Department of Defense | Defense Human Resources Activity
DoD Defense Travel System (DTS) Best
Practices Guide
April 01, 2024
Guide: DoD DTS Best Practices April 01, 2024
Defense Travel Management Office 1
Table of Contents
Revision History .................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: DTMO & TraX Websites ...................................................................................... 6
Chapter 3: DTS Permission Levels, Access, and Roles..................................................... 8
3.1 Permission Levels ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 In and Out Processing for DTS ................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Authority to Appoint ................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Accountable Official ................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Authorizing Officials (AOs) ........................................................................................................ 9
3.6 Finance Defense Travel Administrator .................................................................................... 10
3.7 Debt Management Monitor ...................................................................................................... 10
3.8 Non-DTS Entry Agent .............................................................................................................. 11
3.9 Self-Authorizing Official ........................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 4: Use of DTS by Non-Government Employees ................................................. 12
4.1 Foreign Nationals and DTS ..................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 Personnel Exchange Program ........................................................................................ 12
4.1.2 Cooperative Program Personnel ..................................................................................... 12
4.2 Government Contractors and DTS .......................................................................................... 12
Chapter 5: DTS Finance ...................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Line of Accounting Format Maps and Labels .......................................................................... 13
5.2 DTS Budget Tool ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Future Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year Crossover ........................................................................ 13
5.4 Funding Travel for Other Organizations .................................................................................. 13
5.5 Multiple Accountable Station Numbers ................................................................................... 13
5.6 Receipts and Other Substantiating Documents ...................................................................... 14
5.7 Accounting Error Codes (Rejected Documents) ..................................................................... 14
5.8 DTS-Tailored for Finance Organizations ................................................................................. 14
5.9 Non-Appropriated Fund Travel ................................................................................................ 14
5.10 Foreign Military Sales Program ............................................................................................. 14
Chapter 6: Payment Methods and Reports ....................................................................... 15
6.1 Government Travel Charge Card ............................................................................................ 15
6.2 Travel Advances ...................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 Scheduled Partial Payments ................................................................................................... 15
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6.4 Centrally Billed Accounts ......................................................................................................... 16
6.4.1 DTS CBA Reconciliation ................................................................................................. 16
6.4.2 Traditional CBA Reconciliation ........................................................................................ 16
6.5 U.S. Government Transportation Request .............................................................................. 16
6.6 Payment for Patriot Express Flights ........................................................................................ 17
6.7 Military Pay Reports ................................................................................................................ 17
Chapter 7: Trip Types ......................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Authorized Trip Types in DTS ................................................................................................. 18
7.2 Confirmatory Authorizations .................................................................................................... 18
7.3 Reserve Component Travel .................................................................................................... 18
7.4 Group Authorizations ............................................................................................................... 18
7.5 Verbal Orders of the Commanding Officer .............................................................................. 18
7.6 Permanent Duty Travel ........................................................................................................... 19
7.7 Extended TDY (180 or More Consecutive Days) .................................................................... 19
7.8 Personal Leave with Official Travel ......................................................................................... 19
7.9 Leisure in Conjunction with Official Travel .............................................................................. 19
7.10 Constructed Travel ................................................................................................................ 20
7.11 NATO Orders and Foreign Clearance Guide Requirements ................................................. 20
7.12 Conditional Routing ............................................................................................................... 20
7.13 Blanket Travel Orders ........................................................................................................... 20
7.14 Local Travel In and Around the PDS ..................................................................................... 20
Chapter 8: DTS Import/Export Tool ................................................................................... 22
Chapter 9: Travel Reservations .......................................................................................... 23
9.1 Travel Management Company ................................................................................................ 23
9.2 Bus Travel ............................................................................................................................... 23
9.3 Rail Travel ............................................................................................................................... 23
9.4 Car Rental ............................................................................................................................... 23
9.5 Foreign Flag Carriers .............................................................................................................. 24
9.6 Use of Low-Cost Non-GDS Airlines ........................................................................................ 24
9.7 Lodging .................................................................................................................................... 24
9.8 Premium Class Accommodations (First Class, Business Class, and Premium Economy) ..... 24
9.9 Ticketing .................................................................................................................................. 25
9.10 Ticketing at the Beginning of a New Fiscal Year ................................................................... 26
9.11 Auto Cancellation .................................................................................................................. 26
9.12 Reservations for Travelers without a GTCC (IBA) ................................................................ 27
9.13 TMC Transaction Fees .......................................................................................................... 27
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9.14 Cancellation Fees and Penalties ........................................................................................... 28
9.15 Unused or Partially Used Tickets .......................................................................................... 28
9.16 TMC Procedures During National Emergencies ................................................................... 28
9.17 En Route Traveler Assistance ............................................................................................... 28
9.18 DTS-Tailored Organizations (TMC) ....................................................................................... 29
9.19 Changing TMC Organization Information in the DTA Maintenance Tool .............................. 29
9.20 Restricted Airfares ................................................................................................................. 29
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous ................................................................................................. 30
10.1 Frequent Traveler Benefits .................................................................................................... 30
10.2 Labor Relations Representatives .......................................................................................... 30
10.3 Baggage Fees ....................................................................................................................... 30
Chapter 11: DTS Support and Assistance ......................................................................... 31
11.1 Travel Community ................................................................................................................. 31
11.2 Local Assistance ................................................................................................................... 31
11.3 Travel Assistance Center ...................................................................................................... 31
11.4 DTS Message Center ............................................................................................................ 31
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Revision History
Revision/Change Description
Added new DTMO website screen
Added main CTW home page link.
Replaced older Constructed Travel
links with the new links on the
DTMO website at
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Section 7.10
Added What is Valid Receipt link.
Updated the CBA section.
Page 5
Page 15
Updated the CTW links.
Page 19
Updated Constructed Travel zip
Updated Taxpayer id number
Updated Premium Class reference
and Table 2.5.
Page 6
Page 11
Page 23-25
General Review
Updated DTMO website screen
Changed DTS for archive of 10
Removed DMDC as the archive for
6 years and 3 month.
Page 6
Page 13
Removed 400-mile rule for POV
Updated Constructed Travel
Removed line about DFAS
certifying PLOT.
Page 20
Page 20
Page 19
Updated the Constructed Travel
Updated the CT link in Section
Page 7
Page 10
Guide: DoD DTS Best Practices April 01, 2024
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Chapter 1: Introduction
The purpose of this guide is to provide direction for organizations as they develop local business rules and
processes for using the Defense Travel System (DTS). The regulations and publications listed below are
references for creating all travel and financial policies and for resolving concerns with DTS functionality. Select
any link to access the source material.
