steady purple, (mix of red and blue) indicating that the servo endpoint
adjustment is complete.
Fig. 21
Status-LED: red or blue
Status-LED: purple
If the Status-LED does not light or lights in an unexpected color, the servo throw is obviously
too small. In this case mount the linkage ball of the tail linkage rod further inward on the servo horn.
This ensures that the tail gyro of the MICROBEAST will perform in the best way and that enough
servo resolution is available.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point F.
42 43
If this is not the case you have to reverse the sensor direction. This happens by moving the tail stick
once into any direction. For conrmation you will see that the Status-LED will change its color.
At setup point F, you can nd this out very easily:
The gyro always tries to steer in the opposite direction of the rotation that is applied to the helicopter.
If you move the helicopter by hand around its vertical axis, the gyro must actuate a tail servo movement to
compensate this rotation. If for example you move the nose of the helicopter to the right, the gyro has to
steer left the same way as you would steer left with the rudder stick (see g. 22)
F Setting the Tail sensor direction
Here you have to check if the MICROBEAST‘s tail gyro does compensate into the right direction.
Status-LED Tail Sensor direction
red normal *
blue reversed
* Factory Setting
If using the MICROBEAST as a stand-alone tail gyro with the optional patch cable (see chapter 3.6) you
do not have to do any further adjustments within the setup menu. Push the button repeatedly to skip
the following setup menu points until no menu LED is on anymore and the system is ready for operation.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point G.
wrong correct
Once again repeat the test as described above. The MICROBEAST should now correct in the right way:
steering direction
steering direction
Fig. 22
44 45
Fig. 24
Note: This menu item will not be left automatically after 4 minutes, so you have plenty of time to adjust
the mechanical setup.
You can switch back and forth between the servos as often as you need, and also switch back to the
zero position for reference anytime. The already adjusted servo centers will not be lost doing this.
Note that only the adjusted servo positions are important and get stored. Those which have been set
with the corresponding Status-LED colors. The Status-LED o only serves for reference and to plug the servo
horns in the best position. For instance, if you install or replace the servos in the model.
G Adjusting the swashplate servo centering
When entering setup menu point G, all swashplate servos are running to their zero position (1520 µs) what
we call reference position here the Status-LED is o.
This reference position is used to mount the servo horns on the servos so that they form as much as possib-
le a 90 degrees angle to the linkage rod. Usually this will not work out perfectly depending on the servo‘s
gear train and the servo horn, therefore you can adjust electronically every single servo in the next steps.
Later, you can come back anytime to the reference position (when the Status-LED is o) for checking the
mechanical setup..
If you move the tail stick to a single direction once, you can select one servo and change its center position
by moving the elevator stick back and forth. Every color of the Status-LED is corresponding to a specic
servo channel that is indicating its selection by a short up and down move.
Status-LED Function
o Swashplate servos at reference position
purple CH 1 – elevator servo center adjust
red CH 1 – roll (1) servo center adjust
blue CH 3 - roll (2)/ pitch servo center adjust
If you move the tail stick once
again in the same direction as
before you can select the next
swash servo and adjust its center
position as mentioned.
Adjust now the linkage rods according to your helicopter manual. The swashplate should now be at the
midpoint and perpendicular to the main shaft and the rotor blades should have 0 degrees of pitch.
Work this always out from bottom (servos) to top (blade grips).
Also level and phase the swashplate driver in the correct way.
At 0 degrees of pitch the swash driver arms must be horizontal and the linkage balls of the blade grips
have to be perpendicular to the spindle shaft.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point H.
Fig. 23
46 47
H Swashplate mixer
At setup menu point H you can choose the electronic swashplate mixer your helicopter requires or choose
„mechanical“ for switching of the electronic swashplate mixer if your helicopter has a mechanical mixer. For
the electronic mixer, the MICROBEAST supports 90°, 120° and 140° swashplates. Besides these choices, you
can set any swashplate geometry with the PC software and “mechanical“ for switching o the electronic
swashplate mixer” option.
Which kind of CCPM your helicopter uses can be read in the manual for your helicopter.
The color and state of the Status-LED shows the currently selected mixing type:
o purple red ashing red blue ashing blue
swashplate mixer user dened mechanical 90° 120° * 140° 140° (1=1)
If your helicopter requires an electronic swashplate mixer by no means use your
transmitter‘s swashplate mixer function!
