Bentley University
Students may declare a course as Pass/Fail provided it meets the guidelines listed below. The Pass/Fail option is not available to
Graduate Students. This declaration is irrevocable after the last day to drop a course without record.
Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Bentley ID#: ___________________ Class Standing: ______________________ Major: _______________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________
E-Mail Address: _________________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________________________
Course Number and Section
This course will be used as ___ Art/Science Elec; ___Bus Related Elec; ___Unrestricted Elec
**Please note Pass/Fail option may not be used in the LSM or Business Studies Major**
Policies Governing the Pass/Fail Option:
1. You must complete and sign a Pass/fail Declaration Form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office WITH A COPY OF YOUR
DEGREE WORKS AUDIT. The form must be received prior to the end of the add/drop period.
2. Eligibility:
a. A student must be a second year, third year or fourth year.
b. A student is limited to 3 credits or one pass/fail during their academic career. A student will be permitted to take a 4-credit
Natural Sciences course pass/fail only if it is fulfilling and Arts & Science or Unrestricted elective requirement.
c. This course may only be used as a Business Elective, Arts & Science Elective or Unrestricted Elective.
Students are not allowed to use this option toward their General Education, Humanities/Social Science
elective, MA/NS elective, Business Core, Primary Major requirements, LSM or Business studies major.
d. Pass/Fail grades may be applied to courses in the Minor. Certain BA majors that require a Business Studies minor or major
are not able to use the Pass/Fail option for the Business minor or the Business studies major. You are advised to check with
your major advisor if you are unsure.
e. The Pass/Fail option may not be used for Honors courses, courses taken in a Bentley Education Abroad Program, short-
term programs, study tours, internships, tutorials, directed studies and SL 120/121 courses. Departments have the right to opt
out of the pass/fail option for certain courses in their department. If a department has decided a course cannot be taken
pass/fail it will be listed in the notes section of the course
f. 5-Year students are restricted from taking pre-program required courses or courses for advanced credit standing as Pass/Fail.
3. Grading:
a. Faculty will submit letter grades which will be converted by the Registrar’s Office.
b. The Registrar’s Office will convert the grade to ‘P’, ‘D’ or ‘F’.
1. A ‘P’ will not count toward a student’s cumulative or term GPA. A ‘P’ will be issued for a letter grade equal to
C- or better.
2. A ‘D’ will be calculated in a student’s cumulative and term GPA. A ‘D’ will be issued for letter grades between
D- and D+. A ‘D’ will calculate as a 1.0 in the cumulative or term GPA.
3. An ‘F’ will be calculated in a student’s cumulative and term GPA. An ‘F’ will be issued for a letter grade of ‘F’.
Revised 5.28.19