Defense Transportation Regulations (DTR) (DoD 4500.9-R, Part 1)
DoD Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR) (DoD 7000.14-R)
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
Defense Travel System Regulations (authorized by DoDI 5154.31, Volume 3)
Government Travel Charge Card Regulations (authorized by DoDI 5154.31, Volume 4)
DTS Financial Field Procedures Guide
Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
What is a Valid Receipt?
DTS Guides Links to all 5 guides are available on the DTMO’s Training Page
Defense Travel Administrator’s (DTA) Manual Links to all chapters and appendices are available on
the DTMO’s Training page
In this guide, all instances of the term “traveler” refer to a traveler, travel clerk, Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA), or
anyone who creates or signs documents on behalf of a traveler.
The arrows and italicized text indicate areas where Components should insert their local business
Guide: DoD DTS Best Practices April 01, 2024
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Chapter 2: DTMO & TraX Websites
The Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) serves as the single focal point for commercial travel and policy
within the Department of Defense (DoD). The DTMO’s website provides a comprehensive and wide range of
sources fostering travel programs and services, training, references, news, and events (Figure 2-1)
Figure 2-1: DTMO Website
Some of the centralized essential resources and companion programs that serve the entire DoD travel
community include:
DTMO Travel Policy Compliance Program: Improves payment accuracy, and funds recovery. The online
application, Travel Policy Compliance Tool reviews DTS vouchers to identify potential improper
Defense Travel System (DTS): Manages TDY and local documents.
Dine Smart Program: Generates rebates when travelers use their GTCC at participating restaurants
while on official travel.
Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS): Allows DTS users to practice vital travel functions.
Government Travel Charge Card Program: Maintains oversight of DoD’s preferred payment method for
official travel expenses.
Integrated Lodging Program (ILP): Ensures DoD travelers on official travel have safe, quality lodging at
costs well below the maximum per diem limits.
Local Level Travel Assistance: Provides help desk services to local DTS users.
Component-Level DTS Help Desk: Provides help desk services to Component DTS users.
Travel Assistance Center (TAC): Provides help desk services to all DTS users.
Travel Explorer (TraX): Provides access to online training, knowledge search for common questions, and
help ticket submissions through the DTMO Passport portal.
The TSA PreCheck Program: Provides expedited security screening benefits for official travelers in U.S.
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Constructed Travel: Provides the Pre-Travel and Post-Travel Worksheets and their accompanying
Per Diem: Provides the per diem rates for lodging, meal and incidental costs incurred while on official
government travel.
For the most current information, reference links and downloadable materials, visit the DTMO’s website.
The organization should provide any internal website information for travel or training information.
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Chapter 3: DTS Permission Levels, Access, and Roles
3.1 Permission Levels
DTS safeguards data through controlled access called permission levels which contribute to internal
management controls and prevent unauthorized access.
To review the permission levels, accesses, and roles provided to personnel in your organization, run the View
Person Lists > Basic Traveler Info List report from the DTA Maintenance Tool on a routine basis. Coordinate with
your Component’s DTS Program Office or consult with your DTS Business Rules to determine how your local
business rules define a “routine basis.”
Only provide personnel the minimum permissions and access levels needed to perform their DTS-related duties.
When assigning someone the role of Authorizing Official (AO) (permission level 2 and assigned to a DTS routing
list), ensure those individuals have completed the required Certifying Officers Legislation (COL) training and have
a documented DD Form 577 “Appointment/Termination Record Authorized Signature” appointment on file.
To better control AO assignments within DTS, organizations should consider identifying a DTA to monitor
Accountable Official profiles. One option is to allow a DTA with permission level 5 who accesses the DTA
Maintenance Tool, People and Routing List tables to have permission level 2 as well. Organizations could allow
the DTA permission level 2 for the specific purpose of granting or removing access/permissions on the AO’s
profile and updating the necessary routing lists. The DTA could perform a review monthly or review as needed
depending on the AO turnover in the organization. By limiting when a DTA has permission level 2, organizations
can ensure a separation of duties from the DTA role and the ability to perform an Authorizing Official role.
Each organization must establish procedures ensuring all required certifications and appointments
are complete and on file, and that personnel have only the access and permission levels necessary to
perform their official duties. Organizations must review documentation along with access and
permissions on a recurring basis.
3.2 In and Out Processing for DTS
Upon arrival at a new organization, the DTA receives the individual’s profile into DTS allowing access to the
system. Based upon local business rules determine if the individual requires specialized access or permission
levels and assign appropriately in the profile. When a person departs the organization, the DTA detaches the
profile from the system terminating access. Profile detachment removes permissions, organization/group
accesses, and AO Delegated Authority.
The organization should establish local procedures for DTS in and out processing.
3.3 Authority to Appoint
Per the DoD FMR, Vol. 5, Ch. 5, par. 0201, the DoD Directive 5118.03 delegates the authority to appoint AOs to
DoD Component Heads, who may further re-delegate that authority. The appointee may not serve as both a
DAO and Certifying Officer for the same types of payments.
Per the DoD FMR, Vol. 5, Ch. 5, par. 020101 based on the separation of duties principles which are cited in
Chapter 1, DOs, their deputies, and agents may neither be appointed as, nor appoint COs for payments they will
eventually make.
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Local procedures must address the following:
o Acceptable training (AOs must complete an approved Certifying Officer Legislation (COL)
training course applicable to their mission area within two weeks of their appointment and
refresher training annually and provide proof of completion to their supervisor).
o Retention of COL training certificates
o Retention of DD Form 577 Appointment/Termination Records
Resource or other key fund personnel maintaining a system of funds control are responsible for certifying fund
availability, and assignment of proper funding citations on commitment and obligating documents. A
certification of fund availability is not a certification for payment.
DoD personnel who may be appointed to certify vouchers for payment include, but are not limited to
commanders, deputy commanders, resource managers and other key fund control personnel, travel authorizing
officials, purchased card and Centrally Billed Account (CBA) approving officials, and other personnel inequivalent
Local processes must establish the internal management controls and separation of duties.
Local organizations should provide an information letter to contractors who serve as DTAs. The letter
should outline their duties, responsibilities, and limitations in DTS.
3.4 Accountable Official
Accountable Officials are Government employees who serve as control points within an organization to
minimize improper travel payments. They can be pecuniarily liable for erroneous payments resulting from their
actions. All Accountable Officials must have an approved appointment in writing using a DD Form 577. The DoD
FMR, Vol. 5, Ch. 1, par. 010305 provides details on the appointment requirements.
3.5 Authorizing Officials (AOs)
AOs use DTS to apply the APPROVED stamp to documents; APPROVED is the final status in DTS prior to sending
the file to the accounting and disbursing systems. When the AO approves a travel authorization or a voucher,
DTS verifies the AO’s identity and signature through a DoD public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate that is
embedded in the AO’s common access card (CAC).