The mixing is all done by the MICROBEAST. Deactivate the swashplate mixing in your transmitter or
program it to mechanical mixing often called „H1“ or „1 servo“ even if your helicopter requires electro-
nic mixing. (Also see chapter 3.5).
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point I.
* Factory Setting
user dened mechanical 90° 120° 140° 140° (1=1)
I Setting the swashplate servo directions
At setup menu point I, you adjust the correct swashplate servo directions. To facilitate this setup, you
don’t need to adjust every servo by its own, but just try the 4 possible combinations.
Move the pitch stick and check if the swashplate moves horizontally up and down. The direction itself
is not yet important. If one or more servos are not running in the right direction, just choose another
combination by giving a short rudder input. Repeat this rudder input until all servos are running in the
same direction.
Check now, if your control directions of aileron, elevator and pitch are correct. If this is not the
case, you have to use the servo reverse feature of your transmitter to reverse the appropriate control
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point J.
Note: This menu item will not be left automatically after 4 minutes, so you have plenty of time to adjust
the mechanical setup.
If the servos are still not reacting properly to aileron and elevator functions, check if the servos and
receiver wires are connected as described above in sections 3.2 to 3.4.
If they are connected properly, verify the settings of your transmitter on any remaining mixer functions
(see section 3.5).
Status-LED CH1 CH2 CH3
o normal reverse reverse
purple normal* normal * reverse *
red normal reverse normal
blue normal normal normal
* Factory Settings
Servo directions
48 49
1. Orientate the rotor blades parallel to the longitudinal axis of the helicopter.
2. Adjust the cyclic pitch to exactly 6 degrees.
J Teaching the cyclic pitch geometry
At this setup point J, you have to tell the MICROBEAST the available cyclic pitch range.
First don‘t touch any stick on your transmitter when entering setup menu point J. Orientate one of
the rotor blades so that it is parallel to the tail boom (Fig. 26). Then attach a pitch gauge to this rotor
blade. The swashplate should be in the neutral position and the blades should have 0 degrees of pitch,
otherwise repeat the swashplate servo centering at setup menu point G.
Now move the aileron stick until the rotor blade has an exact 6 degrees of cyclic pitch and then release
the stick ( Fig. 27). If you moved the swashplate too far you can steer the stick to the opposite direction
and reduce the pitch. Also by moving the tail stick to one direction you can delete the adjustment and
reset the swashplate back to 0 degrees.
The direction you choose is not important, what is important is that you keep the position steady on 6°
when you save and leave this menu step. It is not enough to go to 6° and then move back before saving
and leaving.
When reaching 6 degrees, the Status-LED should light blue. This indicates that your helicopter‘s
rotor head geometry is perfect for the use with a ybarless system. Otherwise, if the Status-LED‘s color
is red or purple or even if the Status-LED is o, this indicates that your helicopter‘s geometry is not
optimal for ybarless usage. Correct this by using shorter servo horns, shorter linkage balls on the inner
swashplatering or longer blade grip link levers.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point K.
Note: This menu item will not be left automatically after 4 minutes, so you have plenty of time to adjust
the mechanical setup.
Always set the cyclic pitch to 6 degrees! This setup does not aect the maximum rotation
rate of the helicopter but is only there to show the MICROBEAST the actual mechanical cyclic
geometry. A wrong adjustment at this step may be extremely detrimental to the performance of
the MICROBEAST. The blue color of the Status-LED is secondary and just for information.
Move the aileron stick
until 6 degrees (+ or -)
of cyclic pitch is reached
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
50 51
K Adjusting the collective pitch range
At setup point K you adjust the maximum desired negative and positive collective pitch.
Move the pitch stick all the way up and stay there. Now you can increase or decrease the maximum amount
of pitch using the tail stick.
When you adjusted the desired maximum pitch angle, move the pitch stick all the way down and again in-
crease or decrease the pitch to the minimum desired value using the tail stick.
Don‘t use any pitch curves in your transmitter while doing these adjustments. Later on for the ights,
you can adjust your pitch curves as you like and are used to. Setup menu point K solely serves to teach
the MICROBEAST the maximum used pitch range.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point L.
At this point, verify again that the demanded pitch direction on the transmitter is in the correct
direction for the model. Otherwise use your transmitter‘s servo reversing function for the pitch channel
to correct this as already described in section I.
