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NIH funding for vaccine readiness before the COVID-19 pandemic NIH funding for vaccine readiness before the COVID-19 pandemic
Anthony E. Kiszewski
Ekaterina Galkina Cleary
Matthew J. Jackson
Fred D. Ledley
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NIH funding for vaccine readiness before the COVID-19 pandemic
Anthony E. Kiszewski
, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary
, Matthew J. Jackson
Fred D. Ledley
Department of Natural & Applied Sciences, Bentley University, Waltham, MA 02452, United States
Center for Integration of Science and Industry, Bentley University, Waltham, MA 02452, United States
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bentley University, Waltham, MA 02452, United States
Department of Management, Bentley University, Waltham, MA 02452, United States
article info
Article history:
Received 17 December 2020
Received in revised form 26 February 2021
Accepted 4 March 2021
Available online 8 March 2021
NIH Funding
Rapid development of vaccines for COVID-19 has relied on the application of existing vaccine
technologies. This work examines the maturity of ten technologies employed in candidate vaccines (as
of July 2020) and NIH funding for published research on these technologies from 2000–2019. These
technologies vary from established platforms, which have been used successfully in approved products,
to emerging technologies with no prior clinical validation. A robust body of published research on vaccine
technologies was supported by 16,358 fiscal years of NIH funding totaling $17.2 billion from 2000–2019.
During this period, NIH funding for published vaccine research against specific pandemic threats such as
coronavirus, Zika, Ebola, and dengue was not sustained. NIH funding contributed substantially to the
advance of technologies available for rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, suggesting the
importance of sustained public sector funding for foundational technologies in the rapid response to
emerging public health threats.
Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
1. Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a rapid mobilization of
global vaccine development. With infection fatality rates
approaching 1% [1], the prospect of long-term sequelae in those
who recover [2,3], and a high level of population immunity
required to halt transmission [4], initiatives have proceeded at
‘‘warp speed” [5,6]. The urgency of vaccine development necessi-
tated the application of existing vaccine technologies.
Within six months of the first description of the SARS-CoV-2
virus [7], candidate vaccines employing many diverse methodolo-
gies entered development [8]. Some candidates incorporated
technologies that had already been validated in successful products.
Others incorporated technologies that had been previously shown
to generate immune responses against human coronaviruses
including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus (MERS-CoV) [9]
and SARS-CoV-1 [10]. Some candidates applied technologies from
registered veterinary vaccines against coronaviruses in domesti-
cated species, including (chicken) Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
[11] and bovine Betacoronavirus-1 [12]. Nascent technologies, such
as genetically modified viral vectors or mRNA also played an impor-
tant role, even though these technologies were not previously vali-
dated in clinical trials or registered products.
Rapid succe ss of these initiatives was not guaranteed. Despite
successful development of many vaccines, the challenge remained
daunting. As late as 2013, evidence showed that the failure rate for
vaccines entering development was as high as 94%, and that the
average time from preclinical studies to approval was 10.7 years [13].
Research on technological innovation has demonstrated that
the maturation level, or readiness, of many different technologies
has been a critical determinant in their ability to generate products
that satisfy market needs [14–19]. Using a bibliometric model for
the advance of basic biomedical research, we have found that few
targeted therapeutics are successfully developed before research
on both the drug target and therapeutic modality pass an analyti-
cally described established point, and that timelines of clinical
development are significantly shorter when clinical trials com-
mence after this point [20,21]. Similarly, the maturation of vaccine
technologies is recognized to be a factor in the success of vaccine
development. For example, a model of vaccine development
0264-410X/Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Abbreviations: CEPI, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations; MeSH,
Medical Subject Headings; WHO, World Health Organization; PMID, PubMed
Identifiers; TLR9, toll-like receptor 9; TIME, Technology Innovation Maturation
Evaluation (model); RePORT, (NIH) Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools.
Corresponding author at: Center for Integration of Science and Industry, Bentley
University, 175 Forest Street, Waltham, MA 02452, United States.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F.D. Ledley).
