1313 Navaho Dr., Raleigh, NC 27609
Broker-in-Charge Best
Practices Guide
North Carolina Real Estate Commission
SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 1
SECTION 2: WRITTEN OFFICE POLICIES ............................................................. 2
1: ORIENTATION FOR NEW LICENSEES TO COMPANY ....................................................... 2
2: EMPLOYMENT (OR WORK) CONTRACT ........................................................................ 3
3: BIC DELEGATION OF DUTIES ....................................................................................... 5
5: ADDITIONAL REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ................................................................... 6
6: ESTABLISHING COMPETENCE ..................................................................................... 7
7: BROKERS RELATIONSHIPS WITH CONSUMERS ............................................................. 8
8: ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ................................................. 8
9: ADVERTISING AND SOLICITATION ............................................................................. 10
10: TEAMS AND GROUPS ............................................................................................... 11
11: SAFETY PROCEDURES ............................................................................................. 11
12: PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT ....................................................................................... 11
13: ASSOCIATIONS CODE OF ETHICS AND MLS ............................................................ 12
14: UNLICENSED ACTIVITY ........................................................................................... 12
15: OFFICE AND BRANCH OFFICES ................................................................................ 12
16. OTHER ..................................................................................................................... 17
SECTION 3: RECORDS MANAGEMENT ............................................................... 17
1: RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE .............................................................................. 17
2: PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ..................................................................... 18
3: DISASTER RECOVERY ................................................................................................ 18
5: OTHER ....................................................................................................................... 18
SECTION 4: TRUST ACCOUNTS ............................................................................. 18
1: ACCOUNT RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORIZED SIGNOR(S) ......................................... 19
2: NAMES, NUMBER, AND BANKS ................................................................................. 19
3: BANK FEES ................................................................................................................ 19
4: INTEREST ON TRUST ACCOUNT(S) ............................................................................. 19
5: PROPER HANDLING OF TRUST ACCOUNTS ................................................................. 19
6: HANDLING OF OPTION FEES AND EARNEST MONEY .................................................. 19
8: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS ...................................................................... 19
9: ADEQUATE CONTROLS FOR MAINTAINING TRUST ACCOUNTS .................................. 20
10: AUDIT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 20
11: OTHER ..................................................................................................................... 20
SECTION 6: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & RESOURCES ............................ 21
1: CREATE A LIST OF REMINDERS .................................................................................. 21
3: CREATE A LIST OF RESOURCES ................................................................................. 21
BIC TOOLKIT ................................................................................................................. 22
Regulatory AuthorityThe North Carolina Real Estate Commission (NCREC/ Commission).
Voluntary regulatory authorities include, among other entities, the local Boards/Associations of
Realtors, North Carolina Realtors, and the National Association of Realtors.
Broker-in-Charge (BIC)The Broker who has been designated as the primary person having
sole responsibility for the supervision and management of an office.
Broker – Any licensee, other than BIC, who is affiliated with the firm; aka associate broker.
Employee Salaried employee as defined by the NC Department of Revenue.
Independent Contractor Individual who contracts for a specific task or job and is responsible
for all expenses per the contract. (This may also be defined by the NC Department of Revenue.)
Licensee Broker, agent, sales associate, broker associate, provisional broker, etc. In North
Carolina, a licensee is any person or firm who/which holds a North Carolina real estate license.
Licensed Assistant A person who is licensed under the supervision of the BIC, who
works and exclusively assists the BIC or a team, group, or individual licensee also
licensed under the BIC. The BIC, in conjunction with the employing licensed individual,
group, or team, is responsible for all acts of the assistant.
Unlicensed Assistant A person who is unlicensed and assists the BIC or a team, group,
or individual licensee, and who is prohibited from performing activities that require a
license. The BIC, in conjunction with the employing licensed individual, group, or team,
is responsible for all acts of the unlicensed assistant.
Firm Corporation, Partnership, Limited Liability Company, Sole Proprietorship. Note that in
NC, any business entity (other than a sole proprietorship) must obtain a firm license prior to
conducting brokerage activity.
Office Any place of business where acts are performed for which a real estate license is
required or where monies received by a broker acting in a fiduciary capacity are handled or
records for such trust monies are maintained.
Branch Office An extension of a main firm location (additional operating location). Any
office other than the firm’s principal office.
Branch Office BIC An affiliated broker designated as the primary person having sole
responsibility for the supervision and management of a branch office location. In North
Carolina, the principal office and each branch must have its own BIC. A broker may serve as the
BIC for only one office location of a firm.
Team or Group Members A group of licensees who form a workgroup to assist each other
and work as a team in all transactions.
Written office policies are useful for standardizing operational tasks and expectations, which in
turn is an important component of a brokerage’s enterprise risk management. The content will
obviously vary with the size and complexity of the brokerage, and it may be started in a small
way and grow in content as the BIC considers it necessary to augment procedures. The whole
purpose is to provide guidance for all affiliated licensees, for employees, and any others who
perform duties on behalf of the brokerage. It is a combination of instructions and procedures to
be followed, and the documents or forms that should be utilized. The following section outlines
the typical recommended subject matter that should be included in a written office policy
manual. While the majority of this guide presumes the BIC’s written policies are for affiliated
brokers or employees, even a solo practitioner may find having written policies in place helpful
for managing their own activities, planning for sudden challenges, and/or as their business
1. Orientation for New Licensees to the Company. Orientation is the process of informing
new employees about the nature of the organization, its policies, procedures, rules, and the
duties and responsibilities of the job. Orientation is the employee’s first step in the
process of learning the norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors that are expected in the
organization. It provides new employees with basic information about the duties of the
job; working conditions; compensation and benefits; policies; procedures, and rules; and
will also serve to correct any erroneous impressions which may have been created in the
recruitment and selection process. A firm’s character begins at the top of the
organizational chart. A BIC who wants his/her broker associates to conduct themselves
with honesty and integrity and to strive for service excellence must model such behaviors
himself or herself.