L Adjusting the cyclic swashplate limit
At setup menu point L you adjust the maximum possible tilting of the swashplate for aileron and elevator. The
deection will be limited in a circular path similar to a cyclic ring function.
For adjustment proceed in the following way:
Carefully move the sticks for aileron, elevator and pitch to all maximum end points and watch out if the swashpla-
te, the linkage rods or servos are binding somewhere or even getting not more driven.
By moving the rudder stick to the left or right, you can increase or decrease the aileron and elevator throw limiter.
Always try to achieve the maximum possible cyclic throw. The higher the swashplate deection is set the greater
it will be in ight. This will achieve the maximum possible rotation rate of the helicopter without sacricing the
gyro control loop.
If afterwards any modications are done to one of the other setup menu points which aect servo
adjustments (setup menu points G, J and K) the cyclic swashplate adjustment has to be redone.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point M.
Similar to setup point J, the color of the Status-LED indicates whether the adjusted limit allows
sucient cyclic throw. In the ideal case, the swashplate is limited only to the extent where the Status-
LED still lights blue. In particular, for models that are intended to be used in 3D aerobatics, 10° to 12°
cyclic throw should be possible. But even for all the other helicopters, it is recommended to adjust as
much throw as possible, because otherwise the control loop may not work properly. Here, the color of
the Status-LED provides a clue. If you get only purple or even no light at all, it is essential that you
change the mechanical setting of your model to increase the available throw.
52 53
M Setting the swashplate sensor directions
At setup menu point M, you check if the sensors for aileron and elevator are working in der correct direction.
This can be directly veried in this menu point: If you roll or tilt the helicopter by hand the swashplate has to steer
against this movement. Please refer to this on the next page Fig.28.
If this is not correct, you can reverse the sensor directions by moving the tail stick in one direction. For
conrmation you will see that the Status-LED changes color. Repeat this step until both sensors are
correcting in the correct direction.
There are four possible displays for control to choose from, one will be correct:
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to setup menu point N.
When tilting the helicopter forward the swashplate has to move backwards, when tilting the heli-
copter to the back, the swashplate has to compensate forward. Same thing applies to the roll axis,
when you roll the helicopter to the left the swashplate has to steer right and vice versa. Basically the
swashplate has to remain horizontal while banking the helicopter.
Sensor direction
Status-LED Elevator Aileron
o reversed reversed
purple reversed normal
red normal reversed
blue normal* normal*
* Factory Setting
Tilt the helicopter forwards
The swashplate
has to move backwards
Fig. 28
54 55
Roll the helicopter to one side
The swashplate has to steer
to the opposite direction
Fig. 29
N Setting the pirouette optimization direction
When entering setup menu point N the swashplate will tilt forwards or backwards depending on
your helicopter‘s setup (servos, linkages,…) this resulting tilt will correspond into a specific com-
pass heading.
Now grab your helicopter at the rotor head and rotate it on the vertical (yaw) axis by hand. The swash-
plate must continue to maintain the same compass heading (see g. 30 on the next page). The initial
direction (forward or backward) is irrelevant.
If the noted swashplate tilt opposes the rotation of the helicopter and rotates against the direction of
the model the pirouette optimization should be invert. This can be done by moving the tail stick in one
direction. For conrmation the color of the Status-LED on the MICROBEAST will change:
Status-LED Pirouette optimization direction
red normal *
blue reversed
Now the initial setup of the MICROBEAST is nished. When you press the button now you will
exit the setup menu and the MICROBEAST is ready for operation.
* Factory Setting
56 57
1. Swashplate points to the left
2. Rotate the helicopter
around the vertical axis
3. Swashplate must still point left, as before
Fig. 30
To adjust the dials please only use the original plastic BEASTX adjustment tool to prevent damage to
the dials!
7.1 Swashplate: cyclic gain (Dial 1)
Turn dial 1 clockwise to increase the swashplate gain.
The factory setting for the dial is horizontal which corresponds to 100% swashplate gain. For your rst
ights we suggest not changing this setting. However, when using very small helicopters (such as 250
or 450 size), reduce the swashplate gain slightly.
In general the higher the gain the harder the helicopter will stop after cyclic moves and the helicopter
will feel more stable in the air. If the gain is too high the helicopter feels spongy and tends to oscillate
especially on the elevator axis.
If the gain is too low the helicopter does not stop precisely after a cyclic movement and feels unstable
in fast forward ight.