The AO is responsible for approving travel requirements and authorizations, which authorize and adjust
obligations and disbursements of Government funds. An AO who applies the APPROVED stamp resulting in a
payment to the traveler is acting as a Certifying Officer (CO). Payments result from vouchers and local vouchers,
but could also result from authorizations containing travel advances or scheduled partial payments (SPPs).
If a document requires cancellation and there are no incurred expenses, then the AO is the only one in the
routing list who can apply the CANCELLED stamp to close out the record. If there are incurred expenses then the
AO will approve the document and traveler will voucher for only those incurred expenses (e.g., TMC fee, hotel
cancellation fee). The AO will only approve those unavoidable expenses for reimbursement to ensure travel
An AO in DTS is pecuniarily liable for erroneous payments due to negligence. This means that if an AO approves
or certifies for payment a DTS authorization or voucher including expenses that are not accurate, authorized,
and allowable, the AO may have to pay all or part of the disputed expenses. Pecuniary liability is enforceable
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whether the erroneous payment was accidental or intentional. For more information on pecuniary liability, see
the Desktop Guide for Authorizing Officials and Certifying Officers.
When it comes to an AO reviewing vouchers processed by a Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA) on behalf of the
traveler, it is important to remember the following:
Per policy, DTS prohibits a NDEA from stamping the voucher (T-Entered) without the DD Form 1351-2
or OF 1164 attachment.
Missing documentation in a voucher generates an Audit Fail record on the Digital Signature page. Once
the documentation is attached, then the hard stop deactivates allowing stamping action to occur.
An AO should not approve a voucher stamped by a NDEA without an attached DD Form 1351-2 (Travel
Voucher or Subvoucher) or OF 1164 (Local Voucher) containing the traveler’s written or digital
The exception is on voucher amendments, if it is a Centrally Billed Account (CBA) only claim or a cost
decrease, then DTS will not prevent signing without the DD Form 1351-2 attachment.
For more on NDEAs, see Section 3.8 of this guide.
All AOs must complete the COL training and have an approved DD Form 577 appointment by the head of the
DoD component (or delegated official). The DoD FMR, Vol. 5, Ch. 5, par. 050304 also requires all AOs to
complete annual refresher COL training. The DTMO TraX offers COL online training or Components may use their
own approved training programs for completing the COL certification. The Defense Travel System Regulations,
Table 2 provides a complete list of required and recommended training. Components may use this guidance or
define their own training plan. While not mandatory, AOs may consider taking the AO Vital Skills classes in TraX
to expand their travel proficiency.
Upon termination of the AO’s appointment, remove access to the APPROVED signature stamp on all DTS routing
lists, as well as permission level 2 from the profile.
For a complete list of AO responsibilities, see the Defense Travel System Regulations.
3.6 Finance Defense Travel Administrator
A Finance Defense Travel Administrator (FDTA) is a person in the budget, resource management, accounting, or
finance field that is responsible for assisting in the management and support of DTS at the organizational level as
designated by the responsible commander.
For a complete list of FDTA responsibilities, see the Defense Travel System Regulations.
3.7 Debt Management Monitor
The Debt Management Monitor (DMM) tracks overpayments and collection actions within DTS. DTS
automatically sends the accounts receivable (A/R) to the accounting system when a debt is incurred. After the
accounting system acknowledges the A/R, the traveler can make the remittance directly to the Defense Finance
and Accounting Services (DFAS), pay online at the website, or request payroll collection initiation in DTS.
When the debt is satisfied, and DTS receives the advice of collection from DFAS, DTS will automatically update
the traveler’s document. For additional information, see the Guide to Managing Travel-Incurred Debt.
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The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has established unique debt management processes for DIA
3.8 Non-DTS Entry Agent
A Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA) is a Military member, DoD civilian employee, or a contractor authorized to
complete a DTS voucher on behalf of other travelers. The local command authority designates the NDEA in
writing. After receiving all required documents from the traveler, the NDEA uses the information to create the
voucher and then attaches an electronic copy of all provided documents. The NDEA ‘s electronic signature only
attests that all documentation in the DTS voucher is the same as the information provided by the traveler as
contained in the attached documents. Required documents include, but are not limited to:
Receipts (or locally approved missing receipt forms) for:
o All lodging expenses
o Receipts for all reimbursable expenses of $75.00 or more
Approvals for other than economy class coach fares
The DD Form 1351-2 or OF 1164 completed and signed by the traveler. Paper or electronically
produced official documents (e-forms) are acceptable, but must contain the traveler’s written or digital
o Per policy, DTS prohibits a NDEA from stamping the voucher (T-Entered) without the DD Form
1351-2 or OF 1164 attachment.
o Missing documentation generates an Audit Fail record on the Digital Signature page.
o After attaching the record to the document, the hard stop deactivates permitting stamping-
action and routing of the document to the AO for review and approval.
Other items as mandated by component or local policy
3.9 Self-Authorizing Official
Blanket travel orders are not permissible under DTS. Instead, individuals can be designated as Self-AOs in their
DTS profiles. Under most circumstances, Self-AOs may approve their own travel authorizations and verify funds
availability from the DTS Budget Tool. They cannot approve their own travel vouchers, local vouchers, or
authorizations that include travel advances or SPPs.
Components should identify individuals requiring Self-AO accessibility in DTS using local procedures.
Self AOs must follow guidance as outlined in the DTS Regulations, DoDI 5154.31 and adhere to
approval limitations per their local procedures.
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Chapter 4: Use of DTS by Non-Government Employees
4.1 Foreign Nationals and DTS
When meeting specified policies, agreements and conditions, foreign nationals may perform certain DTS roles.
For detailed guidance on allowing and restricting DTS use for travel types and circumstances, see the
information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
Foreign Nationals must have a public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate for DTS access and a unique
identification number when building their DTS profile. Some of the duties when authorized that a foreign
national employee may perform include:
Defense Travel Administrator (DTA)
Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA)
Authorizing Official (AO)
When a foreign national traveler does not have a social security number (SSN) then the individual must use the
taxpayer identification number (TIN) for the DTS profile to receive authorized travel payments.
Each organization should consult applicable regulations, policy, and SOFA to establish local
procedures for use of DTS by foreign nationals.
4.1.1 Personnel Exchange Program
A foreign officer who is part of the Personnel Exchange Program (PEP) may use DTS if all conditions are met as
outlined in the information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
4.1.2 Cooperative Program Personnel
Cooperative Program personnel may use DTS if all conditions are met as outlined in the information paper Who
May Use the Defense Travel System?
4.2 Government Contractors and DTS
Except as allowed in the information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
Government contractors must NOT use DTS for their own official travel. They may not approve DTS travel
authorizations, vouchers nor certify Centrally Billed Account (CBA) invoices for payment.
Government contractors can perform certain DTS functions in a manner consistent with the provisions of their
contract and when authorized and directed by the Government.