Formal orientation programs are usually conducted within the first week of a broker
joining an organization. Examples of the items to be included in an orientation program
are listed below:
A. Office Policy Manual
Read, date, sign agreement/acknowledgement page
Revision/Renewal of policy manual and acknowledgement page
Personal copy of manual
B. Scheduled Meetings Attendance Requirements
C. Training Session Attendance Requirements
D. Licensing Requirements
Timely Payment of Renewal Fee
Compliance with education requirements (CE and Postlicensing)
E. Accounting Duties/Requirements (broker policy and regulatory requirements)
Submission of Deposits to the Brokerage
Cash policy, including whether such payments accepted, identification of
party making payment, purpose, receipts
F. Transaction Flow Process/Requirements
Create a checklist of documents for each type of transaction (i.e., for sales –
buyer agency agreements, listing agreements, Working with Real Estate
Agents brochure, inspection reports; for property management property
management agreements, invoices, work orders, etc.) to ensure that licensees
review the proper documents with clients and customers, and obtain
signatures when required
G. Identification of Go-To Person(s) for Questions/Problems
H. Sexual Harassment
I. Discrimination
J. Personal Safety Procedures/Requirements
Review the Commission’s “North Carolina Real Estate Agent Safety Guide.”
K. Other
2. Employment (or Work) Contract. The BIC should have a written agreement with all
licensees affiliated with the BIC whether that relationship is as an employee or an
independent contractor. The agreement should spell out various terms of the relationship
it should be reviewed and/or renewed periodically. Following are some of the items that
should be addressed in the agreement:
A. Terms. This will establish the type of relationship that will exist between the BIC
and the licensee, as well as define the extent of BIC supervision of the licensee and
any assistant(s) (licensed or unlicensed). In general, the BIC is ultimately responsible
for the actions of anyone in the firm and the BIC may want to have the authority to
terminate anyone in the firm. All listings, contracts, service agreements, etc., are the
property of the BIC or firm. Items to address:
Independent contractor or employee
Personal assistants (licensed or unlicensed). An unlicensed assistant is
prohibited from performing licensed activities. The BIC (and/or licensee) who
engages any assistant to work for the firm is responsible for the acts of the
assistant and should confirm what activities the assistant performs comply
with license law
Teams or groups
Ownership of listings, contracts, management agreements, etc. (firm vs.
individual licensee or team)
Licensee’s personally owned real property sale or lease thereof
License renewals
Continuing education and/or postlicensing education
B. Compensation to Licensee. All compensation received by licensees for performing
licensed activities should be paid to them through the licensee’s BIC. Under NC
License Law, the BIC can agree that a full broker be paid directly and not through the
BIC. Note that while a BIC may ask a closing attorney to issue commission checks
directly to the BIC’s full broker affiliate, it is up to the closing attorney whether to
honor the request. Firms should not attempt to compel closing attorneys to pay their
affiliated brokers nor threaten to boycott a settlement agent who refuses to pay
compensation directly to individual brokers in addition to the listing and selling firms.
A BIC’s written policy should address how compensation is to be paid to affiliated
brokers, team members, and unlicensed assistants. The BIC should be sure to review
related rules and regulations to make sure compensation disbursement is in
compliance with Commission rules.
Items to address:
Compensation schedule
Compensation following termination
Compensation to team members including unlicensed assistants
Splits between licensees within office (referrals, members of a team) and co-
brokerage referrals
Withholdings, garnishment, remuneration assignment, etc.
Annual income reporting IRS 1099, etc.
Communications with the closing attorney about disbursement
Commission disputes
C. Termination. Termination of licensees could occur for many reasons, including: for
cause, licensee’s desire to transfer to another firm, death, or disability. Therefore, a
BIC may have slightly different procedures regarding each type of termination and
how it relates to the disposition of unfinished transactions, compensation, etc.
Following are a few examples to consider:
Disposition of agency agreements and contracts
Unpaid expenses
Licensee requested release to transfer to another firm versus firm decision to
terminate licensee
Communications with clients
BIC review of agreements/contracts before a planned termination;
Computer/Email access
Process if a broker’s license goes on inactive status temporarily
D. Licensee Selling, Purchasing or Leasing Personally-Owned Real Property.
The BIC should be very clear as to the requirements that will apply when a licensee
sells, purchases, or leases personally-owned real property as both the BIC’s policies
and North Carolina regulations should be followed. This includes any fee or
commission that should be paid to the brokerage. The BIC’s policy might address,
among other things, required prior authorization by BIC, use of company tools and
facilities, compensation, compliance with regulatory disclosures, etc. From a
regulatory point of view, if a complaint is filed against a licensee involving the
licensee’s personal transaction, the BIC/firm may be included in the complaint if the
transaction was advertised through the BIC/firm thus the reason for licensees to
keep their personal and real estate license business separate and clearly identified.
Items to address:
Broker/Firm policy
Required Agency Agreements, if applicable
Compliance with Commission Rule A .0104
Required disclosures including disclosure of license status
Errors & Omissions insurance coverage for personal transactions
Personal residence vs. investment property
Specific requirements when a broker proposes to purchase property for which
they are listing agent
E. Board/Association Membership. The BIC should outline any requirements for
maintaining membership in boards/associations. If the BIC is a member of a
voluntary association, all licensees affiliated with the BIC may also be required to
belong to the association. Most associations have a strict Code of Ethics and
violations of the Code are met with consequences jeopardizing membership.