Tail gyro mode
o, blue ashing, blue = HeadingLock
purple = Normal-Rate mode
Menu LEDs:
The amount of tail gain A=0% to N=100%
(only after powering up or when adjusting the gain)
Dial 1: cyclic gain
Dial 2: direct cyclic feed forward
Dial 3: tail dynamic
Fig. 31
58 59
7.2 Swashplate: direct cyclic feed forward (Dial 2)
Turn dial 2 clockwise to increase the swashplates direct cyclic stick feed forward. This is the part of the stick
input that is going directly to the servos. If correctly adjusted, this relieves the control loop which will work
more eciently by only having to make residual corrections. Factory setting of the dial is horizontal which
provides a good setup in most cases.
Increasing the direct cyclic feed forward will cause more cyclic stick input going directly to aileron and elevator
on the swashplate. Decreasing the direct stick feed forward will do the opposite.
If the direct cyclic feed forward is too high, it will over control your cyclic input. The control loop needs then
eventually to steer back. Even though you get the impression to have a more direct control, unwanted side
eects may appear, like pitch backs on cyclic stops and imprecise fast forward ight.
If the direct cyclic feed forward is too low, the helicopter will feel softer, slower and less direct. The optimal
point depends of many factors like blades, servos, head speed, size and mass of the helicopter.
At delivery the dial is in the middle which should be a good starting point for most helicopters.
7.3 Tail dynamic (Dial 3)
Turn dial 3 clockwise to increase the tail dynamic. Turning dial 3 counter clockwise will decrease the tail
dynamic. Factory setting of the dial 3 is horizontal which provides a good setup in most cases.You have
to make sure the maximum possible Tail gyro gain has already been determined (see section 7.4) befo-
re adjusting the tail dynamic.
Increasing the tail dynamic will lead to harder stopping behavior and more aggressive response to tail stick
inputs. If the dynamic is too high the tail will bounce back shortly after a hard stop and feel spongy
when making fast direction changes. If the dynamic is set too low the tail feels dull and stopping might be
too soft. Ideally the tail should stop perfectly to the point without making any apping noises.
The direct cyclic feed forward does not aect the maximum rate of rotation! If the helicopter turns
too slowly, you should check the settings of the swashplate limiter in setup menu L, change the con-
trol behavior in the parameter menu at point B, or increase the servo travels or „Dual Rate“ setup in
your remote control.
7.4 Tail gyro gain (adjusted by the transmitter)
As with a conventional tail gyro, the tail gain can be adjusted by one of the transmitter‘s auxiliary channels. In
one direction you can select the Normal-Rate mode and in the other direction HeadingLock mode.
The color of the Status-LED indicates the selected mode when the MICROBEAST is ready for operation.
Purple indicates Normal-Rate mode and blue or exceptionally ashing blue indicates HeadingLock mode. Ad-
ditionally while adjusting the gain or shortly after the rst start up, the current amount of gain is displayed by
one of the menu LEDs for about 10 seconds. So you always know the actual amount of gain in your helicopter as
percentages will depend of the used transmitter. When the gain channel is centered, this will correspond to 0%
gain indicated by LED A. In both modes, the maximum adjustable tail gain is 100% and will correspond to LED
N, but the actual percentage in the transmitter will depend on its brand and/or type.
For the rst ight we suggest to start with a gain not higher then F or G in HeadingLock mode. To nd the
optimal gain, we recommend starting with a low gain, where the tail will feel very weak and will stop with
overshoots. Then increase the gain step by step and you will feel the tail having more and more precise stops,
and hold better and better on jerky pitch inputs. If the gain gets too high, the stops will bounce back quickly
and wagging will appear in fast forward or backward ight.
Operation without using a sensitivity (gain) channel is not possible!
Menu LED:
Tail gyro gain
(Status-LED: purple)
(Satus LED: blue)
Fig. 32
60 61
When the MICROBEAST is ready, hold down the button until the Menu LED next to point A ashes
quickly and then release the button. This is how to enter the parameter menu.
To switch to the next parameter menu point, just press shortly the button once again. After the last
menu point pressing the button one time more exits the parameter menu and the MICROBEAST is
ready for ight again. Status-LED will indicate the tail gyro mode and the LEDs A - N are o.
Single menu points can be skipped without performing any changes. Therefore don‘t move any stick
while you are at the menu point you want to skip and just press the button shortly once again. The
parameter menu has only six points A to F, after point F you exit the parameter menu and the MI-
CROBEAST returns to ight mode.