For detailed guidance on allowing and restricting DTS use for travel types and circumstances, see the
information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
Organizations should consult applicable policies, regulations, and contractor agreements to establish
local processes outlining the DTS functions authorized and permissible for contractors to perform.
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Chapter 5: DTS Finance
5.1 Line of Accounting Format Maps and Labels
Each DoD Component uses a specific line of accounting (LOA) format map. The Finance Defense Travel
Administrator (FDTA) should use easy-to-understand, plain English language when assigning LOA labels.
5.2 DTS Budget Tool
The DTS Budget Tool records and tracks funding associated with each DTS LOA. As part of the approval process,
DTS displays the amount of requested funds and available funds and prevents approval if there are not sufficient
funds in the DTS budget.
Establish local processes to conduct periodic reconciliation with the official accounting records in
accordance with Component procedures.
5.3 Future Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year Crossover
Special procedures are required for travel crossing fiscal years or for travel in a future fiscal year. This is due to
the year-end electronic processing procedures of the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) and other
Agency financial systems. Instructions are available on the DTMO website with updates provided on annual
FDTAs must establish DTS LOAs for the next fiscal year and load the new fiscal year funding targets
into DTS budgets based on local procedures.
5.4 Funding Travel for Other Organizations
When an organization other than the traveler’s organization provides funds for a trip, the traveler’s organization
typically receives an approval notice from the funding organization. The approval document (e.g.,
memorandum, email, or message) occurs outside of DTS, and recommend electronically attaching the funding
request to the DTS authorization as substantiating documentation. The Cross Organization Funding (X-Org
Funding) function in DTS allows an organization to access another organization’s LOA. The DTS Financial Field
Procedures Guide provides details on funding travel for other organizations and steps for travel funded by other
Organizations should create local procedures for sharing and receiving funding with other
organizations, to ensure that only authorized expenses are charged and that limits are not exceeded.
5.5 Multiple Accountable Station Numbers
DTS supports funding trips using multiple accountable station numbers (MASNs), (i.e., travel funded by more
than one DoD Component). Once approved, the multiple LOAs route to the applicable accounting system, based
on the accountable station numbers. For example, an Army organization might agree to fund travel for an Air
Force traveler, but not agree to fund the entire amount such as a rental car. The Army LOA would be cross-org’d
to the traveler, expenses allocated to the Army LOA except for the rental car. The traveler’s Air Force LOA would
fund the rental car portion of the trip. The DTS local voucher does not support MASN funding.
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5.6 Receipts and Other Substantiating Documents
The DoD FMR, Vol. 9, Definitions specifies a valid receipt. The traveler must attach receipts and other
substantiating records to be a part of the electronic trip record, per the DoD FMR, Vol. 9, Ch. 5, par. 050203.
Receipts are required for all individual expenses of $75 or more and all lodging expenses of any amount. If a
NDEA signs and submits a DTS voucher on behalf of a traveler, refer to Section 3.8.
The AO must ensure attachment and verification of all required receipts and other substantiating records before
applying the APPROVED stamp to the document. Authorized personnel have access to these records for a period
of 10 years via DTS.
5.7 Accounting Error Codes (Rejected Documents)
When a financial system rejects a document, DTS sends a reason code to the reject email account established by
the organization. The information displays on the Digital Signature Page, under the Trip Authorization or Trip
Voucher Status section. Explanations of individual error codes are available in the DTA Manual, Appendix G.
The local FDTA is responsible for establishing processes for correcting rejected documents and
correcting the errors that caused them.
5.8 DTS-Tailored for Finance Organizations
If there is not a financial interface (i.e., the finance system has not been certified for use with DTS), DTS may be
used as an order writer and to make travel reservations and approve travel orders. The FDTA will enter “DTST”
in the first field of the LOAs to block documents to ensure that no financial transaction is processed.
Organizations that are DTS-tailored for finance cannot use the travel advance or SPP functionality; travelers
requiring an advance or SPPs must process authorizations outside of DTS.
Organizations must establish local procedures for manually processing travel vouchers.
5.9 Non-Appropriated Fund Travel
Travel funded by non-appropriated funds must be obligated and disbursed outside of DTS. For detailed guidance
on allowing and restricting DTS use for travel types and circumstances, see the information paper Who May Use
the Defense Travel System? Travel reservations can be booked by contacting the Travel Management Company
(TMC) or as specified by the local business rules.
5.10 Foreign Military Sales Program
A U.S. Service member or a civilian employee performing official travel in connection with the Foreign Military
Sales (FMS) program may use DTS as outlined in the information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel
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Chapter 6: Payment Methods and Reports
6.1 Government Travel Charge Card
The Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) program facilitates and standardizes payment for official travel
expenses, including local travel. DTS supports the use of Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed
Accounts (CBAs). As stated in the DoD GTCC Regulations, authorized by DoD Instruction 5154.31, Vol. 4, “The
DoD policy is that the GTCC will be used by all DoD personnel (Military or civilian) to pay for all costs related to
official Government travel.” Refer to the GTCC Regulations for additional guidance on the GTCC program.
Organizations must establish local processes for monitoring the appropriate use of GTCCs.
6.2 Travel Advances
A traveler who does not have a GTCC (or is traveling to locations where use of the card is impractical) may
request a travel advance (or simply “advance”) through DTS. The traveler’s profile must be set to “Advance
Authorized” to request the advance.
The traveler will receive the advance (payment) to their financial institution account as an electronic funds
transfer (EFT) approximately 7 to 10 days before the scheduled departure date. If the requested advance is
within 10 days of the traveler’s scheduled departure date, the advance processes for payment immediately
upon AO approval and positive acknowledgement of the obligation transaction. If an advance of 80 percent is
insufficient for the traveler, causing a financial burden, then the AO may approve an advance of 100 percent.
The AO must determine when an advance of 100 % is necessary on a case-by-case basis in
accordance with local policy. In these cases, the DTA must select “Full Advance” in the traveler’s
profile to allow document advance payment processing.
DTS will deduct the amount of the advance from the total reimbursable entitlements and identify them as a
previous payment on the voucher.
Currently, DTS and the DoD FMR permit travelers to request both an advance and SPPs on the same
authorization. DTS allows the authorized advance amount to be paid and will pay SPPs until disbursements equal
6.3 Scheduled Partial Payments
Travelers scheduled TDY for more than 45 consecutive days should request SPPs through DTS. The system
computes and schedules the payments in 30-day increments. DTS splits the SPP disbursement between the
traveler’s financial institution and the GTCC vendor, thus paying both entities by EFT. Organizations must ensure
that travelers who received SPPs submit their vouchers after returning from TDY timely. When a traveler
submits a voucher, DTS deducts the SPP amount from the total reimbursable entitlement. Depending on
approved expenses amount, either the result is a net payment to the traveler or an overpayment resulting in a
debt. The traveler must follow the process to establish the debt and pay back the Government.