Address reprint requests to Dr. Fred D. Ledley at the Center for Integration of
Science and Industry, Bentley University, 175 Forest Street, Waltham, MA 02452,
United States.
Vaccine 39 (2021) 2458–2466
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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prepared for the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
(CEPI) posits that technologies with ‘‘no licensure track-record,”
have a substantially higher risk of failure than ‘‘well-established”
technologies [22]. This is consistent with the suggestion that the
high failure rate of vaccines in development prior to 2013 was
due, in part, to the large number of candidate vaccines using unpro-
ven, nucleotide (DNA or RNA) technologies [13].
Research on the basic science and technologies underlying new
drugs or vaccines, and the maturation of these technologies to the
point that they can support efficient development, is funded pri-
marily by the public sector, principally governments. We have pre-
viously examined the scale of NIH funding for the basic research
and technologies underlying new drug approvals by identifying
NIH funding cited in published research papers [21,23]. These
studies show that the NIH contributed more than $170 billion for
research related to the 356 drugs approved from 2010–2019 or
their drug targets, with more than 85% of this funding involving
research on the drug targets rather than the drugs themselves.
We have also observed that the majority of this research is funded
through investigator-initiated research projects [21].
The present work examines the maturation of research on the
technologies being used in candidate COVID-19 vaccines as well
as the NIH funding supporting this research over the past twenty
years. Specifically, we examine published research on vaccines
incorporating attenuated or inactivated viruses, synthetic (recom-
binant) proteins, DNA or mRNA, or recombinant viral vectors as
well as research on formulations including conventional adjuvants,
virus-like particles, nanoparticles and toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9)
agonists. We also examine research and NIH funding for vaccines
aimed at coronaviruses and three unrelated viral pathogens that
have been associated with epidemic transmission: Zika, Ebola,
and dengue. We consider the impact of this prior research on accel-
erated efforts to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, and the impor-
tance of sustained public-sector funding in establishing a
foundation for responding to pandemic outbreaks.
2. Materials and methods
Technologies utilized in candidate vaccines against COVID-19
were identified from the World Health Organization (WHO)
‘‘DRAFT Landscape of Candidate COVID-19 vaccines” [24]. Viruses
with epidemic potential were identified from Plotkin [25] or the
WHO Blueprint [26].
Searches were performed using PubMed (;
accessed June 3, 2020), with the updated Automatic Term Mapping
(May, 2020) optimized with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
terms or Boolean modifiers to increase specificity (Supplemental
Table 1). PubMed Identifiers (PMIDs) with their respective publica-
tion year were recorded.
PMIDs acknowledging NIH funding were identified in NIH
RePORTER data tables (
log.aspx; accessed June 3, 2020) as described previously [23]. Each
PMID was associated with a project year corresponding to the pro-
ject number and year of publication using the ‘‘Link Tables for Pro-
ject to Publication Associations.” Costs (since 2000) were derived
from the ‘‘Project Data Table.” Publications occurring before the
first year of the grant award or more than four years after the last
year of the grant were excluded. Publications 1–4 years after the
last year of the grant were associated with the project costs of
the last year. All values are described after eliminating duplicate
PMIDs, NIH-funded PMIDs, project years, and project costs arising
from the identification of PMIDs in multiple searches, multiple
sources of funding for some PMIDs, and multiple PMIDs related
to many projects. ‘‘Unique” values across technologies are
described after eliminating duplicates across technologies. Activity
codes and the funding institute were determined from the project
codes. Grant categories were derived from ‘‘NIH Types of Grant
Programs 2020” (
program.htm; accessed May, 2020). Costs are given in constant
dollars inflation-adjusted to 2018 using the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics All Urban Consumer Prices (Current Series) (https://; accessed May, 2020). All analyses were per-
formed in PostgreSQL and Excel.
The bibliographic Technology Innovation Maturation Evaluation
(TIME) model assesses the maturation of a body of published
research by modeling the rate of research accumulation, as
described previously [20]
. The model quantifies the ‘‘S-curve” of
technology maturation described in other sectors [14,15,18,19].