Never attempt to y when the MICROBEAST is in one of the menus!
In this condition the control system and sometimes the stick inputs are deactivated!
A Swashplate cyclic center adjustment
The rst menu point in the parameters menu gives you the possibility to easily adjust your servo cen-
ters on the ying eld as for instance your helicopter is wobbling during pirouettes or when it doesn’t
climb out straight on quick pitch inputs.
Never use the trim functions of your remote control!
The MICROBEAST will see trim as a control command and not as servo trim.
Contrary to centering every single servo in the setup menu point G, here you are able to directly adjust
aileron and elevator without taking care about the single servos. However, the collective pitch cannot
be adjusted here.
At parameter menu point A, just move the aileron or elevator stick to the desired direction until the
swashplate is adjusted correctly. The further you move the stick the faster the servos will move. By
moving the tail stick to one direction you can delete the recent adjustment and bring the swashplate
back to the original position.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to parameter menu point B.
Once this new position is saved, it updates also the servo center points in the setup menu G. Thus a
resetting to the previous position is not possible after having pressed the button.
62 63
B Control behavior
At parameter menu point B you can choose between dierent control behaviors for your helicopter. This
includes the maximum rotation rate of the helicopter as well as how sensitive the MICROBEAST will react to
stick inputs for aileron, elevator and rudder around the stick centre.
Factory setting for this option is „sport“! This should be suitable for most pilots.
If you are a rather inexperienced model pilot it is absolutely suggested to select the option „normal” for the
rst ights. In this state the rotation rate on cyclic and tail is very much decreased and the stick inputs around
center are very gentle.
The choice is done by moving the tail stick in one direction until the LED indicates the desired color and
If you are not satised with the presets, you may adjust the control behavior completely through your
remote control. To do so, set the control behavior to transmitter (Status-LED „blue“).
In this mode, there is no expo programmed in the MICROBEAST and you can set this via your
The maximum rotation rate for aileron, elevator and rudder can then be adjusted by increasing or de-
creasing the servo travel for the corresponding function in your transmitter.
If using the setting transmitter” in HeadingLock mode and by increasing the tail stick throw, you get to
an additional feature where the tail rotation rate is not limited by the gyro anymore. With this feature,
extremely high tail rotation rates are possible. The state of the Status-LED shows if this high rate mode
is reached. If the LED starts to ash at full tail stick input, you are on the controlled rotation rate limit. If
you increase the tail stick servo travel further, the Status-LED will end up turning o when at full stick
input. From this point on the rotation rate is no longer limited by the maximum gyro sensor capability,
and you get into a free spinning area that can not be controlled by the gyro anymore. By further incre-
asing the stick input (dual rates, or servo end points), the maximum rotation rate will increase even
further, as far as the mechanics of the helicopter will allow it!
The option “user dened” allows you to dene your own setting with the PC software.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to parameter menu point C.
Status-LED Control behavior
purple normal
red ashing sport*
rot pro
blue ashing extreme
blue transmitter
o user dened
* Factory Setting
This feature should only be used briey for special maneuvers, for instance by temporarily
switching the dual rate to higher stick throw. Note there is no real tail control in this unregu-
lated range!
Make sure, therefore, that in normal ight operation, the Status-LED at full rudder stick
does not turn o. If it does, please reduce the servo throw or dual rate for the tail channel in
your remote control.
64 65
* Factory Setting
C Swashplate – pitching up compensation
While in fast forward ight apply jerky collective pitch inputs to test this function. The helicopter
should mainly remain in its horizontal path during climbing and descending. If the nose of the helicop-
ter is pitching up and down heavily like a swimming dolphin, increase the value at parameter menu
point C to compensate for this eect. But, if the value is too high the helicopter might feel sluggish and
lazy. Try to nd the lowest suitable setting.
If the helicopter is still pitching up at the highest value, try alternatively to increase the swashplate gain
(dial 1) and use faster and stronger servos as well as rotor blades as neutral as possible (for example
blades specically designed for ybarless helis).
The currently selected value is indicated by the Status-LED color and state:
Status-LED Pitching up behavior
purple very low
red ashing low
red medium *
blue ashing high
blue very high
o user dened
Move the tail stick into one direction until the Status-LED lights in the desired color.
The option “user dened allows you to dene your own setting with the PC software.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to parameter menu point D.