Membership in the association may also include additional requirements, i.e., if a
licensee is a member of REALTOR® organization, the licensee must also be a
member of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
F. Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance. While the Commission does not require
its licensees to obtain E&O insurance, a prudent BIC should consider such insurance
as a means for managing the firm’s risk. This is especially true in firms which recruit
inexperienced brokers. The BIC should address any requirements related to such
insurance in the employment or independent contractor agreement.
G. Other
3. BIC Delegation of Duties (Multiple Responsible Brokers). A BIC cannot delegate his
duties under the license law/Commission rules and eliminate responsibility and liability. A
BIC may appoint an alternate person, on a temporary basis, who may be in charge in the
absence of the BIC, however, the BIC is fully responsible at all times. The BIC may be
assisted by other licensees or unlicensed assistants in carrying out the duties of the BIC,
but the BIC is ultimately responsible for all of those duties. See Commission Rule A.0110
for BIC duties.
Items to address:
Communication with BIC, or BIC substitute(s)
Mentoring Program
Training Programs
Team supervision
4. Licensee Compliance with Regulatory License Requirements
A. The importance of maintaining an active real estate license is paramount. If
regulatory requirements are not met on a timely basis, the license could be placed on
inactive status or revoked or suspended. In order for a licensee to legally operate and
attempt to limit their liability and risks, the licensee should timely meet all renewal
requirements including paying the renewal fee and successfully completing
continuing and/or postlicensing education, prior to each active license renewal term.
B. The BIC should consider requiring brokers to immediately inform him/her if they
receive notice of any inquiry or investigation by the Commission (or other
governmental agency), notice of a possible claim from an E&O insurance carrier, or
any demand letter from an attorney.
C. In North Carolina, an active broker must also obtain a privilege license from the NC
Dept. of Revenue and renew it annually.
D. If the licensee is a member of a professional association, i.e., real estate
boards/associations, multiple listing service, etc., the professional association may
require the member to pay regular membership dues and complete additional training
in specified content areas.
E. In addition, if the licensee maintains certain professional designations, such
designations may have certain yearly requirements that must be met in order to
maintain the professional designation.
F. The BIC should address these requirements with all licenses and have a system
designed to consistently remind the licensees of the yearly requirements.
G. If a licensee is placed on inactive status for not completing license renewal
requirements, the BIC may also be included in the investigation for failure to
supervise, unlicensed activity, false advertising, etc.
H. In North Carolina, each office must have a BIC. If a licensee affiliated with the BIC
proposed to conduct brokerage activity in a location other than the designated office,
the BIC must determine whether a separately designated BIC is required. See Section
15 below for a discussion of determining when a location qualifies as an office.
5. Additional Regulatory Compliance. The BIC is responsible for performing the duties
imposed on the brokerage and controlling the brokerage’s real estate business, which
includes the services and activities performed by licensees and others on behalf of the
brokerage. The written office policies should reflect any applicable legal requirements,
such as:
A. License Law and Rules
B. Related Laws (federal, state, county, city, etc.):
NC Residential Rental Agreements Act (NCGS 42-38 et seq.)
NC Tenant Security Deposit Act (NCGS 42-50 et seq.)
NC Vacation Rental Act (NCGS 42A-1 et seq.)
Other landlord-tenant laws
NC Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (NCGS 66-311 et seq.)
Fair-Housing Acts (federal and state)
Tax laws (federal and state)
Do Not Call Implementation Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Antitrust laws
Sexual Harassment laws
Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act (RESPA)
Truth in Lending Act (TILA)
Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA)
Interstate Land Sales Act (ILS)
Electronic Communications Privacy Act
Reporting Cash Payments of Over $10,000
6. Establishing Competence. Upon entering the real estate profession, a real estate licensee
generally has only been exposed to basic real estate terminology, land descriptions, basic
real estate facts, and instructor-formed scenarios. The licensee successfully passed an
examination; however, most prelicensing education does not delve into the process of how
to assist customers, how to obtain a listing, how to show a property, how to navigate a
transaction, etc.
A. It is the BIC’s responsibility to inform and educate the licensee with real estate
knowledge and expertise necessary to adequately and professionally assist consumers
through the real estate transaction process. The BIC may require that each licensee
complete this process and could assign other mentors (within the office) to assist the
newly affiliated licensee through the process. The BIC may wish to address:
New Licensee Training Program(s)
Mentoring Program
Regular Office Meetings
Forms/Contracts and Annual Changes
Annual Rule/Law Changes
CE/postlicensing requirements
B. A licensee should only work in the area of their expertise, i.e., residential sales,
property management, commercial, land transactions, etc. As indicated previously,
most prelicensing education is directed toward the basics of real estate, which is
geared toward residential sales transactions. If licensees are to provide services in
other specialty areas like commercial, property management or land transactions,
additional education and certifications should be obtained by the licensee prior to
providing services to the consumer. Other suitable options would be for the licensee
to partner with another broker who is experienced in a specialty area or to refer the
prospect to another experienced broker in exchange for a referral fee. The BIC may
wish to address:
Specialization Training
Mentoring or Shadowing
7. Brokers’ Relationships with Consumers. The BIC should make clear all office policies
related to the affiliated broker’s relationship with customers and clients.