The TIME model fits an exponentiated logistic function to the accu-
mulation of PubMed identified publications over time. The equa-
tion has the form:
N ¼ L
where N is the cumulative number of publications, L is the upper
limit of publications, r is the growth rate, t is time, and t
is the mid-
point of exponential growth. This asymmetric, sigmoidal function
exhibits the common logistic sigmoid function (‘‘S-curve”) over
log scales. The established (Te) point is defined as the point of min-
imum acceleration or logN’’(t)
. Results are visualized as annual
publications, cumulative publications, or log cumulative publica-
tions to assess the suitability of the calculated curve fit.
3. Results
3.1. Research on vaccine technologies
As of July 31, 2020, the WHO listed 165 candidate vaccines
against COVID-19 [24]. PubMed searches were performed for ten
of the technologies utilized in this portfolio of products. The ten
technologies and the number of publications through 2019 are
shown in Table 1. The time course of publications on the ten tech-
nologies together is shown in Fig. 1A. The time course of publica-
tion on individual technologies is shown in the interactive
graphic at
Technologies involving whole virus preparations, including live
attenuated and inactivated viral vaccines, have been widely used in
vaccines for polio, influenza, MMR, and other products since the
1950s. Research on these technologies has continued to accumu-
late since 1980 without evident acceleration or deceleration
(Fig. 1A). These technologies were used in four of the first ten can-
didate vaccines to enter clinical trials against COVID-19, but only
12 (7.3%) candidate vaccines through July 31, 2020.
Synthetic vaccines incorporating recombinant proteins
emerged with biotechnology in the 1980s. Exponential growth of
research on synthetic vaccines was evident after 1985, but growth
has slowed since the late 1990s (Fig. 1A). While only one of the first
ten candidate COVID-19 vaccines to enter clinical trials employed
synthetic vaccine technologies, they are used in 66 (40%) candidate
vaccines through July 31, 2020.
Vaccines employing recombinant viral vectors emerged in the
mid-1990s as an outgrowth of research on gene therapy. A period
of exponential growth was evident in the 1990s, followed by slow-
ing from the early 2000s to the present (Fig. 1A). Two of the first
ten candidate COVID-19 vaccines in clinical trials used recombi-
nant adenoviral vectors. Overall, recombinant viral vectors are
employed in 31 (19%) candidate vaccines through July 2020.
DNA-based vaccine technologies also emerged in the mid-
1990s as an outgrowth of research on gene therapy and exhibited
a similar pattern of exponential advance and slowing. A related
A.E. Kiszewski, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, M.J. Jackson et al.
Vaccine 39 (2021) 2458–2466
technology involving administration of mRNA derives from meth-
ods for translating purified mRNA in Xenopus oocytes and evidence
that injection of purified viral mRNA into cultured cells could pro-
duce infectious virus [27]. These technologies have advanced sig-
nificantly in recent years with the application of synthetic
nucleotides, self-replicating mRNA, and improved formulations.
One DNA vaccine and two mRNA vaccines were among the earliest
candidate vaccines to enter human trials. At the end of July 2020,
there were 36 (22%) nucleic acid-based vaccines in development,
including 14 DNA vaccines and 22 mRNA vaccines.
Several other vaccine technologies are shown in Fig. 1A includ-
ing the use of lipid nanoparticles or virus-like particles designed to
enhance delivery and antigenicity of recombinant proteins and the
incorporation of TLR9 agonists to stimulate specific immune path-
ways. These technologies were employed in 24 (15%) of the 165
candidate vaccines under development through July 2020.
Three technologies that originated in the 1950s, including live
attenuated virus, inactivated virus, and adjuvants, which have
been widely used in approved vaccines, have advanced continually
since 1980 without evident acceleration or deceleration (Fig. 1A).
The maturation of seven technologies emerging since 1980 was
examined using the TIME model (Fig. 1B). This model fits the
cumulative number of publications to an exponentiated logistic
function and estimates the established (Te) point of this research
as the point of maximum deceleration (Fig. 1B) [20,21]. Curve fits
for each technology are shown in Supplemental Figs. 1, 2, and 3.