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6.4 Centrally Billed Accounts
DTS supports the use of CBAs for air and rail transportation for travelers who do not have GTCCs. An
organization completes and submits a CBA Load Worksheet available on the DTMO website. The DTMO
associates the DTS CBA account to the organization. Separate CBA accounts must be established for the DTS CBA
Tool and for the traditional CBA reconciliation process (outside of DTS), because both forms of reconciliation
cannot accommodate the same CBA number.
6.4.1 DTS CBA Reconciliation
The DTS CBA Tool provides an automated CBA reconciliation and payment process, including invoice
certification. The charge card vendor (CCV) sends an electronic invoice to DTS. After certification, the invoice
routes electronically to the applicable DFAS vendor payment location for payment. Once paid, an advice of
payment is returned to DTS, and the information is retained in DTS for 10 years. The DTS CBA Reconciliation
Manual outlines the CBA specialists, CBA-DTAs, and CBA administrator’s actions. The process is paperless,
except for the formal dispute notification to the CCV as applicable.
Component business rules determine who will have the authority and responsibility to certify CBA
invoices in the DTS CBA Tool. The assigned person(s) must meet the following eligibility
Be a Government employee or service member
Be trained and appointed as a Certifying Officer (CO)
Be trained on the CBA reconciliation and DTS document process
6.4.2 Traditional CBA Reconciliation
Organizations that do not use the DTS CBA Tool must use existing traditional CBA reconciliation procedures. In
most cases, this requires the supporting Travel Management Company (TMC; formerly known as the
Commercial Travel Office (CTO); DTS still refers to the TMC as the CTO) to perform an initial reconciliation prior
to Government approval and certification.
Travelers using the CBA may need to provide a copy of their approved DTS authorization or a Marine Corps
Request for Transportation Services to the CTO prior to ticketing, or as required by the CTO contract.
Component business rules must include procedures to distinguish the DTS LOA from the traditional
LOA, verifying that information entered is correct in the reconciliation tool.
Failure to ensure the CBA invoice disbursements match the corresponding DTS obligations may result in delayed
payment of CBA invoices due to mismatched disbursing and accounting data.
6.5 U.S. Government Transportation Request
Travelers who are required to use a U.S. Government Transportation Request (GTR) Optional Form 1169 as a
method of payment must make transportation arrangements directly with the TMC outside DTS in accordance
with local business rules.
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Organizations must establish local procedures for interaction with the TMC.
Obligations and payments processing for GTRs occurs outside of DTS. To reflect their costs in DTS, the traveler
Create an Other Expense in the DTS Expenses module:
o Enter “GTR” as Other - Create Your Own expense
o Enter $0.00 as the cost
Enter the estimated ticket cost in the Comments to the Approving Official box on the Review Trip
Authorization screen.
6.6 Payment for Patriot Express Flights
Transportation Officers may make travel arrangements for Patriot Express travel outside of DTS. Commercial air
segments with connecting service to the Patriot Express or Air Mobility Command (AMC) service can be booked
through DTS. The customer identification code (CIC) generates automatically in DTS upon AO approval. The
traveler must provide a copy of the approved authorization with the CIC number at the AMC counter as
required. AMC will directly bill the appropriate Component paying office on a monthly basis.
Obligations and payment accomplishment for Patriot Express travel occurs outside DTS. To reflect their costs in
DTS, the traveler must:
Create an Other Expense in the DTS Expenses module:
o Enter Patriot Express” as Other - Create Your Own expense
o Enter $0.00 as the cost
Enter the estimated ticket cost in the Comments to the Approving Official box on the Review Trip
Authorization screen.
Organizations must establish local procedures for printing and distributing authorizations, adjusting
budgets, and obligating funds outside of DTS.
6.7 Military Pay Reports
There are five Military pay reports that assist organizations with processing travel-related pay transactions.
These identified reports are accessible from DTS:
Enlisted Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Report
Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Report
Family Separation Allowance (FSA) Report
Military Leave Report
Special Duty Report
See the DTA Manual, Chapter 10 for information about these reports.
Local procedures will establish access and distribution of these reports to the Military Pay Office.
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Chapter 7: Trip Types
7.1 Authorized Trip Types in DTS
Below are the Trip Types to process TDY travel authorizations and vouchers in DTS. Selecting the DTS Trip Type
sets the allowances or constraints in the document. The DTA Manual, Appendix K provides more details about
each of these trip types. Also, be sure to review the JTR for qualifying conditions and restrictions for different
types of travel.
Temporary Duty Travel (Routine)
Invitational Travel
Invitational Travel Transportation Expenses Only
Dependent Invitational Travel
Dependent Invitational Travel - Transportation Expenses Only
Government Funded Leave
Establish local business process for processing specific trip types.
7.2 Confirmatory Authorizations
Confirmatory authorizations are used when an authorization cannot be completed prior to the traveler’s
departure. Complete the DTS authorization as soon as possible after the AO grants the verbal approval. The TMC
processes the reservations outside of DTS. Manually enter the airfare and rental car costs in the Expenses
module and update the lodging costs in the Per Diem module. Do not use the Reservations module, as this will
result in duplicate commercial reservations.
The TMC may issue the ticket upon verbal authorization, based on contractual guidelines and local
7.3 Reserve Component Travel
Reserve component members should consult their service-level DTS office for procedures.
7.4 Group Authorizations
DTS supports processing and approving a group travel for up to 40 travelers per group authorization. When the
AO stamps the group authorization APPROVED, DTS automatically creates the individual authorizations for each
traveler, with a unique travel authorization number (TANUM). Upon completion of group travel, each traveler
creates an individual voucher for reimbursement of incurred expenses and earned allowances, attaches all
required receipts and justifies all Pre-Audit flags and Reason Codes.
7.5 Verbal Orders of the Commanding Officer
Refer to Section 7.2.
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7.6 Permanent Duty Travel
Permanent Duty Travel (PDT) is not currently available in DTS. For detailed guidance on allowing and restricting
DTS use for travel types and circumstances, see the information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
7.7 Extended TDY (180 or More Consecutive Days)
Before approving an authorization for an extended TDY (180 or more consecutive days at the same location), the
AO must ensure that there is written approval by the appropriate command level approval authority. The AO’s
organization may maintain the approval documentation or attach it to the authorization as substantiating
Additionally, the traveler and AO must also adhere to the Temporary Duty (long-term TDY) guidance outlining
restrictions for DTS use within the information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
Establish local procedures for travel of 180 days or more.
7.8 Personal Leave with Official Travel
Personal Leave with Official Travel (PLOT) is leave taken at an official TDY location; all travel takes place at
locations in the official itinerary. The following applies to PLOT:
Travel dates may vary due to leave.
Use DTS for reservations and General Services Administration (GSA) City Pair fares are authorized
because all travel locations are official.