A. Permitted Brokerage Relationship with Consumer / Permitted Services
Dual Agency
Designated Dual Agency
Property Management “on the side”
B. Agency Disclosure – use of WWREA Disclosure Form, Q&A Brochure and agency
C. Fiduciary vs. Non-Fiduciary Duties
D. Protecting Confidential Client Data
Email Safety
Material Facts
E. Conflict of Interest Issues
Transactions where a licensee is a party
o The licensee is an owner of a listed or rental property
o The licensee is potential buyer of a client’s property
Transactions where a licensee represents multiple buyers for the same
F. Mandatory Duties/Responsibilities
G. Change in Agency Relationship
Buyer agent becomes dual agent/designated agent
Listing agent becomes dual/designated agent
Seller subagent wants to become buyer’s agent
Termination of Agency
Replacement of Individual Broker
H. Fair Housing Issues
I. Other
8. Organization and Administrative Procedures. BICs must be actively engaged in the
management of their related brokerage, ensuring that the business of the brokerage is
carried out competently and in accordance with applicable regulations. The BIC should
ensure that there are adequate resources and training available for licensees, employees
and others who perform duties on behalf of the brokerage.
The written office policies may assist in this regard, and should address the
A. Process and Procedures:
1. Residential Sales:
Contract Usage and Resources
Listing Obtaining and Servicing
Buyer Representation Agreement
Showings, Open House Prospects
Obtaining and Presenting the Offer to Purchase
Counter-Offers, Back-up Offers
Inspections and Surveys
Title and abstract
Closing Procedures
Commission/compensation/referral fee, etc.
Other (appointment scheduling, key security)
2. Lease Purchase (must be drafted by attorneys)
3. Procedures for Receipt and Disbursement of Checks for Third Party Escrow
Agents and Due Diligence
4. Property Management
Written property management agreement with terms compliant to Rule
Written lease with terms compliant with NCGS 42
Tenant Screening
Application Fees/ Tenant Security Deposits
Move-in/Move-out inspections
Repair requests
Eviction Process
5. Commercial
Contract usage and resources
Representation/agency agreements
Letters of intent; offer and acceptance
Due diligence practices
Closing Procedures
Commission/compensation/referral fees
B. Disclosures: (including how and when)
1. Agency or broker relationship
2. Material facts or defects
3. Property Condition (Residential Property & Owners Association
Disclosure)including when updating is necessary
4. Mineral, Oil, and Gas Rights Disclosure (MOGRD)
5. Beneficial Interest
6. Referral/Other compensation
7. Lead-Based Paint
8. Radon
9. Meth labs
10. Mold
11. Floodplain Certificate
12. Landlord and Tenant
13. Other
C. Forfeiture of earnest money or items
D. Return of earnest money or items
E. Closing
F. File reconciliation timely delivery of transaction documents to firm/BIC
G. Out of state referrals
H. Other
9. Advertising and Solicitation. The rules applying to advertising and other solicitations
generally restrict licensees from knowingly publishing real estate advertising containing
any false statement or misrepresentation concerning real estate, a trade in real estate or the
provision of real estate services. They also prohibit advertising information a broker
reasonably should know is false. In addition, licensees are generally prohibited from
publishing real estate advertising concerning real estate sales or other disposition unless
the owner of the real estate, or an authorized agent of the owner, has consented to the
advertising. These provisions would include pamphlets, letters and electronic
communication, and would also cover press releases about real estate deals and even
references in letters to matters pertaining to properties. A BIC is responsible for all
advertising by a firm and its broker associates. Therefore, associate brokers should submit
all new advertisements to the BIC for review prior to publication. The brokerage’s written
policies should address the following:
A. Definition of advertising (as per License Law and Commission rules
B. Forms of advertising (newspaper, internet, social media, billboards, etc., including
use of personal versus professional social media accounts)
C. Distribution methods for advertising
D. General mandated rules for advertising (federal, state, county, city, etc.)
E. Brokerage approval process
F. Client solicitation and consent
G. Joint advertising
H. Special promotions
I. Self-promotion and marketing
J. Marketing licensee’s separate brokerage or non-brokerage activities
K. Teams and Groups
L. Advertising personal offices as branch offices
M. Unlicensed assistants
N. Personally owned property
O. Responsibility for costs related to advertising
P. Other
10. Teams and Groups. The BIC must ensure that there is an adequate level of supervision
for related licensees, including groups of licensees who work together (possibly referred to
as a “team or group”). As for any other licensees, employees, and others who perform
duties on behalf of the brokerage, the BIC is responsible for ensuring that such groups are
supervised accordingly and that they are conducted in such a way as to avoid misleading
the public (e.g. that they do not give the impression of being a separate real estate
brokerage). Written office policies may assist in this regard and should include direction
on the following:
A. BIC authorization
B. BIC and team identification in advertising
C. Advertising of team must meet local statutes and regulations
D. Supervision of team members including provisional brokers
E. Unlicensed persons
F. Compensation
G. Other
There are a number of resources relating to Teams on the Commission’s website,
11. Safety Procedures. Real estate licensees routinely find themselves in situations in which
they are alone with clients or customers about whom they very little information. The
very nature of showing real estate to prospective buyers and tenants who are virtual
strangers can make licensees, both men and women, susceptible to becoming victim of
violent crimes.