Four technologies (synthetic, DNA, viral vector, and TLR9 ago-
nists) exhibited a logistic pattern of growth and had estimated estab-
lished points prior to 2010. Three technologies (virus-like particles,
mRNA, and nanoparticles) exhibited an exponential, rather than
logistic, pattern of growth (Fig. 1B, Supplemental Figs. 1, 2, and 3).
This is indicative of technologies that have not yet reached the estab-
lished point. Closer examination of mRNA technologies indicates
that the rate of advance has slowed, though the point of maximum
slowing (the established point) cannot be calculated with confidence.
3.2. NIH funding for published research on vaccine technologies
The total numbers of PMIDs, number and percent of NIH-funded
PMIDs, project years, and project costs for ten vaccine technologies
are shown in Table 1. We identified 51,530 unique publications
related to these ten vaccine technologies, including 8,420 (16%)
acknowledging NIH funding. This funding comprised 16,358
unique project years and $17.2 billion in project costs. The largest
amount of funding was for synthetic (recombinant) vaccines ($9.65
billion) followed by adjuvants ($5.6 billion), DNA vaccines ($4.6
billion), and live attenuated virus ($4 billion). More than $1 billion
in NIH funding was associated with published research on inacti-
vated viral vector-based vaccines as well as TLR9 agonists as adju-
vants. More than $500 million was invested in mRNA vaccines,
virus-like particles, and nanoparticle-based vaccines.
The time course of research publications, NIH-funded research
publications, project years, and project costs for these ten vaccine
technologies together are shown in Fig. 2A–B. Data for each of the
technologies individually is shown in the interactive graphic at
Publication activity increased steadily from 1980 to 2010, with
the percent of publications acknowledging NIH funding rising from
4% in 1980 to 20% in 2010. After 2010, annual publications and the
percent of NIH-funded publications both decreased.
The type of research funding is shown in Fig. 3
A and Supple-
mental Table 2. While 40% of project years associated with
research on these technologies represented investigator-initiated
research projects, these accounted for only 8.9% of project costs.
A greater fraction of funding involved cooperative agreements
(44%), intramural programs (9.4%), and research program projects
and centers (22.7%). This pattern resembles that observed for the
foundational research underlying remdesivir [28], but differs shar-
ply from that for other drugs approved from 2010–2019, where the
majority of project years and costs involved investigator-initiated
research projects [21].
3.3. Research and NIH funding for diseases with pandemic potential
Table 1 shows the number of PMIDs, NIH-funded PMIDs, project
years, and project costs associated with vaccine development for
each of these pathogens as well as for HIV, which has been the sub-
ject of intensive vaccine research since the 1980s. Fig. 4A shows
the annual NIH project costs for Ebola, Zika, dengue, and coron-
avirus vaccines since 2000 compared to the project costs for
Table 1
Publications in PubMed (PMID) and NIH funding associated with research on technologies used in candidate COVID-19 vaccines as well as vaccine development for selected
epidemic threats.
PMID (1960–2019) NIH-funded PMID (1980–2019)
Project Years (1980–2019) Project Costs (2000–2019)
Selected vaccine technologies (unique)
51530 8420 (16%) 16358 $17,171
Synthetic Vaccines
21742 3935 (18%) 9755 $9653
Adjuvants, general 14347 2132 (15%) 5369 $5642
DNA (nucleic acid) vaccines
7621 1464 (19%) 3742 $4585
Live, Attenuated Virus 8147 1399 (17%) 3382 $4053
Viral vector-based 1191 379 (32%) 1010 $1651
Inactivated virus 5929 515 (8.7%) 1199 $1469
TLR9 agonists (adjuvant) 1227 353 (29%) 1082 $1096
mRNA vaccines 767 174 (23%) 534 $943
Virus-like particles 801 161 (20%) 418 $583
Nanoparticle-based 761 121 (16%) 334 $519
Vaccines against selected epidemic threats
HIV 5806 2024 (35%) 6684 $9184
Coronavirus 2435 388 (16%) 625 $767
Ebola 450 115 (26%) 294 $639
Zika 375 135 (36%) 390 $555
Dengue 725 110 (15%) 231 $331
Number of NIH-funded PMID and % of all PMID.