The authorization must include all dates of travel (official and personal) away from the permanent duty
station (PDS).
The Per Diem module must show all unofficial days in a non-per diem status (i.e., leave, duty day, non-
duty day) to ensure that per diem allowances are not paid for the unofficial days.
Personal/unofficial expenses shall not be charged to the GTCC.
Process the Official leave documentation outside of DTS. Local procedures determine when official
leave is chargeable.
Refer to Section 7.9 for travel arrangements to leisure locations in conjunction with official travel.
7.9 Leisure in Conjunction with Official Travel
Leisure in Conjunction with Official Travel (LICWO) is a type of PLOT, but includes personal travel to non-official
locations. The below items apply to LICWO:
Initiate the LICWO request through TMC assistance in DTS or by contacting the TMC directly.
GSA City Pair fares are not authorized to or from places that are not official locations (e.g., leave
The TMC may be able to make official TDY and LICWO travel arrangements. Any extra costs for
arranging LICWO travel are the traveler’s responsibility and should not be included in DTS.
Charging personal/non-official expenses to the GTCC is not allowable.
Establish local business rules detailing the LICWO process to include organization-specific forms or
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7.10 Constructed Travel
Constructed travel assumes the traveler wants to (or did) travel using a transportation mode the AO did not
direct. Per the JTR, par. 0202, “If the traveler selects an alternate mode than as specified in par. 020203, then
they must demonstrate to the AO’s satisfaction that the selected mode of travel was the most efficient or
economical option reasonably available.” The traveler completes the authorization showing the cost of the trip
using their preferred transportation mode (e.g., Private Auto To/From TDY) and provides the supporting
The DTMO website offers information on Constructed Travel. The page provides the access link to the Pre-Travel
Worksheet and Post-Travel Worksheet with the instructions.
The AO reviews the cost-comparison and approves the trip in one of the following ways:
Approves the full cost of the traveler’s requested transportation mode with full reimbursement.
Limits the traveler’s transportation reimbursement to what it would have cost to travel by the directed
Establish local business rules for the constructed travel process.
7.11 NATO Orders and Foreign Clearance Guide Requirements
Processing authorizations for travel requiring a foreign clearance and/or North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) orders is permissible in DTS; however, DTS neither provides automated foreign clearances nor produces
NATO-formatted travel orders.
Organizations must comply with foreign clearance requirements and/or NATO travel order
procedures in accordance with DoD Foreign Clearance Guide and any additional local business rules
or regulations.
7.12 Conditional Routing
DTS allows you to include steps on a routing list to guide travel documents to a particular reviewer only if the
document meets certain criteria. For instance, if Sam reviews documents containing OCONUS travel, then
CONUS only documents won’t route to Sam. Conditional routing can also be used when a CBA is the payment
method for transportation, certain transportation modes are used, and much more.
If an organization has requirements pertaining to OCONUS travel (e.g., immunizations, theater
clearances), they should be included in the local business rules, in coordination with higher
7.13 Blanket Travel Orders
Blanket travel orders are not available in DTS. Refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.9.
7.14 Local Travel In and Around the PDS
DTS local vouchers reimburse authorized travelers for expenses incurred during official travel in the local area.
For detailed guidance on allowing and restricting DTS use for travel types and circumstances, see the
information paper Who May Use the Defense Travel System?
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Each DoD Installation or base senior Commander must determine the local area in writing. When establishing
the local commuting area, an arbitrary distance radius must not be established. See the Joint Travel Regulations
JTR, Par. 0206 for additional information.
Establish local business rules detailing the local area limits.
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Chapter 8: DTS Import/Export Tool
The DTS Import/Export Tool allows organizations with their own order-writing systems (partner systems) to
transmit authorizations for official travel into DTS so that certain automated DTS functions may be used in the
document process.
DTS notifies the traveler via email, and the traveler completes the authorization and makes travel
arrangements in accordance with service-specific procedures.
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Chapter 9: Travel Reservations
9.1 Travel Management Company
A Travel Management Company (TMC) is a commercial entity providing commercial travel and ticketing services
for official travel under a contract and/or memorandum of understanding with the Government.
Insert local TMC information.
9.2 Bus Travel
The DTS Reservations module does not currently include bus travel. Ticket costs for bus transportation are
entered in the Expenses module under Enter Expenses > Add > Ticketed Expenses > Bus Ticket (CBA) or Bus
Ticket (IBA) expense.
Travelers should follow the local procedures for reserving and paying for bus travel.
9.3 Rail Travel
Train schedules in DTS are not live. The schedules are static and may not be 100% accurate, due to post
publication changes to the schedule. The following booking options are available:
To make reservations, in the DTS Reservations module:
o Send the trip details to the TMC via the Request TMC Assistance link on the Select a Train
screen. The TMC will make the reservations and return the details (e.g., time, date, and cost).
o Select a train on the Select a Train screen, and then use the Send TMC Request button on the
Confirm Your Train Request screen to send the details to the TMC. The TMC will make the
reservations and return the details (e.g., time, date, and cost).
To enter the costs, enter tickets purchased via a GTCC or CBA in the Expenses module under Enter
Expenses > Add > Ticketed Expense > Train Ticket (CBA) or Train Ticket (IBA) expense.
Contact the TMC for local ticketing procedures.
9.4 Car Rental
DTS displays available vehicles from car rental companies that participate in the DTMO-negotiated Government
agreements. When completing the voucher, travelers and document reviewers must verify that the actual car
rental cost is viewable on the Review Trip Authorization screen. If the incorrect cost displays, update the
displayed cost in the Expenses module. Enter a new rental car in the Expenses module by selecting Enter
Expenses > Add > Transportation Expenses > Rental Car To/From TDY expense if the reservation was made
outside of DTS and this is the mode of transportation. DTS has three types of Rental Car expenses:
At TDY Area: Used only at the TDY location
To/From TDY: Used to get to, from, or between TDY locations
Terminal: Used only to travel to and/or from a transportation terminal (e.g., an airport)
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9.5 Foreign Flag Carriers
Available U.S. flag air carriers must be used for all commercial air transportation of persons and property when
the U.S Government funds the air travel. See 49 U.S.C. §40118, commonly referred to as the “Fly America Act”.
Attach the approval for the use of a foreign flag carrier in DTS as substantiating documentation.
9.6 Use of Low-Cost Non-GDS Airlines
Some airlines do not post on the Global Distribution System (GDS) your TMC uses to reserve flights. For them,
DTS may show static flight data instead of live availability.
Consult local business rules to determine travel processing.
9.7 Lodging
In many cases, the JTR directs travelers to use a specific lodging type. DTS aligns with the Integrated Lodging
Program (ILP) by automatically displaying those lodging options based upon policy, before other choices and
when warranted reduces the lodging reimbursement for declined directed lodging. Travelers who do not use the
directed lodging type must justify their choice and select a Reason Code.