D Tail HeadingLock gain
At parameter menu point D the HeadingLock gain for the tail can be adjusted:
This HeadingLock gain decides how steady the gyro will pirouette or hold. Begin with a HeadingLock
gain set to low or very low and nd out the highest possible tail gain in your transmitter. Then you can
start to increase the HeadingLock gain:
•If the HeadingLock gain istoolow, pirouettes will be inconsistent during fast forwardight or in
crosswind conditions.
imprecise during reversals. It is also possible that the tail will oscillate gently while hovering or ying
Move the tail stick into one direction until the Status-LED lights in the desired color:
Status-LED Tail HeadingLock gain
purple very low
red ashing low
red medium *
blue ashing high
blue very high
o user dened
* Factory Setting
66 67
If the tail pirouettes and stops unevenly in both directions, it is recommended to set the tail gyro to
Normal-Rate mode in order to test, whether the tail will drift in a particular direction during hover. If it
does, adjust the tail link rod length accordingly, so that the tail blades have the required compensation
pitch. Do not forget, to redo the tail rotor limits (setup menu point E).
If you did choose in the parameter menu the control behavior Transmitter please make sure that you
are not accidently entering the free spinning range which might be a reason for inconsistent rotation
rates. See note in parameter menu B (control behavior).
The option “user dened allows you to dene your own setting with the PC software.
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to parameter menu point E.
E Stick deadband
At parameter menu point E you can adjust the stick dead band for elevator, aileron and rudder. The
deadband is the range around the very center of the stick where the MICROBEAST will not react. Unfor-
tunately, some on the market available transmitters have the problem that when the sticks are brought
back, after an input, to the middle position, they aren’t exactly at the same center position as before.
This generates a continuous deviation on the corresponding function, although the stick seems to be
in the middle. This deviation is interpreted as a small input by the MICROBEAST, which lead to an un-
wanted rotation on that axis.
• Ifthestickdeadbandissettolow,itisdiculttondastickpositionwherenoinputissenttothe
MICROBEAST. A too low setting here can lead to a tipping helicopter at take o, or a dicult to control
• Ifthestickdeadbandissettohigh,youwillfeelinthemiddlealargezonewhereyouhavenocontrol,
which makes it dicult to have precise hovering.
Status-LED Stick deadband
purple 1
red ashing 2 *
rot 3
blue ashing 4
blue 5
o user dened
Push the button to save the conguration and to proceed to parameter menu point F.
The choice is made by moving the tail stick
into one direction until the Status-LED
lights in the desired color.
The option “user dened allows you to
dene your own setting with the PC soft-
* Factory Setting
68 69
Status-LED RevoMIX
purple o *
o user dened
* Factory Setting
Now it‘s time to y your helicopter with the MICROBEAST!
After powering up the receiver, wait until the MICROBEAST has initialized completely.
This is indicated by a short move of the swashplate servos and the Status-LED lighting steady blue or
purple. It is unnecessary to have the helicopter horizontal, but important not to move it during the whole
initialization. In case of wind catching the blades, you can even lay it on the side to avoid shacking.
Like mentioned in chapter 7 the three dials should be the factory setting (centered horizontally). The
tail gain channel should be set to point F or G. Select the control behavior at parameter menu point
B to t your ying style.
F Tail – torque precompensation (RevoMIX)
The advantage of always knowing the pitch and cyclic load on the flybarless system, allows the
MICRO BEAST to pre-compensate for the torque variations on the tail before any noticeable deviation.
This method of torque pre compensation (RevoMIX) relieves the tail control loop and improves the tail
The setup of the RevoMIX value is only possible through the PC software and is activated in parameter
menu point F by choosing user dened. The choice is made by moving the tail stick in any direction
until the Status-LED changes color.
Before the rst take o, make a stick direction check and again make sure that the sensors are cor-
recting to the right direction when you tilt, roll or yaw the helicopter by hand.
It is normal that the swashplate might moving only slowly back to its original position after a
stick input and that the servos don’t run at the same speed as your sticks.
In comparison to a ybar head you are not controlling anymore directly the servos but controlling ro-
tational rates like for y-by-wire. The control of the servo is left to the control loop in the MICROBEAST.
Thus it is also normal in HeadingLock mode, that the tail servo will stay in its end position after a tail stick
input or tail movement and that it does not always react immediately to a stick input. For the same re-
ason, it is also normal that the rudder servo runs to the endpoints with small stick inputs.