Costs given in millions of dollars inflation adjusted to 2018.
The ‘‘unique” number of PMID, NIH-funded PMID, Project Years, and Project Costs is greater than the sum of values for the individual technologies examined due to PMID
addressing multiple technologies, being identified in multiple searches or having multiple sources of funding as well as Projects that produce multiple PMID. Duplication
between technologies is eliminated in calculating ‘‘unique” values.
‘‘Synthetic vaccines” is a MeSH term describing vaccines incorporating recombinant protein antigens.
Search performed for DNA vaccines included many reports describing mRNA technologies.
A.E. Kiszewski, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, M.J. Jackson et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 2458–2466
research on HIV vaccines. Fig. 4B shows the annual NIH project
costs for vaccine research on Ebola, Zika, dengue, and coron-
aviruses individually.
NIH funding for research on HIV vaccines increased more than
fourfold from 2000–2014, and has subsequently declined by half.
There was little NIH funding for research on Ebola, Zika, dengue,
or coronaviruses prior to 2014. NIH funding associated with publi-
cations on vaccines for Ebola virus exhibited a sharp peak in 2009,
a larger peak from 2013–2015, and another resurgence in 2019.
These peaks corresponded to a relatively small outbreak of Ebola
in 2007, the major outbreak in 2014, which had limited spread to
Europe and the US, and a recent event that began in 2018
( A sin-
gle peak of NIH funding associated with publications related to
vaccines for Zika corresponds to the 2015–2017 outbreak in South
America and the Caribbean that also affected several US states. A
rise in funding associated with publications related to dengue
was apparent in 2016, but dropped rapidly commensurate with
the decline in reported cases in 2017 and 2018 (https://www.
The pattern of NIH funding for published research on coron-
avirus vaccines shows a similar correspondence with outbreaks
of disease. NIH project costs associated with published research
on coronaviruses peaked in 2005, then dropped steadily to 2013.
A second peak of NIH funding associated with published research
on coronavirus vaccines was evident in association with the MERS
outbreak in 2012, peaking in 2015. Funding related explicitly to
coronavirus vaccines declined rapidly after 2015 as this threat
waned and other, more mediate threats, such as Zika, emerged.
Fig. 3B and Supplemental Table 2 show the activity code cate-
gories for the NIH projects associated with published research on
coronavirus vaccines. While the majority of project years were
associated with investigator-initiated research projects, only 14%
Fig. 1. Publications related to ten vaccine technologies used in candidate COVID-19 vaccines. A. Cumulative PMIDs from a PubMed search over time. Data is shown on a
logarithmic scale. B. Maturation of research using the TIME model. Cumulative publications are shown as symbols. Curves fitting the (exponentiated logistic) TIME model are
shown as solid lines. The calculated established points for these technologies are shown in the box. Curves exhibiting exponential advance for technologies that have not yet
reached an established point (Te) are shown as dotted lines. Supplemental Figs. 1–3 provide additional curve fits.
A.E. Kiszewski, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, M.J. Jackson et al.
Vaccine 39 (2021) 2458–2466
of project costs were associated with research projects, while 34%
went to cooperative agreements, 26% to intramural programs, and
22% to research program projects and centers.
4. Discussion
This analysis was undertaken in the context of evidence that
there is a 94% failure rate for vaccines entering development, aver-
age clinical development time of more than 10 years [13], the exi-
gency for rapid development of a COVID-19 vaccine [5,6], and
evidence that maturity of the underlying technologies is a signifi-
cant factor in the efficiency of drug development [20,21]. Using
quantitative methods, we examined published research on ten
technologies being employed in candidate COVID-19 vaccines,
the maturity level, or readiness, of these technologies for clinical
development, and the NIH funding for this research through the
end of 2019. We also described NIH funding for vaccine develop-
ment directed towards specific zoonotic threats including coron-
avirus, Zika, Ebola, and dengue.