A. The BIC should develop and implement safety procedures to be utilized by licensees
and office staff on a daily basis
B. There are a number of personal safety guides and tips available for view, including
the Commission’s North Carolina Real Estate Agent Safety guide
https://www.ncrec.gov/Brochures/Safetyguide.pdf and the National Association of
Realtor’s North Carolina Real Estate Agent Safety Guide; www.nar.realtor (search
“safety”), etc. Many guides contain common sense safety tips that have been
compiled from crime victims and real estate associations across the country
C. Additionally, several software applications (apps) have been developed to facilitate
broker safety in various situations
12. Professional Conduct. The Commission expects its licensees to conduct themselves in a
professional manner at all times. The BIC may wish to address in the written office
A. Communication (with customers, other licensees, the public)
B. Dress Code
C. Etiquette and Professionalism
D. Equal Opportunity/Fair Housing
E. Other
13. Associations’ Code of Ethics and Multiple Listing Service (MLS). The responsibilities
of a BIC can be complex and are required to be performed with an increasingly high
degree of professionalism. For this reason, knowledge of the law and business standards
is crucial to maintaining good standing as a real estate licensee. The most important
source of standards is the applicable license law and Commission rules; however, the law
and rules only set a minimum standard of legal conduct. Therefore, nearly all professional
bodies establish a Code of Ethics in order to raise general business standards to a higher
level and also to provide guidelines for interaction between professional members. The
written office policies should address professional ethics in general, and professional
association rules specifically, as applicable.
14. Unlicensed Activity. A broker must ensure that no unlicensed person connected to the
brokerage engages in brokerage activities. The BIC must provide an adequate level of
supervision for licensees, licensee assistants, employees, and others who perform duties
on behalf of the brokerage. The BIC must take steps to deal with any conduct that may
constitute a breach of the licensing requirements or applicable Code of Ethics. The
written office policies may assist in this regard, and should include the following
A. Identify which activities require a license (and which do not) and develop office
policy. Include identification of permitted activities of unlicensed assistants
B. Require brokers to have an active license prior to performing licensed activity
C. Prohibit splitting a fee with an unlicensed person
D. Develop a policy on reporting individuals who perform licensed activity without a
license to the Commission
E. Require any licensee who creates an entity other than a sole proprietorship to apply
for a firm license from the NC Real Estate Commission
F. Other
15. Office and Branch Offices. The BIC should be aware of where affiliated brokers are
working and whether their activities would require the brokerage to inform the
Commission of the existence of a branch office and a designated BIC of that branch
office. Key Points:
Every office must have a BIC
An individual may be BIC only ONE office (per entity)
Lone Exception: if two companies each have an office at the same physical location,
then one person may serve as BIC of each firm at that one location
A. What Is An Office?
Commission rules define an office as “any place of business where acts are performed for
which a real estate license is required or where monies received by a broker acting in a
fiduciary capacity are handled or records for such trust monies are maintained.” To determine
whether a location is an office, the first step is to determine what activity occurs there and if
those acts require a real estate license. What acts require a real estate license? 1) managing
property and /or advertising and negotiating the purchase, sale or exchange of property, 2) for
others, 3) for consideration. If a location is deemed an “office,” then there must be a BIC
designated with the Commission for that location.
B. Where the Trust Monies are Handled or Records Maintained
While the test most commonly applied is “a place where acts occur that require a license,”
the second prong of the definition was added to address the following situation.
Example: A real estate company operates ten offices where real estate brokerage
activities are performed. Additionally, the company has an administrative center at an
eleventh location where there are no affiliated brokers, because the company doesn’t
represent the public or engage in “acts that require a license” at that location. However,
all the trust monies and trust account-related records for all ten office locations are
funneled through the administrative center, since all book-keeping is done at this
location, i.e., paying the operating expenses for each office, issuing commission checks,
paying salaried employees, etc. Even though no brokerage activity occurs at this
administrative center, the company still must designate a broker- in-charge for that
location because trust monies and trust records are maintained at this location, rather
than each office managing funds it receives. The BIC’s primary, if not sole,
responsibility at this administrative center will be to supervise all employees handling
trust monies and maintain the trust account records.
The other ten offices must each have a BIC because agents at those locations are actively
engaged in real estate brokerage, i.e., meeting the public and discussing available properties for
lease, sale, purchase or exchange.
C. Factors in Determining if a Location is an Office:
Does the location’s address appear in advertising, on business cards or letterhead, or in
the Commission’s records?
Do licensees use the location on an ongoing basis to meet the public to perform some
aspect of customary brokerage service?
Does the location operate on a permanent, or at least indefinite, basis with regular
Is the location regularly staffed by licensees?
Are files and records, such as trust account records and transaction files, maintained
Is the location designed and furnished to facilitate the regular conduct of brokerage
business, e.g., desks, computers, copiers, telephones, conference rooms, etc.?
NOTE: Not all of these factors must be present before a location will be deemed an office and
some factors may be given greater weight than others. For example, the following factors
generally demonstrate that a location is an “office” under Commission rules:
if a physical address is printed on the company’s letterhead, its agents’ business
cards or appears in the company’s advertising,
when the public goes to that address, one or more licensees are available to discuss
current properties for lease or sale,
the company’s transaction files and, if applicable, trust account records are
maintained at that address/location.
Must a company, whether an entity or a sole proprietorship, have a brick-and-mortar
Regardless of whether the broker chooses to create an entity and obtain a firm license, or
operate as a sole proprietorship, if that company is offering to represent others in real estate
brokerage transactions, then it must have an office somewhere, even if it’s in the broker-
owner’s home. This does not mean that the office must be a public meeting space. The
Commission has never required a licensee to have a public meeting space. Within the bounds
established by License Law, Commission rules, and other applicable law, how a broker chooses
to engage in brokerage is up to the broker. The majority of offices currently designated with the
Real Estate Commission (i.e., having a BIC) are the only office that the company maintains,
and most of those companies only have 1-3 licensees affiliated with the company.
While a broker is not required to publish any physical office address in advertisements or on
business cards or letterhead, the broker nonetheless will have an office somewhere — a base of
operations where s/he keeps transaction files, does research, contacts clients, updates websites,
etc., and the Commission needs to know where that space is if it wishes to visit. Understand that
you cannot have an “office” without having an officially designated BIC for that location on
Commission records!