If required DoD Lodging is not available in DTS, travelers must make their lodging reservations directly with the
lodging facility instead of through the TMC. In all other cases, the traveler must use the TMC to make their
lodging reservations. In all instances, the traveler must update their lodging cost in the Per Diem module when
lodging is booked outside of DTS.
Arrangements for Military lodging must be coordinated outside of DTS in accordance with local
business rules and TMC contract requirements.
9.8 Premium Class Accommodations (First Class, Business Class, and Premium
DTS offers travelers economy or coach accommodations on an airplane or train. The management of business
class, first class, or premium economy travel approval occurs outside of DTS. The JTR, par. 020206-J.1, Table 2-4
identifies the conditions in which a traveler can upgrade transportation accommodations. According to the JTR,
par. 020206-J.2 ,“Only a person senior to the traveler may authorize or approve an upgraded class of service.
Who can authorize and approve premium class accommodations appears in the JTR, par. 020206-J.2, Table 2-5.
See the Premium Class Transportation Checklist on the DTMO Website when requesting approval of Premium
class accommodations. Attach a copy of the transportation approval to the DTS document before the AO
approves it.
AOs must be familiar with Component procedures for approving Premium Class travel and must
obtain approval before authorizing the accommodations.
The approving entities for Premium class travel are listed in Table 9-1.
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Table 9-1
First Class
Business Class
Office of the
Secretary of
Defense & Defense
Director of Administration and
Same, but may delegate
to three-star level or
civilian equivalent.
Joint Staff
Joint Staff Director or as
delegated. May delegate to
three-star major commander.
Same, but may delegate
to two-star level or
civilian equivalent.
Combatant Commanders or as
delegated. May delegate to
three-star deputy or vice
Same, but may delegate
to two-star level or
civilian equivalent.
Service Secretary may delegate
to Under Secretary, Service
Chiefs, Vice or Deputy Chiefs,
and four-star major commanders
or their three-star vice or deputy
Same, but may delegate
to two-star level or
civilian equivalent.*
U.S. Public Health
Members Only
Secretary of Health and Human
Flag officers at the two-
star level or their civilian
equivalents, to whom
authority has been
delegated by the first-
class authorizing or
approving authority.*
Oceanographic and
Members Only
NOAA Corps Director.*
U.S. Coast Guard
Members Only
Secretary of Homeland Security.*
Coast Guard
Commandant or Vice
*No further delegation.
9.9 Ticketing
Ticketing normally occurs three business days before scheduled departure for approved authorizations. When
the TMC issues the ticket, they email the traveler the reservation and cost information. If an electronic ticket is
available, but the traveler requests a paper ticket for personal reasons, the additional cost is not reimbursable.
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Local business rules regulate exceptions to the three-business day ticketing rule.
When the traveler requires or requests a paper ticket, local business rules apply, including delivery
procedures and contracts.
See Section 9.11 for Auto Cancellation procedures.
See JTR, par. 020206-M.2 for information on the use of restricted airfares.
Airport security procedures require airline ticket issuance in the same name that appears on the traveler’s photo
identification issued by a local, state, or Federal Government agency (e.g., driver’s license, passport, or military
Before departure, travelers should ensure that the name on the identification they intend to use at the airport
matches the name on the reservation/ticket. Misspelled names may result in the carrier needing to reissue the
airline ticket at the check-in counter prior to boarding, causing delays or denied boarding. For an international
flight, the traveler must present a valid passport, visa, and all required documentation. Incomplete or
unacceptable documentation may result in denied boarding.
9.10 Ticketing at the Beginning of a New Fiscal Year
The AO may approve a DTS authorization for travel in the next fiscal year when the next fiscal year’s LOAs and
budget targets have been loaded into DTS. When a document is stamped APPROVED, DTS sets the tickets are
waiting (TAW) date and notifies the TMC of the approval. DTS holds the next fiscal year financial until the
accounting system’s release date.
Local business rules should establish the process for ticketing of travel at the beginning of a new
fiscal year.
Consider using the “Fiscal Year Funds” Other Authorization.
9.11 Auto Cancellation
Any authorization that includes air travel requires approval and ticketing well in advance of the scheduled flight
departure to avoid cancellation of airline reservations. The airlines instituted this policy under the GSA City Pair
Program contract. It applies to all City Pair and non-contract Government flights that are either booked through
DTS or through a TMC.
Under this policy, under ordinary conditions, if an AO doesn’t approve an authorization within 72 hours of
departure, auto-cancellation occurs for the airline reservation and the traveler has no ticket or reservation in the
airline’s system.
If the traveler makes reservations within 72 hours of departure, their authorization requires timely approval and
tickets issued within 24 hours to avoid cancellation. When making plans within 24 hours of departure, the AO
must approve the authorization and TMC issue the tickets at least 6 hours before flight departure time to avoid
cancellation. For cancellation of airline reservations, the TMC will notify the traveler by email or phone.
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Arriving at the airport without a ticket can affect mission, travel funds, and put unnecessary stress on the
traveler. If this occurs, it is not advisable for travelers to rebook at the airline counter. Often, airline counter
agents are not familiar with GSA’s City Pair Program and may book the traveler on a full-priced fare at a much
higher cost. To rebook a flight, contact the TMC using the travel itinerary to assist with rebooking and ticketing
using their normal travel process.
The best way to avoid the unnecessary costs and stress associated with rebooking travel is to monitor the status
of the authorization and ensure timely approval.
Tips for the traveler:
Monitor the status of your travel authorization. If your trip is approaching and your authorization has
not yet been approved, contact your AO. If your AO is unavailable, contact your DTA.
Ensure your DTS profile is current, particularly your Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) expiration
date. The TMC cannot ticket your reservations if you do not have current GTCC information in your
Take your travel itinerary with you to the airport. If reservation cancellation occurs, the itinerary will
provide TMC contact information and reservation details to help you rebook.
Tips for the AO:
Monitor documents awaiting your approval.
Ensure you designate a back-up AO when you will be out of the office for any reason.
Tips for the DTA:
Run the Pending Airline Cancellation report to identify authorizations at risk of auto cancellation.
Run the Traveler Status Report and notify your Agency Program Coordinator (APC) about travelers with
upcoming travel ensuring they activate their GTCCs.
Tips for the APC:
Review the Accounts Information report and advise the DTA about invalid and expired GTCCs.
Review the Approved Status report and help activate GTCCs for travelers with upcoming trips.