Some of the technologies incorporated in candidate COVID-19
vaccines (live attenuated or inactivated virus, non-specific adju-
vants) date from the mid-20
century and have been used to cre-
ate many successful vaccine products including vaccines for polio,
influenza, and childhood diseases. While we found that the
research literature on these technologies continues to grow, there
is no evidence of exponential acceleration since 1980, suggesting
that these technologies had become well-established before that
The advance of research on synthetic (recombinant) vaccines,
DNA vaccines, viral vectors, and TLR9 agonist-based adjuvants
exhibited the characteristic ‘‘S-curve” pattern of technology
advances with estimated established points prior to 2010. In con-
trast, research on mRNA vaccines, virus-like particles, and
nanoparticles exhibited an exponential pattern of growth with
only early evidence of slowing, and the established point cannot
be estimated with confidence.
It should be emphasized that the TIME model does not identify
individual publications or milestones in technology development.
Rather, the model posits that the complete body of published
research—including original insights or inventions, replication or
refinement of previous observations, and/or refutation of erro-
neous results—contributes to the foundational knowledge required
for efficient product development.
Studies of drug development demonstrate that few new drugs
were approved before research on the biological target or class of
drugs passed the established point [20,21,29]. Similarly, few
Fig. 2. NIH support for published research on ten vaccine technologies used in candidate COVID-19 vaccines. A. Annual PMIDs, NIH-funded PMIDs, and the fraction of PMIDs
receiving NIH support for vaccine technologies. B. Annual project years and project costs associated with NIH-funded PMIDs 2000–2019.
A.E. Kiszewski, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, M.J. Jackson et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 2458–2466
products utilizing monoclonal antibodies [19], nucleotide therapeu-
tics [30], or gene therapies [31] were approved before research on
these modalities passed the established point. Evidence also shows
that the timelines of clinical development from Phase 1 to approval
is significantly shorter when clinical trials commence after the
underlying technologies have passed this point [20,21]. While the
association between the point of maximum slowing of publication
activity (the established point) and increased efficiency of product
development is entirely empirical, it is likely that the slowing of
publication activity reflects a stage in the advance of research when
experiments are less likely to produce novel, publishable findings or
introduce unanticipated new areas of investigation. So too, clinical
investigations undertaken once the research has advanced to this
stage may be more likely to achieve the predicted outcomes.
It should be cautioned that, while the TIME model has been
extensively validated in studies of drug development, it has not
been previously applied to vaccines. Published literature on vac-
cine development, however, suggests that the maturation of tech-
nology is an important factor in vaccine development as well. The
success of the Salk vaccine was preceded by unsuccessful efforts to
develop products using analogous technologies, and the rollout of
the Salk vaccine itself was complicated by an outbreak of polio
caused by inadequate inactivation of early batches of the product
[32]. Similarly, early versions of vaccines for RSV and measles led
to enhanced disease on re-exposure [33]. More recently, the dra-
matic decline in the success rate for vaccine development from
2003–2013 has been ascribed, in part, to numerous failures of then
nascent DNA technologies [34]. In contrast, the remarkable safety
of vaccines currently approved by the FDA [35], as well as the rou-
tine development of annual vaccines for evolving strains of influ-
enza virus, are consistent with the efficiency of established
vaccine technologies.
A relationship between technological maturity and the effi-
ciency of vaccine development is incorporated in an economic
model of vaccine development prepared for CEPI. In this model,
vaccine technologies with no ‘‘licensure track-record” are assumed
to have a higher risk of vaccine failure and higher development
costs than ‘‘well-established” technologies [22]. While there is no
‘‘licensure track-record” for mRNA vaccines, this analysis suggests
that research on mRNA vaccine technologies is just now achieving
a level of technology maturation associated with product success.