Know too that a broker who chooses to have his/her office in the home and not publicize that
address, must still request designation as a BIC at the home address on Commission records.
However, the broker may provide the Real Estate Commission with an additional “delivery
address” that is a post office box and instruct the Real Estate Commission to publish only the
delivery address on the Commission’s website, rather than the physical address.
D. Virtual Office (VO)
Understand that an independent broker who offers to provide real estate brokerage services
to consumers must be a BIC, if they are not affiliated with a company where there is a BIC. A
sole practitioner may very well have their office in their home, since so much of real estate
brokerage is meeting consumers at outside locations or public places. Nonetheless, there are
times when a conference room or office may be needed to meet clients or customers, but not on
a full-time office lease basis. One option might be to have a “virtual office.” This term refers to
an arrangement where the broker leases conference or meeting room space on an occasional or
as-needed basis in a furnished office environment where the broker may meet clients or
customers when not meeting them in their homes or other public place.
If a broker works primarily from home, but also occasionally leases conference
room/office space, where is their office? The broker can’t declare themselves BIC at both
locations, as one broker may only be a BIC at one location. Each case is reviewed on its own
facts, but generally, the broker’s true office is their home. Factors that might influence the
analysis include:
How frequently does the broker use the meeting/office space?
Is the meeting space used as the address on business cards and in advertising?
If the public visits that location are they greeted by a receptionist who may take
Where does the broker receive postal mail?
Does a telephone number provided on business cards or advertising (in addition to
the broker’s cell phone) ring into the meeting space location?
Where does the broker maintain their transaction files and trust account records?
The more these factors are present, the more it would appear that the broker is attempting to
hold out to the public that the meeting space is their office.
E. Virtual Office Websites
Unlike a virtual office that is a physical place, a virtual office website is a presence on the
internet that may or may not allow interaction with consumers. Whether the site is an Internet
Data Exchange (IDX) website or a virtual office website (VOW), both are ethereal there is
no physical brick-and-mortar location to visit. In such a case, the independent broker who is
actively representing consumers will have their office in their home unless they lease office
space elsewhere.
The point for this discussion is that while an independent broker may conduct the majority of
their real estate brokerage online, interacting with consumers and providing all required
disclosures and agreements electronically, that broker must be designated as a BIC at their
home, unless they have a brick-and-mortar office elsewhere.
F. Other Scenarios:
A mall kiosk:
A real estate company rents a small kiosk in the main aisle of a shopping mall
where the company displays photos of its listings and other available properties.
The company’s name appears at the top of the kiosk and its affiliated brokers
share rotating shifts at the kiosk that is staffed most afternoons and some
weekends for a few hours each day at different times, depending on the agents’
availability. During these shifts, the licensees hand out their business cards, greet
the public, answer questions and promote their and the company’s listings and
services. The kiosk is minimally furnished and has no private meeting rooms.
The mall kiosk is not an office. Although the company is promoting its services
and its agents at that location, there are no transaction files maintained at the
kiosk nor is there a physical address or telephone number for the kiosk.
A model home:
#1: A real estate company is hired by a builder/developer to market a
subdivision twenty miles away from the company’s office. There is a model
home at the subdivision that is used principally to display floor plans and quality
of construction, but generally is not staffed by agents. The advertising for the
subdivision gives the company’s address and telephone number and all files
relating to the subdivision lots are kept at the main office location, not at the
model home. The model home has not become a branch office that requires a
#2: If the advertising for the subdivision gives the company’s name and phone
number but the address of the model home, agents staff the model home from
10am-7:00pm daily, and copies of information regarding available lots and
homes and working files are kept at the model home, but the original files are at
the main office and are regularly updated by agents after each shift at the model
#3: If: the advertising for the subdivision has the company’s name, but the address
of the model home and the advertised telephone number rings directly into the
model home, the model home is always staffed by agents whenever it is open, all
the original records and files related to properties in that subdivision are kept at
the model home, and, in addition to the model home being furnished, the
company, for agents’ convenience, installs a dedicated secure wireless modem, a
desk, and a combined printer/copier/scanner.
Model Home #2 & #3: In the second and third examples, the model home comes
increasingly closer to being a branch office. In both cases, the company in its
advertising is directing the public to the model home address, rather than the
original office location, and when the public visits the model home there is always
a broker onsite to discuss various lots for sale and building options. However, in
the second example, the public is calling the original office for information, the
files and information at the model home are duplicate files with the originals
regularly updated at the original office, and the model home has not been
furnished with a wireless modem or other equipment to facilitate brokerage
activity. Nonetheless, it is a close call.
In the third example, the model home has crossed most of the lines. The
advertising is directing the public to the model home exclusively with no mention
of the original office. There are agents onsite whenever the model home is open,
the records and files for the properties are kept in the model home, and the model
home has been equipped to facilitate brokerage activities. In this instance, the
model home most likely is a branch office for which a BIC should be designated.
Each situation is evaluated on a case by case basis.
The need to have a BIC for the model home increases if the model home is
staffed primarily by provisional brokers. Why? Because provisional brokers
won’t be on active status and can’t engage in brokerage activity unless they
have a BIC and the BIC is responsible for directly and actively supervising
provisional brokers in all brokerage activity. (See Commission Rule A.0506.)
Thus, provisional brokers have considerably less autonomy and ability to work
independently than brokers not on provisional status.
If no BIC is required/designated at the model home/branch office, then the BIC
of any licensees rotating through or staffing the remote location will remain
responsible for supervising all affiliated agents in all brokerage activity
wherever conducted.