70 71
Just before lift o make sure that the swashplate is horizontal and that the tail pitch slider is near cen-
tered. You can shortly switch to Normal-Rate mode, in this mode the tail servo will always center itself
if the tail stick is released.
Avoid excessive steering during lift o otherwise the helicopter may tip over!
The best way is to give a fair and direct pitch input to lift the helicopter quickly up into the air. This de-
mands some re-education, if you have only own ybared helicopters before.
Now at rst you should try to nd the maximum possible tail gain and later on do some ne tuning as
described in chapters 7 and 8 if necessary.
After powering up the MICROBEAST, it performs a brief initialization phase. A quick LED test turns all menu
LEDs on simultaneously, and the Status-LED cycles through all colors. Then for about 3 seconds, the Status-
LED turns red and the rst two digits (X and Y) of the internal rmware version are displayed. Then, in the
remaining time a running light of the LEDs A - G signals that the sensors are being calibrated and the LEDs
H - N do indicate the initialization of the receiver signals.
During the initialization phase (i.e. when viewing the rmware version or later) push briey the button and
you can display the third digit (Z) of the rmware version while the Status-LED ashes purple. Press the
button briey again, and the color of the Status-LED changes to ashing blue while displaying the data
version (X.Y). If you press the button third time, the Status-LED goes o and the hardware version (X.Y) of
your MICROBEAST is displayed. Press the button once again to leave the version display and proceed with
Representation of values:
The representation of all values using the menu LEDs is in binary. A lighting menu LED stands for a 1, an o
LED for 0. The least signicant bits are A and H.
Firmware version:
The firmware version consists of three values X.Y.Z which are displayed for X and Y during the ini-
tialization, and for Z if the button is pushed during this initialization. X are displayed though menu
LEDs A - G, Y through H - N and Z is using all LEDs A - N.
Data version:
The data version consists of two values X.Y which are displayed at the same time through menu LEDs A - G
for X and H - N for Y.
Hardware version:
The hardware version consists of two values X.Y which are displayed at the same time through menu LEDs
A - G for X and H - N for Y.
72 73
Description Reason Solution
not initialize.
The Status-LED is ashing red.
signals a sensor
- helicopter must stand absolutely still
during initialization process.
- strong wind can shake the helicopter and
therefore the sensors. Lay it on the side
during the initialization.
- don’t initialize on a vibrating support, like
a car hood or trunk with a running motor.
Turn o the motor!
- Sensors are damaged.
Return MICROBEAST for repair
The Menu LEDs H to N are
running up and down,
has no valid
signal from the
- Check the wiring. Mainly check receiver
wires for polarity on both sides and correct
plugging (no vertical oset by one pin)
- In case of 2.4GHz, check the transmitter-
receiver binding.
- Check the correct receiver type. Chapter 4.
Description Reason Solution
The helicopter slowly drifts
by itself on aileron, elevator
and/or tail.
The swashplate is perfectly
leveled and no sub trimming is
present in the radio nor is any
mixing function active.
This behavior seems to be
inuenced by the rotor head
This indicates to a
vibration problem
which interferes with
the sensors of the
- check the whole helicopter for
- in electric helicopters the motor can
cause high frequent micro-vibra-
- balance the tail rotor blades very
- check the tension of the tail belt
- choose another mounting position
- try other types of gyro pads
The sensors do not seem to
work correctly.
The tail servo does not react or
reacts very slowly to rotation of
the helicopter. The same
happens to the elevator axis.
wrong mounting
orientation has been
The gain of tail gyro is
too low in the
transmitter or even not
on the right channel
- in setup menu point A select the
correct mounting orientation.
- Adjust the Gain in the transmitter
- Correct wiring or setup of tail gain
74 75
Description Reason Solution
The helicopter wobbles
on aileron and elevator
Reducing the swashplate
gain does not help to
suppress this eect
the MICROEBAST setup is
not done correctly.
the helicopter‘s linkage
ratio is not suitable for
ybarless usage.
The servo-blade
combination is not good
Some linkages aren’t
moving smoothly and
- in setup menu point J adjust the
cyclic pitch to exactly 6 degrees: the
color of the Status-LED should be
“blue”, otherwise the linkage ratio
has to be changed by using longer
blade grip levers, shorter servo
horns or shorter linkage balls at the
- check if the swashplate travel for
aileron and elevator is not too much
limited at setup menu point L:
try to achieve a larger travel by
changing the linkage ratios.