The dramatic success of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is also con-
sistent with research on innovation suggesting that technologies
which are not yet capable of meeting the performance standards
of established markets, often generate important products that
have a lower performance threshold [14,15,19]. In this context,
the fact that the level and duration of gene expression required
to stimulate an immune response may be lower than that required
to achieve sustained, therapeutic levels of a protein, as well as the
fact that clinical outcomes can be achieved without repetitive,
long-term administration of the product, may have contributed
to the early success of vaccines based on these technologies. It is
also noteworthy that mRNA vaccines were able to enter preclinical
and clinical development months earlier than vaccines using con-
ventional technologies because nucleotide products can be synthe-
sized, produced, and formulated using established, standard
methods. In contrast, candidate vaccines using live attenuated
virus, inactivated virus, or purified proteins required production
and purification of virus or antigens with novel properties, requir-
ing custom processes for production and quality control.
Viral vector vaccines employing adenoviral vectors also pro-
gressed rapidly through production and preclinical testing using
standardized procedures. This progress was facilitated by the fact
that two MERS vaccines utilizing these technologies had been pre-
Fig. 3. NIH funding for published research on ten vaccine technologies and coronavirus vaccines by activity category. A. Number of project years and project costs for research
on ten vaccine technologies by activity category 2000–2019. B. Number of project years and project costs for research on coronavirus vaccines 2000–2019.
A.E. Kiszewski, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, M.J. Jackson et al.
Vaccine 39 (2021) 2458–2466
viously produced and tested in Phase 1 clinical trials, before the
waning of MERS precluded further testing [36,37], and these tech-
nologies have advanced past the analytically-defined established
point estimated by the model. The cost of vaccine discovery and
development typically relies on both public and private sector
investments. A 1997 report by the National Vaccine Advisory Com-
mittee concluded that ‘‘two thirds of all new vaccines provided
worldwide have been produced by a US network of independent
industrial, governmental, and academic partners engaged in vac-
cine research and development” [38]. A 2001 report by the World
Bank, working with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, described the role of
public-sector institutions as being primarily focused on basic
science ‘‘measured by the number and value of the research manu-
scripts they publish in the scientific literature” [39,40]. In contrast,
industry focused on development, manufacture, and marketing of
vaccine products [39], and more than 90% of all vaccine doses
procured in the past five years have been manufactured by
for-profit organizations [41].
A lack of sustainable investment is recognized as a limiting
factor in developing vaccines for pandemic threats, particularly
those initially impacting low-income countries [42]. Three of the
four specific diseases examined in this report (coronavirus, Zika,
and Ebola) were identified by the WHO as pandemic risks in the
2016 ‘‘R&D Blueprint for Action to prevent Epidemics” [26] and
by CEPI as priority epidemic infectious diseases [22]. Our analysis
describes a sporadic pattern of NIH funding related to these patho-
gens. In each case, we show that outbreaks of disease trigger an
increase in grant-funded publication activity, which then wanes
rapidly. The dramatic decrease in grant-funded publications related
to coronavirus vaccines after 2015, despite recognition of coron-
avirus as a pandemic threat in the 2016 WHO report, is particularly
striking. While this decrease may, in part, be due to the inability to
Fig. 4. NIH costs for published search on vaccines for HIV and selected zoonotic pandemic threats (coronavirus, Ebola, Zika, dengue) 2000–2019. A. Annual NIH costs
associated with published research on HIV vaccines compared to the cumulative total of research on coronavirus, Zika, Ebola, and dengue. B. Annual costs associated with
published research on coronavirus, Zika, Ebola, and dengue. Symbols indicate years of major outbreaks as well as the years of vaccine approval.
A.E. Kiszewski, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, M.J. Jackson et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 2458–2466
conduct clinical trials of candidate products in the absence of active
human infections, and uncertainty regarding the strains that may
emerge in the future, mechanisms should be explored to sustain
research aimed at preventing recognized pandemic threats, rather
than simply responding to outbreaks of disease.