A Rental Office in an Apartment Complex:
North Carolina License Law provides a limited exception for brokers who are
managing property for others; the broker or firm may hire unlicensed salaried
(W-2) employees to assist the broker in leasing and managing that property
(commercial or residential) so long as the employee stays within the parameters
of NCGS 93A-2(c)(6); they may show units, accept rental applications, accept
security deposits or monthly rent payments, complete and sign preprinted form
leases, but can’t negotiate any lease terms or amounts of deposits, etc. This is
legal unlicensed activity. While the broker must be a BIC at some location, the
broker-employer is not required to have a BIC physically at the apartment
complex (or office building or retail center) because no acts are being performed
there that require a real estate license. (NOTE: the major question and liability is
how does the BIC-broker-employer ensure that all monies received by his/her
onsite unlicensed W-2 employees make it into the trust account?)
16. Other
Proper records management is vital to a well-run and efficient brokerage business. Ensuring that
the files, accounts, records, and information are maintained and secured are fundamental steps
toward limiting a broker’s risk and providing public protection.
1. Records Retention Schedule (that complies with relevant laws). The Commission has
specific laws and rules pertaining to record retention that must be followed. In North Carolina,
brokers must retain all transaction records and trust account records for three (3) years from the
conclusion of a transaction. Upon expiration of the time period, the records are to be destroyed in
a secure manner. The BIC is responsible for assuring the appropriate maintenance and
destruction of such records. Some examples of records that must be retained are service
agreements, transaction file (consummated or not), trust or escrow account records, bookkeeping
systems, i.e., canceled checks, expenditures, deposits, general account ledgers, etc., that pertain
to a real estate transaction in which the broker provided services(s). Refer to Commission rules
21, NCGS 58A .0108 and A .0117 for more specific lists of documents to be retained.
Whether the retained records are hard copy documents or electronic images of documents, a
reference log or filing system should be developed so that the records can be easily found and
accessed. There should also be a notation on each file indicating when the records can be
destroyed based on applicable retention time periods required.
2. Personal Information Protection (breach of consumer’s personal information). If a licensee
maintains a consumer’s name along with personal identification numbers, i.e., SSN, driver’s
license, or credit card or financial information, the information should be encrypted or redacted
so that in the event of a breach, the information cannot be obtained and used by a third party.
Any paper records containing the aforementioned personal information should be kept in a
locked cabinet or room to prevent theft.
3. Disaster Recovery. The brokerage should outline recovery procedures to be taken in the
event of a disaster, i.e., fire, water damage, natural disaster, computer hardware crash, etc.
Normally, these incidents occur without prior notice, thus the reason for an advance procedure
plan. If possible, the brokerage should have a plan in place for minor incidents like a roof leak
that damages IT equipment and transaction files versus a major natural disaster destroying the
entire office contents. Of utmost importance is the following:
A. Ensure that data information is backed up nightly and stored at a remote location or
taken off site. If all of the information that is kept by a brokerage is stored on a personal
computer’s hard drive, and the personal computer is destroyed in a disaster, or for that matter the
hard drive crashed, all information will be lost – this is the reason for taking the backed-up
information off site or backing the information to a remote location.
B. Transaction files that are in hard copy form should be maintained in one location
within the office. Once a transaction file is closed, if at all possible, it should be scanned and
made into an image that can be stored by a computer. Once the transaction file becomes a range
of images, a file can be created and it can be included in the nightly backup of information.
C. Other
4. Company Acquisition Continuity of Record Retention. The office policy should include
a plan for storage and/or transfer of records in the event the brokerage is sold, merged into
another company or otherwise discontinued business.
5. Other
Trust accounts are regulated by the Commission and subject to audit. If a broker accepts
funds or items of others, the broker must maintain a trust account that is styled in the name of
the broker, firm, or registered trade name and the broker must be a signor on the account.
Only designated BICs are authorized to hold trust monies in North Carolina. Upon annual
renewal beginning in 2018, the banks in which a BIC holds trust accounts must be registered
with the Commission. The funds held in a trust account must never be commingled with
funds of the broker. Monies or items of others shall not be placed in the broker’s operating
account. North Carolina brokers who perform property management should also review the
North Carolina Tenant Security Deposit Act, which starts at NCGS 42-50.
1. Account responsibility and authorized signor(s). The BIC is ultimately responsible for
the trust account but may authorize additional persons to have signature authority on the
2. Names, numbers, and banks. The BIC may maintain several accounts in the same bank
or in different banks; however, the BIC shall ensure that all accounts are registered with
the Commission and updated annually (during license renewal). BICs holding substantial
sums of money for one client should be mindful of FDIC limits.
3. Bank fees. Bank fees are not to be deducted from monies of others that are held in trust
by the broker, but rather must be paid for by the broker. If bank fees are required to be
paid, the bank should deduct the fees from the brokerage’s operating account, or the
broker must place an amount of money into the trust account to cover customary
administrative account fees; however, the amount of funds should be minimal and
routinely (at least monthly) accounted for on a separate ledger.
4. Interest on trust account(s). The BIC must ensure that the client/consumers have
consented in writing to the BIC keeping any interest payment. When the BIC’s account
bears interest, the BIC shall account for said interest as interest is earned. If the BIC does
not keep the interest payments and it instead accrues to the client, the BIC shall keep
detailed records pertaining to the interest earned and should disburse such accrued funds
regularly. If the interest belongs to the brokerage, the BIC shall routinely sweep the
interest from the account so as to not be considered as commingling funds.
5. Proper handling of trust account(s). See Commission rules 21, NCGS 58A .0116,
.0117, and .0118 for a specific outline of these requirements.