- Use faster and stronger servos and/
or specic ybarless blades.
- Check the mechanics for any hard
points. (ball linkages, blade grips)
- check if the dampers are greased
- check that the thrust bearings in the
blade grips are correctly mounted.
Description Reason Solution
The tail oscillates slowly
and irregularly while
The HeadingLock gain
is too high.
- reduce the HeadingLock gain in
parameters menu point D by one
step and increase the tail gain at your
- check the linkage and mechanics for
absolute free movement without
hard points.
During slow hovering
pirouettes, the helicopter
is rolling out.
The pirouette
optimization setting is
- adjust the pirouette optimization in
setup point N correctly.
If you need more support you can connect to the forum at WWW.BEASTX.COM.
76 77
All statements in this document have been checked for accuracy. However we cannot guarantee
accuracy, integrity or actuality. Do not hesitate to send us any suggestions for improvement by
The provided information was proofed for accuracy and integrity. However potential mistakes cannot
be excluded. We are not responsible for any damage which occurs as a result of these contents.
This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
The actual contents of this publication are protected by copyright law. All rights reserved. Any usage of
text or illustrations, even in excerpts, without our permission is illegal and culpable. Particularly this
applies to the duplication, translation or usage in electronic systems. The contents of this publication
contain registered trademarks, brands and common names. Although those are not expressly designa-
ted as such the safeguarding provisions apply accordingly.
BEASTX and MICROBEAST are registered trademarks.
It is hereby conrmed that MICROBEAST is being produced according to EMC Directive
Emission: IEC 55011 class B
Immunity: IEC 61000-6-1
EAR WEEE-REG. Nr.: DE 72549415
(Menu LED is steady ON )
o purple red ashing red blue ashing blue
Mounting orientation upright (vertical) at (horizontal)*
Swashplate servo - frequency user dened 50 Hz* 65 Hz 120 Hz 165 Hz 200 Hz
Tail servo - center position pulse length user dened 960 μs 760 μs 1520 μs*
Tail servo - frequency user dened 50 Hz* 165 Hz 270 Hz 333 Hz 560 Hz
Tail servo - rotor endpoints tail stick - move to right endpoint and wait / left endpoint and wait
Tail - sensor direction normal* reversed
Swashplate - servo centering reference position CH1 center pos. CH2 center pos. CH3 center pos.
Swashplate - mixer user dened mechanical 90° 120°* 140° 140° (1=1)
Swashplate - servo directions nor | rev | rev nor | nor | rev* nor | rev | nor nor | nor | nor
Swashplate - cyclic pitch geometry aileron stick – adjust 6° cyclic pitch on the roll axis (blades aligned with fuselage)
Collective pitch range collective stick on max and min position and use tail stick to adjust desired pitch
Swashplate - cyclic limit move aileron, elevator and pitch sticks – adjust max limits with tail stick
Swashplate - sensor directions rev | rev rev | nor nor | rev or | nor*
Pirouette optimization direction normal* reversed
o purple red ashing red blue ashing blue
A Swashplate - cyclic center adjustment aileron and elevator stick – reset with tail stick
B Control behavior user dened normal sport* pro extreme transmitter
C Swashplate - pitching up behavior user dened very low low medium* high very high
D Tail - HeadingLock gain user dened very low low medium* high very high
E Stick deadband user dened 1 2* 3 4 5
F Tail - torque precompensation (RevoMIX) user dened o*
* Factory setttings
(Menu LED is blinking quickly)
Swashplate servo
o purple red ashing red blue ashing blue
user dened 50 Hz 65 Hz 120 Hz 165 Hz 200 Hz
Swashplate servo - frequency
Tail servo
o purple red ashing red blue ashing blue
Tail servo - center position
pulse length
user dened 960 μs 760 μs 1520 μs
Tail servo - frequency
user dened 50 Hz 165 Hz 270 Hz 333 Hz 560 Hz
Swashplate servo
o purple red ashing red blue ashing blue
user dened 50 Hz 65 Hz 120 Hz 165 Hz 200 Hz
Swashplate servo - frequency
Tail servo
o purple red ashing red blue ashing blue
Tail servo - center position
pulse length
user dened 960 μs 760 μs 1520 μs
Tail servo - frequency
user dened 50 Hz 165 Hz 270 Hz 333 Hz 560 Hz
Version 2.0.0 ENG November 2010