9.12 Reservations for Travelers without a GTCC (IBA)
A traveler without a GTCC (IBA) may charge air or rail tickets to the organization’s CBA or may enter personal
credit card information in the DTS authorization to reserve the rental car and lodging based on local policies. A
traveler without a personal credit card should contact lodging and car rental vendors directly to make
9.13 TMC Transaction Fees
Billing TMC transaction fees are in accordance with the supporting contract task order as either a point of sale
(POS) fee or a management fee. The transaction fee applies when the TMC fulfills the reservation request and
bills at the time of ticketing or may occur when the TMC confirms lodging or car rental charges without air
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When making travel reservations in the DTS Reservations module, travelers should not enter the TMC fee as a
separate expense on the authorization. If the POS TMC transaction fee is applicable per support contract, it is
automatically included as a separate transaction when the TMC returns the ticketing information to DTS on the
amended order (CTO Amendment). If arranging travel outside of DTS and charged a TMC fee on their GTCC, the
traveler must enter the fee in the Expenses module under Enter Expenses > Add > Ticketed Expenses.
When a TMC transaction fee is a management fee funded at the service, agency, or major command
level, the TMC fee does not come back to DTS. Billing is sent directly to the service, agency, or major
command in accordance with established rules or TMC contracts.
9.14 Cancellation Fees and Penalties
The AO is the only one in the routing who can apply the CANCELLED stamp. Before applying the stamp, the AO
must verify with the traveler that there are no associated expenses with the trip. See the information paper Trip
Cancellation Procedures In DTS.
9.15 Unused or Partially Used Tickets
The traveler must report unused or partially used tickets to the TMC to request a refund. Return the unused
paper tickets from a local TMC so that the TMC can process refund. Since the refund of the unused tickets
occurs outside of DTS, the traveler must update the voucher to remove the costs of the associated tickets.
The TMC will immediately process refunds for paper tickets upon receipt. TMC processes E-ticket refunds upon
notification of non-use. They will assist the Government in research of unused tickets. Additionally, the
Government Transportation Office receives the request for refunds via paper or electronic means.
In accordance with local procedures for paper tickets, the TO or TMC, must prepare DD Form 730
“Receipt for Unused Transportation Requests and/or Tickets, Including Unused Meal Tickets” and
provide a copy to the traveler as receipt for the unused returned ticket.
9.16 TMC Procedures During National Emergencies
At all times during national emergencies, the TMC will maintain the highest quality customer service. Modifying
the operating hours may occur, if agreed to by the Contracting Officer Representative in support of the national
9.17 En Route Traveler Assistance
Travelers requiring itinerary changes while en route should contact the TMC via the telephone number listed on
the TMC-provided invoice. Upon return to the PDS, travelers must update the voucher to reflect the changes.
List local TMC information here.
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9.18 DTS-Tailored Organizations (TMC)
If a TMC interface is not available, travelers will not be able to request travel reservations through the DTS
Reservations module. Travelers must make arrangements offline with the TMC and manually enter the
information into DTS. Organizations tailored for an unconnected TMC cannot use the DTS CBA Tool to reconcile
CBA invoices.
9.19 Changing TMC Organization Information in the DTA Maintenance Tool
The pseudo city code (PCC), ticketing pseudo city code (TPCC), Global Distribution System (GDS), and company
profile information are commercial tools and are the property of the TMC servicing each site. The PCC and
company profile attached to each organization direct how DTS communicates with the TMC. If a change is
necessary to the PCC and/or company profile in DTS, the DTMO Commercial Travel Division must approve and
coordinate the change with the Component and TMC to minimize any service disruption due to the switchover.
9.20 Restricted Airfares
DTS may offer restricted airfares on some trips. Restricted airfares may have advance purchase requirements
and financial penalties for changes to the original ticket. DTS warns the traveler about all restrictions both
before and after they book a restricted airfare. Because restricted airfares require payment very soon after
booking, and because the airline will cancel the booking if the traveler fails to make payment before the
deadline, when considering whether to book a restricted airfare, the traveler should be aware that:
1. To pay for the flight, they may need to receive a travel advance before the trip begins. The information
paper Travel Advances for Restricted Airfares explains how to do so.
2. It is their responsibility to ensure that everyone on the routing list (e.g., TMC, AO) is aware of the need
to act promptly, to meet the ticketing deadline. Should the airline cancel the booking due to a missed
payment deadline, the traveler must abandon their authorization and begin a new one.
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Chapter 10: Miscellaneous
10.1 Frequent Traveler Benefits
DTS allows travelers to include loyalty program numbers in their profile to accrue program benefits resulting
from their official Government travel use. Travelers can register for the U.S. Government Frequent Renter
Program. Travelers who register for and use a U.S. Government Frequent Renter number will receive the
benefits of the U.S. Government Rental Car Program and may be able to by-pass the check-in counter.
10.2 Labor Relations Representatives
Labor decisions must be coordinated with the local labor relations representatives.
Coordinate with the Component employment relations specialist to determine the appropriate steps
to satisfy local bargaining agreements.
10.3 Baggage Fees
Air or rail carriers often charge fees for carry-on or checked baggage. Such fees should be included on the
authorization and voucher as reimbursable expenses under Enter Expenses > Add > Other Expenses > Baggage -
Checked Bag expense. The traveler must pay baggage fees directly to the carrier at check-in, using their GTCC
as form of payment. Travelers without a GTCC must use an alternate form of payment (e.g., a personal credit
Travelers should refer to local business rules for additional guidance.
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Chapter 11: DTS Support and Assistance
The DTS assistance program strives to resolve problems at the lowest level, as outlined below.
11.1 Travel Community
After registering for an account on the DTMO Passport, personnel can access online training, and obtain
pertinent travel information in TraX.
11.2 Local Assistance
The site Lead DTA is typically responsible for local-level support and establishing a local DTS Help Desk.
The local site should establish a DTS training and communication plan.
11.3 Travel Assistance Center
The Travel Assistance Center (TAC) aids by phone or online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including Federal
holidays. Any uniformed member or civilian employee may contact the TAC for assistance with DTS or any
official travel-related question. During high volume times customers may find it faster to receive support by
submitting their own TraX Help Desk ticket or using the TAC Callback feature and leave a number for someone to
contact them.
Listed below are the contact methods:
Phone: 1-888-Help1Go (888-435-7146)
DSN line (if calling from overseas): 1-888-Help1Go
TAC Callback: Available 0800 to 1500 ET
Live Chat: Available 0800 to 1800 ET for specific items; DTS Login/Profile, TraX, and CTO
Submit/Reservation questions
TraX: To submit a Help Desk ticket
11.4 DTS Message Center
The DTS Message Center is available from the DTS Dashboard providing inclusive alerts, system notices, and
relevant travel news for the DoD global community. Specific and specialized Component alerts may display
under the DTS Message Center on a limited basis when an emergency or impactful event warrants extensive
communication to the Component’s organizations. The Component must coordinate and submit their official
message request through the DTMO for data management.
The Component should determine the circumstances when a custom message is necessary for
submission to the DTMO for Message Center posting.