6. Handling of option fees and earnest money. Individual contracts and/or contract
addenda should address these to include the disposition of these funds in the event of
7. Deposits received by broker and placed in a trust account. The Commission requires
that funds or items held by a broker shall be placed in a trust account within a certain
time period. See Commission rule 21, NCGS 58A .0116. In general, if the brokerage
agrees to hold earnest money, checks should be deposited within three banking days of
acceptance of the offer to purchase; cash must be deposited within three days of receipt.
8. Property management accounts. In addition to the Commission’s requirements
pertaining to trust accounts, there are additional laws governing accounts holding a
tenant’s security deposit which can be found under the NC Tenant Security Deposit Act
and Vacation Rental Act. All funds received by the broker in connection with the
management of property must be placed in the trust account (rents, security deposits, pet
deposits, advance funds for repair, etc.). Funds belonging to others may not be placed in
the broker’s operating account. North Carolina brokers should review Commission rules
21, NCGS 58A .0116, .0117 and .0118 regarding trust account requirements.
9. Adequate controls for maintaining trust accounts. Ultimately, the BIC is responsible
for all funds held in the trust account. Even if day to day account maintenance is
performed by another individual, the BIC should do periodic reviews on a routine basis
verifying that accounting procedures are being followed, including bank reconciliations.
Property management accounts have proven to be very vulnerable and subject to abuse
by both licensed and unlicensed individuals, since the accounts and receivables are in
constant flux.
10. Audit requirements. The Commission conducts periodic audits that may or may not be
scheduled in advance with the broker. Either way, the BIC should always maintain the
accounts and files in accordance with the License Law and Commission rules.
Maintaining accounts and records in an organized manner allows audits to be performed
11. Other. The Commission offers a Basic Trust Account Procedures course to give brokers,
BICs, and their staff training on the proper handling and accounting for trust monies. This
course is delivered in a self-paced online format and provides credit as a CE elective
course. The BIC might consider a requirement for periodic attendance at this course for
licensees and unlicensed individuals who assist in trust account maintenance.
When people cannot agree or unexpected circumstances occur, the BIC should be ready
to assist with a resolution. Most disputes can be handled by allowing the parties to voice their
concerns. Sometimes, there is a ready solution at hand. Other disputes may require the use of a
trained mediator or even an attorney to bring clarity to the facts at hand. Either way, the BIC
should have a process outlined so that the licensees know the standard protocol when disputes
occur. At a minimum, licensees should be strongly encouraged to involve the BIC when
situations heat up.
Crisis management situations often occur quickly and without any advanced notice. For
example, situations may range from a licensee being charged with a crime or a licensee’s sudden
death, to destruction of the office location and/or transaction records as a result of a disaster.
The BIC should immediately evaluate the circumstances and consider damage control.
Sometimes, bringing in outside assistance is helpful. The BIC should expect that, in some cases,
the news media may contact the office to request a statement, so the BIC should ensure the
person answering the phone knows the policy regarding speaking to the media. If the BIC has a
policy setting out some simple steps that must be followed during crisis situations, the BIC will
reduce the brokerage’s liability and risk. It is helpful to think about these hypothetical situations
in advance and to have a plan in place.
The BIC should find ways to motivate those they supervise to comply with all applicable laws,
rules, and ethics requirements. To assist with the challenges of broker supervision, the BIC may
wish to consider the following:
1. Create a “List of Reminders” like the following:
A. You are required to work under the BIC’s supervision.
B. All funds or items of value are to be turned over to BIC promptly
C. Seek approval prior to placing any advertising or promotions not previously
D. Do not procrastinate in paying your license renewal fee or completing other
license renewal requirements (education) for an active license
E. If you have questions, never hesitate to ask.
F. Never ask an unlicensed person to perform a licensed activity.
G. Safety first.
H. Follow through with what you say you will do.
I. Always return a customer’s call or communication.
J. Remember to treat other brokers and co-workers with the same courtesy as customers
and clients.
K. If a conflict arises with a client, customer, or another broker, or if you find yourself in
a situation you have not encountered before, consult your BIC immediately. If your
BIC does not have an answer, then you or the BIC may contact the Commission (for
Licensing and Education questions call 919-875-3700 or email LS@ncrec.gov, for
Laws and Rules questions call 919-719-9180 or email RA@ncrec.gov).
L. Other
2. Create a list of activities that do not require a license (so that unlicensed individuals
stay in compliance). For example:
A. Receiving/Forwarding phone calls to BIC or other active licensees in the firm.
B. Assisting a broker in assembling documents for closing.
C. Having keys made for the firm’s listings.
D. Placing “for sale” or “for rent” signs on properties at the direction of a broker.
E. Etc.
3. Create a List of Resources. See BIC Toolkit-Reference Material below
Commission Website: www.ncrec.gov
For Access to Licensee Records, Forms, and Information
Annual Calendar Reminders
May 15
: First day to renew licenses
June 10
: Last day to complete Continuing Education
June 30
: Last day to renew licenses
December 31
: Last day to reinstate license after 6 months expiration
Real Estate Commission Prescribed Forms
(all available at www.ncrec.gov/forms)
BIC Eligible Status and/or BIC Designation
Request for License Activation/Broker Affiliation
Firm License Application
Limited Non-Resident Commercial Affiliation Form
Deposit of Disputed Trust Monies Affidavit
Request to Remove Licensee from Broker Supervision
Notification of Change in Qualifying Broker
Firm Office Address Change Request Form
Reference Material
Broker-in-Charge Best Practices Guide
NC Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules
o (from website or $4.00 per booklet- order from Commissioner’s distributor)
Real Estate Commission eBulletin
North Carolina Real Estate Manual
Q& A Brochures
NCREC Video Library