Our work also demonstrates that while the largest fractions of
PMIDs and project years represented investigator-initiated
research projects, a majority of the funding was associated with
cooperative agreements or intramural research, two mechanisms
for funding government-initiated research programs, or for
research capacity through research program projects and centers.
This pattern has been observed previously in examining the foun-
dational research underlying development of remdesivir [28], but
is distinctly different from NIH funding related to drugs in other
therapeutic areas, where the large majority of research funding
involves investigator-initiated research projects or research pro-
gram projects and centers [21]. The lack of investigator-initiated,
vaccine-focused research projects funded by the NIH is consistent
with the observation that traditional grant mechanisms may not
represent a robust mechanism for funding vaccine technologies
or development [42], and demonstrates the importance of contin-
ued strategic initiatives by governments or non-governmental
Finally, this analysis emphasizes that NIH funding does not
guarantee successful vaccine development. Despite decades of
research and billions of dollars in NIH funding, there are no
approved vaccines for HIV. In contrast, the NIH contributed little
funding to the published research describing vaccines for Ebola
or dengue viruses prior to approval of these products.
4.1. Limitations of this research
There are several important limitations to this study. First, this
analysis is restricted to published research included in PubMed,
and may not capture reports, patents, regulatory filings, unpub-
lished clinical studies, or trade secrets. Also, this method is depen-
dent on the efficiency of PubMed searches, and may not identify
research without abstracts in PubMed or research that predates
emergence of standard vocabularies and might be missed by
search algorithms.
Second, it is not possible to associate costs with every NIH-
funded publication due to incomplete RePORTER data and incon-
sistencies between publication dates and project years. Moreover,
given an estimated lag of up to three years between research fund-
ing and publication [43], funding for research performed since
2018 may be underrepresented in this analysis.
Third, this analysis does not account for research funded by
other government agencies including the Department of Defense
or National Science Foundation, the $1.8 billion that the U.S. con-
tributed to Gavi since 2009 [44], or research funded by other gov-
ernments, philanthropies, academic institutions, or industry. It
should also be noted that this analysis does not include research
publications or funding in 2020 in response to the COVID-19
5. Conclusion
The Operation Warp Speed and Accelerating COVID-19 Thera-
peutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) initiatives leveraged a
variety of existing technologies in the race for a COVID-19 vaccine.
This work illustrates the importance of a broad foundation of basic
research over the past two decades, which advanced research on
vaccine technologies that could be rapidly deployed in the
response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To the extent that technolog-
ical maturity contributes to the efficiency of new product develop-
ment, NIH funding for this research in the years prior to the
pandemic played an important role in the speed and success of
COVID-19 vaccine development. This investment in basic research,
along with investments related to developing and procuring the
vaccine in response to the pandemic, should be considered in fully
assessing the public sector’s contribution to these products, their
price, and the distribution of profits arising from their sale.
These findings also demonstrate the importance of sustained
public sector funding for foundational technologies in the ability
to respond rapidly to emerging public health threats. Significantly,
the majority of the NIH funding identified in this study came in the
form of government-initiated cooperative agreements or intramu-
ral research, rather than investigator-initiated research projects.
Even so, we observed a lack of sustained research or funding
related to recognized, epidemic threats, including coronavirus,
over the past two decades. Further consideration needs to be given
to creating robust mechanisms for sustained funding of research
on vaccines for recognized pandemic threats to ensure a rapid
response to future outbreaks of disease.
6. Authorship
All authors attest they meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship.
7. Data sharing
Data used in this article are available from
(Digital Commons).
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal
relationships which may be considered as potential competing
interests: Dr. Ledley is Principle Investigator of a grant from the
National Biomedical Research Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit)
to Bentley University.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Biomedical
Research Foundation, Waltham, MA, to Bentley University. The
funding source had no role in study design; in the collection, anal-
ysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in
the decision to submit the article for publication.
The authors thank Prateet Shah for his contributions to this
manuscript as well as Drs. Michael Boss and Nancy Hsiung for their
constructive suggestions.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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